5.3: .5. .318?; .E . a ITELEPEONE - 9555 x455. {25555 11%) ?44 Wag/wan? F?g/ 103$? fawn/?x fem/w (Ia-ruff?? II I a" $1644 gv/* 5 555.54 3, 5a 5 545.5555 . 799%? mm 42/ 2,775 fggM??/A 195.,? 5 i .- - A): . facts.? - innocent babies..," Profes??r Samba Q?wair, - Prefessar Emeritus 95 Obstetrics I and Gynaeml?gvz ~s?mething ?app-ened which changed my fguid?ed abortian grocedure where a baby was - aborting them, the babies were desperately? . balding teach otherJhis fer me was Johnsan, Farm-er Abortian C?nic d-irectcr, USA used t6 be so pro~cho=ice 3:16 {3er martian that l- man-aged an abortinn dint-4:. {assured countless W?men "thattheir . baby- was just a blob 0f figs me. But then lite forever Iwatched an ultra saund Abh?hhasan a franticaiiy trying to escape a suctinn. machine that wauld ta [ta its life realised that What 1 Was doing was gravely wrong Pegpfe should forget the siogans like pronchatce and get the Never; farmer abortion W?fk?? Myra describes the. abcrtisn 9f 3 mother with Quadru?pietg at .15 tweaks. ?When anmarabieto tract) and mag the paint of nm return in the realisatian J. was killing. 59m - knew of no circumstance where the life cf I oniy be saved: twin daced abcrticn that by intent-tang] destruction of her unborn child ., . . the mefher?can the deliberate 7:39? ?35 - ?zw?/g 5 *5 gig?a?i?% :3 ??35 7 pmg?? Mi 7/75 Soffzf? 5, 3&1 sz?y 63.292) yam: W?f (759mg? W5 - WM gear '75 W9 ?75 #5 373575 [7?3 WW 1 f5 Ammz. . 1 W. 7% W9 WW bet gs he allowed develop fuily ant! to live white others who are deemed less valuable, or _ineonvemehf; fir in same way sic]; disabled pf de?cient hepar? mitted to he desheyed? Does one human- __heing have the right In decide whether enamel: human beingdoung- at old lives or dies? '16 he belles! I am [33730111513 .-., surprised that 3311 _seciet'y that supposedly cherishes equality. liberty; and 'httm't?zfl' ahtdn'hmy wguidh'eveh a'sk' such questions. From a young age, theanswer has always been. net only 55th to me, but: instinctive. As Seen as heard of the vet]? notien of abov- {ion at the age 5f-e1evef1 or twelve, '1 found it lepulhiire and weedered how- anyone 5512M pus.- aibly justify it. Young'chiidten an: ?is? me humus baby brother or sister be like when they are hem. 36' how _l'iah'it? comets pass that. this most basic ofhumatl' Instructs the desire to protect meme this mos}, basic ofhumm rights ?'te right ta life- are new. tip for discussion? The only plausible answer to this qpes?on mus: he that no: :11! the member; other sotie?tagree on when human-?fe Begins land therefore not all believe that .ahoriicm involves ki?inganmnecmt human.Th151s undoubterhy a complex issue and opininus vary dras?ca?y depend- . ingonauesm?g?lwsh?ia? ?13195 scienti?c of human detretepment in the womb, anti 1 one?s own life experience and particular cimunlhtazlces. These are some of the question; we will i he ati?ressiag in next months issue as an: stamina: our tefiece tion an the _goodness-ufti?e. km .mu 27 ?nodiffirfih u: fun-?1 . gun in flu! my Hf}: began (an: bc-jfiu'c' 1' wax . . . . . . . .. urMH? Essas?a 4. is 797; ?sa7 my j, 33 Essa a?sa?fs fa ass 73 Ma #44 aswa?w 2mg . Ministerfs Of?ce 2. . 752W 10-244? jaw-M - . - aging .2115, . .f?amae 3,5 De?gL?? Hg?alih' 'aii-Mmizmaj .. 