JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/26/201 Agency Information AGENCY FBI . RECORD NUMBER: 124-10226-10480 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER NR 24 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 12/12/1968 PAGES 1 SUBJECTS . [Restricted] DOCUMENT TYPE: TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 07/22/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS under the Jehn Kennedy elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. 54454 Date: 0?10?2017 W1 NH 54464 21 Page 1 .N SUBJECT: TO FROM 1- Thai-"fig ?i I I: V: f1 '19 Bureau Ti? 2 -iLosAnge1es (RM) I vor}: (EM) f! 2 Miami . (I 134-238 a I JJMSES I (7) - I 202 DEC 311968 1" I353: {If 82:3 in}? I 'Iormer source oI the Miami OIIice.? When contacted in the past he was amiable and appeared cooperative; The caution??g? OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 MAY 1952 EDITION GSA CFR) 101-1143 . UNITED STATES GOICINIVI ENT AIemomndum DIRECTOR, . '43:wa TTI SAC, MIAMI (100?15651) (P) i 12/12/68 I CONTMNED NEW EFT ET HEREIN IS - . . INFLUENCE) '7 Re Boreas letter to Los Angeles, ?Ihe referenced communication instructed Miami to Iurnish its observet ions on com?ggmising the security of MM 639 should GE BALD PATRICK HEMITING and/or JOSE ANTONIO DUA ETA?Ono??oi be intertieWed c5hcerning their. knowledge oI Students Ior a Democratic Society (SDS) members traveling to Mexico to receive guerrilla training. Miami is of the opinion thAt such interviews, conducted with discretion, and in a-manner in Which the source would not be revealed, would not pose a risk to the security oI MM 63 -S. II experiencetproves true, probably discussed the matter with others also. HEMMING is a -va ary opinion expressed by TIM 039? With reSpect to his reli? ability should, however, be taken into consideration..%_ . I f? Tm 54464 Page 2? 4' ORIGINAE '53 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/26/201 Agency Information AGENCY FBI NUMBER 124-10226-10481 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-86406-3RD NR 24 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 12/23/1968 PAGES: 1 SUBJECTS GPH, ASSOC, WHEREABOUTS DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 07/22/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE under the Jehn COMMENTS KEHHE :13: elleetien Act of 1992 [44 use 21o? Note]. 54868 Date: 0?10?2017 wl NH 54464 22 Page 1 .41., . ., .1 UNIIED STATES GOV '0 Mammal/7251711711 . T0 DIRECTOR, (1?05-116243) DATE: 12/23/68 1.11?? 1 FROM 1? {/71 MIAMI (105?7046) (P) I SUBJECT: JOSE ANTONIO DUARTE OROPESA 1* - IS CUBA - 1- 1 00: Los Angeles 639- (0312/11/68, advised he has not. heard 1; from GERALD PATR MING or received any information con- . cerning the subject since October, 1968.. 1? ,1 Informant said he does not have telephone 6) ?1 '3 number, does not know how to contact him and has no plans to 1 contact him. I . I - If and when HEMMING recontacts the informant, the W73, Bureau and Los Angeles will be advised. 1 1 a Bureau (RM) 1.1.2qu Los Angeles (IRM) (a as 1 - Miami .. 13.1.1?? (91/0 . BJD: kc 0 {/EOE RECORDED I ,m2 JAN 7 19/31311 11111111101111.1111011 CONTMNED I i . a 1113/16 - 17135" /?41968 - ,1 .1111, 1w - .1111; 7 "1969 - - '1 ??1171 1-: 19691 mm?m, I Buy U.S. Savings Bonds Regular/[j on flat Payroll Scaling: Plan 1 1,1wfg?m --.1 .- -. 1,1, 1 MM, 1 ik?? 54464 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 5/26/20} Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124- 10226-10482 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-86406-4TH NR 24 iDomnnenth?bnna?on ORKHNATOR: FBI FROM: TO: DATE 02/10/1969 PAGES: 2 SLEHECTS: GPH, ASSOC, DUARTE, JOSE, INTV DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 07/22/1998 . Eleased under the John OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINI - KEHHE d? osassination Records CONHMENTS: Collection Act of 1992 I44 USE 21o? Note]. :ase#:NH 54464 Date: 0?10?2017 v9.1 NH 54464 23 DooId:32300202 'Page 1 W?ry ?r V. .1 TW OPTLONAL FORM No.10 5010-106 1062 EDITION GJA GEN. REG No. 27 . -: STA-1138 I I I -11:167720711712121.1772 - - II . . 1 n~~croa FBI - DATE 2/10/69 10s A . .2 V3 [Qg??fgj Fri? $5 1/9 sz?emruma??} 1 .suBJFc?Irc. LEFT MOVEMENT INFLUENCF3 . Re Bureau letter to Los Angeles dated 12/6/68 and . ,thiami letter to Bureau dated 12/12/68. En01osed for the Bureau is one extra copy of this letter for forwarding for information to Legat, Mexico City. Information copies are also being furnished_to Miami; . On 1/31/69, JOSE DUARTE was interviewed by SAS . . JAMES R. and FREDERICK J. PETERSEN at his address '1 of ApaI- tment 15, 6653 De Lonane, Hollywobd, California. ?j He stated_he is presently employed as a Title Searcher by Title Insurance Company of Los Angeles. He is in the? piocess of writing a history of Cuba and is using some of the money from his job with Title Insurance Company to a finance the publication Of this manuscript on Cuba. - DUARTE 3 p' . claims to_haVe no first~hand knowledge of any activity by 7s- SDS or other Similar groups using Mexico as an area for . guerrilla trainine. He stated he has heard rumors about 3. this but has no definite information. He feels Mexico.is ng tx?xig used by various groups such as the SDS and the Black g? 'Pant her Party for funneling persons into Cuba. He is Ig' quite sure that once in Cuba, many of these persons are EC, trained in guerrilla warfare. It is to be noted that DUARTE is a rabid anti? _Castro individual ??gg?N On 2/3/69, GERALD PATRICK EMMING was interviewed in the downtown Los Angeles area by the abOve named agents. ,1 IHEEMING stated he is a machinist employed by the Los Angeles Department_of hater and Power. He resides in Apartment 4, 2668 Hoyt Avenue, El Monte, California. HEMMING has ab- .solutely no knowledge of-any SDS or related groups using .Mexico as a_base for gUerrilla training. (RM) 3 . Fanigjh??; {l - Legat, Mexico City Info) 2 fiami (1 (RM) FEB.F: . 1 134 23 Info 16 ?*959 Los 4 9? E1 105-2 673EJOSE 2' i1. 1 AL. I 111 FBIINF HERE ONE - NG . 102:3? LL 202 FEB 171959 7123?? giig?gg?g?gg Aw 11:0 FHII XX j't. L1 9? 54464 Page 2? JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/26/201 Agency Information COMMENTS AGENCY FBI . RECORD NUMBER 124-10226-10486 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-86406-28 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 09/21/1970 PAGES 15 SUBJECTS GPH, ASSOC, ANTI-COMMUNIST BRIGADE, MILITARY DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 07/22/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE INC LHM under the John Kennedy Records elleetien Act of 1992 [44 use 210? Note]. 54464 Date: 0?10?2017 1 i W1 NH 54464 DueId:32300206 24 Page 1 MM 105-3973 U. 8. Coast Guard,'Miami - U. S. Custama, Miami - U. Customs; Regicn II, Miami 111th MI Greup5?0r1and@; Flcrida - NISO. Carclina - OSI, Patriag 4&1: Force/Base, Florida - Miami S. Secret Service; High; is former MM Enclosed LHM is being classified "Confidential? to better protect a former source who was of continuing value. kebab-Ftarahaw I 2mg?. LOS ANGELES . ?kiwfOff W111 subm1t FD-128 to change the 00 tc Miami. At Miami; Flcrida: ,Continue tc follcw and report the activities of the subject . 1 DucId:32300206 Page 2 . .I . . -1 In ngly,lI?lease ?(farm I. - Mic-511113.; Florida I II ana.105-3973 5&13 . ifptember 2I1. 1970 ERIALIA . 3qu 9p DES 2 - IJR fI-l' Cl?k RE: GERAEE RATRICK HEMMING, .I iv; I EN a B?lbaeg?wu-Twwf INTERNA SECURITY -- CUBA 2 mg I NEUTRALITY MATTERS -2CUBA - a . 1 who has been engaged i_n Cuban revolutione ary activities during. the past twelve years and who haIs 533:: (AL I Ibeen CloISelyIa33001ated with GERALD PATRICK HEMIMING, JR..- -I.I- ?waif-I? I for the past nine years,- from 1961- to the I?presIIeInt time, If 2mg; has furnished the follow1ng information concerning Egcni . - 38 15-5 -.- . 13 May, l96L '"Major" GEORGE TANNER formed an}?C na?f ant1~Comnnmist brigade in Miami; F1oIrIida..- This group I52 3 9 II?--of about 40 men consisted of mercenaries aha adventurers. A: HEMMING 1at'er took over the group. operated a military g5: training camp in the Florida evergladee. and ChangedI the nAme Of the organizatio' toI Intercontinental Penetration la Forces TEE . 3, TA "5 Tea .5fg - 11 NH 54464 .- I preV1ously invOleeId in training of Cuban paratroopers .- . in Nicaragua and Cuba for .FIDELI CASTRO Prime Minister 2 j:of. Cuba. HMING also claimed that he had prev1ously ?worked for the Revolutionary Air Force in Cuba. dwindled down .to 356' recruits and HEMMING continued to I'get -. in the MiaAli press of his recruits wearing uniforms, 7_carry1ng Weapons,-; and living in jungle training camp'sg. 5 During this time,- the several aim-15f} 5 Departments in I UIIth'Iis group and their military training act1v1t1es. II IOTJ- STATE oF I, At that time, HEMMING claimed to have been gr; June 1961 ING group of 40 men via??E. considerable press publicity. Many photographs appearedI SOuth Elorida received nutneroug complaints conCernIith - -- . - . . an: . 3 A Richard . Date 21492.; /613 ?'95 TLASWT 1 I 1 . . ?017%an 25:1) DueId:32300206 Page 3 iv GERALD.PATRICRCHEMMING.IJR.3HJ on WE tH about Ifive I mercenaries and ICuban exi1es dressed in military uni??fI?I ?forms, put on an air drop parachuting sIhow for the press at the airport- at Davie, Floridao HEMMING and his men weIre interviewed and -_he receiYe con31derab1e .I II-pregs publicity in South Florida far being a person who -. . I I was recruiting men toI fight Communism in Latin America bl) . -Also in July, I1961I, HEMMING was contacting different Cuban exile grOupe- in Miami them In tra1Ining camp facilities, and seeking their contr1but1ons 'in doIlar donations and weapons. I 9- Le/?0n August Cuba and Of the Cuban under- I ANTONIO ESADA, CubanIfexiie -boat captain,?j _I_onI interview admitted he took HEMMING and 312 others to.-f II?Cuba on -Aug-ust_ l2I,- 1961 where they stayed abou_t 42 hours. However, neither HEMMING nor hisI .Men made a contact With the Cuban underground or militia. 0n March 30 1962, asI a result of preSS pub11c1ty, HEMMING decidedI to diSWaid other mercenaries and adventur ers IfromI coming- to MiaMi to join his organization.. HEMMING 3? jtherefore sent out hundreds of form letters to ersoIns II'thoI prev1ously made inquiry concerning 301n1ng INTERPEN In March, most Iof the leading ICuban exile organizations had d1savowed any_ cooperation with HEMMING.I Meat cf the groups felIt HEMMING was making .a living at IIthe expense- -of the reVQlution .and had_ no real intentionri 7.90f taking hiIs group to Cuba toiight against Communism. . 1 -. In may, meet of 8 mercenaries IIUcQHSide-red HEMMING unreliable in that he had Itake ne positive action and appeare? tQ- be more interested 54464 Page 4? JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/26/20] Agency Inform ati on 34:44.41 .4 AGENCY FBI 4 RECORD NUMBER 124-10226-10488 RECORD SERIES HQ. AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-86406-29, NR 29 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE 1 DATE: 12/10/1970 PAGES 16 SUBJECTS GPH, REH, ASSOC, MIL, PLAN, WARFARE, US, CUBA, INTV, . ALVAREZ, MANUEL AQUILAR, MILITANT, ANTI-CASTRO ORGANIZATION DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 07/22/1998 . Eleased under the OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE KE nne :13: ssassinatinn Records nllectiun Act of 1992 INC 2 MEMO, 2 LHM, [44 USC 210? Note]. a3e#:NH Date: 0?10?2017 WI 1 HH 54464 25 Page 1 . FROLI ii?? 54464 4W ?0 5: EM m! amnion earn.? (n CPR) IOI- ELB UN ITED-- STATE Memorandum FBI i If 3?3 3 DATE: 712/19/707 . MIAMI (105?3973) (P) REVEEM 15$ SY $9,337 FORCE MM SAC, IVAN VIDAL r: M: ROY EMORY HARG IS - dated 12/10/70, ESQGE GERALD PATRICK EMMING CUBA . :1 mm. DEMAL 1% FULL Enclosed for the Bureau is one copy of LHM captioned VIDAL ROY EMORY GERALD PATRICK HEMMING. INTERNAL SECURITY - . Copies of enclosed LHM are being disseminated locally to the following federal agencies: U. S. Secret Service, Miami, NISO, Charleston, S. C. Florida 111th MI Group, Orlando, Florida ,4f Cuban Affairs (State Department), Miami Miami . S. Coast Guard, Miami U. S. Border Patrol, Miami S. Customs, Miami S. INS, Miami Florida, Burea 1 Miami_' 52s ?as 028,31% U.S. Saving: Bond: Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan 081, Patrick AFB, Florida MM T-l if former MM 639-8, REIN WC LESSEFEED :75c) MM is U. S. Customs Agency Service, Miami. MM is 111th MI Group, U.S. Army,tMiami,E 5 information classified MM T-4 is MM 97453. 1' (encl Page 2 y- -1 "Confidential". xvimtmm x. A 4' .5. 1.4.114 .171 new y?a? A C13 may.? ,rm?wmm 1 1* CCD STATES DEPARTMENT OF FEDERAL BUREAU or INVESTIGATION ?13311)? 33%; Miami Florida DECLASSIFIED 31? 9:9? "7 as ?04 .- .- -.-. . JFK) IVAN VIDAL SA as: RSV EMORY vas- PATRICK HEMMING .INTERNAL SECURITY - CUBA . Y. in:- . It is noted that ROY EMORY HARGRAVES, an American adventurer and mercenary, in July, 1970, advised he was I involved in a plan to effect warfare between the United 3 States and Cuba. The plan consisted of attempting to . g. i have defeating Cuban military personnel fire missiles .I i 4 against the United States Navy .Base, Guantanamo, Cuba, 3 . thus projecting the United States into a military takes?? . .. .1 over of Cuba. HARGRAVES was closely associated in this 1% ?vi? Iplan with GERALD PATRICK HEMMING, another American mer?' . i cena?ry and adventurer and a long?time associate of - . '1 If'i ,'HARGaavasT?l, an American citizen closely associated. . with HARGRAVES and HEMMING in the past ten years, on . _I.,.ISeptember 15,1970, advised that Mr. VINCENT OLLER, 'i?i 5/ .I _-detective, Dade County, Florida, Department of Public I 7 Safety, Miami,i stated that he had been investigating f' - ROY EMORY HARGRAVBS and GERALD PATRICK HEMMING inasmuch?ffmle?*v? _i as the United States Coast Guard in Miami had given him . 1 some information concerning themsaid that OLLER indiCated that HARGRAVES . - and EMENG had devised some illogical and irrespOnsible . I: - .-I-?mi1itary plan of action against Cuba which was highly [(58 {unlikely of any success whatever-{KM \3?3\E\n . . . . gm Eat?, Gr MI NH 54464 Page 3 1 GSA (4: 101-11. 6 (F Ml p\ UNITED STATES GO KHANMENT Memorandum DIRECTOR, FBI (105-864 SUBJECT: ROY EMORY VES: FROM .: - sac, MIAMI (105-39731 (P) 1" (?ggf 1 I GERALD PATRIC EWING i .12 4 IS .. CUBA (j ?11 3,7; Rf) em W1 3 BY 31519 9944 mm? a an gas-n nohaw'? i \Ql??g?uig ReButel to Miami dated 9/11/70. L1 1:51 Enclosed herewith are 10 co?ufe\s of an LHM dated and captioned as above. f- . :1 1? Copies of enclosed LHM ajre being diseminated locally to the following Fedora?! agencies: 1U. S. Secret Service}; Miami, Florida - NISO, Charleston, South Carolina 111th 14.1. Group, Urlando, Florida >1 Cuban Affairs (State Department), Mimi CIA, Miami ALL FMN?j?{qug? WEE U. S. Coast Guard, Miami if W, E: U. S. Border Patrol, Miami ?11 1:31;? 1&1 5 U. S. Customsquiami E11111 S. INS, Miami . Force Base, Florida 161 former MM ustoms Agency Service, Miami. - '1 MM is U. IS. 1%?ch f? 1&6; .5 1 - Bureau 6? 1 - Miami- (3) 14:? DEC 141970 1 /Copy a . 6.134 552% w./Ar% :V-Lidbei?di ?Hi6 Yrout 113 f9? 5. 9131;6ny i (X??arLI-??w .. 5 1152 Emma5'41)ng Band: Regularly an tlae Payroll 51:212ng 1 A, .. 3i NH 54464 Page 4? \l MM 105-3973 MM.T-3 is 111th M.I. Group, U. 3. Army, Miami, Flori a, information Classified "confidential." 154 is 974-3. Enclosed LHM is being classified ?confidential" inasmuch as it contains in?ormation fro U. S. Army So classified. - LEAD - MIAMI AT MIAMI. FLORIDA . Will contact Mr. VINCENT OLLER, Department of Public Safety, to aSCertai gation has been conducted by toai agency Dade County what investi- Page 5 C. i UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JESTICE FEDERAL I I1 -ll. .. .11] MiamiI,-Fiorida I Wmaf10 1367?; .. I DEC 1 1970 . ,2 01512113: FEED E17 37:95, 1? 5/31 ROY EMORY HARGRAVES: GERALD MATRICK HEMMING .1manmeH?cmi . . - . It is noted that ROY EMORY HARGRAVES, an American adventurer and mercenary, in July, 1970, advised he was ?involved in a plan to effect Warfanp?between the United States and Cuba. The plan cgnsisted of attempting to Lhave defecting Cuban mi-litary perSOnnel fire missiles I-against the United States Navy/Base, Guantanamo, Cuba, ?Rthus _.pr0jecting the United States into a military taken. over of Cuba.] HARGRAVES was closely aesociated in this?. 'fplan with GERALD PATRICK HEMMING, another American mer? Icenary and adventurer and a IOngutime associate T?l, an American citizen Closely associated? Iwith HARGRAVES and HEMMING in thekpast ten years, on 'l A September 15. 197IO, advised that Mra VINCENT OLLER, Idetectivef Dada Copnty, Florida, Department of Public Safety, Miami, stated that he had been. investigating . EMORY HARGRAVES and GERALD PATRICK HEMMING inasmuch - I i the United States CoaSt. Guard in 'ami had given him 2 Isome_1nformation concerning thema??IL\i 1 . 1 said that OLLER indicated that HARGRAVES and HEMMING had devised some illogiCal and irresponsible "military plan cf action against cube which was highly -- I -un11ke1y_of any success whateVerE TIAL kim$ntbisi ?1 I Excluded. om automatiC? . EE E1: m- -.-E--.. . I 03111.-. . . 1.-.I-I 4.5-. . . . ..54464 Page 6? JFK Assassination System Date: 6/8/2015 I Identi?cation Form Agency Information under the Jehn AGENCY: FBI . Kennedy RECORDIHJWBER: 1244027740002 Records 1 elleetien Act of 1992 RECORDSERES: HQ [44 USC 210? Nete]. - 5402? Date: AGENCY FILENUMBER: NR 128 8?29?201'? Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, SJ TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 02/08/1965 1 4 SUBJECTS: MRR, DRE, SNFE, MDC, JURE, ASSOC, ACA, DOMINICAN - - REPUBLIC I DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact - DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/10/1998 OPENING CRITERIA: - INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC NOTE v9.1 18 RH 5402? Page 1 I v; HA.- I 'fFf??v- 12-14-64TWEREEDIO E: TELETVEE .1. :1 . ROM SAM JUAM OBIAATA SEOUNOO FREMTE MACIOMAL OEL ESCAMBEAV (SMFE) NEUTRALITY 00: MIAMI -ON FEBRUARY 5 LAST ENRIOUE CASAOO CUERVO (PROTECT), ARRIVER IN SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO ABOARD TME MOTOR VESSEL 53% FROM EIOHT MORTMS IM SAMTO DOMINGO. OOMIUICAM REPUBLIC. ABOARO MERE SIX MEMBERS OF THE CREM - OF THE A MHO MERE EN ROUTE TO MIAMI. I. THE FOUR REMAIMIRB CREM MEMBERS ABOARO THE VENUS ARE PRESENTLY EM ROUTE FROM SAMTO OOMIREO TO PUERTO CABELLO, 5? VENEZUELA MHERE TRET MILL AMAIT FURTHER ORDERS FROM JURE. A CASAOO STATES THAT HE HAO BROKER MITM OOMIMICAM GENERAL NAME UNKNOWN) ATILA LUMA, MHO STATED THAT ELOT EUTIERREZ MEMOTO AMO HIS THREE COMEAMIOMS FROM THE A RECEMTLT CAPTURED IN CUBA, OIO NOT TRAVEL To CUBA BY B-EE IN FACT MERE TRARSRORTEO BY AIRPLANE AMO ORORREO IM EV EAEACHUTE OM THREE SUCCESSIVE MIOHTS ABOUT DECEMBER 15, FA 195A THE PLANE USEO MAS AR UNMARKEB OOMIMICAM AIR FORCE ;f'i CASAOO STATEO THAT AS OF FEBRUARV 3 LAST THE - risk 5" .. 1-. 1-3., .. - ?nrIf" ORIGINAL FILED IN E45451 i USE OF THE ANDL A SMALL SIGMA TYPETLAUEECH NGATE) THE FALLEW 1?38? OJ ?3 :77 3 55 in; (be; EB 2 4% i SW {29 intelligence containedwD in the above message is to be disseminated that it be suitably aphrased in order to protect the Bureciu? systems. El?? 5402'? Page 2 12?14-64) Jr Tolson . V. Sig-mm I (I I, .5 l? 53,35? 14? .. . J-ci': A - SIST- 3:14:34 431? 9 1t '5 i: I Tavel 1m] RADIO 3 TELETYPE gg?m PASE 29 FROM SAN JUAN . 5- MILITARY LEAEEP or IS IN THE CAMP WITH THE SNFE. gi?? THAT THE SEAT IS NAMED THE AND IS A 31 FOOT WITH Two, 275 Egeg 4? INSSAPE MARINE ENGINES. THE JUANIN BELONGS Ta THE ILPPAA AND IS MESAED IN DOMINGG WITH A SMALL .35; ET TIPE SEAT OF THE DEE THE CASAEO A STATED THAT THE SUSAN PT BDAT USED Ev THE DEE ON A PAID SA CUBA WHERE AN HAVANA THEATER WAS SHELLED. CASASS STATED THAT THE MRR HAS 75 MEN ANS A NAMED AT A EASE LOCATES ow SEATA ISLAND9 ON THE SOUTH COAST OPATHE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, EEST 0F THE CITY EPMIAGO.C THE MAIN MRR EASE.IS STILL LSCATEA IA AICAPASUA. A THE GITARA IS ONE OF THE TWO-BOATS USED BY THE THE A ATTACK ON THE SPANISH MERCHANT SHIP SPF 0F LA ATTACK AI THE AEELAAS WITH THE FULL KNOWLEDGE AND I TEE SIRECTIQN 0F CIPEEQ4IL) SQUACE STATED TONY CUESTAA OF I WAS INI I SP SHIPPING A LAUNCH 10 THE REPUBLIC PPOM PIAMI ANS ESTAELISHING A EASE IN SANTO DAI, INTC, INS, U, S. CUSTOMS ANS u. s, COAST GUARB ADVISED L0CALLI.- . AIPTEL AND LETTERHEAD MEMORANDUM FOLLOWS. ?5 RECEIVES: 12:35 PM LRC the intelligence-contained in the above message is to be disseminated Outside the Bureau, it is suggested that it be suitably Taphrased In order to protect the Bureau?s systems. - I NH 5402'? Page 3 A w? 1 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/8/2015 Agency Information Eleased under the AGENCY I FBI Kenna RECORD NUMBER 1 124-10277-10005 33513311151131.3131 nllectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [114 US: 2 1le Note] . ase? 5402'? Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 97-4133-127 8?29?2017' Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 02/10/1965 PAGES 7 SUBJECTS MRR, MAB, ACA, ATTACK, CUBA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/10/1998 . in" OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE 5 COMMENTS INC LHM W1 5402? Page 1 19 . ?3333233333 ?3 3' ?f SSA GEN. REG. NO. 27 A . UNITED STATES RNMENT . wee-u Memorandum 1 (303333 .3 . FEB 101965 T0 1 DIRECTOR, FBI (97? 4133) DATE: FROM 2 MIAMI ?7 ALL .95: $331553! 13 U3 . 3333353 EXCEPT (MRR) CLASS. 3 542% a NM REASON FCIM . 1-2.. DATE 0E REV, slim/24v ft 7*m. 1, pk ReBulet to Miami 2/4/65, entitled CASTRO IS Bufile 109?584, and Miami teletype to Bureau 2/5/65, entitled as above. Enclosed herewith for the Bureau are 12 cepies . we: 04.). .E?g of a LHM, dated and captioned as above. -- ?g Copies of the LHM are b?i?g disseminated locally :9 to INS, State Department (Cuban Affairs), Border patrol, Customs (Migmi, RegiongQ/U and Key West), Coast Guardand CIA caessi?492-8 ass?v y. 33 . 333m .333) 2 is UEL GUILLOT, MRR Military Coordinator Miami (by reques?/d? . Cm HAS NO TU ?34; 84 ANDIOR 6i MM T73 31-5 WALLACE LEV: 3:33.. we Customs i - gent 1? ?Charge? . IN mus DOCUMENT On 2/5/64, HENRIETTA LORI, 01A Covert, MiamiJG? 02.54? advised that agency had no 'nformation concerning the . alleged MRR raid of 2/2/65 (Egg, Inasmuch as the alleged raid apparently did not originate from the U.S., and CIA has an operational interest in this organization, no further inquiry will ,3 be made. In the event additional information is received, the Bureau will be notified immediatelygg?? I 2 - Bureau 3 ?Zw 1 Miami Lee 33 RJD. 1m ASSIFIED .. - 3., 333.12 1935?: VJCQ (3) my 7 ?933 ?ap? ?3 egg EHH 5402'? Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 5/1/2015 COMMENTS 3 Eleased under the John Kennedy Eaassinatinn Recurda allectiun Act of 1992 (44 USC 210? Note]. a3e#:NH 54454 Date: Identi?cation Form Agency Information 1 AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124?10277-10092 RECORD SERIES 1 HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER NR 154 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, WMFO TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 04/13/1970 A i PAGES: 2 SLEMECTS: - RCF, SHF, BKG, ASSOC, HOSKINS, SAMUELPATRICK, EMP, . POLIT AND SUBV ACT, CP DOCUMENT TYPE DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 10/01/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE WJ NH 54464 DunId:3230u151 69 Page 1 .13131113, 133 {13113311353 1113773 11:, 111 (111-33133) (111} 1 I111 311113131 31 131. 111 /}?jli311 . 1 ??ut111 2 3111111.; 3i3i1'3. 3! 35,176, 11111? 111511-11 (1113:1312, 11111111 1.13 1:13 1131:} 1331111 1.31 3111111 J. {.111 11 1:11; 1.11 11111111111: 11 1311111111115 1111113111 (1111 131111 2.12) 1311311 .11 111313.11. 111111111113, 17115 3.31111- 111111, 1.13:. ,1312. 111111121 113, 11111. 1.1111 1111131 1111 1113-1111111 111 11/13/51. 2' '331 11111 11111111 1111 111111 1113311'1133133, 2715 131211 111111;, 11.11., 11131., 1 7111-1111111 115.111- 1111 31113111111, 13 11131511131137 3 11113111; 113:: 1131 11311111 1111131: 1 3E 1111 1313 11 111111313311 115112113111 iwwtig?ian 1111111111, 11151111311 1131111117311 1331131, 31111.1111111 1111111133-53112- 31a 1111 111111 ALL INFORMATEON (201411qu *7 3 ?013311111 '1 1 . 031 30 7.4.. a G9 eta-1131711} . 111111 3 313 2 3 111 11311 {1131112171} (111) 11~111~1173333 (1111111 1. 11131) 3 1139 ?1-111~21133> (1111111 1. 13131} (I 113- 31111} (111111 1.1111131) /22?iwgi?3/ 1311f1131 1' 4?7 - (21> . 1?1 79-71 1 1 1" t. 561191221 1970 . (-4 1? NH 54464 Page 2 1, .111 ha1.1 533? ?1?1 3.- 1.151 1, an. .5 . - 113G111 .V JFK Assassination System 5/1/2015 Date: Identi? cation Form Agency Information . AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10277?10099 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100?401762?153 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI . FROM: YEE, EDWIN TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 08/28/1969 PAGES 15 SUBJECTS - RCF, SHF, BKG, ASSOC, TRA, CHTNA, EMP, RES, POLIT AND SUBV ACT, CP, FINANCES . DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret I x? RESTRICTIONS 4 I CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 10/01/1998 OPENING CRITERIA: INDEFINITE COMMENTS Eleased under the John Kennedy Eaassinatinn Recnrda nllectinn Act of 1992 :44 USC 2107 Note]. a3e#:NH 54454 Date: 0?10?2017 v9.1 71 NH 54464 Page 1 ,i NH 54464 >7 ?Mr NY 100?107383 INFORMANTS: Identity of So?rce 7 Q??am?mp?? t: File Where Located -NY T-l. ROBERT ELLEX, Superintendent 110 Christopher St. NYC (By request) NY Te? CG 5824?8* ?aj?A) NY T?h NY h0?7?39 NY .100-42u79 Characterization SUSAN H. FRANK Characterization SUSAN H..FRANK 100-42h79 Characterization Characterization LEE NY Characterization NY 1572-8 SAM MOT NY T-8 Characterization CSNY 21 SAM MOY Characterization 2705? SAM MOY NY Characterization NY 2784-3 ANNA MOY NY Tell 1 Characterization Former NY 1045-3 IRA GOLLOBIN COVER PAGE . NY 100?107383 INFORMANTS CONTINUED: Identity of Source File Where Located NY T-12 Characterization of NY 2009 Characterization of ROSE and CHARLES COE loo?A2479 The official of the Chemical Bank New York Trust Company wasf?on RODGERS who was contacted by SA EDWIN YEE. COVER PAGE NH 54464 Page 3 JFK Assassination System I Date: Identi?cation Form 5/1/2015 Agency Information AGENCY FBI . RECORD NUMBER: 124-10277-10100 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100-401762-9TH NR 152 . Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, NY T0: TITLE DATE 04/08/1969 PAGES 2 SUBJECTS RCF, SHF, ASSOC, TRA, CHINA, POLIT AND SUBV ACT, OF DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 10/01/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE CONHMENTS: under the Jehn Kennedy elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. 54464 Date: WI NH 54464 72 Page 1 . ?mun. NH 54464 NY inter - Communist publications in the US noting TANG had been Editor a During oonverSation with TANG, CHAPMAN learned that office was headquarters not only for operations, but also for the London operati_ons of TANG and . TANG and EPSTEIN Were supposedly in close touch with the American scene through RICHARD C. FRANK, husband of 'subject, and LEO both allegedly travelled to Lo ndon' lrepea tedly to contact EPSTEIN and TANG It is noted RICHARD C. FRANK returned from London on 10/5/53, and it is believed he met TANG at that time. Subj.ect had also planned travel to London at the; same time, but was unable to obtain a valid passport in order to depart as planned. In reference to TANG it is also noted on 5/21/59, .NY 1572 had reported JAMES S. H. LEE, current Editor of the -"China Daily News", was very close and a favorite Of TANG. - 0n-8/eO/63, NY Alia?8* advised subject had in her 'possession a letter from TANG dated April 17, 1963, addressed to "?Hssus WARREN, 110 Christopher st., NYC, Stating, among other things, "We need help very much. .If you and Dick can come eagain, we would be very happy indeed. You know the working conditions and you know the kind of people we need. It would be most welcome if you can reCommend som_e people for us. - And you know the procedure. All they have to do is bring a letter of introduction and we shall take care of them. 7 Expenses Will be reimbursed, of course. Subject and husband had travelled to China around. 1 1959. 9? .9 7 Information from CIA dated March 3, 1969, captioned "Role of the International Liaison Department in a Chinese Mission Abroad", classified "Secret" stated LIAO Ho- shu, former Chinese Communist Charge'd?Affaires in The Hague was rable to identify, among other individuals, TANG Ming-Chan as an ILD officer probably concerned-with the United State also identified TANG as a personal acquaintance. oncerning his knowledge of contacts with pro Peking gr ups in the US, including, but not limited to the FRANKS and JAMES LEE, as well as his knowledoe of pro- -Chinese :i??view of the above, the Bureau may desire to of the "China Daily News" DucId:32300165 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Identi? cation Form Date: 5/1/2015 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10277-10101 SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 2 100-401762-8TH NR 152 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, NY TO 2 DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE 2 DATE 03/18/1969 PAGES: 2 SUBJECTS RCF, SHF, MX, MM DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed 4 - CURRENT. STATUS Redact '9 DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 10/01/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE Eleased under the John COMMENTS INC LHM Kenn?? asassinatinn Records allectinn Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. ase#:NH Date: v91 NH 54464 73 Page 1 DIRECTOR, FBI (ICC-339235) . 3/18/69 SAC NEW YORK (10012171912121ng - 1 SUSAN HEELIGMAN FRANK (00} NY) W/fj 1 Re Legat, MeKi-co City letter to Bu?eaug 2/19/69. if Enclosed for the Bureau are six, and for Legat, _3 Mexico City, five cepies each of an LEM captioned HEILIGMAN RICHARD GYRIL FRANK. NY T~l The LEM is classified ?Confidential? as it contains information obtained from sources of continuing value, the unauthorized disclosure Of which could affect the national defense. ?f1ureau (Enols. 11) (22) ~100~ 2191762) (210112213 0 FRANK) 2? ?Legat, Mexico City) 1-1121: York (loo-107383) (RICHARD 0. 21121111) 1-New York 23 .3 1 . 22:; Taffeta A .21. IRTFREQQRBEB 2% 1/ @0111 - 1,75 MAR 22 1969 a UH -J . ?33 3; \?54464 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/1/2015 AGENCY RECORD NUMBER RECORD SERIES Agency Information FBI 124-10277-101 13 AGENCY FILE NUMBER: NR 148 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: LEG, MK 1 . TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 06/26/1969 PAGES 1 SUBJECTS RCF, SHF, TRA, MX DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed . RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 10/01/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS 3' under the John Kennedy elleetien net of 1992 :44 use 21o? Nate]. Sense Date: V91 NH 54464 '81 Page 1 31111131,: 33:: 61133313331) 1111 1:313 .3 I EWW 5T2: T0 3; Wk . 11111, 111113 3:11 (3'1?331213 333 1., WW I W- 1? 3?5_ 11 13113. 11113111 11111 1 ?7 EM mfg. ?3 ?3 - ~11 9% ?We; 1?5 1 333m 13 333 3333.131131 111 L11 3/.13/33. 1 :1 -- 1 3 ,433 - :3 333133 3131 31 331 13311331 33111 1113113: 131W i A :23: 33111, 111111 6111 {31311.21 11 1111111) 11311231 11 113 3 131% :5 33 1333 1311 1 111133 31 333131111 311113113 133 313 13311131 W. 5 j, ?11131 331?33?a171e3111317133111 3111'1335111111 13s 1333 11111331: 1 111 31311 111.31131 1113 3 3131 11 331111, 1331131, 331131, 111131 11 113313 133331 33 1311 311131 31311 33133- 1; 33.'333111 113111 1311 11 133 3133311 3311131 131 111131 11 331111 133 113311'33111 33 1331113 11 3111111, 131 11 331113 3111. 33 1111331 31131 1311 13113 333 3 11313 31 311: 331111--n3311 133L3 33 1331 111131 311 133 31 131 gr113 33r3 . 11311 33133 131 33133. 1 1 ?ggi?iun. - ya, .3 u?nuh?: I ?Tjjr o'ii[est 1.9.51?! 131-937? 3-: - 'h ,1 NH 54464 .: 3; . 7?3 311113 333 {1 3 1333131333 3133311 6 311132? (1 - L111313 3131133} 3 (3 313 Y311 131.12179) (1 3 1333137333 3161133. C1 31333} 1 33331113 311? -3331g13 (3). s" 75?? . 313 13?, 1311141951 . 33 333113 3111131 1311 333 13111313 13331111133 131113 ?f 3 1" 111133 31131 31-33- 3311 113116331 131 3331 333131 7 ~g 3 ME: 733.1333313133-i11v1311 31.3131 1 1313 1311 31V311 11+3- 333331 3133331131 131i3311311131 31 133 1131 131 331 33: 3333131 11 3113 311112133 311113-8111 111 311 3111 331313 13.1311t3-113 1111113311 13131131133 1311113111 13311 1111111131 in 3ex1c31 73=33311331 33 1111113311 13133331133+333-331 x? a, 1-x Page 2 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/1/2015 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10277-10 1.14 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100-401762-148 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI . FROM DANIEL A. TO I DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 11/30/1967 PAGES: 13 SUBJECTS RCF, SHF, ASSOC, RES, EMP, TRA, POLIT AND SUBV ACT, CHINESE COMMUNIST DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed - RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 10/01/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFTNITE COMMENTS under the Jehn Kennedy Records elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Nate]. 54454 Date: v91 NH 54464 82 ?Page 1 R. ?2 NH 54464 NY 100-10738} The NYC feels that?separate investigations on the subject and his wife result in duplication, and that this investigation could be handled more efficiently by having one pending_investigation on the subject's wife. All information concerning the subject will be channeled to the subject's case file in the NYC, and all significant information pertaining solely to the subject will be furnished to the Bureau. 4 g? The agents who observed the subject and?- office of the "China Daily News" on M6 CORMICK, JR. and PETER E. WEBB. egg. INFORMANTS Identity of Source File Number Where Located NY T-1 NY Set- NY T-2 7 Characterization of SUSAN H. FRANK T-3 BA Characterization of SUSAN H. FRANK NY T-h - NY h033?S% Characterization of JAMES and ANN LEE T-S Characterization of ROSE COE NY DANIEL TONERY Central Check Files First National City Bank 399 Park Ave., NYC (By Request) - -B- . (COVER PAGE) a. p.51 \5 .- DocId:32300119 Page 2 NY 100-107383 INFORMANTS (Cont'd) Identity of Source File Number Where Located NY T-7 . Former NY Characterization of IRA GOLLOBIN NY NY 2009-8 'Charactedzation of IRA GOLLOBIN NY T-9 . NY 3112-8 - 100-15683S-1A61 -C- (COVER PAGE) NH 54464 Page 3 JFK Assassination System - Date: 5/1/2015, Identi?cation Fonn' Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER 124?10277-10125 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 100-401762-1 ST NR 141 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM SAC, NY TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 02/14/1967 -PAGES: 14 SUBJECTS RCF, SI-IF, BKG, REL, ASSOC, EMP, EDUCATION, POLIT AND SUBV ACT, CP, PROGRESSIVE LABOR PARTY, FINANCES, TRA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION 2 Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS 2 Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 10/01/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE CONHMENTS: under the John - Kennedy Records elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. Date: v9.1 91 NH 54464 DunId:3230u19u Page 1 NH 54464 NY 106142479 During this time 1111, 1h1 was an instru1t1r in the Jeffer111 311111 1? S11111 Science. Su1311111 Trig to Ch111 11'19593 FRANK EOE, than and 111 1 resident 1f ?Peking, sent 1 1111111 to the GP, USA stating that the CE 1f China wanted the subject 11 11 tn China 11 work 11 J. 1he ?Peking Hev111" far 111 years. Subject 1nd her hquand did 11 11 Chin1 in about 011111? 11 1959 and 11111111 to the US in the summer of 19611 They 1111. 11121112211 blessing of the 113U31. It is pointed 1ut that at th11 t1me3 11th CHU TSNS 1nd ISRAEL EPSTEIN 11re residents 11 Ch1n1 It 11 1111 p11nted out that 11111 themsubject' 1111111 111j01?11t11 111 RSSE and CHARLES CSE- brather of COS. CHARLES SSE rep1rt111y tr1velzed to China in} 1961 11 visit h11 brethar. TraVel of the Subject In 19573 the subject 1t1ted beere the Houw C1mmittee an Un?Amarican Act1v1tles that she had namar traveled 1br111 A Since 1963, _1h1 111/11 her 1111111 111 tr11111d 11 f111111:' 3/63? RICHARD C. FRANK traveled 11 and it was sub1equent1y repartad that while th1113 he met with CHU TONG in the office 11 the 11p1r1 firm 1f JACK PERRY. 1 At thia time3 the subjeot did n1t have 1 US p111p1rt 111 was unable t1 travel. 5/64? RICHARD C. FRANK traveled to Eurcpe where he trans-31116 ?111 M11p1?1n151 Airport in It11y,$ DucId:32300190 Page 2 . NH 54464 NI A Subject traveled Ea Eurmpe. ggEbjecE 11m EranaiEed malpranga Airporg?1yAE this E1ma_, 1 meeting 111 held in Alban11 0f pro~Ch1nese CammunisEA 1111E11Es. IE 11 AGE knawn 1f Ehe subject AEEended Eh1s meeE1ng, buE Aha 11$ 11 Eurepe 1E Ehe game E118. 6/65? EEaveled t0 A1geria EERYL EPTGN, 1111 GE WILLIAM L. EPTON. On her Eaturn E1 the US, she in LenAon. . - 1/55? SubjecE E-EAVAIAA E0 England and Eelgium, Where she can individuals involEed 1n pEO~PeA1ng .ActiviElas 12/66~ Subject and her E0,L?ndag,56' France and Earth They friends that this was a vacatian E113., - . PLP Subgect 11nce 1E 1963, h13 maintalneda 01011 1111E11n1hip with MILTQN K. RGSEN and WILLIAM L., EPTGN and Ether I 111111 of the PLP. Ehe writes for the PLP publication ?Challenge" 1nd "Progress1ve -L1bor? under Ehe ma?a LIEA ARMAND. The subject at the Free universiEy 01 New YQEE, 1 pro~Ch1c0m school in NYG,and lectures to varimua PLP graups an Ehe subjecE of China. She hag participated in teach-ins and publIe demanstratiena Spansared by the The subject-11 not apeniy knawn as 1 member of the PLP, but appEAEs LG be 1 11111 maver 1n the farmaEion, organizatian and directicn 6f Ehe PLP. A. cf the Subjeet'A case file indicates n1 significant involvement 111 the subjecE with MILTGN K. ROSEN or WILLIAM L. EPTON prier Ea her Erip E6 Ghina in 1959. Subject was reperted to be in contact with WILLIAM .F. AEH in Landon in January, 1966. ASH was Conneated with 1 British organization which WEE pEE?Chineae CommunisE. 13 I g? - \x DucId:32300190 Page 3 NH 54464 'f?7f7171n 1"3??4 .1 1 2.1?2.1. - .1. .. .11., ?wm? NY leemnen79 in the US. This may be having an effect an thie mewement in the US as it bee been painted eut that is may be the fer the cooling ef the reletieneh?p between JAMES end ANN LEE en? the Subject-? It has been reperted in ?he.peet thet and yerticulerly Amerieene, even theugh they are Communiete, are being eveided by Chinese ComMuniete in erder te ?_enferm with the pregeem te Nemeve iereign 1nfluence free their mavemeNN. Thie may alter eemyletely the .SUbject?e yeeitien w..7 in the US Vleueavia the GP ef China; It 1e bel1eved that the Subjeet'e 111p in December, 1966, may have been te determine What her peei? tien and eeuree ei aetien eheu1d be 1n the US eencerning _the cultural revelutien. Objectlvee 0f the NEG NY 522513 was in Ch1ne at the same time as the ?eubject and he has returned to the US He has recentected the subject and tr1ed te establish a relationship 1 with her. She has 2 111 ndly attitude tewazde him, but hes net- e'enfided in He. has he? dinner at her apartment on fewr 1' and during these dinners, the subject bee herself in gen 1 terme 2e being in fewer ef the Chinese . 1' NY 5225?8 12 a relative ef eeme individuals whe maintain pre-Seviet peeition in the Slne-Seviet pelemie which me cement fer the subject?s leek ef eeniidenee NY 5225?e Nae recegnized thie probiem and hee made statement? te the eubjeet to assure hzer ef h1e peeit1en . N1 a: a A :11 1 4.. DucId:32300190 Page 4 NH 54464 NY hcweVer, appears t0 be gaini?g the subject's canfidence and she recently sent him a cture past card a vacation spot in North He has invited both the subjnt ald her husband ta his hcme for dinner.- a they have accegted. The date hag net been Because of the limited number of the subject?s -. cantacts and because they are Exclusively pro-- Chinese Communists and .in the absence cf sgphisticatea caverage cf her activities, it is heped Ghat NY 5225-3 will gain the $ubject!s complete confidence and nigh details cancerning her activ3.ti?a. The NYC will remain alert t0 develop ether sources who can furnimhinformatlan?cancerning the subject?s activities. . DucId:32300190 Page 5 JFK Assassination System Date: 5/1/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Infonnati on AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10277-10127 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 100-401762?139 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: DANIEL A. TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 01/13/1967 PAGES: 73 SUBJECTS .. RCF, SHF, BKG, RES, TRA, POLIT AND SUBV ACT, CP, PROGRESSIVE LABORCPARTY, CHINA DAILY NEWS, EMP, ASSOC DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 10/01/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE- COMMENTS 2 Eleased under the Kennedy saassinatinn Recurda nllectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. ase#:NH EAREA Date: V9.I 92 -HH 54454 Page 1 a NY loo-107383 Source File Where Located NY T-l Characterization of SUSAN H. CG 5824-s* FRANK T-2 Characterization of SUSAN H. 975-8 FRANK T-3 Characterization of ROSE and a - my 559-Si BOB COE NY NY 4047-s* NY T-5 Characterization of JAMES NY 4033.3* and ANN LEE 5?6 NY Bit-E0872 NY T-T Characterization of MAUD RUSSELL NY 2009-8 - NY Characterization of IRA GOLLOBIN Former NY 1045-8 NY T-9 Characterization of IRA GOLLOBIN NY 2009?8 NY T- 10 Characterization of JUDY VAN BUREN BSS, who furnished . to SA J. W. ROBINSON on 8/26/66. Original source of info is an individual working with the with the understanding that it remain confidential and source be protected. PAGE) t? a 7.335:5! NH 54464 Page 2 ,1 7 . bgrloo-107383 INFORMANTS Lpont'd) Source _File Where Located 11 NY 34-5638A-1396 NJ 5335? NY T-12 Characterization of CHARLES NY 1212?5 LOMAN NY loo?167383;510 NY 694-s* NY 1-15 NY 4569-s* IEADS: NEW YORK AT NEW YORK NEW YORK. Will attempt to develop source who can furnish information concerning the subject' activities. NY 5225?s* is being directed to maintain contact with the subject and his wife. He is alSo being directed to exploit his relationship with the subject and his wife. L11 . 5 5 1--. NH 54464 Page 3 NH 54464 NY loo?107383 Source2009-8 NY Former NY 1045-8 NY T-9 NY 2009-8 NY BSS, Who_fufnished to SA J. We ROBINSON on File Where Located Characterization of SUSAN H. FRANK Characterization of SUSAN H. CharaoteriZation of ROSE and BOB COE Characterization of JAMES and ANN LEE Characterization of MAUD RUSSELL Characterization of IRA GOLLOBIN Characterization of IRA GOLLOBIN Characterization of JUDY VAN BUREN 8/26/66. Original source of info is an individual working with the with the understanding that it remain confidential and source be protected. DucId:32300192 Page 4 . 1. . . .A ?mucr . . loo?107383 INFORMANTS LC ont id) Source File Where Located Tell - NY N) Characterization of CHARLES .NY 1212as NY 1314-91 {m NY T?lu NleOO~157383w5lO NY NY T-15 NY 4569-SN NEW YORK AT NEW YORK, NEW YORK. Will attempt to derelop source who can furnish information concerning the subject' 8 activities. NY is being directed to maintain contact with the subject and his wife. He is also being directed to exploit his relationship with the subject and his wife.l??3qi? DucId:32300192 Page 5 JFK Assassination System Identi? cation Form Date: 5/1/2015 Agency Information AGENCY 1 RECORD NUMBER 2 124-10277?10129 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 1 100-401762-3RD NR 13 8 Document Information ORIGINATOR B1 FROM 2 SAC, NY TO, I DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 12/19/1966 PAGES I 1 SUBJECTS 1 CLASSIFICATION 1 Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS I 4 CURRENT STATUS 2 Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 10/01/1998 OPENHK3CRUERUXZ INDEFHHTE COMMENTS 2 under the John Kennedy elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. Sense Date: 0?10?2017 v9.1 94 NH 54464 Page 1 - I 13% 71? DIRECTOR, FBI (100-339235? 12/19/66 510; NEW YORK (100~#3479) SUSAN HEILIGMAN FRANK a? if a; 3.4. Re Baltimore letter to Directorj 11/7/561 ?jg Enclosed :for Baltimore are two photographs of (21 the subject and ho1 huo hand takeo 9/13/63 for display to if!" 1? a Baltimore informantg Fo-r the infOrmation of Bal?imor her husband are identical with the A ,1 erlcan coupla?ghom BA 9?5?3 meugin mascow in May, 1961 1 ?29? Bureau (RM) AM 1% 1:9? 2 Baltimore (100 24133) (Encls. 2) (RM) ?1 ml New York NH 54464 Page 2 e; the subject and. ??m?wn MSW [99?1? r. .vmm: JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/1/2015 AGENCY Agency Information FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10277-10130 RECORD SERIES HQ I FILE NUMBER NR 138 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, BA TO DIRECTOR, FBI 1 TITLE: DATE: 12/13/1966 PAGES: 1 SUBJECTS RCF, SHF, ASSOC, SUBV ACT, CP DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 10/01/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS under the John Kennedy elleetien Act of 1992 :44 USC 210? Note]. Date: v9] NH 54464 95 Page 1 #7 12/13/66 . SUSAN HEILIGMAN FRANK IS a CH - Re New York letter to the Bureau dated 10/21/66:? R6 Baltimore letter to the Bureau dated 11/7/66 BA and BA 1328 PSI (whege infermant reperts are being forwarded to New York) advise in 866666666 that subject Spoke at 2M South Brgadway, Baltimere, MAryland, - on 11/11/66. She 66 6 introduced by TQM.BGWERS Communist Organizing CemMitte.e member, as SUE WARREN member 6f -the Pregressive Lab6r Party Subject spoke on 6he cu1tural - re volu?ion in China and .was prc'. Red Ch1nese in her preaentati-Gn. aview 6f Bafil? 100~22530 -Gn subject's husband, -RICHARD subject and hu6band are 1 den i- ?661 with the DICK And -SUSAN A me in Moscow in 5/61 lg) New York is reminded that sub 6-61'6 ph6t6greph was requested by Baltimere in above referenced Baltimore letter. Baltimere intends 66 display this ph666graph to informants in Maryland who have cpntact with subversive greups likely 66 be in tone? with subj?ect. Baltimore will advise New York of resuIts 6f diaplay of photegraph. ?raw ?.1636 5::1 Bureau (REGISTERED MAIL) 2 New York (100~42479) (REGISTERED MAIL) 3 - Baltimore E1 - 162} 2A133) (1 - 134 1722A) 13 RON: 616 ?52g NH 54464 DucId:32300195 Eage 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 5/1/2015 AGENCY 2 Agency Informati on FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124?1027740142 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100-401762-1 ST NR 1'29 ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, NY TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 07/18/1966 PAGES 2 SUBJECTS RCF, SHF, ASSOC, POLIT AND SUBV ACT, CF DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 10/01/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS Eleased under the John Kennedy asassinatinn Records allectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. ase#:NH Date: 0?10?2017 W1 HE 54464 102 Page 1 (91.111 111; 3 a a 8&54464 ?818888081 881 7/18/66 SAC, NEW YORK 1 $8818 881118818 81188 Bufile 100 339235) ?1 8? 88 100 828??) i .RICK8RB CYRIL A 8-339? 13 CE) 1- ?888118 100 101782) 1 :ff 111 100 107383) 11 . I .: 88881 81 318181 1. 81188 ?ate? 3/29/861 at 11. ?Eff C) an 6j9/651 8Y 5225 S8 d1ned 81th the aubjects at their 883188888 110 Christopher Street1888 Yorg18Y Durim8 the evan:1ng1the canver?at1en cavered 8888881 topics and 8% ??ne 9018t 88588 88888 stated ?88 are the 8888 8-3. we 8888 NY 5225~8 8 selzing an 8.818 atatement as an 0pp01tunity to 8888838 himself favorably toward (?2111.118a stated am sure yen are but I 88 not 8888? much $881 m,8ching I 2888189 the .conclusien that China.has 838 the currect courae in many 88888"? NY 5225888 stated that this Opened up a?gmneral discussign of the situatian in Vie??am1 1388188 this 00.888388108 NY 5225838 8008 a @881tian favaring the actiens takan'by the Vietcong. RICHARD 8888K did ma$t Gf the tal8ing but 89888 anly $583881 888881 RICHARD 888881 18 8peaking1 888 888888818 pro Chinese. He indicated that 88688538 leaders heh1nd the 868888 60888888 8 great fallcwing 888 that the 818 is farming a polarizatian '4 thaught and this is causing the Buddhists to Inge the1r 808881 fa8cing them 10 may 8 their p8esent 80888. He Stated there is nothing abau? tham and thay 888 808 seeking American SuprI't W) i 1141.. Bureau . #1.1. 8-658 Y0 :88; 1. D?legg . I (6 1g 40 JUL 2711 3-1813 i} Page 2 NH 54464 NY 1oo~AeA7g NY 100-107383 In passing SUSAN FRANK had mentioned that she had been in Algeria and appeared friendly toward NY 5225? She in Speaking on Vietnamg teted that the according to an article published 1_n ?Prevde" were gloating ever the 1 5 failure of China in She stated that the article in "Prevde?1eferred to the Indonesians es ?Rebels.? She?etated that the actions taken by the Indonee1ene were definitely nn11~ revolution. 5225 S1 appeared 1o th1e line of conversation g??m During the evening; both the subjects were friendly and receptiee to NY 5225- 8* The informant stated that he 1.3 of the Opinion that SUSAN FRANK warmed up to him politically and that &e{1.ndireetly tried to explain to him her political feelings NY 522 ~31 described the subjects 13 tight- ~11pped and cautious. NJ is a ur resident of Chine and had 1 met the subjects in-Chine. 7 . \5 Efferte are develon exnloit the I infoement'e Neletionehip with the subjects. n&L\ NY N047m?t had advised that the eubjeetne centinue their close reletieneh1p with MILTON K. ROSEN and the Progressive Labor Movement and with JAMES end ANN LEE of the "China Daily News." .1 i I . Page 3 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 4/22/201 AGENCY RECORD NUMBER RECORD SERIES Agency Information FBI 124-10277-10320 HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-80291-2ND NR 88 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, CV TO DIRECTOR, FBI under the John Kennedy Records elleetien Act of 1992 DATE: 10/16/1961 [44 USC 21le Nate] . PAGES: 4 5444453 Date: 12 2 17' SUBJECTS . - DEB, ASSOC, LT, JHO, AFFIL, TEAMSTER UNION, INT, . NIAGARA CRUSHED STONE LTD DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 05/22/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFFNITE COMMENTS V9.1 20 RH 54463 DueId:323lJl]935 Page 1 Jo CV 92?179 - could be obtained from another source and suggested that NAIMAN allow DOMINICK BARTONE, a close friend of TRISCARO, to come into the ,business, as BARTONE had access to considerable money and had many contacts. In discussions that followed, BARTONE agreed to put $200, 000 into the business as a first step and stated he would obtain additional funds amounting to approximately one half million dollars, which he would also invest in the business. In consideration for th.e furnishing of this capital, NAIMAN assigned 50% of his stock in the Alvin Naiman Corpor_ation and 50% of his stock in the Niagara Crushed Stone, Ltd. to Servicios Internacionale S. A., a Panamanian company under which BARTONE was operating. BARTONE put up the $200, 000 and was instrumental in obtaining two loans from the Public Bank of Detroit, each in the amount of $240, 000, one in the name of the Niagara Crushed Stone, Ltd., the other in the name of the Alvin Naiman Corp. Both NAIMAN and BARTONE co signed the notes, which were payable to the Public Bank and called for payment of 6% or 7% interest and were for a three-year period. NAIMAN believes this money was depos-ited at Niagara's acCount at the Toronto~Dominion Bank at Welland, Ontario, Canada,but has no personal knowledge of this, as he was told by BARTONE to-"keep his nose out of the business" and that BARTONE Would handle sales and keeping of records. NAIMAN maintains that he was "kept in the dark" regarding the financial aspects of Niagara and would not know if a "kickback", ?fine er's fee? or similar payment was made to TBISCARO or others in connection with obtaining the loan from the Public Bank. At the time that BARTONE became associated with NAIMAN's enterprises and during subsequent contacts, TRISCARO was frequently in BARTONE's company and appeared to be Closely associated with him. NAIMAN has stated that Niagara is now in receivership in Ontario. - recently advised that he had learned from a Idiscussion with the girl, name unrecalled, who kept the bOOks for Niagara, there was some "monkey business"with reference to Niagara, as books showed a loan of approximately $750, 000 from the Public Bank, Detroit, whereas Niagara, according to its bank account at the Toronto? Dominion bank, received only $250, 000. Bearing on this same matter is a statement made by BURT C. HADDAD, accountant and associate of ALVIN NAIMAN, who advised that DOMINICK BARTONE has been negotiating with the - Meisner Engineering Company of Chicago, Illinois, fon.the sale of Niagara to Meisner. According to HADDAD, officials of-Meisner :Engineering Company, who have been checking into the financial NH 54463 DucId:32300935 Page 2 a CV 92?179 situation of Niagara, have stated there is a discrepancy of between $250, 000 and $300, 000 in what the Public Bank of Detroit claims is due them on loans made to Niagara and what the books of Niagara show as actually being owed. The Meisner Company, according to HADDAD, requested that HADDAD consider auditing the books. said he submitted an estimate for the audit but to date has heard nothing further. He said he has heard, source unrecalled., that JOE VERHELLE, President of the Public Bank of Detroit, which.is known as a "Teamster bank? in that it is one of the principal depositories of Teamster funds in the central states area, is of questionable integrity and closely associated with high?ranking Teamsters. HADDAD expressed the View that the possibility exists some of the funds obtained from the Public Bank in the form of loans may have been diverted to Teamster officials. He pointed out he has no evidence that such a diversion .of funds actually occurred. HADDAD said if Meisner contracts him to audit the books of Niagara, he will make these books available to the Cleveland Office, FBI, for examination. Mr. HADDAD has been contacted on numerous occasions during recent.weeks, at' which times he has stated he has heard nothing further from MeiSner Engineering Company or DOMINICK BARTONE and does not know if any decision has yet been made regarding the audit of the books of Niagara or the present location of these books. neg NH 54463 LEADS An information copy of this letteris being furnished to Miami in View of information contained herein regarding DOMINICK EDWARD BARTONE, subject of case captioned EDWARD BARTONE, aka; :3 - RA (00: Miami). BUFFALO: gr roar CANADA Will contact Mrs. BILLIE CALDWELL, former bookkeeper for Niagara Crushed Stone, Ltd., Port Colborne, Ontario, who reportedly resides on Jane Street, for further details regarding her allegations to about questionable financial operations of Niagara, including her statement that not all funds obtained from the Public Bank of Detroit were deposited in the Niagara account at the Toronto-Dominion Bank at Welland,-Ontario. WELLAND, ONTARIO Will attempt to determine from officials or records of the Toronte?Dominion Bank if there is a record of two deposits DucId:32300935 Page 3 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 4/22/3201 AGENCY RECORD NUMBER RECORD SERIES Agency Information FBI 124-10277-10321 HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: I 105?80291-88, IST NR 88 Document Information i ORIGINATOR FBI FROM CROMWELL, RICHARD L. DIRECTOR, FBI I Eleased under the TITLE saassinatinn Recurda nllectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 2 Nate] . DATE: 10/02/1961 5444363 Date: PAGES: 13 0-12-2017 SUBJECTS DEB, TELCAL, BKG, ASSOC, CONSPR, BRIBERY, FRAUD, INT DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/08/1999 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC 2 V91 21 NH 54463 Page 1 .LA 105e8?u2 'If deemed necessary by Miami, contact will he made with' Ease Commander4-Hortca Air Force Base, for review of file of Colonel REDD cn_confidential basis betweenthe Base Commander and the 3599? handling the lead. I This report is classified confidential becausee data reported from_LA T?l through_LA could reasonably result in identification of confidential informants of continuing value and compromise effectiVeness thereof.v MINFORMANTS . 