ACnNDA CHICAGo CTTv CoUNCIL RpcuraRMpprrNc SnprnMBER 18, 20Lg ar L0:00 A.M. Couxcu, CnÆrngnn, SncoNl Fr,oon CIrv HALL, 121 N. L¡,Ser,lp Sr. Cruclco, IL 60602 CHICAGO CITY COUNCIL Council Chamber, Second Floor City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, lL 60602 City Council Regular Meeting Agenda* *Agenda items are shown in bold font. Text not in bold font is explanatory, for the convenience of the reader. ln accordance with Rule 3 of the City Council Rules of Order and Procedure, the following is the agenda and order of business for regular City Council meetings: 1. Call to order by the Mayor. The Mayor, or in his or her absence the President Pro Tempore, calls the City Council to order to begin the meeting. 2. Call of the roll. The City Clerk calls the roll of members present beginning with the 1st Ward 3. Determination of Quorum. lf a quorum is present, the Council may proceed. A quorum consists of the majority of the members of the City Council, including the Mayor. lf no quorum is present, the City Council shall, by majority vote of the members present, move to recess or adjourn. 4. Pledge of Allegiance. The Pledge of Allegiance is recited by the members of the City Council and assembled guests. 5. lnvocation. An invocation is given *The committee agendas/reports posted on the Chicago City Council Calendar list the items that may be called for a vote at the City Council meeting and are considered to be part of the City Council meeting agenda. 6. Public Comment. Members of the general public may address the City Council on subject matters appearing on meeting agenda. 7. Reports and Gommunications from the Mayor. Reports and communications from the Mayor and City departments are announced into the record by the City Clerk and sent to the appropriate committee unless there is 213 vote to Suspend the City Council's Rules of Order and Procedure and consider them immediately. The Mayor or Presiding Officer may also present resolutions or proclamations. 8. Communications from the City Clerk. The City Clerk apprises the City Council of communications from various departments and agencies that were filed in his or her office from the time of the previous meeting. The City Clerk also notes the publication of the previous City Council Journal and other documents required or requested to be published. Matters submitted to the City Clerk by members of the general public or other entities requiring City Council approval are also introduced and referred to the appropriate committee for deliberation. 9. Reports of Standing Gommittees.** Standing committee chairmen report out to the full City Council the recommendations of the membership on matters under their consideration. Joint committees comprising two or more standing committees also report their recommendations at this time. **The committee agendas/reports posted on the Chicago City"Cou"ncil Calendar(link is external) list the items that may be called for a vote at the City Council meeting and are considered to be part of the City Council meeting agenda. 10. Reports of Special Gommittees. Special committee chairmen present their reports. Special committees are created by resolution adopted by 213 affirmative vote of the aldermen entitled by law to be elected. 