Almond Viaduct Ecology Survey extracts. Dated 23rd February 2015. Page 5 of 29 – Survey Methodology Page 7 of 29 – Survey Results Pages 9 & 10 of 29 – Survey Results 3.3.8. The land around the site may provide a suitable foraging habitat for bats although a thorough assessment of bat foraging activity in the area of the site could not be carried out during this daytime survey of the site. Pages 12 13 of 29 Evaluation of Findings 4.6. ?Nithin the piers of the viaduct there are areas of stone work with mortar missing from the pointing. There were 12 piers with gaps in the pointing and these areas may provide a suitable habitat for roosting bats. None of the piers with bat roost potential were near to span 4 which has the river running beneath it. The closest span to the river with bat roost potential was span 7. As the proposed works are scour repairs. the works should only affect the piers to spans 3. 4 and 5 and no bat roost potential was identified within these piers. Therefore the proposed works will not impact on bats roosting within the viaduct. 4.8. The land around the site may provide a suitable foraging habitat for bats although a thorough assessment of bat foraging activity in the area of the site could not be carried out during this daytime survey of the site. 4.9. The proposed works will not cause the loss or fragmentation of suitable foraging habitats. Therefore there will be no impact on foraging bats in the area of the site during the proposed works. Page 14 of 29 Recommendations 5.2. If the proposed works are to affect any span further to the west than span 6 it is recommended that further bat dusk emergence surveys are carried out on the affected spans prior to works commencing to establish a presence or absence of roosting bats. 5.3. Bat dusk emergence surveys can only be carried out in the main bat activity period which extends ??om May to August each year. If bats are fotmd roosting in the viaduct a Scottish Fanu?al Heritage EPS Licence and a mitigation strategy will be required before any works can be carried out in this area. Page 17 of 29 - Appendix II Appendix I. BAT It is necessary to understand a little about bats. their basic nature. ecology and legal protection in order to evaluate the fnidings of this report. Over 15 species of bat have been recorded in Britain. These fall into two farnilies. the horseshoe bats and the ?ordinary bats". They are extremely difficult to identify in the hand and even more so in ?ight. All appear to be diniinishing in numbers. probably due to shortage of food. caused by pesticides. as insects are their sole diet. and habitat change. As their diet consists solely of insects. bats hibernate during the winter when their food source is at its most scarce. They will spend the winter in hollow trees. cas'es. mines and the roofs of buildings. Certain species. particularly the pipistrelle (the and most widespread British bat} can quickly adapt to man made structures and will readily use these to roost and to rear their young. Bats are protected under the lNildlife and Act 1931. The Habitats Regulations 1994 and the Rights of "Way Act It is an offence to intentionally or recklessly kill. injure or capture or disturb bats or to damage. destroy or obstruct access to any place used by bats for shelter or protection. A breeding or resting site of any bat is known as a bat roost. A bat roost is therefore any structure a bat uses for shelter or protection. Because bats tend to use the same roosts each year. legal opinion is that the roost site is protected whether or not the bats are present at that time. Bat can be identified by locking far:- I Suitable hcles. cracks and cres'ices. I Eat I Prey reniains. I By carrying out night cbsers'aticns using a bat detectcr. Where deyelcpinent are likely to affect a bat site. a licence is required frcni Natural England. The perscn applying far that licence has tc be suitably qualified and experienced in bat tnatters. That person is then for ensuring that the measures ccntained in the licence are carried cut. Blackwater Viaduct Ecology Survey extracts. Dated 18th February 2015 Page 5 of 24 – Survey Methodology Page 7 of 24 – Survey Results Page 9 of 24 – Survey Results Pages 11 and 12 of 24 Evaluation of Findings 4.4. All trees within the survey area were categorised in line with the "Eat Conservation Trust Good Practice Guidelines? protocol for the visual inspection of trees. a cop}.r of the protocol has been included in Appendix of this report. 