'Careful consideration has been given to each A source concealed and symbols were utilized in this report only in.thcse instances where the identities of the sources must be concealed. - LA 26-1 BURT C. HADDAD, Accountant 748 Standard Building SA MICHAEL H. FARRIN Cleveland, Ohio . .2 . - - cv 105?3877 1' Records, California 7 4 - Orally to SA FREDERICK - water-and Telephone Co. L. BIGGERS, 1/31/61 .onrovia, Calif0rnia (instant report) 7 - SE JAMES L. MAHAN, 6/8/61 (instant report) - . LA - Dun and Bradstreet . A - SE GAREY D. POWELL, 6/1u/61 Los Angeles,'California (instant report) - T-E a I - rw/csm 1u3-s - SE EARL F. DUDLEY, 7/28/61 - (instant report)r - 3* COVER PAGE NH 54463 DucId:32300936 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 4/22/201 Identi? cation Form Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10277-10327 RECORD SERIES HQ - AGENCY FILENUMBER: 105-80291?82 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI - FROM: STAFFORD, LEMAN L. JR. TO DIRECTOR, FBI Eleased under the . Kennedy 7 saassinatinn Recurda nllectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. DATE: 08/14/1961 5444353 Date: PAGES: 22 . SUBJECTS: DEB, TELCAL, INT, INCOME TAX, ASSOC, TRA, AFFIL DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 05/22/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS v9} 23 Page 1 . 1 MM Losezooa Tdentitz gx_ MM T- i 28, contacted by A MM T- 2 is MART TMAMAS /Sonthetn EaiT Telephone and Telegraph Company of Philadelphia3 contacted by . SE -EATTE TQETER (Protect by ?reqnest) - MMITAA is ASHE 295i tontacted ?by EA EATMAMTEL a. GTELAM MM Tw? ia GUS DE MATQ, f/L PreSident of Airetaft jf'; Corporation, Miami, eontaeted by SA LEMAN. JR (Eroteet by request). MM T65 is U. B. CLTNE9 JRL, subj cat?s Miami attorney, 1/ Contacted by EA LEMAE JR (Ptoteet by request) A A An 18,1961,the Tampa Affine infotn?d that ES Loeationu Loanznan? Set 134 .TU5w2906m136 2&06 T33 Tnatant tApAtt? 105=2?06m137 Instant report9 pagem 10 the following sources at Tampa,-F1orida who ata acquainted A with MAX GAEETA were contacted by EA HOWARD RUTHERFORD en the dates indicated but stated they had no information on his current activities or his relationship with subject: 34? a (toAEa PAGE) rm?-7 77A . LL 7-7? - . . NH 54463 Page 2 NH 54463 4/12/61 PSI ENELQUE SOMEILLAN, who has furnished reliable Ehe. 254(23/61 .FELIX MENENDEZ, 3110 TAmpa, "1(conceAl identity by EALiAble in the _pAsE been given EA source symbols Were uEilizAd AAly AA it WAS Eo identities. (CAVEA PAGE) DucId:32300992 Page 3 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 4722/201 Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER 1247\10277-10331 RECORD SERIES HQ 6 AGENCY FILENUMBER: 105-80291~78, 79 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, CV TO DIRECTOR, FBI under the John Kennedy elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC Nate]. Seesa Date: TITLE DATE: 06/30/1961 PAGES: 17 SUBJECTS 4 [Restricted] PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 2 05/22/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS: INC V9.1 24 Page 1 cv 105~3877 INFORMANTS i Date Received Source 5 of Activity By Location 5 cv T~l SA FRANK L. MELLOTT) Instant . ALVIN NAIMAN, SA MICHAEL H. FARRIN Report President, I f?lvin Naiman Corp. 1810 Terminal Tower, Cleveland, Ohio (By request) cv 5/12/61 137,691 SA 54 //cv 428-0 . re .- 6/11/61 137?691 SA 55 cv - 105-3877-173 ROWLAND . WILLIAMSON, Ohio Bell Telephone Co. 121 Huron Street, Toledo, Ohio "z COPIES OF THIS REPORT: Bureau (105?80291) (RM) - Chicago (INFO) 10 Miami (105?2006) (RM) Border Patrol, Miami) Miami) Customs, Miami) 6th Naval District, Charleston, South Carolina) Fort McPherson, Georgia) OSI, MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Florida) 2 - Cleveland 92?179) COVER PAGE NH 54463 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 4/22/20] Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124?1027740342 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 105-80291-66 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, TP TO: under the Jehn - Kennedy PUTLE: elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. 54e53 Date: DATE: 05/18/1961 . 13?12?2131? PAGES: 1 - SUBJECTS DEB, ASSOC, GARCIA, MAX DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 05/26/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS v9.1 . 26 NH 54463 Page 1? NH 54463 1?Tampa a 2 FBI (105-80291) DATE 5/18/61 e? FROM I I . I sugpnT: DOMINICK EDWARD BARTONE, aka IS CUBA - . . RA CUBA (00: Miami)? _nerep cf SA LEMAN STAFFORD, JR., Miami; 3/28/61. ?The following sources at Tampa who are acquainted with MAX i GARCIA were contacted by SA HOWARD K. RUTHERFORD on the dates 3 indicated but stated they have no information on his current activities or his relationship with subject A - :3 4/12/61 PSI ENRIQUE SOMEILLAN, who has furnished reliable information-in the past . 4/23/61 FELIX MENENDEZ, 3110 W. Powhattan Avenue, Tampa, (conceal identity by request) who has furnished ?both reliable and unreliable information_in the 3 'past. COnsiderable information concerning activities of MAX GARCIA has been reported in the case entitled GARCIA wherein Tampa is origin (Bufile 97-4345) v? purpose would be served by restating in instant case the . information previously reported in case. Investigation at Tampa is Continuing in connection with the? leads Set out in report of SA MICHAEL H. FARRIN. Cleveland: 5/7/61. 13,: . 7 CfiBureau (RM) -g?kj?e ??Taka., an . investigation is still pending and Miami has received E- of all reports in the case. It does not appear any useful a? Z?Miami . a?gzm jap (5) M?e A a an: 221261 . MMAY 311363 DucId:32301001 Page 2 IFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/4/2015 AGENCY Agency Information under the John FBI Kennedy RECORDNUMBER: 124-10277-10351 Records elleetien Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [44 USC 2107' Note] . - 5402? Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 97-4474-48, 49 8?2 5_ 2 17.. Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: DIRECTOR, FBI TO SAC, MM TITLE: DATE: 10/11/1963 PAGES: 2 SUBJECTS MIRR, OBA, ACA, RAIDS, CUBA DOCUMENT TYPE I PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/ 1 8/ 1998 OPENING CRITERIA COMMENTS INC MEMO RH 5402? Page 1 r~ I T0 Director, FBI (97*4474) DATE 10/21/63 FROM AC, Miami I j} SUBJECT: INSURRECIQNAL DE . RECUPERACION IS NM (00: Miami) I ReBulet 10/11/63, making reference to Miami tele- -. . type 8/16/63, which indicated that S, head Iof the MIRR, would be interviewed. Referenced teletype was in error and should have v3 read BOSCH AVIIA, head of the . WA SA ROBERT J. DWYER, who prepared this teletype, . an not explain exactly how this cenfusion occurred, except that it may have been an error in his dictation. BOSCH was 1nterviewed,and results submitted by airtel and letterhead memorandum for dissemination dated September 3, 963. ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED 8% 1 SA DWYER has advised he will-make every effort to 51W kinsure that such errors dofnot occur again. 1 en Inasmuch as the teletype was not submitted for dissemination and the correct information was submitted subsequently in airtel and letterhead memorandum, no other UNCLA non?substantive error against SA DWYER. Bureau (RM) 2 2 - Miami . l. - Personnel folder, SA Dwyer . W7 (/qu HRAzeghr 2 . . 12. 0(3ng1963 . I I ?k In any event, the error was subsequently corrected, 2951 :22! L00 as administrative action is recommended, except scoring this as RH 5402'? DnEId:323l]1l]16 Page 2 Inf?et??'? BunId:323l]1l]16 Page 3 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/4/2015 AGENCY I Agency Information Eleased under the John FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10277-10359 Kamila?? ssasslnatlun Records allectinn Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. AGENCY FILE NUMBER 97-4474-4TH NR 42 again; 54GB 7' 8?25?2017 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE 09/07/1963 PAGES 3 SUBJECTS . MIRR, OBA, ACA, BOMBING, SANTA CLARA, CUBA I DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/18/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS WI NH 5402? Page 1 I. .1 I ".mm A 3-5412? ev. e-k?w-bd) 'u16n?gmww- - 3' veWI -1412?? 1? TqLumgt-?rra g; ~Ab/ AT OI a UL .A DECODED COPY URGENT FRO SAC MIAMI MIAMI FILE IOSTITAZ. 0703145? a CABLEGRAM a L__,iEgagui__i 9H763 WWM ww?? PLANES. THESE PLANES OISAPPEAREO HEADINS MM IS OF OPINION SINCE NO CUBAN REVOLUTIONARY GROUP HAS CREDIT THAT CUBAN ANNOUNCEMENT IS FALSE AGAINST U. S. DR. ORLANDO BOSCH, PRESIOENT OF ANTI CASTRO ORGANIZATION MOVIMIENTO INSURRECIONAL DE REVOLUCION RECUPERACION, WHO CLAIMED RESPONSIBILITY BOMBINO ATTACK AUGUST IS 16 LAST FROM BASE .OMQOOAYIAOVISED MIRR NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ALLEGED BOSCH SUSPECTS THAT CIA RESPONSIBLE BECAUSE ONLY ARRANGE FOR JET COVER PROTECTION MAY HAVE FALSELY INVENTEO THIS ALLEGATION BORDER PATROL AND MIAMI wU Sn II ANTI FIOEL CASTRO ACTIVITIES, IS TOOATS ISSUE MIAMI HAROLO CARRIED ARTICLE ENTITLED PLANES BOMB CITY, CUBA RT ASSOCIATED PRESS, REPORTING THAT CUBAN FORCES ARROURCEO THURSDAY NIGHT THAT AN UNIBENTIFIED AIRCRAFT BOMBED CITT OP SANTA CLARA AT A AM KILLING ORE MAR, AND PLACED UPON 8 MM Agzvs, CUOAN EXILE, ADVISED THAT CUBAN RADIO STATION CRO, ARROURCEO THAT Two UNIDENTIFIED PLANES ATTACKED SANTA CLARA 0N NIGHT SEPTEMBER A AND AGAI AT A AM NEXT OAT SHORTLY AFTERWARD TWO PLANES DESCRIBED WERE OBSERVEO IN SAME AREA UNDOUBTEDLY FOR PURPOSE PROVIOIRO COVER FOR THE OTHER CRO SAID THAT BOSCH ALSO PO POSSESS NO 1 To son Belmont Mohr Casper Callahan Conrad DeLoach Evans Gale Rosen Sullivan - Tavel Trotter Tale. Room CRT :23! 3: 36 AM ESTTAATRA: CA A Lgin??ri? gm Aig?rf FIST Jm CUBA: L- . . :2ij?fl?ii?ri? ?Ir If the intelligence contained in the above message be disseminated outside the Bureau, it is suggested that it be suitably TO TMRARRAS paraphrased in order to protect the Bureau? 3 ic systems. I {HHS-ill] 170 SEP 18 1963 147 LATIXJ 2? DucId:32301024 Page 2 {745 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/4/2015 Agency Information Eleased under the John RECORD NUMBER: 124-10277?10374 allectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [44 USC 2107' Note] . ase#:NH 5402? Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 97-4474-32 8?2 5? 2 17' Document Information' ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 08/16/1963 PAGES 4 SUBJECTS . MIRR, OBA, ACA, BOMBING, CAMAGUEY PROVINCE, CUBA DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT - CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4? CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/19/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE INC NOTE, COMMENTS W1 NH 5402? Page 1 . 1 I . u- ?551'. mudzf-guwgz 3 :93. 3.3 FEDERAL . . Eff . 9' 3.9.313, -j NILE Imam; .-. - 5- BF PAAIM534$ 4-9 136?? Kr? mm: AU. :3 i61953 3333,2133. MAW Ms NO OB ACTION-.3- .3 .. . DECLASEINOAMO A3 .5 7.: RELEASE OF NORMAN . IN THIS 7? .. $39.0 EA Miss fif-k . ARISE $73,341:? .COMMUNI m? 3 CAMONS 93507303,, an- URGENT 8-15-53a 7-02 EST .4 33 315? 53.. BY 6. -. TO 9D OTOR /97- FR MIAMI /105- -2855/ RR 1" 0 .3555 "5 5 DE REOUPERAOION REVOLUOIONARIA CUBA. . 399? THE MIAMI NEws, DAILY NENSPAPER PUBLISHED MIAMI, PLA., ,3 TODAY CONTAINED AN ARTICLE THAT RADIO HAVANA REPORTED THAT ON .3 =13 AUGUST FIFTEEN LAST AN AIRPLANE FLEW OVER NICO LOPEZ OIL I 33:3 113.9133. ,5 (A. REFOINERY, HAVANA, AND ANTI AIRCRAFT FIRED ON THE PLANE. RADIO HAVANA ALSO REPORTED THAT ATEOUR ZERO FIVE AM, . FIFTEEN LAST, AN UNIDENTIFIED AIRPLANE PIER OVER BOLIVAR SUGAR MILL IN THE MORMON AREA, CANAGUEY ix}: @le 7 HE PLANE CHANGED COURSE AND LEFT. THE PLANE WAS NOT DESCRIBED. THERE WERE NO DETAILS WHERE IT CANE FROM IT WENT. S03 (-ch ?3 59L 34 r, ROPPED BOMBS. ONE DOME EXPLODED AND DAMAGED PLANE HAS NOT FURTHER IDENTIFIED NO INFORMATION 4 34,. :51, IVEN As? TO WEAR IT CAME FROM OR NHERE IT mm. MIAMI NEWS REPORTED THAT MIRR REPRESENTATIVES IN MIAMI STA THAT THE PLANE THAT FLEW OVER HAVANA MADE IT 5 END PAOLONEA5402'? Page 2 PAGE TWO SAFELY TO A SECRET BASE IN CENTRAL AMERICA. MIRR CLAIMED .V EraInfE5, Jr'. in; -4- i- a THAT THE PLANE WHICH FLEW OVER THE SUGAR MILL FLEW OFF WITHOUT DROPPING ITS OTHER FOUR BONES. MIAMI NEWS SAID ACTION GROUPS IN MIAMI DESCRIBED MIRR AS RELATIVELY SMALL GROUP WITH NO PREVIOUS RECORD OF RAIDS OR BOMBINGS. 25_ o?LnMDo AoScu ?uaL? MM _mme .1 HEAD OF MIRR IN MIAMI "ft-?W WV AND IS NOT PRESENTLY AVAILABLE FOR INTERVIEW IT IS EXPECTED HE WILL BE AVAILABLE ON AUGUST SEVENTEEN NEXT. HIS MOTHER IN LAW, MARIA FERNANDEZ, WITH WHOM HE LIVES, SAID NIRR WENT OUT OF TWO YEARS AGO AND THAT MN SEVEN TWO SIX DASH IS PRESENTLY WORKING AND HAS NO PREESENT CUBAN REVOLUTIONARY ACTIVITY. MIAMI SOURCES HAVE NEVER HEARD OF MIRR. THE REST OF THE SOURCES ADVISED THAT IT NO LONGER EXISTS. (EIA, US CUSTOMS, US BORDER PATROL ALL ADVISE THEY HAVE NO INFORMATION CONCERNING THESE TWO REPORTED MIAMI WILL CONTACT NM SEVEN TWO SIX DASH 3 AND WILL _i ngHE BUREAU ADVISED. END AND ACK PLS 8-THATS ALL FOR NOW NH 5402? Page 3 JFK Assassinati on System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/4/2015 AGENCY Agency Information Eleased under the John Kennedy FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10277-10375 Saa??lnatm? RESUME . nllectiun Act of 1992 RECORD HQ [114 USC 210'? Note] . ase??m 5411212? Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 97-4474-31 3?2 5? 2 '3 17' Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM DIRECTOR, FBI TO SAC, MM . TITLE: DATE 08/29/1963 1 SUBJECTS MIRR, ACA, CUBA DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT- CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS - Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/19/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS WT RH 5402? E?ge 1 i alt?'2? I . f' \yj' 1 a A?derson 8/29/63 ?1 ?irtel TO: Miami :Fram? Marmwm FBI AH CQWTAEFEQ BE . . Sim?f'm (mm.amM . f. .. 3/16/63 1Qa? fur Miami :9 c051 72593 E?llawimg whigh a'l?tt?rhaadrmamaran??m wamld ha submitte? ta Euraam. . . . . . t?k. . Immediately_furniah lattarhaad Ear dis?aminatian camcarning captianad mat?er. If alraady hamdled, adviga data submittad. . (4) NOTE: . Captioned organization reportedly claimed credit for plane that fleW-over Cuba when fired upmn changed course and returned t0 Secret base in Central America. Preliminary inquiry est?bliShed MIRR a relatively-small group with ?e previous regard of raids or_b0mbing and went out of ekistence two years ago. Miami contacting former head of MIRR, a Bureau source, for additional ?ata. mm??aa AUG301963 REG '2 WW Belmont Ex?ja?a mg RUG 1. Mohl? Casper Callahan Conrad tDeLoach Evans .vGale Bosen Sullivan Tove] Trotter ??g?waymw .. a MAIL. ROOM TELETYPE ?gm Tele. Room . Holmes Candy 5402? Page 2 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/4/2015 Agency Information Eleased under the John AGENCY: FBI 4 Kennedy RECORDNUMBER: 124-10277-10383 nllectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [44 USC Ell]? Note] . a3e#:NH 5402? Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 97-4474-16Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: A SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 03/22/1961 PAGES: 11 SUBJECTS MIRR, ASSOC, ACA, CUBA, SEIZED, CAPTURED, BOAT, PRISONERS, AMMO, ARMS DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT I CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/18/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC 3 MEMO v9.1 RH 5402? Page 1 ?ane- 1 - Mr. Farr Assistant Attorney General J. Walter Yeagley CM - ?34 ?94- SEE 0:71? ??ilrla tor, - 3?3; ?Mir-H JUN n, ., ?337,, 47 INSURRECIONAL DE RECUPERACION BEWOLUCIOHARIA INTERHAL SECURITY- CUBA 5 REGISTRATION new: - cum :5 a Human?? ear-runs 3w Mt 525111;! TI JFK) ZVEQ - This will refer to your senor um of February 13, 1961, advising that you have solicited the views of the gg?gg Central Intelligence Agency concerning this matter and that we would be subsequently furnished your opinion regarding the need for further investigatiOn. 5 l3 E?gi Egg For your additional internation, a source, who . has furnished reliable information in the past, advised on harch 21, 1961, that the Cuban radio made several broadcasts that day announcing seizure of a boat and capture of an American and four Cuban counterrevolutionaries at Cabanas, Pinar del Rio, with arms and ammunition.- The broadcasts identified the Cubans as Gilberto Betancourt, Francisco Garcia, larciano Bela Martinez and Augusto Harvel. The American's name was not distinguishable to the source. -;he larch 22,1961, issue of the "Hiami Herald" carried an articIe entitled "Yank, Pour Others Seized in Cuba With Arms Load Associated Press, Havana. The news article 9 announced the capture of five men, including an American who an? was?identified as August Hac?air,in an motor launch. The launch was identified as the "mercury and ea? according to the article, the announce? capture of this?group'followed reports that?f?bei.1grces had started a major buildup in the hills of Pinar del nioibrovince where 3; substantial numbers- were awaiting the arrival oL armslarch 22,1961,Angus t. ncHair? Coral Gables, 32- oridh$?bdvised his son, Angus lc?air, Jr., had been W39 i ,jested by Cuban authorities the previous day uh_en loCated Hula boat loaded with guns. nc?air stated his son had been recenkdy associated with Frank Fiorini who 45 an American and self?prOQEssed leader of a group of anti-Castro Belmont Callahan anrud individuals. uc?air last save his;son on: Harch 4,1961 at DeLouch MAILEQ .8 .5 Evans . 31219903 2 4311? ON YELLOW, PAGE $353; tiF EPWKAL COMM 3} W. C. Sullivan (4) ##ng Tele. Room Ingram - leeway MAIL ROOM TELETYPE UNIT run 5402? DunIdf?fE?l?dB Page 2 .--. Thy-Ii 3113333 :3 E33 @1111 "11811 @303 1 I 03 '7 23 )3 (14$ 11111111 3?3 E: 31111. J. We1ter Yeagley . r3 11.51 113 '3 (31-13 AL which t1me McNeir, Jr., announced he was 1eav1ng for Cube. Fer year infermetien, Wc?eir, Sr., is an accountant in M1em1 law firm in whieh Senator George Smethere e1 Fler1da 1e an inactive member. We the e1ght of March 21 1121, ene1her eeuree, Who has furnmehed reliable 11101111101 1n the paet, that Crlendo Beech, who 1e e13111an 11111111 91 the Wev1m1enta 1neurre?1onal 1e Weenperae1eu Revolue1eneria . 1e W1em1,1earne1-ef the seizure by Cuban.author1t1ee e1 thie group in Cuba. We identified. Wereiene 2e10, 1150 kneen ae- Geej1re, ee being among thie greup. Beech eenfided the geeup had taken by the beat "Jelly Roger" ta 1 point 011 the eoeet at Pinar del 110 Previnee, where they were transported by ekiff 10 the ehore et wh1ch -@o1nt they were apparently apprehended. Ce Weech 22,1961, Inspector Will1e e1 the.?nitee States Herder Petrel, 21111. a?vieed that en March 11,1961, the "Jolly Roger" wee reperte? 1n the Wleride Keys With ?ngue WeNair, Jr.s and e1ght unnamed . .- .Cubaee on board. We Watch 12 1961,1he "Jo 11y Roger" reported in the Key West, Floridag.eree with E11610 WurW C?ichehece, Cuban alien, on heard. On March 19,1961, the 1 "Je11y-Rage1" arrived at the Lower Catacomhe Key near Key Weet . end ee 01 March 22,1961 11 was at th1s locat_1on. having g1eaded eight S?wgalloe fuel drums en beard. Capte1e Enr1eue Wodr1guee 01 the "Jol1y Roger" has been ?erdered te report to the Emmigratiee and Naturalization Serviee at Wiem1._ . . en Wereh 21,1961, the Central Ente1 11gence ?eency adv1eed the captured gruup eeuld be an independent . operatien of the Frente Eevelueiener1e Bemeeratiee. an aentquWetra un1ty.eegan13et1en, but that Centre1 1n1e111gemee ?4 Agency bed ne operatiena1 interest in this matter and it 1e in e1 no Weaeledge regarding . yeur a?ditienal infatuation, the firee eouree mentiened in th1e lefter adVised that C1lberte Beteuceurt err eeted in 1957 the Batista gevernment an bombing '1:5402'? Page 3 3h?: ?Fir Conraci A DeLcachM Mr Evansmw . Mr Paf??m?? . Ii. 3 0? JUSTICE 1? 361mm?; . Eamhudg?rmibag? TN MAR A Malonem Er 30%an I LT URGENT 5-22-61 5-IRECTOR, E31 Classmeak Declassify FR SAC, MIAMI /105- 2855/. AP DE RECUPERACION REVOLUCIONARIA. DASH CUBA, RA BASH CUBA, NM. RE MIAMI REPORT or SA 2 . . I GEORGE E. DAVIS JR., JAN. EIGHTEEN LAST AT MIAMI AND BULET I .52EDNENTYONE LAST, NM FOUR NINE TNO DASH ADVISED THAT CUBAN 1? ?aw RADIO QUOTE VOZ END QUOTE MADE SEVERAL BROADCASTS THAT DAY Xi}? . 5 I I SEIZURE OF A BOAT AND CAPTURE or AN AMERICAN kw) I i FOUR CUBAN COUNTERREVOLUTIONARIES AT CABANAS, PINAR DELI I Au cafe: RIO, CUDA, WITH ARMS AND- MANN OADCASTS IDENTIFIED EU DISTING ID INFORMANT. TODAY-S ISSUE OF MIAMI HERALD R. myj/ Rig? 5 CARRIED ARTICLE ENTITLED QUOTE YANK, FOUR OTHERS M?s? ICUDA WITH ARMS LOAD END QUOTE, DATELINED 1551 HAVANAI WERE ARTICLE CAPTURE FIVE MEN, IMEEDDING .m . CIA HAS. NO. DDJECMDN T50 :5 - DEDI ARR ADM - - . RR. IZR II: RIA IARDRMAMDR '1 - I A Tn, [01?:57! . ETE- . lg.? EH 5402'? Page 4 ET: AN AMERICAN IDENTIFIED AS AUGUS NAC NAIR, IN ARNS LADEN MOTOR LAUNCH.I DOAT IDENTIFIED AS OUOTE MERCURY END QUOTE. ACCORDING TO ARTICLE, ANNOUNCEMENT OF CAPTURE THIS GROUP TOLLONED REPORTS THATJREBEL FORCES HAVE STARTED MAJOR . BUILDUP IN HILLS 0F PINAR DEL RIO PROVINCE UHERE SUBSTANTIAL NERE ANAITING ARRIVAL OF ARMS. THIS MORNING .ANCUS CORAL GADLES, ELAI., ADVISED HIS SON, ANGUS MC NAIR, JR., HAD BEEN ARRESTEDLBY BAN AUTHORITIES YESTERDAY IN BOAT LOADED NITH GUNS. IR SAID HIS SON HAD RECENTLY Li 5 NA -Cw N??m BEEN ASSOCIATED WITH FRAN IS AMERICAN ADVENTURER AND SELE DASH PROFESSED LEADER OF GROUP ANTI DASH CASTRO INDIVIDUALS. MC NAIR LAST SAN SON MARCH FOUR LAST NHEN SON ANNOUNCED LEAVING FOR CUBA. FOR INFO BUREAU, NC NAIR, SR. is ACCOUNTANT IN MIAMI LAN FIRM IN UHICH SENATOR JFW Hf?w? P. f. - A: NATHER 0F INACTIVE MEMBER. LAST SEVEN f? SIX DASH REPORTED THAT ORLANDO OSUH, WHO IS DELEGATE OF NIBR IN WMIAMI DISCLOSED Hz; JUST LEARNED OF SEIZURE BY CUBAN AUTHORITIES OF AN MIRR GROUP IN CUBA. HE IDENTIFIED MARCIANO AKA GUAJIRA, AS AMONG THIS GROUP. BOSCH CONFIDED THIS GROUP HAD BEEN TAKEN ON BOAT QUOTE END PAGE THO NH 5402'? Page 5 -. - 35ng . VENIAL LQAO EIL Ei?t ??res? 3 ELLHL TN ppm? a TOTAL BEAN ALZNQEE fawn?: rlQ?" Fat 15E ?9:197? PAGE THREE JOLLY ROGER END QUOTE TO POINT LOEP COAST AT CARANAS PINAR DEL RIO PROVINCE, NHERE THEYLNERE TRANSPORTER IN SKIFF TO SHORE, NHERE THEY HERE APPARENTLY APPREHENDED. TODAY :gg?i INSPECTOR HILLIS SNITHSON, U. s. BORDER PATROL, CLLEWTT ADVISED THAT ON MARCH JOLLYL ROGER HAS REPORTED LA IN FLA. KEYS NITH ANGUS AND EIGHT DNNANED CUBANS ON BOARD. ON MARCH LAST LL ROGER REPORTED IN TRY NEST AREA NITH ELIDIO BOARD. ON HARCH NINETEEN, JOLLY ROGER ARRIVED LOWER NATACOMBE KEY, NEAR KEY WEST, AND AS OF TODAY STILL THERE HAVING LOADED EIGH FIFTYFINE GALLON FUE DRUMS ON QNA wg?r . 4" g?mww BOARD. EOAPT. ENRIOU ODRIGUEZ BANEZW OF JOLLY ROGER WAS QRDERED REPORT INS, NIAMI. Wmt??: YESTERDAY, CIA ADVISED GROUP CAPTURED COULD BE INDEPENDENT OPERATION OF FRENTE REVOLUCIONARIO A DEMOCRATICO, AN ANTI DASH CASTRO UNITY ORGANIZATION, BUT THAT CIA HAD NO OPERATIONAL INTEREST IN THIS MATTER AND THEY -ARE IN POSSESSION No KNOWLEDGE RE OUOTE MERCURY END -NN FOUR NINE THO DASH HAS ADVISED THAT GILBERTO RETANCODRT HAS ARRESTED IN PIRTYSEYEN BY RATISTA GOVT. ON A BONDING CHARGE AND THAT FILES 0F BUREAU FOR REPRESSION COMMUNIST END PAGE THREE W) NEW 5402? 32301043 Page 6 ?runhkw-.PAGE FOUR ACTIVITIES IN CUBA PRIOR OVERTHROW BATISTA GOVT. REFLECTS EETANCOURT WAS MEMBER OF POPULAR SOCIALIST PARTY, CUBA COMMUNIST PARTY. ALSO, ORTANCOURT WAS AMONG PARTY OF NINETYONE CASTRO INSPIRED CUBANS WHO INUADED PANAMA IN APRIL FIFTYNINE. MM FOUR NINE TWO DASH ALSO ADVISED THAT ONE FRANCISCO GARCIA WAS CAPT. OF BOAT USED BY CUBAN INVADERS PANAMA, BUT NOT KNOWN IF HE IS IDENTICAL TO FRANCISCO GARCIA CAPTURED IN CUBA INSTANT CASE. MARCIANO EELO MARTINEZ WAS ON BOARD JOLLY ROGER SEPT. LAST WHEN U. s. BORDER PATROL STOPPED BOAT DURING PRACTICE RUN. 3? MIAMI ATTEMPTING LOCATE ORLANDO BOSCH FOR COMPLETE FACTS, BUT WILL NOT CONDUCT FURTHER INVESTIGATION PURSUANT INSTRUCTIONS BUREAU SET FORTH IN REFERENCED BULET To AG. MIAMI WILL SUBMIT LETTERHEAD MEMO SUITABLE DISSEMINATION TOLLOUIUC INTTRUIRU BOSCH. a Q?fwx END AND ACK PLS WA 5-41 PM OK I MAMMSL TU DISC 5 A S. AW SARA I I - I NH 54?2'? Page JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/4/2015 Agency Information leased under the John I1, AGENCY FBI KE 11:12:15: 1-711 RECORD NUMBER: 124-10277-10388 33a331nat10n RESUME . allectiun Act of 1992 .1 RECORD SERIES 2 HQ [?14 USC 210'? . 3 ase#:NH Date: 1. AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 97-4474-Document Information I ORIGINATOR: FBI - - FROM: DAVIS, GEORGE E. JR. 1 TO DIRECTOR, FBI a 15 TITLE If; DATE: 01/18/1961 g, 1 - PAGES: 50 SUBJECTS . - MIRR, ACA, FIGHTING, ESCAMBRAY, REGISTRATION, INS RECORDS, INTV, OBA, ASSOC, FINANCE, VESSEL, JOLLY ROGER, TRANSPORT, GUNS, CUBA, FS 354 PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT 4 CLASSIFICATION: Secret RESTRICTIONS 2? 4 CURRENT STATUS 'Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 08/20/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC 2 MEMO, TTY, RFT, TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1 v9.1 IO NH 54021 DunId:32301053 Page 1 1.313;? . .414 ISE 1' . Report; berm . . . . .3 . (Rev. 5-12-55) I . . .., FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION . REPORTING OFFICE or I . 5 INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD . MIAMI . MIAMI . m: 1 3 1951 8/6/60 - 113/61 TITLE CASE .. - REPORT MADE BY GEORGE E. DAVIS, JR. GED RECUPERACM ION REVOLUC IONARIA aka?MlRR C(Insurf'rectional Movement of IS - RA - Revolutionary AAUTRALITY 651:" 1:51:51 (jam. 1711.3 .. I R11- G1: 61:1 101R W1: .3511; VIN IN REFERENCES Miami te etypes to Bure 11/20/60 WASHINGTON AT WASHINGTON, .151 W111 check with Registration Section, United . States Department of Justice, for information concerning 1 alleged registration of instant orgenization b.y_ Dr. ORLAND BOSCH AVILA. .511: 5.5.5111 '5 . .. A 1111. - .5. 5.5: (/1511? 5?31, 0 1 . 1111f)?. . .5551NOT WRITE IN SPACES BELOWEHV I .1. 53.2, .. . 1. N. APPROVED I ?5.55 351 pf A. cones MADE: Bu?eail (RM) I. INS Hiami. (RM) SEE REVERSEM SIDE F028 W11 1111133 ?BCustoms, Miami (RM) "m . 1. I, 163:1. I 4' IN CHARGE . Hi . . - Field (RM) 5. (WAT-1.111111 191951 ACTION 7311;; (RM) 1(Info) . 5? 105 $2855) . 553W mg (521513." aw: BOSCH). \45 5 30375 - 1.5. 551515; or AI 0525953.; 3-: OMI/esz/ez - by 10.113R lg. dig/J. . .DeteQ - "if? 1/51H.811. . SEC .13 .1 A ?31391115 loaned to 193.19} . .mbw - . -HH 5402'? Page 2 :?5402'? E3 .. Sag) m1 105-2855 w? Translations of material set forth in this report were done by ELEANORE M. SCHOENBERGER, Trensla_tor, Miami Office. - - . IDENTITY . LOCATION or ORIGINAL INFORMATIQN. 134-307 Sub A is 1' Instant Report, Page 9 ALEX RORKE, NBC 1 Correspondent, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, 1 . New York City, who . 1 states he is a former .ragg?h) elerk of the New York Office,? . . I and is known to Agente Of that Officeo.- MMT- 3-1 . [134-211 Sub A (W Careful consideration has been given-- to eeoh source concealed in this report and symbols were utilized only in those instances where identitiee must be concealed. _1 1 12111111111111: >1 BonId:32301053 Page 'Y-u?zawe.11- -- - . x. . . mi? I IL: egg?2 04 ?new 3-5-59) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 7 ma 1 - Miami (RM) Gwyn: 1 -IU. 80 Customs, Miami (RM) Report of: GEORQEE. DAVIS, om?, Miami, Florida Date: JAN-1.81961 . Field Office File #2 10542855 Blureau File T'l MOVIMIENTO INSURRECIONAL - - RECUPERACION REVOLUCIONARIA . . Chan-ere" INTERNAL SECURITY NEUTRALITY MATTERS Synopsis: Newspaper publicity, 8/60, Miami, reflected-Dr. ORLANDO BOSCH AVILA, Cuban medical doctor, had been named a delegate in Miami of the MIRR, which allegedly has men' fighting against FIDEL CASTRO in the Escambray Mbuntains g? of Cuba. PANEQUE, aka, Captain DIEGO, now in Miami, named military coordinator; SINESIO WALSH, Commander in Chief in Cuba,?was reportedly captured and executed by CASTRO regime recently.? QUINO-MEMBRIBE is reported to be one of the principal leaders of MIRR now in Cuba. In Nevember,-1960, an informant reported plans of BOSCH and PANEQUE to send an expedition to Cuba _for the purpose of taking equipment means of_a boat, the "Jolly Roger". to the MIRR by Miami on or aboutJl/25/60. is vessel departed, JBOSCH reportedly executed - registration forms in Miami relative to Fore ignjAgents 'Registration_Acta7-In 1/61, BOSCH voluntarily furnished infermation to effect he joined July 26 Revolutionary Noyement in 1957, and became Chief oi this movement in' Las Villas Province shortly after BATISIA regime collapsed. -. Within a short time; he realized CASTRO government was rapidly becoming a Communist governmen, and he uncutbmuosl PM orceergg? This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. your agency; 1t and its contents are not to be Classi?ed . - Declase?the preperty of the FBI and is loaned to .HW 5402'? Page 4 4/ . NH 5402'? against the BATTSIA governments 'Subject formerly joinedc as_Major in the Rebel forces, and.was name . a Section Chief of the.26th of July forces in Las VillaS? Previneeo On'Oetober-Z, 1958, he was appointed acting, Chief of Natanzas, Pinar del Rio, and Havana Provinces FIDEL CASTRO on November 22, 1957, received a conmission- - by FIDEL On January 1, 1959, he was commissioned a-Major_' A in the regular Cuban Army and named Chief of Rural Police ,until dissolved in-April, 1959. From April until July, ,?gyl. 1959, he attended officers training-school at Bahia Honda, Pinar del Rio. In July, 1959, he was appointed Chief of Public Order, 6-3 of the Cuban Army, and served as such until his departure from Cuba September 1, 1960. On November 9, 1959, he was named government intervener .of La Compania Inter-AmeriCana.de Transportes (Inter? American Transport Company), until September 1, 1960, when the company was incorporated into an organization known as Talleres Nacional, which is the government agency respon- sible for all motorized.eQUipment in the Republic.? He -was named General Administrator of Talleres Nacional by - FIDEL CASTRO, and certified as such on August 29, 1960. LE. Reports Concerning Plans of 0n Nbvember 1, 1960, MM T91, Who is well achainted with BOSCH and some members of his-group, advised that Dr. ORLANDO BOSCH had possession of'a forty-foot luxury, yacht, described as the "Trudy Lou" (subsequently identified by MM T?l as the I?i?Jelly Roger"), bearing registratioa number then docked.athust Island, Miami River, ?Miami. This boat was in the pracess of-being equipped with two short-wave'radiosc The boat, according to MM T71, was scheduled to'make a clandestine trip to Cuba for Mountains?ofFCuba thepurposeoftakiniKequipment to the MIRR in.the Escambray- . nunIn:32301053 Page 5 -- [?53 la NH 5402'? 1 11111032355 mg 851% On November 2, 1960, MM Tel said the equipment would include a two-way portable radio, and he suspected that small arms would also be transported About four men-were scheduled to make trips on this boat.? It was seheduled to depart in.the immediate.?uture upon compdetion of radio installation. MM T-l received the information indicating that MMEMR.EANEQUE would be in command of the boato MM T-l also learned that BOSCH had acquired a radio transmitter and receiver which operate on 4895 kilocycles at his residence, 4138 Southwest 18th Terrace.@ L43 On November 3, 1960, MM learned that approxi- mately ten persons planned to make a trip aboard the above destribed vessel_on November 3 to deliver equipment to the MIRR in'the Escambray Mountains. rThe boat was scheduled to take some arms which were believed to have been acquired by RANEQUE on a recent trip to.the northenipart of the United States @Xm On Nevember 19, 1960, MM T-Z is well acquainte with BOSCH and some members of his organization, advised that 15 Cubans were scheduled to depart on board a 45wfoot boat having two engines, under the command of VICTOR RANEQUE, within 48 hours, exact time of departure being unknown This expedition was being spon- sored by the MIRR under the civilian leadership of ORLANDO The boat was scheduled to transport a supply of weapons, consisting of garands, carbines, revolvers and one 20 millimeter cannon and some short wave rad-io equip~ . ment. The _purpose of the expedition was to set up a post in the interior of Cuba .in order to organize and establish - a provisional government. to operate a short wave radio, station, and to request United States aid following establishment Of the base. MM expressed great *confidenee in the aims and purposes of BOSCH and PANEQUE, both of whom he believed to be sincerely anti- communist and anti- -CASTRO. MM T-Z said that he had heard a rumor magma Page 6 . . EAREVIEWED ER TASK FORCE .. new . . RTE REE. Eon. . . -. [3 RR. PERT . .. MM 10.5?2855 TOTAL BEE. AL REERMEE 5% to the effect that EANEQUE is suspected of being a CASTRO agent. He discounted this rumor explaining that EANEQUE - had taken a trip to washington, and New York with LUIS CONTE AGUERO, but had 1ater split with CONTE.AGUERO after CONIE AGUERO had attempted to deceive RANEQUE, whereupon CONTE AGUERO started a rumor that RANEQUE is a CASTRO 'agent, as a means 0f retaliation against him. MM 'said that in his opinion BANEQUE is one of the most solid, sobeta?ntial and reliable Cubans he has ever met. The Miami.of?ices of the United States Customs Service and United States Border Patrol were notified concerning above plans, and on September 20, 1960, the .United States Border Patrol, Miami, adviSed that it had just stopped the "Jolly Roger", as it was in the process of 'departing Miami. Eight individuals, inc_1uding two women, \1 were on board ,all of whom claimed they were on a fishing trip. There was fishing gear on board Inapection of the boat by U. Border Patrol and U. 8. Customs disclosed only one .45 caliber revolver; but no other weapons or ammunition nor any other radio equipment except the ship- to? shore boat radio. The following individuals were on board: . a VICTOR-MANUEL EANEQUE BATISTA Cesare-$119135 TIN ORRESs SkEERer191t-.th1e.mbae1t MARCINOEEBELOQMARI EZ DANIELXMORENO ,hmE-f ERJR mi? Also on boar were AMOS ATKINS and his wife, JOAN, both U. S. citizens. 1111 if i kwbijk?r? do?. REFEREE 5402'? Page 2? L11 The owner og?t?djboatiwas allegedly ARTHUR J. who was ??tm?b board It was noted that the boast-ad four extra lsoegalloa fuel tanks which were not ho? ed up into the boat?s'systemu There were no substantial food Supplies on board? The Se Border Patrol advised that as there was no evidence of any Federal'violation, the boat was released, and it returned up the Miami River later in the same afternoon.- MM 105-2855 I Uh [0n November 21, 1960, MM T- 2 advised the trip of the "Jolly Roger? on November 20, 1960, had been a test trip for the purpose of determining what, if any, action would be taken upon departure of the beat. He said there_ was no intention to l?ave Miami on that day. On November 25, 1960, MM T- I advised that the_ ."Jolly Roger" had departed Miami and that its present whereabouts was unknown. On December 29, T-3 reported that has had received information from Cuban exiles adquaintedr with Captain DIEGO that DIEGO was just then in the process of returning to Miami from.a trip to Cuba following which he had encounter boat trouble in the Bahamas while en route back to ami ,citizenship as a result of his participation in the FIBEL CASTRO regime shortly after January 1, 1959, but who subsequently defected, is attempting to negotiate an agreement With Captain group to obtain tranSportation of some 05% 5 A W337i. Elm ?Ht/a. 2w 1 I I 5402'? Page 3 . NH 5402'? MM 105w2855 FIORIN19s mee from Miami to Cuba where?FIORINI'S?men expect~tegeperate in an area staked out for themselves. FIORINI told MM TmS'that- DIEGO had succeeded in taking some men and equipment into Cuba several- weeks previously. He claimed that moving picture photographs and still pictures ef the entire operation have been made by an -American knees to FIORINI only as ALEX. Di? Registration On December 30,1960,Mr ALEXANDER NEWBERGER, asso- ?siated with the Law firm of Mr DAVID WALTERS, Ainsley . Building, Miami, advised that about 1% months previously -Dro ORLANDO BOSCH had come to his office for advice as to -whether or not he should become registered under the Foreign Agents" Registration Act on behalf of an organi- eation- represented by him. Mr that he assisted Dr, BOSCH in executing the appropriate registra? tion farms in his office, and upon completion of same, . gave the registration form enclosed. in an envelope addressed to the United States Department of Justice, Washington, D. 0., with the expectation that this form ?would be mailed to Washington, D. G. Mr NEWBERGER said that he was impressed by. the sincerity of Dr.? BOSCH, Who appeared to be a professional man and who desired to abide. by the laws of the United States E, Immigration and Naturalization Service Records 0n Nevember 2,1960,Mr. MMETT PHILLIPS, Immigration and NstUralization Serv'ce (INS), Miami, made available for examination the INS file All 881 810, on em AVILA, medical doctor. This confirmed - A, - 12 - DncId:32301053 Page 9 5402'? SB FT 1 1 - Mr. Simpson ASSistant Attorney Gen J. Ff ??lsgi _j 95 13.1.5 ?1 DireCtor, FBI y?g?ju 11?! 711-3 sons! mm msumzozm. DE 7: RECUPERACION REVOLUCIONARIA ,3 . . - - REGISTRATION ACT - CUBA ,3 [Arrses . . D11CUM ENS Jm There is enclosed one copy of the report of . Special Agent George E. Davis, Jr., dated January 18,1961, 3? at Iiani, Florida, concerning captioned organisation. On January 3,1961, an interbant, furnished reliable internation in the past acw?isod that Victor Paneque, also known as Captain niegn,,vho is the. lei litsry delegate of the loviniento Insurrecional de Recuperacion Revolucionaria in li? S?ln? tQ be placed in Cuba through Guantanano Bay} Cuba annexing soon Li?hy "the Americans," not further identiliod. .On_Jnnulry 16 this sane informant learned tree or. 'Orlando..Bosch - Vila, the Miami civilian delegate q1.tho~lovinienio nsurrecional de Becuperacion Revolueionaria, that the 51% veSSel "Jolly Roger? was going tQ trees mguns from Green Cay, Reba-s Islands, to lien ?tand these gunsACV- would subse uently be taken by a group by plane. from Hiani to Cuba. . mm?gnuary 19,1961, our Kim Office interviewed three nen~whouhad identified themselves as united States citizens who hid been located ca isolatedrproperty northwest of??onpnno?3eech, rlorida. ~thse sen were Robert Edward 43 Rostallon, James Peter Henri and August Joseph Andrew Bachot, Jr,, who stated they belonged to an unnamed organi- zation of 12 to 13 Americans under the leadership 01 Frank sSturgis and that their was a staging area which had ?been used by a group prior to its departure on an unknoin\\ date for Cuba. These three individuals were observed to be 3, 5' in possession of one revolver. They alleged that Sturgis had stated their presence in Cuba would encourage cubans Tam? to defect against Castro, and that if the revolution was Mmu__i_l+1 successful against Castro, they would be rewarded with 3politica1 positions or businesses under Belmont av CuHuhun a 1 Mlaw Leach Malone McGuue Rosen I T.e1e Room .. - Inqro Candy MAIL ROOM 1: TELETYPE UNIT Cl DucId:32301053 Page 10 new Cuban regime. mi 54:12? (cm; in 55mm hag-s .adviaed our Miami mime that although gg} is being aff?rded th$s matter by CIA and it is passible ?hat #1533?ssistantd&ttorney General J. Walter Y?agley 71?. 32:1? - :6 'Framk Sturgis, mentianed above, is identical. with ?wank??nth?ny Sturgis, also knuwn 33 Frank.Fiorini, who 13 mentiamed in tha enclese? repart as having entered intoxnegatiatiOnm with Captain Biago ta abtain transportation of his man frnm:Mi&mi ta Cuba whar? Fiorimiga men-wauld Stake out?an area?uf ayerations far Sturgia' is-the subject of my letter ta yam dat?d Dacamber 16, at which.time yam were requeated ta advi?e whether the activities Of Eturgi? develepad f0 data indicated a possible vialatiun of neutralityistatute? Within the inveatigative rjurisdiction 0f the FEE warranting additianal inveatigatiun, 9n January 19} 1&61, an who has furnished xeliable information in the paat, reported he had visited the cam? maintained-by Eturgia near Pampann Eeanh, Flarida, and?had learned.that Captain Diego has a group leaving ?thi? weekend" for Cuba and was to taka along saveral of Sturgia? men as a separate unit under the .1eadarship a? ?ne Max Viia; 3w. Thi? sama infermant - reported that he had laarned that Bosch; Diego and'?turgis 3 were 9m January 19, Tampa, Florida, allegadiy abtain p03$essien of a baa? which had been und?rg?ing repairs? $d?itianal detail? of this Z?Z?iand1 ?thE'i?antity 9f tha baat imvalvedrara not knawn, Tha waited States Cugtams Servica and?the United States,Eor?er Eairel have bean furnished all?partinent develupments 1m thia matter in View of the pugsibility of additional gunruaning activaties an the part of the peraon? ?involved with the captioned organizatian. . ., represemtative 03 the Cemtral'?ntelligenme Agenc?' M13 CIA has no oparational interaat in ?rlanda Bosch Avila and hia organization-at tha pre?emt time, some cansideratiom may acquire an aperational igteres? ?n thi? arganizatien_ at sa??kime in the near future. 7&1} . . .gj?xi??w q. 2 mm L-bv-V-M?m 5: 6 3% Page 11 EI 35911 ?301.55 EH n~ AMI 38 01 383m AAHI :vano OI ?IvoA HO AA Elva Ol A A8 GHSH VEHV DNISVLS SVM HIHHL UNV 18003 HLHILXIS LHSIE OML JO SNVDIHHNV NEELHIHI 0L EAWHML JO SNILSISNOD NV :7 i OI AAHI AAIVLS OHA "Ar 4 - EAAW A a GNV 383A ASAHI AA GELVTOSI NO AAIVAAI ?3 An sv SEAAZSNEHL OHA 3 i A . INVIN "v11 ?AINnoo AAVAOAA ~2 AA NAIIVAAOANI SISVA 'vano ENVIA IAVIN anous AA 3A ASAHA INVIH ENDS OI 3N103_svm. Aft]: HLOHUNR A3303 AIIAP H3308 GENHV31 AAvs NEALXIS NO 'Aasoa AI SNIGHODDV SNVDIHZAV ZHL AA woos AVA owvmvimvms HEDVAA AA AI DNIOD sum A mascara-rm ?4 m?hbc?r meann WM :a'r qfid NI A0 AIVSAIAA SI OHM LVHL GZSIAGV Hsva AIS AA CAL 33va \ .. THREE POSSESSION OF ONE HENLEY MARK SIX REVOLVER. THEY STATED THAT SAID THEIR PRESENCE IN CUBA NODLD ENCOURAGE COEANS TO AGAINST CASTRO, AND THAT IF REVOLUTION SUC- CESSFUL AGAINST TREY NODLD RE RENARDED NITH POLITICAL POSITIONS OR BUSINESSES UNDER THE NEH REGIME AND DE ALLONED RENAIN IN CODA. FRANK IS IDENTICAL TO FRANK ANTHONY STURGIS, AKA FRANK EIORINI, NHO OAS NENTIONED IN REFERENCED RERORT AS HAVING ENTERED INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH CAPTAIN DIEGO To ODATIN TRANSPOR- TATION OF HIS NEN TRON NIANI TO CUBA, NEN NOHLD STAKE OUT AREA OF ODERATIONS FOR TRENSELVES. TODAY, NN NINE DASH REPORTED HE VISITED FIORINI-S CANR NEAR DONPANO REACH YESTERDAY AND LEARNED THAT CAPTAIN DIECO HAS GROUP LEAVING THIS WEEKEND FOR CUBA AND NILL TANE ALONC FOUR OR FIVE OF FIORINI-S MEN AS SEPARATE UNIT UNDER LEADERSHIP OF MAX VILA, JR. SAME INFORMANT ALSO LEARNED THAT TODAY BOSCH, DIEGO ANB FIORINI ARE REPORTEDLY IN TAMPA, FLA., TO APPARENTLY OBTAIN POSSESSION OF A BOAT WHICH HAS BEEN UNDERGOING REPAIRS. IDENTITY OF BOAT AND FURTHER DETAILS NOT MIAMI. HAS SEEN IN LIAISON NITH CIA LOCALLY CONCERNING DEVELOPMENTS INSTANT END PAGE THREE . Cm ?34.9mm 0? I . -: an 325? -- ?1 w? ulna RONA SECNRT Lm??kh?uwh??9 5402'? Page 14 JFK Assassination System Iden?? cation Form Date: 6/4/2015 Agency Information Eleased under the q?x? AGENCY FBI KB 11112 :13: RECORD NUMBER: 124-10277-10389 ssassinatinn Records . allectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [44 USC 2107' Note] . ase#:NH 5902? Date: . AGENCY FILE NUMBER I 974474-3RD NR 8 a_2 5 2 El Document lnfonnation ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM T0 DIRECTOR, FBI DATE: 01/23/1961 PAGES 5 SUBJECTS MIRR, US ANTI-CASTRO ORGANIZATIONS, ASSOC, OBA DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION - Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact - DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/ 19/ 1 998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM v9.1 IHH 54021 Dunld:32301054 11 Page 1 .- Fahror?raom no. to 01W ?4 I 'l (.1, I STATES QEMMENT -Mem0mndum - . DIRECT FBI (E1?5"89923w r?M-a . SUBJECT: 1 . Re re "m1 tel 1/11/61. Of?? Enclased herewith are three copies of letter- .I V. head memorandum, dated and captioned as above, setting I, LIL . CONTAIITEBQII information in retel for dissemination. MM T-l has furnished reliable Iinfgarlx?ation the past. . DOFFI vaS?ao 7? rm: is Em 639%)? . . ST 2'15th 1' ?9 . gr: Miami Office has serious doubo in $735 accuracy of enclosed information furnished by JAMES g; BUCHANAN. pi il?. a ?m?o Extra copies of enclosed letterhead memorandum are attached for Bureau dissemination to CIA. The enclosed lettez. head memorandum is marked inasmuch as the disclosure of the information could affect the national security. I ?d Q7 ?/iiJz/g?rhca \fg 09/1/30 (95/ng 591 l. SC - 60 Bureau (Encls. 5) (IRM) f5!? . 2? R?inni :5 .52. a?qu 7 i I $111?; (?if J. 7 - - . 11>? CINOT RECORDED 77' 9 I6) 1 Sassatmamm?m I CC 6? e? ?g ??gTiw-s?? L?a ?42230qu mmdku %52gENCLOSURE .-. I .323! vista? Fi?} . I a} ?q?x . 5 I . 7 ?(Ir ?5713-1531. 135.1 E33 NH 5402'? Page 2 gunk-358% He stated magma hod bun node with . rmchetinBtowotdCounty. Florian. touuh'n unload famuatniniogcmg full endorsement of AMER mm and the CIA. BUCHANAN advised that in View of the publication of the story in' the ?Kiwi Harold" he intended to rah-to his Stat-7 along the some lineo in the "Hollywood sun-mum on January 12, 1961. I . A - no 1-1 has been invo1ved in Cuban Rm1utionory activities to: the past three years, is a close ?mints oz FRANK FIORIHI and is in periodic contact with PEDRO 1.018 mg MHZ. . I EH Pal said on ninety 11', 1961 that FRANK is moditly co-opetoting ?md associating with VICTOR AHEQUE and CW leodcro of the Howl. *7 ties-mi: Insurectiona'l do Rewpetaoion Rewlucionorio,m anti ?casino organisation, which hos established a ttoining camp in Florida and anticipating military expedition the taboo it: the no'o?t future. 1 1-31 stated thot PEDRO LUIS DMZ MR2 to pro-6 gently a? number of the Parents Revolutionano Democratico (FED) and 1a preparing to ?17 to Central. America whore he plans to woke speeches ond rallies tinted agaimt amnion and the CASPRO Goverment of Who. - . - fox-met hood of the cat, was umiotod with PRAHR 2mm; and the cot existed until. about July, 1960, when MHZ discontinued and ?amed the DB 1 which organioo?tion have: got going and no magic? dis- continued. Thor-otter, DMZ MM Joined tho FBI), it still toleavethom. . -. I 4 NH 5402'? Page 3 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/4/2015 Agency Information under the John AGENCY: FBI Kennedy RECORDNUMBER: 124-10277-10396 Records elleetien Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ USC 210'? Note] . 5402? Date: AGENCY FILENUMBER: 8?25?2017' .I ., Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE I 1/02/1960 PAGES 1 l3 - SUBJECTS MIRR, OBA, ASSOC, PURCHASE, WEAPONS, TRA, CUBA, ACA DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/19/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC 2 MEMO, TTY WI NH 5402? 13 Page 1 E) tw?: -. _DncId:32301061 Page 2 ?an . ?05? /2?E?vx \w 2g ?33ij {Ks?i??i?hx\f?g?xm t! $3311:S?igmss k} ?5 $ng [4 263% A 2~ A A ?~35 km? 1 )wg?gi/ 2%?13:1ng 23% t! 3 pi?) ?Ewan" 763%?? :Jz??zm WW 3&6 A imw? mm a: A 9&5? "i 5 y\ WW adwz? 43913% 4mm . s3; f/ a? x10; 13% ?.645 ?4ng AW f5,? ?ya 511 *w A24, Wm) ?aw. ,4 mm; \a In may! . (3:35:9ka gigis?; gmx3?5 ?19% (35 7 SN c5. {?52ng ?Rf ?5 . (K 2% $139k - wk . . mg?? 4 3 a; ?335 gamma as 29,5? 2" HE 54u21 inunId:32301u?1 Page 3 11?: 541121 Page 4 NH 54021 'nucId:32301u?1 Page 5 RR: .. I IRIRQKR: SIR-KITQ QRIIQI IIRI RQQ QRRQ IQ II IRQR If?; QQRIIRIIQTQ RR RR QIR.QI HIRQLQ RRILEQT RR RRIT .R IR gu?g?.vr QILI IRIQIYSII IQ -LRI UILLRQ IIQRIQQIR QRII . RI QIIQ QILIQRII IQ IQ QIRQIR. RQIQQ QLRIQIQ QIQQ QIIQQ QI RQQI QRIQIRQI IQI IQQLRIIQQ QI QUQR RI . ILL QQUQIQIIQ QI IQQIR IQIIQQI IQQIRIRQQR Page 6 1.. f5402? "DunIu:32301u?1 Page 3 5156903?? 9? gm . W?/?a/fm {Elam W: A: A, 634m?, w? 0% 75? a 34%? @wa A .- diam Page 9 32301061 DnnId RH 5402? System - I Date: 6/4/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Information Eleased under the John AGENCY FBI . KE TITLE :13: RECORDZNUMBER: 124-1027740399 - . 535,33 111a,; 1m, Regards I . nllectiun Act of 1992 HQ - - [44 USC 2107 Note] . ase#:NH 5402? Date: AGENCY FILENUMBER: 97-4474-164 I - - 8?28?2017? Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM-1 SAC, T0 DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: .91/18/1965 - 12 SUBJECTS MIRR, ACA, ALLEGED, BOMBING RAID, INFILTRATION, CUBA, SUGAR MILLS DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICT IONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/16/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS: INC NOTE v9.I I, 2 NH 5402'? Page 1 MM Em FEDERAL BUREAU OF TWIGAHUH SJECTIGN FPS WET FBI WISH DC JAN181985 3 "in ..2:83 FBI MIAMI I 500 PM URGENT 1-18-65 SHR T0 RECIOR 97-4474 59FROM MIAMI 105 2855 5 may. I UWW RLL Mi mm UULUMEMT 7-24-97 RE NOVINIENTO INSURRECIONAL DE RECUPERACION REVOLUCIONARIA SW, INTERNAL SECURITY DER NEUTRALITY MATTERS .. RECLA men ?14: :47, @652.? RE MIAMI AIRTEL T0 BUREAU DATED JAN., FOURTEEN, MIMEIEEN SIXTY VE . f. I 1" ON JAN., EIGHTEEN, NINETEEN SIXTY FIVE, THE QUGTE MIAMI HERALD UNQUOTE CARRIED AN ASSOCIATED PRESS RELEASE CONTAINING THE INFORMATION: NIRR CLAIMED TO HAVE CONDUCTED A BONBING RAID AGAINST CUBA 0N JAN., SEVENTEEN, NINETEEN SIXTY FIVE, NIRR CLAIMED THAT SUGAR CANE FIELDS, INCLUDING THE NIAGARA SUGAR NILL IN PINAR DEL RIO PROVIENCE WERE BONDED. HE ALSO BETWEEN JAN., THREE AND FIVE, NINE- TEEN SIXTY FIVE THE NIRR BOAT TOOK INFILTRATORS TO CUBA AND WAS INTENTIONALLY SUNK ON JAN. SIX, NINETEEN SIXTY FIVE TO PREVENT BY CASTRO FORCES. END PAGE ONE 4&5? 5 j/ :4 26 1965 RELEASE TN PULL No D- RELEASE iN PART it . TOTAL DENIAL 33' AVILA, HEAD OF THAT IT IS HIGHLY UNLIKELY THAT A BOMBING .NM SIX THREE NINE.DASH-S NHO IS IN BOSCH RAID OR INEILTRATION MISSION SUCH AS THIS NAS CARRIED OUT BY MIRR. INPORNANI SUSPECTS THIS PRESS RELEASE NAS TO STIMULATE MONEY CONTRIBU- TIONS TO . I NH FOUR NINE TNO ON JAN. EICHTEEN, NINETEEN SIXTY FINE ADVISED THAT HARCELINO GARCIA, A MIRR OFFICIAL, ON SEVENTEEN, -NINETEEN SIXTY FIVE, SAVE THE ABOVE PRESS RELEASE TO MIAMI RADIO STATION GARCIA CLAIMED THE RAIOINC PLANE RETURNED TO ITS EASE IN I THE CARRIBEAN. GARCIA INVITED STATION NHET TO ATTEND A PRESS CONEERENE ON THIS NATIER.SCHEDULED IN NIANI.POR POOR PM. TODAY. INFORMANT STATED IT IS HIGHLY UNLIELY ANY RAID OR INPILTRATION MISSION SUCH AS THIS TOOK PLACE AND THE PRESS RELEASE IS A GUISE TO COLLECT MONEY.I u.s. CUSTOMS ON JAN. EIGHTEEN, NINETEEN.SIXTY FIVE, STATED NTRR HAS NO INEILTRATION POTENTIAL, HAS NO BOATS, AND Is NOT TRUTHFULLY INTERESTED IN INFILTRATION. IOTA, STATE DEPT., AND INS, EIANI, ADVISED THAT THERE IS NO A RAID TOOK PLACE OR ANY INPILTRATION a) MISSION NAS RADIO HAVANA, AS YET HAS NOT CONFIRMED OR DENIED THE ALLEGED RAID OR INPILTRATION.NISSION. END PAGE TWO 3 - nEEILrPP?r?m-Annra. W: ?RITE?Azef??pwk u, i IIHH 5402'? Page 3 ELL -4 FE DC FBI MIAMI 500 PM EST URGENT 1- DIRECTOR 97-4?74 FROM MIAMI 105-2855 FIVE. INFORMATION: 1.3" CASTRO FORCESCONTAINED 33331:: Is EXCEPT wa 3mm OTHERWISE NH 54021 Dunld:32301064 IA CIA HAS NO OBJECTIQN T0 13"? IN THIS DOCUMENT 7 aq?q?l I 897 5 RE MOVIMIENTO INSURREGIONAL BE RECUPERACION REVOLUCIDNARIA PAREN EIRR ?a Page 4 RE NIAMI AIRTEL T0 BUREAU DATED END PAAEA, INTERNAL SECURITY DASH CUBA: NEUTRALITY MATTERS DECLASSIFIED SY 5 Li?" 0N JAN., EIGHTEEN, NINETEEN SIXTY FIVE, THE QUOTE MIAMI HERALD AIAA CLAIMED TO HAVE CONDUCTED A BOABINA RAID AGAINST CUBA 0N SEVENTEEN, SIXTY FIVE, AIAA THAI sueAA THE AIAGARA SUGAR AILI IN PIAAR DEL RIO PROVIENCE AA ALAIAED THAT BETWEEN JAN.. THREE AND FIVE, stIY FIVE IAE AIAR TOOK INFILTRATORS To CUBA AND wAs sunx 0A JAN. 51x, NINETEEN SIXTY FIVE To PREVENT CAPTURE UNQUOTE CARRIED AN ASSOCIATED PRESS RELEASE CONTAINING THE FOLLOWIHE IFICAIIQN REVIEWED BY gawk TASK FORCE 0N (901 RELEASE A FULL PAGE we a RELEASE A: PART 1 .2 El TOTAL DENIAL I(!gf? 51x THREE AIDA DASH van 19 IA CONTACT AITA DRLANDD AVILA, HEAD OF ATAREIADVISEA THAT IT Is HIGHLY UHLIKELY THAT A DDAAIAG RAID DA AISSIDA SUCH As THIS WAS CARRIED OUT BY MIRA. SUSPECTS THIS PRESS RELEASE wAs To STINULATE MONEY CONTRIBU- TD AIRR. AA TAD DASH 3 ON JAN. AIAHTEDN, ATAETETA SIXTY FIVE THAT GARCIA, A MIRR DFTIDTAL, DA JAN. SETEATEEA, -AIAATAEA SIXTY FIVE, GAVE THE ABOVE PRESS RELEASE To MIAMI RADIO STATION AATT. THE RAIBING PLANE RETURNEU TD ITS BASE IN GARCIA INVITED STATION AADT To ATTEND A PRESS 0A THIS MATTER SCHEDULED IN FDR FOUR PA. TADAT. TATDRAANT IT Is HIGHLY DALIELT ANY RAID DR IATILTRATTDA Alssxom SUCH AS THIS TOOK PLACE AAD THE PRESS RELEASE IS A AUTSE To COLLECT MONEY. v.3. DUSTDAS DD EIGHTEEN, ATAATEEN SIXTY FIVE, STATED AIAA Ac INAILTRATIDA FGTEHTIAL, HAS NO BDATS, AND IS NOT TRUTHFULLY IN . STATE DEPT., AAD INS, ADVISED THAT THERE Is AD I INFORMATION THAT SUCH A RAID TDDT PLADE OR ANY IAFILTRATIDN z; ATSSIDA AAs AADID HAVANA, As TAT HAS NOT COATIAAED DA DTATED THE ALLEGED RAID 0R IATILTRATIDA AIASIDA. I END PAGE Two T33 . 5 NH 5402'? Page 5 JFK Assasination System Date: 6/4/2015 Iden??ca?onFonn Eleased under the John FBI . Kennedy ssassinatinn Records RECORDNUMBER. 124-10277-10413 nllectiun Act of 1992 RECO [44 USC 21m Nate]. RDS HQ 54:12? Date: 974474-151 I . -. Docummt Infomation FBI FROM: CROSSMON, WALLACE A. To: DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 09/30/1964 4 . MIRR, ASSOC, PROPAGANDA, DISTRIBUTED DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed - RESTRICTIONS: 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/16/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS ?3 I v9.1 . 7 RH 5402? DnnId:323010?B Page 1 I FIE-333 (Rev. 5-1.5 9} I FEDERAL OF momenta; omonomom DATE 3 - Puma}: 1964 TITLE OF cm Whimsy may SA WMCE A, av IOVIHIENTO INSURBECCIONAL or CASE DE WMCION EABIO (HIRB)(Insurreot1ena1 movement of Revolutionary Recovery) gig-7.0031; RA - 2 - Confidential souice referred to in attached? report 181?? 52-8, This report 15 olassi?ed confidential, inaEhuch as 11110th from 524-8 could result in his compromise - and 1'eesen ?fe effectiveness as a confidential informant 1n the tutu-9.. If ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED . HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED ?541,497; - covEEIngE SP A 5 -Burea.u (97?4474) 5 ?g - REG 4 ms. um: um)? ?m . 7 ?57 - ggE nonmssEgg' 33 CI 1 - G-z' FT. acm?oxfom. (an) - 4 4954- 1 "129$ 1. - INTO, 0W, FM (-33) . - -Em? (105-374) . 1 saw. 1 - 105-107) (Anti-FIDElol - - Dluumlno??n Reconl of Attached Raven; 1' I mien: -. '11:;gncir5 .- - 1- .. .hequeet Read. - ,34. 0 Dote?l?-?wd. 4 How'Pwd. a? NH 5402'? P13113152. In, 1 - JFK Asmss-tion System Date: 5/4/2015 Iden??mtion Form Agency Information Eleased under the FBI . Kennedy RECORD NUMBER: 124?1027740449 ssass inat inn Re cur-:13 . allectiun Act of 1992 RECORDSERIES: HQ USC 2107' Note]. ase#:NH Date: AGENCY 974474-120 8?2 a? 2 I: 17' Document Infomtion ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: CROSSMON, WALLACE A. TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 06/11/1964 PAGES: 12 SUBJECTS MIRR, COMMANDO GROUPS OF ACTION, SPONSOR, UNIVERSITY OF TP, CEREMONY DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06124/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS -- v9.1 . NH 54021 Dunld:32301114 '19 Page 1 i ash-?63. Ind?. sat-59) Y- . .r FEDERALKVBUREAU OF amen-Ia: omcsoromsm PERIOD . TAMPA mam WV T1 1964?. . 