11.Agreed Calendar. Non-controversial resolutions honoring or paying tribute to individuals or organizations or ceremonial in nature are considered under the Agreed Calendar and on recommendation of the Chairman of the Committee on Finance, they are voted upon as a group by the full City Council. The Agreed Calendar is also commonly referred to as the Consent Calendar. petitions, communication, resolutions, orders, and ordinances introduced by Aldermen. 12. Presentation of The City Clerk will "Call the Wards" and read into the record new legislative proposals (ordinances, orders, petitions, resolutions, or other original matters) introduced by aldermen on a variety of topics including but not limited to Municipal Code amendments, traffic regulations, zoning matters, licensing requirements, etc. The order of presentation alternates each meeting beginning with the 1st Ward on one meeting, then the 50th Ward on the next succeeding meeting, and so forth. Under City Council Rules, all legislative matters introduced are automatically referred to a City Council Committee without debate, unless there is a2l3 vote of the members (34 votes are required) to suspend the rules to allow immediate consideration of the matter in question. Matters may be referred to a Joint Committee for consideration; however, if two or more committees are called, the subject matter is referred, without debate, to the Committee on Committees, Rules and Ethics. l3.Correction and approval of the Journal of the Proceedings of the last preceding meeting or meetings. Corrections to the Journal of Proceedings are presented and referred to the Committee on Committees, Rules and Ethics for review. The Chairman of the Committee on Finance will also recommend that the full City Council approve of the Journal(s) of the last preceding regular meeting, as corrected, as well as any special meetings which occurred from the time of the last City Council meeting. 1 4. Unfinished Business. Aldermen may request that the City Council call up for consideration previously deferred items. Notification of intentions to consider such matter(s) must be given to all aldermen and must clearly identify the item intended to be called up for a vote. 1 5. Miscellaneous Business. At this point in the meeting, any alderman may motion to discharge a committee from further consideration of a matter which has been pending in committee for more than 60 days. The motion to discharge requires a majority vote of all aldermen (26 votes are required). l6.Ordinance setting the next regular meeting. An ordinance is presented setting the date and time of the next regular meeting of the City Council. lf no meeting date is set, then in accordance with the Municipal Code, the regular meeting shall be held at 10:00 a.m. of every second and fourth Wednesday of each calendar month. 17.Roll call on omnibus. An omnibus vote is a single roll call vote taken and applied to all items not voted upon separately, or for which another vote was not employed during the course of the meeting. lS.Adjournment. lf no further business is to be considered and the meeting is concluded, then a motion is made to adjourn. AGITND/t ltr ()N trlN,¡\NCIÌ COn'IlvIll"IE ô\l sEP'tl{vIBDIt 16, 2019 1{}:00 A.