4.5. All trees within the survey area were classified as Category 3 due to providing no potential habitat for roosting bats. Any de-vegetation work carried out within the survey area will have no impact on roosting bats. 4.6. No cracks or voids suitable for roosting bats were identified within the bridge structure during this survey. The proposed works will have no potential impact on roosting bats. The survej.r area and land around the site 111a},r provide a suitable foraging habitat for bats although a thorough assessment of bat foraging activity in the area of the site could not be carried out during this davtinie survey of the site. 4.3. The proposed works will not cause the loss or fragmentation of suitable foraging habitats. Therefore there will be no impact on foraging bats in the area of the site timing the proposed works. Pages 19 and 20 of 24 Appendix IV Appendix IV. BAT INFORNIATION. It is necessary tn understand a little abnut bats, their basic nature, and legal prntectinn in nrder tn evaluate the findings nf this repnrt. Dyer 15 species nf bat have been recnrded in Britain with 9 cf these species fnund in These fall intn families, the hnrseshne bats and the ?nrdinary bats?. They are extremely difficult tn identify in the hand and even mnre sn in flight. All appear tn be diminishing in numbers. prnbably due tn nf fnnd. caused by pesticides, as insects are their snle diet. and habitat change. As their diet cnnsists snlely nf insects, bats hibernate during the winter when their snurce is at its scarce. They will spend the winter in trees. caves. mines and the nf buildings. Certain species, particularly the pipistrelle (the and widespread British bat} can quickly adapt tn man made structures and will readily use these tn and tn tear their ynung. Bats are a Eurnpean Prntected Species and are prntected under the Wildlife and Act 1981, The Habitats Regulatinns 1994 and the 3: Rights nf Way Act 2130!] making it an nffence tn:? I Capture, injure nr kill a wild bat. I Harass a wild bat nr grnup nf bats. I Disturb a wild bat in a I Disturb a wild bat while it is rearing nr ntherwise caring its ynung. I access tn a bat nr tn ntherwise deny the animal use cf the I Disturb such a wild bat in a manner that is. nr circumstances which are, likely tn significantly affect the Inca] distributinn nr abundance nf that species. I Disturb a wild bat in a manner that is. nr in circumstances which are. likely tn impair its ability tn survive, breed nr reprnduce, nr rear nr ntherwise care its ynun g. It is also an offence to:? I Damage or destroy a breeding site or resting place of such an animal. I Keep, transport, sell or exchange or offer for sale or exchange any wild bat or any part or derivative of one. A breeding or resting site of any bat is known as a bat roost. A bat roost is therefore any structure a bat uses for shelter or protection. Because bats tend to use the same roosts each year, legal opinion is that the roost site is protected whether or not the bats are present at that time. Bat roosts can be identified by lookin for:- I Suitable holes, cracks and crevices. I Eat droppings. I Prey remains. I By carrying out night observations using a bat detector. Where development proposals are likely to affect a bat roost site, a licence is required from Scottish Natural Heritage. The person applying for that licence has to be suitably qualified and experienced in bat matters. That person is then responsible for ensuring that the measures contained in the licence are carried out. Carronhill Viaduct Ecology Survey extracts. Dated 11th December 2014. Page 5 of 29 – Survey Methodology Page 9 of 29 – Survey Results Page 11 of 29 Evaluation of Findings 4.5. The north?eastem?most span of this viaduct has been assessed as having no potential as bat roosting habitat. The remainder of the viaduct could however not be accessed during this survey, so suitable habitat could be present in these areas. If bats are roosting within the viaduct, there could potentially be associated impacts. 4.6. The vegetation located over the valley sides could potentially be utilised by foraging and commuting bats. If this vegetation is to be removed as part of the proposed works, it is unlikely that there would be an impact upon local bats, as suitable linear features would still provided by the valley and river. Page 13 of 29 - Recommendations 5.2. As only the north?eastern?most span of the viaduct could be accessed during this survey, it is recommended that dusk emergence bat surveys are carried out upon the remainder of the viaduct, if these areas are to be included within the works. Initially it is recommended that one survey is undertaken, with further surveys carried out if bats appear to be roosting within the structure. These surveys must be carried out between May and September. If bats are found to be roosting, it will necessary to apply for a Scottish Natural Heritage European Protected Species Licence to cover the works and implement mitigation measures. Pages 19 and 20 of 29 Appendix IV Appendix IV. BAT INFORNIATION. It is necessary In understand a little abcut bats, their basic nature, and legal prctecticn in crder tn evaluate the findings cf this Iepcrt. lDiver 15 species cf bat have been reccrded in Britain with 9 cf these species fcund in These fall intc families, the hcrseshce bats and the ?crdinary bats?. They are extremely difficult tc identify in the hand and even mcre sc in flight. All appear Id be diminishing in numbers, prcbably due tc cf fccd, caused by pesticides, as insects are their scle diet, and habitat change. As their diet ccnsists sclely cf insects, bats hibernate during the winter when their scurce is at its scarce. They will spend the winter in hullcw trees, caves, mines and the reefs cf buildings. Certain species, particularly the pipistrelle (the and