5115434 5223;?. Tl CASE mums? . 'rvpr-?o sv Insumcmom 35 A- ?033"? I egs If cuAnAamnc?Iuw? . - (HIRE) (Insurrectionsllovement of Revolutionary Recovery) ?nuc.? ALL INFORMATIDH 76 - . HEREI - . I . 17%2373? Mimsmma: . . 3" Confidential sources referred; to is attached report are as follows: - some]: - wen-Ion or ORIGINAL 7-1 is man-s 1'13, Emma-.5? /'rp 1-2 1- per Jame Awm mm" w?meeA?s Inasmuch as the man, is. completely insotive in Tampa :his case is me. If county hope will rebpen and cum. This report is. classified confidentieul ins'smich as information .frou' -1 and to 1-2 omlquresult- in their compromise and lessen their, informants in the ?moves ?Tag?? comes? . I I - Bureau,? (RH) - _/14'033 - INS, Miami . 1 - 0N1, mam.-s. (mm) 1 I- 031:, Robins, AFB, (Is. (an) 1 - e?z, Ft. MPhersbn,? Go. (all) 1 - INTO, Orlando,- Fla. '3 - Miami (105-2855) (14133) (I) (1-105-1742, . I . A Agency - . I - Recluse! Heed. S'm ?3 - of . a?p? Date Fwd. 4 . I How Pun5402'? Page 2 .. - a. 5-1-59) a; a - FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 4r gamma owns . maeromqm 1' wm'rw: lumenTITLE OF CASE mum-v TYPEDBV mamas-m msumdmom DE - 85? "Am? Ao 3308330? igags RECUPERNBION REVOLBCIORARIO (M133) (Insurreot1onalrlovemeut 01 Bevolut1onary Recovery) RA-CUBA 735:11? I i i A hug-'- .. HEREIN IS WISH my 1 I . - . 19W confiden11a1 Sources referred to in at1abhed report are as follows: [semen -. @1on or ORIGINAL 1-9 1-1 13 19 52.3 n: m?amua THE 18 PSI BLENB - Inasmuch as the ulna 1: completely 1n?c11ve 1n Thupa :11: case 13 Rue. It ae11v11y resumes, lump; V111 rebpen and 0 We lh1e report 13 olaae111ed ooai1d?nt1nt as informat16n from HP 1&1 and 1? oould result 1n 1he1r oanprea1ee and lessen the1r et1eet1veneea as eon?1aent1al 1n1ernante 1n the APPROVED MW no not warm IN arm eaLow COPIES Bureau 1 - e. 1 031, Robins, 133,34. 1 - e-z, Ft. HePherson, an. (RN) 3 - Miami. (105-2855Hm?nn) quueal Reed. 1 Date Paul. I How 3? 7 EH 5402'? Page 3 -- I JFK Assassination System Date: 5/4/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10277?10453 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100-339235-371 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: DIRECTOR, FBI TO TITLE DATE: 04/28/1971 APAGES: 58 SUBJECTS SHF, RCF, NCK DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 08/13/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS EBF, INC Eleased under the John Kennedy Eaassinatinn Recurda allectinn Act of 1992 (44 USC 210? Note]. ase#:NH 54464 Date: 'v9-1 . - 103 NH 54464 Page 1 M27, . ka . ?$1260 A4 #5433 13$ - I 11% SEEM 47/6/4327 26?? m?gimz fix-w 7/5 70 (3) Ar Meal/61w?? #24 5M #4 9? DIEMWY 6/1/7557 7/0#/5 927 . DES ER {Rf-3 (lg/mg: (E: old 35d ?7in ??aJssW ?m?xwi 'ff} 353?": {Mg {/05 ?923543 ?3,2 j; 5? 7745/ 75 1313ka $347573 -93 rm ?9?dI77?- 5? j/o5? 42/0737- fr NH 54464 Page 2 (U "w Sass DE VTXOY 4/35: A2 943/ 4/ Mg): /330 5/7 ~45 DEWYJ 2.27 A DR 5.1745 /3?3/3 8; 71% Fit/74f 36/7, 1/924 5?71/ \a Mm we?; a an 52470 C: 33 ?5.73 3 DES .. $196)] @5529? #33023 a 3pm if? 33 JD ?DEijwY w: ?1/3/32 311%? 1, if -. DWSXOY 1% ?can fwd"; NH 54464 Page 3 5 a; 5. My, 45 7M ?EZaa;33_2az3f ?e WM tizk?w? . - RWY f/Qa SY f/ad ?33512102;ng 7 /0"6 1/ 76 02:44.94.5w 7/ ~33_5 54464 Page 4 3 1W0 4 *77D/t 4537 L57 .4546won #7133331 3V W72. 3.523%, 4499,45 c, 5.7 .. NH 54464 Page 5 Ki ?7 . -. 3?5 m?f 0&0 Wk; 452.5 - 177/3157?5? 391? r' - 5) my?" afzzg?mg (2(ng 1716/ 7 7/ 5" ZZJW m. Aw! m?j?zf? ?3153: 4? r? r? $2?ng 3+ . . $99! i .1 Wm NH 54464 Page 6 A ..: --: A '#%f%443 a?g?ztm A: AA 4416/?) -- 3372 53? A120 Mf?x??g MF/ao ?wv. m/z 7/59 A ?ws?wia?fggm F/w - 339235-925 Kama mfg/4724,22 47 ?214 43%; #5sz 5" AMWW 1 A0 AM A2157 Mo - 33 7,235 Md 71?; :f Maw 3?75?36~ lf/w xa?a Mf?f . 1&0 .. 6/642 7/42. mot? NH 54464 Page 3355/33 ?3734/ U- li?m. . 93:3 3: 2-333 (?34.33 33/73:. VJ, F333 ?73 I . 97 93/ Sf?" 123133337393 ?23/ 3397 33313333333 I I: 19.33 MF3 3333:. - 22333333.. 323.33 33 3.33/3 3/ ?351$? Z33 ?2/1/32 7/3? 62 53332 #33 7 DQ334333 5,2: 3/3.3.3? 33.39 #42, i 4 . I - fW/ij??gr? 311/333 Alf (3333 i 0&3mt :3251 NH 54464 Page 3 . .. a. .. I MWJ 3%{21 (/?wwg .4534?! )i .. . me__.A /44- 43.74%; Mixyd?l 44} .. ..- .. - y??Z/ngz241%_ .. . I DE . .449?4 yX/ 2&4 <44@4343. 97% i .5. - . ?*4/47 774-? 34 311/44? 1?22 4* ?2135?th WSW: /444? 177/1 8542/4 -. ?/?542? NH 54464 Page 9 91%? ?.554 . .- ?6:2 2672:: Kg/?du: 75707/31/ WW g5? W- ~75? Ex]: . - 55? - $2349: .- 7? '78 oz ?55513W i757 aha?? n. ?.mm ., :5 MW a. ?g?m WVZZ OY 91/9 BM 31/64 96/6/7437 2.72/3/ NH 54464 Page JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/ 1 2/201 AGENCY RECORD NUMBER Agency Information FBI 124-10278-10077 Eleased under the Kennedy saassinatinn Recurda nllectiun Act of 1992 - a3e#:NH 53932 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 105-86025-3 1 5?3 '3 17' Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, NY TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 04/12/1960 PAGES 4 SUBJECTS . LCA, Assoc; PALLI, JUAN, MEDIA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STAT US Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/22/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEPINITE COMMENTS INC MEMO v9.1 NH 53932 Page 1 FD-BB (HS 3? 11/12/60 FBI Date: Transmit the following in (Type in plain text or code) .AIRTEL Via (Priority or Method of Mailifzg)?d- TO DIRECTOR, - FROM SAC, New . CONTAMED LUIS ansno . '1 IS - CUBA . REGISTRATION ACT CUBA I .Re Miami teletype to Bureau 4/8/60. For the information of the Bureau, INS, NYC, on ?/ll/60, advised that they had no file concerning AGUERO. It is to be pointed out that in all probability the INS file on the subject is probably being processed at the present time and a check will be made in the immediate futu?g for this information. On 11/11/60, NY 286 advised that he had spoken with and general manager of cabana Ai VALDES) JUAN PALLI, fermer vice?president rlines, Havana, Cuba, who'is now in NY, and is staying at the Berkshire Hotel, 52nd St. and Madison Ave.& 7; . HERNANDEZ stated that PALLI told him that he resigned from Cubana shortly after the new Cuban Government took over and went to work as an assistant to 6033 MESTBE, - Bussau (Kin) 1 - Miami (INFOMQM) kph? im/ if 1 Washington-Field . 7; New York - 1 . ,1 . LHszaS "ag . get 23 ?a "We 12% ?33 3500;? -- $155} Wash ?3 4? bins] MM gs 34;, 0? . 42a APR 1a 1950 a 4 Approved: Sent Special Ag 1 Charge 1 NH 53932 DunId:32301242 Page 2 4' NH 53932 who with his brother, owns Chanel 6 and radio station GHQ, Havana, Cuba. HERNANDEZ stated that PALLI told him ?that he met LUIS CQNTE AGUERO on Madison Ave., on 4/8/60, and CQNTE AGUERO wanted to speak with GOAR MESTRE. PALLI stated he mentioned this to MESTRE and MESTRE teld PALLI that if he saw CQNTE AGUERO again to tell him thatII IMESTRE had left the US and was in South America. . HERNANDEZ also advised that PALLI had t61d him that MESTRE had Said that LUIS CQNTE AGUERO had been pers6na11y readmmended to himI as an announcer at CNQ by Prime Minister FIDEL CASTRO The Bureau is requested to cheek their files for any information they may have'concerning GOAR MESTQE. ?When this is completed, the'NYO'contemplategf f5 erviewing MESTRE for any information concerning AGUERO. a DucId:32301242 Page 3 . If ,IIzp . f" .. .2 I1 A Sh, JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/12/201 Agency Information Eleased under the AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10278-10086 RE ?15? ssasslnatlnn Records IR) nllectiun Act of 1992 [44 BBC 210? Note]. AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 105?86025-8 ESEII 53 93 2 Data: Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 05/31/1960 PAGES 3 SUBJECTS LCA, ASSOC, TRA, EMP, REL, POLIT ACT DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/22/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS WI NH 53932- Page 1 1/3 OPTIONAL . 5010-104- 11 LmHTErwg??a Memorana TO I - 7 I DIRECTOR, FBI DATE 5/ 31/50 \Jl i Mir-W, MIAMI (lg- 2484) 15555555555653??ng i SUB ECT. LUIS ERNESTO CONTECZGUERO 1331551an5 11 37?? 1 IS - CUBA . (IFK- . 7 {65/ Remytel 4/8/60. 5515)) ?3 #14, 5 On April 8,1960, GILBERT BARRERAS, PSI, a Cuban exile residing in the Miami area who has furnished reliable 655W USTO, Cuban exile in Miami! accidentally met LUIS - CONTE AGUERO at Nuami International Airport, and asked CONTE if he had seen EMILIO and ANDRES RIVERO, his half?brothers. 7 CONTE told BUSTO he had not talked with them, because he did not have their telephone numbers or addresses. BUSTO there- upon furnished CONTE with the telephone number of EMILIO m1 and com then talked with EMILIO's wife, He told her he was?fgzying Miami for New York in a special 1:11 airplane with JULES UBOIS newspaperman. CONTE planned to find an apartment i ew York City, where he had already a aiefound employment, not described. He disclosed that his wife 35 and mother and one or two children would arrive in Miami, 95 possibly during the week of April 18, 1960, and they would continue to New York to live with CONTE. .BARRERAS said that CONTE is suspected by EMILIO . RIVERD as being CASTRO becauSe in public interview, informs in the past, advised that on April 7,1960, 1 EX 1o Bureau (RM) (105 -86025) 5 New York (RM) 98 1 1 - Miami 55 (Jim W51 555mm 135mg 2 10 51:11;- a 5.5 51115 3' g9 152?; 5., . 7 im- war?44"? NH 53932 Page 2 MM 105-2484 CONTE had not talked about CASTRO nor attacked him. CONTE had merely stated there were some Commun ts in the Cuban Govern? ment. He said EMILIO Snapects CONTE be a "plant" for some 1 'unknown purpose, possibly similar to that played by WILLIAM ALEXANDER.MORGAN in the Trinidad incident, on behalf of CASTFO. 5 It is to be recalled that WILLIAM-ALEXANDER MORGAN, a former United States adventurer, participated in the deuble-r cross at Trinidad, Cuba, which resulted in the apprehension and death_of a number of revolutionists. On April'ls, 1960, MM -715? S, who is in close contact with various officials of the CASTRO government, stated he had no rea- son to suspect that CONTE AGUERO is a "plant" for the Cuban Government. 0n the same date, MM 639-3, who is also in close contact with a number of Cuban officials, including several who are engaged in intelligence activities, advised that he had received no information indicating that CONTE is working for the Cuban Government surreptitiously. coucE? 1 I On April 15, 1960, Colonel MARIANO FAGET, PSI, fermer . 1 Chief of the Bureau for the Repression of Communist Activities (BRAC), and who is closely associated with most of the leading . anti- CASTRO leaders in the Miami area, advised that he had heard 4 rumors concerning the possibility that CONTE might be a "plant" 1 of the CASTRO government. He said that he had made a number of inquiries and had turned up no information.which would tend to . .I support such a suspicion. He expressed the opinion that CONTE is ninety-five per cent against CASTRO. 3 1 On April 18,1960, and ag:i:Iion May 13, 1960, - 433 N. W. 24th Avenue, Miami who requested specifically '1 the her identity be treated confidentially, advised she had received no more information reflecting upon this matter. She NH 53932 Page 3 JFK AssassInation System Identi? catioanorm Date: 6/12/201 AGENCY RECORD NUMBER RECORD SERIES Agency Information FBI 124-1027840091 HQ 7 under the John Kennedy elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC 219? Nate]. 53933 Date: AGENCY FILENUMBER: 105-86025-13, 14,15, 16 3-15-3317 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, NY TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 08/31/1960 PAGES: 12 SUBJECTS LCA, ASSOC, REL, RES, TRA, INTV, POLIT ACT, HUMAN CHRISTIAN FRONT, EMP DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 1C CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/22/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC RPT, MEMO i V91 NH 53932 Page 1 7 . 1 .z 4.34 tum 1.. {9'5 Reportform . - . .. (Fem. 5-12-55) 4* I . - FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIQN REPORTING OFFICE OFFICE OF ORIGIN DATE I INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD NEW roar; NEW YORK 9 /1 4/50 5/25 - 9/ 7/ 60 TITLE OF CASE REPORT MADE BY, TYPED av . LAWRENCE H. BRACKEN LUIS CONT CHARACTER OF CASE 1' INTERNAL SECURITY - REGISTRATION ACT - CUBA {it A. 51-68 ?ng I 13;;ig?sag in; 43(1 I I Ar?) Report of SA LAWRENCE H. BRACKEN, 6/9/50, New York. New York letter, 8/31 inf?; M7 747 Oakland! 7w? 43?, 0.45 in? ?0 m- Ac {10.EPI ADMINISTRATIVE . . Mam r: if 3? . waster: macaw 01 er 9 A lead is being set forth for Miami to determine whether or not AGUERO has taken permanent residence in that 'city. In the event it is determined that this is true, it is . felt that he should not be interviewed concerning his activities 4"until the lead set forth for Washington Field,to determine I 1 whether or not he or his organization has registered 9* 9J under the Registration Act of 1938, as amended, has been made. EFORMANT Number Where Located 5; 4? NY T-l I 4 105-40527?32 6? KP 53/54? AMA APPROVE, 2-8- We St 1Z?th St a (J WRITE IN SPACES BELOW Dy LCQUCDD) I. . Igureau (105?86o?52 (RM) ?05 8662;153:? REC- 72 - 109?12-210 2 - Miami (RM) - 2 - WFO (RM) - 15 SEP 19 3950 5 - New York 1 - 109-112) 1 - 97?18%) EHUMAN CHRISTIAN FRONT) .K . d? (Jig in if 75 15-3 HEEL-93'2? $5.9 by 1'0 in; for info. .. '7 - bateii??rm-f; is loaned to you by the FBI. andheiiher itvnor its contents are to be distri NH 53932 Page 2 NY 105+40527 .2munga-u ?63? of Source Algae Avatar "Wile: A ?1+5 In hat ant report f-e-ge'6 Careful censidera.tion has beeh.given to those conceiied and symbols were Jili?ed only in thee NEAPS MIAMI .13 At Miami Be1_h?r?? 1 ida; ?ga' WillJ at 7 Northeast 47th Street, determine if AGUERO is in residence there and if he is, determine if A?r this residence will be permanent. 0N FIELD - - - ?1 ?at: u: ur- ch-nIc-xswh-a-M?u- .69 At Washington, D. G. At the Registration Section, United States has regis tered 'Departmen.t of Justice, determine if?subjeet ,under the Registration Act of 1938 as amended, either in his name 0L that of the organization headed by him xknown as the Human Christian Frent . . 4/ At New York, New York_ Wii -1 attempt to determine if AGUERO has departed .31. yfif 3* - . COVER PAGE NH 53932 Page 3 JFK Assassination System Identi? cationIForm Date: 6/12/201 Agency Information Eleased under the AGENCY FBI :1 RECORD NUMBER - 124-10278-10097 if ssassinatinn Records nllectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. a3e#:NH 53932 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: NR 16 B- 1 _2 17. Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 11/11/1960 PAGES 5 5 SUBJECTS LCA, ASSOC, PDL, INTV, ACA, TRAINING CAMP DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/22/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS v9.1 53932 Page 1 ff?Bi 4 Due: 11-11-607 .l . - . I hm?" the known? .111 (Type in plain text or code) 1? V1 AIRMAIL w; f. ,a (Priority or Method of Hailing) . To: FBI (109?584) FROM: SAC, MIAMI (105-1742), I ANTI- FIDEL CASTRO ACTIVITIES 3 . TS - CUBA A60 no A 5: . 00 - Miami . LIAN We dated and captioned as above. EKELLOGG Bureau (Encls. 9) (RM) (AM) 2 - New York (Encls. 2) (RM) (AM) (105- -35253) 2 - Navark (Encls._2) (RM) (Info) (1 - La Cruz) an . emamm ?m9 Re_Neinork eirtel and letterhead memo, 11-4- 60.} Enclosed are ninefcopiee for the Bureau, and two -cop1eS each for New York and Newark of a letterhead memo PEDRO DIAZ LANZ was interviewed by SA 6 - Miam1 (1 - 105- 2686 DIAZ LANZ) (l - 105- 2126 La Cruz) - 105- 2851 ALIANZA) (1 - 105- 2484 CONTE AGUERO) ALL hr)? WE REED . I 2? 33 mg." 4, a I?Fy?o 5 23 2950 7 . I I . I tag" me2egw Approved: - Sent Per. NH 53932 Page 2 MM 105-1742 3 MM 13-1 is EDWARD THOMAS PIATKOWSKI, former PSI, Miami, who was interviewed by SA GEORGE Eo DAVIS, JR. Efforts by.Miwmi-to locate LUIS CONTE AGUERO at his residence, 7 N. E. 47th St., were negative', and owner of that residence advised she was told by CONTE AGUERO _about two weeks ago he and his wife were moving back to A New York City. DIAZ LANZ -advised he had not seen CONTE AGUERO for ten to fifteen days. He said as result of instant matter, AL has fallen apart over the disagreement mentioned herein. Since it would appear plans set out inreai?rtel did not materialize, Miami contemplates no additional ninquiries. It is noted split with La Cruz by DANNY VASQUEZ and MARISOL VASQUEZ was, according to DANNY VASQUEZ, done at the suggestion of defected former Cuban Naval Attache to the United States MIGUEL FONS, who, according to VASQUEZ, is working with CIA. It is suggested New York might consider contacting CONTE AGUERO concerning this matter, if his whereabouts in New York Cityis known. .HH 53932 Page 3 JFK Assassination System Date: 6/12/20] Identi?cation Form Agency Information Eleased under the Kennedy ssassinatinn Records nllectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 219? Nate]. a3e#:NH 53932 Date: AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10278-10105 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-86025-21 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, WMFO TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 02/03/1961 PAGES 4 SUBJECTS LCA, ASSOC, MEETING, POLIT ACT, ACA, GROUPS DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Con?dential RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/22/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS v91 ]1 NH 53932 Page 1 Esafae (Rev. 12-13756) a? f?atLDote: 2/3/61 i Transmit the following in AIRTEL . .4 (Type in plain text or code) Via (Priority or Method of Mailing) 7 ROM: SAC, wee (105-35167) i f; Chm-r . .l ..1 mama; db ?if" LUIS ERNESTOQNTE UERO EL . ,r . Iii? - - ~41 will unqx?jol?." an? IS - CUBA a a?%a?aa? Exoae? an} ?gistmama: a t. a /9 ReBntel to New York 1/25/61. (Ia .One copy of'this communication is being furnished ,a Miami for information. lii?a? $gtvaareliable information in pas advised SA DONALD HOETING that he attended the meeting during the evening of 1/28/61, of Cubans at the Ambassador Hotel, Washington, The informant stayed there were between 75 and 100 Cubans in attendance in addition to three Cubans who are also 45;; members of July ZG?Movement, Washington C, The 5a Leif Cubans are? an aka FERNANDO . - we A We z- .a and MANUEL . an The Cubans known to the int:?gant Who 5 0n 116i}s (characterize as having furnishig? If y" .ag y? ?M"attended are as follows:- a @Bureau l?Miami (105?2484) (Info) (RM) Z-New York (RM) 2 2? F0 a .1?134-?358 a DH.ecr a ?9 AIRTEL . arias?: al?aaf; Zg?i? FEB 4. 196egg) 1? (7 F53 @ta? Ac men COPY FILED ki1kg" unae a. ?Qt .aa jiy? Approve - d. 2 FEB 10 1951?899?3101 Agent in Charge 6 a NH 53932 Page 2 WFO 105?35167 . LUIS ERNESTO looms AGUERO, Former Cuban Ambassador to Bonn; Germany, now member of?Frente Revolucionario Democrat} Fhi?, Former Chief, Cuban Air Force, row withip a EMILI Ree, Former Secretary to Cuban Military $1121.43 wee ,m?uew?fPan er yes Association ?my . ESTr?ggiugMAN, Former Press Attache, Embassy of Cuba, with 4.. Br; I one of the leaders of APPA. RNA wise brother of former Cuban Representative FERNANDO now with CONTE . Group, Frente?Anticomunista Cristiano Ami . . e. 7. now-Wj?th 3 .3977? .fcrmer;Consul, Embassy of Cubae either wit the OAS an Amer?can ?Tf?ieh (PAH). On 2/4/61, cs W.?03Madvised that there is_one FERNANDO NCELL the PAU in Washin_ton, DT.C. er! Member of the oest . Former July 26 Movement, Washington, "33333931239135 now with Fem. ;f 3 wife, CARLOS is now with FRDformerly associated with Cuban Army-as - We The informant advised that DIAZ LANZ spoke to the 1 group approximately twenty minutes stressing the importance?? 3 A-of unity among all exiled-anti-CASTRO groups in the :g'but did not offer any solution to the problem of unification. 2 Informant advised that FERNANDO-HUTARDO acted as Master of Ceremonies and introdu?ed CONTE AGUERO as the main speaker of the evening, and AGUERO spoke approximately one hour and seven minutes, The main topic of his talk was 'eith_respect to the commemoration of the birth of the celebrated Cuban patriot, JOSE AGUERO also Spoke of the chaotic g. condition presently existing in Cuba as a result of the Communist Government of FIDEL CASTRO '49' a" NH 53932 Page 3 WFO 105-35167 In conclusion, informant stated that there was some talk among a few of- the Cubans present that there might possibly be an incident because of the three Cubans, mentioned above, who were present at the meetinga However, the informant stated that the entire affair was without incidenta On 2/1/61, RAMIRO LOYS, WFO source of information (protect by request and characterize as having furnished reliable information in the past), advised SAs JOHN L. MSPURGERS, and HOETING that he learned from Bra RAMON QLESCANDON that on 1/22/61, a meeting took place in Washington, 0., at which time FERNANDO HUTARDO was chosen as the personal representative of CONTE AGUERO in Washington, DQ 0., for movement, ACAF Those who attended andgare;hnown to LOYS are as followsNOLAN :3 ESTHER GUZMAN HUTARDO EMILJA PEREZ (APPA) (FRD) . . ?gng . LOYS was unable to furnish any additional? information with reSpeot to the 1/22/61, meeting 039 In addition to wha??ti;161 ??furni.shed, LQYS mentioned the following Cubans nown to him who attended ?g the 1/28/61, meeting. r? I RAMON LLORET w?irv-J? it RR DAS a venezuelan RAFAEL INCLAN, sonr of the Dean of Havana Un1V?K?1ty L1, NH 53932 Page 4 1' are, a Former Student at the University a . "w ACANO with the PAH lfaf?E; ana, net connected with any group AIDE nonmss A. g; SAMUEL and rto 1cans who are friends of ORLA GARCIA IGLESIA, not connected with any group but opposed to CASTRO ANNA DUMOIS friend of MARTA LARRAZABAL and former student of pharmacy at the University of Havana On 1/31/61, ANGEL SAMPEDRO a source of information of WFO (protect by request and characterize as having insufficient contact to determine reliability)9 was contacted f' by SA JGHN GOEDTEL, but was unable to furnish additional information than what was reported WFCIG- and WFO source RAMIRO LOYS - Informant LOYS and SAMPEDRO all advised that strength of organizations which were represented at 1/28/61, celebration w??nnot discussed and neithengany concrete accomplishments or plans for future activity noted. NH 53932 Page 5 JFK Assassination System' Date: 6/ 12/201 Identi? catioanorm Eleased under the John Kennedy saassinatinn Recurda nllectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. ase#:NH Date: AGENCY: FBI RECORDNUMBER: 124-10278-10107 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 105?86025?23, 24 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 01/27/1961 PAGES: 4 SUBJECTS LCA, ASSOC, POLIT MEETINGS, ACA, TRA, NY, DC, SOUTH AMERICA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 1A CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/22/1998 OPENING CRITERIA APPROVAL OF CIA COMMENTS INC TTY v91 I RH 5402? DucId:32301212 Page 1 'I'?son Mohr .. Parsons Belmont Callahan DeLoach Malone McGuire Rosen Tamm Trotter W.C. Sullivan Tele. Room Ingram Gandy CI RIMI. SNEUQ ?r 1? m}35 s??cu HI URGE TO DIRECTOR AND SACS NEIM YORK AND WASHINGTON FIELD FROM SAC MIAMI 5021NO 0 LUIS ERNESTO OONTE AGUEROV IS - CUBA. RE IIANI TELETYPE, JANUARY 27 ILLIAN TIONELL, .IA, NIANI, PROTECT, ADVISED AT CIA NOW HAS OPERATIONAL IN EREST I IN BOTH OONTE AGUERO AND PEORO LUIS DIAZ LANZ. CHECKING TO ASCERTAIN IF CIA INTEREST EXTENDS T, RENTE ANTICOMUNISTA CRISTIANO, HEADED BY CONTE AGUERO, AND WILL ADVISE RFQUESTED TO ADVISE MIAMI, NEW YORK CITY AN NA INGTON FIELD OFFICE IF ANY FURTHER INVESTIGATION DESIRED, PURSUANT BUREAU TELETYPE, JANUARY 25, VIEW CIA INTEREST sage 2 ?3 HT E3 .3220 a RR RECEIVED: . 6:18 PM TELETYPE 9 Lupin?iIt-Jw? 6:27 PM UNIT ONO QZEKQ . I J: REC- 95:3?in 4.x? IT. UT e\ OT TBT UNBECORDED COPY. FILED IN I TO EB 9 IQSIMT TNT TEGN ?m 4 WEIR. I I ITIOI UNIVIATIQEIO RELAYED TO NEW YORK .TTROTOJOOMENT mm W. emoze?g 2 ICC WASHINGTON FIELD {96 ift?f?g/m TOWER TI If the intelligence contained in the above message is to be disseminated Ioutst'de the Bureau, it is suggested that it be suitably paraphrased in order to protect the Bureau' systems. I NH 5402'? Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 6/ 12/201 Identi? cation?Form Agency Information Eleased under the John AGENCY: FBI Kennedy RECORD NUMBER: 124-10278-10109 Eaa?ainatign allectinn Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [44 USC 2107' Note] . . a3e#:NH 53932 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-86025-26, 27, 28 - 3-15-2.3 17 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI ROM: DONAHOE, S. B. TO BELMONT, A. H. TITLE DATE: 01/25/1961 PAGES: 19 SUBJECTS LCA, ASSOC, GROUPS, POLIT MEETINGS, ACA, TRA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUALIDOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Con?dential RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/22/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC NEWS ARTIC, 3 NEWS SERVICES, MEMO, 2 2 LI-IM V9.1 1 NH 53932 Page 1 - 2 1 ,'ronsmit the following in FD 38 gefv 12-1/31/61, ANGEL SAMPEDRO (source of information of WFO, protect by request and characterize as having 1 insufficient contaCt to determine reliability), was ,econtacted by SA JOHN G. GOEDTEL, but could furnish no Qadditional inIormation than that already furnished by 1 {?5116 ander?m LOYS. It [17% (if Bureau CE ?Ni? SL9 2 - New York (Enc. 2) (RM) . . 1.12.1151 1 - Miami (105- 2484) (Enc. 1) (Info) (811) 2 Base . I 1- 134 2358 Sub AZ 2f 7 .I . 591m 2 (8) 7 Copy to: CU) Rate/FEQU FAIRTELAWNM 1 I - .1. 196% 1115 1; 1e 21%? . '2 #54. .I?wm?d'u?ni 14.44%? . ., Vm AIRTEL 1 y$?3 fry I TO DICE 881 5W . . 5 #0 Lo SAC, WFO (105- 85157) - r" I LUIS BBQ .1. 3777371737 IS- CUBA 11.. stf'i?il?' l'll?i?i} ?3 1 i Eg??ig??fzfy"9~ - '1 UHMAWON I V5151 ?ii 14? .1 Lil?filial Hols! I 5e ReWFOairtel to the Direbtor 2/?76l, and Buairtel 57762 7 to New York 2/3/61. 575/516 . 112-17 . 1 ,4 jg; Enclosed are nine copies to the Bureau, two to cgsz?a4g7 $5 New York and one to MiamiE for info of a letterhead memo 607 evaluation memo dated and captioned as above. 1, 1 . . .1f??pfge11?t NE T- is?lFEll furniShed i formatioIg1 to SA DONALD HOETING on /28761. WP 2 is swr: ?5 .who furnished info to SA HOETING on 2/4/61, and T-3 is RAMIRO LOYS (confidential source of WFO, protect by . request), who furnished info to SAs JOHN L. SPURGERS, JR. 5 and HOETING on 2/1/641 - 51 . $31 FEQ .351,? ?av-Warhwaw . Special Agent in Charge? HH 53932 Page 2 WFO 105-35167 h, .. tinnm Based upon in?grmap on was unable to AIDE MORALES i LILY BORROTO PEDRO PEREZ MARIA PEREZ AMANDA.MOLINA ELENA.GOMEZ MAGALI ABAD The enclosed letterhead memo is classified? 3- "Confidential,? since the data reported could reasonably result in identification of two confidential informants of continuing value and compromise the future effectiveness 7 thereof. 5K on iJ/f NH 53932 Page 3 JFK Assassination System Identi? cation-Form Date: 6/ 1 2/201 Agency Information Eleased under the John AGENCY FBI KE ?ue-:13: RECORDNUMBER: 124-10278-10113 saassinatinn Records nllectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [44 USC 2107 Note] . a3e#:NH 5402? Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 105-86025-31 8?29?2017? Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 02/15/1961 PAGES: 5 SUBJECTS . LCA, ASSOC, ORGANIZATIONS, ACA, TRA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT I CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS IA CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/22/1998 OPENING CRITERIA APPROVAL OF CIA COMMENTS INC V9.1 RH 5402? 14 Page 1 FD 12-13-56) 1301Date: f2/15/6l Transmit the following in! AIRTEL (Type in plain text or code) . MAIL 1? 45774 E?s" rion Via AHOWN A I A i Jg?a??f TO: DIRECTOR, as: (105-86025) Malawi? FROM: SAC, MIAMI ?05?2me ?1 4?2: RE: LUIS ERNESTO CONT CUBA ?ak-J "51% gm W553 /0dA ?Miami teletype to the Bure ted l/27/6l and Bureau airtel to New York dated 2/3/61. ?ing) . 3, '7 .- I 1?15 [31If}, -r Lawn. a: Enclosed are 9 copies of a letterhead memo entitled and dated as above. On 1/30/61 Mr. Miami, Fla., advised that CIA now has an operat onal interest in both. CONTE AGUERO and PEDRO LUIS DIAZ LANZ. On th.e same date, he said he would check to see if the interest extended to theg Christian Anti- Communist Front, h.eaded by CONTE AGUERO. On 2/7/61, TIDWELL ?gment that CIA does not presently have an operational in erest 1n th.e Christian Anti- Communist Front. He pointed out, h.owever, that it is possible th.at CIA migh.t acquire an interest in this organiza?% at sometime in th.e future Sue to the changing nature of ug?? an? f5 1 rut-v- GEN HAS N?f? . ,1 1'1 Anti- CASTRO activities. Copy to: .1.- MM T- is ALEXANDER RORKE, a free lance photographer ?39% from New York City, N. Y., Miami address 2080 S. W. 60th Ct. 330- ,3 Bureau (Encls. 9 '2 - Newwlf?ork. 3/ d5 Y??jk? 5?1 105? L0527AECONTE AGUERO )(Enclf~ 105? 30606 Christian Anti- Communist Front)g?ncl l) 3 Miami . i 1 10512123811; 1w - 1 4165 3196 1 - 105- 1598) GED: barn ANA EChriseian Anti- Communist Front??"? PEDRO DiAz5402'? Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 6/ 12/201 Identi? cationForm Agency Information Eleased under the John AGENCY: FBI . Kennedy 1244027840114 ssassinatinn Records allectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [?14 USC 21le Nate] . ase#:NH 5402? Date: AGENCY FILENUMBER: NR31 . 8?29?2017? Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 02/28/1961 PAGES 3 SUBJECTS LCA, ASSOC, CHRISTIAN ANTICOMMUNIST FRONT, .ACA, TRA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 1A CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/22/1998 OPENING CRITERIA APPROVAL OF CIA COMMENTS v9.1 1 NH 5402? Page 1 OPTIONAL tom NO. :0 5010?104 -, 2 - -- . 2 Nguee IS - CUBA REGISTRATION ACT - CUBA. Memorandum TO - I 2/28/61 DIRECTOR, FBI (105-92913) FROM 443" II I . SAC, MAM (105-3196) I ga?g?e??g SUBJECT: I IV CHRISTIAN ANTICOMMUNIST FRONT . 4 Ij wah?mwx?kam2g 2 A. -.C 2 - TELEPHONICALY CONTACTED BY-ANDRES JOROEXEONZALE CHIEF BOMB EXPERT FOR THE BOSCH OROUPI GONZALEZ REMARKED THAT A POLISH SHIP WAS SCHEDULED TO COME TO MIAMI ON THIS DATE AND THAT THERE GONZALEZ MADE THIS COMMENT IN ACCORDIND.TO THE THE IMPRESSION THAT THIS POLISH SHIP MIGHT BE UNDER CONSIDERATION As BONDING THE AUGUST PIPTEEN, SIXTY EIGHT DAILY DOCK THE PORT OF MIAMI REFLECTS THAT THE A THREE THO TON VESSEL.OF POLISH REOISTRT WAS SCHEDULED TO ARRIVE MIAMI AUOUST SIXTEEN AND TO DEPART AUGUST TUENTT. NO OTHER POLISH VESSEL APPEARS.ON THE DAILY DOCK ADMINISTRATIVE RE MIAMI TEL.AUGUST FIFTEEN.T0 7 NIAMI SOURCE IS OSCAR ANOULO PSI DASH CUSAN, UNDER DEUELOPME NT . 3 ABOVE ON NILL BE IMMEDIATELY FURNISHED LOCALLY TO uscegthFICE OP CUBAN AFFAIRS, STATE CAPT ROBERT I OE - 1- ?3 CHIEF OF-OPERATIONS, PORT OF AND ?9 ?mf 0 .. DADE COUNTY SO. END JDR - FBI WASH DC NH 53932 Page 3 AGENCY INFORMATION AGENCY: FBI RECORDWNUMBER: 124-10279?10044 RECORDWSERIES: HO AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 974474-604 Eleased under the Kennedy saassinatinn Recurda :nllectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 219? Note]. Zase#:NH 53932 Date: 8?18?2017 DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC. MM DIRECTOR. FBI TITLE: DATE: 02/08/1969 PAGES: 4 SUBJECT: DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER. TEXTUAL DOCUMENT ORIGINAL NEW CL AS SIFIC ATION: UnclaSSI?ed A REVIEW DATE: 09/15/1998 STATUS Redact JFK Act 6 (4) COMMENTS: NH 53932 Page 1 OBA, PRISONER, FEDERAL PENITENTIARY, MIRR, CUBAN POWER, PLANNING, FUTURE BOMBINGS, SUCCESSOR, JIMENEZ, MARCELINO CLASSIFICATION: UPDATE DATE: Mr. Tolson WA TELEWPE .nemach?m 7 FEB 81969 ENQEPHEN URG 3T 2=8=69 LAS 8' AU AND ATLANTA 7_ FROM MIAMI (195?2855) (P) cm. as! 2m ?0 INSURRECCIONAL DE REVOLPCIONARIA Is?a THE NIRR IS A REVOLUTIONARY OF QDEAN 6? EXILES HEADQUARTERED IN MIAMI UNDER 050 ON FEBRUARY ONE I.LAST9 NM ONE THREE THREE SEVEN - $9 WHO IS CLOSELY ASSOCIATED WITH SOME MENBERS OF NIRR ITS AUXILIARY ACTION GROUP CUBAN POWER AND WHO HAS FURNISHED RELIABLE INFORMATION IN ADVISED THAT 4J.MENEZ NAS PLANNING TRIP TO ATLANTAQ SOON FOR PURROSE CONTACTING BOSCH9 NON PRISONER IN FEDERAL PENITENTIARY9 IN ORDER OBTAIN NRITTEN STATEMENT BY BOSCH ANNOUNCING APPOINTMENT OF AS ?fo?f?g! [a $71 SUCCESSOR AS CIVILIAN DELEGATE OF MIRR AND ALEN TO I Ii}; .v FUTURE SHIP BY r? mm ?6?me WQWE WW FEB . . END PAGE cmma *7 ?w ?63? 4 a raid 6.53932 Page 2 8 PAGE THO NH ON FEBRUARY EIGHT, INSTANT, THREE THREE SEVEN ADVISED THAT DR. OF BOSCH, DISCLOSED THAT SHE HILL VISIT BOSCH IN FEDERAL PENITENTIARY, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY NINE, NEXT. Pi?? SHE SAID THAT OARCIA CANNOT VISIT BOSCH SINCE HE IS NOT A FAMILY RELATION. ?mm NO ONE SEVEN - RECEIVED INPRESSION THAT NRS. BOSCH NILL RECEIVE FROM HER HUSBAND ANY MESSAGES OR ORDERS INTENDED-FOR BOSCH HAS CONVICTED IN NTANI, NOVEMBER FIFTEEN, LAST, ALONG NITH EIGHT OTHER ON CHARGES RELATING To SHIP BONBINGS, CONSPIRACY AND FEDERAL JUDGE, MIAMI, HAS DENIED MOTION DEFENSE COUNSEL T0 .2 RELEASE BOSCH.ON BOND PENDING APPEAL ON GROUNDS THAT BOSCH NODLD BE DANOER TO-CONMUNITY IF 7 GARCIA, EDDERLY, LONGTINE CONFIDENTE AND ASSOCIATE OF BoscH, HAS RECENTLY BEEN SPEARHEADING EFFORTS TO RAISE FUNDS AND OBTAIN.FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND END PAGE TND ijr NH 53932 Page 3 AGENCY INFORMATION AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10279-10045 RECORD SERIES: HO . AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 97-4474-638 FROM: SUBJECT: DOCUMENT TYPE: ORIGINAL CLASSIFICATION: REVIEW DATE: STATUS COMMENTS: NH 53932 DATE: Eleased under the John Kennedy Eaassinatinn Recurda allectinn Act of 1992 (44 USC 219? Note]. ase#:NH 53932 Date: DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR: FBI DIRECTOR. FBI WH TITLE: 08/15/1969 11 OBA, MIRR, CUBAN POWER, CUBAN EXILES, SHIP BOMBINGS, FEDERAL PENITENTIARY, PETITION, SEEKING RELEASE PAPER. TEXTUAL DOCUMENT Unclassi?ed 09/15/1998 Redact RESTRICTIONS: JFK Act 6 (4) INC TTY, NOTE Page 1 NEW CLASSIFICATION: UPDATE DATE: A - 0 \7 FOUR ADMINISTRATIVE RE MIAMI AIRTEL TO THE BUREAU, DATED JULY TUENTYFIVE, SIXTYNINE. /Mn9mn' MIAMI SOURCE THREE THREE SEVEN Rf Qquiw i) MIAMI WILL MAINTAIN CLOSE CONTACT WITH APPROPRIATE SOURCES AND WILL REPORI ADDITIONAL PERTINENT DEVELOPMENTS, THIS COMMUNICATION IS CLASSIFIED T0 SOURCE OF CONTINUING VALUE. 27469417? (1.619 END 12mg; JTJ FBI WASH DC dc OIVER. 3 NH 53932 Page 2 AGENCY INFORMATION Eleased under the John . Kennedy AGENCY: FBI 7 ssassinatinn Records allectiun Act of 1992 RECORD NUMBER: 12471027940049 [44 USC 2107' Note]. RECORD HO 53932 Date: 5?13?2017 AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105-77731-40 ORIGINATOR: FROM: TITLE: DATE: PAGES: SUBJECT: DOCUMENT TYPE: ORIGINAL CLASSIFICATION: REVIEW DATE: STATUS COMMENTS: NH 53932 Page 1 DOCUMENT INFORMATION FBI LEG. HAVANA DIRECTOR. FBI 06/25/1959 1 I OBA, DOMINICAN REVOLUTIONARY ACT, ADMIN PAPER. TEXTUAL DOCUMENT con?dential 09/15/1998 UPDATE DATE: Redact I - RESTRICTIONS: JFK Act 6 (4) - - . fed-1 Mann?4.?er his. n? ?elm. Fr - 5" ii w??Mi? an?Co UNITED sT fiiEg }0 . visit: 7: i: . "h Director, FBI 5' I Kr?; 3' 3 June 25, 1959Ls?Km . DOMINICAN REVOLUTIONARY ACTIVITIES 61:? MI I if? if IS DOMINICAN REPUBLIC gig Leg; If. L. - I 5 FROM Legat Havana I w; I Reference Havana ceble dated June 18,1959. Enclosed are ll copies of a letterhead memorandum I concerning the captioned matter, as well as 11 copies of a memorandum evaluating sources set forth therein. Source T?l is is Jay Mellie, correspondent for TIME Magazine I in Havana who requested that his identity be kept confidential. I T-3 is HAVHBZ. Careful consideration has been given to the soorces concealed and symbols used only where necessary. Dissemination of the encloSed memoramda has een The enclosed memorandum is classified confid tial inasmuch as it reflects investigation by the Legat, Havana.? Pendieg. Enclosures a 22 2 Bureau 1 mVana DJB: MEG FIE 9060 omec?gw 05E ?35? . ICFIFII TIN W33 a . I gE . NH 53932 Page 2 AGENCY INFORMATION AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-.10279-10052 RECORD SERIES: HO AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105-112251-5 ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC. MM 19.3 DIRECTOR. FBI TITLE: DATE: 02/25/1976 PAGES: 3 SUBJECT: OBA, RES, SANTIAGO, CHILE, ASSOC DOCUMENT TYPE: ORIGINAL .f CLASSIFICATION: as? 19 PAPER. TEXTUAL DOCUMENT REVIEW DATE: 09/15/1998 STATUS Redact RESTRICTIONS: JFK Act 6 (4) COMMENTS: INC LHM NH 53932 Page 1 DOCUMENT INFORMATION NEW CLASSIFICATION: Eleased under the John Kennedy Eaassinatinn Recurda allectinn Act of 1992 (44 USC 219? Note]. ase#:NH 53932 Date: 9?19?2919 UPDATE DATE: - ownomu. FORM no.10 1. JULY 3973 EDITION \v GSA FPMR (41 CFR) 101.11 . .-.. 4-1? UMITED STATES Memorandum . . DIRECTOR, FBI . HL?Hbrn . UM AND FIELD 017-1 FROM a SAC, MIAMI (105 22975) gffanBy i 3 . I -. swam: MIGUEL ISAQESNADA HAS ?0 i? I 3 CUBA ?fi? ATIG .1: SE 23A (00: MIAMI) we Q48 47 Enclosed are six copies of LHM dated and captioned; as above. my. One copy is being disseminated locally to Immigration and Naturalization Service. MM 1?1 is MM >64Records of INS, Miami, Fl da, do not reflect any information identifiable with subject. mam? Inasmuch as the subject is inactive and does not con- stitute a threat to the internal security of the United States, this case is being closed. Classi?ed We; .27 gig ,5 Beclassify on! I are #21731Bureau (Enc.6 . - Miami RJD/thm (3) 1975310 U. Saving: Banal: Regularly on the Payroll . -. 3555 NH 53932 Page 2 AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: RECORD SERIES: HO AGENCY FILEHNUMBER: DOCUMENT TYPE: ORIGINAL CLASSIFICATION: REVIEW DATE: STATUS COMMENTS: TITLE: ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: AGENCY INFORMATION 124-10279?10054 CR 105-128385?23 DOCUMENT INFORMATION DIRECTOR. FBI SAC. NY 4 09/06/1968 I PAGES: Eleased under the Kennedy saassinatinn Recurda nllectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 219? Note]. ase#:NH 53932 Date: 8?19?2919 OBA, ASSOC, JACH, GABRIEL ABAY, ANTI-CASTRO REFUGEE, ACA PAPER. TEXTUAL DOCUMENT Unclassi?ed 09/15/1998 Redact INC MEMO NH 53932 Page 1 NEW CLASSIFICATION: UPDATE DATE: RESTRICTIONS: JFK Act 6 (4) .eye/ee 1 Rozamus 1 - Pr. O'Connell A . x? AEAY JAEH, PEA A CUBA g. .i Pursuant te your request therein yAn ere authoriAed te Aesignete ..eub3eet AA A Bureeuweppreved and proceed with 'hie development.r .Insure he understands the confidential nature of the- relationship, that his activities er-e Atrietly voluntary ,And that he Aheu1e net consider himeelf AA an employee 0f this Ste mAke certain he 1e net A plant and fellow instructione in sSectiAn 10?,Penue1 of Inetruetione, in your future handling :01 this matter.. -?5ubmit initial juetifieet1en fer continuance to ?reach six. menthe free the de?te? of this letter and each :eix months thereafte-r. JED: sed NOTE: Relet requested a uthority to designate subject a PSP n?ubject aged 49, a Cuban national, first enter?d U. S. in 1960. {e is a well-known anti-Castro refugee whese name and address gere mentioned by Jose Carbonell Marrero in .secret messages to ?tuba. Carbone11,a selfuadmitted former agent of the Cuban ntelligence Service, identified subjeCt as an unwitting source ?'or informatien forwarded to Cuba clandestinely. Subject denied gnowing Carbonell and could not identify his photograph. 3 Subject is presently employed as a general maintenance? ,nan by the Montamy Country Club, Alpine, New Jersey, and serves as a m?itary secretary of Brigade 2506 in New York City. 2. Subject was cooperative when interviewed end is making 1968 Aimee 24 6 an affirmative effort through his associates and contACts in the Cuban field to actively obtain and furnish current infor? mation of intelligence value to the New York Office Logical . background investigation conducted; no derogatory information developed concerning his stability and reliability. Bishop Casper Callahan Coand a Pelt gt? 3? 9 GaleA?laiier; . yi?SE? A 2,0 5f; 62:1? MAIL ROOM TELETYPE UNIT I: A Lm?/f/ Kf?w/C) Pureeu. In your centeete with him., take the precautiene NH 53932 Page 2 at?? 4 I '90 FORM No.10 '0 5? 1311.21157122?11 101- 11. a . a4 13:3 STATES 0011.111NMENT . ?11/ =1 TO 6 DATE: 1 5 DIRECTOR, FBI (105 128385) 18/29/58 3 ,Lk 1 . 1 FROM t? SAC NEW YORK (134 15433) (F) . SUBJECT: ,1 1 1 I FABRLEL - PSI 18 5 1 ReNYlet to Bureau 4/10/68. Bureau permission is requested to designate ABAY- 1 1 .1.. (no change) 2. (no change) 3.7 Subject has recently become employed aS'a doorman, Steak Casino Restuarant, 33 University Place, telephone number AL 4-7499, No other change reNYlet 4/10/68o I 4, (no change) I - I - ?4a. (no change) 1% - . S. (no change) 6; (no change) 7. (no change) 8. On 8/7/68; :8sz THOMAS P. BUNDY JR. and ALFRED E, SEDDON. contacted subject re recent alleged Cuban Power ?Activities in NYC. Subject agreed. to help in any'way possible, if he could, to obtain any ihformatibn in -the interests of the. Bure au (RM) 1 -/New York 8114f)? I we :j - 8 AUG 2,2 1958. (3) . .2 Bay . Saving Bond: Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan 1 3i? 5010-108 NH 53932 Page 3 _r . - .- v? ?an134?15433 - . A group of names were mentioned to ABAY and the a following were "well-k own" to him, according to ABAY: EBB JVACUNDO, Mem er Brigadew2506 IVES, . ;in stated he was a member_of Brigade ?wap I i . . . MARC CASTILLA, I Mem er Brig 2506 I EDWINXCONZALE MORERA, i - i Mem er Brig 2506_~ - . I 'g CRISTO ?wipes Warsaw LAN ,3 Other na es wer not familiar to ABAY, but he said. that he remembers individuals by their faces and would'be able to identify them by use of photographs. He stated he would like to see the individuals arrested who are placing bombs in the NYC area since it is ruining the reputation of the Anti-Castro groups in NYC. It should be noted the the grOUp of names mentioned to ABAY are suspects in the bombings, although, ABAY was not told this? The subject appears to be in an excellent position to supply information?re Anti-Castro activities in NYC due to his position_of Military Secretary of Brigade 2506 and his contacts at meetings with Anti-Castro personalities. I -2- 3s? ??nale NH 53932 Page 4 t' .. m. 40.1 .1 ..-- u-?rut . . A. . 4- NY l3h~15h33 AES:emp l. On August BUNDY and SEDDON contacted subject and an anay of photographs were shown to him. The following were identified by the subject with background information; rovided by ABAY: ARTUR ofmtheeFortiJackson?mi He 2506 meetings, but does not attend any more. 1 .4. Novo, IGNAC NOVO, brothers who j?ie es in the A it Castro movement ?Wf not attend Brig de 2506 meet ngs) ?v EDWIN GONZALEZ MORERA, member of Brigade 2506. ARTUR ORTUN, has met FORTUN, but is no member of Bri de 2506. i Newspaper in New York City. CRISTO SALVADOR MADRUGA OTERO, head of Brigade 2506, in the New York City area. Subject recognized the photo of LUI VTORNES a GARCIA but he did not know him by name._ .Vgeaw~ Subject stated that the Brigade 2506 meetings -take place in the Sherman Square Hotel in New York City, and this is where he encounters the above?mentioned individuals. NOTE: The above~mentioned individuals are all considered as suspects in the recent bombing in New York City or, at least, have knowledge of such activities by association. -3- i R, 1,393 g? .1 39?. NH 53932 Page 5 Group of the t1- Castroites living in the United States. AGENCY INFORMATION Eleased under the . Kennedy AGENCY: FBI saassinatinn nllectiun Act of 1992 RECORD 1244023940059 (44 USC 210? Note]. RECORD SERIES: HO . 53932 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105?245224?21 DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC. MM DIRECTOR. FBI TITLE: DATE: 09/16/1975 PAGES: 5 SUBJECT: OBA, EXILE, CHILE, UNITE, ACCION CUBANA, MOVIMIENTO INSURRECCIONAL MARTIANO, ACA, INTV, HERNANDEZ, FRANCISCO DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER. TEXTUAL DOCUMENT ORIGINAL Unclassi?ed - CLASSIFICATION: CLASSIFICATION: REVIEW DATE: 09/15/1998 UPDATE DATE: STATUSP Redact RESTRICTIONS: JFK Act 6 (4) COMMENTS: INC LHM NH 53932 Page 1 . .1777 747 - OPTIONAL FORM 440.10 -1 -. JULY 1973 son- ON GSA 4:454:44 l01-11.6 j? h" II - I b?I -UNITED1 STATES 4 ?4 Memorandum I DIRECTOR, FBI (105- 245224) ?3 SAC, MIAMI (l06- 2220144; MOVIMIENTO IMSURRECCIONAL MARTIANO 51445? . 9? 4-11 4 - EMAMTIAN MOVEMENT) IS-CUBA 7 . a (00: .- . .Re Newark airtel to the Bureau date and Newark letter to Bureau dated Enclosed for the Bureau are nine copies and one cOpy for Newark of an LHM dated and captioned as 4 above. - Copies of the LHM are being disseminated locally to the following agencies: 4.4, U4 3. Secret Service, Miami U. 5. Immigration and Naturalization Service, Miami 7 This LHM is c1 sified confidential in order to I protect MM T?l and MM are21nformants of importance and continu1ng value443% 3 MM T-2 is 974714.434, DOENCMSESFTLE WMNH ,hy mu .41 33-431 44 NeWark's conf.idential sources contacted 1n Jul dzA gust, 19/5 are NM45775 S, NK 5006- and NK 6093- PSI.L -. . 6? $541444? .. 4 4 /635\_ 44434499 -44; . mM 44; 59 ,Qg?t? 7. SEP 2219.75 Bureau El_05: ~245224) (Enos. 9) (RM) 44 C9fifw~ - Newark 105 21628) (Enc. l) (m m) . 1 -/Miami 0,4434 JS es 4 was 41444427, 444444444; 4-5 DEE 4442Agml7wa?i? 0553? 97?? v4 1? 4 I .4 .41? ., ?15: I F4, .141 4 I NH 53932 Page 2 AGENCY INFORMATION Eleased under the John Kennedy FBI 1 asassinatinn Records allectiun Act of 1992 RECORD NUMBER: 124-10279?10060 [:14 L151: 211:? Note]. RECORD SERIES: HO 53932 Date: 8?18?2017 AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105-245224?23 DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR: FBI . FROM: SAC. MM DIRECTOR. FBI TITLE: DATE: 04/08/1976 PAGES: 4 SUBJECT: OBA, EXILE, CHILE, UNITE, ACCION CUBANA, MOVIMIENTO INSURRECCIONAL MARTIANO, ACA DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER. TEXTUAL DOCUMENT A Unclassi?ed CLASSIFICATION: CLASSIFICATION: REVIEW DATE: . 09/15/1998 UPDATE DATE: STATUS Redact . RESTRICTIONS: JFK Act 6 (4) COMMENTS: INC LHM, ADMIN PAGE NH 53932 Page 1 i - 1 - 031?"? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT . f. i aimi~fi Memom Mum - . ?t 1 DIRECTOR, FBI (105445224) - DATE: 4/3/75 FROM MIAMI (105-22201) (P) SUBJECTL MOVIMIENTO INSURRECCIONAL MARTIANO INSURRECTIONAL MOVEMENT) MIM) I I IS CUBA cam .. 03.1mm T6 x; 7? (00? MIAMI09953955 9 955? Rae-155 e: a; :1 NFWATIGN I 2i}, ?3276 Hi3 DQCUMENT Jm 7 Re Miami letter to ~ureau dated 9/16 7"5, and New Early/9L York letter to Bureau dated 9/22/75. .3 Enclosed for the Bureau are 9 copies? df an LHM dated and captioned as above. 73% rg?}7 Copies of LHM are being disseminated locally to the 11. following agenciesSecret Service, Miami. .Sya?gr 8. Immigration Naturalization Service, Mia 111 w?s This LHM is clas ified "Confidential" in orderil: N: ??ggbrotect MM T-l and MM wh a informants of importa i DdgNagyntInu ng value. 1? 1 T?l is MM 1357-8 MM T-2 is MM 974-3 1 VE ?zzy/e/7? On Division, New York Cj;~ knows of no movementi; b3? gout?ng ?119 for Lie/3: zf?o action ski-*Etive ELI VELASQUEZ, Intelligence {lice Department, advised that he ALFONSO RUIZ in New York City R5054 20:; wa I (l - 105-153606(- HECTOR ALFONSO RUIZ) 1 @1'2 - Miami (l - 105- 21453 - HECTOR ALFONSO RUIZ) I . - at4W1 219m 5.5211)ng Band: gu drly on the IPayroll Savings Plan --3 70 NH 53932 Page 2 AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124?1027940061 149 USC 211:? Note]. RECORD SERIES: HO - AGENCY INFORMATION Eleased under the Kennedy ssassinatinn Records allectiun Act of 1992 a3e#:NH 53932 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105-247926-9 8?18?2017 ORIGINATOR: FROM: TITLE: DATE: PAGES: SUBJECT: DOCUMENT TYPE: ORIGINAL CLASSIFICATION: REVIEW DATE: STATUS COMMENTS: DOCUMENT INFORMATION FBI SAC. MM DIRECTOR. FBI 06/09/1975 '5 OBA, ASSOC, ACA, SHIP BOMBINGS, TEN YEAR SENTENCE, PAROLE REVOKED, FEDERAL FUGITIVE, RES, CHILE, FINANCING PAPER. TEXTUAL DOCUMENT NEW FASSIFICATION: 09/15/1998 . UPDATE DATE: . Redact 1 - . RESTRICTIONS53932 Page 1 OPTIONAL FORM 510.16 .. - . 2: . UNITED STATES GL . ,7 .. 21 5 6772071172 um . . . i ?To DIRECTOR, FBI (ms-247926) DATE: 6/9/75 -FROM Hf?) SAC MIAMI (i054'2i55e) ?a APPROPRM s7", 77 TO EDUARDO PM HELLO, aka Paz 7 tea? m$ CGQEN ?zZRe Miami letter to the Bureau, dated 12/23/74. tterhead Memorandum, dated and captioned as above. The Letterhead Memorandum is being classified confidential km Enclosed for the Bureau are five copies of a Le in order to protect Miami scurces. Copbs of the Letterhead Memorandum will be furnished to the follOwing local Federal Agencies: ?Fay? U.S. Secret Service; Miami, Florida .Immigration and Naturalization service, 'Miami Florida The following are the Sources Whose identities ,are protected 'n the - T-l is MM 1337-3 T-Z is 2960?8 @105 T-3 is 3240? PSI Beclassify 1M2: 4-322? 521/ Mfg/?11334 . . LEAD A 1 7 5 MIAMI . BY - l5 . . At Miami, Florida: 3.3 30 -- . . '1ll continue to investigate the activities of the to be active in various terrorist type group aMfaV? es. . cw 05-21552) 0/257); 2856) (BOSCH) 3e? .?hs Q78 Buy S. $Q?rl" ?7 larly on the Payroll Savmg; P911 5010-110 NH 53932 Page 2 i JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 4/16/201 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10279-1 0068 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 105-1 16660-28 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM NERO, PETER J. TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 2 02/07/1963 PAGES 21 SUBJECTS CC, COMMUNICATION, MORALES, BERNARDO, PLANS, ASSA, JFK, CUBAN ESPIONAGE GROUP, US DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 2 4 . CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 09/09/1998 OPENING CRITERIA I INDEFINITE Eleased under the John COMMENTS Kennedy Eaassinatinn Recurda allectinn Act of 1992 (44 USC 210? Note]. ase#:NH 5?%63 Date: W1 NH 54463 Page 1 4 '2 ?1 NH 54463 MM 105-6932 12/19/62 12/15/62 12/15/62 12/15/62 12/19/62 12/26/62 12/26/62 x: Source 1 Contactln MM 761-3 THOMAS ERRION Dr. VIRGILIO SANCHEZ OCEJO, of I PETER J. NERO PSI JOSE UBIETA PETER J. NERO RENE L. DIAZ, of 1 PETER J. NERO @061.) MM 639- -s ROBERT J. BWYER - MM 776-5 WILLIAM G. FRIEDEMANN MM 817-3 WILLIAM G. FRIEDEMANN (COVER RAGE) DucId:32301133 Page 2 1 )4 1 . lgwm?mj JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/5/2015 Agency Information Eleased under the John Kennedy AGENCY FBI - . . RECORD NUMBER 124-10279-10090' 33553 mat 1?3? RESUME allectinn Act of 1992 54404415 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105-162117-4 5?2 3 ?2 ??17 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI . FROM: SAC, EP To DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 04/12/1967 PAGES 16 SUBJECTS MR, ASSOC, GONZALEZ, OSCAR CESPEDES, RES, EMPLOYMENT, INTV, SUR DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 09/20/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEPINITE COMMENTS INC INTV if: W1 NH 54046 Page 1 and @f being desiraus @f ermiUg AU grUup in the A IU U. TAU BUREAU TMU 1U Uequegted UU .Udrward cUpy Uf UMIAU and th@ Ued LHM Legat Uttawa in View @f 'T"itU in this In UdditiUng UMU Bureau is tU A $?py @2 this lattex and LUM UU Maxic@9 in ?:-view @f the that UUMJUQU UUCAR GUNZALEZ 5f- has remUimed in may UU UMU at Ugme later - IUUORUAUTU, TAU infarmants AU AU pUgU 12 of .L:th@ LEM -Ur@ as I EP 529mg ISA DAVIE REID Up 539-5 and UP- 541?3 AU 4/5/67 by AA FREDERICK A AQAUS A A ht NH 54046 Page 2 .2 .. -.. JFK Assassination System . Date: 6/5/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Information Eleased under the John AGENCY: FBI . Kennedy 1244027940094 . S?aasinati?n Records allectiun Act of 1992 RECORDESERIES: HQ [411 USC Ell]? Note] . 7 ase#:NH 540%6 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105-170184-1 . 3?33-2017 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 08/02/1967 PAGES SUBJECTS MR, ASSOC, CUBAN EXILE, CUBAN REVOLUTIONARY ACT, THE COMMITTEE OF NATIONAL SALVATION - DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 - CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 09/20/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM v91 4 NH 54046 nunId:32301159 Page 1 OETIONAL FORM 7,11 Ask Mir! 1932 EDITIL .5, (41 CFR) 101-11. 6 -, ?33) . - ?31 ram. STAT Es GOVERNMENT Memorandum- TO FROM 1 1 COMITE DE SALVACION NAQLQNAL .. FBI ERA: DATE: 1 8/2/22: yk/EA HA3 A0 T0 SAC, SUBJECT: IN 11-: TSW CUEA EnClosed herewith are ten copies of a letterhead gag/47 J, randum dated and captioned as above. . x?(J79?) CoaS - 1i 5 ?1 ALL 11-3. MIAM Key West, 111th M. I. Group,0r1ando, Florida, and N180, A le/ Air Force Base, Georgia; US Customs, Region US Customs, 6th Naval District, Charleston, South Carolina. . T-l is CARLOS ZARRAGA MARTINEZ, Key Source if I USAFAD (Army), MiamiJgQu pe?nMW/ mm ?f'47 {inasmuch as it contains information so classif e4?f??m T-ZEALIM) Copies are being disseminated locally to the following federal agencies: INS, 0N1, Coordinator of Cuban Affairs, Dept. of State, US Border Patrol, USAFAD, US Guard, US Customs, all Miami, Florida; 081, Rdins 2 istiieut nant Colonel ALFRED A. FERRIS, Enclosed LHM is bemg classified "Confidential" 1A madam." 31? 1 3% "1414:3433,? gig hw-?su? Wm . 1 a: At Miami, Florida: geeh?j_@ 9,1; A I Will contact established sources and informants A concerning captioned organization to determine if it has a @1 RJB: (3) 5010-1011411 NH 54046 officers and activities. 31m A9 Bureau (Enc. 1 Miami . ?ay {7'3 kc State/CIA/ 1 - a Army/Navy?Air Force EAcgng Coordinate: of Cunan Affairs, State 1 By For Info - if . . 11111 By 93? ?mm ?11113111 Buy .S . 412mg! Band; Regularly on the gyro]! Saving! Flam 32301T59 Page 2 1 JFK Assassination System Date: 6/5/2015 Identi?cation Form . Agency lnfonnation I Eleased under the John AGENCY: - Kenn-2E1? RECORDNUMBER: 124?1027940101 RESUME allectinn Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ - (4?1 USC . a3e#:NH 540%5 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105?207966?8 5?3 3 ?3 17" Document InfOnnati on ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, SJ TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 10/31/1974 PAGES: 17 SUBJECTS MR, INTV, ALVAREZ, ENRIQUE JOSE NUNEZ, ANONYMOUS PERSONAL BKG, SUR DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Con?dential RESTRICTIONS 18; 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 09/20/1998 INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC INTV, PHOTO v9.1 I 6 NH 54046 Page 1 . . I g. -. . . my OPTIONAL. FORM No.10 4 firm?. .. MAY 1962 EDITION . GSA an (41 CPR) 101- 11. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum A DATE: 10/31/74, mo? SAC, (105-12785) of!? . BY snawmr: CHANGED ?g @9 C?wuhr? gal. ENRIQUE 61.31031: ALVAREZ, aka Enrique unes A a? Enrique Nunez Af?rewpc 1.9~ IS CUBA - Title marked CHANGED to include subject' 3 com- plete name ENRIQUE JOSE NUNEZ ALVAREZ, as developed EFQ through interview and review Of Immigaatio :n Naturali- "rs (INS) records ?69ReSJtel to Bureau, 1/27/74. 913633st I 3'3 a?z? a . . 3 ageg Enclosed for the Bureau are six (6) copies of a 33:18 LHM dated and captioned as above. Enclosed for Miami is 25%3323 one copy of same. FD-376 attached. 322%; The LHM is being disseminated to 109th Military Intelligence Group, Miami, Florida; Office of Special Inves-' tigations, Patrick Air Force Base, Florida; and locally to U. S. Secret Service and Naval Investigative Service. I Enclosed LHM is classified CONFIDENTIAL to protect the identityi 01" SJ 1462? ps1. 6500*?) ?p?rf The subject was interviewed on 8/23/74 by SAs JOHN M. WALSER and JOSEPH A. GANNON and on 9/30/74 by WALSER and PAUL P. MAGALBANES. Subsect has been xasg2d7a%r& swam. 3:55 WW 1% NOV '7 1974 7 3:2 MW is . 3.1111611013151111 race E119 1H0 32.. fat?"3 7 BY 111 ?1 ?3 ere'q WE _L(See Bufi 62?117290) . 'r 5' Sci/wag: Banal: Regularly. on the Payroll Saving Plan NH 54046 Page 2 . .