ì\'1. ÇITY ÇJgQ, "ç.::: 4..1 ïYì ÇIL Ç-HAMTiiß t\l :.-i: tX] {¡) ¿IPPRQYAL QIt RI¡I.Lr" 4.ã.ßITPPRT Approval of Rule 45 Report of'the previous neeting of the Conrrnittce on Finaucc. PriflÇtp,e, ll&!M+rq$ 2. Appointment of Resllna Soni as City Corn¡rtrollet A2019-41 A comrnunication recomtnentling a proposerJ ordinance to amencl Municipril 3 Code Chapters 3-56"9-64 ancl 9-100 regarding rvhcel lax liceuse fccs. violation tìnes and payment plans. o20t9-5547 4r. A communication recommirrding a proposed ordinance to amend the Program Repott setting forth terms of tho Pr\CE (Properfy Assessed Clean Energy) Act to come int<¡ compliânce with amended Public Act l0l'0169, effective Iuly29,2019. Direct Introductiori D SPAlìIMÆtrT. 9-{ }AW, A commrrnioation trans¡nitting a list ()f cases in wlrich juclgrncnts or set.tler¡lçrìts were entered into for the month of July, 2019. Direct Introduction MISCEþIiANqP.g$ 6. (l) proposed <¡r Í11 l\) ;:. . DEPART M PN,[, OF,,l-rAW. 1., t'' iþ,t-,, ::w .Àåi lþ .r i counsel to cntcr into and For.rr (4) pl.oposed orders authorizing the corpoÍation Settlemeut Order for the following casos: .k r¡* !KS: e$uftft# cited A as 15 L 10629 Amount: I 8,, $9,500,000 J c1 as 17 Amount: $450,000 Amount. $700,000 cv 7566,., C, cited as 13 CV 06865. cer D, of S cited as 18 CV 04138' Arnount: $300,000 ffiuw *ffi[JNs$å* SËMI\IIITTtrtr MËM E!EFIS}{IPS *rrv cr SHr**üö #out¡ctl" -l¡¡.r" Avtnrlo¡l (orarlwßw) * :$çncrr ¡uo Gover¡¡l¡¡t¡¡¡l Opr¡x¡ro¡rg Rvr-rç : Ë0u0r"rrÒñ ¡¡¡r: l,rcrNsx & Ar-p 1 04üü äu¿lt": wn¡.d August 1,,2019 ¡ïI Meeting Notice/Agenda *Ìgr .;.. Committee on Aviation i lr: ü) Kfr_ CÞ r\å Notice is hereby given that the Chicago City Council Committee on Aviation will hold a meeting on Monday, September 16, 20Lg at 1"2:00 P.M. room 2014, City Hall, Agreement(sl* Lease 0201"9-6520 Concession lease and license agreements with ALCLEAR LLC, d,b.a. CLEAR, a TSA-certified Registered Traveler company, to provide Travel Document Checker subscr¡ber services at Chicago O'Hare lnternational Airport and Chicago Midway lnternational Airport Lightfoot (Mayor) O2CI19-6519 tourth Amendment to ground lease agreement with Aero O'Hare Express LLC to expand 51"5 Express Center Drive parking lot area at Chicago O'Hare lnternational Airport Lightfoot (Mayor) Copies of the agenda and documents pertaining thereto for this meeting will be available for review in the office of the Commíttee orr Aviation. *þÅ*rs*rx " r]r . t::rIt-.-,,- Matthew J. 0'5hea Chairman, Committee on Aviation i' Committee on the Budget and Government Operations SUMMARY OF REPORTS OF THB COMMITTEE ON THB BUDGET AND -, GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS TO BË, SUBMTT'ä'E,* TÛ T'HT{ CT'T'V C{}qJNCIL .... 