Km KOCH lH ® INDUSTRIES INC CHARLES G. KOCH C H A IR M A N AN D CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER September 24, 20 10 “If not us, who? If not now, when?” That question was posed by a member of our network of business and philanthropic leaders, who are dedicated to defending our free society. W e cannot rely on politicians to do so, so it is up to us to combat what is now the greatest assault on American freedom and prosperity in our lifetimes. Twice a year our network meets to review strategies for combating the multitude of public policies that threaten to destroy America as we know it. These meetings have been critical in improving and expanding our efforts. Our next meeting w ill be held January 30-31, 2 0 11, at the Rancho Las Palmas Resort in Rancho Mirage, California. You would be a valuable addition to our gathering, and we hope you can join us. In Palm Springs, we w ill assemble an exceptional group of leaders.along with a strong line-up of speakers. Together, we will develop strategies to counter the most severe threats facing our free society and outline a vision of how we can foster a renewal of American free enterprise and prosperity. A t our most recent meeting in Aspen, our group heard plans to activate citizens against the threat of government over-spending and to change the balance of power in Congress this November. In response, participants committed to an unprecedented level of support. The important work being done with these initiatives continues. However, even if these efforts succeed, other serious threats demand action. Everyone benefits from the prosperity that emerges from free societies. But that prosperity is under attack by the current Administration and many o f our elected officials. Their policies threaten to erode our economic freedom and transfer vast sums of power to the state. We must stop - and reverse - this internal assault on our founding principles. 3 1 6 . 8 2 8 . 5 2 0 1 Tel P .O . B o x 2 2 5 6 W ic h it a , K a n s a s 6 7 2 0 1 Fighting back with incremental changes will only lead to a slower rate of decline. We must dedicate ourselves to making major advances in the direction of economic freedom. Our goal for these meetings must be to advance ideas that strengthen that freedom, beat back the unrelenting attacks and hold elected leaders accountable. To give you a better idea of the nature o f this event, I have enclosed the program from our Aspen meeting. W hile w e w ill have great speakers and a beautiful setting, our ultimate goal is not “fun in the sun.” This is a gathering o f d o e r s who are willing to engage in the hard work necessary to advance our shared principles. Success in this endeavor will require all the help we can muster. Your active participation would increase our probability of success during this pivotal time in our nation’s history. W e hope to see you in Palm Springs, January 30-31. Sincerely, r? 3g, .1 AND ADDRESSING THREATS . TO AMERICAN FREE AND PROSPERITY . - . G O A L S & M IS S IO N S A t our seminars, we work to understand and address the threats to American free enterprise and prosperity. These meetings provide an opportunity to discuss these threats and the appropriate strategies to counter them. To that end, we focus on four main objectives: • Attracting principled leaders and investors who will effectively defend our free society • Sharing best practices and opportunities to defend our free enterprise system from destructive public policies • Fashioning the message and building the education channels to reestablish widespread belief in the benefits of the principles o f a free and prosperous society • Building principled, effective institutions that identify, educate and mobilize citizens in pursuit o f a free and prosperous society Our seminars bring together business and philanthropic leaders who possess the vision and knowledge to develop innovative strategies to achieve results. The combination o f knowledgeable speakers and motivated participants produces a dynamic environment that inspires creative approaches to advancing a free society. C O L IF I D E N T IA ll TY A M D S E C U R IT Y In order to understand issues and develop strategies more effectively, the proceedings o f this meeting are confidential. The meetings are closed to the public, including media. Please be mindful o f the security and confidentiality o f your meeting notes and materials, and do not post updates or information about the meeting on blogs, social media such as Facebook and Twitter, or in traditional media articles. These meetings are invitation-only and nametags should be worn for all meeting functions. 