- mm?w ?nu?ems .1 NH 54046 SJ 105?12785 .aLza?uaL cooperative in providing anonymous letters mailed to him as Director of "Replica" newspaper from Cuban exile organizations. Records of INS were provided to SA WALSER for review by Inspector ALLEN BYSE on 8/23/74. Confidential sources set forth on the enclosed LHM are as llows: 3 SJ T- 1 )location HJSN T-2 is!SJ location T-3 is SJ location LEADS SAN JUAN AT SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO Will continue to monitor subject's activities through sources and will continue to periodically contact. subject for anonymous letters mailed to him. San Juan is aware that the subject may not have been entirely truthgul in previous interviews. Page 3 JFK Assassination System Date: 6/5/2015 Identi? cation Form Agency Information Eleased under the John AGENCY: FBI I RECORDNUMBER: 124-1027940102 Ssa?amatmn 3 allectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. ase#:NH EQDEE Date: RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 105-92196-3 8 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: DREW, WILLIAM MAYO JR. TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 07/26/1962 PAGES: . 14 SUBJECTS MR, ACA GROUPS, CRC, JURE, CUBAN EXILES, ASSOC, REL, MEMBERS, 30TH OF NOVEMBER REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENT DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact 7 DATE OF LAST REVIEW 09/20/1998 . OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS v9.1 7 NH 54046 Page 1 pvy97-406 ?35353? Copies Made: (continued) Miami 2-97-4062t 1-105-51 7 1-105-3558 May ?21, 1962', and relates to an intervwew conducted on may 1, 1962) which was so classified. . ?-Ident1tg f' Locationr T-l 13h; 134?211-Sub?A-1 and 201 MM 635-3 97 97-u06-182 -206 . K. ?i 32W :5 bums; i?eo 1. 17COVER PAGE I x? .7 a: - 350k? a - - - 1 Tagg?54046 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/5/2015 Agency Information Eleased under the . AGENCY FBI KE rule :13: RECORDNUMBER: 124?10279-10105 E?a??inati?n BECOME nllectiun Act Of 1992 RECORDSERES: HQ [44 USC 210? Note]. a3e#:NH 540%6 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105-174070-10 8-2 3 -2 '3 17' Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 09/26/1969 PAGES 3 SUBJECTS MR, GUERRA, ARMANDO, ARCHITECT, ANTI-CASTRO, ANTI-COMMUNIST, BKG, TRA, SOVIET UNION, DELEGATION, BUYING EQUIPMENT DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Con?dential RESTRICTIONS 1B, 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 09/20/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS v9.1 NH 54046 Page 1 2m 105-14818 ampeMrEh?r-u A . swim; 51.: dihiia he, like other Cuban refugees, applied for refugee status with the IRS, Miami, Florida, about August 8, 1969, and his request is presently being processed. JOSE VALUES advised that he is certain that ARMANDU GUERRA is not a security risk to the U. S. and that he is anti-Castro and anti-CommuniSt. U.S. and is very happy. to be. residing in_ this country. GUERRA appreciates the VALUES stated he had no kn0wledge of and no information - concerning any anti-Castro attitude on the part of ARMANUG GUERRA. Efforts have been made since September 11,1969, to obtain the INS file of ARMANDO GUERRA. The 1e was charged 5 to the Travel control Section where his refugee status is However, to date, IRS has been unable to being processed. locate the file. Confidential Scurces listed below are acquainted with someghaSes of pro- and anti-Castro activities and advised they are not acquainted with the subject and have no information concerning him: {3/8/69 MM 7764s 9/8/69 MM 4924s 9/5/69 Mn 635-5,- 9/5/69 - W?s?w q! Miami will review the INS file of GUERRA and. verify Upon accomplishing this, will write an his refugee status. LHM and close case. f?a E23 5&1 NH 54046 Page 2 AGENT SA PETER J. NERO ?i SAROBERT Jams mama D. HAYES JFK Assassination System . Date: 4/ 1 5/201 Identi?cation Form - Agency Informati on AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 1?24-10280-10002 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105?112098?391 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI . FROM: DREW, WILLIAM MAYO JR. TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 02/11/1964 PAGES: 26 SUBJECTS . SNFE, ACA, MIL OPERATIONS, PLAN OMEGA, PROPAGANDA ACT, CUBAN EXILES, ARMS ACT, FINANCES, UNITY DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 09/25/1998 under the John Kennedy Records elleetien Act of 1992 . [44 USC 210? Note]. COMMENTS: aseEmII 544453 Date: OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE 1 ENE 54463 DueId:32302065 Page 1 MM. 105-6243 T- 1 is MM 847- MMI- 2 is PSI ALFREDO 30RGES @yS LA 3134 S. MM T- 3 is TP- 59- MM/g-s is MM 639-51? COVER PAGE - ?2 NH 54463 Page 2 INFORMAMTS. LOCATION 1345736 Sub Afl30, 132, "144, 126, 127,128, 133,137. 105- 6243- la- 35, 36, 46, 40, 41. 134?942 60' 105-6243-841 Tampa 105-6243-874. _105?6243s906 105- 6243- 906 134- 211 Sub 366 1 9* 33, 39, I JFK Assassination System Identi? cation Form Date: 4/15/20] Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10280-10006 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 105-112098-209 Document Information FBI FROM: DREW, WILLIAM MAYO JR. TO DIRECTOR, FBI Eleased under the TITLE KE 1111a :15; saassinatinn Recurda nllectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC Ell]? Note] . DATE: 04/19/1963 ase? 5444453 Date: PAGES: 14 . SUBJECTS 7 SNFE, ACA, MIL OPERATIONS, PROPAGANDA ACT, CUBAN EXILES, ARMS ACT, FINANCES, DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW - 09/25/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFTNITE COMMENTS V9.1 5 54463 Page.1 -MM1105-6243 ADMINISTRATIVE To date, no information has been develOped as to the whereabduts of other boats of the SNFE in the Miami area, except the small speedboat on which GUTIERREZ MENOYO was returned to Miami. U. WCustoms will be contacted and arrangements made to examine this boat. During interview, GUTIERREZ made mention of the fact that this boat had no name, was not registered, and that he was unable to understand by What right he had been seized by the Coast Guard in interna- t-ional .waters. This is pointed out as it may be difficult to ascertain the origin of ownership of this boat. SANFORD CLOSE, owner of the building in which the SNFE offiCe is located, has been contacted with regard to- . feasibility Of a trash cover on this office and Bureau Will be advised of the outcome of this matter I A list of the long distance telephone calls charged ,to the office is being obtained for review. This report has been classified SE because it -ccntains information from CIA, so classified INFORMANTS Identitz I- Location A T- 1 is MM 639- gustant report, pages g? Qm 2 is CIA, 105262434599 2 MM 3 is Lt. AARON ROGERS, U. 3 Instant report, pages' Coast Guard Intelligence, Miami, 3, 5, 9 Fla. (by request) . . MM T-4 is RAYMOND GUTIERREZ, Instant report, page President, Caribbean Fisheries, 8 . 25 S. W. South River Drive, Miami, Fla.p(by requeSt) COVER PAGE i kaainaai 2515::2 ?fnw 54453 -nuc1n:32302uss Page 2 .w ?auu-"uwwtm gun?werq" JFK Assassination System Date: 4/14/20] Identifi cation Form Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10280-10015 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 100-3-76-1638 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM TO JENKINS, WALTER W. TITLE DATE 12/03/1963 PAGES 2 SUBJECTS CC, PROGRESSIVE YOUTH ORGANIZING COMMITTEE, CP, CAMPAIGN, JFK, CIVIL RIGHTS BILL DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 09/02/1998 under the John F. Kennedy eeaesinatien Records Celleetien et of 1992 [44 USC 2107 Note]. ase#:NH 54463 Date: 10?12?201? OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS #154463 Page 1 1 a A I Docooher 3, 1863 Abmmr? ?1 . near Ar. 3111131113source of 1:113: Bum who; has farmhohed 129119113 mmuon 1n the past ?uently Amused that the Promos?o Youth Argummg amttoo mac) New goo-A5 Row Yet-A, 1A Agent-3mm A pet1t1oh to}? mm: Lyndon. B. Johnson.- no pot1t1on Atom that handout Johmon con poy A tr1hoto to tlio Into m1mt John F. Kennedy by the mango of tho c1v11 ?ghts A111 before Jonnary 1.1964, and coot1on1og' amm tom'- peace through negot1At1oo. (QCL) an Iiovomber 23.19635 normal RAMA, Wt Party, BAA (WA) National Youth mrootor. mined that on this pet1t1on. a) Another co dentiol Aonrce of th1A has furniAhod re11Ab1e 1A?orAAt1eA 1n the poAt that the 9100 oAtoh11Ahod At not1ooA1 oriented youth conferonco hold 30, 1969, through JAAuory 1. 1961'. conference held AA the A of A mandate by the CPUSAS1ncoro1y yourom??m ?5,311? . tl.? *?Jl . if :Efont 100-3-7 6 3131312? A m; r" {3 g. @3331 SEE NOTE PAGE NO 3335 A. if?? 4, e2?" .. r- :tter (10) A. Room mes ldy MAIL ROOM TELETYPE UNIT NH 54463 Page 2 . .69 Su) ON a 26?9'7?; ??igmr?ra 1 ul% . BY- Lulm? . Honorable water W. 33:11:13.9 g: 5.412739? - Epsom Aoo1otont to tho . A Tho Ihito Rouse "4 3 Anah1ngtoo.h. c. . . A 3/92er A ammo bong launched 1med1ote1yto go1A' A1ngtArAA B1 and 1 - Belmont 1 - 1 - Evans 1 - Liaison EU 1 Sullivan 1.-- Kleinkauf SE. - 1 - Baumgardner' 1 Benz - -- L: EJKJ . .1 We kf K) 9" conrx?ngIAL Honorable Walter W. Jenkins 3 NOTE: classified "Confidential" as informat utilized cor ning the petition to Preeiden Johnson was furnished Unauthorized dis?M) closure of this informat on could end to reveal the identity of the source, thereby resulting in serious damage to the Nation. Information was received in Chicago airtel and letterhead memorandum 11/26/63. See memorandum Baumgardner to Sullivan dated 12/2/63 captioned ?Communist Party, USA, Youth Matters, Internal Security Communist," RCD:kmj. CONF ENTIAL NH 54463 Page 3 JFK Assassination System . Date: Identi?cation Form Agency Information 4/15/201 AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10280-10033 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 105-1 12098-281 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SPURGERS, JOHN L. JR. TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 05/31/1963 PAGES I6 SUBJECTS CC, SNFE, MEETING, FUND-RAISING ACT, CUBAN PATRIOTS, ARRESTED, RAIDING ACT, ACA, BANK RECORDS, TELCAL DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed CURRENTETXTUSI Redm? Eleas?d under the John DATE OF LAST REVIEW 09/14/1998 am? . 33a331nat10n Recurda allectiun Act of 1992 OPENING CRITERIA . INDEFINITE (?44 USE 2 Note] . a3e#:NH 54%63 Date: 0?12?2017 W1 NH 54463 Page 1 corIEs CONTINUED 1 a Miami (105-6243) - -2 waark (105?13300 ?1-u wa {$1311 (RM) 1 - WFO (105?50870? - ,San' Juan . - 5' 2 - 105-6133) 1 105-622 (Comandos 66,1nc I - I . Anti-CASTRO.Activities) - - branch, Santurce, Encrto R1co, cnja mOEth1y basis, to-monitor .account of subjeCt.. - W111 contact MONI LEON.ALFANDARI, Calle I Comercia1 1-9, Parque Central, Hate Rey, _Pu9rto Rico, for. nformation regarding the subject. 1_ IdentitXIOf Scurce Locat1on ELI 51., 15E 4.1.346'0'71125111 ADMIIMISTRATIVE: - . 7 1 Information cepies are be1ng furnis hed to designated offices 1n View of theIir continued interest in this matter. - The person who furniShEd the records regarding - the GORDILLO.DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, Inc., is Mr. OEEAVIO 3 NVILLARONGA, Sub-Manager, BANCO CREDITO AHORRO PONCENO a Ihraguez, Puerto Rico.,EInoted that FRANK SANCHEZ 7 -Manager, Checking Account Department, BANCO POPULAR DE I PUERTO RICO, Santurce, Puerto Rico, was -unable to locate_ i additional information regarding the aecount\of subject,? othEr than that previously furnishedIkw?! COVER PAGEI 1 Elm 54463 Page EHH 54463 DueId:3230209T Page 1 JFK Assassination System Date: 15/201 Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10280-10034- RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR Document Inforrnati on ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, TP TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 09/13/1963 PAGES: 4 SUBJECTS CC, ALPHA 66, ACA, MEETING, FINANCES DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION: Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 09/14/1998 OPENING CRITERIA: INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM under the John Kennedy Records elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Mute]. 54%53 Date: I I 3 . 3S (-1e9m584DATI . I3 SM TWA. "(1052107) 0 - 7:3. for; ACTIVITIES . wig -93/ ?fm?c/Kf? . 7 .11111DBJEWGN Date: 9/13/33 Transmit the follow?? ?13 9:3. 353; I I 7 ?vif? ??31me in plain text or code) 333.33 WEEK IN was necumsm 133333331 133 3.7. -1Ti'i?fLM?i??ag??maugSMASH) k) UhuLJ?iinl ?1 E. ?33. . SSekesed for the Bureau are 12 copies of letterw 8. meme Sated and captioned as above which has been te INS, 0N1, OSI, Gn2, INTO, U. .Ceast ISStrol, and U. S. Customs Service. . I SSelesed for Miami are three eopies of letterhead Les Angeles and San Juan are two copies of letter? .Sed for New York and Jacksonville ere one copy SS memo. - . . . 3 SoSrce furnishing infer?ation is 59?3. Informant stated that he did not believe CIA is .SSvelved 1n the operation referred to in attached letterhead. SSree further advised that he would endeavor to learn identities 3SS the tSe "Americans" ment1oned therein. . Ine?much as source advises that this information SS only known by a few people, reeSpient offices are requested te tSke Say overt Set1on.wh1ch would compromise the . 4 .She is requested to check w1th CIA to I SS involved . 3 . .51[if #939 . :1 . See 12) (RM). - I 3.. gag- sap 181963 IfSpecial Agent in Charge 7 . 7?1 EHH 54463 Page 2 A E. mam FLA. I 71., Advise if anything further regarding this matter EE by MiEmi Office. "Ea Cantact CIA and advise the Bureau- if that EgEncy EL EE EE this matter. . CALEF. is requested to furnish any infarmatiom the ELG aircraft allegedly possessed EE EE LEE 5&th ?3535 amm_ E111 mEintain contact with 59HS and will keep iEtErEEted effices advised. NH 54463 Page 3 JFK Assassination System - Date: ,4/1 5/201 Identi?cation orrn Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10280-10035 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 105-112098-348 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM T0 DIRECTOR, FBI Eleased under the Kennedy saassinatinn Recurda nllectiun Act of 1992 . [44 USC 210? Note]. DATE: 09/17/1963 5411253 Date: PAGES: 3 SUBJECTS: SNFE, ASSOC, RAID, CUBA, FINANCES DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 09/14/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM 1 v9.1 4 54463 Page 1 1Rev. 12-13?56Date: 9/17/63 Transmit the .following in - {Type in plain text or code) Via AIR TEL AIR MAIL - REGISTERED (Priority or Method of Mailing) 'To: DIRECTOR, FBI (105?112098) FROM: SAC, MIAMI (105- 6243) (P) OSECOND NATIONAL FRONT OF ESCAMBRAY (SNFE) I . . (Operation Alpha 66) ALL FORMATRO ?301 TNNED {30: 51:33:)? CUBA: NM HEPR. . brew/3'26 DATE 9?2 /25 E?i?f??am/ 68L 7?6 M174 5 57/27/41:: 756 63qm3?r/te1V9/io Remyairtel 9/13/63;Buairte1 9/12 6/63 . Enclosed are 12 copies of LHM setting forth info' i 5- contained in retel. Local dissemination made to customs, Bdrder Patrol, CIA, INS, Coast Guard, State Dept. Office of Coordinator of Cuban Affairs, ONII IQSI, and EAA. I ?ux 4 1 Lam's; if a Copies enclosed for info to Atlanta? ?Hm . . A 5- (1.MM-847- .3 1,War retel;M1am1 not investigating neutrality gig I aspects of this matter in View of Customs investigation. 61?. - _h 715I?ZA.Bureau (Enc 12)0m?; I 2- [Atlanta (Eli? (lnfO) I I. 'fir?I'jh jam; [mi/W ?1 a; 3 "I?Miami: .1 Ipf 1:9: mi} :6 .. "r .T?l II.I . @Ag, Igj?i; i?ifjw?i . 1 134- 736 Sub A I AWN ?55? .. I {05 2 I) rouItin slip to: info. I: . .21 R5149: WMD?egh by 6940 [41% F334. (8) I {kW?7 I 11.} I . . 5. ?sts . . . 1?15} ?All51Approved: SenSpecial A??nt in Charge I 1 ?1 54463 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 4/ 15/201 Identi?cation Form Agency Informati on AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10280-10036 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105-112098-372 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO: DIRECTOR, FBI Eleased under the . Kennedy saassinatinn Recurda allectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. DATE: 11/01/1963 5414363 Date: PAGES: 8 . SUBJECTS: CC, SNFE, ASSOC, MIL ACT, FINANCES, ARMS ACT, ACA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 09/ 14/ 1 998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM 1? 5 54463 DunId:32302099 Page 1 . i i My MM QUSQUZQB QQ QQ Q0 EAULQNU SIERRA QQ QQ SIERRA QQ Mi??ia QQ ifS QQ 4 im?whi?h SIERRA by PSI QQFREDU QUQQUS militQEy- QQ QQFEQ SNFE QQ Q?y to QQ QQ to Mi?mia tth?With UQFU EU tU?pmr?hQEQ QQ QQ DIEGU QQ QQ QQ QM UQUQSG UUQQ UQQUUSOQ QQ QQ of f?rm?ti?n QQ QQ a QQ for ?_20 :35 i. - zcg54463 Page 2 54463 MM IQESSZSE SS it from of of ShiSh TSS LEM 'DucId:32302099 Page 3 JFK Assassination System Date: 4/15/20] Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY FBI . - RECORD NUMBER 124-10280-1003 8 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, JK T03. under the John Kennedy Records elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. SERGE Date: DATE: D?lE?E?lj PAGES 6 - SUBJECTS CC, SNFE, ACA, CUBAN REFUGEES, MEETING, COMITE PRO-REFERENDUM DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 09/14/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE I COMMENTS INC LHM v9.1 7 54453 Page 1 Ara .133 3 I 1:13-35 (13.31;. '12-113-56Date: 2/7/64 Transmit the following in I 3 Type in plain text or code) _3 A - . 3. Via AIRTEL - AIR MAIL I {Priority or Method of Mailing) m- :33 DIRECTOR, '(109m534) monk SAC, (109 RE: CASTRO ACTIVITIES IS A. A. A - . (oo: JACKSONVILLE) ??mg .34, I if? Enclosed for the Bureau are 12 copies or letterhead memorandum captioned as above. Information copies.are designated for Miami and - Tampa. . Sources furnishing this informatim are Source 1, {33 GI-NES ..I RODRIGUES, confidentxal source of the Jacksonville '33 Division; Source 2 Dr. ARNOLDO AZCUY, source of information of the Jacksonville Division; and, Source 3 Dr. JOSE M. :3 Ammo. . 3 A ANAARA. A AI 22.! -- ?g U?Hbuxool AED . DAT I BYJ 3 - .A/pq s?gnma Og?? If! COPY -Bu,reau_ (RM) (Enc. _12) 3 "Miami (105? ?1742) (Enc. 2) (RM) NOT A. 1 2 - Tampa (105-107) (Enc. 2) (RM) 7 0 FEB 12 {954 A 4 - Jacksohville - 18 . (2 109-8) - .- 105-850(3131) A raved; A Sent For umpApi gang-1&1 A?npngijnwr2th-na A NH 54463 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: I Identi? cation Form 4/15/201 Agency Information AGENCY .: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10280-10039 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY CR 1 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI 1' FRONL TO DIRECTOR, . Eleased under the John TITLE KE I213: asassinatinn Records allectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. DATE: 02/28/1964 ase??i?? 5444463 Date: PAGES: 2 GOVERNMENT, WAR, PACT OF RIO DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 09/14/1998 OPENING CRITERIA 2 INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM v9.1 NH 54463 Page 1 :Fig-3}; -1 2-42; 3-56Date: 2/7/64 I Transmit the following in . (Type in plain text or code) 1: 1r via AIRTEL - AIR MAIL i 3E (Priority or Method of Mailing) i m* DIRECTEE, FBI (1999534) i - - 3? I mom: SAC, (109?8) wI RE: 1215130 gm Is a? ma. 251; coo: $1314? If: I: . Egg-?3 . km? . .g-gl?wam 1-7 I. Enclosed for the Bureau :aro 12 copies Of letterhead memorandum captioned as aIbove.I ?i 7 I .I Information copies are designatod for Miami and Tampa. . I IE Sources furnishing this information are Source 1, GINES I. RODRIGUES, confidential source of tho Jacksonville inivision; SOurce 2, Dr. ARNOLDO AZCUY, source of information a 101 the Jacksonville DiviSion; and, Source 3 Dr. JQSE M. GAILANO. . . I I INFORI 4.4/4 s?gmmz . L7 ?:"Ipn . 03?3? 00PM ?31539-1121: 4? ?5 Bureau (RM) (Enc. 12) I I - Miami (105- -1742) (Enc. 2) (RM). NOT . .2 ..- Tampa (105-107) (Enc. 2) (EM) I 80 FEB 121154 Jacksonville - - 1 . . (2 109-105?850) - . RAE: aww - I IIW, 1 I11) I: r? ??aw I I-?Ii?j 7 .A raved: Sent For _p.p - . - A 54463 Page 2 /i 19:31? 9" an!? 55:? .1 . ?2/33/63 31-12331. 31333115 13 3333, 1?31! (133153433"; 333 @3133 (135?13?) . 221332 1311111223 . 13 .- 0113 {31?1? 7 ReTPrad to Bureau 2/27/64. 33313333 ?33 Bureau 3-123 12. 3.33133 cf 3- 1ett3r11333 331213 331233 3113 3331713333 33 above. F331: 333133 31 311113 ?35 1311231211333 3333 31:23 331113 33313113133 for Miami affice and 31.333121133121311 13 331113 111333 by 15113 33111331 011133 to 11113333133 ?13 33333133 13331112. E33 1?15 Ta]. 21313311233 1:3 in 3331.3333- 133153311333 11333 13 331' (1313) 313113313 WES. 3115331133 1311352211333- 3333 1.3 3133311133 3331133313131 7 1:3 111233332: 3 3.33333 33 33111511111133 V3133. ME I .3 .3311sz ?1 2 31112333 (33313 12} 3 .. 35331 (32:51.3 1) (133?17321/317?1 (1 -.- 135- 131311733) - . 3E. (1 1353131 3311mm 332313) I 3 (1 - 3123613113) 33333 7-77 30.5.03 . (-1 1353333} 3 (1 1333331) All mm 933733453 15 2 3312 $8812 26 - I 5 2 . 55/ 5/9 2/1456 @137]! $2.3 7 3E NOT REQORDED 1.74 MAR 3 1954 2 3 .L 1 NH 54463 Page 3 JFK Assassination System Date: Identi?catiOn Form 4/15/201 AGENCY Agency Informati on RECORD NUMBER 124-1 0280- 10040 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 105-1 12098-41 1? A Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI . under the Jenn Kenne :15: elleetien Act of 1992 . [44 USC 2107' Note] . DATE: 03/04/1964 5444453 Date: PAGES- 6 SUBJECTS [Restricted] DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Con?dential RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 09/14/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS - INC LHM v9.1 ?1 NH 54463 Page 1 - "mar?? ?a'wwv' WM . M- FAD-36 (Rev. 12-13-56); . . Mr. Tolson_ .. ..?7';Mr. Casper.-." 0/ 1 . .. re. I 55?? Mr. Conrad..-? I Mr. DEL-ash Mr. 1 I Mr. Mr. Date: 3/4/64 Transmit the following in - PLAIN TEXT - Mr. -. (Type in plain text or code) Mr. TaveI - EIE MAIL - REGISTERED MAIL 0.5- JJ . a. magnate Miss 7" Miss FROM: SAC MIAMI (105 6243) (P) NATIONALWFRONTMOF -ESQAMBRAY (SNFE) (OPERATION .0 Caf/ I IEPHACSSI- RA M. Copy; .0. CIA/Statef% MameNEUTRALITY MATTERS by 101132311 1/ for info. i 72:- ii DateTampa radiogram to the Bureau captioned iicnti CASTRO Activities, 13 dated 2/27/64. EN Enclosed for the Bureau are 13 copies of a I letterhead memorandum dated and captioned as above. M?s - I I If Two copies of above letterhead memorandum are Niagak being furnished the Tampa Division. [2,4 ??iaa . . . ?3 Copies of the letterhead memorandum are being . :gi furnished locally to Ft. McPherson, Vi Coordinator of Cuban Affairs, Department of State; U.S. Coast Guard; U.S. Customs; U. S. Customs, Region U.S. Border Patrol; 081, 6th Dist., Robins AFB, Ga; and . . FAA. . jS?i?; MM T-l is confidential Sig? ?i it? As @Bureau is aware, this source worksi?as' aacc') i ii? . ?39, {If ?Bureau (Eng)? 13) (AM). (RM) . ?3.3.33 ie 2- -'I?ampa (EndN? 2) (AMHRM) -- Riga MAR M54 . ?am 4- Miami I .. -105? - - I 134 as suo ITIEEI ?1.24: ?yl?In .. .- algmlii; Eis. ?air (9) Approvedz. -, Sent Sp?eeff? Agent in Charge -. . . JEJI II- I: FEEL. 54453 'DunId:32302103 Page 2 . ?#me - a . 1? 2 Mr. T01?[Enterpreter and translator in office of ELLIOT Miami. Upon receipt of referenced radiogram, he was alerts i to observe and report any visits by Cuban counter revolutionar groups to that office. On the following day MMESO calledg?j SA EDWIN L. SWEET and advised that the SNFE group had just left the office of ROOSEVELT. He stated when he heard theC?:3 i receptionist announce the presenCe of the group he made it necessary to remain for a few moments Doffice?C-j The latter, taking advantage of informant' presence, intro~ 5 duced him to the group as his associate and asked?informant to remain and interpret for him. He also told ngomant that 1 he will ask him to translate the progress if and when 1 they are received from this group. - stated continually the group to as for arms, money, armed assistance or something more than moral support, and expressed his amazement that they 1? had made no such requests when the interview had ended..??0 i The enclosed memo is classified Confidential in a order to protect the source. VK 54463 Page 3 STAT ES DEPARTM ENT 0 B?hwm15'??x?rida - March 4,1964 105954243 . [95%42 1 I ON 5? ISECOND NAT.IONAL FRONT OF ESCAMBRAY.. ALPHA 66) - (.1, INTERNAL SECURITY - CUBA mm, m, mummy REGISTRATION ACT - mm?, ,3},me NEUTRALITY MATTERS EXCEPT we. "so-5N The following information was furnished on.February 1.,28,1964 by MM T-1, who is well acquainted with some officials ,of .the- CASTRO Government and certain leaders of the SNFE, an . lenti?Castro organization with hesdqusrters located at 109-111 .Southwest 12th Avenue, Miami, Florida, be) -- I On February 28,1964 seven Cubans representing'the? ..SNFE, and two Americans who were described as lawyers from Orlando, Florida, not in the office of ELLIOT ROOSEVELT, - Five of the Cubans known to the source were ANTONTO VECIANA, RICHARD VERANES, one GARCIA (first name unknown), one CARLOS MEDINA, and ARMANDO FLEITES. .ngqu The two Ahericsns were a M1 BISHOP and BOB PETRIE, both lawyers, allegedly from Orlando FLEITES was spokesmshofor the group, 0 at least, the one who did most of the talking for the group. - In about an hour and e.hs1f, which involved -much repe- tition, the group told Mr ROOSEVELT that he had been selected as the best possible men to contest President LYNDON B. . and completely inform him of the group?s plans, and endeavor .?to secure his moral support The SNFE would like for the Pres? Rident, at every public opportunity, to express his understands ?1*;ing of the democratic ideals of, and sympathy for, those fighting CASTRO end his communist dictatorship in cubsIEHH 54463 Page 4 \Ehe propQSed to set up in Cuba: FLEITES stated it- would 0 -RE. SECOND NATIONAL FRONT OF ESCAMBRAY FLEITES emphasized t.hat- the group is not asking for arms, money- or t.rans-portat-ion. He claimed they haVe the men, arms;and- theumeansnto attae-k? and overthrovaASTRo.?? stated~ would not use any part of the-United States fromr which to launch its occupy a;terw ritory large enough to be recognized as arde~facts=Government: or asaa Government in SNFE would like to be assured rthat the United States would recognize its members as.suchl a governin body and give them support of a moral and economic nature; affli) 7. . FLEITES claimed i-t woul.d be relatively easy to .t.umhle FIDEL CASTRO from .pow-er -as the Cuban people . are now .fully fed up with .him. He said the- big problem would _be controlling radical'elements --and re-establishing law and order after CASTRO is overthrown. He assured- that his group would not be fighting in a ..spirit of vengeance but from a desire liberate Cuba from its oppressive Communist dictatorm ship . - (A s-ked rega?rding the nature 0? the Government certainly be D.emocratic, and that free-- en?t?erprise-m-would be recognized and enc.ouraged. -MM .l stated'as an'indica- tion of the_ talkative nature of FLEITES or possibly as an indicatiOn of the kind of Government he has in mind, FLEITES stated: "For the moment, -we -are- not considering nationalizing any of the firms, industries, or privately owned~property in Cuba"c. FLEITES concluded that an exact date for starting .the action against CASTRO has not been- set .He s-aid his "group.wouldAlike,toosubmit .progress reports through Mr? -ROOSEVELT in order to keep the President of the united States fully informed of the progress being.made by his group toward acquiring ability to launch an attack.and sustain it long e-nough to accomplish the above stated purposes He ,stated- the group can be contacted through RICHARD. VERANES, Post Office Box 8243, Orlando, Florida, telephone number 295- 5553 . .. - . 131m 54463 Page 5 HW- w?ww?i JFK Assassination System Date: 4/15/201 Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY: FBI (RECORD NUMBER 124-10280-10041 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105-112098-406 ent Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: HAY, WILLIAM C. TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 03/05/1964 PAGES 10 SUBJECTS CC, SNFE, ACA, ASSOC, MEETINGS, CAMPAIGN, BOYCOTT, BRITISH GOODS 4 DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact 9 DATE OF LAST REVIEW 09/14/1998 Eleased under the John OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE - KE 1111'? '31? Eaassinatinn Recurda allectinn Act Elf 1992 [44 USC 210? Nate]. ase? 5414363 Date: W1 . 10 LEW 54453 Page 1 7? L, .. )3 mfg." . A Eli-?34233 6w. (I2: EMA h?vr. A CF ENVESTPSATION OFFICE or ORIGIIN TAMPA TAMPA 5555512 OF CASE ANTI-CASTRO GROUP, onLAnno, FLORIDA Esoambray)(SNFE) .(Operation Alpha 66) (Second National Front Iof IS BA RA..cg?? 1954 '2/18-24/64 REPORT MADE BY TVYPEDBY SA WILLIAM HAY 1U, CHARACTER or CASE A. (3.. - at TAmpa. 1 . NEUTRALITYI A Report of SA MOSAS A. -ALEMAN, dated .10/16/63, . HEREIN IDENTITY TP is Ps1 (UD) VERAN-ES TAMPA DIVISION I I . 5,03 A - AT ORLANDO 55/5 W111 follow And report activities of _subjeot organ1 zation. INTURIIANTS: .- ?qf OF INFORMATION 13 14, 17, 23 ALL INFORMATION aw WSW a! APPROVED I DO NOT WRITE IN SPACES n?sgv; COPBES an? 71,23ureau. - . 2 Ft. Pherson Ga. 2? . A lagg? Iodialxmic; (Mam'Char1es{on,8 STC. (RM- Robins AFB Ga 4 - in guso a mi (an) MR 9 195 03:3? 5 A 0 Am?? A ?Tm 12:3 (i ?55 FE-ALPHA .5 .JL-N 7&6 x? Mb?u? Dissemination Record _I'of Attached Report 7 Notation: j. ., 1" AqerIIcy COPY tor ImmI \bm . Request Read. 3?31 gnaw" 4" deerd. kw . . 1/ - UAW 34, gm; 585? ?95 A. NH 54463 Page 2 -- . 1 CLASSIFICAT - I This report 13 classified Confidential because .1t contains 1nformat1on frOm TP T-1 ahd -TP T-2, above, Sources of coht1nu1hg value, the. ?disclosure of 1d?nt1ty could jeopardiZe' . 1'1nvest1gat10ns 1nvolv1hg national security and hamper their future effectiveness. . 1 .-.11 4-. N- 3* . .qu'ERr PAGE: ?Mara-Hwy? w- p. NH 54463 Page 3 JFK Assassination System I Date: 4/15/20] Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-1028040043 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 105-112098-422 Document Information ORIGINATOR 2 FBI FROM SAC, MM 10:, Eleased under the 1 Kennedy FHTLET ssassinatiun Records . nllectiun Act of 1992 1 [44 use EIDT Note]. a3e#:NH 54%53 Date: DATE 04/06/1964 - 17. PAGES 6 SUBJECTS CC, SNFE, ACA, PLAN OMEGA, ARMS ACT, JURE, MOVIMIENTO REVOLUCIONARIO DEL PUEBLE, MR DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Con?dential RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS 2 I Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 2 09/14/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM v9.1 12 54463 Page 1 g} Transmit the following I?m?1.x 3? . 5' ??Ljvl if. 25x I $351 3 text or code) IEHH- i??i?HE?w \Nwa . AIRTEL a $24.14 .2. seem .. (Priority) . T0 DIRECTOR, FBI (IDS-112098) FROM: SAC, MIAMI (105- 6243) SUBJECT: NATIONAL FRONT OF ESCAMBRAY (SNFE) (OPEBAT ALPHA 66) . 7 IS CUBA Re Miami airtel and enclo ed LHM, dated 3/u/64 and Tampa airtel and LHM, 2/28/6? captioned ?Anti- FIDEL CASTRO Activities. IS CUBA. Enclosed for the Bureau are 13 copies of an LHM dated and captioned as above. Copies have been furnished to San Juan and Tampa in view of their interest. ATIQN CONTAINEE 3'3 If . 5W A578 fie - . furnished locally to G-2, .lmph 3 N.f- ?McPherson, Ga.; Coordinator of Cuban Affairs, Department ?of State; U. S. Coast Guard; U. S. Customs; U.S. Customs, s?gl? Region U. S. Border PatrOl; 031, 6th Dist., Robins AFB, Ga?tand .ARTURO GONZALEZ GONZALEZ (by re est) is MM 8 7- S. The LHM has been claSsified confidential to protect sources of continu- t7 ting. value. 9, . 3.: . a {?15 Miami will continue to fellow this matter through appropriate sources and informants. i Q- 7x ?0:31 ?53 I??i?f a? was} 3; .JI i3) Bureau (Enc. WME-EE-EJ ?we/w 3? Tampa (Ens. 1) RM) a - San Juan (105. 133)(Enc. - M5: Miami . E. a: .742) a 1 - 3n:.24 SubaA - 1343.2 Sub Q?g??b {Dill f1? Copy to: ?n1 5 [m 8 (10) J- bv routlnq. $1113 tor infoDost m/A/61 wma/ Mg. Approx/eat? II Special Agent in Charge - II NH 54463 Page 2 JFK Assassination System I Date: 4/15/201 Ide nti? cation Form Agency Infonnati on AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10280-10045 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105-112098-537 I Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI I FROM: HEITMAN, WALLACE R. TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE 1 DATE 12/03/1964 PAGES 7 SUBJECTS CC, SNFE, INTV, ACA, FINANCES, PROPAGANDA, MEMBERS, EMP, RES, MEETINGS DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 09/14/1998 Eleased under the John OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE - KEHHE :15: Recurda . allectinn Act: Elf 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. a3e#:NH 54%53 Date: W1 13 54463 DunId:32302103 Page 1 A . a 0 . 5? 0 . Hut: a4 TIT-19541589 . I SSUHEF I I OF INFORMANTS INFORMANTS LOCATIQN ?5 {1 Hrs} T41 4 p31 ENRIQUE VARQNA 1344-27411 T442 4 PSITELTIH LEYVA 1344314A .5 . COYEBTAGE - - - 4- f? - ?ddf?x?du: 2111'? 54463 Page 2 RECORD NUMBER: RECORD SERIES: HO AGENCY FILE NUMBER: AGENCY: FBI AGENCY INFORMATION Eleased under the John Kennedy ssassinatiun Records allectinn Act of 1992 124-1028040054 W1 use 21m Nate]. a3e#:NH 53932 Date: CR 105-304390?144 ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC. MM DOCUMENT INFORMATION DIRECTOR. FBI TITLE: DATE: 12/07/1976 SUBJECT: OBA, ASSOC, INCARCERATED, CORU, ACA, CUBAN EXILE. 5 ACT DOCUMENT TYPE: UnclaSSI?ed REVIEW DATE: 06/08/1998 STATUS Redact COMMENTS: NH 53932 DucId:32302111 Page 1 PAPER. TEXTUAL DOCUMENT NEW CLASSIFICATION: UPDATE DATE: RESTRICTIONS: JFK Act 6 (4) f7 2N Em Em :gcy?ww gm? Aim Emily?! ND TO THE 4r??m. THIS 0 ?nag . n1 ?man ?0.23? EL ?3 "Jinn: 31?: 15.1. R?1?A??lu Ed?? I To AQQVE IEFOPEATZOE 1..r ng?f? Mama53932 Page 2 4 4L I JFK Assassination System ldenti? cation Form Date: 4/15/201 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10280-10087 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105-78205-135 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, NY TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE 09/30/1965 PAGES 3 SUBJECTS CC, GARICA, RAUL ROA, ASSOC, RES, BOOK, CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 09/24/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE under the Kennedy CONHAENTS: elleetien Act of 1992 (44 USC 210? Note]. SquS Date: v9.1 NH 54463 Page 1 '3 'PoDIRECTOR, FBI ?05 782053i?6u ?is, -I FROM. ISAC, NEW YORKEOB 3655091ng ., I ?mus-7M" . .3 ?if Mr. Caspian I: I8 I Date: 9/30/65 Mr. Troika {PribrityplaintextI or codeCandy Mr. Mr. Belmont.? Mr. ?405112;. Mr. Mr. Colisha.n..__ Mt. Mr. Feltiih?m Mr. Geisha- Mr. Mr. Su?iva. Telc. . 135' Hoimesm. nn??m 3? 3 RT: SUBJECT. BOA I CUBA s. I 3? 3?71: a: . ReNYairtel 9/28/65. 5/54/97 3534? IW Rm- - . Kai?s. Ea; 2761 advised this date that he was able theWUook "Cardiovascular Surges;e1 reque:ted?2II 5; ?$35 ?he! by ind?h?f?s? letter toCA? . vii book. is bewdelivered 5o TEPEDINO's off .ce probb . i . UUTIEREEZ Ex. ?g and?arra 55c or at theLCuhan Mission to the . . Ti . :"Vi?woonf?ldeht that either through GUTI-ERREZ or REE, a. It? 1" 4 23~- little or no publiCIty has been given to presence here. checks on the CMUN and established ext sources haveihdicated that ROA has not spent much time TJI at the CMUN since his arrival. Nevertheless, it is f? - _be1ieved tha.t the source, who is unaware of ROA's where~ ?g .sj - abouts, should -cohsign and direct his efforts to see .E ROA through the CMUN Any attempt for the source to TEE, contact BOA at his residence wou.ld, the NYC believes, 7% . arouse SUSpiCil?th the,part ofI BOA concerning the mottes r; of the source I @553 .. 7? t? . ?753 .Umr I55 ENV I BU.reau u-.J I I: "1 A gs 1?55 5331:23 ?If: ?9 ?3.33; today and upon receipt, source will c_ohtact -OS I to deliver it personally to either GUTIERREZ [mi He feels long time a?qUaintance, he will be ablIe to Iarr hge to see \ff. RDA u? ?It-ls" I?fiwlv?f? \uIr "rF.1. -.: 15.13} Ii ?5 I ?31 Icg?i?r?sg? 3 r.The probEQm -tU date has bah that RCA, as the Greau is aware, is staying.at the res1dence FERNANDO iTABIO,iand because .ef thU heWSpaper strike in New :YIorkI COEDED COPY FILED IN M??m?i afar-Nags, . NH 54463 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 4/ 1 5/201 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10280-10088, RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 1 13-7-210?3942 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 03/29/1966 PAGES: 12 SUBJECTS - CC, CUBELAS, ROLANDO, ARREST, TRIAL, CASTRO, FIDEL, ASSOC, MIL ACT, CUBA, CP ACT DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 09/24/1998 OPENING CRITERIA: INDEFINITE eleased under the J?hn Kennedy saassinatinn Recurda COMMENTS INC LHM [44 USC 2107 Note]. a3e#:NH 54%63 Date: 0?12?2017 nllectiun Act of 1992 W1 NH 54463 Page 1 WM. w. - . {-1.trawl1955 ?4 .. SAC: - (mi?2878) (P) 3? f. 1 "tuba V?bf' .er . . .. . xii? - gm I AND NAVIAL - 7 3 - - glossy '3 10? may eat" BREIFE Ion-mash 3:03 Edam waist: answer-Isa? 10 [5311115 ??531 1Tran S?iaetg?dm??r? eWa/thwar a. ?na- me I el?zn oocrw_n* LHM, dated ?aid?al?'?fon??dee a's above-was vrao?muweHEn 3? 3 EC 3 mm Wig MWT- 05?: :3le 532? w3;~mmamcopy is also being furnished . ?i FAD, Ojus, Florida; and cm, Miami . ?4eecf?J I F3g< H35 33wa "?08 "its? giggf?s?i (2261' ?51}?th :Hecr '3 r'v's- - i f" f: BA 155% {mom-7w my.? 4:ku Excnvo?54m mve wvoE ww BE ouas?sml - .4 rm 4 213mm I - . I yeel that the arrest and ?trial of former?aithat 2? lzz;gyso nothing moreag?a?m?art of the usual plan of CASTRO to embarrass the'United Statesgand the CIA I ?in particular, by charging, and by the admission\of CUBELAS, that he was recruitedrby?the CIA. The reputation of CUBELAS has long been notorious as has long been of the Cuban 3 p4 .. 5711.; MelEarevolutionary?leadership. As.pointed out in instant'LHM, 9/39; f\ -. no attantion was ever called to these serious defects- was arrested. His arrest is now being used Yto lift a1 vestige of title and authority from EFIGENIOJQ ?it was probably not as friendly with CUBELAS HOMON. It will be recalled CHOMON A until CUBE was,also indicated as being somewhat at fault in the matter? of the ?Humboldt wherein several studentS'Were . killed by the BATISTA Police and it subsequently_developed i ,12g5~Ithat a mamber of the Cuban Communist Youth was an informer I .of Police and was high in the CASTRO regime. . feast?? -. i . was ind ca??g at_theatime of the famous Retreat MEWME ?g?fl tags}, to; 3' . a tr 53.1. . . (I3) 53:23:; lip for infoct, h?1? I ?1 ml 5: Savi?g5?~Band5 Ebrgf??oll Saving} Plan 3.325 I 99 . its) - .. I. 54463 Page 2 NH 54463 Hg. 9 1 . . amt/529 1, Sever91 rep9rt9 9.9V9 b9929r9091ved lndicating; 199 merale 999 9 ghn?~Lg 119tr1*t 9f FIBEL 9STRO ._1n th9 DucId:32302151 ?Page 3 STATES DEPARTMENT 7? FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 1?1. 13'? 9-. E33 LIQITAWJ AED NAVAL MATMERQ UTA by - 1:996193911' MORALE AFT 1111;?? CF 1135191711191?: 999,? . - 05008 Armed Farees, 999 919t9991 95 199mmed Force 9 19919911190 . ,1 .?33_91g, MM Td who 19_9199192 9:91; 91nted'w1th pro an 919999t9,19nd act w1th a r193? 99:] 119199 17:99 09: Wars" 196615 ,1 ya -. 9 99999 175-3?: . the E9 ,999 which are l9t9t19999_99 $99991999,1 Cardenas, 991 W1t9.99 99 noted th9t wears 9 khaki' un.f99m and 19 99199 the . and Army 9ff1999999y9g1.9.99 factarim offices and 921999 991999 by t99 C9999 Government from their legitim9te own9rs They 9159 11 119h?99me me?, demand or ord9r, t9 the C919t91--9d The militia 99rry rifles 991y when they: are on duty; they are not 99_9ne -d percent loyal t6 the?? agime, and they know 1to The Rebel Armv has 9999 made up of men more truSted b3 the reg1m9,_esp9919911y 91999 they -have "335 finally f11tered out 911 91- off1cers and menwy?wj The Army 19 better truate9, has mare 1Ltb991ty, is bette_? paid and 19 general h99 the priv19g9 9f living in homes stolen or 991999 Irom*the*r 999 equ1np11 wit1 991 mm1rc 9_ which the present C993: 111111 . 1 RE: MILITARY IVE MIWTERS If the II II stripping of If IIEIJ IRM IMEIJEIRIS I tImI If IIDEL IISIRO and the If the NathG II II Ibout 1961 I trip to I II betIeI If WIth the IImea" HIS II VII ("The Herb?); II I from II I MM to If IIve been Known tI th? II IIMI I to pgwer, but II II mIIconduct form I of I deahmwe thISlactiQn II greII II II IHI I If the revolution by mI- elements, vIgIbI II Ih.eI noted that IMEIJEIRIS I with 'farmer MIJII IOIFNDI CUBEII II Ibove II under trial for GIHIRI IVeIthrow the ?he If IMEIJEIRIS II2II If MIJII II the Rebel Army, II Ibove With If If Committee of II II II II terrIbIe II WIICI II II Ihe Itruggle, Ind II II I meImum effort to overcame a MM Ia?r?i II bath I d. Wit LI 0 54463 Page 4 RE: MTTLI TART WAVES: AAme Tm C?bag- AA Amman FTDEL CASTRG TA HA Tm, TA I. AmmunTAt mArrTed tQ A byzA T, A mAmbAr 0f' .the AC Of WA CHDHAT GALA Pal??y'g 83nd. ATAA A IT nh?ommunTAA%/ Part {gm . MN Tu? that AomA AT the ATgh 0f the Army uw?k TA accompanying ATDEL CASTAQ AA ATA AATAA the and the CIA ATAAT TAAT A the preference thAh the hAia the t0 HART ?Ad whom Tn theAA AA the UTA ctA- A Tn thev conATdAA AA be I A L132 A withAut ANNA AATAT AA AIATA AA A 3A.TATAA AA F?m?hed Auch_ A Atage TTAM A And Armed but it TA A dTAATdent TAATAA And headwayo MM T92 TATA duai?b AT: Af tTme when FTDEL CASTRQ ATT ?Mbwi?? AA QWAATA Aw- thA gAvArnmAnt of FULGENCTQ BATFOTT Aim FAUAE CHQMON T.ded tmgAthAA TA Niarbo' ThAy And both A.A wTdATy by Tm?l?ding Cuban AA AA CHGMON AA A AT GATT AA Uhibne He was then A WTAT CAmmwAthA Cwmmittee 0f the Cuban NM TAT that Tt cauld well be tha UTA TATAA 1w RQLANDO CUBF AAV n?w? AA TMA in Pauli 901:T313 AuthAPTty. JL. . A, 54463 Page 5 1966, that (L AL [3 CU Vt/ . JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 4/15/201 AGENCY Agency Information FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10280-10089 1 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 105-126039-82 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI - TITLE: DATE 04/29/1966 PAGES 7 SUBJECTS CC, REPRESENTACION CUBANA DE EXILO, ASSOC, OBA, BOMBING ACT, CUBA, SUGAR SHIPPING PORT, ACA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 1 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LASTREVIEW: 09/24/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE leaSEd under the ?mm Kennedy COMMENTS INC LHM Recent-:13 elleetien Act of 1992 [?14 USE 21m Nete]. 54e63 Date: W1 NH 54463 Page 1 . I 9.2-1 CUNTA 0? if: 5515141131) Transmit the following in (Rex 5-22-64) 3 w, NM -- 1?5 #343 ?33 Specific 1nformat1on furnished by MM 639?8 concerning . - i 1 4 Q. I .v Date: MM (Type in plaintext or code) A I (Pribn'ty) FROM: SAC, MIAMI (105?8280) (P) RE: CUBANA DE EXILIO REPRESENTATION IN EXILE) (RECE) IS CUBA 1). Reference Miami letter, NE 3 /4?66 to Eureag?h? {51 a Enclosed herewith are 12 copies of LHM, dated and I capt1oned as abOMe if?; 11/ Cop1es of the LHM are being furniShed locally to INS, CIA, G-2, .State Department Cuban Affairs, Ceast Guard, Customs3 Border Patrol,_ ONI, OSI and USAFAD. 1: T-l is MM MM r-z 639-s?w the receipt of $500. 00 by ORLANDO BOSCH from- JOSE ANTONIO MULET GONZALEZ, has been furnished the Bureau by aurtel, dated 4/22/66? in the eaSe IS - CUBA, Bureau file 97-4474. It is to he hated that MM 639?8 was present when this money was paid by MULET, who signed a chedkag) and gave it to ORLANDO BOSCHE MM 639? furnished the exact 333? m; 019*? 5 .. (a Bureau (Enc. - 12) (RM) (f ?Egg jg?g?} 1 San Juan (Enc. 1) (RM) 1 - Miami Qu/ 2% ?Mersey (Eajkj Copy to no 4 1" ?ibw?up 2 1955 by zeutin for info. 1,1 bate 52/7h- ml'til . . NH 54463 DucId:32302152 Page 2 1 . i??7?77" . . i a lib-:6 (Reg. 52 2f.? 1 a \c I Date: Transmit the following in 7 I (Type in plaintext or code) Via (Priority) Mun? 1 -MM 105-8280 details concerning the plans of ORLANDO BOSCH and the bombs were seized by the Collier County Sheriff's Office, 15 miles east of Naples, Florida, on the basis of information furnished by MM 639-5 who was scheduled to participate in the operation. ,The target was 0 ed led to be Nuevitas, a sugar shipping port in Cuba. - LEAD - i MIAMI: FLORIDA Will continue to investigate activities of RECE to determine if this organization is violating any laws Of the United States and for intelligence purposestangerine . Approved: Per 53 Special Agent in Charge . a. . NH 54463 Page 3 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 4/15/201 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10280-10091 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY CR 105-189975-85 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, 8] TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE 05/27/1970 PAGES: 14 SUBJECTS CC, ALPHA 66, NEWS CONFERENCE, FINANCES, MANPOWER, ANTI-CASTRO GUERRILLAS, ASSOC, TRA, SUR DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact th DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 09/24/1998 ease ?n at ?3 Kennedy saassinatinn Recurda OPENING CRITERIA . INDEFINITE 1 last inn Act 1992 [44 USC Nate]. COMMENTS INC LHM ase? 5444363 Date: WI NH 54463 Page 1 .. Ami; 11.12 um 3. .9 A FORM No. 10 5010?106 .mx'u 6'11. UNITED STA rEs Em, ERNMENT 1' emomndum .3 A I . 1: ?0 DERECTQR FBI (10591899751 DATE MAY 2 7 -?105m61331 (P1 CUBA (002M1am11 - . 3.. Re San Titian to BHWQAIA, 35/8/70? Enclosed far Aha Bureau AHA Miami are nine And two copies gash Qf an LEM daAAd and captiQned as abovea . {(A7ff: A My Qf baurga? PSA GARLUS LUPEZ LAY PSI MANUEL HERNANDEZ -J 6::Th?'e?cloaed LEM 1.?lasglf1ed ?Cenfldentlal? 13%) Am 1612,12 53.4 1mm o??gh SJ 211551,; the 1dant1f1rAAlon?bf whom wou_la be A?lMlcalzvo Aha bagt ?he MUnited ?5 ?Juan . - ?(rt All Enveqtlgatlgn in.San Juan. Puerto Rico-; conducted by SA PAERACK .ML k?grwuVVE? )3 1 d? ?rd ?cF??i?mikkf' if, actv? ?iew~0f ALPHA 66 in Puefto ?i be covered with?3dti bysa gents dealing a E. MA . . in Cuban matteTj?3 (:44?uw?m ?2?5 - 7? kma? ,d - ?g?g w? :3 96; 1i; 2- Miami 2) (RM) Juan 13um86m 133A- 957 M11.) -. - 13111? 60311 (1., 13A=new ?m 53% ?iy} Copy to: (r50) ?mm wwg/ yrouting slip for ENE 54463 DucId:32302154 Page 2 The Miami ng Juan of the travel oft%?j can be observed in Puerto- Ricoa For the information of Miamig JERQNIMO ESTEVE is identical. to SJ RQEQSS one of the most prolific somrcos -in the Cuban field in the San Juan foico. He was aakod ?if he had made or plans to make a contribution towhngA 660 He answered that he has no plans in thj.s regard and that they cannot succeed because FIDEL CASTRO 1% too strong and any revolution would laok the support of the S. government. ?1 44 54463 Page 3 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 4/14/20] Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10281?10029 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 62-80750-45 64 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: BRENNAN, D. J. JR. TO SULLIVAN. W. C. TITLE under the John F. Kennedy Records Celleetien c1: of 1992 [94 USC 2 10'? Nate] . 03/15/1967 544163 Date: 10?12?201? PAGES: 3 SUBJECTS . CIA, FBI, RELATIONS, CASES DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 . CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 09/11/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS w9'54463 Page 1 4 - - ovum-m. roam No.10 if sow?Ina 2 MAY 1962 EDITION 4? on can. no!? no 27 J'UNITED STA FES Memorandum ?wary-,? about our domestic operations and always to ment1onedgcase). . FT 3- F35. is cases which' are of interest to bothIFBI and 13:. 1.31 .-. . as?* Ina-4n", A213 Len. operations and activities of a JoIint nature. I stated that he wished to emphasize that such develops where both Agencies had rest '4 CLASSIFIEDBY a 5911311113? 121A 57 an? NH 54463 Page want this_ trend\stopped. separate memorandum is . being submit.ted concerning a new development in the afore- .. . CI. {cm .13-. - my: 3/15/67 the Liaison Agent .met?with Richard Helms Director, CIA, and took the opportunity toT review:01Sullivagx, 3/15/11mg? I . . - Mr. DeLoach ?We . FROM :13. J. Brennan, er/fyIE/V? . 1 Mr. SUllivan Egret-13300?, .i I - Mr. Branigan Gms?gyr? 111 . 1 - Liaison SUWECT AGENCY Mr. Papich w,r? Luau tL?u In connection with developments in .. mcaptionedf'NK as 18? "*Bureau file 134 98.24% on" DirectOr note te more and more we are.telling our detriment. Y1 ?3 .1 3the status of relations .between FBI and CIA. It was I -: felt that this was an opportune time to do so in View of 5 :3 the Director' concern as expressed above. $52? It" as a . Helms stated that he personally was pleased relations between the two Agencies. He stated that sometimes he is irked or disturbed when people outside a-nd inside the Government ask the question "How are you getting ?along with the He indicated that this question is frequently asked by members of Congress. Helms stated that he:3 h. religiously has followed a practice of lucidly and firmly advising such people that relat-io_ns are excellent. He . 47 stated that he personally believed that this wasI true. 11-1? The Liaison Agent commented?thatyworking relations are good but there was an area which might hOt be getting proper attention. The Agent stated that there was reason to be concerned regarding effect1ve\coord1nation On those CIA because there Agencies felt that there was now wide?openwliberty to conduc The Agent 53? an atmOsphere- cannot exist and that Mr. Hoover would never condone any d" trend in this direction. The Agent- commented that work in this area had. to be very efficiently ecordinated and that we in the Bureau were closely scruti each situation as it . The Agent suggested that Mr. Helms might desire to alert appropriate subordinates in the Agency on this point. 975? 7,5?ng 1/ ??3394? MAR 203;?? . JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 4/28/201 Agency Information FBI AGENCY RECORD NUMBER: 124-10281-10053 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 109-5 84-4415 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM SAC, NY TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: ECLASSIFIED Department of State Guidelines, July 21, DATE: 07/25/1966 1997' Date: PAGES: 3 9?13?3017 SUBJECTS MAB, ASSOC, ACA, GOVERNMENT, CUBA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT I CLASSIFICATION Confidential RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 07/31/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS 1 INC LHIVI v91 17 ONE 54463 ,Page 1 {fel_ e; . I I (Revv 5-22-64) 3 \e 3 FBI Date: 7/25/66 Tronsmit'the following in . .AIRTEL . I (Type in plaimext or code?9:30 Ill!? m1: 33333333333171?) 737:7? TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (109- 5311) FROM: SAC, NEW YORK 2-4533 . masses 31*; I - e" SUBJECT: FIDEL CASTRO ACTIVITIES gee; fee. 1: . [33623373 I 13.6.2131}? .931 I, a I 6? 1; I (oo. MIAMI) ReBuairtel 6/30/66 and San Juan letter with enclosures, dated 7/6/66, captioned as above. Enclosed herewith for the Bureau are 11 copies of an LHM setting forth informatiOn conCerning the above captioned subject matter. There are also enclosed 11 copies of a -reli~- ability memOrandum setting forth the reliability of the infor- mants utilized. tioned in the enclosed LHM is CSNY 2822 NY 59.2 isgm??ejw Te- 3 is CSNY 4783-7316(2) The NYO will maintain contact with Dr. CARLOS MARQUEZ STERLING for any further developments and any information received- will be immediately furnished to the Bureau and inter- ested OfficeSs?w . 3 ?35 madef/?/I?r/z 777%(1233313 33 hy?mi C?L?ureau 3E6 87 335 A 3 ?brin. mm ?anq 2?Miami (105 17 13? 2 (EM) 1 San Juan (109 )IEEncls. 1.. 1? Washington Field 105 29955)(Enc1s. ?3 L3 1" New York . 7; i 333)): a Copy to: I 294%]; I 3?s to. - {$3333 rouhy/?~5333?) 31333? I . I I. 7 4I3\1f; AP goved Sen?t 33Charge ?3?7v; I3: em is NH 54463 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 4/28/201 Identi? cation Form Agency Information FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10281-10059 RECORD SERIES HQ 1 AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105-192307-2 .. Document Information FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI Eleased under the John Kennedy Eaassinatinn Recnrda nllectinn Act of 1992 [44 USC Nate]. ase#:NH 59953 Date: TITLE DATE: 07/30/1969 PAGES 6 SUBJECTS MAB, ASSOC, ACA, MM DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Con?dential RESTRICTIONS: 113; 4 CURRENT STATUS: Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 07/13/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM v9.1 . 20 NH 54463 Page 1 . . OPTIONAL FORM No.10 I Jub- MW 1952 EDITION . i . ?7 GSA FPMR (41 CFR) 101-116 n. STATES Memorandum 3:210" I FBI 7 DATE: JUL ?1959 13A rib 1113 - . (3A HAS NO i I .1 UNKNOWN ?11333 RELEASE OF CIA INFOMA . VI WROUP FORMED BY DOCUMENT. O?ma?y,q7 1 JOSE mMA?cmimAS? OTHEMR 1? MEMBERS or BRIGADE 2596 1%219526 mus IS - NM . C'ase??ed My (00: Miami) fc?assify . 1.3 Re Miami letter and LHM dated 4/9/69 . 1 I Enclosed for the Bureau are nine copies of an I I i LHM setting out additional information concerning the development of the abovenmentioned group. ?girst confidential source/mentioned in the LHM isZ? 248 The second confidential source is . 3 MM Q: The Government agency mentioned is U. Sg/Coast Guard, Miami, which information was furnished to the Miami 5 Office by NED 1 Copies of this LHM have been disseminated K2 1 locally to the following: '0 ?'47 1'08 5CD I?d BY 1 mcopiesmade INS, Miami um 515% l,~3 3/17/75 CIA, Miami (MJ 1 :Ermur watEBHQb) State Department (Cuban Affairs), iami) 1 U: S. Coast Guard, Miami A U. S. Customs, Miami and Region II, Miami I 1 ?f - Uo S. Border Patrol, Miami . . NIso, 6th ND, Charleston, 3 C. OSI, PatricklAir Force Base, Florida S. Secret Service, Miami EMA iL??gs?wm I 111th M. I I-up, Orlando, Florida 0111111111 [Cj?ia- ?21a: 3 Bureau (Eric-43E)1 . a: 1 Miami 1 9 AUG 1' was i Army/i1 1r x?iia/CustoMW/Coast Guam; Coordinate: Si Cu an Aliairs, State Bo: Info 1. .1 4/13. By Bay 5 Saving; Bondy Regularly an the Payroll Saalagi Pla 1 I NH 54463 Page 2 MM 105-47958 I a) . . - g? Miami will cont'nue to follow the activities of this group 54463 Page 3 ?415'; . - . p?aa EXILE GROUP FORMED BY .JOSE M. MACIAS AND The source advised on April 28,1969,a_that MACIAS said that MANUEL ARTIME had secured?the release -of his boat from United States CuStOms, but no mentibn as to whether he had recOvered the money paid by the MACIAS group to ARTIME fer that boat. MACIAS also mentioned that they had ordered 350 horsepower engines- .but- that i delivery. some time before they could eprect on May 8, 1969, information was furnished by ?another Government agency to the effect that Cuban boat activity had been Observed in the vicinity Of Dog_ neck in the Bahama Islands. One of the boats involved was iIde tified as the oral Reef, which. is registered to one MAN 5 Two other boats identified as being at Dog Rock were "Angelita" and the ?Skippy." The "Skippy" is a 44 foot Swift boat with a 67~ GM diesel engine, registered to NICOLAI and SINE NVERNONNE, 2053 Southwest Second as JOS NCO. It was reported that a 14?fodt boat bear? 