Your alternative in 1980! America faces problems that grow larger every day. High taxes and inflation. The energy crisis. The growth of Big Government. The loss of individual freedom and responsibility. And now. we appear to be on the brink of a neiilir era of international tension, military burldup. and possible war. These problems call for a new approach. a whole new way of looking at the issues. We can?t depend on traditional politicians or the established political parties to come up with real solutions. For it is their ?solutions" that have created the mess we?re in today. It is no wonder that millions of Americans believe no matter which Republican or Democrat they vote for? they have no real choice. But in 1980. Americans will have that choice: Ed Clark and the Libertarian Party. For once. we don't have to choose between the ?lesser of two evils." For once. we can vote for a candidate and a party with the new program we so desperately need. Ed Clark's program is based on common sense and the principle of individual rights. He is calling for the largest tax cut in American history. And it's long overdue?just consider this: Since 1972 federal income taxes have increased by 82% and social security taxes have increased by 142%! And the enormous growth in government spending has caused an inflation that has driven prices up 75% In the last eight years. As a re5ult. tor the first time . since the Great Depression the average Americans standard of living is declining. How much more we put up with? Yet. in the face of all this. establishment politicians increase clamor for an expensive? and dangerous - in militarism. Ed Clark opposes the push for increased military spending. more weapons. an direct ir - .- uentiUl?l in the a?airs of other natIOns, This iv; adverturism can only lead to higher taxes budget deficits. inflation. and a federal getter" "was that is even more swollen and bureau? cratic .91 it is today. And this behavior will lead to sometti? even more ominous? the ever pr?em threat of u-ar. Ed Gian believes that Our present foreign policy could we sad us into another Vietnam. in which young pe._ we are drafted to tight and die in some faf-0" gem-try. in which government on free speecr and in which taxes. spending. and inflation . actually increase over their present massive levels. For Ed Clark. the key to peace abroad and prosperity at home is strict adherence to principle~ the principle of non-intervention. In other wOrds. govemmerii sh0uld stay out of our businesses. out cl our private lives. and out of the internal affairs of other nations. Ed Clark favors a tree. productive economy. massive tax reductions. a strict respect tor individual rights. and peacetul relations. based on tree and open trade. with the rest of the world. From this principled vision come hard?nosed. practical programs to make the vision a reality. We can slash taxes and spending. We can free our economy from government restrictions and regula- tion. We can guarantee complete civil liberties to individual Americans. We can reduce the threat oi war. In short. we can have a tree and open society. Americans who see the need for this new approach are turning to Ed Clark and the Libertana? Party as a new political direction and a real alterna- tive in 1980. You can show your support and tom the Clark for President campaign by sending in the attached coupon. Ed Clark is a Libertarian who combines his. W'nc'lpled vision with a thorough understanding 0' the issues. An honors graduate in International Hala- tlonstrom DartmOuth College. Clark. 49. also ho 3? LLB degree from Harvard Law School. He sums?! political experts in 1978 by receN'nQ 400.000 votes in his race for Govern?? 0f. Ed Clark lives in Los Mgeles with his Wlle Alicia and their tive-year-oid son Ned. lip . my 1 Telephone ii? ql, . . -. Stat. Issues ma" the or loom mm.Moc icon Add cost oi campaign motorlale to contributlon and malt-- chi-ck payable to CLARK FOR PRESIDENT. 2300 At: Washington. 0.6. 