HIL.0001.001.0043_R ., ASSEMBLIES OFGOJ) lN __ NEW ZEALAND INCORPORATI 0 ____ :...;... ....;._ ~...;....~----~---~,.._--~- PO Beu 14-138. Alldltlfld. N9w Zff/llld ft~ i..l"f/ I. 12' Vi"'*91 SI,~ Cify. T~: "'I)~ 4JOf FU (0411) 3SI 4125 E-mu; ~.t~IZ.~.nz Vol ID:_ _ __ Doc ID: Paie: 21 December 2002. I· f r4 of :>- EXTREMELV CONFIDENTIAL to all Ordained and Probationary ministers of the Assemblies of G id in New Zealand. ISSUE: SEXUAL FAILURE OF SENtOR MINISTERS • Dear P11tor ThankfuUy, only a few leaders ta;1 morally. Sadly it doe& happe t However. it IS more heart· . breaking when national Christian leaders fail. Our heart·ache is tf at Frank Houston. a previous General Superintendent of the Assemblte1 of God in New Z931a: d and a leader In our nation, was permanently removed from ministry In 2000 by the Austral: in AIG. This was for serious sexuat offences that took place 30 years ago. Aftegations of r tank's offences came to our Executive's attention In the mid.OO's, but were not llCted upon because they were unsuostantiated and rhe witneasea were not dearty identified. • However. with clear evidence forthcoming in 1999/2000 we !)el icipated In the dlsclpUne that was carried out by the Au&tratian AJG ExeaJtlve, which permar intty removed Frank from all ministry In Australia and New Zealand. Because of this remc tat and his sickness, it was mutually agreed that It was not necessary to make a broad &la1ement to our ministers. However, because of spreading conjecture through the nation t "Id the need to deal With this within our ministry, it is now apparent that such a notif'ecation &h< utd be made. We &upport the permanent stand..ctown from ministry administered by the Australi )n A/G and therefore he Is not releaeed to miniSter in our New Zealand churches. Frank haa been cooperating as weQ as can be expected co: :sidering his nealth and has expressed great ~ to cur Australian brethren. Another sad situation, that was dealt With In the mkt·90's by the I .ustratian A/G was the sexual failure and discipline of MF atso a This action was publicised n the AIG·NZ Ge NS r n . the following being a quote from the statement: • ... ~MF has committed adullef04Js offences snd other lndisctetions Involving different en over an extended Pflriod of years. Because of the serious nature and pattem of sin, he has be< n rrtm0ved from all fonns of ml1>J&try. • · Althollgh he has been disciplined, stood down for-two yea~. an< reinstated by Austrelien A/G, he Is not released to minister In our New Zealand churches beor JH of the number of offences over a lengthy period of time in our country. and the fact that S< me of his victims would have difficulty in seeing him In a position of trust Our challenge has been how to deal with these men, as they v ·ere both resident in Australia when the offences were discovered and~ couen were disC&cutive have. wrestle With the foHawtng: > whether to cover or expote, > Whether certain elnful beh•vk>ur can exclude from bel"g n· stored to mlnlatry, > whether there 15 a difference between forglvene11 and n ~toratiOn to POSitions of trust. be disciplined. Whilst in some cases restoration • and > what is the impact failed nationat leaders have. We ask that each of you approach this process with a elear mind i nd sensitive spirit. • We are aware that the above Information may be a surprise an ~ shock to some of you, and th•efore, although we Will provide coUectiYe opportunities to proc ass the issues. you may feeJ the need to speak With an Executive member. We have deliberately chosen to restrict this letter to our ordalna. : and proba1ionaty ministers. We cannot see any reason for this to be announced to your churd or further af'&eld. At times, sad as it may be, we must addresa eud\ Issue&. Howe~ ~r. our focus must remain on the good things God i8 doing, the vision He hu bumed Into our t aarts, and the fulf•llng of the passion of Jesus to reach our communities with the gospel. Yours in Christ's Service R. Wayne Hughes On t.half of the Executive Presbytery ' 1 Timothy S;22 Z0 ~d 2N 009 .:ll S311BW355"1 SC::Li>9SE-6- ti9