'Street?ggn ?crew ?pe?ber a??ard? the "Skippy" was identified 1ng re Estrationm FL 0907AE was being towed by the "Angelita" and that this boat was registered to JOSE CHIRINO and that a JOSE M. MACIAS was aboard the boat AMJ It is noted that the confidential source has 1dentif1ed(}OSE CHIRINO as a member of the group of JOSE M. MACIAS I On May 14, 1969, the sOurce advised that he had .attended a meeting of another group on May-13, - -y 1969. At this meeting_ one a member of the MACIAS, group, mentioned that was again making pIans forI some type of activ1ty. . On May 17, 1969, the source advised that a meeting of the MACIAS group had been held on the ight of May 16, 1969, at 1100 Southwest 10th Avenue. In addition to JOSE M. MACIAS, th in attendance included JESUS LOPEZ and his son, OPEZ, JR., (first name 8 unknown) CHEMIZO, (last name and- (first 1; 1; name unknown) The discussion at this meeting Mg) 90 NH 54463 DucId:32302339 Page 4 V'ccentered around plans of the group to establiSh a -newspaper They also considered joining .the MAQIAS ECU-BAN EXILE GROUP FORMED LJOSE m. MACIAS AND OTHER .9917 MEMBERS OF BRIGADE 2506 1? group with another organization known as "La Cruzada Pro Liberacion de 105 CubanOS"(Crusade for the- Libera? tion of Cuban Pris oners). ?The source advised that JESUS LOPEZ was connected with this organizatiOn. JESUS LOPEZ mentioned tIo CHEMIZO that they could have machine practice at his farm but there was no indication given as to the whereabouts of the farm or whether machine guns were ayai1ab1e.agp On May 28, 1969, the source advised that JOSE MACIAS was planning to hold a meeting of his group on t_hat ,date in order to discuss how they_ would proceed with their? plans for an infiltrat_ion miSSion.. MACIAS indicated that Lithey were still looking for_ a Suitable boat, so that imme? NH 54463 .I diate action was apparently net planned. (?g/Cit) On June 3, -1969, the source reported that a meeting of the MACIAS group had bee.n held on May 28,1969, at 111 Northwest 20th Street, Miami. This is a Pure Oil gasOIine station whiCh is OWned by a Cuban known only as During the meeting, it was learned that the group had named a new instructdr, .who was identified Menly as (first name unknown) COLLAZO. COLLAZO was with WCuhan exile Brigade 2506 in Guatemala in 1961 and prior to leaving Cuba, was in the Army Engineers. In Florida -he is employed in construction work and is considered an expert in demolition. During the meeting, COLLAZO was asked by (first name unknown) CASANOVA if he could make a bazooka ,to which COLLAZO replied that he Could not.1 the meeting, was observed carrying a stick _of dynamite estimated to be three feet long and about three inches in diameter. The source did not 1 arn "what disposition was made of this Ag! - On June 16, 1969, a second source, who is acquainted With the activities of the principal anti- 1 CASTRO groups in Miami, furnished information that the'1 group known as Alpha 66-reported1y obtained I. -the use of a yacht named "stefanie which DucId:32302339 Page 5 JFK Assassination System Date: 7 Identi?cation Form AA. 4/2 8/20] AGENCY Agency Information FBI RECORDNUMBER: 124-10281-10061 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 163-13378?13 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM SAC, NY TO: Eleased under the John Kenn-a :13: TITLE- Eaassinatinn Records allectinn Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Nate]. 54%53 DATE: 12/04/1968 3?:ij 17. a PAGES 21' SUBJECTS 7 ASSOC, MORERA, FELIPE EDWIN GONZALEZ, EJERCITO SECRETO ANTI-COMUNISTA, BOMBINGS, NY DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed . . RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 07/31/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM, ADMIN PAGE WI NH 54463 22 Page 1 "UNITED STATES Gog; -. 5 Memorandum . .. 1 3i . .. T0 FB ..-. i FROM 0, NEW YORK (1s?:977nu) SUBJECT: 13wa aka . n; Edwi onzalez . GI Awe- x? 01.1 -Is-Cu . 2% Title is marked "Changed" to reflect the correct Egg?. 7 spoiling of subject's name MORERA, and to reflect subject's Est; complete name including first name of FELIPE. . Iii-g" 5 i in: :?iu5 - Relet from Director to SAC, NY, 7/30/68, with the caption "Poder Cubano." ZEOS . mi 12-: . Enclosed for the Bureau are 9 copies of an LHM. Egg? One copy of instant LHM is being designated for Secret. - ?mg; 1 Service, NY. One copy is being designated for INS, NY. we is FRANCISCO MOLINA, PSI under development -1 is a HEW i ?75 The following LHM is classified "Secret" due it; ?i5 information set forth therein attributed to CIA . . {139 ?Jim having been so classified. 1 Iii/0 - 5 Z. 4 33; 2.93.115? I Assiassi?- 1:521:15 27/ if IIgis NEW YORK #2052?; I ,f AT NEW YORK, NEW YORK. 1. NY Iverifyiis'..i EDWIN . IQ) GONZALEZ returned to the NY areaContinue; i?development of information on the - subject through established sources. .J . 1 it}; BY f??u Bureau (Enos. (RM ?g(--1-105 173210) (1-163-13378) l-Miami (ERG. l) (INFO) (HRM) pg; ~23 l?Newark (Enc. 1) (INFO) cc? (E: 1?New York (105- 51535) (BSA) A l-New York (113251-4011 ?31 8 1- New York ?1 1 . -State/CIA/Secrg; . "i 1; ITFB: .cbm Army/NavarAHI? I (9) 29 Coordinate; of Cuban I :3 53131:; 331* Inf5 - .5131? ?45132? AA 11? i NH 54463 Page 2 JFK Assassination System - . Date: Identi?cation Form 4/28/20] AGENCY RECORD NUMBER RECORD SERIES AGENCY FILE NUMBER Agency Information FBI 124-10281-10068 HQ CR 109-584-5044 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: DWYER, ROBERT JAMES TO DIRECTOR, FBI eleaeed under the Jenn I Kennedy Records elleetien Act of 1992 DATE: 09/13/1972 [44 USC Ell]? I'Jete] . PAGES: 17 eases Date: 0?12?2017 SUBJECTS . .. MAB, ACA, ORGANIZATIONS, ASSOC, BKG DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Con?dential RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: rO7/31/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE - COMMENTS v9.1 25 DueId:3230234? Page 1 - "?.Copies made: (cont'd) . Miami, Florida (RM). Patrick Air Force Base, Florida l-U. S. Coast Guard, Miami, Florida (RM) 1-NISO, Charleston, SOuth Caro_lina (RM) M. I. Group, Orlando, Flarida (RM) . l-U. S. .BOrder Patrol, Miami, F10rida (RM) Miami, Florida (RM) . Miami, Florida (HAND CARRY) CustomS, Miami, Florida (RM) - l-U. 8. Secret Service, Miami, Florida (RM 3 l-Boston (105-4151) (Info) l-Chicago (105-6033) (Info) (RM) j'l-Jacksonville (109-8) (Info) (RM) ._1-Los Angeles (Info) (RM) ?vi-Newark 105-1008) (Info) (RM) 'l-New Orleans (105-1095) (Info) (RM) - 1~New York (105-35253) (Info) (RM) - 21- -San Juan (Info) (RM) 1~Savannah (Info) (RM) l-San Francisco (109-11) (Info) (RM) l-Tampa (Info) (RM) . '2 l-Wash ington Field (105-29955) (Info)F' (RM) Leads (contfd) AT MIAMI, FLORIDA 1 activities. . 5 2-7' I T-l Is MM 974-635-8 1B, Ij COVER PAGF 7.1? 111 111.111 . ..-.-., . .1..- . - . . . ..11 1.. 1 .11Lm__ k? . 1 W111 continue submission of reparts summarizing ant - NH 54463 Page 2 . y105-1742 I. 1s MML248 //fM MM is T-s 1s COVER 4. . NH 54463 Page 3 - =1n1234f61173' 11:1!" 'Southwest 33rd they participated in the 0ct0ber 12 1971, mission against ?_Cuba but were no lo_nger associated w1_th TORRIENTE. They 'said TORRIENTE fa1led in his endeavors, 15 no longer acceptable to the CubanI exile Icommunity and is present 1y inactive. . A .. A On July 7, 1972, records of he OffiCe of the U. S. Attorney, Southern DistriCt of Florida, Miami, .Florida., reflected that the Overseas Maritime Development, Inc-., by cashier' 5 Check drawn on the Capital National BanIk of Miami, paid a fine of 500 to the U. S. Government- and the motor vessel I"Aquarius" was returned to the Overseas maritime Development lnc., on Jane 21, I1972. . . . ALPNA 66 . . Alpha 6 is an Cuban exile orga nization? headed by SARGEN. Its headquarters are - - ?maihtainedI at 24 5. Nort est 7th Street, Miami, Florida.? ABRERA was at the 'belon ing to Alpha 66 an that boat was actually eng ged -in ii hing operations. NAZAR said, 66( c4 on April 5 1972, MM a member of the ilitary reection of Alpha 66, advised that he- had made Several visits I'to the headquarters of Alpha 66 during the past month but that the- organization appeared to be concentrating its activities in the funduraising fLield' Iand were not engaged 1n? planning anyImilitaryIoperations.M? reperted that on the ht of April 4 19 dur ng a cnfidential conversation- wit A RES LA ROSA it was learned tha 9) time woxki on a fiShing boat groups in cuba are car ng out sabotage against the Cu Government. He said Alpha 66- will re ume military operations as soon as funds becOme available.- 6 on: Apr_11 20,1972, MM T?l reported that ANDRES NAZARIO had indicated that AlphaI 66 Was then engaged in .efforts to purchase a how fast boat to resume military ?j . A operations and_ that he had been 1nI contact with several (:39 3I - e_c NH 54463 Page 4 x9being reorganized into small Cells as theyIare concerned 7' - (2G1, about infiltration of the organization by.a guts of the . U.-S. Government; GONZALEZ said that?JUAN% ASTELLAN a - is believed to be one'of?these infiltrated a ehtsMay 3,?1972, MM T-4, a member ofIAlpha 6 reported that Alpha 66 had not been able to obtain the . .uSe of a'new'oifice onIWest Flagler?Street and Were'I . remaining-at the former v; 20th . T-4 reported on-May 10, 1972;Ithat leaders ~ngj of Alpha 66 Were1joining'with other - a demonstration of Cuban exiles at Bayfront Park in.Miami_ "f?g to be held on May 20, 1972, to celebrate q? attention on the current problems of- Cuban exiles in the struggle to regain Cuba. . 1/1)er advised?ihat h? had been . 3E?0ntinuingIto visititpe,headquarters oggAIEha-66Iand to a . eff aintgin cogta?t~withiANDRES ZARqunghe scurce reported 'thati?AZAqughad indi?ated tha lpha 66Vashotdurrently a JOSE aka "55.5525 "Richard" - 75.3.3535": :5 CUBA 5- - . 1F ATION 5 5g. . . . REL E51514. 5435? z?F'm (00: MIAMI) 555 55?5533 555.35.555.95? 37? (a 17/97 Re Miami letter to the Bureau dated 6/26/74. EnclOSed for the Bureau are five copies of an LHM dated and captioned as above. Qne_cop?_is_being_fur- rwe fnished to Immigration and Naturalization Service, Miami, if}- i f?ida. MM Tl-l is 15 It appea.rs that no further investigation in this matter is war"ranted and this case is being placed in a ClOSed status. It is noted that subject was interviewed on 1/31/73 It is not felt that further interview with him at this time would be - 111555555555 +5555. 5755:1513 (S 1/ "k5 Cg?- Bureau (Enc. ??gW - Miami SWJ:jkc (3) 7 I 68(5, Mfg/5&4 f, 5 5 . . 6204/ . Pgsm'ade: WA 5555.5 5555i?5?55?5"5f51?5 15v (g c, - 5 53301 55555 I: 115 PZWW 5&4" 155255555 50.5.1155 WW MAY 67811137493?? 0? 5 85511 My 072 6 Ming: gm 5 5 975 NH 54463 Page 2 . .. . JFK Assassination System . Date: 4/28/20] Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10281-10075 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR .105-226086-25 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, SJ TO DIRECTOR, FBI Eleased under the Kennedy saassinatinn Recurda nllectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. ase#:NH 5?%63 Date: TITLE DATE: 08/21/1975 PAGES: 3 - SUBJECTS MAB, ASSOC, PEREZ, AMAURI SOFI, BKG, TRA, FINANCES, REL DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 07/31/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS v9.1 - 29 NH 54463 Page 1 . OPTIONAL FORM No.10 .222 - MAY 1962 EDITION GSA FPMR (41 CFR) IDI- 5 STATES GOVERNMENT Memorandum To DIRECTOR, FBI (10522226086) 1 8/21/75 MCI.) FROM sac, SAN JUAN (105-157172) RUG SernT: SOCRATES AMAURI SOFICQEREZ - ,1 co MIAMI \ii?i?i?e Re San Juan letter to the Bureau, dated 7/8/75 . Instant letter 1s clas ified "Confidential" in Carder to protect SJ 1607~ On 7/18/75, SJ 160 HPSI furnished the following information re Subject: In 1971 SOFI was employed as an intelligence ?we: _officer aboard the Cuban ship "Manuel Ascunoe," which was . 1 on its way to Rotterdam, Holland, to deposit a $17,000,000 ,f to. . gold shipment in a secret account to finance subversive activities of the Cuban government. SOFI jumped ship but was pursued by two officers from the."Manuel Ascunce". In order to facilitate his escape, SOFI was forced to kill both of these intelligence officers. SOFI noted that the ,f disappearance of these two offi rs could be verified with (We the authorities in Ho1land. 233554343: Travel in chronological order:2 Dec 2, l97lnSept, 1972, resided in Spain Soto, 1972sMar, 1973, resided in Costa Rica Mar, 1973, SOFI arrived in Mexico and immediate crossed the border into the United States. Mar 10, 1973, flew from.S? gntonio to Atlanta, Georgia- ??jw Whereabouts in Apri ?g?uwu eds@Bureau 3% .2. Miami (1052-20638) 1 San Juan 5? 2072 . . x. i . . a 2. '2ka CQEETAINED ?giggoopiea ?gda 3 ES 6 68 63:5:5 8355 tea-hip It Liimw ewusi? forg review at 1/ HQ by 2 H303. re ?gymnast. ,3 i 19688 Bufile #524172905?11? ?$11975'41)ng Band: Regularly on the gamma 1 54 ?ying Plan . iV?um 2-. 4? NH 54463 Page 2 JFK Assassination System . Date: 4/28/20] Identi?cation Form Agency Inforrnati on AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10281-10078 RECORD SERIES: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105?191578?1 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO: DIRECTOR, FBI ECLASSIFIED Department Of State . Guidelines, July 21, 1997 Date: D?12?2o17 DATE: 03/18/1969 PAGES: 3 SUBJECTS - MAB, ASSOC, AYALA, EDUARDO BAEZ, DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 07/31/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS 3 INC V9.1 - - 31 NH 54453 Page 1 {OPTIONAL FORM No.10 1 - (~73 MAY 1952 EDITION GSA 101- 11UNITED STATES ERNMENT .1- . v? ?3 - DATE: 3/18/EDUARDO BAEZ AYALA SUBJECT: 1 . IS CUBA @9311 1? 1 . Enclosed herewith are ten cepies of Letterhead 15* 31 I Memorandum dated and captioned as above. - v? I: . Capies of enclosed Letterhead Memorandum are being disseminated to the following Federal Agencies: - :1 1 INS, Miami, Florida - ,3 1. U. S. Department of State, Miami, Flor . ,1 - . U. S. Border Patrol, Miami, Florida ?313135131111 31-14 ??31 1 U.-S-. Customs, Miami and'Reg?ion?II- 1:31 I .4. 1 Coast Guard, Miami, Florida 111 15113 WHEN. 1 '1 111th Group, Orlando, Flex-ida 1 1 1 1 - NISO, 6ND, Charleston, South Carolina . OSI, Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, 1' CIA, Miami, Florida . .I . 1 . 1 25 1131: 1 is IMM 639-8. MADEnclosed Letterhead Memorandum? is being classified 0? ff .1 \confidential to better protect ?an informant of continuing 1:1 Byalue.3. Credit and Criminal Checks conducted in Miami E: :1 ?nanceigng captioned subject were negativeMiami will continue to follow activities bJect and keep the Bureau advised. . 7 ?2 1., 111/33 1' 71.1.1111 5?3 :13 0* Bureau (Enc 10)1 (RM) ,1 ?31- 191578 WW 1 E3 .335 :1 ?1 SREC it111:; E11117 .1 URE 13 MAR 2.111161 - ?14 L. W..- r, .1 31-1511 ng?m?gs. {Law?v/f? 6? Fee?M57 aw 5010-105 -01 . NH 54463 Page 2 '1 l, duh}. JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/4/2015 Agency Information Eleased under the John AGENCY FBI Kennedy RECORD NUMBER: 124-10281-10142 ssassinatinn Records nllectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [44 USC Hnte] . ase#:NH 54%52 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 97?4085-3 17' Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 02/08/1960 PAGES 4 SUBJECTS EW, ASSOC, INT, POLIT, ACA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Top Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 05/06/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS 'wi NH 54462 Page 1 fempm'rfr; 1o .5 4 LDUTED STATES 11 7 2 Memorandum {,DATE: FEB 8 1950 r. I: FBI- CIA HAS NU 03150110110 . 11 Fm??fu/ . UEULABWICARCM 13319pr - . ?ifsAc MIAMI 97?3314 951533THE 90001152151 . .991% A - 15? (FNU) ACT CUBA 9 Rebulets 1/18/60 and 1/20/60; Miami airtel to; A 1/ 1' - Bufeau dated 1/29/60, entitled JORGE RAFAEL COSTAS 19% - I RODRIGUEZ, aka; JOSE ANTUNIU RAFAEL ALEJANDRO .7 RUMACUBRA - RA A Referenced letters" adUisedEnndated message from Caban Consulate 9 Miami, to Cu FCreign Ministry, Havana, {If 24% for delivery SANCHEZ dioated possibility CASTRO I, :1 {13% agent had infiltrated antic TRO grouP in Florida, and _waa 1. assisting in organization of group, was short of money, and group would start operating Upon re ipt Of [800 pesoBIQ requested of E9ffi of the Comander or equipment and 2 1?1? expenses. Messag di ed organization has 70 airplanes . an fwa'nted 100.. Planes ported are locat as followBsn . the?) 'nica?n Republic; 17 Guatema??gothe United States. The mesaa Elie statement 'This is the blonde replying ?1 . A A 'revious?essagefrom SANCHEZ to Cuban Cons Miami for FNU) indicated Chats EFriend ALB f5 Bureau (RM) - 96. . 2 .. Charlotte (RM) . - Washington Field (Info) (RM) 9 11 Miam I (1- ?312 .1 Jose Pepin E0 FEB 10 ?95? K: 3' 1M?k (1- 5 1742 a Anti=CaBtro ActiUitieB) ?wag ,sf \3 (1- 05n1998 Cuban Inte111genca AMET?Itiaa?in 105- 2282 Jarge coataa Rodriguez) 7' 2 134 394 - John Eko 105w1747 Cuban Political Aotivitiea) I 64m178 Matthew Duke) 1341390 1 Ed Whitahouse) 105- 2238 Rbbert Spinning) if?; M: AA . - a ?If?l- w. but NH 54462 Page 2 NH 54462 . .- - Mn 979314 .7orking hard and financial arrangements hed been-completed {gar trip.to Cube by this individual? tequested {case :1 . Above infotnetien wee and not to be-diseemineted outside Bureau under any circumstances. In connection with the above9 the Miami Office has under investigation a ease9 dictation, entitled RAEAEL COSTAS RODRIGUEZ, eke; JOSE ANTONIO RAFAEL ALEJANDRO SALVAT RDMAGUERA, IS a CUBA9 . RA a CUBA9 Miami file While it is probable that the SALNAT ROMAGUERA here mentioned is identical with-the SALVAT in captioned matter; efforts to conclusively establish such identification have not yet been successful due to the lack of identifying meteriel ceneerning captioned. SALVAT. ldentifieetion ef the SALVAT mentioned as associated with JORGE wee effeeted through exhibit of photo raph Jenuety 279 19609 to - Rh intense ?meaning, w21.1,rzelwe PERI-12M IT .. new mm? 3517?,? 18 8' Lf?m?wmhememelime 1. amend ferment end hen nunetode eeqneintancee among Cuban element in Mieni. hie identity should be protected. PEREZ identified SALVAT ee an individual who was a Cadet in the Cuban Nevy end nee an electrical engineer during the government of enacuhen Pteeident CARLGS. P310 PEREZ eteted thet wee an associate of JORGE thet SALVAT ROMAGUERA some time in the past had worked for the Phileo deepeny in connection with the construction of guided nieeilee. PEREZ did not know the site of SALNAT former employmentD but stated that it wee somewhere out of Fletide9 ee beet he could recall, on whet he had heetd; PEREZ eteted that he had heard from GOSTAS that SALVAT ROMAGUERA hed? plans for a guided mdeeileiwhieh he knew from memory and ROMAGUERA at one time wee nttenpting to find buyer for the plane. - DucId:32302422 Page 3 JFK Assassination System Date: 4/15/20] Identi? cation Form Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-1028140165 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 109-584-2910 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI - FROM: DWYER, ROBERT JAMES TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 08/10/1961 PAGES 26 SUBJECTS GOVERNMENT DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed I RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 09/28/1998 ease ?n at Kennedy Records OPENING CRITERIA. INDEFINITE elleetien Act of 1992 COMMENTS: [?14 USC 210'? Mute] . aee#:NH EAEES Date: 0?12?2017 v9.1 NH 54463 DueId:32302445 Page 1 i NH 54463 IMM 7105?1742 Capies Made: A Identity <109? 1 1 3 a=gn i_ltwiami K2 1 105?1742). I (l 10511747) @819 Rabbins AFB, 7 KRM) 6th ED Charleston, 3, GEE .EE McPherSong Ga K'm) B?Ed@r Patrol, Miami ENS Eiami (RE) Eustoms, Miami (RE) BOSEQE JanSamville Newark San Juan Chicago LQS Angeles Hem Orleans (105_1095)K1m? Sam FramciSCQ Tampa Field )Klnfo)(RM) - INEOREANTS a Loeatium ME 'Ir-v-Il is ROBERTO BE mum Reports, SII Page Instant Report 727 DiLido Drive, Miami BQach, page @3111}! MET-2 is MARIA SDLEBAD ALBA, F1orida (by request) Page 2 a COVER PAGE - 1 w. 42? bf} 2 T. "r gLocatioM 7 T?a is OSCAR MIAZ, Report, MiaMi, Florida (by request) page S: Mm 639?3 134?238 sub?A '1 MM 5 1M MMRRAT SHORAGB, ,f Miam1, Florida (by request) page a is BONAFONTEEQDM Im?tant Report, Page . MM T-7 1M MANUEL DE JESUS MM 134~ 46 kg Careful consideration has been given to each source concaaled 1M this report, and Symbols have been utilized only in thoge instances wh?re identlties must be comeealedg3?> ?lm 54463 .- ,1 0M on ER PAGE - DucId:32302445 Page 3 HRH 54463 11.4??77105- .1742I RJD ems DETAILS In Juee, 1960, the FRD was formed as an alliance'2 of several anti? CeMmumist Chean revolutionary organizations Although the FEM has aooepted into membership many other organizations the ?0110W1ng Organizations are considered .the meet important, ?seeive the most/publieity, and exert the most inflreneehehtic Party headed My MANUEL - MM who was an offie1a1 is the Fremte unti1 June, 1961,'adVised on July 5, 1961, that VAROMA had- lorganized a politiea1 organization known as Reseate for_ the purpose of justifying hIis pIosition as eo?ordisator MM 3-1 explained that Reseate consists of some members of the Authentic organization, a Cuban po1itica1 Iparty, and maintains headquarters at 24th Street and Biscayne Boukavard, Miami, Florida. Rescate was organized by VAROMA as a pelitieaIl organizatien to back him as t_he" 'political leader of tIhe movement among political exiles outside of Cuba and to give VARONA the nue1enlzs oL an e?stI blished organization for ?u.ture politiea1.I power in Cuba . MM Ta 1- advised that VARONA uses this organization as the baSis ior his position of leadership in the FRD When VARONA was originally campaigning for this position,. he claimed he represented the Authentic organization, but??) .this Was denied. by many IIof- the leading politicians in the A. DueId:32302445 Page 4 ?9 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 4/15/201 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10281-10166 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 109-584-2959 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: ECLASSIFIED Department at State Guidelines, July 21; 199? Date: DATE: 10/04/1961 0?12?2017? PAGES 20 SUBJECTS CC, GROUPS, ACA, CUBAN GOVERNMENT, POLIT DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 09/28/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM W1 NH 54463 Page 1 in? Axiom No.10 wit?air; Law E: r; r? . DIRECTOR, FBI (R69 589:4) . I g: .. GM MIAMI (105-1742) 3 (3416 7.3 '7 w. I 0 mm UBJECT: IDEL MCASM (99% JUN 291973 1 I Is - CUBAM may MIAMI) 4" My Mew-?W ?gift? ??aca J86 ReBulet to Miami 9/14/61, instructing recipient ces to submit succinct summary of anti- CASTRO activities Enclosed herewith are nine copies of letterhead morandum, dated and captioned as above: L) I 541211?? . WWI-4 50 Immeeso Les 105w In!? 'g 1' 17915 . . I o. DMWT-?ini?g 213111; ??otton Ibrakerw :3 nu i \1i?V E3 Wif- 1:13 gang? new usfu t?J?imv . I . MM 1-3 2:19 EEHARD RING, Hc ?Imam . 1 ., I ??14?1 1103?)? 8W 3' F31 amiaTv: 25381 LC mm 31 T1013 TIMI 9'an a W5 akin??fvr ?5 .1 Pp??g?gg?bw?o [?lly @133? 1 I mv??h x, A none 4551441 3 ?1 - - "j i gj- Bureau 1 w2 New (Encis. 2 - Washington Fizf?ld (EnclsI 3 - Miami (2 - 1365- -1742) (1 - 105- 1147) I (S 1/62 I. . . I routi?g mgr/for Info? gm .0 1037.. mad@@/ I 4x?uamy /5 for rexm?ig gm? ?ag a; 54463 Page 2 5.. 1 . ?jg .- ~51; AQT1V1QQEQI ~1ng er thQ1' Q1 SQEQQ 1Q EQ11Q . f.iQQt10Q @XilQSo - ANFUSU WQQ1Q bQ 1QQ1th tQ QdersQl? :mQQt 1Q. glam QQ 16 1961, an yQ Q1QQ 1Qg I1Q the Unith States, advised GOVERNMENT 1Q EXILE 19619 MANUEL BENITEZAVA11 former ShiQf'Qf said he was CARLOS -EE1S SUCAEEAS 1 Qf Qf 1961 1Q So; gang? Qf Mi?mi? arQa At thiS with? ANFUSO Qf err? 11 1Q1y9 1961 BEEITEZ said that he and: others 1QrgQ tQ bQ hQ1d for GQVQ that PEI1U 1Q Qf tQ GovernTQQ QQ1Q er1Qg BRIO was 1Q 1Q EQEQS EQ Qerth and ,_730V@rnment Qt tiQQ- has the NH 54463 QQ1111QQ1 and out.- Side of CQQIQO MM sa1d or four 'agp, 1Q QQ- Q1QQ11QQ ER10 many .votes, th Qt Q1QQ9 are so if I ?x a . an?" '3 rev. an :1 ?1 1-: 1 Tm"? i DucId:32302446 Page 3 JFK Assassination System - Identi?cation Form 9 Agency Information Date: 4/15/201 1 AGENCY FBI A RECORD NUMBER: 124*10281?10171 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105-95461-12, 15 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE 08/24/1961 PAGES 13 SUBJECTS . CC, ACA, UNDERGROUND REBEL GROUPS, CUBA 7 DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXT UAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact under the Dh? DATE OF LAST REVIEW 09/28/1998 KE 1111B Eaassinatinn Recurda OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE *3 1 19313 1011 ACE Of 1993 :44 use 210? Note]. COMMENTS: INC 2 LHM, MEMO ase? 5%63 Date: v91 6 NH 54463 Page 1 . 1 1 1.5 EEUNIIED Memorandum DIRECTOR, FBI DATE: OCT 7 1 1961 Tb sAc,I MIAMI (105 3558) w. .. NAs NQ ooAJEomN TEE SUIBJECT REBEL ACTIVITY IN CUBA 503% IS - CUBA 133,111-015336? 113?!? I ?00: MIAMI) . I . 1N THIS WMWENT Jm Re Miami letter 8/24/61. if? Enclosed for the Bureau are nine copies of a letterhead memorandum setting forth information received regarding rebel groups operating in Cuba. The confidential source mentioned is CARLOS I ALVAREZ GARCIA, PSI, Miami. f1;- 10 BEN. DEHOJWG otrm? 185%?? fagherme?ecAJ-AUABAE 19511133351331]? MS: 5didmnlortacwish treveauledsceuizs ?ee the Bureau 1h" ?isl time. advisedEi-th' MSEEwamntactedDEbmim? represenEeEtives duringeh?i?e and? 1: WT had agreed to ae?tm esma RAMS returned to his wife, mOther of PSI, asyhe is caring for 915413333954" 61:91? . in Havana 0 cannot b??persuaded to .13., To The? Eerie/e Egg/1% 7 - Miami (2 - 1-05 1 Meme 151111 I. (1 - 105- 9 NEW A I (1 97- -406)(30th of November) REC 31 ?$111355; (1 - . 11,5 1.. 91"? ?3,0951 11,; aid. . 5.55mi?? a .1 NI 190133" ?60: a 1' bi. 3 in ?01 1110 1 - 5/41 54463 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Identi? cation Form Date: 5/4/2015 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10282-10302 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100-459457-1 ST NR 1 Docwnenth?bnna?on a ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, NY TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 09/25/1972 PAGES 5 . SUBJECTS RCF, ASSOC, DESCR, TRA, RES DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 08/31/1998 1 OPENING CRITERIA TNDEFINITE COMMENTS Kennedy Records :elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. 54454 Date: under the Jehn v91 NH 54464 Page 1 . . . .- . . . - 100-17522u For the information of Portland, San Francihco, Iand Seattle, LASKY recently visited the New York area, photographs were obtained and are being provided in view of LASKY's extensive involvement in Weatherman matters on the West Coast. . . - The following pertt?rrs to activities at New York City: On 9/15/72, NY 11893-EG, advised that an individual ?xmatching the description of subject arrived at the apartment complex, 205 89th St., NYC, at approximately . 2:30 p. m. 9/14/72. LASKY was observed exiting apartment complex at 10:00 a. on .9/15/72 by Bureau Agents *2 On 9/15/72, NY 11893? EG, advised that subject, in company with DANA ANK MC ILWAIN and BARBARA OLSON, departed theapertments in the evening and dined at a small chinese restaurant in the general area of the; apartments. Subject got in an argument with the owner of this restaurant when he claimed that he found a dead roach on his plate, and refused to pay his bill. The owns: claimed subject brought the roach with him in an . effort to get a free meal. SubjeCt paid for the drinks. abut did not pay for his meal. All three individuals re? turned that evening to the MC apartment, Number lOuF, 205 W. 89th St. On 9/15/72, LASKY exited the apartments at approximately 10:00 a. m. walked around the apartments then returned temporarily and departed again. He appeared . 'tc be looking around the neighborhood. At 12:50 p. m. . subject returned to the apartments At 1: 15 p. he exited the apartments, again went to a nearby pizza shop, next went to a Bar?BuQ restaurant and ate alone. Subject exited this restaurant and slowly made his way back to 205 W. 89th St. (LASKY was very evasive in his maneuvers on this date. He appeared to be watching activity across the street from where he stodd by looking at the re? fleetion on store glass Windows while pretending to window-shop: he constantly back tracked and crossed ?streets at random, he constantly changed his .pace and NH 54464 Page 2 . - 100; 17 5224 . approximately 5' 9? in height, 155 pounds, brown hair-_ ?curly-unkept, down Just past col er in back, to eyebrows in front, mustache that wrapped around to a short goatee, vandyke style, long~ narrow face, close set eyes.? After about two hours, both LASKY and FRANK exited the Nineth Circle and entered 1&8 W. 10th St. NYC. One half hour later, LASKY exited alone, carrying a white envelope, took considerable evasive action in? ,cluding a stop in phone booth and a return trip to the Nineth Circle, then proceeded to the subway and re- - turned to 89th Street, NYC. . On 9/19/72, LASKY exited the apartments alone, carrying a small leather suitcase proceeded via public tranSportation to John F. Kennedy airport, took United Flight Number 5 to Los Angeles. He did not make re- servation.s for this flight. The flight departed New Yerk at 12:00 p. due to arrive at 2: 20 p. LA time. In addition to the evasive action mentioned above, it was noted that while at the Nineth Circle, LASKY took a table next to a window, he faced onedirection and FRANK faced the other direction, they had an un? _obstructed view of the street in~ both directions. NY 11893? EG overheard LASKY talking to the door- man at 205 W. 89th St., on several occasions. Upon arrival LASKY commented that he would be staying about ruthree days, that he was a cousin of MC ILWAIW, that he was from the West Coast and that he was originally from the New York area. LASKY was later overheard talking about his ordeal at the Chinese restaurant, and, upon departure from the New York area, he told the doorman ?exactly how he intended to travel to JFKIA, and advised that he was heading back to the West Coast. The signifi-? cance of this is not known but it does not seem consiStent with his otherwise clandestine behavior. .- NH 54464 Page 3 . .- 205 N. 89th Street, residence of DANA ANN MC ILWFIN a_nd While at NYCV, LASKY resided at Apartment lOn F, BARBARA OLSON. Investigation of MC ILWPIN and OLSON as well as other individuals at the West 89th Street 'address, is being conducted at NY under the caption ANN MC RA. (EXTREMIST), (00: 100 176779). Investigation of FRANK will be conducted under case caption FRANK, JR., aka, Rick; lUOul77125). a. Investigation at NY has determined that FRANK resides in Apartment 2-A,1u8 10th Street, NYC, with DARIAN PRICE and is a member of the Elephants Memory, a rock music group. On 9/21/72, NY 75u3? advised DPRIPN PRICE :7has been deeply involvedin various New Left causes NH 54464 and is currently the manager of. the Elephants Nemorv.? Source added that this rock group is heavilv involved in drugs. Numerous photographs of unknown 1ndividuals were obtained during surveillances. These will be reviewed' by NY and information obtained will be disseminated. - PLOS ANGELES AT LOS ANGELES, CALIPORNIA As information is 1.obtained from sources, provide such information to NY, copy ,to NY 177125. - 2. Display photos of OLSON and FRANK to-sources. .. INVOLVED IN NEW LEFT SHOULD BE CONSIDERED BECUASE AND USE OF ACQUISITION or ANN INCENDIAPY EEVICLS, AND KNOWN PROPENSITY FOP VIOLENCE: DucId:32302190 Page 4 JFK Assassination System Date: 5/4/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Information FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10282-10304 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 100?339235-187, 188 Document Information - ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, NY . TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 09/17/1964 PAGES 6 SUBJECTS SHF, BANK ACCOUNT, RCF, REL, TRA, RCK, RES, PASSPORT, TESUR DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 08/26/1998 OPENING CRITERIA: INDEFINITE - COMMENTS INC 2 LEM, Eleased under the John Kennedy Eaassinatinn Recorda nllectinn Act of 1992 (44 USC Nate]. ase#:NH Date: v9.1 157 NH 54464 Page 1 rt 1:13-35 (Rev. 12-13-56T?mv' Date: 9/22/64 .1 Li .3. It?) . 1.11 . Transmit the following in {Type in plain text or code) 133i; 31;! 54m? . er; g. .1 Via AIRTEL .4- mi. TO: DIRECTOR FBI 3714 K5 FROM: SAC, NEW YORK (100 421179) '1 SUSAN I-EEILIGMA FRANK 3 3 Re NY airtel dated 9/17/64, and NY airtel to Bureau 3% dated 5/25/64 entitled CYRIL FRANK, (Bufile 3; loo-401762). Enclosed are the original and five copies of an LHM . dated and captioned as above. 65) The informant mentioned in enclosed LHM The Bureau is requested to inform the Legat, Paris to disregard the lead at Lisbon set out for him in NY airtel dated 9/17/64. The Bureau is requested, through the Legat, Rome, to determine the subject's activities in Milan, Italy and, in particular, 0 deter ine if transportation is available from Milan to A1 mam by routing slip for r- It is point out that the subject may have attended a meeting of pro-Chinese militants which was being held in .3 Albania at that time. .qgQK?;l It is to be not that the subject's means of leaving . 1the united States parallels the means used by RICHARD C. FRANK, 4 as pointed out in re NY airtel dated 5/25/6d. Both personally purchased their one-way tickets for cash at the main Office at i Alitalia in NYC. Both were destined for Milan, Italy. This . would indicate that neither subject nor her husband wanted their trips to Ubagome known. 131m NY advised0 that subject, in a conversation with her hus and's mother, indicated she had spent about_two weeks with her father?in New Jersey. aggL 11 dist; 11. 564967? .. n/ guru h" i 14,6 .1 ?1?ng l-New York (100-42479) AW 313333 SEP 23 we; 1 NH 54464 Page 2 (Priority ort?yethgg?gf Ngq?z' E??gw AW Ln] jg 3 533% :w 1-: 1n seem, .u I 13133 29;: 075 ?7&9 -Bureau (100- 339235) (Enos. 6) (31111 1, 1 1 JFK Assassination System Date: Identi?cation Form 5/4/2015 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10282-10305 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100-339235-189 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, NY TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 09/16/1964 PAGES: 4 SUBJECTS SHF, RCK, CONVOCATION MEETING, PHOTO, WHEREABOUTS, BANK RECORDS, TRA, CP ACT, TESUR DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATEOF LAST REVIEW 08/26/1998 OPENING CRITERIA I INDEFFNITE COMMENTS INC MEMO under the John Kennedy Records elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC Nate]. 54454 Date: v9.1 . . 158 NH 54464 Page 1 an 5&3Chinese CommuA. militants from throughout the world held in' w?goCAlbania 8/10? through 8/26/64. This meeting had for purpose V??yx formation ofl ternational Communist Movement in support of Chinese 5133\ Communist position and possible (Ae aration for similar gathering inf-its to be held in Peking next year. ??hAn AA CIA gates HOMER BATES CHASE, his wife; and JACK 33;; SHULMAN nere ng those U. S. representatives present at this 4 E133 convocat10n.%) .. y? A 4047-s* advised that SUSAN FRANK was "out of tow?"i; from 8/12/6? through 8/25/64.- m??dk, 65) Aff?'_ i Chicago is requests to informng 0 remain alert his meeting with CHASW or any in :atlon indicating EUEAN . FRANK, aka SueWarren,w he fourt?:?A S. representative .AA f. Qt the convocation in Albania[Algae-? A BUREAU (100- 339235) RM (ENC) A1 A 5 @335. 55552 CHICAGO LEM 5 mm 13W - 1 - NEW YORK Q- 4 A79) A.AA it - A SEngr-A DAF: END, #31 9 AA (I) (7) w?gijg?gf? 355155 ?5/5 A WMCO 5 55]; 5555 7 . 13/ S??y?tz. 1 I . I 555' i I $52.5 :3 e511DmeA 9/16/64 . A 35 Transmit the following in .l e- 5 it: Type in plain text or code) 1 E351 2A . . A323 - w, A (Priority or Methag?i? MailingAU {.5533ng $553 tr: A AA Ares tiaA LHMATON *5 T0 DIRECTOR FBI (100 339235) 7 SAC, NEW YORK (100-42479) '3 SUBJECT: SUSAN HEILIGMAN FRANK IS - CH Re Bureau teletype 9/11/64 entitled PA USA, INTELLIGENCE. AD HOC ufile 100-5-104Q9). ?4 am?. I Re Bureau teletype states U. S. INTERNAL has advised that four representatives were in attendance at a convocation of 150 pr Approved: NH 54464 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/4/2015 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10282-10308 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 100-339235?191 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, CG T0: TITLE DATE 10/09/1964 PAGES: 2 SUBJECTS [Restricted] DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 2 08/26/ 1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS v91 NH 54464 under the Jehn Kennedy elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. Date: 160 Page 1 FED-36. (Rev. 10-2 9?63) If y. Transmit the following in FBI Date: 10/9/64 (Type in plain text or code) AIRTEL REGISTERED MAIL TO DIRECTOR, FBI (100-339235)' FROM: SAC, CHICAGO (100?39823) SUSAN HEI LIGMAN IS - CH Re New York airtel 9/16/64. 011 10/4 and 10/8/64, CG 5908 3, who has furnis?e?d reliable information in the past, in nished SAs HERBERT STALLINGS and ROBERT R. GLENDON information on a contact with HOMER BATES CHASE at residence in Dorchester, Mass., on 10/2-3/64. During this contact CHASE spoke of his recent trip to Albania and the fact that he did attend the Albanian Conference. CHASE stated that he and his wife attended this conference but did not indicate that any other person from the U.S. had 69 As this was the first meeting between CHASE and and as this informant was at a disadvantage during his meeting since CHASE had brought along five other individuals for discussion at the meeting, it was impossible for him to press for details concerning participation in the Albanian Conference. Neither was he able to specifically ask if other individuals from the U.S. Fi? had attended this conference. a anagram "r Maggy/Cree. in? (gE? Bureau (RM) ?y?gy?gzg?mv New York (190-42479) (RM) {2 a? Qi? 7 i "73 Chicago - :gya?i ?Was 57 . e??f?algg 2" ,1]an ??11 'tL" REszec 7 /v 1;;i3104 NH 54454 DunId:32302?96 Page 2 CG 100~39823 During the meeting with CHASE on 10/2-3/64, one PHIL (LNU), early 50s, and one SUE (LNU), approximately-50 years of age, both white, participated in the discussion. Informant described SUE as outspoken?and as a person holding pro-Chinese .views . Informant viewed a photograph of subject and stated that she was not identical to the SUE (LNU) who attended this meeting. Informant stated that both PHIL and SUE indica during the/meeting that they were from the Boston area.C?K?1?) As it is entirely possible that there will be future meetings with CHASE and as it may be possible that at such future meetings CHASE will voluntarily contribute details concerning the recent Albanian Conference, this informant has been cautioned to remain alert to te mine. any information concerning thecaptioned subject For New York's 1 formation, Boston has been requested by separate communication?ip submit photographs of PHIL and SUE as it is believed these individuals are active people in the Boston areaajgm?ua NH 54464 Page 3 JFK Assassination SyStem Identi?cation Form Date: 5/4/2015 Agency Information . AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10282-10312 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100~339235~194 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, NY TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 11/04/1964 PAGES: 2 SUBJECTS SHF, RCK, RES, EUROPA EXPRESS, PASSPORT DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION 1 Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 08/26/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS: INC LHM under the Jehn Kennedy elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Nate]. - 54454 Date: W1 NH 54464 162 Page 1 ?abopytn ALT NW OPTIONAL FORM No.10 5010-107 (11:54. 27 ?a f? 5UNITED STATES GQ ERNMENI 5 T0 5 DIRECTOR, FBI (loo-339235) Email/W64- SAC, NEN YORK 1? A EDBWET SUSAN HEILIGMAN FRANK, aka IS CH i ReNYairtel, 9/22/64. 1 Enclosed herewith are the original and five I copies of an LHM dated and captioned as above. The records of the Credit Card Division, American 1 3 Express Co. NYC, were reviewed by SA WALTER c. ZINK. i a 1 a? The informant mentioned in the LEM iaCY f- 5; .- N5 The Bureau is requested, through Legat, Bern, to determine if possible, the subjegt's activities in Geneva. It is also requested that the Legat determine, if possible, :the details of the subject's transaction with Europa Express. lA HAS NO OBJECWON T0 i gECi was?? thxti?E 5N 61 513147 gr511-. ?0 info actirn @{Mm Slip ate 4411/ ww? by. :75? . 0 av? v-5 newer 3 3 7 .3 3:11 I ED NH 54464 Page 2 Eleased under the John Kennedy asassinatinn Records allectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. ase#:NH 54454 Date: 0?10?2017 JFK Assassination System Date: 5/4/2015 Identi?cation Form . Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10282-10317 RECORD SERIES 3. HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100-339235-3RD NR 196 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, NY TO: TITLE: DATE 11/24/1964 PAGES: 2 SUBJECTS SHF, SECURITY INDEX, CP ACT, REL, TRA, ASSOC, MEETINGS, TESUR DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION . Secret . RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 08/26/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS V91 NH 54464 164 Page 1 Ago?.1. ?ing/m NH 54464 a NY 100L42479 Am .-NY advised on 8/21/59 that-the'subject-v had been invited by the Communist Party of China to go to China to work on the "Peking Review?;' NY stated that she planned to leave for China in 10/59; - ,m . . 8/3/61 that early in 5/61 the subject an her husband were in Moscow having gone'there" recently from a trip to China. NY advised on-8/20/63-that the-subject. is known to and has been in contact with TANG Ming-chou a person reported to be head of political intelligence, as it pertains to English speaking countries, for the LNY advised that on numerous occassions the subjeCt has had meetings with MILTON Ko ROSEN, head of the Progressive Labor Movement and with FRED JEROME the editor of "Challenge" the official publication of the Progressive Labor Movement.? Many of these meetings took place in the subject's home? AOMY-Stiadvised on ll/lQ/64 that the subject stated that she reads Hsin Hua practically every day. Hsin Hua is the official news agency of the government of Communist NY 3803?? advised on g/?l/EM that the subject flew to Milan; Ita- 0 8/11/54. On.8/28/64, after her returnh to the she told her mother-in~law that she spent about two weeks with her father in New Jersey~? This would indicate that her trip to Milan was . DucId:32302305 Page 2 JFK Assassination System - Date: Identi?cation Form 5/4/2015 AGENCY Agency Information FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-1028240329 RECORDSERHE: HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100-33923 5?204 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, NY TO DIRECTOR, FBI 5 DATE: 03/01/1965 PAGES: 5 SUBJECTS - SHF, ASSOC, CP ACT, FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS, PLM, RCF, CP MEMBER, RODMAN, EMP, TESUR DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret .RESTRICTIONS: 13; 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LASTREVIEW 08/27/1998 OPENING CRITERIA I-NDEFINITE COMMENTS under the John Kennedy Records elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. 54454 Date: WI 169 NH 54464 DuhId:3230231T Page 1 ?a OPYIONAL FORM NO. 10 MAY 1962 EDITION GSA GEN. REG. NO. 27 UNITED STA FES GCC sow?3gb I 3RNME7CAF., Memorandum SAC, NEW YORK (1004123179) IN DOCU RENT. c? SUSAN HEILIGMAN FRANK IS - CH Rebulet 1/27/65. NY 69H- 8* advised SA A. C. BURLINSON on 2/11 not know what information GUS HALL has to back up the subject is the "Chinese paymaSter." NY 8* is his opinion that since HALL knows that the subje China and is now Working day and night for the Chin must be a Chinese agent. IRRCTOR, FBI (100 339235) CIA HAQ NO OBJECEIQAI - DECLARREF EAR ANDIDR, RELEASE 33A ORMATION RR (Ida-47 /65 that he does 13 statement that stated that it ct has been in ese cause, she NY 69H- 8* advised that HALL is inclined to "talk off the top of his head. A review of the subject's banking activities since September 1963 has not revealed any unexplained financial transactions. All deposits and withdrawals are in line with her income. Concern?g the statement attributed to PHILIPBART that the pro? ?Chinese group in New York has four permanent employees and an enormous sum of money at its disposal, it is pointe group in New York which adheres strictly to th Chi line is the ProgressivexLabor Movement ARLM). U. 'The subject is in freQuent contact with the PLM. - I 1 out that the mess Communist leadersgof the - .A review of the PLM file in the NYC angd kinformation furnished by NY indifcates that MILTONRK FRED JEROME, LEVI LAUB and JACOB ROSEN I of support out de of the PLM. - admitted former Communist Party member, has stated I individuals completely dominate the PLM. From the aboveqrt would appear that the pro- referred to by BART is the?PLM and the four individuals d) by BART above are the four permanent employee?RE??jrred to *5 in - amg Q3 9fi?.? e? 1. I BUREAU RM ??73 4. 1 I1>y.. .. R. fci . NEW YORK .. 1an IdateI I NH 54464 Page 2 in a conversation with 5 re the leaders Iof this organizaIti and have n_o meansL! ERSTEIN, th?t these Chinese group flag ma 2 1955 g/ Li NY 100-u2u79 These four individuals are the subjects of Bureau investigations.- i I These four individuals are contact with the subject and her husband,.RICHARD ilEAQi Concerning,the financing of the PLM, PHILIP LUCE g/advised ROMERSTEIN that he believes the funds for PLM come from 5;China but he does not know how. a NY 0661-8 recently went to Cihada on PLM business. While there he met ABEQMAINHEIM, who as a translator for the . a - was?. 1 Hsinhua News Agency, as well-as two Chinese ??tibnalswemployed? i atft?ew?EWEMEQEhhyt? MAINHEIM spent several years in China and ?1 fr is plann?g to return to China. a NY 4661?8 had several?discussions with these people about the various PLM publications. During one of the discussions it was brought out that PLM is apparently getting outside funds to -pay their staff, operate a press shop and print their publications. It was brought out that PLM might be getting money from Peking, to which MAINHEIM replied, "They probably are." MAINHEIM fhdicated the Communist Chinese would be willing to subsidize an.organization similar to A review of the PLM file indicates that this organization, although relatively new, does not seem to have financial difficulties. The Bureau of Special Services, New York City Police' Department, who have an interest in PLM because of their involvement-_n in racial rioting in NYC, has advised that PLM seems to be well financed. BSS advised that the PLM seems to go from a period of letting bills pile up to a point where they pay all their bills andphave plenty of money. - it: i - pup/f Simpln the summer of 196? the NYC PD arrested p. KELJQN, a on charges of criminal anarchy. EPTON had five $100.00 bills in his possession at the time.. The serial numbers of the bills EPTON had were in the same sequence as the bills discevered on a Chinese Intelligence Agent previously arrested NH 54464 Page 3 . . - 1 ?3 in South Korea, who was carrying $200,000.00 in American currency and $l,000,000.00 in Korean currency. The closeness. of the serialization (56 numbers apart in one instance) would tend to indicate 8 money was part of the same shipment as the money in the possession of the Chinese agent, but, of course, it would not be possible to prove the money was all a partcf one shipment. During the race riots in the summer of IQSU another PLM member was being questioned by a grand jury about reports that he had been?carrying $5000. 00 on his person. He said he had nof? recollection of this, but did say that he had received some money recently om the settlement of an estate. In the latter part of 195a, FRE ROME, and were discovered late at night by police in Westchester County in the act of burying two attache cases wrapped in plastic. They had a rented car and two brand new shovels. JEROME told police the attache cases contained old family records and it was his mother' that they be buried on this estate. Police checked with JACO MAN, owner of the estate, who said they had his permiSsion to bury the records. RODMAN was a CP member in the and has been employed as a correspondent in Moscow for a British newspaper. He and his wife were uncooperative witnesses when they appeared before the HCUA. The police did not open' the attache cases. ROSEN and the others said they would return the next day, during the daylight hours to complete their task, w~but they did not. Both PHILIP LUCE and NY u661 8 have stated that publications of PLM are sent to China and the Chinese send money to PLM in payment for these pubhcations. Information has been received that such a transaction was handled through the Two ?Continents Commodity Corp. (ChiCago letter to Bureau dated captioned "Communist Party, USA - Factionalism; IS - This may be a source of the money coming from Peking to PLM. Recently WILLIAM L. EPTON told an individual that if he wished to make a tax-free donation to PLM the individual should donate the money to the Louis M. Rab-inowitz Foundation (Bufile 97- #878) and this foundation in turn would give the money to. PMM. 3/9 St? 11 NH 54464 DuoId:32302311 Page 4 11-11.9? 1 0 NY .r This also may be a source of income for the PLM. ENY uou7? 8* has advised that the subject is in frequent contact with MILTON K. ROSFN, FRED JEROME, LEVI LANE and JAC.OB ROSEN. 1? 'sed that the subject is of 112.52..1.1.421111.911137, 451 This informant has also adz in frequent contact with JAMES and News. mw. r" C. FRANK is reported to have met Ming?chou:1n London in 196? is one of the founders of the "China Daily News" and is reported to be'me head of political j??g/intelligence in English- speaking countries for the Government :Bcontact with the Chinese community in New York through JAMES and 4 NH 54464 wanna-43- . has produced information that the subject has been in contact with TANG Ming-chou??i?Page 31, report of SA DANIEL A. dated 5/u/6u, at New York). This informant has also produced evidence that the subject may have been in covert contact with the New China News Agency in London. (Legat London letter to Bureau and NYlet to Bureau ?There is strong evidence to indicate that the subject attended a meeting of pro- -Chinese militants held in Albania in August 1964. U) The ab information indicates that the subject maintains ANN LEE, the Chinese Communist Government through TANG Ming-choc . and the New China News Agency and the PLM. This gives rise to the possibility that she may be the "Chinese paymaster." If the subject is the "Chinese paymaster" these funds could come to her through Chinese seamen or Chinese traveling from Hong Kong to the U. 8. who would transfer these funds to the LEES and thence to the subject. m. 1 Since the re nt establishm nt of offices of the New China News Agency Canada and Mexico, these _funds could come tothe these ag ncies of the Chinese Government. It is to be noted that NY u0u7- 8* has recently advised that the /&aw23w3yz4e?/ DucId:32302311 Page 5 . ?new-Hm?; 1? 7: I :3 NY Asubject and her husband had intended to go to Mexico but have postponed these plans indefinitely. ., I [?qu It is to be noted that LESTNUBERMAN, alleged to?be a contact of TANG Ming?Chou, is currently in Mexico City.. (Bufile 100-81436) - It is also to be noted that PLM has an organization in Canada and PLM members from New York travel to Canada where they may secure funds from either the New China News Agency directly or from PLM in Canada. The NYO realizes that the best coverage of the subject's activities is live informant cove age, and to this purpose the attempting to put NYEBQS in touch with the subjectixyi) - $9 The NYC is also remaining alert for an opportunity to develop sophisticated coverage of the subject's activities at her residence.? I (2%gttawa an i sources he Bureau is requested to contact the Legats at Mexico City to request them to contact established determine if funds from the New China News these Citie being sent to banking channels in the dd 7 _m gp?_rr_ NH 54464 Page JFK Assassination System Date: ?Iden??ca?onFonn 5/4/2015 Agency Information COMMENTS AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124- 1 0282-10331 RECORD SERIES HQ . AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 100-339235-IST NR 205, 2ND NR 205 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, NY To DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 05/06/1965 PAGES 7 SUBJECTS SHF, ASIAN-AFRICAN CONFERENCE, TRA, ASSOC, INSTR, CP ACT, TESUR - DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 4, CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 08/27/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE INC LHM, MEMO Eleased under the John Kennedy Eaassinatinn Recurda allectinn Act of 1992 (44 USC 210? Note]. ase#:NH E?a?a Date: 171 NH 54464 Page 1 NH 54464 11 1 '1 1?1 1 111 111111 1 1 111 11111 1 1 1111111 1111 111:1111? BY 1111301 1111 111 12111, 1111 '111 11111111 . 1111111 111111111111 111111 Qi) 11111111111 111111 I . 11111 1111111 cm HAS NU 0310mm T1 1111111 111111101 5111?? 1 1:11: 1111111111 11 1 1 --1:11 MHZ 1 ?111111111 13 1111 113? 1V111111 ME 13113 $111111 5L5 9 11111 111 11 1111 11 111 1111 1111 1111111111 11111 1111111111: I 7 11? 4311 11111111 11111.? 111111111 11 11111111 11111111?1111 11,111 111 1111111111111111111111 . 1 1111111111 11 11111 111 1111111 1111111111 11 1111 11 1111111 11 11111 11111 11 11 111111111a1111 ?w 1:1 '1111 111111111 11111111 1111111111., 11111111 11111111 11.11111111 111 11: ?W?a 1 u) 11 11 111111111 1111 1111 111111 1111111 11 111 1111111111111.1111 1111111 11111111111 11 11-1 11 1111111. 111111 1111111 1111 111111 1111 11 111 111111111z1?J11 111 111111 1 11111111111 11111111?1-111111 11 1111151; 111 1 1 1111111111 ~-(11-111 11111.1 1 11.1 1111111 if 1121151? 1 41 111 ?1 19551.11' 1111: 1 111 11111 111 111111111111111111 11 11111?1111111 111111111 1111111 111;;1 111111 111111 1111111 11111111 ?j;:11 111111111 11111111 11 11111 1111111111 11 1111111 11111111 11111111111 .1111 111111111 111111 11 1111111111 11111 111111111111 1111111111 411 11111111111 11 11111111111 11 111 1111111 1111111. .11. WI DucId:32302319 Page 2 NH 54464 7 7 ?ne cogy'af t??v&tta?h?? LEM f?r?i?he? t9 aingg $hat_gffie? i? aurreatly cam?ug?g?g anvag?iga?ien ?riy ta ?aha? Sauyee raf?fyg??te 1% LEM EH wagas; am mam?: to charasiswme the ?Manmw 5824-9 is used to characterize SUSAN FRANK. i The LEM ?Ganfi?an?i?l? simaa it comtaina infarmation qh?ain?a Emam a aen?i?ive ?guraas ?iaela?ufe a? which detv?mantal ta beat in?er??ta of'tha 84$e. - DucId:32302319 Page 3 JFK Assassination System . Date: Identifi cation Form 5/4/2015 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10282-10333 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100?339235-209 - Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: . SAC, NY TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 06/16/1965 PAGES 6 SUBJECTS - I SHF, ASIAN-AFRICAN CONFERENCE, VISA, RCF, . PASSPORT, MISUR, TESUR PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4. CURRENT STATUS Redact Kennedy OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE 333.3 3 inat inn RE I: Cl Ida elleetien Act ef 1992 INC LHM [44 USC 21o? Nete] . Date: WA . . NH 54464 DueId:32302321 172 Page 1 2: 2 :2 1?12?? :j 1 13:3,. 1- . 3-35. 6??-39 ., - 0 Date: 6/16/65 1 Transmit the following in . 3 . TType in plain text or code) ?4 Vial AIRTEL . (Priority) um r23.? 3 :3 3 . U53 ?35.3 3 . - FY92- 33336211035 3 T0: DIRECTOR: FBI . EN FROM: SAC, NEW YORK (32SUBJECT: SUSAN HEILIGMAN FRANK 2 IS C51 Bufile loo?339235 3432-? NY file 100-42479 23? . 32" . ?fa. :1 RICHARD c. FRANK ?f 3? 18- CH 3 Bufile 100- 1301762 .33 NY file 100? 107383 . 3566236263 25.23; LEO HUBERMAN 532.: Bufile 100-81336 3:2: 3 NY ?116 100-8599 3 22 i 1 ReNYlet to Bureau dated 5/6/65, captioned "120 HUBERMAN, IS-CH . - . - 33 Enclosed are the original and 7 copies of an LHM dated :3 and captioned as above. 53 i NH 54464 The LHM is classified "Confidential" because of the sensitive nature of: NY #047? and NY #112- -g I ?Vsr-uwe? -MEC 001213? .4333} The sources/used in the LHM are identified as follows: NY T- 1 326. NY ?30137.C- 633013.667 NY T- is Y6rmer NY 1' 2- - 2 3 $332 57 3/22?? - 6 :23 .3 32 ureau (RM) (En-cg" 2,39% f-Ex?iog 2 pmmsa -NY 100 421379 2:2: 549 ill/6%? 1- NY 100- -1o7383 23/? 