22%: Fw: Disappointing . Simon Harris to:Ministersof?ce - . This message-has been forwarded. . Forwarded by Simon HarrisIMembersIOireaohtas on 011052018 11:25 To: "sirnon.harris@oireachtas.ie? Date: 011052013 10:58 -. .- . Subject: . Disappointing - - Dear Minister Yet another shocking disgrace with women and cervical screening, who do ye think your fooling?, feigning concern put bluntly you and your dept and colleagues don't give adamn about women or men. -- - You and your cohorts are peddling your abortion agenda Under a banner of caring for women, rubbish. Abortion kills innocent babies and damages women. 6th - commandment you shall not murder? Our health service is in such a bad state it quite simply proves the past and present administrations are incompetent and now want to bring' In abortion, much better idea' Is to fire those incompetent personnel, cherish all persons including the unborn and women. Your Sincerei Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android email policy and disclaimer. http: oireachtas. Beartas riomhphoist an OireaChtais agtis s?anadh. ojreachtas. i. . . W- kwmgu-L. . . 9540645:15 444:- ?44: MM: 46-. 4?2 4? @gf?avm?a? .4 m?w? n?I- w?h?v - ?5 w? - nan?1" .. .. .. .4. W, 44?. . -..-.- .. .. .. . . ?hr . ..- -. mum?.2? -- 4.3mm??- I-m n? 5 ht. mum add-1 nun-w m??i?tuw?.134. wnr? ?mum?..mmuma-nmwuw De Pt {?33 1+ch . .. .. numb, an-u- .-. I . .-.. -.. . . .. - - .- 661 . WW I_%Wlff AQw/gp Aye/awe: .. WW a: I ?g #35119 . f? wig-3t. ?775 5? UM 9:034? #:3514449?; {#26235- 45..ka .715 . {(524364 {at/Lia Wed Ace/5:0 5 A 13% .. Laird?? [CZ/id . we, ?ew. Wm ?4 1: iffy; f0 . W/i jw?w? I VU e? {?3127 id?; M27 MM) ,515 2M7 Mma?v AW Mam . WW1 00757;: ?1525 x03 4% Keene: (gee/1,74; fair-?7) (7?57; x2}? Gv?z?gdcf?/ 213% 1,63er (Ma?a 1: Mfg: Thy/i: I . fmm/Jeta x?m/ gf? wage {fizz/?726% 9 WM {fem ,?srwt? 42% Med x6e MWXQ 196? 515.475 - f/?f/U War/2f 50 (?29 533,6sz WW Mme/f 3/4 ?(Di 12595615254? a Mkf'?- ?aw 1 . an g?zwes? (yacwf??z? 6 3/ 42/ 52:? gay (3ng I?l?mnwo??w?w?_. . 312% 6:659 5.7723595 556/6 53163551 15%?552?533552 5.52 5/55/5255 2212522222; 5 ?25252 55/ 22 222222525; 21/6: 6/6675? 5: ?5553 ?5266 552/}? 251222;; W635 . 255341,?? 2279-532 ?ag/1256 26555-4222, 51A ,2/66622522?5?3?51521336575 C252- 25:25:55? 5 if}? 21,5; {:22 5/1/5564 29,5255 55265215252, 216962252 ?55655va 1,65% 2556 ?4,625,156, 5/6? 62616651656251 6:25:52? 5&6 5?32/?5?6 6,2252%er .5657 256 2 ?rr??i?a 2m52?v?l 2255915?? (2155 6565126626 .. ?54? 5525:5225 5.252552 2 55-2556 gig 3 222222255 2222552222525 25222225. 22222255 1.25252 252-2- 52225252225 25525552152 ,2 55 2552 . .6555? 2/26/2155; 2 5525. 4L #6636 ?556672551236, 54456916 2565-555 - .6662 Mg?? gaff/9 725%51?? 66 205me 25325555252 23251 2 '25 [1225252555255 . 5252:5512 955-552? 512555525252. 2 22/265 2555525 225/ 25* 5?1" 5 2525/ 15% ?fr?r?f?r? 25574552625; 2: 5662255312 655 #25226 . $5325?? 25*- jib ?21155552325; 4c 6 My 26625562 52:1 665555523 22 ?555,222 2525521655152- 6659/ 655565? 2655255555, Aim!? 641%L6r5'35'af WW M25 ,5255; 2,222,222c/ 52222225525125 252552 525 2% 62*: 5555 .556? 5225? 52525255256 2552526 525522555" 455522 1655523255265 26225 55624122 {225225 2 6 665236226 566 2221552} -r-v w- 5? 'w-uw I-l. m, .. 521W 1 . My?csf/ 965252cm .2552? ?22555 @5206 . 