3 Wrnmm A G EN D A Saturday, June 2 6 12:00 - 6:00 pm St . Regis L obby Sem inar R egistration You may pick up your seminar materials, including your nametag and an updated copy o f this booklet. For security purposes, please remember to wear your nametag to all seminar functions. 4:30 - 6:00 pm W elcom e R eception for Locals and Early Mill Street Courtyard Arrivals at the St. Regis Enjoy a cocktail and some conversation with your fellow participants at this informal kick-off to our time together. 6:15 - 8:30 pm V arious L ocations Sm all Group D inners Enjoy the company o f other participants at one of these small dinners centered on areas o f focus for our meeting. Policy experts and seminar speakers relevant to each dinner topic will make brief remarks to help facilitate a broader discussion. If you have not indicated your interest in participating, please contact us. Groups will gather after the reception and walk to the dinner locations. Topics include: • N ovem ber 2010: What's at stake? What is the range o f possible outcomes? Will this be a watershed election year? • T he B ankrupting o f Am erica: Are Americans waking up to the negative consequences o f government growth and spending? What messages cut through the clutter? Will this issue be o f concern to voters this fall? A G EN DA • E nergy and Climate: What drives the regulatory assault on energy? What are the economic and political consequences o f this? How discredited is the climate change argument? What effect does this have on the electorate, especially in key states? • H igher Education: A t a time when we face so many immediate threats, how do we also maintain focus on longer-term investments in higher education? What leveraged opportunities exist on campuses now that make a real difference in advancing liberty? • Issue M icro-Targeting: What gaps do we face in thoroughly understanding the electorate? What has been learned from research so far? How can we take advantage of this advanced technology? Sunday, June 2 / 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Capitol Room , L ower Level 11:15 am - 1 2 :4 5 p m A spen Room M ain Level Sem inar R egistration and H ospitality Center If you did not pick up meeting materials on Saturday, you may pick up those materials today in the Capitol Room on the lower level o f the St. Regis. You might also enjoy a snack or visit with your fellow participants. A n Introduction to these M eetings for First-Tim e Participants Participants new to these meetings are invited to a welcome luncheon to learn about the strategic framework that has guided past success and that guides future action. Richard Fink, Koch Industries 5 A G EN D A 1:00 - 1 :4 0 pm G rand Ballroom L ower L evel The Threats to A m erican Freedom and Prosperity W e are undergoing the greatest internal assault on American freedom and prosperity in our lifetimes. Rather than cede ground to more government, we must strengthen economic freedom. Business leaders have an important role to play in promoting prosperity, countering the dangerous attacks on out founding principles, and reversing this trend. Charles Koch, Koch Industries 1:40 - 2:10 pm G rand B allroom W hat’s the O u tlook for Future Prosperity? Government spending continues to climb to dangerously high levels, putting our economy at risk. This session will explore the precarious path that we are on, led by one o f the analysts best known for predicting the financial crisis. Peter Schiff, Euro Pacific Capital 2:10 - 2:30 pm Q & A w ith C harles Koch and Peter Schiff Grand Ballroom 2:30 - 2 : 5 0 pm B reak 2:50 - 3:50 pm U nderstanding the Persistent Threats We Face The current administration swept into office with a promise to "fundamentally transform America.” From the nationalization o f healthcare to (he rising power o f unions, as well as a push for major new climate and energy regulations, financial regulation, and even more government spending, there is no lack o f significant threats for us to understand and address. G rand Ballroom Moderated by Steve Moore, The Wall Street Journal Phil Kerpen, Americans for Prosperity Ramesh Ponnuru, National Ikeview Peter Wallison, American Enterprise Institute A G EN DA 3:50 - 4:30 p m G rand B allroom An Integrated Strategy to Address These Threats While the threats we face are significant, we have seen progress. Building on the lessons learned from the past and capitalizing on several unique opportunities we face this year, we believe there is a way to reverse this present course