4 ~22 2 2171965 1- NY 100- 8599 li?iJ; (713(6ij 1- NY 100- 63778 (TANG M1ng- Chou) ?3n I .6: 36 32. ?63 DucId:32302321 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: Identi?cation Form 5/4/2015 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD 124-10282-10336 RECORD SERIES :4 HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 100-33923 5-212 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, NY T0: DATE: 06/28/1965 PAGES 2 13 SUBJECTS I SHF, ASSOC, TRA, FLIP, PLM, TESUR DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS I 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 08/27/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE under the Uh? Kennedy COMMENTS: INC LHM Recerde ellectien Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. Date: V9.1 NH 54464 Dueld:32302324 175 Page 1 A FED-3 ?cg'aev. 5-2 2-64) - ,i I Date: 6/28/65 Transmit the following in (Type in plaintext or code) 25:11? i 3.2" Via AIRTEL 3?5? (fjriority) my) QB: ?in {8 T0: DIRECTOR, FBI (loo?339235) [xi-Tm ?2 $25.2 22-22223 22?22213 $113523; FROM: SAC, NEW YORK (loo-?22479) 2, 22 ,2 SUBJECT: SUSAN HEILIGMAN FRANK jinx? IS-CH .2 Re NY airtel 6/25/65. Enclosed are the original and 7 copies of an LHM dated and captioned as above. unw- r, The LHM is classified "Confidential" because of the sensitive nature of NY the first source mentioned in the LHM. The other source mentioned in the 6/26/65 were ROLAND G. KEARNS and FRANCIS M. DONOVAN. The Bureau is requested to inquire of CIA as to the identities of the members of the Chinese Delegation to the Asian-African Conference. (1) g?a?wm (1943/5 :72 gay hu??ym s?p- for- DE2H22SHE2. Uv??f Stb?gg?? i a [j DAF: EG :1 JUN 29 .1965 {2425? LEM is NY 4661?3. - The SAs who observed subject and BERYL EPTON on 213% I I i 7 [3193/ 3/m ?mum {:gyhureau (100" $553} l-New York 100 we e) i: l?New Yor 2100-42 22 C) 5 ?:49 6? 2 (.2 (Ci. THUR ?g Approved JUL 12 2922251222222 in c2229 NH 54464 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 5/4/2015 Identi? cation' Form Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10282-10337 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100-33 923 5-213 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, NY TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 06/25/1965 PAGES: 13 SUBJECTS SI-IF, ASSOC, TRA, PLP, PLM, TESUR DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed 1 4 . CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 08/27/1998 under the Jenn I i Kennedy HWDEFDUTE elleetien Act of 1992 COMMENTS: INC LHM [44 USC 21le I'Jete] . 54%5? Date: 0?10?2017 v9.1 176 3 NH 54464 Page 1 (Rev. 5-22-64) ?3 I 1 5AA, Date: 6/25/65 Transmit the following in {Type in plaintext or code) Via AIRTEL (Priority) . T0: DIRECTOR, FBI (loo?339235) 33:5,? . 4; A 6? FROM: SAC, NEW YORK AWAQAVSUBJECT: SUSAN AA- 53313"! A A Re NY airtel to Directer, 6/16/65. Enclosed are the original and 7 copies of an LHM A dated and captioned as above. The LHM is classified "Confidential" because it A contains information from NY a highly sensitive source. The first source mentioned in the LHM is NY and the second source is NY #661- S. The Bureau.is requested to disseminate the enclosed LEM to CIA to assist them iz?jheir coverage of the subject's actiffties in Algiers. Mr I A Ti. RES yea/5A 9A 3 A AA Af?elazwm I: 2 A 15!? Q?Bureau (100- 339235; (Enos 8) (RM l-New York foe-1393 6; EPTON) In A l-New York loo-107383 RICHARD FRANK) JUN l?New York loo-A2479Are. A A A mfo (10111311 . A "r 091, NH 54464 Page 2 Wm, JFK Assassination System Date: Identi?cation Form 5/4/2015 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10282?10340 RECORD SERIES HQ I AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100?339235-1 ST NR 214X Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI TO DIRECTOR, FBI DATE: 06/17/1965 PAGES 3 SUBJECTS SHF, ASIAN-AFRICAN CONFERENCE, ASSOC, FINANCIAL, TRA, LIST OF INDIVIDUALS, TESUR DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 08/27/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS under the Jenn Kennedy elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC Nete]. 54464 Date: v91 NH 54464 178. Page 1 Date: 6/17/65 . - . ii Transmit the following in . - . . . [Type in plaintext or codeDIRECTOR, FBI {504 6 FROM YORK 6am? \7 AD YHOC COMMITTEE FOR A SUBJECT: . ., PARTY: USA. Re Chicago letter 6/3/65, tO NYiEhich. requested NY to furnish daily Contacts of SUE WARREN FRANK to Chicago 1 der to devise,if at all possible, a pla by which CG 590?t? could reasonably contact this persong?g? it now appears we a unique opportunity to put .i?b7 in contact with FRANK. FRANK has been in contact 5-) . with the Alger-Tan Mfg?"Simon" to the UN and on 6/15/65, through Western Union, she made reservations for a double 5 hotel room in Algiers for 6/27/65. This means she should be leaving NYC on or about 6/26/65 which is the day 3 CG plans to go to Albania. If NY can ind ut what ?.pla is taking, we may be able ThroughUg?;Zincidental combination_ of circumstances, as so: am, - the same plane. In fact, they couldend up on the same plane -with no plannEpg on our part. C26Bureau 6 1) CS) ?ti 9?5? 4 . -Boston 100?3 l3 INFO RM ECORDED . 7 3- ~Chicago 100-4135 LEncls. 53 (RM) . l?go?di t,1965 -- 83) ?f LES N) 'l?San Fra see 100- 4721 (RM) RM leSeattle 100-2 569 ?24 Ems)? FRANK) DRY O6. 25\ W??elaNew YOrk; 100- . l?New York loo-147372 PROGRESSIVE LABOR PARTY) ?44 l~New York 100-52959) CHARLES LOMA g) A 1 New York - I .- EBB: ms A [l8 .1 :5 jvb? -Approved: . . Speciala Agent in Charge . . . I: NH 54464 Page 2 ??u602213) NY 100? 'Chicago?s information, TANG wrote to SUE FRANK in 53 NH 54464 . . . . FRANK is going to attend an Asian-African conference in Algiers and also she may possibly be going there to met TANG who is reportedly head of political intelligence in Engl sh speaking countries for the Chinese Peeple's Republic. The NYC is attempting to det ine IANGIS whereabouts uring this period through and asked her to recommend people to come to China. said she knew the procedure, the working conditions.and the kind of people they want. All SUE had tocro was prepare a letter of recommendation and the Chinese would take care of the rest including-expenses. It could be that this is the reason CHARLES LOMAN (see below) is in contact with The NY file on SUE FRANK does not contain any inform? ion showing she visited Chicago during the time CG 590 thinks he met her in Chicago. A review of ?app Opriate Chicago files, however, she was there. Five photographs of SUE FRANK are_enclosed for Chica o. After the photographs have been exhibited to CC 590 3,53 and they are no longer useful to Chicago, they hould be returned to These phot raphs, generally speaking. are . a goodf likeness of Also of interest to Chicago is the fact that ICSNY 3 advised on 5/13/55, that SUE FRANK received a money-.- order through Western Union on that date in the_amount of. . $200.00 from CHARLES LOMAN of Chicago.? 0n to NY 4047?ss, LOMAN called . SUE a long ways away" and said he_may see her on the July 4th weekend. She said she would be gone then. He also Said he is sending 50 (dollars). LOMAN continued by saying there is so much to talk about and of course the phone is no good and the mail is bad too.. LOMAN said there are a couple of people he.cou1d have talked to her about, he? just did not want to write about them. LCMAN wished her a geod trip, said he would see her in the Summer one way or, another.' i - . 4. -2- DucId:32302323 Page 3 . ..loo?W . . 1 -, .Chicago is requested to comment on what they ?1 elieve the reasons are for contact with - ?hicago may also wish to de ine whether CGE9O SNK has i . -had any dealings withfIOMA whetheniiOMAN be_ able to furnish information about informant . Chicago advised in referenced letter that_they wished to maintain a?complete background of SUE FRANK and . requested NY to submit a list of individuals most frequently contacted by FRANK. ?This will be done by separate communication. Chica O?m not feel this is an apporpriate time to put CG 90 in contact with FRANK. Yet, we- I may never have a better opportunity. Chicago should i su mit the.; plans the have in mind for 2 ?i furthering the Ad Hoc Operation hrough contaCt with . i FRANK for Bureau approval unless Chicago prefers not to have informant contact FRANK under these circumstances A- NH 54464 Page 4 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/4/2015 Agency Information . AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10282?10346 RECORD SERIES HQ . AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 100-3139235-1 ST NR 220 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI SAC, CG TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 09/30/1965 PAGES: 3 SUBJECTS 7 [Restricted] DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret Eleased under the John DATE OF LAST REVIEW 08/27/1998 Rem? d? . SE?SSlnatlnn Records allectiun Act of 1992 OPENING CRITERIA. INDEFINITE I 44 USC 2 Note] . COMMENTS ase? 544641 Date: 0?10?2017 v91 NH 54464 Du?Id:32302334 Page 1 179 ?11.1" - . . . If, OPTIONAL FORM No.10 \f .- 1 sow-104 . I .3 . I . -UNITED STATES Memorandum if,? 621% .1. cq 3 DIRECTOR, FBI (100- 442715) IMTE 9/30/65 1. \n LIQ, FROM SAC, CHICAGO Cioo? 41355215 Af?f? ,C?sgg . IL 1. ?g . sua?nr: HOC COMMITTEE. FOR A 31 PARTYCh1cago airtel dated 7/23/65. C) on . INFOR: 0N SET FORTH TO THE 3 HOC NOT BE SET FORTH IN ANY COMMUNICATION HICH MAY BE DI OUTSIDE THE BUREAU. IF NECESSARY, PAGES OF REPORTS. Referenc airtel set forth the results of Smix/mg}: CG E54 3 and CG6 .ir? contact made wit on Euly On (September 23,? 1965 was again contacted by these informants, at which time a i??uest was made for PERTINENT INFORMATION MAY BE SET FORTH ON ADMINISTRATIVE financial help for Hoc Committe It will be recalled that?JOMA indicated hat would be Willi ng. to contribute fin ncially to Ifthe? Hoc Committe when first contacted. . {?0MA?gagg this meeting, furnished 00 to the informams nd stated that he was sorry that he was unable to do more fer them at this time since his finances were short; however, he hoped that he would be better able to help them in the future Part of discussion during this meeting concerned stion as to whether or no 't would be better ?oifigh imperialism and revisionis bm u! outside?he Part ather than from withinIEhe He stated that he just received the most recen ?Hammer and Steel" Bulletin noted BATES CHAS fighting these tw' dangers from a base. outside dgommunist Party USA 1445 - @r we Ne Bureau NOT HHC (Em/ 0 BED 2 - New York (100- 154902 4 Chicago .. 98 OCT 25 1965 (1 - 100- CHARLES 31? .QRIGNAL 54464 Page 2 CG Ego?4i3saj?) It was exp ained to him by the informant the @d Hoc Committe?w .. -. past history has shown that splinter groups have generally 'faded from the scene; further, that in order to make lprogress, the??d Hoc Committe ust capture the heritage ?and traditions of??he CP, USA was explaineg that should at some time in the future Ad Hoc 'mmitte embers become expelled from?fhe regular Part u?hat that time, even though the membership is small, they would be willing -as a result of our recent lleti the??egro questio 4' valuable contribution on this question. that no one has all the answers on thef?egro questio 'that we are not making any unilateral claims to the solution comments and criticisms from our reader and able to undertake the principled fight againsti?hibd States imperialism Kgdm) . They noted a the Hoc Committe?faas differences with' OMER BATES CHASE ut tha the Executive Committee of the Ad Hoc Committe eels that they are aking a contribution' to- fight fort; rxist-Leninist Part this country. :They informed?;QMAN hat though there have bee minor 'difficulties between HAS 3% the Ad.Hoc Committee,)tha g?that a group on the West Coast had cong ulated us a makin a of this problem rather are presentin he thoughts of the Hoc Committee embers in order to invoke a: - . noted that the recent activities of the Progressive Labor Party (PLP) have 1eft?him,with the impression that this group was tending to be "too Trotskyite". The 'nformants' onl ecomments here were to the effect that?,' the Ad Hoc Committe?gaas no relationshipwith the The contact between?; MAN and the informants was extremely cordial and he invited them to return to his home on any ocCasion so desired by them. He stated that he 'would like to have them see his films on China, which he felt they would enjoy. He again stated that he had no contacts in the Chicago area and was very pleased that they would stop to see . NH 54464 DucId:32302334 Page 3 windsur?'ue- . cc; @0?413533 S) . It is apparent from the reception given to the informa ts by LOMAN ?e continues to be interested in the Ad Hoc Committejsa at he accepts the informants as trusted Marxist- Len1nists )Further, there has been no indicatidn since first contacted in Ju-ly at LOMAN has violated the seCurity of our informants .ng3 In View of that LOMAN has been in contact with SUE and that FRANK is reputed to be the Chinese "paymaster" in this counry as well as a close contact of PLP, it is felt his remark concerning this organization 'Af'lthat it is tending to become "too Trotskyitq" is 3 gain his trust and confidence to the extent that we UACB infrequent contacts will be made with OMAN not only to promote f1nances for the Ad Hoc Committee ut to ill be in a position to determine more information about his 'relationship with the PLP and SUE FRANK As his comment concerning the PLP is an indication that FRANK may be disenchanted with this organization also, it would be well for the Ad Hoc Committee 20 continue to develOp the confidence 0 LOMAN. this espect, New York is 13__requested to ad?ise if there has any apparent change in -g SUE association with the PLP. FUrther, if available, is New York is requested to advise if FRANK continues to maintain? {3,3 ?j NH 54464 contacts with the same individuals as she had prior to July, 1965. Chicago also requests any information relating to overseas travels, which had been contemplated during the July, 1965 period. . U, . DucId:32302334 Page 4 JFK As?assination System Identi?cation FomI Date: 5/4/2015 Agency Information 7 AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10282-10347 RECORD SERIES HQ - AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100?339235-221 Document Inforrnati on ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: TO: TITLE: DATE: 11/16/1965 PAGES: 1 SUBJECTS SHF, ASSOC, CP ACT, RES DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 08/27/1998 eleased under the John OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE KB ?1.1m? . 33a331nat10n Recurda COMMENTS: nllectlun Act of 1992 I44 USC 210? Note]. ase#:NH Date: 0?10?2017 V91 NH 54464 32302335 Page 1 180 FD-SB (Rev. 5-22-64) I Date: 11/16/65 Transmit the following in {Type in plaintext or code) Vm AIRTEL riorizy) T0: DIRECTOR, FBI (loo-339235) FROM: SAC, NEW YORK (loo-42439) SUBJECT: SUSAN p, ReNYlet to Bureau dated ll 8/65 and captioned 5225~s* (Bufile Bureau's attention is directed to relet, which states a thaeg?y 5225?s* has received approval from GUS HALL, General Secretary, CP, USA, to contact the subject. The purpose of his initial contact with the subject would be to renew his acquaintance with her. In subsequent contacts he intends to. secure information for GUS-HALL concerning the subject?s activities in th United States in behalf of the Chinese . Commists??) LU .mnv? NY an associate of the subject while i5 NOV 17'865 5 g?f?b ere (as95%; ?-?Neueorrinn: . pecml Age - i1, NH 54464 Page 2 she was in China. (41 Kg NY 5225-s* advised on 11/16/65 that he has contacted? the subject and was cordially received by her. ?The subject asked the informant to have dinner with her at her a nt on?lI/l7/65. The informant accepted this invitation. L44 will follow develOpments in this matter and the Bureau will be advised._ . i 5 de ?g?gd. 4%A?gyu- I gjel'hjug?zelt? REC- 74 7 I (w%a?ureau (loo-339235) (RM) gage Gp_?e ?New York (100-42#79) JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/4/2015 AGENCY RECORD NUMBER Agency Informati on FBI 124-1028240352 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100-339235-232 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, NY TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 01/12/1966 . PAGES: 2 SUBJECTS SHF, TRA, EMP, CP ACT DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Con?dential RESTRICTIONS 1C CURRENTSTATUS: DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 03/12/1996 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC CABLEGRAM Eleased under the John Kennedy Eaassinatinn Recurda allectinn Act of 1992 (44 USC 210? Note]. a3e#:NH Date: WI 54464 182 Page 1 2/ de la? 4?ll 1 - Mr. Anderson lqizu?? CUBE. URGENT We 33/ ?12? ,4 T9 LEGAT {223 ??iv? FROM (1%339235) 52392" Ej?k ?g?g?g CH. "gi? ?le men mm mm: a name. JANUARY roves mew, REQUEST me mom, EQURCES Foe smear ARR me. we meme-memoir; max 33:1 ems- DATE mm eve-mm, Men. S, GK B??c FQIGHT FIVE ZERO P.M5 TEES BATE, NINE THIRTY JANBARY LOWBQN TIME. ZLONBQN BARBER IN WITH IR BEAIRTELegg} mm $44. Fereign Liaison (Route througo/igi review) NOTE: Subject is freewlance writer who reportedly has mainfained liaison with Chinese communist intelligence agents in London, England, and.appears to be involved in intelligence activities in the U.S. for Chinese communists. She has been l? described by Gus Hall, General-Secretary, CP as "Chinese Communist paymaster" in the v.8. NR. I CK. ?liege- 1% I I APPROVED VIA CABLEGRAM HIRED BY Casper . JAN 1 21968 . 5V: Felt .. 7, 3 Gale 7 I I I I S?ifi?m 5 ?5 *2 ?ff/4 DA 61/ 5? - its? . ., :?11 Tele. Room 3* in 51" ?{}hike Ix? 1, mm 5\ -U}la} 3y) TELETYPE UNIT Holmes ?kind NH 54464 Page 2 . Ian-am . :iMy. C-a'jahan FBI NEW YOR. URGENT . I Mr. 1?12" 66 JAN :3 Tale. Room- 1' Holmes To RECTOR loo-559255 [3127 PM ERON NEN -IOO-42479 1P SUSAN HEILIONAN TRIS DATE THAT SUBJECT, UNDER NANE, MILDRED s. FRANK, ON BOAC FLIGHT FIVE LEAVING NEN YORK TEN PN, INSTANT DATE, AND ARRIVINO LONDON . THIRIY JANUARY THIRTEEN, NEXT, LONDON TINE. BUREAU IS REQUESTED To ADVISE LESAT, TNAT CONSIDERATION NAY BE GIVEN TO APPROPRIATE COVERAGE- OF SUBJECT-S NILL ATTENRT To VERIFY SUBJECT-S DEPARTURE. NEEND . NA ALS 5 Dc NMOHS ii?. 3 I GENIVENGD N-DIEVNEOENI TIN is.) ?m NH 54464 Page 3 IFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/4/2015 AGENCY Agency Information FBI RECORD NUMBER 124?10282-10356 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100?339235-237 Document Information ORKHNATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, NY TO DIRECTOR, FBI ITTLE: DATE: 02/01/1966 PAGES: 7 SUBJECTS I SHF, RCF, ASSOC, PLP, PLM, TESUR DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Con?dential RESTRICTIONS 1C CURRENT STATUS - Redact OF LAST REVIEW: 03/12/1996. . OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE leased under the Jam Kennedy INCIJEM COMMENTS 1 saassinatinn Recurda nllectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. ase#:NH Date: 0?10?2017 v91 184 NH 54464 DubId:32302344 Page 1 - (Rev. 5-2244; Ex?. I .4 .6 2_ i f?35?s?. Date? 2/1/66 Transmit the following in (Type in plaintext or code) VH1 AIRTEL (P rio'n'ty) TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (100m339235) SAC, NEW YORK (100442479) SUBJECT: SUSAN HEILIGMAN FRANK IS-CH is?! . 'Re NY airtel 1/25/66. Enclosed are the original and five copies of an ?g LHM dated and captioned as above and two copies of this for the Legat, Paris. . NY T-l, mentioned in the LHM, is NY ?Mum The LHM is classified confidential, because it contains information from NY a very sensitive source, the disclosure of which may have an adverse effect on the security of the US. The Bureau is requested to furnish the Legat,pPari with the enclosed LHM in order that it may assist him in ascertaining the nature of the subject's activities in Parisij?b) Copy to fay/5?5 . by muting slip for [g/?fe action date.-. mm by 4e%%wee eA fee a argue 1315., get . a. g3-Bureau (En ls. 6) (RM) l-New York .17 y, ?e??ihtwm . a Us Mr 5e 3.3? NH 54464 Page 2 JFK Assassination System a Date: 5/4/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10282-103 63 RECORD SERIES 3 HQ FILE NUMBER: 100-339235-1 ST NR 242 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: DIRECTOR, FBI TO SAC, NY TITLE DATE: 03/17/1966 PAGES SUBJECTS SHF, CP ACT, CHINESE COMMUNIST INTELLIGENCE BIOGRAPHICAL DATA ALBUM DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION: Secret RESTRICTIONS: . Eleased under the John CURRENT STATUS: Redact . Kennedy DATE OF LASTREVIEW: 08/27/1998 335133 inatinn Records - allectinn Act of 1992 OPENING CRITERIA: INDEFINITE (114 USC Ell]? Nate] . ase#:NH Eaasa Date: COMMENTS: . min?2:317 v9.1 . - 189 NH 54464 Page 1 . 2111 TI 01:1 111:1.? 1 11110.11 {1211131111 1 SE. 21.11 1W 011:: 1711 1111111 21 111511 mn?m?u?" . - 13111111311": f"1111? 3:65:51 510,59. 9&7 9: NH 54464 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/1/2015 Agency Information COMMENTS AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-1028240368 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100-401762-156 Document Infonnati on ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: YEE, EDWIN TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 09/21/1970 PAGES 13 SUBJECTS - . RCF, SHF, RES, EMP, ASSOC, CP ACT, TRA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT 7 CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 12/04/1998 Eleased under the John (- ssassinatinn Records allectinn Act of 1992 :44 use 2107 Note]. a3e#:NH 54454 Date: v91 NH 54464 107 Page 1 NH 54464 NY 100?10738? ADMINISTRATIVE CONTINUED: Source further advised there is no indication either of them is in other than good health. Review of the file regarding subject disclosed his subversive activities and potential dangerousness remain the same and there is no information whiCh would change his security. index classification. Inasmuch as SUSAN FRANK, wife of subject, is subject of pending NYO case and information developed concerning subject generally arises as a result of investigation of the activities of his wife, NYC is placing case in a closed status to avoid duplication. Information concerning subject will be channeled to subject's case file and all significant data pertaining to subject will be furnished the Bureau. INFORMANTS: Identity of Source File Where Located NY T?l 134?13506 WILLIAM H. MILLER Confidential Source NY Tt2' Characterization of SUSAN H. FRANK CG 5624?8* T-3 Characterization of SUSAN H. FRANK BA 975?8 MA CharacterizatiOn of ROSE COE ?13; NY Tug loo-#2479 asses 736?3 - NY T-6 100?42479 . CSNK 1741ws VNY Te? . 100?42479 NK 1729 COVER-PAGE DucId:32302356 Page 2 ii a -NY loo?107383 CONTINUED: Identity of Source File Where Located NY Tn8 loo?42479 CSSF NY Characterization of ROBERT EVERETT CSNY MEGA-S HART Characterization of ROBERT EVERETT 4263?qu HART I NY T?ll 100?42479 ROBERT WENZEL Security Department Wisconsin Telephone Company (Per Request) NY - 100~42479 CSWF 1499-C NY T-13 100?42479 NY 1 COVER PAGE -0- 3_ $117354464 Page 3 JFK Assassination System . Date: Identi?cation Form 5/1/2015 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10282-10370 RECORD SERIES 2 HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100-401762-2ND NR 156 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, SF TO DIRECTOR, FBI DATE: 05/21/1970 PAGES: 2 SUBJECTS RCF, TELEPHONE SUBSCRIBER, VAWTER, MICHAEL, RES, REL, DESCR, EMP DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LASTREVIEW 2 12/04/1998 OPENHKECRIHHUA: UNDEFHUTE under the John Kennedy COMMENTS ellectien Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Nate]. 54454 Date: v91 NH 54464 108 Page 1 No.'fir - [Memorandum DIRECTOR, FBI 100- -339_2'35 afD11E1} 5/21/70 FROM p' SAN FRANCISCO (105414433) (RUG) SURRET: SUSAN H. FRANK CH YORK Re New York letter to Bureau dated 4/17/70. Referenced letter requested San Francisco to ascertain the subscriber to telephone number 648 9034. On 5/5/70, IC RAYMOND A. LANGLOIS determined through contact with CSSF that this telephone number was listed to MICHAEL VAWTER, 782 Hampshire Street, San Francisco, California. ?This service was established in 6/69 and is a non?published listing. No other additional listings were noted for VAWTER. MIC1ADE of 782 Hampshire Street, San Francisco,7 California, is ide ?ntical to MICFAEL DAVID Vri FER (Bureau File 105? 187484; SF File lOOe61293), a Se -curity Index, Priority I, Subject of the San Francisco Office. MICHAEL VAWTER and his wife, JANET VAWTER (Bureau File 105- 189249 SF File 100? ?61509), are members of the Bay Area Revolutionary Union (RU), a militantF pro- -Chicom new left organization in the San Francisco Bay area, concerning which information has previously been furnished the New York Office. It is being point ted out that the caution statement that MICHAEL DAVID VAWTLR BE ARMED AND SHOULD WBE CONSIDERED was utilized in the last annual San Francisco report concerning VAWTER dated 11/5/69 based upon participation in firearms practice and the interest .in weapons expressed by members of the RU. . MICHAEL VAWTER is a white, male, American, born ll/28/47 at San Francisco, California. He ?was a former student at Stanford University, Department of Englishw Palo Alto. -He 1 W/V?lm f- (RR) 1 7 (p - . wmoeoum; RICHARD c. FRANK) 70' (1 MICHAEL DAVID VAWTER) 1 - #7105?189249; JANET MARIE VAWTER) . ,3 New YOrk (RM) 1 1 - 100?10738?; RICRARD c. FRANK 1 11 3 r-?an Francisco - 100? 61293; MICHAEL DAVID VAWTER) SEBNR ?ngf? 00? 61509; JANET MARIE VAWTER) . .wo-M (11) 2271 U. 5. Saving: Bond; (m #28 Saving: Plan NH 54464 Page 2 ,3-5 A I JFK Assassination System Identi?cation orm Date: 5/1/2015 AGENCY RECORD NUMBER RECORD SERIES Agency Information FBI 124?10282710377 HQ . AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100-401762?160 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, NY TU: TITLE DATE: 10/08/1971 PAGES 14 SLHHECTS: . RCF, SHF, BKG, RES, PASSPORT, BUSS, CP ACT PAPHLTEXTUALDOCUMENT I CLASSIFICATION Secret 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 12/04/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM under the Jenn Kennedy elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Nete]. 54454 Date: v9.1 NH 54464 110 Page 1 /l 1? ?a (Rev. 5-22-64) 5 Date: 10/8/71 Transmit the following in (Type in plaintext or code) AIRTEL - (P . r-zy) ?1 TO DIRECTOR, FBI (loo-401762) 1 1.1116: 5, game ;a gen.? ?713 n} 1 ?1 Obi FROM SAC, NEW YORK (loo-107383) (P) SUBJECT: RICHARD CYRIL FRANK IS CH (00: NY) ReNYairtel, 9/27/71. Enclosed for the Bureau and Legat, Hong Kong are five cepies and Legats, London and Paris two copies each of an LHM . captioned and dated as above. 11 information of Legat, Hong Kong, subject's wife is included ina?he Chinese Communist Intelligence Biographical Mair-v. D?ta Albumen EEK-102 an: 53 /0 (a appropriate authorities to subject's presence in Hong Kon an the possibility he has or may enter Mainland hina?:nd if feasible request coverage of his activ 146.6% 1.1 1, 151:; gm: (.2 as 437/27 .- Bureau (Enos.14) Aom?ou :3 16977:: (aft/Hex. .2 swat name; We 111121111?; 2- -Legat, Hong Kong) 1 Legat, London) 1- -Legat, Paris) ?we l-New York (100_u2h79) FRAN l-New York 35 OCT 9 1971 if U. 5. GOVERNMENT PRINTING omc?: 1971 '?413?135 NH 54464 Page 2 Bureau is requested to have?iegat, Hong m?en?ga?gert d/ The official of the Chemical Bank is EDWARD EHRENBERE, AsSistant Manager, who was contacted by SA EDWIN YEE. The confidential source mentioned in the LHM is ??giawfx NY 694-3. 1 NY loo-107383 Legats, London and Paris advise appropriate authorities, if they have been alerted, and discontinue, however, should remain alert for any information concerning subject. CS) CLASSIFICATION The LHM is classified 1U.WH 1 rs" since it contains information from NY 694-5, disclosure of which would be prejudicial to the national defense interests. a NH 54464 Page 3 as; rd;mi NH 54464 . \Lu' ?Richard Cyril-Frank LEAD. 1 It is reguested you advise whether Frank is presently or has been in Hong Kong, and if so, advice concerning his activities while thereat.q?# . DucId:32302365 Page 4 Richard Cyril Frank LEAD 7 a _It is requested you adv1se-wh?ther Frank is presentl _or has been in Hang Kong, and if so, advise concerning his actxvities while I NH 54464 Page 5 '1 7; NH 54464 'Richard'Cyril Frank LEAQ It is requested y?u gdvise or has haen in Hong Kong, and 1f 30, activities while therea @j a whetheerrank is prgsently advise concerning DucId:32302365 Page 6 NH 54464 . E-gyi Richard.Cyril Frank .242 1? ?It is requested you advise whether.Frank Es presently or has been in Hong Kong, ,d if so, advise concerneng th . aactivities while ?4 . i .1 is DucId:32302365 Page JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/1/2015 AGENCY Agency Information . FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-1028271 0378 RECORD SERIES HQ 7 AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100?401762-1 ST NR 160 . Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: DIRECTOR, FBI TO SAC, BS TITLE DATE: 10/08/1971 PAGES 2 SUBJECTS [Restricted] DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LASTREVIEW: 12/04/1998 eleased under the John 1 FIE 1111-2 :13: OPENING CRITERIA . INDEFINITE 33553 inat 1011 Rem: allectinn Act of 1992 . . COMMENTS :44 USC 210? Note]. ase#:NH Date: 54454 Dthd:32302366 Page 1 111 NH 54464 1 111211111H1111111 11 11111111 111111, 1_11111111 11 11111, 111 1111111 ?nwi-iwc, 111, 111 1111111111 11 1111111 111111111 11 v1f1111111 11111111? 1111111111 1111 111111111 1131111111111 1111111 1111111111111111 1111111; 1111111 :111 1111 111 111111111111, 1111111111 11111111111 11131111, 111111 1111111t1f1111111111111 11 111111111 1?_1111_111 111111111 1111111111111111? 111. Vw?aa1ti11 11 11 g. -. being co?f?d?ucgi??d u??der Characet 11 1111111111 11111111 1111 11111 11111 11 1111111 {113% 1111 11 311161111 t111ugh 1111 1111 1/?1/11 P1111-111 1nva1tigatian 111 111111111 1111111r1 111 fr11 111 111111g, 111111111111, 1111 111 111 11 1111 11 111 111 t1111 111111, 1111111 11 11111111 C1rrent 1111111t1111 1111111 11 1111111y 11111111111 111 11111 identify 111 1111111111111?. 11111 1h1 111111 11 1.1 11111111111 011111111 61111 *fgfxat 1111 111g,?E1 1* DucId:32302366 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 5/1/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10282?10393 RECORD SERIES: - HQ . AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100-401762?175 Document Information .. ORIGINATOR FBI . FROM: SAC, LA TO: ACTING DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 05/30/1972 PAGES: 2* SUBJECTS . RCF, TELEPHONE NUMBER SUBSCRIBERS DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed O. RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 12/04/1998 under the Jenn Kennedy elleetien Act of 1992 (44 USC Nete]. Eases Dete: OPENING CRITERIA: INDEFINITE I COMMENTS v9.1 120 NH 54164 Page 1 . FORM NO. 10 . . - MAY 1962 EDITION . 1 GSA FPMR (41 CFR) 10141.5 . '1 STATES . . - . T0 DIRECTOR, FBI (loo??401762) DATE: 5/30/72 FROM LOS ANGELES (105-15342) (P) CYRIL FRANK IS CH . All INFORMATION com (his) A TAIN 00: New York ED ReNYlet to the Bureau dated 3/21/72, captioned HEILIGMAN IS - and CYRIL 394:: IS (if? 5 Referenced letter requested Los Angeles to (213) 933-6789 and (213) 459-1493 and identify. On 4/10/72, CSLA 4143-8 advised SA BURL P. NEDDENDORF th telephone number (213) 459-1493 is subcribed to by BERNA 16601 Pacifichalisa_e Californiaig This is a published source. (Pacific Palisades is a suburb of Los Angeles.) [f ascertain subscribers to telephone number (213) 276-5325, On 5/8/72, CSLA 4178-8 advised that telephone numgi?vf?l3) 276?5325 is a published number subscribed to by 1M59 (dn the border between Los Angeles and Bevery Hills). 0n?5/8/72 CSLA 4178-8 further advised that telephone number (213) 933-67?9 is a nonpublished number, connected" 11/27/71, subscribed to at that time by a OULD, South Orange Drigg,ngs Angelggi?gnllignnia (this is on the bordgf?between Los Engeles and Santa Monica). When sufficient background information has been obtained, Los Angeles will review office indices and repert pertinent information, if any. (2 Bureau (RM) 105 ?Va/1 76;; 92. (2 - 1004339235) (3., Ho FRANK) New York (100407383 (R. c. . FRANK (2 - 100-42479) H. 2 - Los Angeles :1 J12 a 10 CONTAINED JUN 2 1g I . . 3:193? 19% U. Saving: Band: Regularly on Saving: Plate . . g? an.? 4C f' . a View "2:4 7.. ?wy?w e; NH 54464 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/1/2015 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10282-10394 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 100-401762?1 ST NR 175 Document Information FBI FROM: SAC, MI TO ACTING DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE 1 DATE 06/07/1972 PAGES 2 A SUBJECTS RCF, TELEPHONE DIRECTORY LIST, STICKELS, JACK A., REL, RES DOCUMENT TYPE 2 PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 12/04/1998 ?eas? under the J?hn . Kennedy OPENING CRITERIA INDEEINITE 3355 3 mat 1?3? ?13 nllectiun Act of 1992 US: 21:17 . ase#:NH 54464 Date: 0?10?2017 v91 NH 54464 121 Page 1 .INFORMANTS 151-8 ?4?12?72 MI . u~21e72 5~5~72 . 5~26~72 - Milwaukee indices contain no ,information identifiable with STICKELS or wife. 7 Investigation is con?inning at Madison, Wisconsin. - NH 54464 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Iden??ca?onFonn Date: 5/1/2015 Agency Infomnati on AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10282-10406 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER NR 179 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: UHLIG, CALVIN D. TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 02/06/1973 PAGES: 7 SUBJECTS RCF, RCK, BKG, NALL, LUCY M., RES, EMP DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 - CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 12/04/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE Eleased under the John COMMENTS Kennedy ssassinatiun Records allectinn Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. a3e#:NH Date: WI 126 NH 54464 Pay: 1 -1 31.1.. .1154464 -Te1ephone Company. of Directory for City 105 Arrest Check and Voters Registration 1/19/73 at Philade1phia, Pa. 5 was conducted by SC ROBERT .C. KEARNEY. 5? Review of Cole' 8 City Directory and Beli ~of Philadelphia on 1/1 7/73 by SA IG.- UHLIG. :100- 42379), Intelligence Biographical Data Albu? ~?of the New York Office. 5 "17100 107333) is Information from Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Driver' 8. License Section, obtained on 1/18/73 by SA CALVIN SUSAN HE1LIGMAN FRANK (Bufile 100? 339235 5 NYfil 8 check on' f? aka, is listed in thd??hinese Communist RICHARD CYRIL FRANK (Bufile 100- 401762, NYfile SUSAN and the husband of is on the ADEX of the New York Office. - -NY 59343: 1 1 05 9310 26 '1335201943UBAglg, PAGE Page 2 .Lnd is on the ADEX 22 JFK Assassination System Date: Identi?cation Form 5/21/201 Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10283-10101 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-114543-236 Document Information ORKHNATOR: FBI FROM: OBRIEN, FRANCIS J. TO DIRECTOR, FBI DATE 03/22/1965 PAGES: 18 SLHNECTS: JURE, ASSOC, MR, NEWSPAPER, ACA, NY, FINANCES, OAS DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT 7 CLASSIFICATION 2 Unclassi?ed 4 CU TSTATUS: R?dmn under the John DATE OF LAST REVIEW 05/04/1998 Kennedy Records OPENING CRITERIA . INDEFINITE leet ien Act 1992 COMMENTS: [44 USC Ell]? I'Jc-te] . 54%5? Date: 0?10?2017 v9.1 NH 54464 Page I 3v FD- zemFs?a v. 5-1-59) ?3.FEDERAL BUREAU OF- INVESTIGATION YORK MIAMI ,3/3932/c 5 12/18/611.- .. 3/5/65 3 TITLE OF CASE REPORT MADE BY BY FRANCIS J. g: REVOLUQIONARIA CHARACTER or CASE NLQEINA. ENE-E) IS - CUBA 1,71REFERENCE. 3 New York report of SA J. dated 12/24/524. INFORMANTS ?fIdentity of Source -P- I r/ ALL HEREIN I UNCLASQIHED - File NUmber Where Loca ted I I I I NY ST. GEORGE . 3300 Broadway I I Dobbs Farry, New York 3 (request) 3 3 NY 4116- - ~51 NY CSNY 3783 {(95 44 APPROVED DO NOT WRITE IN SPACES BELOW . - 3 come\ ,3 3.3. I Ki?-Bur?eau (105- 11145435 (RM) 033 I HEN 3.. I 3244 Miami (105-6661) (RM) . I73 ?3 47 \El?L-San Juan (105 622) (RM) 33333333., .W I P~Washington Field (195 522 1) . (INFO) (RM) MAR 251965 l-New York 333' . NEEINL ?3 I I Dissemination Record of Attached Report A Notations 6%??ng Agency 3 I. 6 Inlay! (I) ?m5 Request H?cd. gin!? m8? Date hy?rml?n 81? 111141/ .1 ,h?ar (ma Jlb?g Mf? AA A I333 313633333me (2333.33..- IBY ?3\Uxata LIE. a: NH 54464? Page 2? (Rev. 3-3-STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Copy to: . qund: . FRANCIS J. -. om?: New York, New York Dale: 3/5? 9/6! 1 - Field Of?ce Fue :44: 105412570 7 3mm, File jg: 105*1145?43 Title: JUNTA REVOLUCIONARIA CUBANA (JURE) Character: INTERNAL SECURITY - CUBA NY T-l advised that at a Foreign Ministers meeting of the Organization of American States Washington, C.,during 12/64, Minister of Brazil, urged the support of MANUE _national leader ?of the JUMT Revolucionaria Cubanm ,1 T-2 advised that an official of? JUKM1 in New Ker orh? rec ntly brought on a newspaper for JURE cal ed Amigo Pueb NY also advised that RA and AM both officials_ of JURE, recently resigned. T-l stated that RAUL CHIBAS recently resigned his jposition with JURE and that CHIBAS was bitter toward RAY and called RAY a thief and a faker. CHIBAS told NY T-l that the JURE had a military group in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, which was to attempt to enter Cuba in early January, 1965, but this attempt was postponed by MANUEL RAY. NY T-3 advised that the JURE in New York was in a desperate condition and . A that he saw no hope for establishing JURE as a leading element in the movement. MY stated that JURE only had 27 active members in New York City. NY Tn3 adVised that he learned from MANUEL VARELA CASTRO that JURE sti_ll had 30- of its military group in the Dominican Republic and that they _were on stand?by Orders. 41:- . CONTAINED L1 DATE 75 /a apt/'7 - 5/957 775% This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency54464 Page 3' 1'3 0 NY 105~42570 DETAILS: NY T-l, on December 18, 1964, advised that on that date a Foreign Ministers meeting of the Organization of American States (OAS) was taking place in Washington, D. C. -NY Tel advised that from a source of his who is associated with "Life" magasine in waShingtOn, D. 0., he was informed that in regard to the Question of Cuba which was brought up at this meeting, there was an appeal made of member nations ?of the OAS to support the position- of MANUEL RAY RIVERO, who is the national leader of the Junta Revolucionaria Cubana (JURE). NY T-l advised on December 18, l96h, that he had learned from his sources that the main sponsor of RAY's cause" before the OAS Foreign Ministers meeting Was VASCO LEITAO DA CUNHA, Who 19 the Foreign Minister of Brazil. NY 2, on January 20 965, advised that in a recent converSation With FELI IBLUM, a URE membe in New York, he ascertained tha JOSE ASQUEZ, a 3uban_ ?Eiile in Venezuela, 18 an individual use by JURE memziers, .on a selective basis only, to obtain false Cuban assports which are issued in venezuela. - NY T-2 also advised on January 20,1965,that AVENOL FRANCO, an official of the JURE in New York, is one of the most dedicated and sincere members in the New York area. -NY stated that AVENOL FRANCO was in the process of editing a newspaper for the organization which Would appear in the Very near future. NY T- 2 stated that due to the lack of financial backing, this nauspaper being published by FRANCO will undoubt- edly be a mimeographed sheet. NY T-2, On January 25, 1965, advised that in recent conversations with RAUL CHIBAS and MANUEL VARELA CASTRO, both officials of JURE, he ascertained that both had recently resigned frOm JURE, but did not make any public announcements of their resignations. .NY T-2 related- that RAUL CHIBAS never did get a_1ong well with MANUEL RAY and that abortive attempt to get into Cuba by May 20, l96h,proved to be very .. . NH 54464 Page 4? - .w wm?m .. 4.9.7- 1 NY 105;4257o - leaders feel that i?'they close the New York office, they will many Cuban exiles. NY advised that recently he has been asked by the organizatiOn to co-ordinater the reorganization of the group in New York, and as a result he has had the opportunity of_maintaining control over the books of the organization;"7? NY stated that the records of the organizatiOn reflect i that there are 312 members listed in New York, and NY 5 stated that this was greatly exaggerated as there are no more than 27 active members of the JURE in New York City. . sed that ANGEL FIGUEREDO will continue to be in charge of~t local o?fice of JURE, and he Will be assisted GONZALEZ and DELIO SILVA. that there is a-group of military men Ionging to the JURE. who are still in Santo Domingo, DominiCan_Republic, and that these men are on T-3 stated that there was to have been a military move by the JURE in early January, but for some reason,it had been-poetponed by MANUEL RAY. 3 NY T13 stated that MANUEL VARELA a former :Lieutenant Colonel in the Cuban Army, who is associated with .RAY in the-military operation, recently returned from Santo Domingo, and was unhappy with decisidn to postpone the military plan. NY T-3 learned that there a Were still 30 members of the JURE military group 1h?t?gv_ in: 3 DominiCan Republic en stand-by orders. . . . 3 NY also stated that as a result of the recent campaign to sell one dollar bonds, the organization realized a total of $10,000. - NY also adVised that there is a rumor within the -organizatidn at the present time that the JURE is disposed to joinin ferces With the Second National Front of-Escambray ALPHA 6 - Movimiento Revolucionario del Pueb 0 (SN -e ALPHA 66?- T-3 stated that recently CARLOS a representative 0f the MRP in San Juan, Puerto Ri ha \f-u?r?ud?i?r Kb? . . _1?7 NH 54464 Page 5 FD-263 Rev. 5- 1- 59) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION OFFICE OF ORIGIN DATE INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD -M- 1 kn? . -.. REPORTING OFFICE NEW YORK MIAMI 3y?xQ/25' 12/18/64 3/3/65 TITLE OF CASE REPORT MADE BY TYPED av FRANCIS J. g: JUNTA REVOLUCIONARIA I CHARACTER or CASE 0mm) IS 1 REFERENCE. I New York report of SA FRANCIS J. dated 12/24/6u. . . INFORMANTS Identity of Source File NUmber Where Located NY 105-42570?177 ANDREW ST. GEORGE 300 Broadway Dobbs Ferry, NEW York (request) NY T-2 134-8343Aa50 NY 4116-8 - -51 - NY m~3 13u-9717A?13 CSNY 4783~s -14 DO NOT WRITE IN SPACES BELOW. E:X:ELBureau (105 1145A3) (RM) \2~Miami (105 6661) (RM) - San Juan (105 W62u2) (RM) /F-Washington Field (105 522 1) (INFO) (RM) l?New York [10 5-42570) Dissemination Record of Attached Report Notations Agency ..L INFORMATION CONTAINED . NCLASSIFIED By DATE BY 7a 5p 111'? 54464. :DucId:323l]3l]I39 Page 5? . gamma?. .. ?Warsaw? A. . A Flo-2 04 (Rev. 3-3UQTED STATES DEPARTMENT FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ,Copylo: Report of: FRANCIS J. 0mm.- New York, New York Evapopfda' Field Office File #105,42570 . Bureau File 54: Title: JUNTA REVOLUCIONARIA CUBANA (JURE) Character: INTERNAL SECURITY - CUBA swmma NY Tul advised that at a Foreign Ministers meeting of the Organization of American States (OAS), held in Washington, D. 0.,during 12/6?, VASCO LEITAQ DA CUNHA, Foreign Minister-of Brazil, urged the support of MANUEL RAY RIVERO: national-leader of the JUNTA Revolucionaria Cubana (JURE). . NY T-2 advised that AVENOL FRANCO, an official of JURE in New York, recently.brought out a newspaper for JURE called."El Amigo del Pueblo". NY T-2 also *adVised that RAUL CHIBAS- and MANUEL VARELA CASTRO, both officials Of JURE, recently resigned. NY T?l stated that RAUL CHIBAS recently resigned his position witthURE and that CHIBAS was bitter toward RAY and called RAY a.thief and a faker.? CHIBAS told NY Th1 that the JURE had a military group in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic,i which Was to attempt to enter Cuba in early January; 1965, but: 'this attempt was postponed by MANUEL RAY. T-3 advised that the JURE in New York was in a.desperate condition and that he Saw no hope for establishing JURE as a_1eading element in the movement. NY stated that JURE only had 27 active members in New-York City. NY T-3 advised that he learned from MANUEL VAHELA.CASTRO that JURE still had 30 of its military group in the Domini?an Republic and that they were on orders. - - INFORMATION CONTAINED NCLASSIFIED HATE BY seam This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the prop your agency,- it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. {0224qu . Jf? mo c/Ia? NH 54464 Page ?ih?jl-?Bf and is loaned to HwiAm NY 10542570 on December 18, 1964, advised that oh that date a Foreign-Ministers meeting of the Organization of American States (OAS) was taking place in Washington, D. C. NY Tel adVised that_from a source of his who is associated with "Life" magaaine in Washington, D. 0., he was informed that in regard to the question of Cuba which was-brought up at this meeting, there was an appeal made of member nations of the OAS to support the poSition bf MANUEL RAY RIVERO, who. 'is the national leader of the Junta Revolucionaria Cubans (JURE). NY Tel adyised on December 18, l964,that he had learned from his sources that the main sponsor of.RAY's cause before.the OAS Foreign Miniaters meeting was VASCO LEITAO who is the'Foreign Minister of Brazil. . NY T-2, on January 20, 19655 advised that in a ?recent conversation with FELIX HEIBLUM, a JURE member in new Yerk, he ascertained that JOSE Cuban exile in-Venezuela, is an individual used by JURE members, on a selective basiS'only, to obtain false Cuban passports which are issued in venezuela. . - also advised on January-20, 1965,that AVENOL FRANCO, an official of the JURE in New York, is one of the most dedicated and sincere members in the Neerork area. NY stated that AVENOL FRANCO was in the precess of editing, a newspaper for the organization which would appear in the Very near fature.a NY T-e stated that due to the lack of financial . ?backing, this newspaper being published by FRANCO_will-undcubt- edly be a mimeographed sheet. NY Tm2, On January 25, 1965, advised that in recent - conversations witthAUL CHIBAS and MANUEL VARELA-CASTRO, both .offioials of JURE, he ascertained that both had recently resigned from JUBE, but did not make any public announcements of their resignations; related that RAUL CHIBAS never did get along well RAY and that abortive attempt by May 20,'1964,proved to be very k4 NH 54464 Page 3? a . sewn A, m. .. - ng??f*r raw?r "igw?M?W, an?- Y__r {4.1-5 d3 NY 105:42570 leaders feel that i? they Close the New York Office, they will discourage many Cuban exiles. - NY T-3 also advised that recently he has been asked by the organization to co-Ordinate the reorganization of_the' group in New York, and.as a result he has had the OppOrtunity of maintaining.control over the books of the organization. NY T-3 stated that the records of the Organization reflect that there are 312_members listed in New York, and NY T-3 stated that this.was greatly exaggerated as there are no more than 27 active members of the JURE in New York City. .NY 1+3 advised that Anost FIGUEREDO?will.continue to-be in charge of the-local office of the JURE, and he will be.assiSted by SERGIO oonzetaz and DELIO SILVA. NY Te3 stated that there is a-group Of military men belonging to the JURE who are still in Santo'Domingo, Dominican Republic, and that these men are on stated that there was to have been a military more By in early January, but for some reason,it had been postponed by MANUEL RAY. Stated that MANUEL VARELA CASTRO, a former _Lieutenant colonel in the cuban Army, who is asSociated with RAY in the military Operation, recently returned from Santo Domingo, and Was~unhappy with decision to postpone the military plan. From VARELA CASTRO, NY learned that there were still 30-memhers of the JURE military 7-0 Dominican Republic on StandAby orders.- 7 NY T-3 also stated that as a result of the recent? campaign to sell one dollar bonds, the organization realized a total of $105000. NY T93 also advised that there is a rumor within the organization at the present time that the JURE is diaposed to joinin%.forces with the Second National Front of Escamhray ALPHA 6t- Movimiento Revolucionario del Pueblo (SNFE - ALPHA 66-- MRP). stated that recently CARLOS LOPEZ LAY, a representative.0f the MRP in San Juan, Puerto Rico, had NH 54464 Page 9? JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Daie: 5/21/20] Agency Inform ati on AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: _124-10283-10103 RECORDSERES: HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-114543-238 Document Information ORKHNATOR: FBI FROM SAC, NK DIRECTOR, FBI DATE: 04/12/1965 PAGES: '9 DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 05/04/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE eleaeed under the John COMNENTS: Kennedy Records elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC 2107 Note]. aee#:NH Date: W1 NH 54464 Page 1 :3 f? . amnesty -, GSA GEN. REG NO 27 ngmm'wo {1/31} . {5 STATES GOVKMINMENT - emomn dam! To} - DIRECTOR, FBI (ms-114543) DATE: 4/12/65 1W .. 51c, NEWARK (105?14827) (Pit) SUBJECT: - JUNTA REVOLUCIONARIA CUBANA (JBBE) (CUBAN REVOHJT IOHARY JUNTA) Is -- CUBA - BA 7- CUBA. ,3 NEUTRALITY MATTERS (OI: Enclosed for the Burean are; 12 copies oi?a LEM rd: ?dated and captioned as .abmjre, concerning the current -- - Estatus of this organization. . (23% A?yc?opy has been disseminated locally to Newark. . . a: - . F-Dami . . z: 00 Information copies of. this letter and LHM af?- havc been designated for?those offices in which delegations Egm hkare locatedT?l undersdevelopnent MANUEL SOLIS ELEV - In View of the information contained in LEM, ?g :3 this case is being placed in a .pending inactive ststus. Contact will be maintained with MAINEL SOLIS MARTINEZ and sources faniliar with Cuban activities for any indication the organization resumes any activity in the Newark area . Miami (Encls. 2) (165?6661) (RM) New York (Encl. 1) (105-42570) (an) Bureau (Encls. 12) (RM) ki?f?: 1' - San Juan (33:31.1) (105-6242) (BM) 1 ms Angeles (E1101. 1) (RM) .. 8 APR 131955 '2 Newark 2 1 - 134w438 3* Hanna 116':th Copy to: ??g/055646? (9) . by 'r'out' $11 for info. . a "$113? 35f? . In) .. .- 56 APR 13/18 5 NH 54464 Page. 2? - . In Reply, Please Refer to File No. ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED . . f} p? I 7 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Newark, New Jersey April 1'2 1965 REVOLUCIONAR CUBANA (JURE) REVOLUTIONARY JUNTA) - INTERNAL SECURITY .. CUBA- - ACT - CUBA NEUTRALITY MATTERS . . .On January T?l, a Cuban exile who- .is the coordinator of the Newark delegation of the captioned organization,. advised that this organization is anti?Castro, . 'and has delegations in New Jersey in Paterson, Union City, rand Newark. He further advised that the total membership in New Jersey is approximately 700, and that the centraL headquarter3"were located at Miami, Florida. NK T?l reported that dances and dinners are pheld?, -donations are collected, and bonds are soId in order to . finance the operations of this group. Until approximately November, 1964, they had a meeting place at 92 Ferry Street, Newark, New Jersey. On March T?l reported that at present_ the organization is inaCtiye. The 1ast meeting ?was held approximately teh Weeks ago in the residence of T?l at which time less than 40 persons attended. NK T?l reported that at present the organization is disbanding in New Jersey. The Only active delegations are in New York City, New Ybrk; San Juan, Puerto Rico; and Los Angeles, California. This document contains neither recommendations nor bonelusions of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). It is .t-he pooperty of t?he FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside yOur agency. . - . MLN ?67 gf?gi I /0 {at/ ENCLOQJRE 32303091 Page 3 1331? I 0 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 5g??g?f?meR?wm Newark, New JerSey April 12/ .1965 u: ?5 EEVOLUCIONARIA CUBANA . (JURE) (CUBAN REVOLUTIONARY INTERNAL SECURITY . CUBA REGISTRATION ACT quea- ?museums -. - -On January 18, 1965, NE T-l, a Cuban exile is the coordinator of the Newark delegation of the-captioned organization, advised that this organization is anti?Castro, and has delegations in New Jersey in Paterson, UniOn City, and Newark. He further advised that the total-membership in New Jersey is approximately 700, and that the central headquarters were located at Miami, Florida. i NK Tel reported that dances and dinners are_held, donationsnare collected._and bonds are sold in order to ?finanCe the operations of this group. Until?approximatelyi Nbvember, 1964, they had a meeting place at 92 Ferry Street; Newark, New Jersey. 0n NK T?l reported that at present ?the organization is inactive. The last meeting was held approximately ten weeks ago in the-residence of T-l at which time less than 40 persons attended. NK reported that at_present the organization is dishanding in New Jersey. The only active delegations are in Newaork-City, New York; San Juan, Puerto Rico; and* Los Angeles, CalifOrnia. This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). 'It is the pooperty of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. ALL INFORMATION CONTAWED :5 I HEREIN . A DATE BY if fi?j?ff?/a; 1 54464 Page 4? bi? UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JTISTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION In Reply, Please Refer to- '.nana Newark, New Jersey April 12*? 1965 JUNTA REVOLUCIONAR 1A CUEANA (JURE) (CUBAN REVOLUTIONARY JUNTA) INTERNAL SECURITY .. CUBA REGISTRATION ACT CUBA NEUTRALITY MATTERS On January 18, 1965, NE T-1,a Cuban exile Who -is the coordinator of the Newark delegation of the captioned Organization, adviSed that this organization is anti-Castro,_ and has delegations in New Jersey in Paterson, Union Ci.ty, -and Newark. He further advised that the total membership -in New Jersey is approximately 700, and that the central headquarters were located at Miami, Florida. NK reported that dances and .dinners are held, donations are collected, and bonds are sold in order to finance the operations of this group. Until approximately' November, 1964, they had a meeting place at 92 Ferry Street, Newark, New Jersey. On March T?l reported that at preSent the organization is inactive. The last meeting was held approximately ten weeks ago in the residenCe of NK T-l at which time less than 40 persons attended. NK T?l reported that at present the organization is disbanding in New Jersey. The only active delegations are in New York City, New York; San Juan, Puerto Rico; and .los Angeles, California. This document_ contains neither recommendations .nor conclusions of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). It is the pooperty .of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED- HEREIN DATE my 4 - /d?24/wq7 5/3 ?/me 0/99?? NH 54464 DucId:32303091 Page 5 ?l flat-?1 . I STATES DEPARTMENT OF FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION I Newark, New Jersey 9 April 12, 1965 JUNTA CUBANA (JURE) (CUBAN REVOLUTIONARY JUNTAI) INTERNAL SECURITY .. REGISTRATION ACT CUBA On January T?l a Cuban eXile who ?is the coordinator of the Newark delegation of the captioned organization, advised that this organiZation is anti?Castro, 'and has delegations in New Jersey in Paterson, Union City, vand Newark. He further advised that the total membership in New Jersey is approximately 700, and that the central headquarters were located at .Miami, Florida. NK reported that dances and dinners are held, ?donations are collected, {and bands are Sold in Order to finahCe the operations Of th1s group. Until approximately ?NoVember, 1964, they had a meeting place Iat 92 Ferry Street, Newark, New Jersey. On March T?l reported that at present the organization is inactive. The last meeting was held approximately ten weeks ago in the residence of NK T?l at which time less than 40 persons attended. I NK T?l reported that at present the organization is dishanding in New Jersey. The only active delegations are in New York City, New York; San Juan, Puerto Rico; and Los Angeles, California. I ThisIdocument pontains neither recommendations 'nor conclusions of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). It is the pooperty of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. CONTAINED I?w .IJ IDAJE ,1 wuwml? c/ayy? [:450; mac/MK @th NH 54464 Page 6 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/21/201 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: ?124-10283-10108 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-114543-241 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: 0BRIEN, FRANCIS J. TO DIRECTOR, FBI DATE 05/07/1965 PAGES 12 SUBJECTS JURE, ACA, ASSOC, MR, TRA, FINANCES, AFFIL, CIA, POLIT, DEFECTION, DE LA CAMPAIODON ALVAREZ, CUBA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 05/04/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS under the Jehn Kennedy elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. 