2000?. Mint? Clutter Pro-Idem m.m Ill. WJL. honor-r. A Ooeupollon Address Home City on f] 31000 El 3100 Ian Clerk bottom [25: on.) Clot-Iii enumeration-n (25? bertar $25 El $50 cm pool"! {31 oo.: Wm.) tundra-d handout com {#11100} new bmohmo (sorrow) Attached I: I at people who should receive Clerk for President literature. Carnelian Kit [contains 2 bottom. 2 100 handout cords. and I dozen brochurn]. Yes! Ed Clark?s I want to help him build a new consensus in American poii ics. Here?s my contribution of LI :1 My contribution is $50 or more. Finn and my tree Clot-It Send me the following campaign materials: El .330: ?5 3:3, max E. a a mu LEI En, Haw.? a (it. u. . :u .64 a Fad no? Him. pr.? .0 3n. .63 a $.me Lu,? r" :35. .(muw? fun arug??gsl ipnhonw?rromnnd?n?hagg Panniazuidq Hmcraaxu Bug/m if 1.. I ?Fagin a. $59.3 waywaina Salaam urn. HIE I it?. Mam/9h. F2 or? $.me gg?hr}? It .mm?o 5% ?93 mira Lon ?amid.- sits .. ?336?? an)? I ?on P. Eat; EFL Pa [mfg - gun?ght; 5.. E4 Eugyglommauur guaranty-.1. ?anks. BE gar?Eda gg?dg Rogcnugi?gin?tvhnordn?gb giga?ni?ggh?aa :95 25:33 .. ?ring c. Emg?bi? can not. 3.5 mum? :Q?..rrd (ME :wtu?-rom a (EU um: "31 52353, 5.19: ID. 2 :roiwoown 05.535qu nun?zl. it r0 Ea $20.95 "98:09.56 3.533;; ml? ?Government iS_ the source of most of SOOIety?s prob- lems. I think the American people realize this and want a new direction in politics: lower taxes, more personal freedomIntervention in the internal affairs of other nations.? Liberty vs. Power The goal ml 3 IIbmlarIan Is as Irw name suggests Inn-eru? m?a?ll'll'] we mend lo use every charm.- we can to gr?. (Jul or ?In nmkerbmk-I out of our tic-aroma anal but 01 rIur lIvI'r-s Repubhrans am not par'ly 23? lrIIedom? may supmrI qnur?nmL-nl suhsIdIr?s to bus-m)? gnuernmenr WWII and Harmon-m rm And Ihr} Der-mums. an: no ?'llww supp-LII! mum ngvemmIr-PP springing and greater cam-LII 1N.- I-cngrImy 1 would in corrImm-can- a umsu at In: lrllu?- ul quvr-r-?Irnen?. the {mi-1H Ian', anI-mpls pIr us Ar; rr.I- pnwer has Crown a ram I and Infra our Ilwes Ihaw sunr' n-IIvr: lhu mun] pmel?l anal-ma! 'lh-F- "ldL-rly ?Inter. [mt-:41 blame. gay-I LI Ema ithIllSl IJ'aIghIs AI -n a qamn or p-nlIrIcal As. far .11; I can 900 Ihr: only to Ihls game Is to but enough. vole-.10 keep saw crpled In olfIco aI om crpensr: Ina: Americans have had arm-9h A-I a I Janna-nun I hula-u. that 'Ir Mensa-mug I I 1 we need and MI more lame. 'Ir ?'tJ In! tJl' more rzunIIo-s Energy In I'ne lIel-Il energy .15 In (~er oIheI held 1h.? LIOV'I'anenl IE- Uesl which governs Adm-cam 1hr.- I'll Ml: anarlmenl of Energy whose =1nn _ml I: rxruulel than Inc all? Ea: prIIlIIr. Url and an 'rrlmenrlIaH- end to unerqy sumo-es porn? norIIrrJl'I a'l-ocu'l-w? programs I1 wI- F'thl'd and alloc?if-orl p?nq?amr. .Illummq Pr: wry-cl real mn- d hnn5 01 lrv?L'I, Irmul-I'l b? no shurtaqes ul .IM 9.15 and IrIdIUIduuls would Dr.- 1rI.-t- to Dr? serve: :rI ways ?1.11 may). not an For decades now government hIll'I lead 10 a steady progre?mn- 01 rm! emerq; Droolems Only a sharp mow- away from dommallon and [award a truly Iron marker In energy can solve our energy a crI5I5 made In WaIsnIr-Igron Unemployment When we stop .nrlatmn and [he IxonoI-nIc 15 causes vI-r- ll hula solve our unemployment proctor: a Busmns: w-ll be able lo cream plenrg ol 143st cl stable and urn-Comma buunes? Chm-?? Our ?"95me Dorm] arr: hunt. mllaT-Im and unemplOy-rrw?jr?um m. slopnm Only .I rIrlurn to sound more; "mm? how mam aid-mom and court ecu S-ly ?thermal: -l The must be I0 oer?gulale and do a: nconorrw so 1hu1 business-es can expand macabre-late K355 (Either 5h.? Inc ?31 curd-?in pose Insrend of ran-s as .1an fequLiTIf'sl'l ?Ill r_re-I1I- n-m- labs IdlfrO Ild-wx'are 1m Incrr?a'ye lhre r' r" hm: Iradllu a nodal In: muse l'l leur?aqn Ewen hm 'hl; mIrIImummsr_ me has been Ian lermIIg I an 1 II- hr; ' 1hrI Imps. must ma: the wage lb :1 Etch II may ml have been raclsl In IanInr Emil: 22%" economy waItL-r poms a: ulh harmful to Inmorr yo laxahr? all 10 38V Ed Clark ?1 53155 Inflation Ir. Eduard Wu I'Iur-l. 1 {Wit 'r r: I- Hwy-fw- "mun. I .II -4--.- Hum-r l?n- I'lrIw55f10'r1lu gI, Imb- r