Libertarian Party NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS - Edward I Arid". November 23, 1975 Wmthummhr '1 -- Scenery John Kra? Petr Beckmann Tm Box 2298 meutuww Boulder, CO 30302 Finance Chair-nun Dear Dr. Beckmann: As a member of the National Executive Committee of the Libertarian Party, I would like to aek you to help ua formulate a atatenent regarding energy policy that the LP could to promote a rational alternative during the coming elections. we are in the procean of aneembling a series of position papers (see the enclosed sample) ealing with the major inauee of the day, and we desperately need one on energy. If you would be willing to draft euch a name length as the encloeec paper on inf either Ed Crane or Bob adore-e: 1516 Street, paper for us, of about the lation, please contact ional Headquartere NW, Waahington, DC 20005. I hope you can help ue cut! Sincerely, David F. Nolan 15063 Stanford Avenue 51/301, Denver, CO 30232 . ?an Ihumphnul Dru/ha on ?He SuLheF-h ?5r cunwcF?Sft?u? -nf-Ius llama 4%