ffitrv G[: ffuhI\;,ir-AN # DEPARTMENT OF PUE LIC SAFETY . DIVISION OF F RE FIRE FREVENTION BUREAU ,Fago I John E.ScbLuad Battal!.on Chlef ./ car ?1 1 o. ,. l4eyer & Ob:Lalc.. . .. day ehifb /l r v ,,'t /i Ca;;pbel]. noed Brid.ee (#o59) ' o tlz5t*;t---1@S\=-* r7i-/ ito*l+2l$ r .-,r___ ra tr.ro (z)^uriag3l *E:b l./--., .! frr*"iiga,;,ri rirdffivo-Iocation. obJects of burning wero ,.i Y iare acro"slho Cqyahoga lIlvor t*rech are tlro propoi'ty of Novburg { foytn Shoro IUt. tfft dohnson.s'nd. uhlof iino reepectiveily. I'fot-vlllh Li. Karp, I \ i;il ;;;f"j.ls & llsgtern ",\( glllsg & i'icstcrno According to witneEoes-whlch. i:rcludeo lir'l-r vA }ioifolk of, i'j5r ff:,r. BeLeb !Lnve5-Ca.qci'O()Ir li""*"tig.tor2 i ' f 1 bridge about J o5-nutee la Robcr+ l{sl*eush$Jr, a dleeel loconstlve pqsscd over tho ln_ i ;.f";; ii""- *E dlsiovoredn FLro vras orr ttre rlven r an ares about 5 feet *!;t*eee tried .ry fl"Pg1ash r*:*t-h:Y:"9i3. *:::1 "1.:S-TulI:*** brldgeoo Hcat, wae vEry intsnoe, buckJ-in8^:l: ii";A;6n""*ify aig tnvolvccX both and othcr r*rooden conponehbo. The river &t'.t11? tX.rabers It,f*-fr* and burilfug the iotiot,-:.u covered rcith olL and othor r';poctren debrisc It ie our oplnion t'h at' t'blE i / / dia'nc.;;- r*" Plw" // lfi;;;;;;;A-ry-gp"'r." - Newburgb & soubh Shore bridge ltossr L $:OOO $45r@0 - Norfolk & wostern bridge I l ii ]