(hair-nun Hoclcl Nil-"anal Coordinator CWwaom Dn-mor Em O?Kcek Dll?rrm: gum, Davis; Bu: ?int-IN}: Dakar" Hmum Hertz-:11 madam": ?mgr: Cum! Hog?; Finance Drum-u Tom C- himcr mum Commons ll} Hil?l?n? alum-am Rtuarrh Biz-cant Mil-ion Willarns Fl?? CWor Sun-5mm Field Coordinator John Field Gillim Jewell Dim-1?" Oped-mom Anna 5. Anderson Wm! Ed Clark for Prcsidcnl Committee 0 2300 Wisconsin Avenue, NW 0 Washington. D. C. 201])? 0 (202) 333-8263 CLARK PRESIDENT October 10, 1980 Hr. Robert L, Formaini Cato Institute in? Front Street San Francisco, CA Dear Bob, I will be available to esn't win Assuming that Clark 0 ?th. Look forward meet with you the evening of the 6th to seeing you than. Crane EHCfaa