.5 U2. Huxlhlu ?Haw? um NW3 unann?nun hiya nu Enuw??u N. and ?human mm? an an.? uh." Fianna .H ?mu. 1.. 3m van. mood. . unuwu uH-Qwuwnmuw ab 9 1.x u?Hnn? l. "1 El ?Pain? Hun. Jug um urn? an!? un Una. humouwm no 09-3339. um .nq. ?An. nuanhwu?mh mun luww .91. ?Pun-w mud: nu! wrsuuwaw uh .IL. uh cannuuvam no ??wuuwa Hug?inn"! noun nous? Hulk}. uhwn ?swam-?Ha Em yuan" no?? u. ?inHEN grow.? a. nwuwmunm mania" um HR. gunman? uo?unun?. mm? Mann Ema? rum.? M?wuduu. nonunuhuh In ?33 noun ?rm. nanny. ?Lam? wan nan mow. ?an Amnnuwhu. n?x?v?nuw Wu 39.5an ?wanna-?an g3 Ewan. ?.00 Rumba. Jae: ?at Vu?uu?lnu?m. manna EH #0 uh??n?h gnu Him ?Ewan. was. IE a wand. u?uhu?unw. mu nub" In haiku gram "gag wage?H. rum92.9.53 Ila 25 as nn?m 5 ?933.. ?pH-n luau-n van raping. mlunuun ?Flat. alga gun ?can nun-3.3 Inna lamp-?lm Na. Emu?um Erik. g?ggn?g?? non-an.? BALLET DRIVES CFP Heeti q/zo. 9/30 79 Page 2 l. 2. 3. a. 35 'Ieak' states in terms of present organisation according to Hooker aeao. Rich pledges 20 states on the ballot by 12/31/79. The 20 possible stetes were discussed extensively. Becker and Rich will aeet October 3rd to hire Field Coordinator: and contact state parties. CFP CCHKITTEE budget is being prepared. There will be reports as well as long-range budget planning. In addition to the national CFP committee, there will be 20-30 affiliated state committees. Honey that is raised by either national or state CFP will go to national for distribution. Honey raised by state LP will go to state party. Joint national CFP and local LP fund raising will split proceeds on a negotiated basis- All committees must be monitored on a weekly basis to make sure we are within bUngt Dallas Cooley and Carol Cunningham are working on computerised accounting and leasing a computer for the purpose. FUND RAISING 10. 11. National LP has a list of about 12.000 donors. The list must be researched for phone numbers, amount of dollars. special issues for each donor. Dick Randolph suggested we add special quasi-libertarian lists such as NTU. Council for Competitive Economy, National Rifle Association. Possibility of commissioned fund raisere. Randolph suggested we start with bank loans cosigned ($1000 each). Rich suggested a small committee to make personal pitches for big bucks. It is easier to get seasons to contribute than to join the LP. He should tap the David Koch suggested film and suitcase projector for personal calla. Hooker is preparing a fundraising Iailer. Each aember should contact FEC to get copy of FCC regulations. GFP Meeting Page 3 VICE RCLE 1. Meetings with intellectual spectrum 2. Speaking lessons 3 fact! a. Researcher to encapsulate what's going on in the world VCTER CGEHUNICATICHS 1. Dave Solan outlined four stages of the campaign: Pro-primary, Primary. Convention, Final Months. 2. There was an extended discussion of appealing to special interest groups vs. the general voter. The consensus was that appeals to special interest groups have not worked and the we should go after the general voter with something new to offer. 3. Opinion Research in Princeton is going to do a marketing research study for us. Also, Everett Lad offered his help; John Hilberg will contact him. a. He should come up with a theme for the campaign as soon as possible. SPECIFIC MEDIA l. Hilberg suggested 'narinating the media." subtly bringing OFF to aedia's attention now for pessible fruition later: a. Crane suggested putting radio spots into primary states specifically so that media will be exposed to us early. Tentatively, these will begin in January. b. He discussed billboards at Dem. and GOP convention sites. billboards near hedia, back-of?bus billboards in aajor markets. 