54454 Date: 0?10?2017 NH 54464 WT DueId:32303096 Page I (Rev. 5-1-59FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION OFFICE OF ORIGIN IN THIS We? REPORTING OFFICE DATE NEW, Hes: mam. 5/7/65 3/19/65 I, 4/21/65 TITLE OF CASE 3 REPORT MADE: BY . TYPED BY I FRANCIS J. Ls JUNTA CHARACTER OF CASE GUBANA H7333 r0 DEER I HI IR I RE LI: if?. 1.5: Im ATION KIS CUBA ?1 REFERENCES: I iami report of SA JAMES J. dated I I - 3/5/65. I New YQl?k report of SA FRANCIS J. dated? 3/22/55 . E) 6/ g? leg??lassi?ed [5.377;ch I ESL -u-on-mn ma. wwiassifyo? ADMINISTRATIVE [q 0742 _y I. QR gm? HI. Immune ?~me jar/mag I a MIRTA BORRAS ALMANZA was interviewed/ on 2h/21/0 I I by the New York Office with the intention of evaluating ,Ct?I?nao stated that the use cf weapons. Stat ted that MAH EL RAY and the During interview witthiss BORRAS, on 4/21/55: a are henlas a PSI, Miss BORRAS accompanied MANUEL RAY in Mav, a - 19b4, when he mace an unsuccessful attempt to get into she has had training as~a JURE has received financial ,Padi? Operator and?has also had'training in demolition an? in she I . assistance the CIA. Results of contact with Miss_ 33? - DO NOT WRITE IN SPACES BELOW A LA . r- - I dyuBuneau (105 11H (RM) H3552 5:22;? ?5 gs?) REQ- 34. Miami (105 666%)(10-5 2 mo (HM) Emuvasrinbton eld {105 e522 1) - (me-c) (RM) - I 25 MAY 111965 _1aNew Yerk (105?42570) A I a - I Dissemination Record of I . Notations - Aq?nicv I3 1:13qu UU. LITA ISTATHWO 1,6 4651935?" Requges3 TENT 81/ 0mm Cwa?za? I [If?gf?m?? ?3 . my muting slin for imw/ C21, 130% HA Date CLASSI MIMI I 3 I134: MAY SEC ACTION. 4 Iwuma. NH 54464 Page 2? ?-Jl BORRAS and her potential as a PSI wil' be submitted under her.oaption, NT 4116~A5on 4/9/65, advised that in 1egard to the 1eoent defection 1n Pa1?s, France, of ODON ALVAREZ DE LA CAEPA, he ascertained that a sister- ~1mn law of FELIX a former JUBE official in New Y01=k, had been need by the CIA in bringing about the defection of DE LA CAMPA NV 4116?3 identified the sister~1n~1aw o1 as MARIA CURTOLA (ph) who had b1=>en an acquaintance of LVAEEZ DE LA CAMPA in Cuba, and it was reported that MAR1A CURTOLA was contacted by the CIA and flown to Pari.s to in the defection of ALVAREZ DE LA CAMPA Wagmg?g?gmgA is known to NY 4116- as the 'feomer oecretary of Foreign Relations of the CTC in C1ba .5EWWLA befo1e 1959, and he was also the nUmber tWo man in the 1bo11g? group of Julya ?6 Movement in C1103 Aa111g Lhe revolution. ANDREW GF ORGE, Dobbs Ferry, New Yorlg on advised that the individual in Washington who is a131 aged to be advising Vice- President HUBENT HO 1 Wejetirxre to the potential of the JURE, has been i.dentified 1 ea AGAA VOLMAN whose identity is well known to the Eurea.u, \1 ?nd who has had past affiliation with th.e 8T1 AGE oh A/8/?b5, advised that ERJ. has oeen reported in man ,r1111ee that VOLMAN has been in the employ of CIA for many years - fldentity of'Souroe File Number Where Located (jg-?33111 1 7 - 7" 111? 12-2 105?1125110491 1111331111 ST GEORGE a .196 - 87 We'lwood Avenue Ferr New York (requee MN NH 54451 nuu11:32303?15 Page a 1. . NY 105n42570 INFORMANTS T?enti?" of Scuree . File Inmber Wh9?0 L?caDEd gm n-riasumnaru: j! NY 11-3 NY I116_s 1 Instant port Page'? BORRAS. ch;h StresI Queens Edeemed edvis?ble5 LEAIS SAN JUAN AND WASHINGTON FIELD (INFORMATION) I Copies of th1s report are being furnished to A Sa Juan and Washington Field because of their continuing inI eresI in Ihis investigation. d0 (v AT NEW YORK, NEW YORK W111 maintain conIaCI with web.Isheo sources and follow the activities of the JUNE in New York City. CSVER . NH 54464 Page 4? i .. .- ., HEM-WW N1. J, an Ma1ch 19,1965, a?vise Nhat the cw Yo ;g1 P1?i118 of the JunL a (TUBE), are as fiollOVNCoordinator: iw?t- 1 ?ecygtaries of Prepaganda i . F?s . - rca?vrorb - ]{F133t Name Unknown) A r: .9 0f Organization if} - if") f! h' a . pecnetdry of Labor NY advisn ed on March 19, 1965, that he recently 5 speka with M2 IL3N0 CARRODEGUAS who recently returne.d Nrozun a v1. a?.L to the seduJuart rs in San Luan Puerto Rise? GARRODEGUAS inOPmCd NY T-l that he was acting as the iiaisan 1 ?i?h th? iaaor pN 3?;i313 within the JUB.E and as a reeu1t c: "ntq?t trip to 8a Juan Puerto Rica, in behalf 0f the 3 he: W53 comp1.Le1V tNu wicn the and,in particular: with NANU the nat on.l le-ader. CARRODEGUAS- NY T?l that REY shou?d be Jismisse. the JUNE becausec?? his procrae tunat ons and his .-ailures to en er Cuba as he had previousl p10m1bed on several occaa ionso gg?g 475 ?215; 511%: JIM 54-1164 Page 5? -- . A .m JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/2 1/201 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10283?10111 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-] 14543-244 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, WMFO TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 06/28/1965 PAGES 1 SUBJECTS IURE, ASSOC, MEETING, FL DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 05/04/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFTNITE leased under the ehn Kennedy CONHWENTS: Records elleetien Act of 1992 (44 USC 210? Note]. 54464 Date: W1 NH 54464 Page I Mr. Mr. DeLoaclLJ Mr. Mr. Callahan?j Mr. Conrad. 6/25/65 Mr. <3 Mr. Mr. Roz-391166 Mr. Sullivan- Mr. . Mr. Trotter gm: 1 nmcroaa FBI 51:: sang (105-52281) .. Effigg: WA Wowcxomnm t_.A (my . 15 -- . 41-00316) ax - Saw FERNANDO EETENZA Escosana PSI - Under Bevelopmant (Prategt by request-and characterize.&s having been'cantact insu?ficient number of times to establish reliable lety) advised SA JOHN GO.QOEDTEL as fbllowa: Captioned organizaticn to held two day maeting in Eampa? Flag Hill commanee 2:36-peme, Saturday, 7/3/65, and and Sunday . iagn delegation thrnughout Us 3? to be reggae a?nted by "official" delegate and mambera local chapters Fbraign delegations also axpeete?w Saurwe'a cptimiatic - estimata:af number of pasple ta be present 13?1000 Source mha is ?affieial? delagata-afIWaahoa 5.0, Chapter will possibly be aaeamganied by two othars.nat 36$ identifiedo Source will dwarf; mm? 'Mday 7/2/659 Ganfamnce will be canmmed with "bmadehing,wd axplaxning at of 1962" as wall'as ravlaianalau intarnal administrative structure af-evgan136tion? Raa?pian? ?$31963 alert advise appropria?? r? 19961 autharities and fallew-through established gaurceso Eure?u mm. (105~6661.) 2 .. "5mm 10542;-70) m) . 2 7. SariEJuan gum-o6 ?.323 ??xm - - -, 67/? V1 3:3 222nun?~? Ill-'? am ALL CONTAINED '5 JUN 29 1955 A HEREINI UNCLASSIHED. DATE 37/54464 Page 2? JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form . Date: 5/21/20] Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10283-10112 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-114543-245 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, TP TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 06/24/1965 PAGES 8 SUBJECTS JURE, ASSOC, CONVENTION, TP TERRACE HOTEL, FL DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 2 05/04/1998 leased under the J?h? . Kennedy OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE ssass inat inn RE: allectiun Act of 1992 COMMENTS INC LHM [44 USC 210? Note]. ase#:NH 54454 Date: 0?10?2017 I l. 1 v91 1 PH 54464 Page I Fx ., v: 9% TP 105-1343 TAMPA DIVISION i . - AT TAMPA, I Will follow and report activities of captioned organization. A INFORMANTS Identit! Location 6; TP T31 is MANUEL JESUS ALAYON, PSI TP 134-373A91 is PSI MARIO RUIZ TP NH 54454 Page JFK Assassination System Date: 5/21/20] Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY: PRECORDNUMBER: 124-10283-10113 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-114543-246 Document Informati on ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, NY TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: - 06/30/1965 PAGES 1 SUBJECTS JURE, CONVENTION, FL DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 05/04/1998 Eleased under the OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE KE ?1100? saassinatinn Recurda CONHWENTS: anlectinn Act of 1992 [44 use 2107 Note]. :ase#:NH 50050 Date: 0?10?2017 V91 6 NH 54464 Page 1 I 1:13-36 (as-v. /j ix I Bl i Dom: 5/30/65? .. ?3 I Transmit the following in -PLAIN TEXT. . - A (Type plamtext or code) -vm REGISTERED DIRECTOR, FBI (lawman pg, :3 ,1 . i Jim?ir FROM SAC, NEW YORK (10542570) . - gym?. kq/m SUBJECT: UNTA REVOLUCIONARIA CUBANA Miss BORRAS ALMANZA, PSI~Under Development, who has furnished reliable information in the past, on 6/22/65, stated that the JURE would hold a convention in- Tampa, Florida, over the weekend of 7/3/65. She said she did not intend to go to this convention, but there would be delegates from various cities where the JURE has represenn tatives. . . 'Miss BORRAS advised that she did not see anything Of value which-might come out of this convention as the in a very difficult financial situation and among the Cuban exiles there is an overall spirit of depression and frustra- i tiono I 5 Miss BORRAS stated that she would inform the-NYO 1 of any information she received concerning this convention. The above is being submitted to the Bureau and other offices for information purposes. a efif - a . 1 ?gs" Bureau_(RM) m" a. 1 Miami 6105~6661) (INFO) ?m 1 San Juan (2105-6242) gram) /0 ?mm mm- Tampa (INFO) cam) . . 1 -- Washington Eiel?d?. '3 JUL 1 1965 2 - New York~? a a 01 . g? Mela1:3] 'Approvedz? Sent Speciol Agent in Charge a wig k} NH 54464 Page 2? JFK Assassination System Dale: 5/21/201 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10283-10114 (I RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-] 14543-247 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: OBRIEN, FRANCIS J. TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE 06/30/1965 PAGES: 7 SUBJECTS JURE, ACA, ASSOC, FINANCES DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassified RESTRICTIONS 4 . CURRENT STATUS Redact EleaSEd under the J?hn DATE OF LAST REVIEW 05/04/1998 - FIE nnE saassinatinn Recurda OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE 1 be ?t in Act 0 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. COMMENTS: ase? 514% sq Date: 0?10?2017 WI ITHH 54464 Page I Mimi-y . i ?yummy(as, I II a. V. swig; I F'D-zIsinhOv. 5-1-59) -- 'Ja . . FEDERALBUREAU OF INVESTIGATION REPORTING OFFICI: OFFICEOFORIGIN INVESTIGATIVE . NEW YORK NEW YORK - 6/30/65 -5/26/65-6/22/65 TITLE OF CASE REPORT MADE BY LTYPED FRANCIS 1 REVOLUCIONARIA CUBANA (JUREFHARACTER OF CASE (CUBAN REVOLUTIONARY REFERENCES: NY report of SA FRANCIS J. dated 5/7/65. . Miami report of SA THOMAS J. dated 6/4/65. . . 5 MAC 292.95 . ALL INFORMATION IQNTAIN papy- . I i3 ADMINISTRATIVE DATE -- BY Wsa?z?ep-_ Miss MIRTA on 6/22/65, stated that she had Just returned from two weeks vacationIin San Juan, Rico,where she was in contact with Cuban exiles Vassociated with?the JURE. Miss BORRAS adVised that during ?this trip to Puerto Rico, she was not in contact with MANUEL .WAXQI Miss BORRAS stated that there was no activity planned J?for the JURE in the immediate future, and she saw no possibility; of any military action being undertaken by the JURE. Miss .3 BORRAS further stated that the same is true for all organisations, that is, that there is no organisation among the Cuban exiles that can or will take any military action against Cuba. Miss BORRAS stated,in her opinion,the entire anti-Castro acti?ity is at?a stand-still.? 41K PECIAL AGENT - 2&5, CHARGE DO NOT WRITE IN SPACES BELOW t? BEG-.54 52% APPROVED COPIES Bureau 165-.114514-Ios eagles (105.:5869 lob - was 3/3 (Info IMO) :12 JUL 61965 '4 i HID -- Washington Field- (105-52281?) -- I (Info) (RM) . I ?aim - - New York (105-42579) Dissemination Record of Attoc'II'?d Rgpon? 5.3 .1 Notations . Agency A . . - wopy OI 2- In 5 Request Reed. i?quim ?[1051 a .I s7 I on? we.? we 4% How . Date .7 )Irgut/ Fir: '?zgky BY ?st UJ Us} - NH 54464 Page 2? I i I NY 105-42570 Identity of Source File Number Where Located NY Instant report, page 1 CSNY 2822-8 NY 13h?9717;17 4783?3 NY T-3 134?11u59 -3 MIRTA BORRAS, 61-55 1 8th Street, Queens PSI under} development) IEADS i LOS ANGELESA SAN WASHINGTON FIELD Information copies are being furnished to Los Angeles San Juan and Wa?shington Field, since they have conducted previous investigation in this matter. - . GOVERFPAGE ?r NH 54464 Page 3? an NY 10542570 MANUEL RAY, head of the JURE, had.failed to keep promises which he had made and the exiles see no hope of accomplishing anything in the way of bringing about military activity inside Cuba. NY a member of the JURE, and a member of the Military Action Section of the JURE,on~June 22, 1965, advised that there were no military plans for? the JURE at the present time. NY T-3 said that the JURE has encountered grave financial problems and has_also encountered a certain amount of animosityfrum the Cuban exiles. NY stated that the JURE still has its boat which. is called the "Venus" and this boat currently is in San Juan, Puerto Rico. NY T-3 stated that the JURE does not have sufficient military eQuipment to carry out any military action inside Cuba, and has no plans for any military action in the near?future. . . NY T-3 stated that all anti-Castro organizationsat the present time are encountering similar difficulties as the Cuban exiles are depressed because they see no possibility for any immediate activity against the government of Prime. Minister FIDEL CASTRO. NY stated that there was no hope for the Cuban exiles to carry out anyentivity against Cuba and that the only hope the Cuban exiles had was that some uprising would occur inside Cuba which would bring about the downfall of the present Cuban Government. NH 54464 Page 4? ..W l. JFK Assassination System Date: Identi? cation Form 5/21/2201 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10283-101 17 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-1 14543-251 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, TPI TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE 06/30/1965 PAGES: 8 SUBJECTS JURE, CONVENTION, FL DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 05/04/1998 eleased under the John OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE RE ?lie . ssasslnatlun Records . nllectiun Act of 1992 INC LHM [?14 USC 2107' Note] . a3e#:NH 54454 Date: v9.1 8 NH 54464 Page I NH 54464 TP 105-1843 INFORMANT Confidential ource mentioned herein is ?81 MARIO RUIZ (TP 134? zegiiww . LEADS TAMPA DIVISION AT TAMPA, FLORIDA Will follbw and report. 4.14 DucId:32303105 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 5/21/201 Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10283-10120 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-1 14543-252 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, TP TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 07/13/1965 PAGES: ?14 SUBJECTS JURE, ACA, CONVENTION, FL, DELEGATES, THREAT DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 05/04/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE as nude 1: 1: he :3 hn Kennedy COMMENTS: INC LHM elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. 54454 Date: v9.1 9 NH 54464 TP 105?1843 Informantsi /p 1 psi MANUEL VIERA (1p 1-2 MARIO vazjx)@ Information oopiee of this communication and LHM have been furnished to the Los Angeles, Chicago, WFO, Jacksonville; Indianapolis, Birmingham, Boeton,and Richmond Divisione inasmuch .35 information furnished either by TP or from registration guest cards at Congress Inn, Tampa indicates that one or more delegates residing wit.hin those divisions were reportedly in attendance at JURE Convention. For the information of offices not previously receiving communications in this matter, the following _information 15 furnished re JUR.E 7 cvwaar?eeclad?j . -Qn September 1962, ANGEL GOMEZ MENENDEZ (protect by requeet), a Cuban exi?e ree'?in" in Ponce, uertoi Rico, Eho is we11.aequaini;ed with 11, JURE leadensin auvxee izhat JURE was 1 eed during a two?day meeting of ?uben exilee on September 15 and 16,1962 at Juana Diaz, PEerto Rice. This meeting wee attended by Cubans from the United Statee, Venezuela and Puerto Rico 11 :3 Sele?adofka 1M HM . 0n bebruerv 15m1985m MANUEWL RRY?edvised he is one oi' the alreoto1 of the JUE1 E, which he described as a Cuba.n exile group devoted to the overthrow of the current governmenv ef Ei.del oi ane I If? NH 54464 DueId:32303103 Page 2 - TP 105~1843 Informents Th1 ?pe MANUEL VIERA E1381 MARIO Information copies of this communication and LHM have been furniehed to the Lee Angeles, Chicago, WFO, Jacksonville, Indianapolis, Birmingham, Boeton,end Richmond Divisions inasmuch as information furnished either by TP T?l or from registration guest cards at Inn, Tampa indicates that one or more delegates residing within those divisions were reportedly in attendanoe at Convention. Hr? For the information of offices not previously receiving communications in this matter,the following information is furnished 1e JURE On September 17, 1962, AHGEL GOMEZ MENENDEZ (protect by request), a Cuban exile reeiding in Ponce, Puerto Rico, who ie well acquainted with MANUEL RAY, JURE leader in Puerto Rico, that JERE was rounded during a tWo-day meeting of Cuban exiles on September 15 and 16, 1962 at Juana Dian, Pnerto Rico. This meeting wee attended by Cubans from the United 'Statee, Venezuela, and Pnerto Rico. On February 15, 1965, MANUEL RAY advised he in one ?of the ?ireetors of the JUEE, whioh'he described as a Cuban exile group devoted to the overthrow of the current government of Fidel Centre of Cuba, NH 54464 DucId:32303103 Page 3 Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/21/201 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10283?10123 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 105-114543-IST NR 253 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI - FROM: SAC, TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 07/23/1965 PAGES: 3 SUBJECTS JURE, ACA, ASSOC, SNFE, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, VESSEL, VENUS DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 05/04/1998 under the John Kennedy COMMENTS INC LHM Records elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC 2 I'Jete] . 54454 Date: v9.1 10 NH 54464 DneId:32303111 Page I Eng-36 ev. 5-22-64) 0 yo Transmit the following in i DIRECTOR, FBI (109-584) (RM) }?sAc, SAN JUAN (109?44) .CASTRO ACTIVITIES . .. FBI Date: 7/23/65 PLAIN CIEXT (Type in plaintexc or? code) AIR (Priority) I, A . 1' 1.1 n?l?d WW led: ?7?th IL - MI waves mac} Enclosed for the Bureau and Miami are 10 and 2 cop .es {0-0an r444 'respectively of a letterhead memorandum dated and captioned. as A above, suitable for dissemination.. .A "Shark July 20, (1 - I SIZE: INTO, Coast Guard and Customs. Bureau (lO9~ 584 2 Miami (105?1742 9 - San Juan (lO9?4( 105-5 ~97-18 :sdh SJ T-l is ENRIQUE CASADO CUERVO, Master of the who arrived in Puerto Rico from the Dominican Repub.:.ic I965, and who requested that his identity be concealed. Local dissemination is being made to ONI, INS, 4LL INFORMATION CONTAINED - IS UNCLASSIFIED MAW - DAT 7 7:75 IMAM . SORONDOI 59/? 341 965 VARONA) DOMSIT IEnc 1) 109?12-211 Enc 2) (RM) 10 -613) 13-823 134?800 134-814 IATILA 105-6242 W105 367I 394 (DOMSIT Amn3nEcoRnAn - 174 A40. 4 1955 /39Hj/U/d C0 Op . IWQ 4.42:? 4.. Jute? A: van? 1/473 455234? . W1 I I NH 54464 by routing or info. Cams 444/ LANAIIK x?Special Agent in Charge: . ASent Per Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: Identi? cation Form 5/21/20] Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10283?10126 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105?1 14543-25 6 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, WMFO TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 08/30/1965 PAGES 26 SUBJECTS JURE, ACA, GENERAL ASSEMBLY, FL, DELEGATES DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 05/04/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE . leased under the Kennedy COMMENTS I INC LHM saassinatinn Renoir-:13 :nllectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 2107 Note]. :ase#:NH 54454 Date: v9.1 1 1 NH 54464 Page I 1; 1 @weww; 1" . 1 . I 65New York, Richmond, San Juan and Tampa fer infOrmation I NH 54464 Page 2 Egg. ?0 I I . 11:} 1 - I I . UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT . Memorandum - . - . - .- AUG 301965 To 1 FBI 1; FROM SAC, (105?52281) (RUG) JUNTA REVOLUCIONARIA CUBANA (JURE) IS CUBA . 1. MM) . 34.? Enclosed herewith are 12 copies to the 1 1 1Bureau, two copies to Miami and one cepy each to Birmingham, Boston, Chicago, Indianapolis, Jacksonville,_ Los Angeles, of an LHM together with memorandum of evaluation da1;e?d and oaptioned as above 611? 1 I - The informant referred to in the enclosed is PEDRO FERNANDO ENTENZA ESC BAR, (134-6094) who . furnished the :1h?formation to A JOHN G. G0EDTEL.I. Original _copies of material in Spanish fun?iShed by PSI as well as the translations of this gaterial are being malntained 1 in the capt1o1ned case file. The tganslation of the material .119 ~-was by SE amaonn P. FOLE WFO .1. C) BELOW INFORMATION CONTAINEQ: - Bureau (End, 12) HE 1; .. Birmingham (Enc..1) (Info) (RM) . _l .- Bo?Ston (1mm. 1) (Info) (RM). . i BYW 1- 1 '--;Chicago (Em:e (Info) (RM) (9?86? 55/ my kJ?/ Indianap61is (Info) (RM) SEE F6556 SEMI: 33 '1 ?EJacksonv?le (Enc. 11) (Info) (RM) ?15361. . 1 aims Angeles (E110. (Info) (RM) ?2 - Miami (I05 6661) (E1116. 2) (RM) I 1 - new Y6rk (105- 42570) (Info) (Eric. 1) (RM) 1 elRichm'ond (Enc. 1) (Info) (RM) .. . 11 ?1'san' Juan (105- 6242) (Eric. 1) (RM) - - ?1 1 1 Tampa (105-1843) (lain) (Enc. 1) (1111/) .3 5 g: 511"1134-6094Izuuawr/?p? {ag?pn/rog 31. mm5_ 3 (.16) 1- Copy to. CIA/State/m 1 :M?ai?v . . . 4 al/[am 17? 1 byIIe routin' or info JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/21/201 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10283?10134 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 105-114543-263 . Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: GEARY, GERALD LEWIS TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 10/20/1965 PAGES: 10 SUBJECTS JURE, ACA, TX DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 05/04/1998 leased under the Jehn Kennedy OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE inet ien Re .3 rde elleetien Act ef 1992 COMMENTS [44 use 2107 Nete]. 54464 Date: 0?10?2017 WI NH 54464 DueId:32303122 13 Page I '7 . - I - ?111.51.?. I . I, Report of SA WALLACE HEITMAN dated 2/10/65 at Da11as.. RUC Informant Location DL TCI - p31 . MANUEL RODRIGUEZ . . ORCARBERRO . ADMINISTRATIVE: the JURE has been reactivitated in the Dallas area. ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED IS UNL LAICIAHAED Pending Over One Year? DISSEMINATION RECORD OF ATTACHED REPORT I ?5 7 J3- myta' ?BIA/State Jet 3147/ 3 REQUEST - . DATE FWD. 130m - I?by fay-111 J14 if] (K5- I 3%?xk A - . i?wm? FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION I REPORTING OFFICE OFFICE OF ORIGIN OATE INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD DALLAS 10/20/65 '8/20 a 10/12/65 .. OF CASE REPORT MADE BY TYPED Ov' .- . SA GERALD LEWIS GEARY atd UNTA REVOLUCIONARIA CUBANA . (CUban Revolutionary Junta) CHARAUER or CASE A (JURE) . IS - . RA CUBA This file will be reopened in six months to determine whet?. Pending ProsecuWon Over - DATE 17/7/55. BY SP??Wf/qcz, A . Six Months COVER PAGE Igg? . . - . . spf?gkAg?z?iNT - DO NOT wan-E IN SPACES I 19 1 I: Bureau (105-11 91;: F. [711 A?kff? 4953; ?2 3 An; 1 . ?22133 . - 2 - INS, Dallas RM . . A 2 - Miami 00?221m? ~9 2111. DaIIas (105?1625) . NH 54464 hunId:32303122 Page 2? (Re 5-1419) I - . FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION OFFICE OFFICE OF ORIGIN . DATE DALLAS MIAMI 10/20/65 '8/20 1 10/12/65 lime or CASE - REPORT mo: BY . SA GERALD LEWIS GEARY atd JUNTA REVOLUCIONARIA CUBANA (Cuban Revolutionary Junta) CHARACTER CASE (JURE) IS - RA Report of SA WALLACE R. HEITMAN dated 2/10/65 at Dallas. - RUC 1W . location PSI 134?332w839 MANUEL RODRIGUEZ 7 - - 7 . - ORCARBERRO ADMINISTRATIVE: This file will be reopened in six months to determine whether the JURE has been reactivitated in the Dallas area. ALL INFORMATION. CONTAAIED I UhthuthItU Pending Over One Year . - Pending Prosecution Over 5-: 7/?5 BYW 99! Six Months COVER PAGE . 5/ q? 1 DO NOT WRITE IN SPACES as ow (fr/g) i COPIES ADE. (a MII Bureau I - Dallas (RM) 2 INS, Dallas (RM) 2 - Miami flwauDallas (105-1625) DISSEMINATION RECORD OF ATTACHED REPORT NOTATIONS I 7..-, ?eourES'r RECD54464 Page 3? JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/21/201 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 7124-10283-10135 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-114543-264, IST NR 264 . Document Informati on ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, WMFO TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 11/05/1965 - PAGES: 8 SUBJECTS JURE, ACA, ASSOC, BULLETIN, ADELANTE DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT I CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact leased under the Jehn DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 05/04/1998 Kennedy OPENING CRITERIA . INDEFINITE lee 1: 1011 A: 1: 1992 COMMENTS: INC LHM, ADMIN PAGE WI US: 2 1m 54464 Date: 0?10?2017 W1 NH 54464 nunId:32303123 14 Page 1 OPTIONAL FORM No. 10 . MAY 1962 EDITION 320-an-13 GSA GEN. REG. NO. 27 T0 DIRECTOR, FBI (105-114543) DATE: 11/5/55 SAC, 11110 (105 ADI. INFORMATION CON REVOLUCIONARIA CUBANA, HEREIN UNCLASSIHED {1/511 0., (JURE, 1:110) (:00 CV54: 1 . BATE . [oil/,2 t/aqg Enclosed herewith are eleven cop.1es Bureau and one copy to Miami for information of an. LEM together with a memorandum of evaluation dated :31 "and captioned as above. 1 3/ . The informant referred to in the LHM is PEDRO -FERNANDO ENTENZA ESCOBAR, PSI (134? 6094) who furnishedr to SA JOHN G. GOEDTEL. was translated by SA 11 110311111111, . . at 1110 NFO has arranged to receive future coe1es of Upon translation will submit in form suitable for dissemination to the Bureau and interested offices data *w deemed pertinent to the activities of JUNE The enc]_osed LEM is classified ?Confi.dential? since the 1nformat1on contained there1n could reasonably result in the ident1f1cation of an informant of continuing value and com11romise his future effectiveness. 4? \E?Jax Bureau 11454 3; 1? Migmi (Enc. 1)(105 1111 Pkg} (1m 134~6094) (5) ~31 to: 101111319 for 11110.1 $542?. AQ?p?7_bm?/ ?au?k$ NH 54464 Page 2? JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 4/22/20] . Agency Informati on AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 0228 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-80291-9 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FRONE TITLE: DATE: 10/29/1959 . PAGES: 2 SUBJECTS . DEB, TRA, ASSOC, POLIT, CUBA, ACA, FINANCES, JHO, WAM DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed 4 CURRENTSTATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 05/26/1998 OPENING CRITERIA: INDEFINITE leaSEd under the J?hn - Kennedy CONHWENTS: Eaassinatinn Recurda allectinn Act of 1992 (44 USC 210? Note]. a3e#:NH 54%63 Date: WI 54463 Du?Id:32303216 29 Page 1 . 3f :w-a indicted m?kargas ?53? 352ng My mated 23$ Ra? grafwgandzy 23-st3 with magma 3 sea farm m. is}; 31$? 428?5 Enamaw w? 4:6: 24? A: 3% .9Tj?ir:5??f mags; $63465 a?gmay 7 [63:2 ?ha'mgw gummy gym. and ammz??an- pm Sai- Ea? mg; 31.9%} investiga?a? by ?mimma in with m-?mwmpam bribery .af ?c'mgwm Mam; 'waj?ca ?3 39 Emma- bfgim ma @anmag- mam ,Wz'uf?m A2 wand?m?argmg ta jaw-Mn mvozua?g?amry -, .w if; 2753- ?amim?aan Gen?mz 09322.9 . ?gisi?s; we saubj?izat $1525 950, 34% Margcm? Egan mm ei- Eubjeafmy haw at.? Marga? has?mcg-e frzfalmawm DucId:32303216 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: Identi?cation Form 4/22/20] Agency Information FBI AGENCY RECORD NUMBER: 124?10283-1023 1 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 105?80291-12 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, CV TO: Eleased under the John I Kennedy Eaassinatinn Recurda - allectinn Act of 1992 :44 USC 210? Note]. ase#:NH 5?%63 Date: DATE: 11/13/1959 0?13?3017 PAGES 1 i SUBJECTS DEB, TRA, FINANCES, AIRPLANES DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST. REVIEW 05/26/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS v91 NH 54463 30 Page 1 FD-36 (Rev. 12113-56) FBI Date: I 11/13/59 Transmit the following in PLAIN TEXT . . (Type in plain text or code) Via AIRTEL AIR MAIL - - (Priority or Method of Mailing) i 1. TO: FBI (105-80291) ?QEfif FROM: SAC, CLEVELAND (105-3877) RE: DOMINICK ?gmm??m? CONTMNEB IS .. CUBA J41. SEHED REGISTRATION ACT - CUBA :mm?igz, hm?35=wwi Us) Be Cleveland airtel to Bureau, 10/23/59. 7 On 11/12/59, advised SA 11?. CLARK FULLER that on {71,9 11/11/59, subject stated he was going "South", on Saturday, 1 11/14/59, for about two weeks. Informant also advised ?y that subject is badly in need of working capital. 3 It is noted that subject has claimed tohave ten Globemaster- planes left to dispose of-and may have ?a residence in Coral 11- Gables, Florida. Investigation centinuing. 1 are I 1 3? Bureau (RM) we?! 5 3 - Miami (10572006) 4 - Cleveland 1 105?3363 Isms - 92?179 1 - 137-691 1?]?if?? 55? 31-50;. 18/1359 (Approved: Sent ~Pe?r - Spe?/Agent in Charge - Kg \m?ici A EH 54463 DucId:32303219 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 4/22/201 Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-1028340234 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER Document Informati on ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, NY I TO DIRECTOR, FBI under the John Kennedy elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. DATE5 12/14/1959 5411453 Date: . PAGES 2 SUBJECTS: DEB, BKG, CREDITCHECK, ARREST, TRANSPORT, ARMS, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, ASSOC, AIR DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Con?dential RESTRICTIONS 18 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 05/26/1998 A OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS 31 54463 DueId:3230322? Page 1 STANDARD FORM no. 64 . - Q?w?e Mam To DIRECTOR, FROM SAC, NEW YORK (105-38129) {71% SUBJECT: DOMINICK EQBARTONE IS - CUBA . 1 RA - CUBA (00: Miami) Re Miami report 10/14/59 and Miami letter, 11/30/59.. ReNYlet to Bureau, 12/9/59, cc to Miami, captioned, . POLITICAL MATTERS - CUBA Review of NYC indices reflects that Miami is in possession of all pertinent data appearing therein relative to the sdnect. 1 Records of the Credit Bureau of Greater New YOrk and the Bureau of Criminal Identification, were caused: -to be a 1 checked on 10/30/59 and 11/2/59 by 10 ALFRED G. ENNU-LAT and SA AUGUST J. MICEK, respectively, with negatiVe results. - . SA AUGUST MICEK caused records of the Bureau of Special Services, to be checked 11/5/59,Qand their records reflect only that the subject had been arrested for his connection with attempt to transport arms illegally to the Dominican Republic and that a hearing was to be held on 3 On 11/18/59, ALFREDO HERNANDEZ Leibnceal identity), former Cuban Consul General in NYC, who reliable 1" stisN that information in the past, advised SA FRANCIS J. he did not know the subject and could furnf?h ne=rnformation about him. I "i I On 12/11/59? ggE 0 has:?1 furnished relia ed 0 FILED IN 0611131111111 11 111111223 EXCEPT ECORDED GOPY is .1. est @5213 information in the peg! that he did not tie know th sub ct and could furnish no information abouth 2? 33425 8 Je . 1 4% ??4L1,f 1 Bureau (105?80291) (RM) <28? MW 2 - Miami (105-2066) (RM) 90 4&6921 16 19116 a! 1 - New York (105 38129) GMTREUWUZ Lieu-1,0311 {1,111. mm g: HJM1mfw I dq5d DEC. 2.11 54453 Page 2 JFK Assassination System 7 . Date: 4/28/20} Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124?10284-10086 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105-85440?31, 32 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: DIRECTOR, FBI TO SAC, MM Eleased under the Kennedy saassinatinn Recurda nllectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. . DATE 02/03/1969 aseatmm 5411253 Date: PAGES: 10 SUBJECTS: MAB, ASSOC, CONDOM, FRANK, BUSS, POLIT, CUBAN EXILES, TRAINING CAMP DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 08/28/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM V91 . 34 NH 54463 DunId:323035?4 Page 1 NH 54463 IBureau. EA '.6ther logical sources. I MM 105?2617 Miami will withhold any dissemination of this LHM On a 10Cal basis, pending instructions of the ReBulet reflected CIA do not have an operational interest in L1 MM T-l 13 RICARDO MORALES AVARETTE, MM T-2 is ALEX NEUBURGER, InvestigatOr, Welters, Constanzo and Moore, Attorneys, Ainsley Building, Miami. MM if): MORALES advised ARTIME has offered him the position as Chief of Intelligence for this new operation. Pursuant -to request 6f ARTIME, MORALES supplied him with 15 naMes of prospective recruits into the intelligence unit. ARTIME has requeted 10 additional names. MORALES is in an excelle osition to obtain info re any further developments. Copies of this LHM are being designa ted fer New York, Newark, Tampa and San Juan for info purposes,? in view of the possibility that ARTIME may attempt recruitment activities in those cities if his plans are carried along any further.k4 . - A MIAMI: AT MIAMI, MLORIDA u- Will maintain close Contact with MORALES and 25 7' DneId:32303514 Page 2 A N?s: JFK Assassination System Date: Identi?cation Form 4/28/20] Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10284?1 0092 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105-85440?3 8, 39 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE - under the Jehn Kennedy 0881?976 DllECtiDn Act Of 1992 7 USC . Eases Date: SUBJECTS: 0?13?3017 MAB, ACA, TRA, RES, BUSS, FISUR, TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS . DOCUMENT PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION 2 Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 08/20/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFTNITE COMMENTS INC TTY, ADMIN PAGE v91 NH 54463 36 Page 1 - if?? T, A 3. Aucnwnalmut. {42qu?i?f??agg?gi?? 33934} I'uAssoc. Dir11.53:? NMOSM 568B 14% f, ET 359:5. Ext. Affairs RR HI Fin. 3 Gen. inv. MM Ident. Inte?ll. Laboratnrv Legal Cum]. 12323 MBZ NOV 76 Plan 11 .J.. 54- -21 WE 2M Rec. Mgmt. . i, Spec. Inv: 5 Training BT33 ROUTINE Telephone Rm. m} - Director Sec?y ST T: A: @0 5293 PSTUDJ IS - CUBA -w 1 Lb? Saw .iJ?i ACA RE NIANI TELETYPE TO THE BUREAU BATED AUGUST 51, 1976. THE BUREAU IS REQUESTED To PSIUD A THE MTATAI CONVERTING MA 5295 A POI INASNUCH fsouRcS) TS IN A TU FURNISH INFOR- 3 . I NATION CONCERNING VIOL THE NEUTRALITY DURING THE MONTHS AND UCTUBER) 1976, SOURCE HAS FUR- NISHED INFURMATIUN REGARDING THE BRIGADE 25BS, AN ORGANIZATION .- A: 5, 151.. L0 JV WHICH HAS NOW ALLIED ITSELF) NITH FOUR OTHER f?l TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS FOR THE (BABOTAGE THE REPUBLIC OF CUBA AND THUSE . 24 NOV 1519'! COUNTRIES HAVING RELATIONS UTTH CUBA IN VIOLATION OF THL 7 (NEUTRALITY ENTIA .v . A NH 54463 Page 2 PAGE quxmm-154 cowg?g?i?AL UACB, 41441 IS cums A 157-424. CLASSIFIED BY 7129, 4, INDEFINITE. -BT I PLS HOLD-FOR ONE MORE NH 54463 Page 3 a. .1. . ?3 52/ Assoc. Dir. A .. 'ij' Dep.-A.D.-Adm._ .. R33 . a" QFES H. tlhrAdm. Serv. A x? u_ Wt" mm0428 24523119101? comm: JED IdelIE ?5 - EERETTW ?113323 $11.13: I CL .3 33:1 Laborato i RR ?1 cmSS- mm 6qu MR 391550? .. 30%? 5 ?m RRMRIRR 5122472 AUG 75 FREE Qaephoni Rm. FR 211:3) 3131:]? (if T0 IRECIOR Rou? . I Raw/Bf RE MIAMI CONFIDENTIAL TELETYPE CAPTIONED RUIZ H..- MAM .. . HERNANDEZ, AKA MANUEL ALLEN, JR., GASPAR EUGENIO JIMENEZ GUSTAVG CASTILLO, AKA ARMANDO LOPEZ- ESTRADA ATTEMPT TO KIDNAP CUBAN CONSUL, NERIDA, YUCATAN, MEXICO, JULY 25, i976; DANIEL FERRER FERNANDEZ-VICTIM. NEUTRALITY MARIERS4f) CAPTIONED SYMBOL NUMBER HAS BEEN A SIGNED T5 . MTIME UESA KN5NN IN THE U. 5. AS MANUEL . 5A8 PREVIOUDLY CARRIED IN MIAMI AS MM 5295 PCI IN MIAMI 1 I 5 DATED OCTOBER 5, 1975, 5F VOLUNTEERED WHICH WAS FORWARDED T5 HANDLING. I: QC: 976 11 NH 54463 Page 4 a r. INO ME 154 EITAQSZN OAR . ARTIME IS NON VFORMATIUN RELATIVE TO THE MATTER. HE HAS AGREED TO ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND NILL BE HANDLED BY SA SINECIO OUTIERREZ, HE IS PRACTICINO CONSULTANT IN AT MT. SINAI BEACH, FLORIDA. HONEVER, HE NILL ALSO EURNSIH INFORMATION CONCERNING CURRENT ANTI-CASTRO ACTIVITIES PRINCIPALLY -EMINAIINO OUT OF THE MIAMI, FLORIDA AREA, CURRENTLY THE ANTI CASTRO IERRORIST ORGANIZATION, NENLY FORMED IN THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, HEADED BY DR. ORLANDO BOSCH. ARTIME WORKED CLOSELY CIA IN THE ATTEMPTED INVASION 0F CUBA IN NON RESIDINO IN MIAMI, FLORIDA, AT 127% N. E. 85TH TERRACE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, TELEPHONE 751-1273. HE ALSO OPERATES-A SHOE BUSINESS UUT UF HIS HUME, TELEPHUNE 751-5579 (BUSINESS PHONE). ARTIME NAS DISCONTINUED As A PCI IN 1975 BECAUSE OF DIFFICULTY IN CONTACTING HIM, HONEVER, HE HAS BEEN DESIGNATED A PSICUD) IS-CUOA OF HIS DISPOSITION TO COOPERATE CONCERNING THE CORU TERRORIST ORGANIZATION NHEN HE NAS OUERIED AT THE MIAMI OFFICE ABOUT HIS PARTICIPATION IN CORU ACTIVITIEs, THE RESULTS OE HIS INFORMATION HAVE BEEN EORNARDED TO THE BUREAU IN MIAMI IELEIYPE. I 3 . BI i HOLD NH 54463 Page 5 NH 54463 . A A - 41DR. ARTIME BUESA . MIAMI 85TH TERRACE, 51; . 134-2110 . SGT - 'xg?rk 6 "7"?95 A 17035+ 36:45 3 - 07% 6?6" DucId:32303530 Page 6 JFK Assassination System Date: 5/1 1/201 Identi?cation Form ?Agency Information under the Jehn Kennedy elleetien Act of 1992 AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10284-10391 RECORD HQ [44 DEC Ell]? Note]. I EJHEIZI Date: AGENCY FILENUMBER: 2-1566-IST NR 1 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 10/22/1959 7 SUBJECTS PDL, ACA, CONVENTION, AMERICAN SOCIETY OF TRA, BOMBING, MIL AIRCRAFT, TERRORIST ACT, HAVANA, CUBA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS 'Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 05/15/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC MEMO W1 1 54460 Page 1 MungHAS 59:; U5 43131333443? 5 31.: 01.: a: 13.. Gazzd'yuwg; 2* H. M343 m2: E434 . 4, 2.45sz 3" 4QN u: mmuwmm .mztm :Jm?vc-Ts m1?. K, PW /a2j7 x; #41142 37% - tau I it?; NH 5446i] Page 2 ..W ARTICLE AL DISCLOSED TNIS RFVOLUTIONARY FORCES. ?i?gnIAz NONMEL, . OEO TWENTYFIVE PL SIX i NAANTN AIRPORT, '3 AND RETURNED NINT P.M. 75 CHIEF OF CUBAZJAIR FORCE, AYATPOMPANO FOUR P.N., P.M.: CITY TRON FAST, OVER NANIANAOAA SANTO PAGE TNO Iia? FIDEL CASTRO PERSONALLY NAJONFNUSYNT MATOS, TSCONMANDANT 0F ICNACIO ACNANONTT ARMY POST IN CANACUTY WHO UA SUSPECTED 0F LEADING A RFVOLT WITVIN THY ARTICLE DISCLOSED THAT DROPPED WERE SIGNFD BY COMMANDANT PEDRO LUIS FORMER CHIEF OF CUBAN AIR FORCE. a. PCT, OYOONT NAYINC LEARNED THAT A JFK, LBEARING SFRIAL NUMBFR NINF EIGHT LOTFD BY PEDRO LUIS DEPARTFD FLA., N. TNIS MORNING DIA7, LAST INTERVIFWEWW MIAMI AGENTS AND YOLLOUINC INFORMATIGN AOYISTD OF HIS DEPARTFD TWENTY P.M., DIAZ PILOTED ABOVE PLANE, ARRIVED HAVANA RETURNING NF FLYING AT FIFTEEN HUNDRED-FOOT VEDADO AND BUENA NH 54460 DucId:32303319 Page 3 CAME WfW?aff?A.?C CNANLTS .BOMB: .a NH 5446i] Page 4 . .. . . ,wlp. ?rr?vOWI?rm-m ?w W- a, ?Nana-.EXACT LGCATION UNKNOWN To sonnet. ?seuhcr_STAT?D?l NH 5446i] Page 5 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/11/201 Agency Information Eleased under the John AGENCY FBI . Kenn-2 :13: RECORD NUMBER: 124-10284-10401 ssassination Records allectinn Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [44 use 2107' Note] . 541450 Date: AGENCY FILENUIVIBERI 2-1566-12TH NR 1 0?03?2017" Document Information ORIGINATOR 2 FBI FROM MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 10/25/1959 2 SUBJECTS [Restricted] DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed I RESTRICTIONS 4 . CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 05/15/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS v9.1 NH 54460 Page 1 .- . . ,prII ifMT. WCSulh-van 7? 5 RI PP EST SAC, PIAPI p? RI AP..I CARIRO ACTIVITIES.- Is DASH REURTEL LAST CANCERRIRG DEPARTMENT REQUEST IDENTITY, A AVAILABILITY AND PILLIPPRESR Io TESTIFY 0F ALCIDES DE LOS .IAM I I .REYES. DE LOS REYES IR cuRA AND RICAPR U.I CITIZEN RATURALIZAIIRR NINETEEN FORTY.I IS I0 PRACTICE RESIDENCE Les ANCELES, CALIF. PAS IN CURA PRC. . ARA HAS WIDE ACAUAINIAPCE ANTI CASTRO LEADERS, I;,jiIfIfj? APPITS SIPPAIRRIIC Io APII CASTRO MOVEMENT, RUI DENIER PRAIOPAL QUESTIONABLE ACTIVITY. HAS FURNISHED CONSIDERABLE Ad .J 57.1RI0RPAIIGN Io MIAMI CPRPIDENIIAL BASIS, RELIEVED RRLIARLE. I- THIS PAIR AND SIATRR PILL CONTINUE FURNISH INIR IR PVC "1 I FBI 0N CAPIIAIPIIAL AAsxs. UPPIILIPC TESTIFY APR HAVE IDENTITY . As FEARS -21FEDERAL BUREAU I -IIr.IIolsOnrr 3 DEPARTMENT OF 1&3" - 11%? 1339:1101? I. oac . COMMUNICATIONS SECTION I . If I 2? -I 59-3: MCGulre I I - Mr. Mohr 2 5 1959 . Mir-Parson?s. m- ?Pf. I Mr :Rosenm?? . - Mr. Tmttermng . Tale Room-.4 -, I Mr. H0110 unanI; Gandy To DIRECTOR7.). MEDICINE STATE IGF. CALIF. . IS-I VETERAN USAF, WORLD II. T0 JUNE TWENTY, AFTER CASTRO I If? . A - OVER PAR TWICE IPPRISRPID APR ACCUSED BY CARI 0? ux-FI BEINC CGUNTER RAP PREP 77 A man?1mg: W31 I If: Pia? IRA PR0 PAS PREP IN FIRM-IA: i 4 I 4 i II: RPIAIPED it 1 PP PP ONE-A I AIREI i 133; 0 DATE FEW NH 5446i] Page 2 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/11/20] Agency ?Informati on under the Jenn AGENCY FBI Kennedy RECORD NUMBER: 124-10284-10402 ssassinatien Records elleetien Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ Hi1 USC 210? Note] . . 54960 Date: AGENCY FILENUMBER: 2-1566-13TH NR 1, 14TH NR 1 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 10/25/1959 PAGES 13- SUBJECTS [Restricted] DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 05/15/1998 1 OPENING CRITERIA TNDEFINITE COMMENTS INC TTY v9.1 NH 54460 Page 1 Air. FEDERAL BUREAU OF M, Mom u. 3. DEPARTMENT OF Mr, parson?f' CUNNUNESATIBNS SEBTEON Mr. Rosen: - A . Mr. Tamm llr.{Fr0ttvr . NOT 2 5 1959 Mr, Womam 1, Tele. I 7 - Mr. :3 WWE MISS Gangs? ?In-m1}! . 1; quf 9-06 pm KNG ALL ED T0 RECTOR r31 - f) . A g. 01* ANTI - FIDEL CASTRO ACTIVITIES, Is CUBA. RECALL IRON ASSISTANT DIRECTOR BELMONT ANO-NITEL EARLIER TODAY. FOLLONINO ADDITIONAL If. :5 INVE IGATION CONDUCTED TODAY TO VERIFY STATEMENTS OF- PEDRO LUISI 8 I?ib (?35 :2 E: IAZ LANZ: CHIEF OF CUBAN AIR FORCE, AND ASSOCIATES, RR THEIR LEAFLET DROPPING FLIGHT OVER HAVANA ON OCTOBER TWENTY DIAZ LANZ VOLUNTARILY ACCORPANIED AGENTS TO REHMERT WERNER AIRPORT, FLORIDA, WERE-B: TWENTY FIVE, SERIAL NINE EIGHT. SEVENTSI-X DASH IS BASED. RE. UNLOCKED AND PERMITTED CONPLETE EXAMINATION 0F PLANE.- EXAMINATION REVEALED NO PRESENT TRACE OF NEAPONS, On I IT. IS NOTED RECULAR: BOMB RAY IS NOH- PITT-ED NITH PERMANENT RUGGAGE RACK WHICH COVERS ENTIRE OPEN AREA .OF BONE BAY WITH EXCEPTION Or THREE FOOT SPACE THROUGH ONION ADMITTED LEAFLETS WERE INRONN. HE.POINTED OUT II wAs INPOSSIOL CARRY BONDS IN PLANE WITH LUGGAGE RACK IN PLACE ANYTHING OTHER THAN LEAFLETS WERE DROPPED. A OF EXTERIOR or PLANE REFLECTS NO OULLEI HOLES 02 FLAK MILITA RY PAGE 0th 9531mm1n?n Page 2 . 1/ Pkrid??av J=t4TRTA PAALISRED THE CUAAN PEOPLE, WITHGU bfv~ u_succ333.- 3TATEA HA FELT HE AAs THEREFORE FORCED T0 DROP COPIES AT A3 THERE AA3 NO WAY LEFT To PET HIS MESSACE TRE CUAAN - PEOPLE. AITA REFERENCE Te ALLEAATIAN MAPE AT PCI AILLIAA HDRMEL, TN MIAMI TELETYPE TGDAY, THAT DIAZ ALso FORTY six, PAT, AND PC THREE DIAZ LANE STATED THAT FRANK FIORINI DID 9AA A 31x UNTIL APPROXIMATELY ONE AGO AAEN *9 AT AAs SOLD T0 AIRLINE IN CHICAGG, NAME 0F AHICH HE CANNOT RECALL, PARTY THOUSAND BGLLARS. BENIES POSSESSION OF ANY PLANE AEXCEPT TAENTY FIVE MENTIAATP MASSEY, THE GTRAR -LINE SERVICE EMPLOYEE MENTIANEP AAGAA ARA ALLEGEBLY AASAAVTP AEINC LOADED AAOARA PLAAE, x3 PAEENTLY 0N EXTENDED TRIP. ARRANCEMENTS MADE To INTERVIEA IMMEDIATELY UPGN 3 3A. I AUREAU AILL A3 KEPT APVTSAP 0F PERTINENT T-CEAA AND ACK PLS A I BPWONTLDADIACAA . NH 5446i] Page Mr. Tolson I r. Debauch? Mr. McGuire Mr. Mohr Mr. Parsons Mr. Rosen Mr. Tomm Mr. Trotter Tele. Room Q?l?f 1'7 Mr. 110110an OCTOBER 24 FROII ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OELIIONT OF SCREAII ANO FROII SAC TEASOE TO ASSISTANT OIRECTOR BELMONT. ON EVEN-INC OCTOSER 24 1RTERV1EWEB AT 120 SR 71 AVENUE, RN fie? FURA11SHED FQLLORI-NG ADD1T10RAL 1HFORRAT1OR. LEAFLET 1 . 51am}: A, FLIOIIT OF OCTOSER 21 LAST NAS JOINT ENTERPRISE OF ASOVE PERSONS g; ONOER LEADERSHIP PEDRO OIAZON BEHALF OF 26 OF ANTI COMMUNIST A NOT SPECIFIC RNONLEOOE OR-INOVRIENT. PEORO DIAZ PLANNED RECEIPT OF INFORMAH 011 CONCERNWG BY E1DEL CASTRG GE MAJOR HUBERTD MATOS CAUSED U1AZ TD DATE AND CHANGE TARGET FROM TU PURPOSE OF. I- LEAELET 1NG FLIGHT A1113 T0 PREPARE PUBLIC 0131111011 1N FAVGR OF 25 OF JULY ANT1 CASTRO MOVEMENT ARE TO EXPOSE THE CASTRG ma?a/225265247 m: (1.2.2.. 22.2 WW WAN AWARE . i paraphrased an order to protect the Bureau? Systems. .9 1! NH 54461] Page 4 ANTI-FIOEL CASTRO IS-CIISA RE TELEPHONE CALLS 71 NOT RECORDED I i . -. 141 A11) 11 2 1953 I the intelligence contained in the above message 1sseminated outside the Bureau, it is suggested that it be suitably I v' Belmont Mr. W.C . Sullivan 10: 4-6 AM EST RLB .. .-. ?11/115?5 /Gandy? EATER . . 1 =1 . . 51;, I FROII SAC 251030 . . . .- PECRO MN2 PORTER CHIEF OF COSAN AIR FORCE NARI 1 WHERW MARCOS SAW LANZ FORMER INSPECTOR SEN ERAI. 22%? F- ANO ASSISTANT TO PEDRO IN RICAROO LORIE VALLS, FORMER 3* E. JULY 26 IIOVERENT UNOEROROONO MOVEMENT LEADER IN FRANK A 8 ANTHONY AKA FRANK FIORIAII, IIS CITIZEN FORIIER RAILS SROLINO NEIISER JULY 26 IIOVEIIENT IN ANO CARLOS ECHOGOYEN, FOR IER FAR ANO CLOSE ASSOCIATE ABOVE PERSONS. AT OUTSET 1 12.301? INTERVIENS ALL RENE INFORIIEO OF THEIR RIOIITS. PEORO LOIS OIAZ ,1 111 I CONFIRNEO INFORAATIOII FURNISHED SY NIN 22 LAST. HE M, A II I "1 (Elev. 2-9-59) . Mr. Tolson Mr. Belmont Mr. DeLoqcl'I Mr. McGuire Mr. Mohr Mr. Parsons Mr. Rosen Mr. Tamm Mr. Trotter Mr. W.C. Sullivan Tele. Room Mr. Hollomcm . Miss Gandy 56R FROM RAE, MIAMI 251050 HHOIE HOTHIHO RE ILLEOEO-LEHELETO-HEIHO OHOHHEH HIHOEL EOLLHHIHO.HHE IHOIOEHTO HEHOHTEO BY TEHOIHO TO IHHOH OEOIHE ARE HTTOHHTH OE TO OIHOHEOIT Os I CHOTHO EHOIHEEHEO HHO IHOIOEHTO HHOEH I HO OOHHITIOHH SHGULB ANY OH FOLLOHIHO HE HELEHHEO TO SO HOHIO HOST CERTAINLY HLHOE 8 LIFE IH IHHEOIHTE IE EOHHIHHEO TO OHTH IOE HOEHOIEH IT HHOHLO HE OOHE HHOEH THEHE OOHOITIOHH ONLY HEHTEHHEH IHEOHIIHHT HEHT IO HHO HIS IIET HT HIHEOHT BY HOT POLICE. OH SEPTEHHEH I9 19599 9999 TOLO THHT CHIEF OF MU POLICE HLHEIJEHHO OHHE HIH 91,900 99 GET HIEHEL OEL HIHO TO CUBA IT. BEING JHEL HIHO HOHLIOHLLY I-IIOICITEO HIMSELF TO BE AN HHTI OHHIHO LEHOEH AT HIHHI HHO HIS CUBA JULY 25 I959 HETEH HIS LANDED OH HIOHI OOTHIHE HAVANA. TOLO HEL HIHO HHILE IH HIHHI HE HHS LOOHIHO EOE PILOT TO TO 0999 HHO HETOHH HITH ALIEN TO HIHHI OEL PIHO BY .OH SEHTEHHEH.2O, I959, ILHEIJEHHO HOLD. IHEOHIHHT-HE HOULO LIKE UP AN EHHEOITIOH IH HIHMI 0F I00 HEH, HHO A BGAT, HHO TO A LHHOIHO AT A PLACE DESIGNATED IH OOHH HHEHE THE HOOLO HEIZE HLHEIIEHHO SAID HE HOOLO HE OHTIOFIEO IE HE I 20 HEHI HE OHIO HE TO EFFECT THE TYPE 0F THAT OFF BY ALEXANDER MORGAN 0N 3f OR ABOUT AUGUST 8, DATE ALMEIJERASI CUBA AND THREE BOBYGUARBS WENT TO RAUL HEADQUARTERS WHERE RAUL CASTRO CONFIRMED TO BRING AN . . INVASION GROUP CUBA. RAUL SHORES GREAT INTEREST IN THIS AND MARE ARRANGEMENTS TO USE COBA AS HIS HAVANA CONTACT, I DESIGNATED A PRIVATE AIRPORT FUR USE BY TO ENTER AND I DEPART CUBA AND INFORNANT II-AS FURNISHED AN ADDRESS TO BE USED IN If the intelligence contained in the above message is to be disseminated outsuie - ,it is suggested that it be suitably paraphrased in order to protect the Bureau? 3 systems. - IL . I942 NH 54460 Page 5 a? - I: (Rev. 2-9-5 9) AmdeA a a a. Mr. Tolson Mr. Belmont Mr. McGuire Mr. Mohr Mr. Parsons Mr..Rosen Mr. Tamm Mr. Trotter -Mr. WJC. Sullivan Tele. Room Mr. Holloman Miss Gandy PAGE FIVE FROM 3A0, MIAMI 251030 HAVANA AS A NAIL UROR, DURHNITHE SAHE CONVERSATION ALNEIJERAS AND RAUL CASTRO EXHIBITEU INTEREST IN THE ROSSIULITY OF THE ASSASSINATION OR KIDNARRING OF ESTE8.AN VENTURA, FORMER LT COL CUBAN NATIONAL POLICE IN EXILE NIANL SEPTEMBER 28g T959 NH HAS IN CUBA AND NET N.ITH FERNANDO CUBA AND EFICENIO ALNEIJERAS CHIEF CUIAN IAATIONAL POLICE. LATTER INDIVIDUALS IN I CONVERSATI II CAVE INDICATIONS THERE ARE CUUAN AGENTS IN NIAMI INVER ALNEIJEPAS NA SENDING SOMEONE TO HIA.NI EITHER ASSASSIANTE OR AIDNAP ESTEBAN VENTURA ALNEIJERAS UR TO THIS HAS DENIED PERNISSION OF HIS PERSONAL BODYGUARUS TO CARRY OUT NISSION AGAINST VENTURA. ON OCTOBER 10, I9 59 NM AAS IN HAVANA CUBA AND CON.VERSEU NITH EFIOENIO ALNEIJERAS UHO AGAIN DISCUSSED NITH INFORNANT HIS DESIRE THAT INFORHA IIT LEAD EXPEUITION FROM THE US TO CUBA AND AGAIN EXPRESSED A GREAT DESIRE TO SEIZE THIS EXREUITION UPON ITS ARRIVAL IN CUBA ON ABOUT OCTOBER- 20,, 1959, UN 639as RECEIVED A TELEPHONE CALL FRON COIA NHO UAS CALLING FRON CUBA COCA HAD PREVIOUSLY CALLEU THE GREEN MANSIONS HOTEL IN AN EFFORT TO CONTACT LYNN BAIR A MIAMI PILOT ENOAUED IN ALIEN UNUGCLING BAIR HAO MOVED AND CUBA COULU NEW LOCATE HIN. CUBA TOLD INFORHANT TO OFFER PROPOSITION TO NAIR NIH HCH NOULU INVOLVE DELIVERING EVELIO ALPIZAR PEREZ TO CUBA ALRIZAR FORNER CUUAN AIR FORCE PILOT NON ENCAGEU IN ALIEN A-NU GUN HUGULINC AND NCRKINC FOR ROLANDO HASFERRER, FORNER CUUAN SENAT OR RESIDING IN NIANI THIS WOULD BE SNRE SITUATION AS WHEN Mr. DeLQach CUBA DELIVERED COBA OFFERED THIS ASSIGNMENT TO INFORMANT If the intelligence contained in the above message is to be disseminated outside the Bureau, it is suggested that it be suitably paraphrased order to protect the Bureau' 3 systems. NH 5446i] Page 6 - .Mr.Tolson Mr. Belmont DECODED cow ?iz?z??hm Mr. Mohr . Mr. Parsons Mr. Rosen Mr. Tamm Te leiype Mr. Trotter Mr. W.C. Sullivan Radio Tele. Room' [fi?pEGE Em 251831 gE-Hg?ogcn EE EE 22E EE ESLELEE E2, EE EI-H Er 22E CHEEF QUEEN EstEGEE CEETEO EE :9 GEE REE. EGEE EE EE .. MEET TE Elm EE n, LEE EE .225 LL.- EE ES THAT .EE THEE EET: EEILES EE HE LEE. ELEE TEE-LE Ev GEE EE EE E: EEGEE EE ELEE EVEN 1E3, Em HE EE 2E. EBEWE ELE-E Er- 2 E: Em E: LEE=11:LEEFLETS EE ELEE ET contained in the above message is to disseminated outside the Bureau, it is suggested that it be suitably eryp tograg'?i 0 tems. LA NH 5446i] Page I 1 l5? 4-41 (Rev. 2-9-59lhudio A 1 M. Mr. Tols?on? Mr. Belmont . McGuire Mr. Mohr . Mr. Parsons Mr Rosen Emit": we; Mr. Tamm LEE Teletype Mr. Trotter Tele. Room Mr. Hollomun Miss Gandy PAGE SEVEN FROM SEC, Mite: 251030 AIRPORT BEEN EMVOLVED IN THAT IT HAS LEFT ABOUT 5 PM AND RETURNED ABOUT 9 PM THAT HORMEL ASKEI WHO HAS PILGTED PLANE ARC HIM P5830 DIAZ LANZ. THEREAFTER WENT QUT T0 DOWN NUMBER. THEREAFTER CAME TO AND FURNISHED IEFO T0 RESENTLY UNDER INDICTMENT ON ATU CHARGE TRANSPOQTIEG ARMS BY C?f; UNBEREAY TO WATCHMAN ABQVE AT WHICH FINE H18 AND TO.TESTIFY HILL BE DETERMINED. DRE ABLE FGR NIGHT UCTDBER 24, BUT BE CONTACTED RE HIS AVAILABILITY AND WILLINGNESS TO TESTIFV. RE ALLEGEE DROPPING OF LEAFLETS OVER HAVANA BY PRESS TELEPHONE CALL 8:40 PM OCTOBER 24 ALLEGIMS PLANE LEAFLETS DESTENED OFF FROM 8TH-STBEET AIRPORT AT 10 AUTHORITIES GAVE TO 8TH STREET MIAMI.WITH NEGATIVE RESUETS, OTHER RE OCTOBER 24, a PM REPORTED LEE INS THRGUGH SOURCES IN HAVANA, CUBA GOVERNMENT.WAS FOR EXTRAEITIONAOF PEDRO DIAZ LANZ IQ CUBAE AT BEACH TO LANZ ET AL SET our ABOVE. BUREAU waLL BE OCTOEER 2 - . . 11:51 AM TELETYPE - 11:53 AM coarme UNIT BLH If the intelligence contained in the above message is to.be disseminated outside the Bureau, it is suggested that it be suitably paraphrased order to protect the Bureau?s systems. NH 5446i] Page 3 piconto (on vx AA 24? CDUNTY PUBLLC ANONYMOUS Mr. W.C. Sullivan I A . A JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/ 1 1/201 Agency Information Eleased under the John AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-1 0284- 10403 RE ?1.1m? . ssasslnatlnn Records HQ nllectiun Act of 1992 . [44 USC Nate]. AGENCY FILENUMBER: 2-1566-15THNR1 a??mm 54%] Date: n?na?2017 4 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 10/25/1959 2 SUBJECTS [Restricted] DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 05/15/1998 i OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS v9.1 NH 54460 Page 1 ., . 'mGig: u. 3 DEPARTMENT DFJUSUCE 27 ?2 Ijic. COMMUMCATIONS I a 1i?! I 'qu parsonhmm A Mr. RegenOCTZIA 5 @539 Take: 10?35 59 55.I 4 PG KGG 373555f317 iiub DIRECTGR, FBI ?9 SAC: MIAMI 25 . FIDEL CAGIGU OCT. FGUR LAST CGNCERNINF DEPARTMENT REGUEGT FQR IDENTITY, AVAILAGILITY ANA WILLINPNESS or PCI CHARLES NILLIAG HORNEL TG TESTIFY To DATA I.-GARE-GU OF INVESTIGATION . 7 HE GET. TGIG TWO LAST RE FLIPHT 6F PEDRO LUIS DIAZ LANZ. an?; HGRMEL MG FILE TGG GAGA ONE NINE EICHT, GU FILE GNE ZERO FIVE r; GAGA GIK NINE SIX FOUR EICHT.I HOAGEL, PILGT, AEGIDEG SEVEN EIFHT ZERO THREE STREET, MIAMI, FLA., GORGI FEE. FIVE, ONE GINE GNG FOUR, OHIO, IS SOLDIER OF FORTUNE ADMITTED il?f A TWENTY EICHT TRIPS To CUGA GITH ARMS AND AMMUNITION r03 I GATIGTA REBELS. INDICTED 3. DISTRICT CGUAT, SEPT. ONE SEVEN LAST 0G CHARGE ILLEGALLY TRANSPORTING ARMS TGGN s. HAG FGI IBENTIFICATION THREE THREE ZERO NINE . :5 Im1 ?xa 15 - 2, TWO UNIDENTIFIED WATCHMEN PGMPANO AIRFIELD ADVIQEB HIM . II '5 WTER ELEVEN TWENTY PM, OCT. TWENTY ONE WHEN HORMEL LANDED <1 ?23 HERE, GUGTE DIAZ UNGUGTG HAD TAKEN GFG IN ABOVE IDENTIFIED TGENTG IVE AGOUT FIVE PM, OCT. LAGT, AND END PAGE A NH 5446i] Page 2 .4nd3:17. w?uni? .. I vv PACE TUB RETURNED ANGUT NINL PM SAME STATED NATCNNEN {1 LOADED IN DASH TNENTY FIVE.T HORMEL ADVISED a. or DAGH FIVE, CHECKEE PLANEEFGRC-ULLETE HOLES, FINDING NGNE. STATED PLANE PAINTED CRAY WITH ?iC NUMNEN PAINTED 8N FUSELAPE RATHER THAN WINES. HORMEL STATE, ADVISED DIAZ MAKES QUGTE FREQUENT TRIPS UNQUGTE IN DASH TN F1 RETURNINC PGMPANG NEACN IN THREE 0R FOUR Nouns.? NATCNNEN DASH SIX, BC DASH THREE AND PEY, EUT FURNISHED ND ADDITIGNNL THESE AIRCRAFT. HORMEL ADMITS kvw?duu NMITY TQNANN BIAZ RESULTING FROM CONFISCATINF HORMEL- NAVION AIRCRAFT, REPGRTEDLY GRBERING ARREST AND FORBIBDING HGRMEL FLY IN CUBA, ALL DURING JAN.- FEE., Lasr.; HGRMEL ADMITS ,w_f THRLE FIST FICHTS NITN DIAZ LANE CGNCERNINC ANOVE. END AND acx PLS 6'DISC Bu ram ma NH 5446i] Page 3 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/1 1/201 Agency Information under the John AGENCY: FBI Kennedy RECORD NUMBER: 124-10284-10406 ssassinatien elleetien Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [44 USC Note] . SQEED Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 2-1566-18TH NR1 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: DIRECTOR, FBI TO AG TITLE DATE: 10/26/1959 PAGES: 11 SUBJECTS [Restricted] DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 05/ 1 5/ 1998 OPENING CRITERIA IN DEFINITE COMMENTS INC MEMO, LHM W1 NH 54460 Page 1 Nay 5446i] 2? .J 11- if Yhe.Atzorney G@nsfa1 I October 26, 1959 'Hirectora ALL CONTAINED 3 c4 S??w ?9?!fong If?f??fi??ii?l .. 633:5 . ?7 . ?afarence is made to my c?mmunicatian caption?dV?An?i-F?de1 ?Octobar 23, encloaure,la&dressad to Agaiatant Attorngy Ganeral guitar Phaglay. i?ia communicatian reporta? 