and build a more prosperous future. Richard Fink, Koch Industries 4:30 - 6:30 p m Free T im e 6:30 - 9:00 p m R eception and Dinner at the St. Regis Fountain C ourtyard Is A m erica on the Road to Serfdom ? Glenn Beck 9:00 - 1 0 :1 5 p m Restaurant B ar Main Level Cocktails and Dessert Reception hosted by D onorsT rust Conclude your evening with a cocktail or dessert at the St. Regis’ Restaurant Bar. M o nd a y, June 2 8 7:30 - 8:30 am F ountain Courtyard Breakfast B uffet and Presentation 7:50 —8:30 am W e’re Spending Too M uch Americans are increasingly concerned with the growth o f government, but we also need a positive vision o f what smaller government means, a vision that goes beyond lower taxes and economic efficiency. Without that positive vision, the appeal o f liberty is limited. This presentation provides a vision o f how we can regain the moral high ground and make a new case for liberty and smaller government that appeals to all Americans, rich and poor. F ountain C ourtyard Russ Roberts, Mercatus Center 7 A G EN DA 8:30 - 8:45 am B reak and T ransition to G rand Ballroom 8:45 - 9:30 am U nderstanding T his Electorate This spring's primaries have produced many surprises and upsets. What is causing this electorate to vote the way they are? What does this mean for the November elections? This session will offer insight into the mood o f this year’s electorate. G rand Ballroom Michael Barone, The Almanac o f American Politics 9:30 —10:30 am G rand Ballroom Fram ing the D ebate on Spending Polls show that the American public is deeply concerned about government growth and spending and they are making their frustrations known. In this session, we will better understand if this is a fleeting circumstance or one that holds opportunities for advocates o f free enterprise into the future. Nancy Pfotenhauer Je ff Crank, Americans for Prosperity - Colorado Veronique de Rugy, Mercatus Center Gretchen Hamel, Public Notice 10:30 - 1 0 :5 0 am B reak 10:50 am - 1 1 :5 0 pm M obilizing Citizens for N ovem ber Is there a chance this fall to elect leaders who are more strongly committed to liberty and prosperity? This session will further assess the landscape and offer a strategic plan to educate voters on the importance o f economic freedom. Grand Ballroom Sean Noble Karl Crow, Themis Mark Mix, National Right to Work Tim Phillips, Americans for Prosperity 8 11:50 - 1 2 :0 5 p m B reak and Transition to Lunch in the Fountain Courtyard 12:05 - 2:00 p m Lunch Buffet & N ext Steps Fountain C ourtyard W inning the Fight between Free Enterprise and Big Government America was built on the free enterprise system. That’s how America became a prosperous nation with abounding opportunities for all. Now, freedom is under a relentless attack. What happens if it slips away? Arthur Brooks will share with us how free enterprise is more than an economic system - it is a moral imperative, and we must defend it at all costs. Arthur Brooks, American Enterprise Institute 2:00 - 2:15 p m B reak 2:15 - 3:00 pm Sm all Group Discussions These five discussion-oriented sessions offer you the opportunity to explore several topics that go beyond the issues already discussed. We will hold these sessions twice so that you may attend the two that most interest you. ASTOR LIBRARY, 4™ FLOOR O pportunities in H igher Education: For longterm success, we must develop future leaders committed to the principles of a free society. Can we have a major impact in higher education over the next ten years? Where are the most leveraged opportunities for investment? Russ Roberts, Mercatus Center Kristen Short, Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation Ryan Stowers, Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation M aroon Bells, Ballroom Level D ecision-M aking in Philanthropy: How can you maximize the impact of your gift-giving? What different giving options are available to you? How can you determine which groups and causes are effective? Advisors to several o f America's most generous philanthropists will share their experiences in working toward strategic and informed decisions. Annie Dickerson Mina Nguyen Michael Sullivan Capitol Room , Ballroom Level K -12 E d Reform & Charter Schools: What is the best way to reform our education system? How can we ensure children learn core concepts? This discussion will explore what is working and what the future holds for K -12 reform. John Bryan Pyramid R oom , Ballroom Level Ju d ic ia l Elections: Several states this year will hold important judicial elections. Is there an opportunity here fo r advocates