widespread British bat} can quickly adapt tc man made structures and will readily use these tc and In rear their ycung. Bats are a Eurcpean Prctected Species and are prctected under the Wildlife and Act 1981, The Habitats Regulaticns 1994 and the 3: Rights cf Way Act 2000 making it an cffence tcz? I Capture, injure cr kill a wild bat. I Harass a wild bat cr grcup cf bats. I Disturb a wild bat in a I Disturb a wild bat while it is rearing cr ctherwise caring its ycung. I access tc a bat cr tc ctherwise deny the animal use cf the I Disturb such a wild bat in a manner that is, cr circumstances which are, likely tc significantly affect the lccal distributicn cr abundance cf that species. I Disturb a wild bat in a manner that is, or in circumstances which are, likely tc impair its ability to survive, breed or reprcduce, cr rear cr ctherwise care its ycun g. It is also an offence to:- I Damage or destroy a breeding site or resting place of such an animal. I Keep, transport, sell or exchange or offer for sale or exchange any wild hat or any part or derivative of one. A breeding or resting site of any bat is known as a bat roost. A bat roost is therefore any structure a bat uses for shelter or protection. Because bats tend to use the same roosts each year, legal opinion is that the roost site is protected whether or not the bats are present at that time. Eat roosts can be identified by lookin for:? I Suitable holes, cracks and crevices. I Eat droppings. I Prey remains. I By carrying out night observations using a bat detector. Where development proposals are likely to affect a bat roost site, a licence is required from Scottish Natural Heritage. The person applying for that licence has to be suitably qualified and experienced in bat matters. That person is then responsible for ensuring that the measures contained in the licence are carried out. Castlecary Viaduct Ecology Survey extracts. Dated 16th May 2014. Page 5 of 24 – Survey Methodology Page 6 of 24 – Survey results Page 9 of 24 – Survey results Page 11 of 24 Evaluation of findings 4.1. Access underneath the structure was limited during this survey due tc the presence cf the ay and public reads underneath the structure. The structure is alsc very high making a inspecticn cf the stunewcrk grcund level These limitaticns en access meant that a assessment at the hat pctentia] cffered by the structure cculd he carried cut during this survey cf the site. 4.5. A thumugh assessment at the structure fur bat ruestin and bat ?eld signs cculd net be carried cut due tn the limited access amund the structure during this survey. 4.1 Any that will have an impact an the cf the structure may have an impact an bats if they are present in cracks and vcids arcund the structure. 4.3. Several uther structures are present in the areas arcund the viaduct. A survey cf the structures was carried cut during this survey althcugh it? any will have an impact an the structures the will patentially have an impact cut any hats present in the structures. 4.9. ND mature trees that wculd pruvide suitable mnsting nppurtunities fur bats were identi?ed within the surveyed area. Therefcre there will he nc further impact cn rcusting bats during cm the structure. The land within and arcund the site may pruvide a suitable furaging habitat [er bats althnugh a thurnugh assessment at the bat furaging activity in the area at the site cculd nut he carried cut during this daytime survey cf the site. t. The works are tn the structure and shculd net cause the less cr tragmentaticn cf areas cf suitable fcraging habitat. Therefcre there will be nc impact cu furaging bats during en the structure. Page 14 of 24 Recommendations 5.2. It is recernn'lended that full details en the wurks prupesed fer the structure are passed he the anther cf this repcrt tc allew a thereugh assessment cf the pctentia] impact on rucsting hats and the requirement fur further hat surveys in advanee {if any werlts en the structure. 5.3. It is recemmended that the surreunding structures, especially the structures ever Red Burn, remain unaffected by the werks. [i there is a requirement te carry nut that will have an impact en the structures a further hat survey cf the affected areas sheuld be canied cut in advance ef the wet-ks. Pages 17 18 of 24 Appendix II Appendix II. BAT INFORNIATION. It is necessary In understand a little abcut bats, their basic nature, ccelegy and legal pretectien in crder te evaluate the ?ndings cf this repurt. ?ver 15 species at bat have been reccrded in Britain with *3 cf these species feund in Scetland- 'l?hcse fall inte twe families, the herseshee bats and the ?erdinary bats'. They are extremely dif?cult tn identify in die hand and even mere se in ?ight. All appear te be diminishing in numbers, prcbably due tn shertage cf feed, caused by pesticides, as insects are their sele diet, and habitat change. As their diet censists sulely ef insects, bats hibernate during the winter when their ?tted scarce is at its must scarce. They will spend the winter in hellcw trees, caves, mines and the reefs of buildings. Certain species, particularly the (the cemtnencst and must widespread British bat) can quickly adapt te maurnade structures and will readily use these te must and he rear their yeung. ?ats are a Eurcpean Prctected Species and are prutected under the Wildlife and Act The Habitats Regulaticns 1994 and the .5: Rights cf Way Act making it an cffence tn:- Capture, injure DI kill a wild bat. Harass a wild bat cr grcup cf bats. Disturb a wild bat in a Disturb a wild hat 1 athile it is rearing ct" otherwise caring fer its yenttg. access tc a bat cr tc cdtenvise deny the animal use cf the mast. Disturb such a wild bat in a manner that is, ur circumstances which are, likely tc significantly affect the lccal distributicn er abundance cf that species. Disturb a wild bat in a manner that is, ur in circumstances which are, likely tc impair its ability tc survive. breed cr reprcduce. cr rear cr ctherwise care far its ycung. It is alsc an cffence tn:? Damage cr destroy a breeding site ct resting place cf such an animal. Keep. sell at exchange er cffer sale cr exchange any wild bat cr any part or derivative cf cne. A breeding cr resting site bat rcest is therefcre any structure a bat uses cr prctecticn. Because bats tend tc use the same each year. legal cpinicn is that the mast site is pretected whether cr net the hats are present at that time. Bat can he idenlificd by lacking fur:- - Suitable hc-les, cracks and crevices. Bat I Prey remains. By carrying cut night ebservaticns using a hat detecter. Where develcpment are likely tc affect a bat site. a licence is required Scettish Natural Heritage. The perscn applying far that licence has tc be suitably quali?ed and experienced in bat matters. That perscn is then ensuring that the measures ccntained in the licence are carried cut. Coatdyke Viaduct Ecology Survey extracts. Dated 4th July 2017 Page 5 of 20 – Survey Methodology Page 7 of 20 – Survey Results Pages 9 and 10 of 20 – Survey Results 3.3.6. There were no trees within close vicinity to the structure that would provide suitable habitat for roosting bats. Therefore. all trees were assessed as having negligible bat roost potential in accordance with the Bat Conservation Trust Good Practice Guidelines. 3.3.7. The surrounding habitat was assessed as providing moderate habitat for foraging and commuting bats due to the railway corridor. watercourse and parkland. Pages 12 and 13 of 20 Evaluation of findings 4.6. There were very small areas of missing inortar seen within the Viaduct. however. they appeared to be shallow and tullikely to support roosting bats. bio large gaps or creyices were identi?ed on this structure. Therefore. it is highly unlikely any roosting bat will be affected by the proposed works: llosttey'ei'. caution is advised due to the height of this structure. There were no trees within close vicinity to the structure that would provide suitable habitat for roosting bats. Therefore. the works will have no impact on roosting bats within trees. 4.3. The surrounding habitat was assessed as providing nioderate habitat for foraging and bats due to the railway corridor. watercourse and parkland. The proposed works will not fragment any suitable commuting or foraging bat habitat. Pages 17 and 18 of 20 Appendix I Appendix I. BAT Eroiom' There are currently 18 species of bat residing in Britain. 1? of which of which are known to breed here. They are extremely difficult to identify in the hand and even more so in ?ight. All appear to be diminishing in numbers. probably due to habitat change and shortage of food. caused by pesticides. as insects are their sole diet. As their diet consists solely of insects. bats hibernate during the winter when their food source is at its most scarce. They will spend the winter in hollow trees. caves. mines and the roofs of buildings. lCertain species. particularly the pipistrelle (the and nrost widespread British bat} can quickly adapt to ruan-rnade structures and will readily use these to roost and to rear their young. Su?'arr During walkover surveys. bat roosts can be identified by looking for: - Suitable holes. cracks and crevices within any building. tree or other structure. Ir Eat droppings along walls. window cills. or on the ground. - Prey reinains. such as insect wings. Further investigations can be nrade using endoscopes. by carrying out aerial inspections of trees or by conducting bat activity surveys during dusk and dawn 11113111115. Legislan'mi Bats are prctected under Appendix II and of the Bern lIC?nmientinn (1931}. Schedule 5 and :5 cf the ?Nildlife and Act (1931}. Aime}: IV cf the Habitats Directive (same species under Anne}; ll). Aime}; cf the Ccnsers'aticn Habitats and Species Regulations and ELROEATS agreement. "Numerous species are also listed under secticn 41 cf the Natural Ens'n?cnment and Rural {C'cmmunities Act making them species cf principal importance. All hats and their are therefcre protected in the UK. This makes it an cffence to kill. injure cr take any hat. tn interfere with any place used fer shelter prctecticn. or ten intenticnally disturh an}; animal such a place. The UK has designated matemitj: and hihernacula areas as Special Areas cf {'cnsers'atian ?sjl under the Habitats Directive. Implementaticn cf the UH Eric-diversity Action