'l ,q'r'ã'Íãg MÐn"rrNü #F sEå)Tg,iMÐil,R { 8, 2{ll9 ¡:. €) tll¡ , . : LN l"rì * -'ï) :3â f\i) (;3 T.he 1 þltowing ilems were reconmended J'or approvul on September 9, 20I9 The July Monthly Rule 45 Report for the Committee on the Budget and Government Operations. A communication from the Honorable Lori E. Lightfoot, Mayor, reappointing Christopher P. Valenti as a member of the Chicago Public Library Board for a temr effective immediately and expiring on June 30,2A22. (A20te-43) 3. A communication from the Honorable Lori E. Lightfoot, Mayor, reappointing Jodi L. Block as a member of the Chicago Public Library Board for a term effèctive immediately an expiring on Jutte 30, 2022. (A20r9-42) 4. A Substitute Ordinance concerning an amendment to the Annual Appropriation Ordinance Year 2019 within Fund No. 925 fo'' the Department of Housing, Department of Public I-Iealth, Department of Family and Support Services, Chicago Police Department and Chicago Public Library. (so201e-64ee) Committee on Economic, Capital & Technology Development üILBHRT VIKLHGA.* TITY ÇÖUNÇIL CI]-Y ÈF ÖHICAGO co&rMlr'ËE cHAtnMAN EcorùtÀrt¡; cÁplra.J ^No còMÀlìt!:Ès Âño tlulga co$ÀurEE MeveensHìps ZoNrNrj, uNoM^nK9, CII.AMBHR ËAUNçIL crrY llAr*r. - aNÞ F¡.còn l?l NonYft l-ÀsÃLL[ STntrar cH tcÂoô, tLLìNots ÙosÒà \¡{ARÞ TÃ(rìNol.g:r7 navdt,ôP¡ FNT coMbilrEE VtsE CilÀtRH4N tlùr)üf, I ^NÞ ^No DUrióri{ô al^ÑD^nps GovEff ilÀLN1 0PÈll^f loNs toñln^crrNG ÖvInst6]{T ÁN0 xouÂl-lrY c(rN6iÃltJR PDotË(;rtoN L¡ÇÈHsr: ^ND woHKFoËcÈ ùÈVÈLúf&tsN f AYtAttþt{: lLLfl'lÕlå Ê:f x¡scÈ $I"JMMARY TF RffiPffiRT$ Summary of Reports of the COMIVI¡TTEE ON ËCONOMIC, CAPITÅt ANn TËCIINOIOGY ÐËVËLOPMENT to be submitted to the City Council at the meeting scheduled for Srpre rusnR X 8, 2CI19 , f4"3 iî;iì On September 10,2019 the Committee on Economic, Capital and t*tnno'onu,,."t Development held a meeting and addressed the following items: Fagsqd Committee September 1 0, 1. 201 L.tå " \', .r l'"Y"1 -T) I A2A19-44 Ward(s):12,22,24 $ponsor(s): Mayor Lightfoot ¡ :''. ffi Reappointment of Elena Duran as member of Speeial Service Area No, 25, Little Village Commission ô /L " A2019-45 Ward(s): 12,22,24 Sponsor(s): Mayor Lightfoot Reappointment of Jose Hernandez, Jr. as member of Special Service Area No. 25, Little Village Commission 3 42019-46 Ward(s): 1,2,27 $ponsor(s); Mayor Lightfoot Appointment of Nora A. McCarthy as member of Special $ervice Area No. 29-24M, West Town Commission 4. AZA19-47 Wanc{{s): 1,2,27 $ponsor(s): Mayot Lightfoot Appointment of e andice C. Cusic as member of Special Service Area No. 29-2014, West Town Commission wc\, 5 42019-48 Ward(s): 1 ,2,27 Sponsor(s): Mayor Lightfoot Reappointment of Adam R. Williams as member of Special Service Area No. 29-2014, West Town Commissíon 6 42019-49 Ward(s):1,2,27 $ponsor(s): Mayor Lightfoot Reappointment of Sara M. Dulkin as member of Special Service Area No. 29-2014, West Town Commission 7 42019-50 Ward(s): 1,2,2i Sponsor(s): Mayor Lightfoot Reappointment of Christopher C. Hunt as member of Special Service Area No. 292014, West Town Commission B 42019-51 Ward(s): 1 ,2, 27 Sponsor(s): Mayor Lightfoot Reappointment of Stephanie D, Fishel as member of Special Service Area No, 60, Albany Park Commission I CI2019-6518 Ward(s):33 $ponsor(s): Mayor Lightfoot, Department of Planning and Development $upport of Class C tax incentive for property at 3269/3325 N. California Ave and 2727 W Roscoe St 10. 