2. He will lake a big push to get on debates; we will probably not be successful in 1980, but must create a presence for 198?. 3. A ?oqainute documentary is being prepared and we will try to get it on TV. CANDIDATES SCHEDULE 1. Clark should not be doing luch campaigning now but should relax and be with his family as such as possible. 2. Criteria for his appearances as follows: a. national Iedia coverage, large events b. helping state projects, ballot drives c. fundraising CFP Heating Bopt Page SCHEDULE (cont'd) 3. Koch scheduling will concentrate on and for the time being. h. Cunninghams will contact Donna Dudek re scheduling. BUCKS 1. Ray Cunningham recommended the following: a. ?Political Campaign Management." Arnold Steinberg b. "The Political Campaign Handbook," Arnold Steinberg c. "Hail and Telephone Surveys." Don A. Dillman The next Steering Committee conference call 1111 be 8:00 October 1h. The Steering Committee will meet Sunday, November 14, in New Orleans- Nt'eft?ix' t?F' 6 ..th COMMITTEE Note-nine: He! at Louie Members Present. coolev. Ed Crane. carol Sunninghea. Rey Cunninghae, John Hilberu, Curio Hooker. Howie Rich vthera Pf?al?ll wt Clark. David Koch, Jule Herbert. Andree Rich Elli} f??uy?t?nw cum nut-rm Mi ?lark hen been gettiuu positive feelings wherever he goes: a whole hour on Sacrasentc fund until in Phoenix. erwd.feo11nvn from Arizona and Tennessee which had gone for Nuuseher. generallv the media seems more well-informed about his and libertarisniss. lurid k.ch hen been dotnq a lot of readinc and section with people: he spent a whole dat with inrrv huts, inane consultant. he met with the LR and Cato people and has a ment'l'tn', nt?hedulo?t with Rob Poole. ?Ni-?1?4 t?i?h?ltfs' The LP office in well set-up and they are ready to get started on the office upstairs. kristtua Herbert in the office eanaeer. Marian Hillians and Ricki Strendfeld are field coordinators with Cathy Thomas joining them next week. Kris has hired a part-tine university student (Mary Porto} for typing. filing. etc. I . A . (?Fli? 1. Carol Ann Moore is still operating on a volunteer basis. She wants to continue on a paid heels with the following functions: eaintain easter schedule: (bl administrative support of Clark: focus of Clark activity in California. A problem is that she has no secretarial skills. . Clark needs an executive secretary. Chris Hooker will ask Nicole Bergland if she can recommend one: in the meantime Hooker will send correspondence to Clerk for signature. 1. Shirlev iottlieb is sctinn as stockpoint. distribution point' focal point in the west. She is receivinu $100 per week. h. The Clark headquarters in Joe Coberly's LA office will be available in another eonth. it will accommodate people. It has phones and is near the freeway. It 1' frl?e The Clark waster schedule eust be eeintsined in Hashington. Hooker will straishten out this situation. Qk?svi?axlrd l. Jule Herbert has agreed to be the GFP Treasurer. 2. Hooker suggested that the Finance job be broken down into two functions: a Finance Director to handle nuts-and-bolts administration and Finance Chaireen to handle the outreach. Bone naass suggested were Honeynolde. Kris Herbert. ,tshn Mason. Bill Burt. Laura Hertheiaer. 3. Meeting 11/2-3/79 Page 2 remnants ?cont m) It was decided that. if the National Committee will agree. Chris Hooker will become National Coordinator and Bill Burt will step in as LP Executive Director. 3.11.107 V3: 1. Howie Rich gave a report. For all practical purposes. we are on the ballot in states. Rich feels confident we will make 20 by '80. There is a sood functioninc organisation: Hilliams. Strandfeld, Thomas. K.Herbert. 