(?Elfin All?Mg Amway 0 Fl A I 0 EAST FULTON ROAD. ADA, MICHIGAN 49355 April l, 1980 Dick M. Jacobs D. M. Jacobs Associates 6302 Kings Pointe Road Grand Blanc, Michigan 48439 Dear Mr. Jacobs: Rich DeVos has asked me to thank you for the information you sent on Ed Clark and David Koch. Dramatic changes of direction in the American polity never_ occur. what does occur is incremental change. a small step at a time. There has been a distinct swing among the electorate from left liberal to center, even right of center. While the American public might support Ronald Reagan, it is unlikely that a sufficient number would change dramatically enough to elect Ed Clark. This does not mean that people who support Ed Clark are wasting their time. That effort contributes to the continuing swing of public opinion and belief. It also acts as a brake on the two major parties, tending to hold them further to the right (which is a relative term!) than might otherwise be the case. Thank you for sending us the information for reference. Very truly yours. Lea/324? Noel A. Black, Director Public Affairs NAB/bjm cc: R. DeVos J. Van Andel UNITED STATES CANADA AUSTRALIA UNITED KINGDOM WEST GERMANY FRANCE NETHERLANDS MALAYSIA JAPAN BELGIUM SWITZERLAND HONG KONG REPUBLIC OF IRELAND COPY: Mr. Ed Crane E. ?ll. Blaming 8: associates 6302 KINGS POINT: Roan 0 GRAND BLANC. MICHIGAN 48439 1' (313) 694.9154 April 2, 1980 Mr. Noel A. Black. Director Public Affairs Amway Corporation ?5?5 East Fulton Road Ada. Michigan #9355 Dear Mr. Black: Thank you for responding to my letter to Mr. DeVos. In the recent past dramatic changes in the American polity never have occurred and for good reason. The Republican and Democratic parties have virtually created a monopoly in this country's political arena. As a result the changes which have occurred seem to have only intensified the problems that we are currently faced with. The 1976 presidential race managed to attract only of the eligible voters in our country. more importantly a majority of Americans between the ages of 18 and 35 have never taken the time to register to vote, let alone vote. Our populace is apathetic. In 19H0. approximately 38% of all voters classified themselves as Republicans. 42% as Democrats and 20% as Independents. In a more recent gallup survey only 22% identified themselves as Republicans, 45% as Democrats and 33% as Independents. A more recent survey indicated that 35% of the voters, would support a third party, more specifically 48% of those in the lB-2h age group would support a new center party. Many individuals fail to vote simply because they feel that their choice between the Democrats and the Republicans. is a choice of the lessor of two evils. or that there is no choice. Quite frankly when the voting record of either party is examined it is very difficult to tell a Republican from a Democrat. Ir 1978 Republican Senator Robert Griffin along with Democratic Senator Donald W. Riegle. both voted as follows: they both voted to spend #1 billion to expand federal control over housing. they both voted to spend 9.1 billion for foreign aid. they both voted against legislation to cut CETA funding and they both voted to have our free market replaced by central planning. BUILDING MATERIALS FOFI THE CONSTRUCTION Mr. Noel A. Black. Director Page two of two. Former Alaskan Republican State Legislator. who has since changed to the Libertarian Party. recently wrote to another legislator in Minnesota who is also considering the Libertarian philosophy and becoming a Libertarian legislator. as follows: have come to believe. and I think can very adequately substantiate that belief. that there is precious little actual difference between what takes place under Republican Administrations and Democratic Administra- tions. Under each. more taxes are imposed. more regulations are imposed, the bureaucracy continues to grow. and individual freedom becomes more and more restricted." Based upon the above information. we feel that the Libertarian Party and Libertarian candidates will be faced with the most potentially receptive electorate of any third party in recent history. In fact we feel that by 198h. we may well become the second largest political party in this country. I am one individual who feels that rather than contributing to the continuing swing of public opinion and belief; I more im- portantly am putting forth a positive and constructive effort to avert the continued growth of big government and Socialism in this country. Should you feel as strongly as I do about the preservation of Democracy in this country. then I invite you again. to reconsider our political philosophy. and ask what you might do to help bring about a dramatic. but gradual and lasting constructive change in the direction that this country is currently moving in. Thank you again for your response. and your consideration and reply will be appreciated. Very truly yours, . - Map-{as Dick M. Jacobs cc: DeVos J. Van Andel E. Crane Alla/V6337 SHOP WITHOUT comcswoppmc I: a pl: A I ?575 EAST FULTON FIOAD. ADA, MICHIGAN 49355 April 15, 1980 Dick M. Jacobs D.M. Jacobs Associates 6302 Kings Pointe Road Grand Blanc, Michigan 48439 Dear Mr. Jacobs: Perhaps you misunderstand. we don't disagree that the deck is stacked against the creation of any new political party, even if it has a rational, consistent program. Nor do we necessarily disagree that the time is ripe for creation of a third party. Where we do disagree, and I suspect will continue to, is in some of the Libertarian principles espoused by recognized spokes- . men for the party. There is much to commend in the Libertarian platform. In fact, there is probably more to conmend it than con- demn it. But we are not prepared to subscribe to virtually any conduct by consenting adults as either right or legal. There is a higher Law which cannot be violated. Nor will we be any part of weakening observance of those Laws. . cerely. ua?zg Noel A. Black, Director Public Affairs NAB/him cc: R. DeVos J. Van Andel UNITED STATES CANADA AUSTRALIA UNITED KINGDOM WEST GERMANY FFIANCE NETHERLANDS MALAYSIA JAPAN BELGIUM SWITZERLAND HONG KONG REPUBLIC OF IRELAND 0-1425 COPY DALE HOGUE E. m. Samba stociatcs 6302 Pom?rt ROAD 0 GRAND BLANC. MICHIGAN 48439 (313) 694-9154 April 17. 1980 Mr. Noel A. Black. Director Public Affairs Amway Corporation 7575 East Fulton Road Ada. Michigan u9355 Dear Mr. Black: I too do not desire to weaken the observance of the higher law. which it appears we both subscribe to and practice through our daily actions. Let me share with you. the text of section 1 of our party plat? form: ?Members of the Libertarian Party do not necessarily ad- vocate or condone any of the practices our policies would make legal. Our exclusion of moral approval and disapproval is de- liberate: People's rights must be recognized; the wisdom of any course of peaceful action is a matter for the acting individ? ual to decide. Personal responsibility is discouraged by society routinely denying people the opportunity to exercise it. Libertarian policies will create a society where people are free to make and learn from their own decisions." I feel that the adoption and actual practice of the Libertarian philosophy, would strengthen this higher law. which in my opinion is presently being violated, through foreign intervention. ex- cessive military expenditures. and liberal welfare programs. which reward people for failing and at the expense of those who live by this higher law. Again thank you for responding and I do respect your position, even though we may differ in our personal views, regarding this particular issue. Very truly yours. BUILDING MATERIALS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION