IOL-051 The Potential For CO2 Reductions From Additional Energy Efficiency Esso Resources Canada Ltd. May 1991 By: L F Mannix RGAuld 1 There i~ gro~ing concern ~ha~increasing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse ga~es, inclu~mg Carbon D1ox1de(CO2), may be leading to potential global warming. This report _d1~cusses E~so Resources Canada Ltd's (ERCL's) potential for reductions in CO~ em1ss1onsfrom increased energy efficiency in oil and gas production operations. Oil and gas production for Esso is geographically distributed across Alberta Saskatchewan, British Columbia, and the North West Territories. Within this ' geographic area, a wid~ly varying infrastructure of support facilities is required, a direct result of production from a number of different reservoirs, each with individual energy requirements. Natural gas and electricity are used in the production process to supply energy necessary to lift fluids, and condition or treat them prior to sale. In 1989 ERCL emitted approximately 4.41 M tonnes of CO2 from .its operations, with an additional 1.8 2 M tonnes of CO2 associated with electrical energy use by ERCL. Esso Resources has already achieved significant energy improvements in it's operations in the past 2 decades. Energy efficiency improvements implemented after 1975,are estimated to have reduced ERCL's 1989 energy useage by over 20% relativeto 1972 standards. Without these energy conservation measures, the cumulative incremental CO2 emissions between 1972 and 1989 would have been an additional 7000 kt, with yearly emissions in 1989 close to an additional 1700 kVyr. The potential for further energy efficiency related CO2 redu~ions_ha~ been estimated in this study for the years 1990 to 2005. Results are summarized in Figure 1 and Table 1 below, and indicate the degree of CO2 re~uction associated with two different levels of additional energy efficiency implementation: * Implementation of opportunities that meet a simple payback of 5 years. ~CurveC) These efficiency measures have economics that exceed the cost of capital. * Implementation of all technically feasible opportunities. (Curve D) 1 Ern· 1 . 2 . bY others (eg Syncrude). ss1onsexclude working o/oin operations Assumesaverage electrical CO2 emissions of 0.983 kt/GWhr 2 ·-·-·-·-· ·-·--- 10000 9000 kt I yr CO2 8000 -·- Base 7000 -0- Curve C -•· Curve D 6000 5000 4000 1997 1993 1989 2005 2001 Figure 1 ERCL Projected Yearly CO2 Production Reduction Description Percentage (%2005) Curve C Curve C to D Total (Curve D) * Average 6.5 7.5 14.0 ~ kt/yr 630 730 1360 Capital M$ Iner. Op. M$/yr Net Op.* M$/yr 20 425 445 2.5 14.5 17.0 >4 17 Years <5 >5 N/A net operating savings • Fuel + Elect cost savings - Incremental operating costs The baseline increase shown for CO2 emissions is consistent with Alberta Energy projedions of 50 + o/ofor the Alberta oil and gas produdion industry 3 and with ERCL's significant share of Alberta's crude bitumen and oil sands mining production. This baseline curve is highly sensitive to energy prices, and a wide range of baseline CO2 emissions is possible if higher or lower prices than those assumed were to occur. The potential range of baseline CO2 emissions arising from alternate energy prices may up to +I- 30% of emissions estimated. From this baseline curve, full implementation of energy efficiency measures with less than a 5 year simple payback (Curve C), could reduce ERCL CO2 emissions by 6.5% relative to year 2005. These measures would cost 20 M$ (1990 $) capital, with an extra 2.5 M$/yr (1990 $) of other incremental operating costs to allow fuel and eledrical cost ·savings to be realized. Significant energy efficiency opportunities under Curve C are: 3 A~be.rtaDepartment of Energy. Energy Efficiency Branch. Energy Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions In Alberta 1988 to 2005, May 1990. Table 1. 