1- California ballot drive is a continuing problem. Tom Palmer will be sent there immediately to coordinate campus drive. h. should be prepared to dive $20,003 to California petition drive. Rich was authorized to spend the $20,000 judiciously if necessary. Palmer can pay dorm people if necessary. 5- Effective immediately control of the California ballot drive becomes the respon- sibility of Steerinc Committee. whoele willing to put in major resources and who will aarshall additional resources to see it succeed. 1. Crane submitted letter he had sent to Opinion Research. Inc. feeling them out about doing a possible in-depth survey. 2. Hilberg discussed as a possibility Everett Ladd of the Univ. of Connecticut Social Science mta Center. 3. Rocker mentioned Claritas and doing less expensive surveys by "caravans.? h. Crane. Hooker. Carol Cunningham, and Hilberg volunteered to serve as a committee to interview the three (or more) firms and make a recommendation. CCEFTYISATIYI TC THE 1. He must start a methodical program. either news releases or a newsletter, for disseninstinc information to the troops. The Clark fundraising letter presently in the mail contains a lot of information. News releases should go out to the libertarian press. An l'insiders newsletter" should go to all contributors beginning December 1. Clark campaign newsletter will go out Hooker will prepare an outline of internal communications. YURK ISHS l. 2. 3. There was a discussion of a possible suit to change the name of the party in New York. Rich will put Jule Herbert in touch with Mike Kessler, who is willing to act as the attorney for the suit. Cathy Groudine submitted a proposal to be the part-time. paid PR person located in New York. This will be Crane's decision. Rich discussed the Kessler proposal to recruit college students to serve as media people locally for the campaign. Rich will develop this proposal further. 1. 2. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1a. 15. 16. Heetin! 11/7-3/v9 Page 3 momma. AND FINANCIQ He need to run on a budget and know where we etand at all tinea. The budret will be flexible but every department will he allocated and aunt etay within budaet for a determined amount of time. Thin in particularly critioal becauee there will he three different directore ependinu money inntead of one an in the LP. Clerk agreed thin ia very important but reminded no we also need a way to override the budget allocation. without good planning the budget won't wuoceod and the three directora will Juat wind it. It in important that we have an Authorization for Payment form we will certainly he audited by the ICC and will need to ahow them. All thin will go into the computer. He will generate FEC reporte rather than quarterly. Our eyotem muet comply with the FEC format: however, the committee needw the information in a format relevant to on in order to properly run the campaign. The budget will be prepared in two wave: line item lilting and timed presentation. Cooley will take ronponeihility for updating tho budget on a regular haeie. He will explain the eyatem to J. Herbert and not him in aync with it. After the firat month a weekly Cash ln/baoh Out report will he aent to all members of the committee. Ray Cunainqham wanta a euwaery of what the ayatom in like and the aeriee of attachments which are the varioua force which will be ueed with the ayatem. He would like it by Thankaviainz if pooaible. Hord ia aloo part of the ayaten an we can generate lottera. David Koch wantn a propowal from on an to when we want hie funda. Cooley end Hilherq will ank J. Herbert to if we can legally inveat our money in a money market fund like the Reserve fund. Individualn on the Steering Committee should not aak Koch for aonoy for their pet projectn aince that money will cone out of hie donation to CFP. The LP has informed the PEG that we are in our priaary period. He are awaiting their reaction. It ia intended by the LP that all {undo in exceaa of ite budget will go to CFP. The LP oweo a $35,000 debt to vendore for the LP Convention. The Clark campaign will loan the convention committee the money. Crane will aend out a letter to no or 50 people who attended the convention who night aend in $1000 to retire the d?bte FUND RAISING 1. 