02019-41'lB Ward(s): 32 $ponsor(s): Mayor Lightfoot, Department of Housing regarding 1501-151 5 W Belmont Ave Committee on Education & Child Development SUMMARY OF RHPORTS OF THE COMMXTTEN ON EDUCATIOI{ ANÐ CHILD DEVËLOPMEruT TO BE SUtsMITTET} TO TI.IF CITY COUI{C¡L AT THE MEET¡NG OF $ËPTEMBER 18,2019 ,\1 ffi !f3 ,,,t,i'l rTI -'t1 Committee Meeting held September 10,2019 R 1. 42019-52: Reappointment of Karen Kent as member of Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 508. 2. 42019"53: Reappointment of Darrell A. Williams as member of Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 508. The reappointment of Karen Kent and Darrell A. Williams were approved by the committee on September 10, 2A19. Committee on Ethics & Government Oversight Ël'f Y Õr çHlCÀgÕ &1 NT *VSR$16l{r e,0h4MrrT#Ë #N Li; .. t r-r ": : f"i] ".1.-'r .:, 'o,oscr A r, l1Ërflþál\r.¡ M I ç¡.t üH,*ril 6t* Cq) '"'r' 1r, t) $ld I'FlJr l' li 0 J'{ffit 3,1ä..?ê4-' sõ tr ¡.s à ê Su*rtr:nry of Itcporrs nf th* COh{MITI'HB t}Þið ffiTHICS ANTJ ÖVËRSIÜHT 1l¡ll,^ ra l:e s'r¿hmimad tcl qhe Clry ilounr:iå x,r .lire e*ringsehedrrler{ ar $nffinn4*Hr1 tS, ¿r)Ip Tlxr firllriuring,i'tvtrx çær* rueolrururndilrl.,lpr *,ltlwç.rtl on SeiÞr¿nll:r:r I ä- ü?.fl1ç'554ti t#¡1(c1'hng itu ;tfetlclru#tìr {'[ tt3 r*leø+ç ,\.,lrrnie å#.f g ipirl ( ]rlrle lùgçri*rr ?"$li" l ]0 rir¡irìrrlirr¡¡ rrrrrlrrrrlity cotrfltltltri;rl ilxcsri#trnrT fìl*s rinil rcl)irlts ,rl 5pun,tor"{*}r l-igl rtfiror. (lvl a-vur). Í, llr.cpu(',r(11'{. karr*¡'irl rtr ilri lrrrIrlit.. il 0 )1. Committee on Health & Human Relations È.J CITY OF CHICAGO rx) \'s (.1) t'rl -'ilr COMMITTEE ON HEALTH ANÞ HUMAN RELATICINS CITY COUNCIL CITY HALL . ROOM 3OO 121 NORTH LASALLE STREET I {}., F¡n ;3ä cHlcAGo, lLLlNols 6a602 ALDËRMAN RODERICK T. SAWYER iPH oNw312 .744-1367 CHAIRMI\N ttã"1312-7 44-287 ül September 6. 2019 OF REPORTS S Of thc COMMTTTEE ON HEAI-,TH AT{D T{IJMAI\ RELATIONS [o be submitted to the City Council at the meeting schedulecl for September 18,2019 On September 4,2019 the Committee on Health and l-luman Relations had a meeting and addressed the fbllowing item: Passed Cornmittee Septernber 4, 2019 R2019-594 1. A Resolution introduced by Alderman Roderick T. Sawyer and Michael D. Rodriguez, calling for officials and agents of U.S. lmmigration and Customs Enforcement to cease mass deportations of immigrant families. O Committee on Housing & Real Estate :ì, 5.).1 r'ii);ì I i I tJlìr..'1ií]\'/fr 7 l:r'.1(:¡\(:; i:t. !i. :.ì' I n ! ì (1{:ìÌi.1 i) í)r tr:)f.ìll. ; ;1.i l3,l !,.ì?l ìr l.{ /r I l. lì /\lì }ì ì' r:.i lì I f i\'lÀ iì {1, {? rì a-ì v',i i: 'C 5 i I t: . \,,/,.I \!J ,t â I I I \,.1 l\ lì i:] (t íl {:; í.:; i'i lilì1.1. -ìirtj 1:'j 5: i-./rj:rit.i. ì;r' i.r {'i.Il /ii';(.r Iì iIfi(:,ij; !i()i;íi-l jl:r .in.t.rj¡jiJi) i'ilaiflt ì.rj,àtìt!ii::r i: i_: l 1 r:rt ('.:I i11-:/.\ í;.) i ',ti; I'l /1 iì RY O 5l' Ë tì M /.\ N 4U-l"l-l !V/.\l?D Cì1"{1\ltllvlAN CIF Ti'lI COlvlMlITËE ONI l.lOUSlNG AND tì[Al" IS1-AI t: $ummary of Meeting "\) Conrmittee on Houçing and Real Fstate Wednesday, September 11, 2019 City Hall- ôouncil Çhambers 10:00a.m. n m \-f,) (/) i"f1 -a:.) (.¡) Approval of Rule 45 Monthly Report for July 2019 ,Y fusssg .-..b f-"ç.-*p r\þ Seeartmsnlgj 1^ Hq us ¡ (**\/ n çt { Filqllrqqfql:l establishnrent ancl funding of Chicago üomnrunity Lancj Truet Affordablo Homeownor:sþip ancf þlousing Progr:arn (AHHP) undðr supervision of Department of l.lousing. (o201s-5555) uqlçl f,n ççm.rpi3tç.s Q,rdj nq!