3 - Opera io s a d maintenance improvements from increased monitoring activities - I prove e s to bu er controls - I proved eat integration in the crude bitumen production sector CO~ red ction. potential shown between Curves C to D represents other technically ea b red d II pc , r1 ,ppoll11nll lc (w th p ttlcular focus on 1 111 ic tiltllll\clll ' I c dlh It n polt 111 ti) 11 1 tlill'd«d 1, d111I 011 twill u nllrnu cl P r tlo ns nd Maintenance improvements rtpl n r n rl l n r y Ulcl ncy Opportunities ,lmrt II lit d by prioritizing opportunities in terms of CO2 potential * mbu tlon ontrol lmprov m nt from th use of portable 02 analyzers ( ndfi d unit wh r po lbl ), to nsur efficient combustion . * Addition I w t nd proc h t r cov ry from engin s to supplement building heat h ting r qulr m nts. * Combustion Ir pr h t for fired equlpment.(both forced draft and natural dr ft firedequipment) • Miscellneouscontrol upgr des to optimize heat utilization (particula rly in reboilersystems). • Cogenertion of ste m and electricity. • Powergener tlon from continuous flare locations (eg oil batteries). • CFlare volumereductionsthru ltern te processesfor low level H2S and 02 removal. * Fl re volumereductionthru altern te flare designs. * Alt ematereservoirrecovery processes. 30 Site Specific Hems The major impact for site specific efficiency opportunitie~ comes fr~m the crude bitumen sector where a list of potential items and redu~_,on potent,~I was deve loped from previous energy efficiency work . These opportunities are mainly focused on improvements to overall plant heat utilization. For the conventional oil and gas production areas, a reduction potential and cost applie? base~ o~ feedback to date f~om an int~rnal facilities review process . The Was total s1.te spec1fi~improvement potential was estimated at 2.25°(0 for 1989, with 1.?S°lc 0 r~duct1o_n a_ssoc1ated with minor investments (Curve C), and with 0.5°/o assoc iated with maJor investments (Curve D). Examples of site specific opportunities include: Processchanges * Solvent changes lower circulation rates higher absorption * (Waste) heat recovery from aerial coolers * R~-configuring of heat exchanger trains (Pinch technology) * Using process heat for heat tracing needs Eguipment Upgrades * Reduced electrical consumpt·10n . installation of high eff . high efficiency lightin~iency motors * Installation of unloaders on compressors * Installation of high efficiency bl . ades on aerial coolers Installation of variable speed drives * * Installation of recovery t rb' u tneS/expanders * Elimination of burn pits * Installation of thermostaticall * Y co ntrolled elect . Use of solar power panels for nca1heat tracing (telecommunication) power supply in re mote areas 31 • . of pressure drops in piping, e.g. orifice meters Elimination . n additions or improvements insulat10 nsfer pumps instead of compressors Masst ra Heat recovery from stack gase s • Installation of better contro l on ae rial coolers operationsand Maintenance Reduction Potent ial Additionaloperations and maintenance efJiciency actiyities _areestimated to result in to % reduction of current CO2 production. A long 11 st of items/programs that could 1 2 beimplementedwas developed and includes the follow ing items: Qperations and Maintenance Surveillance * Pay close attention to process sett ings * Pay close attention/maintenance to fuel consumers * Conduct energy conservation surveys * Monitor electrical power consumption * Monitor steam balances * Set energy targets for various modes of operat ion * Make better use of automated control systems * Minimize/optimize heat flux * * * * Repair steam leaks/traps Maintain analyzers Monitor flue gases Repair · leaking valves to flare 32 . e Planning Operation~ Mamtenanc . a * . h operating are d' ator in eac Assign energy coor ,n * Minimize shutdowns * Reduce causes/effects of unsc heduled shutdowns * (sc hedule cleaning) . Monitor heat exchanger fouling * Promote networking between areas Operations and Maintenance ConservationMeasures * Shut off steam tracing in the summer * Shut off electric tracing in the summer * Shut off steam utilities not needed * * Shut down glycol heating boilers when not needed Shut down glycol pumps when not needed * Shut down pumps on recycle * Recover steam condensate