2. Hilberg reporte there are 8 or 9 aeferate eourcee available to the national party which would compriae a liet or approximately 61,000 unique libertariane. They range from the 7500 national LP liot to the aanually-kopt BIL liot and include Reaeon, L3, Inquiry. FEE. 5L3. new LP etato nowhere and other liete Hooker haa to. Hilberg finde it difficult to evaluate thoee liete without aoeing recent ewployaent Of them. OPP Me ting 11/? -i 79 has 1. FIND anew". (cont'd) 3. There is the possibility of another 180,000 nasew (Clerk for Governor list. 50,000 registered voters. etc). Lt. Hilbern has a computer which he is willinw to lend for serse-and-purse. Is there a third party whom everyone would trust to serge and purge? 5. Clark wants to have the big national list ready in the next 2-1 months. The negotiations are very tricky. VOLUNTEERS l. The Clark for President campaign will be organised on the basis of a national network of volunteers. There are a few individuals with full-time, overall campaign responsibility who will be paid. It is the present view of the Steering Committee that the bulk or our limited resources can best be directed toward media End the production of campaign materials. 2. There are people around the country waiting for an OK to work as state or regional CFP coordinators. Some want to get paid. Rich feels they absolutely should not be paid. but expenses can he newotisted. Hooker modified to sake super regions the western coordinator might be paid). or. if states pay most of the soney we could kick in some. possibly $1000 per quarter. More discussion is needed. Does Hooker need an assistant in Washington? Would an assistant with a geographic separation be more a. Volunteers who want to work in the campaign need constant guidance from the national office. He need a system to be in contact with volunteers around the country. GENERAL CAMPAIGN l. Hooker is working on a questionnaire to go to state parties. Included sight be their goals. key activists in each state. their pluses. their specific needs. 2. The Cunninghams are moving. For the present address them c/o IECO. Post Road. Barien or 06820. (203) sag-331.5. 3. Scheduling is very important. national meetings. etc. organisations in 1980. Clark should be available for Chamber of Cosmerce K. Herbert is researching dates of seetings of national a. Clarkis internal commitments should be flexible. During the Dee and GOP prisary periods. he will be going to state party conventions. Should state parties pay his air fare? 5. a master schedule needs to be developed to establish due dates for the caspaign. 6. The national coordinator will work on setting up state and developing the role of the states in the caspsign. Vernon Smith wants to start an Economics Professors for Clark board. The whale satter of connittee endorsesents should be locked into. ?oating 11/2-3/79 Page 5 595' -El: Freed: as the idea- use your vote. Eastern the America: 1131. I The nor. letting a! the Steering Co?ittee will be in Remington on December 8-9. CLARK FOR PRESIDEWT STEERING COMMITTEE HEETIHC December 8 and 9. 