çgS;PepS 2. rtment of Fleet aB$facilitv Manaíement $"Uþl*ass,A$rgqugnt with Sinai Health $ygtem, $ub-landlord, fqr uge of bLrildirrg space'at Western Ave, by Deportñent 0f puþlic:Heållh, {0ä019-5592) 11 11 $' Z8th Ward Passecl 3, Àn ptdinâ"U"C_e,fqf Inde:rnnity snd hold harmless âmendnrents to Well $t..Wentworth Ave. connector projeot agreenient$ with various raikoads, (OAûf 9-55$6) ?Str'Ward fes,qsd 4. Srqpq.r:tv ÁC.quisit'r-on,Açrgemeu! with Brian Hcaly; Bridç¡et Healy and l-lealy & McMahon LLC, dissolvecl, all owners of certain portions of property located within 7733 *7759 W. Clarence Ave. {O2t19"S$881 Purcfiase Frics: $88,00CI 41$f W¿rd Yaqryp# Q¡djjla nå 5. U ep a rt rÏr e nt. o f P I q rl n i r-rJLAn A NJ* P *$ p ls s { å"çl i a çç':f d l{e D e v e I o p rn e n i t q h bp-r. !"q¡"t cl å cq r¡ ipf!ç-n*[rcJr r.q ryì] An ordirrance for the Aa,lg of City-Owned prôperly at 21CI N Parltside Ave. to Õonfesor Martirrez and Kinrberly Marlinr*2. {f201S-5597) Appraisecl $90001$1ü00 29il'Warrl T!"w*ç.{Å lj 1; -l.i ¡ i i-] lì I I i li !ì a.; ji i.J'ri1,fr ï t.ii'(.'^(!{). li.i. ill{)i!, lLrir.:Ç rìr.rOl"!i: ;'7:i. /f:.J i;?ll ii,'!'\ii iiX,iìlrY'. lü'l iiW/¡l?'li Clì{,' t'l t: lì s, i T f: \,.Jì\/,.',r .i fi f 1\,ì? l. iì f:r í) l¡ ¡:, ':ìI Ì'r' I iÀi-.L iìr..)i')i¡ .ìOir ì -ì i i¡. r.,;ì:ri.i i: i I ;.'i.i. I il :"!t:illt t.ìcfr{):l { :ili.ìi.i(.: I.t4.(,:ì¡,ir.i l'¡,(.iilil',ì:l. ttilr!).i ; :i ! .rr;r.:ir,.: j{í:;(ì.i_;:.r; i. IlAll tì Y O :i 1-tr lì lv1 A hl 4 fl T l-l \,v/À lì D Cl"l .iXllìN4AN 6. rJf: I l-l Ê C.OlvlMIITEE ON HOIJSltlG At{D l?l:r\t- k'514.'f [: An orciinanco for lhe q¡lq of City-Owned property at ô26 N Christiana Avê. to Ruben S. Garcia and Caralee D. Garcia. (02019-$640) Appraisecl/Purchasei $14,000/ $2000 27il'Warcl PAs.sed 7. An orcJin¡rnce for the ge!g. of Cíty-Ownecl property at 631 N Ridgeway Ave. to Miguel A. Lancli Gr;apisaca 27il'ward tO2019-5661) Ap.praised/Purchase: $90001 $1000 Hqesqg B. An ordinançe for the gqllgof vacant Oity-CIwnçd propqrty at 6630 $ Hermitage Ave to Andre (t2.019-621CI) Appraf secl/Purchus.ei $$700/ $1000 M Smiih 1str' Ward Pnsq"qg 9, An orclinarrce for the palo of vacant City-Owned property at 4347 S. $hields Ave. to Monica L. Linr 3'd Ward $B00oi $tOOo {02019-6117} -Äppraised/Purclrase: flecsefl. 10. An ordinance for the gglgof vacant,Çity-Owned property at 3854 W. West Ënd Ave to Tematia L. Gaston. (02019-$090) fl*ås*d 11. An oiclinance for the Appraisecl/Furchaso: $30CI01$100t 1 gglgof Vacant üity-Qwned property 2gttt lVard :at 3850 W. West Ënd to Lr-rVince Gamble. äBih Wård (0201,9-6054) AppralsedlPurchase:.$5700/:$1000 flep"eed " Nsqqtietqd 9.qlqs¡-eg"rkjgq-gpgggs 12. An ordinance for the !.'{Cgqt¡qte.S"g"ðJ-g'of üity.Owned proporty ,02019"5622) Appraised/Purchase: a 271N Pulaski $90001$9000 Rcj. to John Oahbour. 