o f free enterprise to have their voices heard? David Chavern, U.S. Chamber o f Commerce K evin Watson, U.S. Chamber o f Commerce A spen Room M ain Level C hoices in 2012: As important as the 2010 elections might be, 2012 also offers an opportunity to address the threats to free enterprise. This session will allow for an informal discussion o f how supporters of economic freedom might start planning today. jerry Milbank Bill W alton 3:00 - 3:15 pm B reak and T ransition to Second D iscussion 3:15 - 4:00 pm Session II o f Sm all Group Discussions 10 6:00 - 6:50 pm G ondola Ride to the top o f A spen M ountain Groups will leave every few minutes from the front drive o f the St. Regis to walk or ride to the gondolas, only a few blocks away. The trip to the top of Aspen Mountain on the gondola takes about 15 minutes and offers scenic views o f the Aspen valley and the surrounding mountains. 6:00 - 9:00 pm R eception & D inner atop A spen M ountain SUNDECK, A spen Mountain W hat’s A head for Am erica? Charles Krauthammer 9:00 - 1 0 :1 5 pm Benedicts, A spen Mountain Cordials & D essert Buffet Before descending the mountain, you are welcome to enjoy dessert and a farewell cocktail as you continue your dinnertime conversations. The gondolas will be continuously available to return you to the base o f Aspen Mountain following dinner, and drey will run until 10:15 pm. I uesdoy, June 2 9 m 7:30 - 9:30 am Fountain Courtyard m D rop-In Breakfast Buffet A buffet breakfast will be available for you as you conclude your stay in Aspen. Grab your breakfast and run or stay and converse with your fellow participants. U n d e r s t a n d in g to A m e r ic a n a n d A Free En d d r e s s in g t e r p r is e an d T hrea Pro ts s p e r it y pa lm „ « « « , s p r in g s Goals & Mission At our seminars, we work to understand and address the threats to American free enterprise and prosperity. These meetings provide an opportunity to discuss these threats and the appropriate strategies to counter them. To that end, we focus on four main objectives: • Attracting principled leaders and investors who will effectively defend our free society • Sharing best practices and opportunities to defend our free enterprise system from destructive public policies • Building principled, effective institutions that identify, educate and mobilize citizens in pursuit o f a free and prosperous society • Fashioning the message and building the education channels to reestablish widespread belief in the benefits o f the principles o f a free and prosperous society Our seminars bring together business and philanthropic leaders who possess the vision and knowledge to develop innovative strategies to achieve results.' The combination of knowledgeable speakers and motivated participants produces a dynamic environment that inspires creative approaches to advancing a free society. The Program This action-oriented program brings together top experts and leaders to discuss - and offer solutions to counter —the most critical threats to our free society. Recent sessions have focused on addressing rapid government growth, countering climate change alatmism and the move toward socialized healthcare, developing strategies to advance liberty on college campuses, strengthening our state-based capabilities, and promoting judicial reform. Past meetings have featured such notable leaders as Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas; Governors Bobby Jindal and Haley Barbour; commentators John Stossel, Charles Krauthammer, Glenn Beck, and Rush Limbaugh; Senators Jim DeMint and Tom Coburn; and Representatives Paul Ryan, Mike Pence, and Tom Price. General Schedule Saturday, January 29 4:30 —6:00 pm 6:00 pm Welcome Reception for Locals and Early Arrivals Small-group Dinners Sundry, January 30 11:15 am 1:00 - 5:00 pm 6:30 —9:00 pm Luncheon for First-Time Participants Formal Program Begins Reception & Dinner at Rancho Las Palmas Resort and Spa Monday, January 31 7:30 am - 4:30 pm 6:30 - 9:30 pm Breakfast / General Sessions / Luncheon Reception & Closing Dinner- Tuesday, February 1 7:30 —9:30 am Drop-in Breakfast Buffet (No Program) M e e tin g R e g istra tio n PALM. SPRING S Invitations are non-transferable. Spouses are welcome at all events. Y ou may also register online at Registrations received after January 1 will be accepted if space remains. RANCHO LAS PAIAAAS . JAN. 3 0 & 3 1 , 2 0 1 1 Daytime Phone: Assistant:__________________________ _ Cell Phone:________________________ _________ Email:___________________________ o I/W e w ill attend the m eeting in Palm Springs, January 