1979 Hashington..D.C. Members Present: Ballss.Cooley. Ed Crane. Carol Cunningham, Hay Cunningham, John Hilberg. Chris Hooker, Howie Rich Others Present: David Bergland. Hill Burt, Jule HerbertI Kristina Herbert. Bill HeReynolds, Andres Rich, Riki Strandfeldt. Cathy Thoeao, Marian Hillians HEADQUARTERS REPORTS Crane reported on organisation of D.C. headquarters since coming from San Francisco. CFP headquarters will be oovina to the second floor. LP to the third floor of ?300 Wisconsin. Headquarters space was discussed and a plan for rearrangement of present space. He are also seeking additional or alternate space. There will be formal steff meetings weekly on Monday morning- in Hashineton. The minutes will be distributed. Crane has had meetings with various sedia. Development of quality press kit is a high priority. RECENT HEIDI A New York meeting over Thanksgiving had encouraging media coverage, good attendance. high quality people. There were articles in the Egg York Times, Soho News. and a long interview with the reporter from the Saturdax Review. H. Rich suggested we not talk about Koch's contribution in interviews but rather about budget numbers. Clark has a possible interview with High Times. He have received feelers from ABE and CBS. 1. . A The L.A. headquarters is being set up. There is a possibility of hiring a full- time assistant to Clark. There was some feeling that this L.e. office is inappropriate. An Orange County location appears to be quite satisfactory. .Crange County would want some subsidy from CFP for rent and two workers. CFP agreed to commit to a lease which would piggyback the space with a few other groups. BALLOT DRIVES Ballot drives are sonewhat behind schedule. Howie Rich is Ballot Drive Coordinator. responsible to Chris Booker. Clear demarcation of authority is now in place. By 12/31: In addition to the first six, Hisconein. New Hexico. Utah and Vermont are certain- He will be on in Kansas. New Hampshire. North Dakota. Iowa and California. _'Ver3 live" states are DelawareII Kentucky. Colorado, New Jersey. Mississippi. I'Possible?? in Alaska. Nebraska. Michigan. By 1/31. Illinois. Arizona. Arkansas. Chic. Even though Haryland. Host Virginia, Georgia and Oklahoaa sees impossible for this c?mpgign. they are working on each case individually. not writing off a single state yet- Ill/1H1, l'ri': Hal-Minna? ?"hrr1?1I1 ara turning fatal-a] fur ?larh, whinh 1a a pntantial 'I'ha Halinual 1a :aawmaihia fur Ill limb-r mint lpphint rm amm an ?H'ml ua hava a ham! [mint and T?haf'a mu a d?nliu?r?tm ur and Hm nunn??hi? Hith that Hamming?. Thur! 1r. Il'ufll'ifi in tha haul- !Ma Ullh uni. for Hint-Mm? Ital: muuh ni ii nrrin- lip-?Ilh and (W Ulnanhar am? January almain ahnuld ha rum-a rapt-annulus. TIMI lalanl l?mnh'ainar lit a ?mm-nag it?! tn thin data (Dan. fr). r-nllar'i-d full-'1': and ?ll?l?lii' in unpaid . 13?,Wifi. Thu amt Hi" th- maiiur nah ain-ui HII nhnul? In! in aai?laf'y Hm PHI aisl- funda- Hav Dunninpham unuld liha a unably naah flna rapnri hrnban inin nataanriaa Fm' nanh in and mach nui- mamhara ahnuM alum ran-iv- iJnI n-?rrlihlv rapurt til??fil?ll?, in January. Ii will viva nm a hattar hr oat-nun. l? ??g'rwl'l mun: ?ihl'llhh?d [I'll'l "tad-1"? tarminal far Ha nan uni it fur, uihar thinua, alndinn nut fur naat day daiivury. Thu unuld Lu lhhut par nailzram- Tha tarminai alan plugn inin tha Nun Yuri Tim-n ran-arnh library. in additirm, Haatarn Uniun haa Mania lintn prnf1lud uhirh Ha ?ln null and uaa. Alan. if unnputar can intarfaoa with ?mini, an ?an um: run" Milinu Hui.