National Fire Protection Association F I FTE AAoll promptlT to NATIONA[ FIRE PROTECTION REPORT ASSOCIATION,60 Bottarymorch Strssf, Borton,Morr 02110 r)nte or are...J$*tlS....4R t....19S$........."..........,Day of Iocstion cf property (gtreot, C!ty, etatut.....F.o$t. trinrno nf nrincipnl tenant....S6f,f0J.k.. Typc ci" occul)&ney .M.".....,.........P,M. (Olvo arooifio use of propa*y)...,,. Buiiding lnvolvod (lf nol o buildlrrq delcribo on bcck ) lioom or placc whero fro started....,.S.tL..g.H' \vss firc confineri !o p!,oco-oJ grisin, yeo or no 1.....l1[.S.....If "no,o' give oxronr wirhin buildinu,....$fnnfg$.S....$f...f**,S....... Orloin snd Exlonl o6 Flro Did it eprced beyond building of origin, yeo or no?X.* "yes," what other property wes involved?......,I1m....f.**.1*g.R* Indicata ignition aourco and rnaterial ignitod. If uncertain deeeribo whai appoaro to havo happened:.Y.J "per&s....{Y.s.$.-s..$tssp.}. ,.. Cquoo of Flro ,,* i," n,,,,;i;;: ;;;;,,,"J_lls l_-** Pu ;-:$,f .--;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; -*;; ;;;;;. il,coponoo(givontrmbor).Companioa''....''.?.',.."',."..,Iinnog...''..''$. bllc Irio. lross linee uocd: z/2- ar a-irl,...3{SttS .....,.r 2W1^."......,.e............, t%-in......."....3.........., Booste.........[$.O$9.......... 1Vo.* there a prcarrnnged mutu&l aid p!an, yea or oo?......Hn..,,.......Wae mutual aid uoed, yeo or no?.....x{ff,,.,........ff "yee," give namee of Flre Prol6€l!on A.utomntic sgrrinklere, yee or no?....$[SIIS Sprln kler System 1 Deloction Systom i n utonrntic firc detcction aystem, yeo or no?...I.{IS...Typo (Rato of rim, fired tomp., oro.).,..,...,........ Ccntrai station supervised, yes or no?............ :i \1.!rtcljI:,lai]nttirneof6re,yeeornol'....s.s...'...'....supewieerl,yeoorno?'.'.,......''..$a.'nia iYclchmcn rixri,rslrrrarrero usorr lNumbcr, rypo,6i,, B$rr osooilvoecs).*...,k9...-Qhgg*R.*I.r....f,e.llg.e-...*$Rf,.{gg.t*:f..9.-....h}t.."Sf.e.i$...C*g* MIE€. Proloct io n ttlit:'lIj'L:"*:i:*-:i.9:, T::-1y111':t:*-d'j"--': Cosuqlliel snd Pro porf y P rogo ":n""":":::*::H::,:::;TI:::*"jry:l-:l** 1,";r. 6i;:,:i. rl i IfACTolls INITLUIINCINc FIRD sPRDAD aNn r. stru*,rral deflcrencreo rnfluencrntrl, flre ?. Fire f,rotectlon nxtrNi Op prru,,rCn epread.Itn{4p$'t,S46'-tgf,*fu.1gffiao;&f,*i;t$*;fp3t*;igp"?#.;;9,ff,8.*"e,Sg'qtlt deffclencles lnfiucncln$ flre apreod' am*nsts;;s$#tu'b**&#$#*;*sr.ffi ,*:*rr;k;i;;;ru; t r.,.........,....',' io-0rr ert nsuishert; lsok ol protcction lor lpooial horerdr' cto' 3. Contenta fesrtures lnfluencln$ 8re apreod""S'S}"'e ITEMAR,KS of the factors responsiblo for thie 6ro - weather conditiona uso this sp&co to report other detaile that would contributs to so undoretanding additional sbeot€ whero appropriate' and skotcb * lncluds oto. poor water e'pplien, loui*qoutr -anpower "rA "quip*"t, s?me wlth train erew, ruho atbenpted to.extlngulsh. Flre emptylllg a.t'te1 Drv ChernlcaL extlnguLsher, range was ineffectlve ancl bridge !o a yard belephone a dlstance -it,rrriri;[;;,-;;;;*" rheri ran across pf ai*feast i,Ooo feet to eall FLre $opartmant"'. construetLsn of new 'ffie ./ard irvaianil i"u thtt area ?rgre ehtt Eff f*rhydrants in thls Er€ar are no uiiit&Ggr--{,[;;G"e ais-orureeted, there the rlver to from water Company draftrI-w"i teees:irv to 6ive one Bngine NozzLee Deelc J,i"oiv tt"na ll'nis, whiJ'e the Flie Eoat used 3 ' was dJ"scovered by - on6-Uirgf$ Co*pfori w&s df"spatehed. ts ths West sf the rlv&res & pr6c&utlsnary'*igairr* -to prbv+fit the epread ef, f!'ro, I-n the event the trestlee -br-d;;- had eollaPeod. Wae tsry fr*stl.g- waa gev6r€ and t'raffle had to & so"pLit$E Newbursh uI*li;E;urea.---uamage [igFFtB $S$ fi3tr,*33r1$I353 . I n€ s ervj'ce in remal"ned thl.s trestle and -gsth gheie tie1tles nere at the head of_ aag{eatl.on. end $6rs stetLcnary. get the Ftie tseat under either strutsturel slif,ct#ii-nikine it l"np*sstbl.e_to f{il-in-tfre undersf,ruetur€ wae f{naIly}rtshed wLtb the use of a t* r11[-t{;tF;ik aqd io **i3"*3$*N"*tli[]-;., w{ih w*nd or s nlp/n rrom rhE BNE, renpererure sr ?1o end humfdity 48S a nonpraft associ.tlion, organized lor the dols purpoac o! protecling life a',c property ltom basi.r /or f he tccidcai aul crluatlionsl fire prewntion actitrities o! lfu Aadacialion. l,nc Niilr,l. it; fra a'd acplocrbns' Firc etperianee is tl'e