HUBER F. WICKEH same 555 3W, smarE aunteine AHMED SERVICES WASHIMETGN. DC 20510 tees] sea?e253 TD ENVIRUNMENTAND PUESCWUHKSI ?t?tw g?nat? FIULEE AND ADMINISTRATIDN cethssIen en sscuarrs 3'35 AND COOPERATION IN EUROPE April 11.2013 The Ha nerahle .lcff Sessinns Department eflustice 950 Avenue NW Flt" Dear Mr. Atterney General: I write in inquire abeut the status at" the Department efJustiee?s extradition request fer Mr. Dmitr}: Firtash. in 2014, l-"irtash was arrested in Vienna, Austria, because el? a US. warrant and released an a 531?? rrtiliien hail. A US. grand jury then indicted Firtash under the Fereign Cerrupt Practices Aet en charges that included bribery, racketeering, and nteneyr laundering. These charges centered an an $13.5 millinn bribe nttered tn ef?eials in India related tn titanium mining licenses. Prinr In Ukraine?s Maidan Revelatien in 20M. Firtash was the Kremlin?s principal partner in eerruptien sehemes invnluing the trading at" Russian natural gas in Ukraine. RnsUkrEnerge, a enmpany nwnedjeintly by Firtash and Gaaprnin, acted as an ?intermediary? in the gas trade and was given a en Russian gas itnperts and transit. By manipulating natural gas priees, the Kremlin used ResUkrEnerge as a teel te keep Kyis? dependent en Meseew. Firtash was a direct agent nfthe Kremlin in this transfer-pricing scheme. Despite his arrest, Firtash has centinued te engage in eerruptien in Ukraine, reaping hundreds ef milliens et'dellars in illieit preiits. 'l'his eerruptien undermines Ukrainian referrn efferts that the United States Althnugh RnsilkrEnergn nn lnnger artists, Firtash still intermediaries in the Ukrainian gas industry. Under Ukrainian law, kraine?s state-nwned gas eempany, Ha?ngaa, is ebligated te sell gas tn these intermediaries, which are intended te purchase this gas and resell it te end-users. Knewing this, Firtash accepts the gas and sells it In end-users, but he refuses te pa}; Naf?tegaa and peckets the revenue. This scheme is estimated tn have enst Ukraine $2 billion thus far, with $1.5 hiliien gning directly tn Firtash, which he uses te ?nance his legal ?ght against estraditien. I appreciate year time and attentien te this request. 1 leek ferward te an update regarding year Department?s estraditien request.