6:66 fi?aw 6295* 66:59 2* 5?66 50565565566256? ,25 ?5'06 Mia/25 25/32/55::6/ ,551 2 2522521} . I 514% [/52552/5'5/ W52 2556555557 2655-22? ,552222 4:9?me 252/527 5 2567658275 ??52452 6/1/ 66175635255561.2551 2,226: 265515. 676/63 (?656 227535 onmw??' 23.515755. 15,555 (5:61? .-. mm?w .4P?bl?n??y-MWw'u-NI-nnh- . . 2 ,5/2536 90 W43 X65555 {5555536 . ?52555, \5/54? 4537255555? $6555? 5555?3255 72.5.3 5% . 5-5527 45515552, 5&7 ?m?f Xi #5656fo . ?526; 5654/2/55691553356 5%5 5555mm" 4556657, 56 55553565: 550an Q: 4 55/55? 5 59-655; 525565 9;;er ?56" .5255: .555 555555 555 3156:5965, 33? 032555426 Live/5? 55:5 1?65} a . 54/596156, WILL 63:61 5594 ?575?9625- 5,555.56: .2 QC 53:6 551265553] . . 505544554}. LX155 5524,5565 254% (Ag?flj?jfd?? MM 44555554 51v 6" 559% ,ng369 22553 5963661665- 536555? 55; 55,5 .55 6? 15,55,516; Grieg" {316$ . 513? 453 . (C3553 F1195: 55556555- 56:55 5555' 75:54:55?? 455654 Max . [126" 5, MW 705.. 5. 54555? 552/15 ?565 55515556; . . .LLVM- LWLL 55:16. 36655 {9&5 . ?55556? 4 5:62 6 @555 L. 67.5555 52/ 5557 555315? 554 5555 5? (?#555 gag/1? (53.55 55555575 5 {5146 6 2L 2/51?5: (514% 9556554 ?476654. ((596553? 5 5555 V5555 5555 56157.?? 55mg 512566 #555555 WL ?/5555- .. ?twin? . 22.2..- .3 m. - m2. 3 .mm. - 2. ?nWm. \32 3.3333 32.22%. \2 22.3% .923 u: 2.3 3.222.23- 3.3.3.. $3333.33 2% .23. . .25. 22.2223 . . - . . \33 .323 $333..2-2 mm 4\2N\?ux . - . 32. 2 .2323. .. . .. - 323.3 -. .. 2.22.22. 2.3.2 .3323 333. 23.2 32.2 Q: . . 32333. (-223 . 3321.33.233n33; 3.222% .32 - 2.3.. . 3222.33. .2333. .23..- .2 2. 2; 2 2 v3.2.2. 2.3 3x2932$ $3 32222.22 {312.2 2.2.232 2.2.2.. .3. 3.223% 3.223.. ?32 ? . .22 .22 .2222 - 33?. 323332.223? g. g5 $332323 .- $323.33.. . 3.322.329 0.2.9332 3% 2y - .2- . - 22% 22..- .. .332 321222222232 W3 23.33 2233\2 - m. . 2kg- 22.22% . K31hw35 .25 322.2.? 3.32 2.33. wg?b- . ?2?222 3- . .3 2 ?away-arr {\?jami?l .1133! 3mg: 2:318 '39 es qu Fw: Abortion Referendum Simon Harris ..to:.Ministersoffice. . 2410512018 1?:34 Subject: Abortion Referendum I am writing to you 'in a week when we have witnessed" theshocking and horrific murders of two younggirls, two girls who were denied the right to .life deserved by all human beings on this planet.? As a father of two, anda grandfather of four young girls, am appealing to you in these last few hours befere we go to the polls, to reconsider - your position with regard'to the Eight Amendment.? Everyone with any humanity could not but be moved by the extraordinary outpburing of grief regarding the two girls just mentioned. How can you now justify the killingof little defenceless unborn children, . which' IS what' Is going to happen if we repeal the Eight. Together for YES sounds so much softer than Together for Abortion. Why was the word Abortion missing from every poster and every leaflet from the YES cam aI n. Why are you as mainstream politicians, trying to blame the ?orthe wording Yes, I believe the. Assembly got the wording very wrong, ut-a?s _egIslators, you could and should have rectified this very easily?. Ydu talk of compassion, diginity, respect. How does abortion meet thoseconditi To the sitting TDs from my area of? I am now putting under notice, that if this campaign a you suppo on riday, that both my wife ,hand myself would respectfully ask you to desist from all further and future junk maI iveries, andin