30 & January 31. As a first-time participant, I understand that my fee for the event will be waived. Names for nametags (informal):____________________________ a ________________ ___________ I/W e cannot attend the Palm Springs m eeting. □ Please consider me for future events. a Please include me in informational mailings about issues addressed at these meetings. Accommodations The Rancho Las Palmas Resort and Spa, located in Rancho Mirage, California, will host our meeting. A block of rooms is held for our group and will be available until December 27, 2010. For your convenience, all hotel reservations will be handled through our office; p lea se do not contact the Rancho Las Palmas directly to place a reservation. Please indicate below if accommodations will be needed and, i f so, your desired room type. Most participants arrive on Saturday or Sunday and depart on Tuesday. The per-night room rates below do not include a $10/night resort fee, a 10% federal, state and local tax, a 2% Local Business Improvement District assessment fee, or a 0.15% California tourism assessment fee. A deposit o f the first night’s charges will be made upon booking. Cancellations must be made seven days before scheduled arrival to receive a refund o f the deposit. Suites are limited and will be available on a first-come first-served basis. Rooming Delails □ I will not require a room at Rancho Las Palmas. □ Please reserve me a room at Rancho Las Palmas. □ Plaza Room $209 Arrival Date: January._____ ,2011 Departure Date: Jan/Feb______ , 2011 Optional: Hoi el Payment Information Card Type: DAmerican Express □ I would like a second room. □ Connecting / □ King or □ Double Phase return thisform to: a MasterCard □ VISA Card Number:_______________________________________ Mr. Kevin Gentry Koch Companies Public Sector 600 14dl Street NW, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20005 Fax: 202-737-8080 Tel: 202-737-8377 Exp. Date:___________________________________________ Or: Name on Card:______________________________________ Privacy notice: We respectyou r personal information. We m il keep y o u r contact details confidential and will use them onlyfo r our internalpurposes and fo r the purpose o f making the conference arrangementsy o u have requested. We w ill maintain you r credit card information in a secure fashion and will disclose it only to the relevant hotel fo r the purposes o f securingyour reservation. The Rancho Las Palmas Privacy P oh y is available on its website. P A R T IC IP A N T S Jack and Rose Marie Anderson Neil Anderson and Amy Fisher-Smith Phi] and Nancy Anschutz C liff Asness Nate and Lynda Bachman Whitney Ball Addison, Texas Addison, Texas Denver, Colorado Greenwich, Connecticut Cincinnati, Ohio Alexandria, Virginia Washington, DC Pacific Palisades, California San Francisco, California New York, New York Adamsville, Tennessee Irving, Texas New Orleans, Louisiana Denver, Colorado Bethesda, Maryland Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Lake Oswego, Oregon Wichita, Kansas Irvine, California Dallas, Texas Washington, DC Wichita, Kansas Falls Church, Virginia Veto Beach, Florida Oro Valley, Arizona Los Angeles, California Wayzata, Minnesota Stockton, California Tulsa, Oklahoma Greenwood Villiage, Colorado Colorado Springs, Colorado Arlington, Virginia Phoenix, Arizona Abingdon, Virginia New York, New York Houston, Texas Arlington, Virginia Ada, Michigan New York, New York Metairie, Louisiana Louisville, Kentucky Cincinnati, Ohio Denver, Colorado M ichael Barone Frank and Kathy Baxter Steve and Betty Bechtel Glenn Beck Benard and Margaret Blasingame Alan and Lisa Boeckmann Boysie Bollinger Patrick and Paula Broe A rthur Brooks David and Ann Brown John Bryan Bob and Martha Buford Tim Busch Shelby and Nell Bush Tim Carney Charlie and Marla Chandler David Chavern John Childs Paul and Lea Clifton Susie Coelho Bill Cooper and Kristin Tollefson Dino and Joan Cortopassi Joe Craft Alex Cranberg J e ff Crank Karl Crow Eric Crown and Isabella King Kevin Crutchfield Ravenel and Beth Curry Jim and Shirley Dannenbaum 1Veronique de Rivgy Rich and Helen DeVos Annie Dickerson Ned and Nancy Diefenthal Jim and Dorothy Patterson Dan and Kellie Peters Tom Petrie Presenters in italics 12 M P A R T IC IP A N T S Dixon and Carol D oll Karl and Stevie Eller Ron and ICris Erickson Melvyn and Suellen Estrin Dick Farmer Peter Farrell Jim and Zibbie Ferrell Dave Fettig Bob Fettig Steve Fettig Jerry and Nanette Finger Menlo Park, California Phoenix, Arizona Bloomington, Minnesota Bethesda, Maryland Cincinnati, Ohio San Diego, California