.3: .3, . .r March 27. 1973 Ira. Prod Koch 8500 E. 13th "icmtl: KS 67206 Door Hrs. Koch: Enclosed or. a number of which should ho of inter-st. ?Now Political Timon? in our gonoral rocruiting flyor Ichodulod tor distribution; tho ILA Nowllottor will go to our campus contact. on a rogular basis. In addition. plonlo tind cppy of on artiolo about Ed Clark. tho Lib-rtorion candidnto for covornor or California. which VII roprintod from tho national nouolottor of the Atlantic niohri old Corporation; and two lottorI-to-tho-oditor which applorod in the two loading Washington papers rocontly. Our puoopootl continuo to look bright. Sinooroly. Chris ?ockor notional Director CH/ci cool March 27, 1978 William Koch 892 wayne Indiaarial Wellesley Hills, MA 02181 Dear Mr. Koch: Enclosed are a number of which should he of interest. Political Times' is our general recruiting flyer scheduled for mass distribution: the YLA Newsletter will go to our campus contacts on a regular basis. In addition. please find a copy of an article about Ed Clark. the Libertarian candidate for gonernor of California. which was reprinted from the national newsletter of the Atlantic Richfield Corporation: and two-letters-to-the-editor which appnaaed in the two leading Washington papers recently. Our continue to look bright. Sincerely. Chris Booker Nationll?nirector CH/ci anal March 13 1978 William Koch 892 Wayne Indistrial wellesley Hills, MA 02181 Dear lit. Koch: In my first letter to you last month. I indicated that I would be supplying details about LP activities which look particularly encouraging. Therefore. I am pleased to report on the situation in Alaska. As you probably know, Dick Randolph of Fairbanks became a member of our National Committee after successfully heading up the HacBride effort in Alaska.{lacBride received six percent of ehe vote). Dick was also a leate legislator from 1970 to 1974. He has decided to run for the legislature again. with a full slate of Libertarian Party candidates fromthe Fairbanks area: another slate is running in Anchorage. Dick is a well-known figure, as are many of his running mates; he flatly predicts that several of the LP candidates will be elected in November. all in partisan races. Needless to say, this will be a tremendous boost to us in terms of media exposure as well as internal morale._giving us momentum for the 1980 Presidential race. Many of the other LP campaigns shaping up in the "laser 48' will be extrememy beneficial for us in this regard as well. Please let me know if I can ever be of any service to your. Sincerely, Chris Hooker National Director CH/ci March 13. 1978 Mrs. Rred Koch 8500 E. 13th Wichita, KS 67206 Dear Mrs. Koch: In my first letter to you last month. I indicated that I would be supplying details about LP activities which look particularly encouraging. Therefore. I am pheased to report on the situation in Alaska. As you probably know, Dick Randolph of Flarbanks became a member of our National committee after successfully heading up the MacBride Effort in Alaska (MacBride received six percent Of the vote). Dick was also a State legislator from 1970 to 1974. He has decided to run for the legislature again, with a full slate of Libertarian Party candidates from the lairbanks area: another slate is running in Anchorage. Dick it a well- known figure, as are many of his running mates: he flatly predicts that several of the LP candidates will be elected in November. all in partisan races. Needless to say, this will be a tremendous boost to us in terms of media exposure us will as internal morale, giving us momentum for the 1980 Presidential race. Many of the other LP shaping up in the ?lower 48" will be extremely .beneficial for us in this regard as well. Please let me know if I can bver be of any service to yet. Sincerely, Chris Hooker Rational Directork CH/ci . March 10, 1978 David Koch 200 Central Park S. New York, NY 10019 Dear David: In my first letter to you last month, I indicated that I would be supplying details about LP activities which look particularly encouraging. Therefore, I am pblased to report on the situation in Alaska. As you probably know, Dick Randolph of Fairbanks became a member of our National Committee after successfully heading up the MacBride effort in Alahka (MacBride received six percent of the vote). Dick was also a State legislator from 1970 to 1974. He has decided to run for the legislature again, with a full slate of Libertarian Party candidates from the Fairbanks area; anohher slate is running in Anchorage. Dick is a well- known figure, as are many of his running mates: he flatly predicts that several of the LP candidates will be elected in November, partisan races. Needless to say. this will be a tremendous boost to us in terms of media exposure as well as internal morale, giving us mementum for the 1980 Presidential race. Many of the other LP campaigns shaping up in the ?lower will be extremely beneficial for us in this regard as well. Please let me know if I can ever be of any service to you. Sincerely, Chris Hooker National Dteector CH/ci PM 7. 1978 Hilli- loch 892 Kayne Industrial Ilene-ale}! Bills. 0228]. Dearlr. Koch: that our standard tokens of appreciation are totally inadequate. Ion slunld have a direct insight into the workings of the LP national Headquarters, in order to judge for yourself whether your support has been merited. Therefore. I will be att-ptinq coprovidcthie inaighttoyoufrc-tjretotine. my mummrecmiting ?Local Probl-e - Libertarian Solutions" othy spring. to join booklet a: specific political cnpaign techniques written particularlyforu?candidatea. There are a number of LP candidacies of interest. one of. which are likely to result in LP victory in partisan racee. I will supply details as they beau-e available. In the please don't hesitate to contact no if I can he of service to you. sincerely Chris Rocker national Director Cl/ci e. . A a - - February 7. 1978 Hrs. Fred Koch 8500 E. 13th Wichitar KS 67206 Dear Mrs. Koch: You are among a very small group pf peeple whose support for the Libertarian Party has been so consistent and so generous that eur standard tokens of appreciation are totally inadequate. Yen should have a direct insight into the workings of the LP national HeadQUIrterB. in order to judge for yourself whether your support has been merited. Therefore. I will be attempting to provide this insight to you tram time to time. The recent meeting of the LP National Committee in Atlanta was a very encouraging beginning to a very important year. Many members and observers remarked at the unified sense of purpose which was felt at the meeting. Progress on our new recruiting materials continues, and I expect that we will have our booklet ?Local Problems - Libertarian Solutions"I out by spring, to join a new reccuiting flyer. our campus newspaper Outlook. and a booklet on specific political campaign techniques written particularly for LP candidates. There are a number of LP candideoies of interest, some of which are likely to result in LP victory in partisan races. I will supply details as they become available. In the meantime. please don't hesitate to contact me if I can be of service to you. Sincerely, Chris Hooker National Director CH/ci February 7. 1978 Mr. David Koch 200 Bentral Park 8. New York, NY 10019 Dear Mr. Koch: You should have a direct insight into the workings if the LP National Headquarters, in order to judge for yourself whether your support has been merited. Therefore, I will be attempting to provide this insight to you from tine to time. The recent meeting of the LP National Committee in Atlanta was a very encouraging beginning to a very important year. Many members and observers remarked at the unified sense of purpose which was felt at the meeting. Progress on our new recuiiting materials continues. and I expect that we will have our booklet ?Local Problems - Libertarian Solutions? out by spring, to join a new recruiting flyer, our campus newspaper Outlook, and a booklet on specific political campaign techniques written particularly for LP candidates. There are a number of LP candidacies of interest, some ry in partisan races. of which are likely to result in LP victo they become available. In the meantime, I will supply details as please don't hesitate to contact me if I can be of service to you. Sincerely. 'Chris Hooker National Director CH/ci