a ldlSU) am we ?5 LLRISECMntimn Swede lungs(~me 5"d . Science or 5? 1:25 33:21.Mug. (,an Institute Lonierence 5* June. 5-6. 1991 . .. ?1 The. (Lapltal Hilton Hotel uITrd'mdarv a: 16111 and Streets. Washington. DC. ?The notion that global warming is a fact and will be catastrophic is irilled into people to the point where it seems surprising that anyone would question it. and yet. underlying it is very little. evidence at all. Nonetheless, there are statements made of such overt unrealimn that I feel embarrassed. lfeel tt discredits science. 1 think problems will arise when one uill need to depend on scientific judgment. and b) mining our credibility now you leave society with a resource of some importance diminished. ??Richard S. Lindzen Pratt?Smih'. it. mix I lrebtut: - . i 65.1.1411. s. ?v?i?l?wn ?t i . v_ Cu-mtmO'u'ml (but: - "n -l LL) (I) LL REGISTRATION 35m - 9m Lm. 1080 10:45.1.m. - 1230px}. LUNCHEON 126 - 2:15 pm PANEL 11 L30 - 3:30 pm PANEL 3:45 - 5:15 pm. RECEPTION 5'30 - 6:30 pm. PANELIV 9.00.1030 a.m. mam-1215 pan. 1250 . mo pan. DBATE 2:15 . 4:15 pm. ED NFSDAY. 5 Communal Room GLOBAL WARMING: CATASTROPHICT The Politic] Sdem at Global Warming" Pan: 1.5125213, oi Vlmum '1nterp5mne the Global Temperature Uiect? Rm L. 5:411!ng . Anton blaze Uniwnuv 'Wlil Rising Atmosphuie C0, Increase Carbon Accumulation in Terrestrial Ecosystems? Pal G. Drw.5mnlucman Research Center "Criticallsues in Climate Foremting? Rmhmi a [4er. .Niaauchusma Imam: ol Todmulogv Emissions Limits An Economic Cost Analysis in: the Woeld? W. Dad Diaries Rh?! Assaults ?Global arming; Unacceptable Climate Ounze? Band A. Lula? Natural Kaunas Delano Cmnai 'hxe Detection oi Greenhouse Warming" Am Mann: Policy Center, Woods Hole Oceanogn phi: lmntutton HIE ROOTS OF ECOTHEOLOCY Ram H. Ndsm. author at Radon; for Hm on Earth OZONE THINKING The ?aws in the Stratospheai: Ozone Dunning Hypothes'as' 5. Fred Step. Washington Institute tor Values in Public Policy "The Hole: in the Ozone lloIe' Hag?! 81:50. Amphat and Eda-a [hm Lam-are liver-note National Labonur SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND THE REPORT 'Polltial Control Sustainable Development? Ridwi Show. Montana State ?The Road to Sutaiauble Amman" Dan's T. Amy.Ccnm' for 1 Food Issue. Hudson lnsmute Common Paine: Sustainable Developmt? gain is be mm Enmpean View of Sustainable Developmem? Alain Maddim' lamina! Euro 92 Federal Room THURSDAY, JUNE 6 THE CLEAN AIR ACT 'Add Rah: Causes. Eileen. and Coml? I. harm: Mp, Consultant. Environmental and Energy Affairs 'Add Rain. Pom and ?sh? Em: C. Krug, Comm: low a Cmumxmr Tomomw "The Comparative of Acid Deposation Mitigation Lake liming? armbajtocbcn and ?On-Road Testing Making the Pollulet Pay, lmiead oi Making America Paf Daub! H. Sum. University of Dun-a "The Threat of Toxic Real or Imagined? Mm Gui-.93. 'riarvud School of Public Halth ?Are the Gun Air Act and Economic Competitiveness Compatible? WW A. Saga, CONSAD Research Corporataon HOW BAD SOENCE BECOMES PUBLIC POUCY Fred Stub. (7., Competitive Entupnsc Institute RFSOLVUJ. PRUDENT PUBUC POLICY DEGSIONS TO ENSURE SUSTAINED ECONOMIC GROWTH REQUIRE TO REDUCETHE RISKS OF RAPID CLIMATI CHANCE DURING THE NEXT DECADE Pea-id I. Midub. Unjvusuy oi Virgmia [mug M, Cater torClobal Om; 'w not our?!? n? m. '0 LL) LL LIanonment Day. lune 3. a ttme tn: the Cato Annual Ennronmentat Conference. A Pandora?s box at cw" mungly been loosul utun the can]: Gumtuc global wartrung, rnasaave ?en level rue, planetarv blodrversm' collapse, sion tuna? qudetmcs, plankton utmmons. atr pollutiort mm. tone cancer threats, deadly and ram. Or so It set-mt . .. The only problem wuh those scenarios ot catastrophe Ls that they may not be true. Even ll thev are. the emnoouc costs alone at the proposed 'curei' may and the am: ot the threats. Many may ?nd tt that respected socntist: challenge all of the outta-hyped ill; Certaanlv and the pubbe are almost totally unaware of the scentt?e controversy. Concern about global warming, for example, has become a part 0! the Amerran scentu'te urrerta'tntv. . Congressmrul committees rarely well. the new: at the digenunr, National legslatton and even tnternatronal treattes proceed as it adenutle truth wee Irrelevant. A 'polltieally corroct' somatic new, Much support: a ?need' to force soon! dung: and to tramtorm Wesutrn sooety, now dorrunates the polley debate. Environmentaltgn?s traditional values have been abandoned. The pnnople that the polluter should pay has beat replau-d by the quiet pnnetple that those the deepest pocket: should pay. No longer should we globally, act locally?; that tmntes public dertsron. Perhaps most disturbing. even leading must: quoted in same: magazine may that we have dangerously addtetcd to the par-sun of science rather than the development of publle potty. Those quoted in the Sa'atcz story mudzed the Nauonal Add Predptation Amt Proyam's must: for too diligently attempting todbmver and understand the mum and effects of and pruzipttabm and warned new ovaunphasizing the role of some: :n rmehins; solubom to the even more mptex rm ot {Jobal chmate change. As the mayor United Nations World Conference on and Developumt scheduled for tho de lanetro in lune I992 approaches. we nreseenungly marching toward a new world order of populamn control, economic planning, and 'sustmnable development.? The comm. soocml. and personal mnsequatoes of such changes have been lgnomd. 1 .1 GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL ?Tl ON REQUEST I of ante-pong more regulation and powbly yeopardtzing our common rumre,Cato ts bringing together those sacrum: and pollq who otter alternanve perspectives on environmmtal cues in the interests at rational and humane dectstonrnaktng. 1n the tradition of public policy debate we have also owned respected spokesperson: for the convenuonal paradigm to ensure a balanced debate on the ducal issues that are shaping our future. To explore those issue, the Cato truutute ts snonsonnt: a contemnce. GLOBAL (311555; SCIENCE OR mums? on Wednesday and Thursday, June 5 and b. 1991. at the Capital llilton Hotel tn Waslungton. D.C. For turtha tntormauon. contact Julie nggs, conference director, Cato Institute, 22? Second Street 5.11.. Washington. DC. zoom; telephone (202D 5460200, fax (.101) 506-0728- GUEST ROOM Alter June 1 UN llp(cg93?< ii ?rtaage 63? l' goat g0 . 25 3372 E5: 32' (32 20-5 18 5-s??c .- ?2 :?53-9 .3. 3 I 3 5 4%{344 3 3 =92: 93% :3 I 25932.28"23 0'2 36:8 .t a 333?: i c: 9.: 'i-s-JE 2?33 a z