SCOPE CATEGORY Physical Attacks Wtroloua Porrutrouon ?of q. Services and Pricing . . Physic? Athdus are those which require mommy to your helm? and typically Indudu oltampts lo guh unauthorized man to your and, subsequently. your Internal network assets. Duo to proximity monuments. phyatool allows may also lrrotudo targeting aroma-motes: Hraltruoluro to allow! gaining unauthorized and persistent am? to tho Intomat nolwodr. Physical Ponutmtlon Test targets your ?otilla Number or location: In Approach: Scots! orulnuurfng Iowaod - lmllud toohntoul aha-?oat approach 0 Malian 1: Polk Courthouse . Location 2: Location warm 20 nulls In Location 3: Months wilhl'n 20 miles - Attempt to physically gain Intarnut ?1 th nus-cuss - Altompt to ooItu-ut physical documentation at up to 3 buttons - to solo network access lo la dilate persistent am: Marinas ponetrotlon tot-Ia arrumpr to gain unauruurrmd ?r?ii on. your Mantras: 6:7 Hunt-m at location: In scorn: 1 Approximate 01 tn tlr'h lofatlon: '2 for Fixed Fae Sorvlooa