28tr'Warcl fl, 13^ An ordinance or tl're ryqe-ÕÍiqtn$, ffllç-of Cíty-Ownef lhe Chiccrgo Plon Commission for o le¡'m effective irnrnecliolely crncl expir-ing Jcrnucry 25,2022. [o complete llre unoxpirecl lerrn of Morlin Ccbreto .].. who A¡:polrrlmcnl of lros tesiç¡neUill i¡r 192.:] c:¡rd ctlnc;t"tlly <:onlC)ins ìó cjwerllinç-1 unils wilh 0 porking. Iht- l:urpose <>f lhe lypr: ì rezr:rting rer-¡ur,'sl is ìo in(jr('oso the'¡ u¡ril cotrtrl ìo u¡_.r lcl 2ì unils r.l¡n of 4 sloty. ó-urrit {rr:sicìerrrliol) ltuikiinr¡ s[.]oc.les, f.lo (jo¡¡rnetcicrl s¡)crcr,.ond o 1 ¡-rtor:e. wilh grotrrrci-floor comtnerciol. Buil <:hcrn¡.;t-,'s r,rtr': l:eirtg ¡:to¡:oscci lo lhe cxloriot r:f tht'r builst:tj 4 sl()ry buil(Jirrlj'ryillt ì,200 sq. f l. c.rÍ grounrJ llorlr ¿:crntnlrtrcicll crrrcl íj rt,:side,rrrlirLl rlivr,,'llinr:¡ unill i.rl..¡r;vt: rvillr íJ ¡,rrrrkirrrl sl:)or,:c)5 Ihr-: buik:lirir j hr,:tr-;hl is 46.(¡ ieol. lr) NO. 20099 (251h WARD) oRDINANcE Bl:FERRED l7-24- 19) DOCUMENT #0201 9-5541 Common Address: 901-05 Wesl lBrh Streel Appliconi: Msquoree;3 porkinç.¡ spcrc(:.'s. lhe LrL-rik-iinç.1 hrj¡ghl \dill nol cr<,;t,:r¡rJ lJU fc;el l? lo f?'t4, Resìclenliol iv¡r:-l-lcrl, NO. 20r r l 0óth wÀRp) oRDlr_!ANcE DOCUMENT tt020i 9'5ó07 Address: Common óì01 S. RTFERRED 17-24-l9l Songomorr Slreel llope Monor Villoge llousing Limìlecl Porlnerslríp, Appliconl pcrly is irnprcrvecl wilh cr vcrconl lwo-slory nrixeci-use buÌlclittg wilh r:p¡:roxirrrolely 800 squcre feel of çJrouncl floor commelciol spctce, c.rne clwellinç¡ urril on lhe -secorrd floor. ond thtee porkírrg sp.rces. Thc Ap¡.rliconl ptoposes lo rczonc.: the ¡:ropr:rly to r:r.¡nvert lhe exislìng ¡lixed-tiso builciinq irrlo cl tesic.letrlir:l l:uil<1ìnç1 which r¡u ill hovo o lolol of fc¡ur resjclonìic-¡l rlvelling urìrls, r'rtsìclc'r'ìlicrl L.rsr: on lhe ç¡ror.lnor cornrvter<:¡ol use. [.k-¡ crkinç; spocr,". Ihe,: f lì NO. 20t24-Tl ll rth wARpl oRplNANcE DOCUMENT #020¡ 9-55ó7 RETERRFp {7-24" 19'} Common Address ì003-05 West 3ì'r Slreel Appliconl: Jiorong Zhong & f:errg Ming Mei Owner: Jiorong Zhcrng & Feng Ming Mei Allorney: Sylvio C. Michos Chonge Requesl: RSì, Residenliol Single-Unit (DeTcrched Flouse) Dislricl loB2-2, NeighborhoocJ Mixed-Use Dislricl Purposê: Upon rezoning, lhe subjecl property will be imptoved wilh o new 3-slory nrixeduse building, conloining lwo (2) comrnerciol uniis ll ,25O-l ,270 sq. fl.l wilhìn lhe first floor ond four (4) dwelling units obove, wilh lwo {2) clwelling unils rcnging from I ,450- I ,470 sq. f 1. within lhe second oncl thircì loors oncl tive {5) on-sìle, exlerior porking spoces. The overoll building heighl of lhe proposed building is c/o Tofl, Slelliníus & l-lollisler LLP f 48',5". I 1.1 lh wARÞì oRÞr NA Nc E BFrEßR Ep pocuMENT il020l9-5543 gç*.?q]."q3 ( 7-24--1.?.1 P,ASS WITH SUBSTITUTE Common Address 48l Wesl 2ór¡ Streel Appliconl: Y.M.C, Corp. Ownen First Atlorney: Olivio Cheng Chonge Requesl: RS3, Residernliol Single-Unil ORDINANCT cjlb/o Conion Noodle Co. Americon Bc¡nk, Lond Trusl ll82395ó {Deloched House) Dislricì 1o C l-1, Neighborhood Cornmerciol Dislricl Exisling ì-slory nronufocluring buil sr¡r.rore lool.2-slot\/ hruilcìinç;. lJl¡on cotlplelion c¡f lhe Ji0 S Stotr: 4 I4 ()t?(\lt):) / 4 I4ì0 Mr;sr:r;rrl ílornr;us llr ì0 Museurrr Ot?Ol()-?6() 4 llOO S StrLle Sì (')t'.)(\l t)-') 4 30O S lt ir252 S (-.ornr:ll A'¡t: ()r?0 l') -2 ltil ('¡')(\) ç):) !t ¡ Slnle .rr2.'i2 S CìW I oocrrr Scrrlore I I (ì lìW I o¡rn¡r \rrr ¡rrr¿" I I C' (ìW I r¡or¡n lr:rr: Srrr II (ì Nr:rlh