Plan alsc includes acticn far a number hat species and the habitats 1which support them. Where des'elcpment are liker tn affect a hat site. a licence is required Kanu'al England. Dunninald Viaduct Ecology Survey – extracts. Dated 1st February 2016 Page 5 of 19 – Survey Methodology Page 9 of 19 – Survey Results Page 10 of 19 – Survey Results Page 12 of 19 Evaluation of Findings 4.6. There are no open joints, cracks and crevices in the brickwork of the viaduct piers as viewed from the banks that provide potential for roosting bats. The painting of the viaduct will therefore have no impact on roosting bats. 4.7. The habitat around the viaduct is a wooded ravine that is assessed to be high value foraging habitat for bats. However, the proposed works will not cause any fragmentation ofhabitat and will have no impact on foraging bats. Page 16 of 19 Appendix II Appendix II. BAT INFORMATION. It is necessary to rurderstarrd a little about bats. their basic nature. ecology and legal protection in order to evaluate the ?ndings of this report. 18 species of bat currently reside in Britain. 17 of which are known to breed here. They are extremely dif?cult to identify in the hand and even so in ?ight. All appear to be diminishing in ruurrbers. probably due to shortage of food. caused by pesticides. as insects are their sole diet. and habitat change. As their diet consists solely of insects. bats hibernate during the winter when their food soru'ce is at its most scarce. They will spend the winter in hollow trees. caves. mines and the roofs of buildings. Certain species. particularly the pipistrelle (the commonest and widespread British bat) can quickly adapt to structures and will readily use these to roost and to rear their young. Bats are protected under the Wildlife and Act 1981. Regulation 41 of The orrservatiorr of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010. and the Rights of Way Act 2000. It is an offence to intentionally or recklessly kill. injure or capttu'e or disturb bats or to damage. destroy or obstruct access to any place used by bats for shelter or protection. A breeding or resting site of any bat is known as a bat roost. A bat roost is therefore any structlu'e a bat uses for shelter or protection. Because bats tend to use the roosts each year. legal opinion is that the roost site is protected whether or not the bats are present at that time. Eat ruusta can bc idcnti?cd by lacking fur:- 1. Suitable cracks and crcvicca. Eat . Frcj,r rcnlains. - 13}: carrying out night uaing a bat arc to affect a bat rucat aitc. a ia rcqun'cd f1'c1n Natural England. pcrsun applying far that haa tc bc suitably qualificd and in bat nlattcra. That pcracn ia rcapcnsiblc fur cnatu'lng that 111caatu'ca contained in arc carricd cut. 16 Garry Viaduct Ecology Survey extracts. Dated 24th January 2018. Page 5 of 26 – Survey Methodology Page 11 of 26 – Survey Results Page 13 of 26 Evaluation of Findings 4.6. A thorough inspection throughout the stone and brick work could not be undertaken during this survey, although the steelwork does not provide suitable habitat for roosting bats and no voids suitable for roosting bats were identified within close proximity of the steelwork. The proposed works will be mainly isolated to the steelwork and will have no impact on roosting bats. 4.7. The river corridor and surrounding vegetation provides suitable habitat for commuting and foraging bats, although the works will have no impact on the overall vegetation within the area. The proposed works will not fragment foraging habitat and will have no impact on foraging or commuting bats. Page 15 of 26 Recommendations 5.4. In the event extensive areas of brickwork and stonework are to be affected, it is recommended a bat activity survey is completed during the bat surveying season, which is between May and August each year. Kinclair Viaduct Ecology Survey – extracts. Dated 18th June 2015 Page 5 of 26 – Survey Methodology Page 7 of 26 – Survey Results Page 13 of 26 – Survey Results Page 14 of 26 Survey Results 3.3.8. There are no mature trees within the area around the viaduct that could provide bat roost potential. Further from the viaduct there are large mature trees which could provide bat roost potential. 3.3.9. The survey area provides some foraging potential for bats. However, a thorough assessment of bat activity could not be carried out during a daytime survey of the site. Pages 15 and 16 of 26 Survey Results 4.7. The viaduct has gaps in all spans but they are mainly shallow and provide no suitable habitat for roosting bats. Span 8 has gaps under the edge of the viaduct between the arch barrel and the voussoir on the eastern side. These gaps appear to be shallow but the span is high and the survey was carried out from ground level so the gaps cannot be thoroughly inspected. If the gaps are shallow there is no potential for roosting bats. If the gaps are deep or lead into a void there is potential for roosting bats. Therefore, works to all but Span 8 will have no impact on roosting bats. Works to Span 8 will have no impact on roosting bats if the gaps are shallow. If the gaps are deep there will be an impact on any bats