Houston, Texas Darien, Wisconsin Darien, Wisconsin Darien, Wisconsin Houston, Texas Centreville, Virginia Scottsdale, Arizona Englewood, Colorado Tulsa, Oklahoma Jackson, Wyoming Jackson, Wyoming Dallas, Texas Keswick, Virginia Cheyenne, Wyoming Palm Beach, Florida Orlando, Florida Chicago, Illinois Arlington, Virginia Denver, Colorado Denver, Colorado Holland, Michigan Concord, North Carolina Houston, Texas Beloit, Wisconsin Morrow, Georgia New York, New York Regina, Saskatchewan Los Angeles, California Indianapolis, Indiana St. Paul, Minnesota Joplin, Missouri Upperville, Virginia Upperville, Virginia Wichita, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Wichita, Kansas Richard Fink Budd and Laurie Florkiewicz Charlie and Kaye Lynn Fote Randy and Jean Foutch Foster Friess Steve and Polly Friess Jerry and Leah Fullinwider Richard and Leslie Gilliam Susan Gore Oliver and Carolyn Grace Jr. Judson and Joyce Green Ken and Anne Griffin Gretchen Hamel Fred and Jane Hamilton Bob and Mary Sue Hawk Dick and Ethie Haworth Robin and Barbara Hayes Dan and Carolyn Heard Diane Hendricks Steve and Regina Hennessy James and Heather Higgins Paul Hill John and Joan Hotchkis Allan and Kathy Hubbard Stan and Karen Hubbard Ethelmae Humphreys Manley and Mary Johnson Merritt Johnson Gerry and Priscilla O'Shaughnessy Michael O'Shaughnessy Tim O'Shaughnessy Presenters in italics 13 Upperville, Virginia Orinda, California Tucson, Arizona Paradise Valley, Arizona Washington, DC Seattle, Washington Jackson, Wyoming Wichita, Kansas Wichita, Kansas New York, New York Brooklyn, New York Evansville, Indiana Cincinnati, Ohio Washington, DC Milwaukee, Wisconsin New York, New York Indianapolis, Indiana New York, New York Harahan, Louisiana Mountain Lakes, New Jersey Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Raleigh, North Carolina Washington, DC Dallas, Texas Dallas, Texas Houston, Texas New York, New York Sewickley, Pennsylvania Washington, DC Enid, Oklahoma Paradise Valley, Arizona New York, New York Buffalo Grove, Illinois Springfield, Virginia Scottsdale, Arizona Falls Church, Virginia Wichita, Kansas Houston, Texas Greenwich, Connecticut Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Phoenix, Arizona Rogers, Arkansas Spring Green, Wisconsin Marshall J ohnson Kyle and Kirsten Johnstone Mike and Beth Kasser Ken and Randy Kendrick Phil and Joanna Ketpen Gerry and Kathryn Kingen Scott Kirkpatrick Charles and Liz Koch Chase and Annie Koch David and Julia K och Elizabeth K och Bob and Cindy Koch Bob Kohlhepp Charles Krauthammer Dennis Kuester Andrew Kupersmith Andre Lacy K en and Elaine Langone Jay and Sally Lapeyre Ken and Frayda Levy Tom Love Bob Luddy Fred and Marlene Malek Elaine Marshall Pierce Marshall Preston Marshall Bill Mayer Glen and Diane Meakem Ed Meese Lew and Suzy Meibergen D on and Deede Meyers Jerry and Caroline Milhank Jack and Goldie Miller Mark M ix Joe and Mary Moeller Steve Moore David Murfin Walter and Suzette Negley M ina Nguyen Larry and Polly Nichols Sean Noble Tim and Teresa Oelke Eric O'Keefe Presenters in italics 14 Kurt and Nancy Pfotenhauer Oakton, Virginia Leesburg, Virginia Alexandria, Virginia Raleigh, North Carolina Arlington, Virginia Houston, Texas Addison, Texas Oakland, California Cincinnati, Ohio Sacramento, California Westport, Connecticut New York, New York Richmond, Virginia Omaha, Nebraska Scottsdale, Arizona Milwaukee, Wisconsin Greenwich, Connecticut Kalispell, Montana New York, New York Casper, Wyoming Scottsdale, Arizona Richardson, Texas Kenosha, Wisconsin Washington, DC Washington, Virginia Enid, Oklahoma Houston, Texas Los Angeles, California Wichita, Kansas Hinsdale, Illinois Dallas, Texas Dallas, Texas Aspen, Colorado Colorado Springs, Colorado Englewood, Colorado Mount Vernon, Ohio Greenwich, Connecticut Racine, Wisconsin Tim Phillips Ramesh Ponnuru A rt and Kathy Pope Pass Roberts Corbin and Barbara Robertson Richard Roder and Karin Hsu Gary and Kathleen Rogers Durk Rorie Chris Rufer Peter Schiff and Martha O'Brien Steve and Christine Schwarzman Rick and Sherry Sharp Mike and Lin Simmonds Peter Smith Dick Strong Michael Sullivan Ray and Ladeine Thompson Lynn Tilton Dave and Melanie True Steve Twist Jim and Gayla Von E hr Rick and Debra Waller Peter Wallison Rill and Sarah Walton Lew and Myra W ard Dick Weekley Fred and Susie Wehba Nestor Weigand and Darcy Buehler Dick and Mary Beth Weiss Howard and Rhonda Wilkins D on and Sue Wills Larry and Lorraine Winnerman Joe W oodford Earl Wright Karen Wright and Tom Rastin Cliff and Susan Yonce Fred and Sandra Young Presenters in italics 15