- ?I?ha I'll?! minimum aunt amid ha tha ??ufll (If tho uanpaian. hui thu I?Illh'l. unnlr?l unruly ha nmra than that. If nur apntn ahnaad an Hun numhar in phnn- and nak- gladgla. tha pladgaa onuld ha typan up that night and 'thank ynu' nailurama could ha aant out right away - vary arraativa fundraiainu taohniqua. Hill Huh-ynnida nuhmittl? a fundraiainm Ha aakad that thrau ha axaminadu tha plan, tha aunts, and himualf an finanaa chairman. fallowad and nuntinuad tha naut day. It will ha again during tha nart talaphnna nonfaranna null. i" Our anhadulinn haa tn ha aantarad around aadia and aajur avanta rathar than Jamal groupa. Clark aunt primarily ha uaad fur nrana aanta to do tho aahadulina. uanta tn ha nun-r at nut Thara lit a of tha aritaria fur aaudina'?iark tn atata unnuantinna- Thar. night ha gxun appurtunitiaa fur mania navaraxa but prinritiaa auat ha carefully daiarminad. Cunningham mt anpiaa ni' datailad damning? aahadul'lna: nritaril. ulna from aTh. of Mania and advanna" by Arnold Stainharg. 11.. win: daaidad that filari' urmld ha tantativalr prmiaad tn am- atatu for than- an th'ti if "J?r ?nch I111 aubatituta for hin. Hank-r and K. Harhart aant out a to atata parting liking abnut thatr conva?tinna. Ha ahuuld aaha it ciaar that frua July an. tha fauna #111 ha tutally an tha outaida nar1d. DC MomhIr lid). 1070 Fig. 1 i' i?u Unhid Urn": han- thi by HIreh firIi nur phiinInphy unuld bl In rarinld thIt II could Immint I Iohmiulinp. dirwtmu il- awn-um it In thIt nur Ll? plop]! knuu uhIi thu vriioriI Irn. hut thIi it iIn'i Ju-t I mitt-T of thiir rurtIin rrituriI. UiIrh minuid thI with him uhun ho or. It HurIt, I truntid pIrInh in IIvh lnuItinn in hIndiI thinnu for him. A Ihnuld ha Iruund Ihnutina hiriurun with I flInh tn crIItI I I diquIhinh of tho of uIlnE rt?i??l] LP l'?birl IdvInvn, Ihihh Inuid hnih drvninp thIir IkiliII vI. handing I proflIIionIl for thin jhh. h. hinh I nniunrk or pInhiI Irnund tho cnuntry to dIvoinp rllItiun- Ihipn with mudiI. ?ur?iruiIriy mIdiI unuid ?It nur Thur onui? rniinu up Ivory prauh rIiIIna with: "did you nur rainInuT Hill?ynu ?no it?" Thin hIn thrna l?Vl?ilRIIl it iI chIIp: II will Eli Iupnnurn in or nouanp-rn gha?uouldn't not our it will davulnp nuni in filld. HI Hill phi lanl pinyin an nur Uninn lint Ind thly H111 hl rilpon- Iihia fur diatrihntinw the rIiIInIn to thuir lncIl mudiI. Thly I111 uI niippihnnu thiI in fuuthnk Ind ngtirinIiinn for thIm. JInhiI ?(hark iI intIrIItId in dnvoiopinq thiI nntunrh. Thu mIohIniuI of IIklng IurI ihny Ind downinping thin would hr HnnkIr'Iu tho muohInicI of IhIt IDQI nut to Inuld bu pnliuy. lingo muIt not ha I11 thin muIt ohms from tho nItionIl pIrty. QEINIDN EUEVEY CTIHI Ind Houknr hId with Opinion Ron-Iruh. (0.3.) Ir: prIpIrinI I propnIIl fur uI. In hunting IlIo hIld with PnlIrlty gi??hh} 1. 1I dnvninping firIt haing I len oIrd. Thu nIantgn bank in in prnanII Ind lI uohtIctinI pIpIrhInk 2. Thu ClIrk nuunlotinr I111 hI fold-d intn thI LP NIHI. Thu inlidIrI I111 IitIrnItI with 3. I requiIitinn Ihouid hI Iubnittcd far intirnodiItI-IIVII ItIff. h. noninnIi coordinItan Ind nhIirI Ihnuii ho aha-In wiry noon. 5_ D. cnn1.y prnpuuid II puhlinh I ?oonvuntinn uItuhIrI Guido" to bl inn-rtid 1n aundIy nIquIpIrI Ind uIId by IItuhing thI nonvuntionn to kIIp trIak of hIllottnI. Ito. HI would includl lib-rtIriIn Ito. CFP STEERING COHMITTEE Hashington D.C. 1979 Plan AND FINANCE 1. Buy Cunningham d-vulnp I nyntum to brush down hudglt into 10 catngoriuu and Itch or into 1H antuanlus or work pucknnus cuntlining I brief dancription. utnrt ants, fininh data, cost. 2. Hock-r Ind Crnna will tho ozlntinz budgot in tha Hastlr and xiv: ua I more rifinod 1n tun uoqvn. 3. Porhupn lava] 1 - 2 - 3 hudn-t on tho amount ruiuud. h. He should hava I buds-t by tho nixt uniting. H. Cunningham nude th- paint that our planning should be don. now bucnunn In ctmpainn zeta into z-nr, an H111 do 10:: and lint The next wasting of th- Statrinn Committno will ha Jlnuary 12 Ind 13 in n.c. Thurs H111 b: In int-rim confar-ncn c511 on Sunday. Jnnunry 30, It 8:30 p.m.EsT.