roosting within them. 4.8. The survey area provides some foraging potential for bats. However, the proposed works will have little impact on foraging bats. Page 17 0' 26 -- Recommendations 51. There are some gaps in Span 8 of the viaduct that could not be thoroughly nispected but these gaps appear to be shallow. It is recommended that once works begin on the ntasoiuy repairs of the viaduct that these gaps are inspected by personnel on srte. If the gaps are deep. or lead into a vord. the back of the gap cannot be seen or if a bat is identified in the gap works in the area must be delayed rnttil Whitcher Wildlife has been contacted and access has been provided to allow a licenced bat surveyor to carry out an endoscope sruvey of the gaps to ensure there are no roosting bats. 51. If the gaps have no bat roost or bat roost potential works can be carried ortt. If bats are found to be roosting in the gaps no works can be carried to this area of the viaduct until a Nantr'al England EPS licence has been applied for and granted and a mitigation strategy has been prepared It'the gaps are shallow and it'the back of the gap can be seen and there are no [005"ng bats present works can be carried out. 5.3. Dru'ing works all gaps found once masonry works begin should be checked for bats. If airy bats are found works in that area should stop. the bat lefi safe and --ontacted immediately for advice. Page 19 of 26 Appendix 1 Appendix I. BAT It is necessary to Luiderstand a little about bats. their basic nature. ecology and legal protection in order to evaluate the ?ndings of this report. 18 species of bat currently reside in Britain. 17 of which are known to breed here. They are extremely difficult to identify in the hand and even more so in ?ight. All appear to be diminishing in numbers. probably due to shortage of food. caused by pesticides. as insects are their sole diet. and habitat change. As their diet consists solely of insects. bats hibernate drn?ing the whiter when their food source is at its most scarce. They will spend the winter in hollow trees. caves. mines and the roofs of buildings. Certain species. particularly the pipistrelle (the conmionest and most widespread British bat} can quickly adapt to man made structures and will readily use these to roost and to rear their young. Bats are protected under the Wildlife and Coruitlyside Act 1981. Regulation 41 of The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010. and the C?orumyside 8: Rights of Way Act 2000. It is an offence to intentionally or recklessly kill. injure or capture or distru?b bats or to damage. destroy or obstruct access to any place used by bats for shelter or protection. A breeding or resting site of any bat is loiown as a bat roost. A bat roost is therefore any structlu?e a bat uses for shelter or protection. Because bats tend to use the same roosts each year. legal opinion is that the roost site is protected whether or not the bats are present at that time. Bat roosts can be identified by loolcing for:- - Suitable holes. cracks and crevices. Bat droppings. Prey re1na ins. 1- By cairying out night observations using a bat detector. Where development proposals are likely to affect a bat roost site. a licence is required from Natural England. The person applying for that licence has to be suitany qualified and experienced in bat inatters. That person is then responsible for enstning that the measures contained in the licence are carried out. Mill/Milk Water Viaduct Ecology Survey – extracts. Dated 11th April 2016 Page 5 of 27 – Survey Methodology Page 7 of 27 – Survey Results Pages 10 and 11 of 27 Survey Results 3.3.5. A number of cracks and voids suitable for roosting bats were identified within all areas of brick and stone work approximately lower than 3m from ground level. Due to the height of the structure the higher areas of the viaduct could not be safely inspected during this survey. No bat ?eld signs were identi?ed during this survey although a thorough inspection could not be undertaken during this survey. 3.3.6. Numerous mature and dead trees which contain characteristics suitable for roosting bats surround the viaduct. No bat ?eld signs were identi?ed within the lower sections of the trees although a thorough inspection of the larger trees could not be safely undertaken during this survey. The photograph below shows an over mature ash tree approximately 10m east of the structure. 3.3.7. The survey area provides suitable bat foraging habitat although the works will be isolated to the structure and immediately surrounding vegetation and have no impact on the overall bat foraging and commuting habitat. Pages 13 and 14 of 27 Evaluation of Findings 4.7. A number of cracks and voids suitable for roosting bats are located within the lower sections of the structure although no bat ?eld signs were identified during this survey. Due to the height of the structure the higher sections could not be inspected during this survey; therefore the higher sections may also provide suitable habitat for roosting bats. Any works undertaken on the viaduct structure will potentially cause direct major impact on roosting bats. 4.8. A number of mature and dead trees which provide suitable habitat for roosting bats directly surround the viaduct. Any impact on the mature or dead trees would potentially have a major impact on any bats roosting within the affected trees. 