fact delete our names from any data base that you possess with oUr details on it. Please also be advised, that we will no longer consider you as appropriate representatives on our - . behalf. You are 0 mm the flood gates to the World wide abortion industry and of . course the big?ompanies who support them. have written many emails to you over the last few months, none of which ever produced an answer.? With regard to this email, well I won't hold my breath. But at least I get it off my chest, seeing as how you did not make an appearance at our doorstep.? Yours etc Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad Oireachtas email policy and disclaimer. Beartas riomhphoist an Oireachtais agus s?anadh. . to? . r7; . 'th Sui/1am L. . .. 6,4,4; q?pept. of Health 2'5 MAY- 2013 Law #3542! be ?wm 45- NW May-mm .. . 310 Thank You to: mlnisterscf?ce. Simon Harris 25:05:2013 22:47 Dear Minister Han-is, ow that the country has voted and hopefully the horrible No posters. will start to come down. I would like to take a moment to say thank you for everything you have done to help us to repeal the eighth amendment to the constitution. event of a pregnancy that I would. be. in the never thinking the eighth amendment really applied to me'. alvely?So, -I after work, watching the news. Isaw your speech where you listed out the number of women from every county who had travelled to the UK because they deserved to be acknowledged. Isat on my couch and wept. That speech changed me from a soft yesfundecided to a very de?nite yes. recognising what needed to be done and champiomng our voice. My personal highlight of your campaign was yenur debate on Prime Time where you left Peadar Toibin high and dry with your solid replies. "There is always a reason" rang through with me. Today you made me proud. You made me proud to live in a country that has turned its back on a fearful oppressive conservative voice. Thank you for being brave and bringing this motion through to completion where others have described it as too challenging. Thank you for . remaining so calm and digni?ed when the unscrupulous no campaigners vili?ed you. Thank you for uniting Mna na hEireann and making us believe that anything is possible. I wish you well in your future projects, Iknow there are many more issues that need to be dealt with, but for now know that you have certainly won the trust of many women and doctors - with great power, comes great responsibilit Le Meas; thank ou - . to: simonnarris, minister 27me2o1s 12:42 I Wanted to say thank you for your courage and conviction to put women's reproductive rights first. Yesterday was a very emotional day for myself, and many of my friends, and we'felt-such tremendous relief that our country has finally recognised the damage caused by the 8th amendmenthband.the value and worth_of 4h. :11. - women's lives. This has journey, I was foUrteen years old whenff first attempts by society and the church to control women's Eddies? The nuns in our school locked all the doors and threatened to expel any students who left School to attend the demonstration march for the young girl in the case. It has taken many many'years to right to wrong, but finally we are here. The fight for women's health rights does not end here, our next step as as a mod Simon,