4.9. The survey area provides suitable bat foraging and commuting habitat. However, due to the nature of the proposed works, there will be no impact on foraging or commuting bats. Page 15 of 27 Recommendations 5.3. From the description of the works it appears inevitable that repair works will be necessary high on the viaduct and therefore it is recommended further bat activity surveys are undertaken prior to those works. Bat surveys should be undertaken during the bat active season which is between May and September. Page 19 of 27 Appendix II Appendix II. BAT INFORMATION. It is necessary in understand a little abnut bats, their basic nature, and legal prntectinn in nrder tn evaluate the findings nf this repnrt. 13 species nf bat currently reside in Britain, cf which are tn breed here. They are extremely difficult tn identify in the hand and even mnre sn in ?ight. All appear tn be diminishing in numbers, prnbably due tn nf fnnd, caused by pesticides, as insects are their snle diet, and habitat change. As their diet cnnsists snlely nf insects, bats hibernate during the winter when their fend snurce is at its scarce. They will spend the winter in trees, caves, mines and the nf buildings. Certain species, particularly the pipistrelle (the cnnimnnest and widespread British bat) can quickly adapt tn man made structures and will readily use these tn and In rear their ynung. Bats are prntected under the Wildlife and Act 1981, Regulatinn 4] cf The ICnnseryatinn nf Habitats and Species Regulatinns 2010, and the Rights nf Way Act 2000. It is an nffence tn intentinnally nr recklessly kill, injure nr capture nr disturb bats nr tn damage, nr access tn any place used by bats shelter nr prntectinn. A breeding nr resting site therefnre any structure a bat uses shelter nr prntectinn. Because bats tend In use the same each year, legal npininn is that the site is prntected whether nr the bats are present at that time. Bat can be identified by lnnking fnr:- I Suitable hnles, cracks and crevices. I Eat I Prey remains. I By carrying nut night nbservatinns using a bat detectnr. Where develnpment are likely tn affect a bat site, a licence is required Natural England. The persnn applying that licence has tn be suitably qualified and experienced in bat matters. That persnn is then ensuring that the measures in the licence are carried nut. Oakbank Viaduct Ecology Survey extracts. Dated 2nd August 2015 Page 5 of 15 – Survey Methodology Page 10 of 15 – Survey Results Page 11 of 15 – Evaluation of findings Page 12 of 15 – Recommendations Page 12 of 15 – Biodiversity Enhancements Page 13 of 15 – Appendix II A breeding cr resting site any bat is l-Ineu'n as a hat reest. A bat recst is therefcrre any structure a bat uses fer shelter er prc-tecticrn. Because hats tend tc use the same rcc-sts each year. legal cpinic-n is that the site is prctected u'hether cr the bats are present at that time. Eat recsts can be identified by lacking fer:- 1. Suitable licles. cracks and creyices. Eat - Prey reniains. Ir By carrying out night crbseryaticns using a bat detectcr. Where des'elepinent prepcsals are likely tn affect a bat rcest site. a licence is required frcun Natural England. The perscn applying fer that licence has be suitably qualified and experienced in bat niatters. That person is then for ensuring that the 111eas1u'es contained in the licence are carried cut. River Dee Viaduct Ecology Survey extracts. Dated 1st February 2016. Page 5 of 17 – Survey Methodology Page 10 of 17 – Survey Results Page 12 of 17 Evaluation of Findings 4.6. There are no open joints. cracks and crevices in the stonework of the viaduct piers as viewed ?'om the banks that provide potential for roosting bats. The painting of the viaduct will therefore have no impact on roosting bats. The habitat around the viaduct is an open commercial area arotmd the river and is assessed to be low value foraging habitat for bats. The proposed works will not cause any fragmentation of habitat and will have no impact on foraging bats. Page 16 of 17 Appendix II Appendix II. BAT It is necessary to understand a little about bats. their basic nature. ecology and legal protection in order to evaluate the fmdings of this report. 13 species of bat currently reside in Britain. 17? of which are known to breed here. They are extremely dif?cult to identify in the hand and even more so in ?ight. All appear to be diminishing in numbers. probably due to shortage of food. caused by pesticides. as insects are their sole diet. and habitat change. As their diet consists solely of insects. bats hibernate during the winter when their food source is at its most scarce. They will spend the winter in hollow trees. caves. mines and the roofs of buildings. Certain species. particularly the pipistrelle (the and most widespread British bat} can quickly adapt to manniade structures and will readily use these to roost and to rear their young. Bats are protected under the l-Mildlife and Act 1931. Regulation 41 of The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 201D. and the 3: Rights of 1ivluray Act It is an offence to intentionally or recklessly kill. injure or captln'e or distln?b bats or to damage. destroy or obstruct access to any place used by bats for shelter or protection. A breeding or resting site of any bat is known as a bat roost. A bat roost is therefore any structure a bat uses for shelter or protection. Because bats tend to use the same roosts each year. legal opinion is that the roost site is protected whether or not the bats are present at that time. Bat rucsts can be identified by lacking fur:- - Suitable hclea. cracka and crevicea. - Eat 1r Prey reniaina. - By carrying cut night chaewaticna uaing a bat detectc-r. W'here deyelupnient prupcaala are likely to affect a hat rcuat aite. a licence i5 required Natural England. The perscn applying far that licence haa tu be suitably qualified and experienced in bat niattera. That peracrn i; then reapcnnaihle fur enauring that the itteaaurea ccntained in the licence are carried out. Slochd Viaduct Ecology Survey extracts. Dated 30th June 2017 Page 5 of 24 – Survey Methodology Pages 9 and 10 of 24 – Survey Results 3.3.6. There were no mature trees within immediate proximity of the viaduct which would provide suitable bat roosting features. Therefore. all trees were assessed as having negligible bat roost potential in accordance with the Bat Conservation Trust Good Practice Guidelines. 3.3.7. The watercourses. woodland and railway corridor would provide suitable features for foraging and commuting bats. Page 12 of 24 Evaluation of Findings 4.6. The viaduct could not be fully assessed for its suitability to support roosting bats although it appeared there could be features. which would be suitable to support low numbers of opportunistic roosting bats during the active bat season. Therefore. roosting bats could be affected by the proposed works. There were no mature trees within proximity of the viaduct which would provide suitable bat roosting features. Therefore. no roosting bats within trees will be affected by the proposed works. 4.3. The watercourses. woodland and railway corridor would provide suitable featlu'es for foraging and conmmting bats. The works will not fragment any foraging or conmluting habitat for bats. Page 14 of 24 - Recommendations 5.2. Due to the gaps and cracks within the viaduct it is recommended that a bat dusk emergence survey is carried out on the viaduct to establish if bats use the structtu'e as a roosting site. Bat dusk emergence surveys must be carried out during the main bat activity period. which extends from May to August each year. If bats are found to be roosting within the viaduct a Scottish Natural Heritage Bat licence must be applied for and a suitable mitigation strategy put into place before any work can commence. Pages 18 and 19 of 24 Appendix II Appendix II. BAT Ecology There are currently 18 species of bat residing in Britain. 1? of which of which are known to breed here. They are extremely dif?cult to identify in the hand and even more so in ?ight. All appear to be diminishing in numbers. probably due to habitat change and shortage of food. caused by pesticides. as insects are their sole diet. As their diet consists solely of insects. bats hibernate during the winter when their food source is at its most scarce. They will spend the winter in hollow trees. caves. mines and the roofs of buildings. Certain species. particularly the pipistrelle (the connuonest and most widespread British bat} can quickly adapt to 111an-111ade structures and will readily use these to roost and to rear their young. Sui-rare During walkoyer stu's'eys. bat roosts can be identi?ed by looking for: I Suitable holes. cracks and creyices within any building. tree or other structure. I Eat droppings along walls. window cills. or on the ground. I Prey reniains. such as insect wings. Further inyestigations can be made using endoscopes. by carrying out aerial inspections of trees or by conducting bat activity surveys during dusk and dawn oyer 11113111115 . Lagiaim?i'mi Bats are protected under Appendix II and of the Bern lConvention (1931). Schedule 5 and 6 of the ?Nildlife and Act [1931). Annex IV of the Habitats Directive (some species under Al?l?? II). Annex II of the lConservation of Habitats and Species Regulations and EURDBATS agreement. Numerous species are also listed under section 41 of the Katina] Enviromnent and Rural Commtmities Act making them species of principal importance. All bats and their roosts are therefore protected in the UK. This makes it an offence to kill. injure or take any bat. to interfere with any place used for shelter or protection. or to intentionally disturb any animal occupying such a place. The UK has designated mateniity and hibernacula areas as Special Areas of Conservation under the Habitats Directive. huplementation of the UK Biodiversity Action Plan also includes action for a number bat species and the habitats which support them. Where development proposals are likely to affect a bat roost site. a licence is required from Natural England.