3he aur interview with fa?ra Luis ?iaz Lang, former - ?Ghiaf qf the Cuban Air ?vree, on October 22, 1959, at which time iuag Lana admitted pilating the drappad 1&qflets over ??vana, cuba, an ?nacber 21, 135?. cqpiea*af thia cammunicatian tagetker with :33 anciOsure$are enclase?.jnr year infonmatton and the in?brmatian qf?quuty A$tarney Ganernl'zawrenee ?1 galah. - .I thought yea mania be'intereste? in subaequent develapments._ I?ere'are encloaad an arig?nal and?ane capy?aj?a memorandum gummartging these develqyment$.r Single copie$-af memorandum are encloaad f3r,??puty G?nerwl ?hlsh.? ?and jbr.?asigtan? ?tterney Yhaglay. .. 44ml- 10? Ehclaaure?l 109-1% 1 - kw; ?awrence ?hlsh w. Ehcl?aures ?aputy Attarney.aeneral Olson :elmont 9hr 5059 at 1:32"? {ff} zgaqg??(fudro Luis Dias Lana) If fied. Enclosures classtfiad "Cbnf?dentia1? becaua? it contair an ianrmant who is furnishing valuabJef awm DLGASS igfesrullwan (9) 1 gr?ssiatant Attorney camera} - Enclosure J3 ??lter Paagley :gg xi? ??aas J?ed because enclosures so claasi- on a continuing basis, concerning matters oxyactii .?fs internal security. aleu?oom -: f. 4 .I- i?f? gra- ,9 M531, UNIT i:1 DucId:32303394 Page 2 I Bezmont - Mr. Donahoe - Nausea -, new MEW- ww- .1 ?26, . :a 1 $179-$584 n?bfmj gig?VJ ?513 {in ?eteber 23, 1955??, we furnisheri a summary of the ?aw swam-nee? the referenced eewewzfeeawn ear-representative Hammer Saba. $242" repree-enta?z?ve furniehez?? ear MMSwadier?wi-nh ?hie infermawan cm the same ?em-y. fhe awe very grateful for the .a?rd?urwetim fwrniehew. E- 3 ?13m ?eta?ber 23, 1959, war Havana a?view? the Waited w?ta?ea weir wttacke repair-ted . mm the aircraft cirapying lm?ea?e an October 231, 1959, were Mentij'a?ed "by eergeana w? kw affiee we a and ?967Imam ta be: in fjl'?rg'dau Zimm- is the pamper-3y of Frank ?n?hawyj?tw-?giws ales: know: as Frank J?iormi. Hie plane; me gee; ?awed? at ?ank Ferry Airman, Miami. ?ne ?347 etripee pai?t?? on its tail. 5. info ath? Tee" "marked we know to be ?awed in ?uke. plane-a ?ew ever the .432qu Hotel, ?Wguartera of the ?zzle-ricer: af?'WaeI Agent's ?enventwn, drama-Mg ._1eaf1ete.. ?air-warp?; aueg'eezy .me ta shew that me - g? present 'a?uaan' ?fw'?vermet tie imawe-etent ta maintain Jaw . anaemia; 3.1% make rmre-Vdrappede me we ewm?ng ,er {the with bat .eeme ?24an planes were damaged by wim?z?reete? W17: ?my and p91 me gmm- fire. . ?n tafamwatf wit-?33 ?Maw .zmuff?i?cient e'antaca 5 determine has re! in?nity, cm $615959? 23; 1959,_1,mme? the Air Fame had instructions to ?Mvw:z?w?ffjg?wers ready we anaerwept {my returnng invader-e. i . - Kath referenee ta the remained above, our 7. ?ff?g?k?wd?viee? an ?etebw?? "32' 1959! that $734: 8?25 flaw: by ?fe-e Zena, awarding :9 ?les Lane, was owned by FOE. Nasca:bwd A 1 -- 105-72630 (Pedro Luis Diaz Lana) 3' Tolson Belmon,? m: Classified ?Confidential? since it contains informatwn 51:; from an informant who is furnishing information of value on a . w? parsonsucontinuing bass-2'55, concerning National Defence. CC to AG, Deputy Au,- ggif: IS-D iv' ?/7511.- if"; - 2? Tele.Room CATECOQV I I (.2: . .2: 1:41 DunId:323l]3394 :Page 3 4?3 ?g Holloman g: 5 Ga ndy TRUE) ?05331 NH 54460 .3333333333~33233333333333333i gw3rmant mentianed an _p333 3w3 3f the 333133333 33 the 33f3r3333d 3333333333333 .333 wk3 333 f33333333 33233333 3:133333333 an the 3333 33333333 3333 a 233f233 33 333 Spanish 13333333 333 33333 3133r333333 3-3 3&3 33333 331333 333333333 The recip?e?ts 3f the 133f233 3333 3333333 33 333333 3 3333333 333 p.m.9 3333333 33 333 #233323 633333 (83333 33r32323.33333, 33333339 -3.- 333332 3333, 33- 3333333 333 3333333 the 3333333333 whack _3 33333333 3333 333333 33 333333r EH, 2253.. I3 333 333333333 ?33 333 ?e3f2333 3333 the 3333333 M33 being 3p3n 3333 by 333 -- July 33.33333333 (0333r3?3 m3333333)g ??awio 333 znf3r3333 1333333 3333 33333333313 r3pr33333333 3333333 33333033333 gr3up3 33.3333: were planning 33 333333 3h3 3333333? 3333 3f .wh3m 333233333 3333 would carry 9333, +hu3 giving 3333 33 ,33 313333333 between the pram and 33333P333r3 f3333333. The 33333.P31333 3333333333 and 333?3333 ?3unty.33p3r3men3 3f :3 ?33133 3fe3y have 3333 n333f333 333 33333 35333333 plan 33 3333 wka?ever 33333 333 33333333J 33 333333 3h33 no 33013303 Email 33 carrze? 3335! . w. A 33 333333r 339 2333, 333 :35 The znf3r33n3 333333333 33 3334f3reg3ing par3gr3ph p333 jEw-daya, 333 gar 33333333 whack 333 3.333 333333333 33 33333333 3333333 (333333333331,9 2959: had 33333333323 3333330?4v. ?Thza 33339 3333333? 3&3 3333 in the preca?zng paragr3php 333 333113 furnibhed 3'3 333 Khnney 33.3%. 3'63nn3r on H, le ?Zaarned 3333,3333333 3f'3he furor 333333 in 0333 333233 333 @ctabar 34 135 . 63 333333? 33? 195?; 333 KEnney @3333 concerning 333 33321333133} and of'this zaf3r3333 3_3 testify 333 33337333 j3333 33 p333 3am 3f 333 3331333r33- 33 333333r 35; 295?; the z?jbrman3 3333333 he M33 ummzilzng 33 33333fJ 3333333 Qf.f333 31?33333323 r33r23323 3932333 -mamhers aj?hi3.famaly 33- 83333; 3323 data w33 aralzj furnished 333333333 3333rn3y Genera: JL 331333 Fbagfey 33.339 FL 3f 3hi3 333333 33 933333? 25, 23593 . 03 333333? ?33 1559, 33. E33334 3133 33333 3&3 33333333133y 3nd wiliz 33333 3f the mentioned 33 page wuuzqf the 333233? 3433 333 referenced 3333333333333 33 3n 0333333 2953, aurJMiamz Q?face 3333333 3k33 3333 3333n3333 Char233 3?ziz3m 333332, g?e in 3333 33333? 333333 he 333 3311333 33 33333fyp 33?.3kqm; Q?f333 DucId:32303394 Page 4 099329? 9999999199 99999 that game} 999999 he 92991999 99 4992992979 99r729r 937399999 4 fompane, 919799293 99999 11920 19.92., 09999 ?91, .2959, went 99 "i 9? 999 93239999 292979 929 999999 999 9599 91" 4.2; 999?: 999 91999 2 . 299993972299. 99919 9919299 9999* 9 99299 999999999 97? 999 4- .9999 and 199.9399 drappmg 9992* 399999. "9 929229 9299999999 99999912999 9999 9 3-925 99 729 9999 9999 22199? 99' 9929 ?9999999, . 9 7299 39 3299 19ft 999 99729999 99999 5 9nd r9992'999 99999 1' 9 32.92.9991: 995;. 15199992! 991999 9929 999 927.9999 999 91999 999 999 929129 9999392299 9919? km 9999 939999 929. H?m91 99972. 29999 999 99 9719 9919329, 999?: 99992 the 99991 9299992" 9129 fumiahed -9 '999 9999 9-9 997* 4929929 9ffa99. 1'9 199999 9999 51911991 :9 :pr999991y 99999- 2999999999 =39} 99 919999.! 999 9999999 2'99 )ivi9z9n 99999:", 9991999 29299 999999999999 92999 by 999. .4 - . Inf9rzaz992?9n 99999993729 Mame} 9.99 pr99?9991y 9999 f9mi9999 . 932919999991 9999r29y 93929999.. 979 are 99999999199 9.9 i99992?f 9229 night 999979999 9229 9999f?z?99 99.9 2923119999999 999 92299199221999 9'9 99999fy. .E?hz '939933999991799'999 999115; 3959999999 99 992?. 9999399 '99 099999?- agfgg 1944;}; 92; 99*. 99999. . . 4.199 999999?? 295. 1959, 999 99999;; 99999239?" of 3999939399 99par9999: .9j? 99' 95:9, 9993999 99 2299 99999999 9 99199999 . - 9-199 93999999 499 999999 99999719 9999 9229 393999 999999 199991 9999999 999 3999999 91999 9594929992599 99 99.9 9ff9c9 91299 $99 9999 [9991199 999 99999 99999 2?9 999999 99 999999?? 39 999 0999999 .29, 19 999 999999;; 9999 9 999999 9999999 9999 99999939399 99 9999999 99 99923 9399 L999 99919 99 92932199999 frame doing 99 9999 29399999999 999 99 19?2". 1999999! by 4949939999 19999992" 49. H. 9919999 99 99991991? .94, 2959. Mr. 499429999 9999999 99. 999999! 9999 999.9 Burma; 999' not 922929 9329 9999999y 9f the x: . 9999? 972999 2999 99 999999 9999 992999 99919 99499 99 - 999p 1599 - 9 91299999 2921999 999%: f1 39999 are 9999799999 99 99 9 999199399 91" 9991999 99997:- 999 Jurz'9929929n. .99. 9.999% 999 9199 9999999 9999 499 299919 9.2999 Uni?ed 999999 (3999999 29 99mm 999 999 99999942 99999999 999993; 99 49591992. 4 9999 2999 9999 99 9999991" 9 1?9 2.9 99999 9999 9799' 3mm 99 1999992?: 343 .2959? r9997999 9999 99999 M9 9999 9999999 199.7799? 9r9ppmg mid 9992" 9999729. I9f9m99z922 99923199 99. 97299 pm'azded by the 19339999 92999999 97" 499999295; 999 pr992?9991y 9999 ;r 992999 7922;; our 929922 lff999 99 399399999 29 9729 999:9 99myra?h. ZM. 09 9999992" 23, 999999 2999999999, 9991239 9.399993; Eepartment, 99 999mg, 9929922, 99999962 99:? 99mm 9ffz99 . 9999 Jo99 999993 17999 (599991, 999399 in 999, 99999 0999291999, .9 . 99992?, 9192999 9.9 have 299925999 9 999299 99999 (M). 9., NH 5446i] Page 5 NH 54460 - 333 333333 - 33 jig-13333333 3333333333333 $3 "33333 ?11:53 33335. $333333 153$ 3 3,1333? 5333333333 m?g?ggyag 332323333 333. Ef??mig 33" 3933333333? gagmg 13333333? '3 $3333 333333 3333"" 3,33" 313 "cw 1? . g? 199333 3342 3333333333 33333333 3333233633: . 33cm 333333333333 32333 333333333333 33933?- ,zw - 333333 3333333343 33233: 3332333333333 mmr?e?y 333333 3333 saw 1514.? 33333 3333333 9m 3333-: Mme . A 3333337735? 333 3333333333? 323 1959?: i. 332333333 $2333 9:933? 3:3: 5:332:33; 3333333332333 W3 33 3? 3% 1333333333 3334:3333 [1:1 3333393333333 33333332333 DucId:32303394 Page 6 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/11/20] Agency Information under the John Kennedy AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10284?10434 0,1,33,31,31, 111:1; Bf 1992 . I 144 USE 21o? Note]. RECORDSERES: HQ 1 Sees? Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 2?1566-6 Document Infonnatibn 1 ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: DAVIS, GEORGE E. JR. To DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE 2 DATE: 11/06/1959 PAGES 76 SUBJECTS PDL, ASSOC, REL, INTV, LEAFLET, DROPPING, AIRCRAFT, FS, OWNER, CUBAN REVOLUTIONARY ACT DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT, PHOTO CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS I 4 CURRENT STATUS 1 Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 05/15/1998 1" OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE RPT, TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE i COMMENTS v9.1 NH 54460 Page 1 1 INVESTIGATIVE PERipp 11/6/593Jj10/22 11/3/59 REPORT MADE in TYPED BY GEORGE JR. :bna CHARACTER bl" c?A?sE akaog Jimenud-y L1ONQ1 7 - K5 2i Alfreda RELASF 03* 3$350 IN THIS DOCUMENT MM72Q232- II Wi.ll IQ QQIQIIQ Qf investigation QQIQ Qf BQEQ MIAMI: QIIQI IIQQIQI Will QQVIQQ legal Qr Qdministran tiVQ by GQQEQWBS INS QI other IQIQ FIELD QFFIQE IND NEW QI IQIQ QQVQ FinQ NQQ for information in View Qf IQQII Interest in Cuban FQQI Qf IQQ BQEE. plQQe used to Qer lQQletQ QQ El 19599 QVQI are being QQ IQ of th-is erQrt with IQQ Qf the designated er Office New . Qf IQQ lQQlet dropped by plane 1Q this by QEQTQR PEDREQON, Spanish MIQQI QEEQEEQEEQN . QQIQINIL INFORMATION. MM T=l II QQIQIQQ jvzb'? reportg'page ?3 WILLIIQ . i I 'MiQQig IQ SI JIMQQ HQSTINQSO c.2033, IIQQ a, :32303922 Page 3 Aw 1. A k2? NH 54460 MM 2-232 IDENTITY MM Tag is BERNARD Regart and Travel Editors "Miami Beaeh Sun?, wha reparted.@n 10 E?/Sgg . t0 SA ROBERTQEMES BWYERU MM is ALEIDES da 10% 1674?30 wa 8th St4,?Miami physigiam and Qitizen mf 5 ?Cuban Origin who 1' repented an ta .SA LEMAN INFORMATIGN IDStant repbft; page ;J'?yr Instant report, page 49/ Caraful @Qnsideratian has been given to each source concealed in this re part an? have been' utilized anly in thage in?tanc@3 where identity must be? concealedo I=D?tlzl? CQVER RAGE a DucId:32303922 Page 4 .. JFK Assassination System Date: Identi?cation Form 5/11/201 Agency Information COMMENTS AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10284-10457 RECORD SERIES HQ - . AGENCY FILE NUMBER 2-1566-23X1 DOcument Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: DIRECTOR, FBI TO STEPHENS, D. H. TITLE 11/12/1959 PAGES 1 SUBJECTS . PDL, POLIT ACT, BROCHURE, SHIPPED, US, CUBAN GOVERNMENT - DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS: Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 05/15/1998 OPENING CRITERIA: INDEPINITE . W1 NH 54460. 10 Page 1 Nausea951a R?L?imgg? i. 1 wk? W?vm?gr g3, raw-LL rj? 1 g, 33L EL?Uwpkamg Uh Lax ?w-mx mapwmr Em UJffim 1 35; UL 7-, swan--. .. 3? L7: .: 1 LL BATE, Vi?i?w WEN . .. ?afwama mule Warm Lappmr My Lia; We. - pram U?aakum Mg mm ?Ema-dragging mm {3&me QJL :19- QL If: ma #93293 3% Mia kamr'e? U. Umg?-UU?S?-a?saw plane had gmn?? mid bmhad me ma amt ?lmy 'WUung-?g?amw?: Eafiam me anal ma Wm Wizard. by ?ag :53 38.2% mm ?amrmew?; Mi?ijgwy of Edema} is W. MUM 3?me .. 3; LL ?irL??L?am E?bjw MEIQ Em? - ?32239 mm?'gmg LL: wammr. LL mm an riawmbw 30;; 29551 Mariam Mammy Ugmaw?mi; As? with. a wimpy 63? this brwkurw maze? mm? mm 3% Ragga ?3 the ,thw-LL - ?7an amt-LL Lazy Lag?mat: Hidalgga 33$ Uamu?l Umeml, Lang; 3% mm Fag we ?rm gamma? mum-m Mar May, mm m" Emma far!- L?m U?yr-Lzsa ism af ?v?wm ?332 WELLER furnm?w Uimg Ufjwa at: 3mg 1w mg Megamafng w. ?ag Wig 23m 'farmw Ugh-am ma? waw?w? .?ypwwasr, af- XWUL. a? 2/57: .1 Faw? Mm; Magma that he: km MUMM Um 5} 19594599 1% ?260 Lama-Um: 3f #32- iia. brmhum hm Mm UMWUU mm Um UuMm EMU Uw?hwa 3w ?ag Elm; cabana Kim-B Imw?e? mi .230 ?ga?mawi? Uff?w 1 4 . 1 NULL-Lenard fa? aim-Um iagz?im. m. UM UMWU Ema" xii-?112 ww?j?agat 1.2; By the Unban?? maime . frag; his Wars, ?hai; was: UWURWU Ema: 7, . a. if {3.36 St?t?efx 199 1' {55? Likes: Lam f9; yaw 1 L525 1.8 . 5? up: in.? - a. . rmw?wvw?l 5.715;; nay-ML am! 1?1: 3 15959 MAIL. ROOM TELETYPE UNIT NH 5446i] Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 4/15/201_ Identi?cation Form Agency Information FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10285-10040 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105-107868-51, 57 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: under the John Kennedy Records DATE: 04/13/1964 elleetien Act of 1992 PAGES: 25 [sq UEC 210'? Note]. 54%53 Date: 0?12?2017 [Restricted] DOCUMENT TYPE TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 09/30/1998 OPENING CRITERIA IN DEFTNITE COMMENTS: 1NC2 LTR, MEMO WI 3 NH 54463 Page 1 5010? . UNITED STATES GA LRNMENT - {3,11 . Memorandum . ??h-v t; . 4. I . OPTIONAL FORM No.-DIRECTOR, FBI 105- 107868 033366034361. 3 I 93/ 34:33 . 3 SAC 1414111 (134- 35.3345. 3A- 1,7 AOCUAAENT. 5m? . - A IRVING RICHARD POYLE @3335 ?23. 4- ?3 3 PSI - CUBA - Mess-'53 3 A . FROM 3333. . gag Re Miami letter to Bureau 4/13/64. 4471471 64?) Enclosed is a Xerox copy of the mes-t recent communication from subject received by CIA, Miami, through {3 3 wife, GLORIA MOLINET. This communication was rece 147ed g: 37 Miami on 4/24/64, with 3 letter being postmarked a: G: \bqivlexico, D. F. ,4/14/64. 3 3 3 . (.3: ?6 3? The information in the communication is general I (03 in nature, and the names of the individuals mentioned are 3 41.3.. 34 being indexed at Miami. Information concerning individuals 3' 4, A, L, 3? in Miami on whom cases are pending is bein ng?routed to these 13:4. 1,4, 33 $.73 files for action BACLASSAFAED BY \Ax . 4? - Contact is being ma?rfta?ined FRED 3 KRAVKOV, as late as 5-/4/64, advised that the subject's A 3 3' wife, through telephone conversation with subject in Cuba, 1.34 3? a A, 33" said that subject indicated he expected to see his wife - at?? Q33 shortly. He supposedly is presently in jail for a criminal 4' 4 :33 4 violation, but expects to be rele sed soon. Details of 4 - . th ha own. E, rge were no (WWC) ?7 g3 A . CIA will advise if or when subject arrives in ,3 7?3; E14 (A .3111; U. S. or Mexico. 334'. A 333:. ?4 . 33 . The Bureau will be kept advised. A Mi Bureau (RM) (Enc-l)? 4 "75$ 1 - Miami - 3:33} '1 RGS54463 Page 2 ,u ..H MA mwwi?.?EGLAS??wowgg Nyifih?; . ?3 . . f" fig: Eva; [Es-51w :EGordon" . . 5141 Clark Street . . Montreal, canadaa. 9101? ?Moline?b 1- I fa 1260 South Weat f6t.h.. Street '208-3- - Eclo 115%; i Miami; .35, Florida;_' . ,c . - -.HEREI :s man - - gee54463 Page 3 5010-10343 us g. 7 .0.27 L: .1111) STATES CA - RNMEN - [Memorandum CIA HAS NO OBJECTLON T0 Director, FBI (105- -107868 4/13/64- LEA 35A A 3?9155/ IN THIS DOCUMENT J'm i FROM Miami (134? ?816) (P) . (soc/m [mm 3.1M ALL LAFSLLA Laue/x324 SUBJECT: IRVING RICHARD POYLE LL) chm?it .. PSI CUBA BY 64? - 251?? ?/36 5% I F) i Reference Miam letter to Bureau 3/12/64. 1W. ?63 . . Enclosed is Xerox copy of the most recent communication from subject, received by CIA Miami through A, 3 wife, GLORIA MOLINET. This communication was 5? 7 received by Miami on April 3, 1964, and CIA in their A cover letter, stated they received the letter March 16, 1964, and the letter was postmarked Mexico, D. F. The postmark date is illegible. information in the communication is a 1.0 ?gbAJ. Fin?Li?h 1e amgenere lawna nature 11.3. ea ?individuals HLH 0255i; ampDVLE -m=w.m IL . 1403- There are four paragraphs Leoneerning certain in PUY?LE?S?C?commune-cation which indicate that Q4 mi 3, i . Were: these persons, who are asupposeHdly Communist, are trying to :01.an if}; ?mm :3 ,m aneesa'g i? (These individuals are LEANDRO ?30.2 g?g Whige 41M ALFREDO NIETO 5'3 :3 We 32%) :1 (page 6). pi c; BE ix ?Amman,? 11:: #:3ng agree ML: :4 A, A ?iam ?13?36p?en1ngmsepaw?EM mas-Aswan these in- .5 i 531 dividuals and aftemrch'ecking sources, Mai?: ami intends to\ 31% .. submit LHMs with the pertinent information therein. . ??33 Steps will be placed with INS in the event these indie ?53 viduals do attemg??o enter the United StatesA?s/17mg, A (V Bureau (Eng) 1) wi-T - Miami a RGS 517/ 11 APR 14 L: 1031:35 - . A I - ?feA?g?i'xirf. Ii Nil-3T0 WW 5% NH 54463 Page 4 134-816 On page 7 POYLE mentions MIGUEL ENCISO as being the Captain Pilot with the Cabana Airlines who has carried his letters out of Cuba for him. Miami believes this; individual is identical to MIGUEL ENCISO SIGLE, Enreau file 134-104l4. . CIA, Miami, was contacted regarding the infor? mation contained in the enclosed communication and they advised they have not taken-any action concerning the above individuals Who might possibly attempt to enter the United States, other than notify the @interview group" at Opa Locka Detention Center, Opa Locak, Florida. If these persons do enter the United States they will be thoroughly 'screened by INS and CIA, eat-H: an 55?? NH 54463 Page 5 Mytil-11C es: lo ed in this letter the name oIf my friendI? ion that the name heI goesI bv, in- the organi? I hast week when he was- in Mexico there was a message there for- him he does not write anv more, and he told themI that the reason is II (mau,thingo'are ver3 hot here, especially since BLANCO had been arrested,I -wst matted to mention to you, that this man is not afraid of taking any Iginces, out that he wants to be quiet for a whi is, until he is sure that F?ngs are not too hot for him. I refuse to let him carry any mes sages for efIxor a while, so therefore this letter will be mailed to I393 thru anggher Iszce haxe4I with the assurance that this letter will not be tamoered with no es in any way at all, as the person carrying this letter cannot be i1. smashed in any way at all, also he does not know -what my letter contains, ?as- {Idoes not know me fIat all, and Ideas not know that. this is my letter? As long IsiI have mentioned the name Iof ENBISO, I am afraid to let him carry thisg~ etter oecause if he were searched before leaving gag: his flight, and they aw his name linked in any .way at all, you ltnow wh the outcome- would he, =3ani I .don' nt to have that on my con?ienceg I don mind riskina my Own . ?li.3e hut don?t feel that I have the right to risk his life. iust because he I ,fTWesd" to help m.9' inmanv :wa3. I- am sure that 393 understand this.?' f? . ?c-ihiw-ii ?In? .4 its: i'r-acI'i? . m?ay harsh 1954- s: 15.1.11 . 3 wife qust? called me e.nd asked me/for +haI name of my friend who carries the 1; iHHtoro for me. I did not send it he3ore whenI she.had_ asked me becauSe w- ;-4t ?gure what a? is IwantedI. gw-? Enisa name he is_a .ap?a the Susana a Mr} has? and we 8 durinc WOP3Q 1? 2~a Pi.l at in the._ova3 Canadian'Air Forcew.Th?s man is.ths hast Iriehd have heregin Cnha? end is about the only Gwhan I trust to work in Cuba {He'is'the man that has been working all. along wi . ?Ar_;4 T313 ?an hag rlakad'hiSIlife many times for met sad Vice Varggo?f*?*?3s? i Ed him a8.mu0h as I eaanhen he has aam1ed me #3 set certain informat -T, mm, and I101) hBBit??LtQ 150 do anything-I in the world for "him-I9 in .v as has a ham raddo setun here that he 1neIrates wit - a Govit?licenseo I know man 'chomblete backaroundI and can only say that h.e is the most honest 73? I haVU':ver in mY- li?BI meta and there is no?ning in Ithe-world heI would 30+ do for-I? friend. especiallv in .LS C'w'l?l ?11133.53 to do. it times, 1 nave hs.d to critisiae him as he had wanted. to take too manv chances with :gt 1 13"?93 Zioud 0f the fact that he does listen to met? think that? ?t:is is ie niorma on on want-'13 not e; i? the ONLE MANTHATICAREIES IETTERS.F ?ifag' advi 9 me otherwise. Th1; "?954 "'14 it?: I1 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 4/1 5/201 I Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10285-10063 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 109-584-NR Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: PAPICH, S. J. TO BRENNAN, D. J. JR. DATE 01/28/1964 PAGES: 1 SUBJECTS . . CC, MR, EGM, PLAN, ASSASSINATE, CASTRO, FIDEL DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed . RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 09/30/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS - under the John Kennedy Records elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. 54953 Date: 0?12?2017 6 54463 Page 1 9 3 333333 3333333333 3333 3?3 3.. 3- 3333 ?33333333333 3 3333 33333333333333 333 33333333333333 3639 9 9 3+ 33333 33 333333333 33 3., 3333333 33.333333333333333 333333" 93333 3333331333333 33333333333 3 3333333 3333 3333333333 33 3333333 33 3393333333 - 3 .. 33333333323 333 33 333333339 33333333 33 33333333 333 333333 3 a - +333 3% 3333 3 3 3333 3333333333 33-3333 333 3333333333333 3333 333': 9-22-3113; :33 3333333333 33?? 33.33333 1.33.3333 3333 333: 3:3 3 33 33333 $3333 33?" 3333333 3333333333 33333 3333333 3333 33333 -3 3 33333333333 9? .9 til-:33 333 333333333? 333333333333 333333 3.33933 33.3333 3 .3 me?3 ,3 33333333 33 mga??g ?w @333: ?33333 3 .333, 3333333 3 . .z 0 :33 33333333 ,3 2333 3333333333 33 3333333333 3 333333 333333333333333333333933333 333.; 33333333 3333 33333 @3333? ?Id-31+ "$331333 .3333 $333333; ?t?m?m 33:31:33.5 2- 33333333 3333 3333333333 3 . .3333333 33333 33-33-3333 33.m'w-r NH 54463 Page 2 xM an! in?? ?w?ri/?gp?gjg?g? ?g 564%? Exam ?g my gr 5&3? 2? . 3 rd, 1% my! me: ?Zime?ygv cV?*wa MW ,1 Any/(w av WW A ?gwy/y ?9:440?? gig 4% gar/ JFK Assassination System Date: 4/ Identi?cation Form Agency Information FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10285-10066 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: DIRECTOR, FBI TO SAC, MM TITLE DATE 02/04/1964 PAGES I SUBJECTS CC, MR, POSSIBLE PLAN, ASSASSINATE, CASTRO, GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATEOF LASTREVIEW: 09/30/1998 I ECLASSIFIED White . Guidelines, OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE ugu? 2 1 5' 9 7' ate: 10?12?2017 COMMENTS WI 1 NH 54463 Page 1 r- ?if . vA ?3 - E??g,??ami 69 .3 Ew??w%%o?a?waw hag .ggy @En ?ag ?0 ?mg?w??pwa?v?g?? Ekg ?g wag . ?gwm?ga??y'wag?? m3 ?2 ?igh? 199?584 {Amt . I a ?g a9p?e? Exam @wap 4 gheg?? a~?idgn aasara Acti ??km?wE-Ea @E?m 63% ig.@a3 EQE imv&?ve? aa?aag?m&ta ?ag EEVQ ma? agaa ga Ei? ?gga . ?3 ahg gea??af .: gg?g? kagy a%?iv?ag33@ Eeb?egrgma. mam ?a?amg a??eag??m @m ?Via La I w, $3 p.41: 4? Capt?@m@d imiaf?a??gm camcemmimg m- ?ve? framgAda?m?gmrative Asa??tamtotu ?mg??pgra?iw? Ja?aso @f Eastra am? tha takeave m? NH 54463 g; imqa?ry hewha? Fgee. assassinatiam? pgrte??41':an 6, 3 ?1 In 5? \L/g I . .k - which wa??d he hga?e? by mat@$o $3 %@EEZTIAES 553;} ?3 Ray r@ve@ ahai we CEA Ea? ii may h?V? gm-Ehns ?p@raax@?zl= Th?g is @Eam ?wr 'The ?ew gavarmmemt- lay @??iarvaa MQ??y?o 0L). DucId:32304054 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 6/5/2015 Identi?cation Form . Agency Information WI - Eleased under the John AGENCY FBI . Kenna :15: RECORD NUMBER: 124-1028540228 asassinatinn Records nllectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [44 USC 2107' Note] . ase#:NH 540%6 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 109-12-210-5784, 5786, 5796, 58I0 8?23?2017' Document Infonnati on ORIGINATOR FBI FROM SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 05/08/1968 PAGES 21 SUBJECTS MR, ASSOC, FORMER MEMBERS, CASTRO GOVERNMENT, . EXILED, US, LIAISON, CUBAN OFFICIALS DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Con?dential RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/12/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC 4 LHM, 3 Page 1 . 5 FD same-55. 5 I22 65) (fl/?x 555555535. 5 55'? .AIIQEMCIES ?t 5-15 5 - 5/ "?113 5:3 lattes I II . I =5 8 1988 I . . Transmit the folfowing in 5 5' 1 (Type in plaintext or code) 1 AIR MAIL 5- REGISTERED 1 (Priority) 5'5er 5:555. RE . 3.55s: 5:357 32.55 asow?nm?r) -. 555555 5555DOCUMENT . airtel dated 3/17/67. Mesa ass 3 550116517? ?97 52' 25 ?Enclosed herewith are 9 copies of a letterhead DIRECTOR FBI (109-712-210) ?5'57! SAC MIAMI (105-1-747) {Iii Ir . 9 555%: 3?3 TUFOREIGN POLITICAL MATTERS - CUBA Imemor um, date- I5decaptioned as above. a Mm?il15 ?jEs the source who furnished the informam I51on set in ?enclosed letterhead memorandum. I 5% . . The letterhead memorandum has been classified 2 to protect the identity of a source of 3 ?Q?continuing value to the security of the United States I 5 ?6 \1 ?31? Local dissemination of the letterhead memorandum 5 a 3 5?has been made to the following agenciesBorder Patrol, S. Customs; U.S. Customs, 5 . 5 55Region U. 3 Coast Guard; 3 Secret Service; e55 ?55Coordinator of Cuban Affairs, Dept? of State, all I I 3 ?555hMiami; U. S.5 Customs, Key West; NISO5 CharleSton 00.; 5 5.5. 5; G552, Ft McPherson 081, Robins AFB, Ga.; and USA FAD, 75:, 5.5 Awaialeah, FlaBureau (Encl - 9) (RM) :5 .53 5.33 225mm-747 i. 4:1198 Sub Aka) 742) . .ems . . 5 6 5 . 3? 5555 5 .5 mm {(an 5 [#3353 LSMILESW 1? gi?Katel? fair- V'Fg'ljj.? hb? w: Sgcz??is??ngjl 5 5' ?5.35 - 5 u? If, Approved/ hi esseggzifw 77?3 \Spe/ci??gent In Churg if 55 I. ?gg??lgi I 1L ?8 I Page 2 I Jaw-Rev. 5-22-54?5?Eric IE3 - I Tut! In (:53 . "x - I Transmit the following in ?55 55:5 I155 75 7 25115553551515 1 5,1 3 riori 71,. . 393%? {3,3357%} gag}; 131? ?1:21.715 1 1:7171. 7 FROM: SAC, MIAMI (105- 1747) i 59 13;? - 727 . RE: FOREIGNQOLITICAL MATTERS - CUBA 5 ALL gram-?71513 111173 A 7 1 1 110555 . a - .1. airtel dated 5/8/68. ??magaw ":5a3 ?7 we I . Enclosed herewith are 9 copies of a letterhead ?3 1 memorandum, gated and ?captioned as above. :3 M1115 )the source who furnished the informat1on et ou? in the enclosed memorandum. The etterhead memorandum has been classified . 0 protect the identity of a source of continuing value the security of the United States. 1 A copy of this letterhead memorandum is being sent WFO and NY F0 for information purposes. ?Ct'f ui?n . gm Local dissemination of the letterhead memorandum has been made to the following agencies: . 3:21.111 by) S. Border Patrol} Customs; U.S. Customs, - g'Region U. S. Coast Guard; U.S. Secret Service; \\'ICoordinator of Cuban Affairs, U. S. Dept. of State, all kiMiami; Customs, Key West, NISO, Charleston, Ft. McPherson, 6a.; 081, Robins AFB, Ga.; and USA Hialeah, Fla. RE 32% 1?23? BISHOP ran 1.111.133; If I. I ww?x Bureau (Encl. - 93 (SM . ?'cxm1esmf%k? - - . 1 (E3501 1) (RM) - we; 7156(E1101. -.1) (RM) 3 - Miami (1 - 105- 1747 UNREC COPY FILED 515 1/12.. 527;! 4. 55/511' Coordinator ef Cuban army/ 21 :1 State/CIa/Seere 1198 Sub NH 54046 Page 3 - Transmit the following in Vic NH, 54046 (O z?m . 5?1 g? at": 1 4-. 2I: la 1 1v??ig4fi198n ubB ggMzemsm dig/7X FBI Date: ?lm a 6 1953 (Type in plaintext or code) AIR MAIL - REGISTERED (PrLorLty) cm 8% W?Q;?uu 510 KSEE 35,W6r1{ (109-12-21 FROM: SAC, MIAMI (105?1747) FOREIGN POLITICAL - mcunaw.m 31W:mm~. RE: airtel 5/16/68o Enclosed herewith are 9 copies of a letterhead memorandum, ated and captioned as above? 1 the source who furnished the information ou in the enclosed memorandum. ?The letterhead memorandum has been classified to protect the identity of a source of continuing val- to the security of the United States. A copy of this letterhead memorandum is be'fg sent to WFO and NY F0 for information purposesn . Local dissemination of the letterhead memorand has been made to the following agencies: Border Patrol; Customs; Region Coast Guard; U.S Coordinator of Cuban Affairs, U. S. Dept. of State, Miami, U. 8. Customs, Key West; NISO, Charleston, G-2, Ft. McPherson Ga; OSI, FAD: Hialeah, Fla. '81 ($21,851th - Bureau (Enc1.- 9) (R WFO (Encl? 1 1) (RM) 1 - NY F0 (Encl. - 1) (RM) REC 88 3 - Miami (1 - 105-1747 a my?: .1 5- 742 2A): ies mane Wy??l U.S. Customs all 8 Robins AFB, Ga.; and USA 2? for rev1ew at FBEHQ 5125; cirrni?m Hr?zwcg?? Sent Wows Secret Serviq '1 ?-45 (589?- ?868a? {rag/MA v.57: OJEI J05 878 f? ?8 ?sateggvxue /i a! e; I As?: ans go Joieutpdooa 39; as 13139 17? 901A \l Page 4 gm 5 ll 7 FD-Date: 7/16/68 Transmit the follow??g? ERAS 5113 in plaintext or code) I van; e" Vic: [2 ?ta- ??11 61110?: E: 'i I?rzoftt lw_s__e_tegtal_5?" 1e12,? 1" ml Eff TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (109- 12- . m, 5/ Wig? FROM: SAC, MIAMI (105-1747) 5/0? . - - FOREIGN MATTERS - CUBA ?3555:3131! hym- 5 6 ?x mm Staci assify" on: ?5 M'a'a'rtlt a 6668. 11111 1 ureu, Enclosed herewith arenine copies of an IHM dated i iand captioned as above. 1 - -- 2 :th @1115 E?ls) the source who furnished the information p.51 set out i gushe enc osed IHM. The LHM has been classified 5 E: ~52 confidential to protect the identity of a source of continuing 1:5? 1::value to the security of the United States. A -: on?- . aria" 6% A copy of the IBM is being sent to New York, San Juan, 4 and Washington Field for information purposes Local dissemination of LHM has been made to the 4% following agencies: S. Border Patrol; Customs; U. Customs, Region II, U. Coast Guard; U. 8. Secret Service, Coordinator of Cuban Affairs, Dept. of State, all Miami; ?g 6 3 Customs, Key West; 11:50, Charleston, 5 G- 2, Ft 55g McPherson, Ga, 031 Ga; and USA FAD, Hialeah, Fla ?w ESE Bureau (Enc. 9 ATE) SURE) fr?, >23, 1 -- New York (Enc. 1) (Info) . .2 ?1 . 5t?? - San Juan (Enc. 1) (Info) aw v" {z 1 - Washington Field (Enc. 1) (Info) 0: 9196B .Eg5 4&198 sub f/ -.. (1 05-36661l1. ?for reVlew ai. 11,11 .. - NH 54046 Page 5 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation orm Date: 6/5/2015 Agency Information FBI Eleased under the John AGENCY Kennedy RECORD NUMBER: 124-10285-10229 asassinatinn Records allectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [44 USC 2107' Note] . ase#:NH EQDEE Date: AGENCY FILENUMBER: CR 105?247710?1 8?23?2017' Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, SJ TO ACTING DIRECTOR, FBI - TITLE: DATE 07/12/1973 PAGES 7 SUBJECTS MR, INTV, VILLAR, FRANK LOPEZ, DESCR, REL, RES, ASSOC, EMP, MEETING, CUBAN NATIONALS, LIAISON, US, DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Confidential RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/12/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC ADMIN PAGE, LHM W1 Page 1 - - g=r< .2.2 . "e a . 7 OPTIONAL FORM 310.16 MAY 1932 EDITION FPMR (41 CFR) m- 0 UNITED STATES.- Cf: Acting Di ector, JUL 19;;3 FROM jg. an Juan SUBJECT: FRANK LOPEZ 1 IS CU ReSJtel to Bureau, dated 1/19/73, entitled MEETING OF CUBAN EXILES WITH THREE UNKNOWN CUBAN NATIONALS, MONTEGO BAY, JAMAICA, Enclosed for the Bureau are the Original and . 5 copies 'of an LHM dated and captioned as above. g5" Local dissemination is being made to U. S. Secret Service, San Juan; Air Force Office of Special 53' Inv?stigations, Ramey Air Force Base; and to the 109th i Llitary Intelligence Group, Miami, Florida, as well an 1: 03130 Naval Investigative Service, FPO New York1122- Sources mentioned in LH contacted by SA C. ?g?gR?mY SELLERS are as follOW' .. (EL: 7, 32,33 29403 REC89 if WmeQ ?ws 1113?13314922- A i? 1191?1251 7 A: LEAD: _2 L- Fg?lru.f in? A SAN JUAN '7 g?a A27 2 varygug =51; A (3 AT HATO REY, - will follow mis?t 797?42 1. matter and consider re1nterv1ewwng subject upon his re? f??uf??r turn from Jamaica. 9?93? 55:; Bureau M) roam 3111330! 2 San Juan . 7,3'ffim73 54112312 5 Band: Re ularl 0 Pa roll Erwin .7 Plan 'EDNA $1371! . . Lb 7 .1111q- EH 54045 nunIa:32304211 Page 2 rw JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/5/2015 Agency lnformati on FBI under the Jehn AGENCY . Ke nnedy RECORD NUMBER: 124-10285-10230 Records elleetien Act of 1992 RECORDSERHE: [44 USC 2107 Note]. 540%6 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105-89110?11_ 8?23?2017? Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, SJ TO ACTING DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 06/06/1973 PAGES 5 SUBJECTS MR, ASSOC, ACA, MEETING, PARTIDO REVOLUCIONARIO DEL PUELBO, NK, NJ DOCUMENT TYPE DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/12/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM WI HH554046 DueId:32304213 Page 1 r] I I I . . 3133;225:533? 5" I 1 GSA FPMR (M cm) 101-11 5 UNITED STATES emom nd um TO ING DIRECTOR, FBI DATE: 6-6-5735 0, SAN JUAN (5:355 105903;!? 55/5 5 rang eff? ENRIQHE NARCISO DORTA E) .1 :5 CUBA 73 7 d? by :U/7ng4?l5f I San Juan letter and LHM to Bureau dated 2-28-73. Enclosed herewith for the Bureau are 5 copies If}: and for each recipient offices one copy of an HIM EA 5.5 ?5 dated and ca tioned as above. .. Ciassi?ed by . 5757/ ?75? EPPEOERIATE Esslassi on: 5551(be DFF CW: if)? 1 ?e - 1i. 5731?.557? - Identity 3 3.3.2 1.5/3; Lecation ?5007 was 1. 105- ~1u608-19j70 SJ T-2 is SJ 1140- lB?-lSlGA-l LocaE dissemination is being made to INS, NIS, 081, and 109th. MIG, Miami, Florida Agents conductifr?igz-Ee? WHEEL RAY were ?5 :5 SA KENNETH F. POTTER and?CW'" REY 1-0} 5 . 5 LEAD SAN JUAN . 5555? AT SAN JUAN, PUERTO Rico 5 {55:5 5555595 (j 1H3 Huh 3E- ?nemue to cover and reportxxon activities OM 5555? 55?" 1- Newark (enc. 1) (RM) -San Juan a 5010- 103-02 a Page 2 AGENCY: RECORDHNUMBER: RECORD SERIES: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: AGENCY INFORMATION FBI 124-10285-10246 HO CR 105-206714-3 ORIGINATOR: FBI SAC. NY DIRECTOR. FBI FROM: TITLE: DATE: PAGES: 2 SUBJECT: DOCUMENT TYPE: 10/16/1970 DOCUMENT INFORMATION Eleased under the John Kennedy asassinatinn Records allectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. ase#:NH EAREE Date: SBB, RES, EMP, ASSOC, TRA, TELCAL, SUBSCRIBERS, CP AFFIL PAPER. TEXTUAL DOCUMENT ORIGINAL Secret NEW CLASSIFICATION: CLASSIFICATION: REVIEW DATE: 09/01/1998 UPDATE DATE: STATUS Redact RESTRICTIONS: JFK Act 6 (1MB) JFK Act 6 (DIG) COMMENTS: NH 54463 Page 1 Mi calls to9 the above subject in question were made on 7/5010-1913 NH 54463 OPTIONAL FORM no. 10 MAY 1902 EDITION GSA FPMR (41 CPR) m- 11.: 1/ 3 UNITED STATES Memorandum DIRECTOR, FBI :5 fre-v?r' .r vex: v-t '2 .3. 1.. NEW YORK IS-R Bufile 105?206714 NYfile 105-110005 GILETTE HILL 1?1 134? a \1 Bufile 105-23671 2 NYfile?lGS-llook- ?1 ReBulet, 19/8/70 1 Regarding the instructions and provi ions set out in the above referenced letter, the following informationis set forthRegarding the possibility having been in New Mexico in thelast two years, reference is made to Albuquerque teletype 4/19/69 and airtel of 5/8/69 with infor? mation confirming his presence in Santa Fe on 4/13/69. At that tim he had travelled alone and dined at the home of of Santa Fe who is the President of the Cor- /pora on that owns the La Fonda Hotel at which he stayed. /It is possible that the above captioned subjects maywalso have been present at BALLEN's home that particular evening.+ As a matter of interest it is noted had returned romf?he Soviet Unio?jon 6/26/69. The phon 12 The original phone records furnished by 7400 mgzhere again reviewed and the additional pertinent was obtained. As previously noted, all of these calls in question were made from Martha's Vineyard, Massachu- setts. The bill reflects that the call made on 7/11/69 (Friday-to HILL) was a direct dial call and lasted for \f \~\approximately two minutes. m2? . \3 No pertinent information concerning the PRP i Q33, has been developed in Miami since relet of 7/31/73. 1 REQUEST OF BUREAU . 3 Bureau is requested to designate San Juan 00 in this matter. - i #2443 04 Bureau (RM) Eiassn?ez! . 1: 2 -- San Juan (105-14608) (RM) Declass?fy 1 1 1 Chicago (105-34441) (Info) (RM) 1 - New York (105-89172) (Info) (RM) ?1 1 Newark (105?29165) (Info) (RM) 5g 3{ g7 1 1 Tampa (RM) "e 1 Miami - 0266 1 BY - - (9) Qlj. ?25 .. 5 OCT 1 1973 ALL INFOPIIAT ?.103 antenna - "Sums; Ag ndy ?lgularly on the Payroll .S?awngi Plan \h 5010-108-01 NH 54046 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/5/2015 Agency Information Eleased under the AGENCY FBI KE Wed? RECORD NUMBER: 124-10285-10270 33a331nat10n Records . nllectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES 2 HQ [?14 USC 2 1'37 . a3e#:NH SQDAE Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105-231511-57 5'3 3 '3 '3 17' Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, NY TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 09/04/1973 PAGES 4 SUBJECTS MR, PARTIDO REVOLUCIONARIO DEL PUEBLO, BKG DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/05/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE INC LHM COMMENTS 17 Page 1_ - 3 J: 3.3- 7' (.3 . I g3}; 113"?: ijrIcNAL FORM noUIEITED -9. Memorandum . To DIRECTGR FBI (OBJP?ilow T0 - FROM 3 SAC, NEW YORK RELEASE 0mm W0 54" 3 IN THIS DOCUMENTSUBJECT- PARTIBG REVOLUCIINAR-IO DEL 395,677 3 REVOLUTIONARY PARTY) ?5 3; IS-CUBA . A: NEUTRAEITY 3 3 ?Re-Miami letter with e?closure=dated 7/31/73, 3 captioned as.above." K?i> ?Mme-?3g Enclosed for the Bureau are 11 copies of an LEM setting forth recent information received regarding the abate captioned organization. 3 - . .-. ?Gopies of the-enclosed LHM are Being furniehed to Miami,'Newark, and San Juan. 1 \x .NY mentioned in enclosed LHM, is 1w 3 The NYE-has received no information in recent months' 'concerning the activities of this.organization?in tthY area. 3 NY will maintain contact with sources failiar with this 3 organization; and in the event any information is developed, the" . Bureau-and interested-offices will be immediately notified. 3 on 5322/ a (Encls .2) (RM) 1-Newark (10 54916) . 1, (moo HEM) '61 SEP 7?1973' .1-New- 2 1-New York A a: 0(1) ?ftih??: mad @6 Ia E?xi high allies. Dga ?l 2 (RM) REC, :27 Zigj?? jg/f//5?5? i, . 3 1? . Ting slip for f?if 5% 3 Egg. age; :9 5 5? {3&0 - LL 1M0 - date at? 53 . 533:# Nil}? 3 . My 3v g?a/la/ le,? 22% Buy . Saving: Bandy Regularly 072 the Payroll lez 5010-105 33.33303! 1 3 I NH 54046 Page 2 '1 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/5/2015 Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10285?10272 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 105?231511-56 Eleased under the John Kennedy asassinatinn Records allectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. ase#:NH 540%5 Date: 8?23?2017 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 07/31/1973 PAGES 4 SUBJECTS MR, OBA, AVE, ASSOC, PARTIDO REVOLUCIONARIO DEL PUEBLO DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION: Con?dential RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/05/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM v91- 18 Page 1 r/ MM 105-20913 LADS SAN JUAN AT SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO . 5 . . Since it appears that MANUEL RAY of San_Juan, Puerto Rico is the present leader of the recommended that San Juan conduct appropriate investigation to determine whether this organization has become inactive or dormant and Whether further investigation is justified. Mg AT MIAMI, FLORIDA Will maintain close contact with logical sources ~for future developments. - is MM 13q?v-s. Q?((1f T42 is MM 2959-01. @quf)' is CO E115 ?gs) . I (53) . - Uka??a?ii?i??f?K NH 54046 Page 2 . JFK Assassination System . Date: 6/8/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Information under the John AGENCY . . . Kennedy RECORD NUMBER: 124?10285-10332 Records elleetien Act of 1992 RECORDSERHE: TH) [44 USC 210? Note]. 5402? Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 96 8-2 9- 2 17? Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: JONES, M. A. TO TITLE DATE 07/26/1960 PAGES 2 SUBJECTS FO, EMP, CRIM ACT, ASSOC, ARTIC, CONFIDENTIAL MAGAZINE DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATEOF LAST REVIEW: 12/11/1997 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS v9.1 2 NH 5402? Page 1 . OPTIONAL FORM No.10 i? . Mohr UNITED STATES - In"! -. . Parsons Mo lone McGuire em 1 Rosen DATE: 7.. 2'6- 60 Tomm Trotter 3 Mr. DeLoach W.C . Sullivan . 231/ Tele. Room 1' - Ingram FROM I Mw??s Gondy SUBJECT: CRIMINNL INF ORMANT (PCI) SUE HOLLYWOOD, CALIF.-, CALL GIRL The captlongd individual is a high- priced Hollywood call girl and 'a close friend of Fred Otash, private detective in Los Angeles who has been convicted of horse race fixing. She advised Agents of our Los Angeles Office _on July 11, 1960, that Otash contacted her on 7- 10- 60 requesting?infor ation A relating to her participation in sex pa'rtie involving Sell}? or John,i Kenn dyxhis tra and Sammy Da is Jr. brother-in-law, moviedractor Peter Lawfo d, Frank Sue YOung Said she told Otash she had no knowledge of such activities 1 involving these men. He then asked her to name any girls who might have been present at parties with these men. She told the Agents that [she was unaware of any indiscretions or girls involved with the four men specified by Otash. RECOMMENDATION: On July 11,1960,Los Angeles Agents had occasion to talk to Otash m1'his office. During the conversation he inadvertently-ear his actions indicated inadvertence=~that some operator, unnamed and unidentified, was ate empting to spy ?on Senator Kennedy 8 hotel room. He inferred to the Agents that "Co idential" ?1 I i 1 1 magazine is "100k1ng1for dirt on Kennedy or Lawford" for use in a series of articles planned for publicatidn before the November election. 1 In the evening (of 7-11-60 Sue Young told Agents that Otash had telephoned her 'wanting to know if she could arrange to be introduced to Senator Kennedy. He suggested that he would like to equip her with a recording device for taking down any "indiscreet statements" the Senator might make. She said she refused this suggestion and invitation. For information. i 1 i ., SEMI: DlR?chri'JKnn .1 -, (3H NH 5402'? DucId:32304320 Page 2 JFK AssasSinati on System . Date: 6/8/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Information Eleased under the John Kennedy ssassinatinn Records nllectinn Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Nate]. a3e#:NH 54%62 Date: AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER 124~10285?10340 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 63?4296-26-614 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI 1 FROM: SAC, LA TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 04/20/1960 PAGES 4 SUBJECTS FO, CRIM ACT, ASSOC, TELEVISION PROGRAM, VICE ACT, HOLLYWOOD, CA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF 10/23/1997 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC ADMIN PAGE v9.1 3 NH 54452 Page 1 "l . or. i. ml? .-.., I 'ms STANDARD FORM N04 64 7 O?ice Memorandum - UNITED GOVERNMENT - . ?Anne To DIRECTOR, FBI (6344296) DATE: April 20, 1960 SAG, essences (94653) A?muum?N-a?Am?n CR3 -"End This Confusion" 1H5 I The editor of the "Herald Express" today demands {j that the law governing wiretapping must be {5 protect the rights of law-abiding citizens; and amended in such clear language that the shield of 'civil rights' a cannot be employed by hoodlums, murderers, kidnapers." He points out that evidence obtained by wire? tapping cannot be used in federal cases, and other courts, state and federal, have held that this prohibitidn extends to states in which the laws permit the use of wiretapping for gathering evidence in criminal cases. ?Without legal wiretapping, law enforcement agencies would be powerless to deal with many kinds of criminal activities, and the imposition of the federal stricture upon the states would, in the opinion of police and prosecutors, result in a 'gigantic legal Jailbreak.'" The decision of a U.S. Appeals Court that federal courts should not interfere with state prosecutibns in which.state-approved wiretap information is used as evidence, is acclaimed by the "Herald Express" editor because it ?returned the element of common sense to the law." However, he does not feel that this ruling is enough. He thinks the Federal Communications Act, Section 605, needs to be spelled out "so that even Judges and Justices can understand it. "It was never meant to protect the criminal, but has been so construed in hair-splitting decisions." ?3 ?f?gelesi REC- 35 ?3 ml/ng? FHT: pk a5 5) NH 54462 Page 2 xv, CRIMDEL (LA 9u-558) 4/2o/60 KENNY Swing?Parties w, ?has such uncanny ability with guns that for several years he has performed the trick shooting for actor Such ability naturally begets a reputation and even the police, experts that they may be, hesitate to challenge this man. _vgp; '1bib? Consequently, as a notorious host of "real so?. swinging" parties - sex orgies involving the free exchange ?sfj of partners - KENNY DUNCAN has at least so far been immune . to interference by Hollywood vice officers. According to f??g LA 4062-0 who has been DUNCAN's guest on more than one rgf?? occasion, the parties in apartment have never been interrupted by the law. . This conversation between the CI and 8A3 followed the arrest of the District Attorney in the - A 7" PERRY MASON telev on series who the informant has known for years. He said TALMAN was recently bemoaning the _adverse publicity he had received from his involvement in a swing party with SUSAN SNOW, one of the best known nude models in pornographic circles, and her husband. Informant said he has many times attended swing parties with TALMAN and a motion picture actor, ?usually at place. Another couple orcenest these partiesiistactor waxy now and his wife, as was comic'rEIief actor in GENE AUTRY's rna?wsn I According to Source, swing parties often go on through the night and morning, and getting a second invita-' tion depends on a guest's "sportsmanship" which is said to be Judged who keeps a sort of scoreboard. One couple, named as BILE GRAHAM, a Hollywood career man, and his wife in swing parties on the advice or?t?$is who allegedly told them that marital difficulties they were suffering could be alleviated fin this way. Informant said they're still married, so apparently the treatment was effective. So goes where a Contract Was recently executed between of Jackit Productions, which mam? . 4 - 54462 Page 3 1 . Fiat 1? NH 54462 Page-e1 9?could be shown chattihg ?U?huary CRIMDEL (LA 94-558) Vac/60 Farah/?Ql?ww Produces a telev1_ series "Sweet Success," and Priyate Investigator recently coggicted of fixing'horse' source races. The contract, according to calls for one or two shows tentatively entitled "Otash of Hollywood." Maybe, but not probably, one of the episodes will portray OTASH in conversation with some of his numerous call girl friends such as OLympia 7-2659. She was so happy with her that he has continued the relationship in Los Angeles. if that isn't good enough, FREDDY has a million or 780 other stories to choose from. JFK Assassination System Date: 6/8/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Information under the John AGENCY: FBI . Kennedy 1244028540341 Records elleetien Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ :44 us: 21:37 Nate] . 5402? Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 63-4296-26-675 8?2 9?2 17' Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, LA TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 07/12/1960 PAGES: 4 SUBJECTS F0, ASSOC, LA TIMES, ARTIC, POLIT ACT, VICE ACT, CA, CONFIDENTIAL MAGAZINE DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 10/23/1997 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS v9.1 4 RH 5402? DueId:32304329 Page 1 Mr. Mr. Tolson_- Mohr_- Mr. Parsons Mr. Belmont-_- Mn a Mr._ - . Mr. Malone Mr. Mr. Mr. Tamra Mr. T?rothw . - to.) a 1? ?7 LA94- 0558 Mr. W.C.S?.1Hivan . Tale. Room Mr. . Miss 7/12/60 "m?:rzwn pmgirl and quite incidenx priv FRED43 ASH a man who stands convicted 'Of horse race OH 7? Yesterday SUE t01d she had been contacted by OTASH the previous evening she wanted information as to her possibly participating in sex parties involving PETER LAWFORD, FRANK SINRTRA, SAMMY DAVIS, Jr. and Senator JOHN KENNEDY. . - - SUE said she told OTRSH she has no knowledge of such activities involVing these men, and to this OTASH reSponded with a request that she name any girls who might have been used at-parties with them. SUE said she is unaware of any indiscretions or girls involted With the four men specified by UTRSH and she told him so. -- ?1 Yesterday the same SA?s?had occaSion to talk to OTASH at his office and during their presence the private detective inadvertently - or his actions indicated inadvertence - indicated that some operator, unnamed and unidentified, is attempting to Spy on SenatOr KENNEDY's hotel room. OTASH indicated that confidential magatine is gassed ?looking for dirt on KENNEDY or for use in a planned series of articles for publication between now and the election in Nbvember. ?Last"evening, again according to SUE YOUNG, OTASH . phoned her wanting to know if she could arrange an introdudtion to Senator KENNEDY. He suggested that he would like to equip her with a recording device for taking down any "indisdrece statements? the Senator might make. SUE refused the invitation. Today Vice Officer JAKE JACOBSON of the Los,- Angeles Police Hellywood Division confidentially related to that incidental to the intensified police activity NH 5402'? SENT DIREC OR 7? at: - . d, ?iwirer DucId:32304329 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/8/2015 Agency Information Eleased under the John AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124?10285?10350 Kenn?? asassinatinn Records RECORD SERIES 2 HQ UllECt-i?? Act Of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 92-6394-9 aset? 5?4'33 7' Date 8?29?2017 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: KIRK, GEORGE M. JR. TITLE: - DATE 04/ 1 8/ 1963 PAGES: 4 - SUBJECTS [Restricted] DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4; 11(a) CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE. OF LAST REVIEW: 08/13/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE, APPROVAL OF IRS COMMENTS v91 NH 5402? Page 1 NH 5402? 92-1217 GMK:der l_ LLOYD BELL, Undersheriff, Clark County Sheriff?s Office, Las Vegas, Nevada, advised on Marehilu, 1960, that_FRED OTASH was picked up by deputies of his department at the El Rancho Vegas Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, on charges of vagrancy. OTASH indicated he operates a private detective agengy known as The'Fred . Otash Detective Agency, 1342 North Laurel Avenue, Los Angeles, California, telephones 0L 6~4477.and HO 7:1888. ONASH stated he was in Las Vegas, Nevada for the purpose of setting up an agreement of-some type to collect gambling debts owed to the gambling clubs and hotels, especially by individuals in California. OTASH would investigate the assets_of the individuals owing these gambling debts which information would be turned over to a group of attorneys for collection, OTASH indicated he had discussed this plan with PHIL LONG of the Tropicana Hotel; JOHNNY DUNN and BELDON KATLEMAN, both El Rancho Vegas Hotel and NILBUR D?Sert Inn Hotel in Las' Vegas, Nevada. ,M_7w T??mn . - OTASH advised'thatfabeut three months ago WILBUR CLARK, Las Vegas, Nevada loaned him $5,000 and he obtained this money through ELI BOYER, Ascountant for the Desert Inn. OTASH was dropped as a criminal informant pursuant to Bureau instructions in Bureau letter 03 November 28, 1961, in connection with his use of the FBI's name in publicizing his United Nations Publications, Inc., Directory of Private Investigators and Attorneys (SAC letter 61-72 (A). . I COVER PAGE DucId:32304333 Page 2 JFK Assassination System. Identi?cation Form Date: 6/8/2015 AGENCY RECORD NUMBER Agency Inform ati on FBI 124-10285-10351 Kennedy asassinatinn Records :Dllectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. Eeleased under the John RECORD SERIES: HQ Zase? :m?r 54:12? Date: 8?29?2017 AGENCY FILE NUMBER SEE TITLE Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, LA TO DIRECTOR, FBI 2 TITLE [Restricted] DATE: 11/21/1955 PAGES 4 SUBJECTS - [Restricted] DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 10/23/1997 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS 2 NH 5402? Page 1 FORM 510.64 I. Of?ce . UNITED STATES i Ef?iirm?.?f? m? - hwi EB . DIRECTOR, FBI (137?1876) pm: Novembe - Eur-1?51? 1? - 1?1 i; 1 11W 01:? (SAC, LOS ANGELES 1(37-6118) 5:19, gm?i?? my CONTAINEB a MT: Housmam pg 1 SUBJECT LAN ?3860*:0 CICONF 1} I Ng?g?igg 1151151151359, g?K LP ?Miss GandY? Ii :53; QPINII NAL 9911 L3 Yi?gga?? It; 13s; On November 15, 1955 LA 3860? met SA JEROME ,wa? 1 and SA JEROME K. CROWE at Coffee Dan?s Restaurant, eff?? fHollywood Boulevard and Cahuenga Street, Los Angeles, iinCalifornia. - The informant was interviewed by the above Agents firstgin Ce.ffee Dan's Restaurant and. later in the informant's car which was parked in the immediate vic1n1ty. The informant furnished the following information: :1 :1.5 I CONCERNING r\ 1, 171.: a. ti' The informant advised that in August or Sep- tember,:a1955, an article appeared in the?Confidential Magazine" concerning ELIZABETH SCOTT, Hollywood. movie sitar, being a Lesbian. 33:31! ?ag {Zn?w1 ?g - She said the article, in effect; statedzthat. ?mm" (victim in v1 RNON VAN seem, et a1; SANDRA 1:11:13; - 1560) a?a'i?ter Being Erestec my the Los Amg?les. ?e Department on a vice ?353rg??in?19 4, admfitedgthat? Hername an-d telechdne.? . Angeles Police J?u'rtber g1? EIAABETA .5031, 1., 1n t~ecgpwae? ?eet, EIZABETH g? the mov1e star.e that BETTS knew ?gs also indicated {that% sEa Lesbian. ??03 $31 The informm?t aEedJZAat she had given the call book insqudhtion??e ET .pr?br to her arrest, and that a?d the other ions eted with her did not know LI7ABE1H.SCOTT pg and, therefore, were not din.a pos?tion to know whet ng?b?not was auLesbian - . d?Theminfo?mant??t?ken stated that about the first Tweak 1n13aptember,.l955 bef 1e she went toutha has Angeles- Ya. r1- 3.7.12'. f? 3- ?m I 3 J?Jgemgn (412?? . 15150039 ?"35 ??3121. ,1 115.1115- 1? .1 - I (8)?agg I?g?f?m?e?jt11h ?1 was {$11 cc: New onrk ~11 013% ?7 NQV 281955 1 - 1 1 2 1 Les Ahjg eles I37 7 we 7 7) - uy?mai.ijgaaWe l~ NA 211153C ngelese 62 ?2?69 1111 7 if: i: in?? A NH 5402'? Page 2 5402? 'stated tha31e333111n11 if; [1512} 233%? County HOSpital, C- . .1. Los Angeles -prostitute, Los Angeles Co ?ty Sherif B317715, and friend ejf the informant, asked the informant if she wanted to make a few dollars regarding the article in ?Confidential Mag=rine" concerning LIZABETH SCOTT. ?Ih(white; male; born January 6 $192 at LaWrencefe?i ?IIts; address 133T Laurel, Los angeles, Califonn1a),_ ormer vice squad officer for th Los Angeles Police Department, was presently working: private detective for Les Angeles HR1ZI111M whose office is located at 1W 8OI north VinawStr?et he Angeles, California, that she had been working with in Hollywood for onfidentiaI IMII that had learned that/t 3333 i3?oned by BETTS had actually belonged to the informant and that BETTS and the other personsarrested with her had not known ELIZABETH SCOTT personally. CASEY stated that wanted to talk with the informant about this matter. The informant said she met on or about Sepe tember 15, 1955 and that he told her that he had learned that BETTS had misrepresented the fact that the call book belonged to her (BETTS), and that she and the other persons arrested 'with her had not known SCOTT personally'. He stated that since the informant was the only person who could refute Ethis part of the story, he would give her 3500 if the 'informant would subsequently sign a statement that she would gnot testify in behalf of 13LIZABETH SCOTT in the event that SCOTT sued "Confidential Magazine. A The informant stated that she needed the money and accepted the $3500, provided her name not be mentioned in cena nection with this article. thereupon paid the informant ?f500 in cash. The informant then asked what other assurance would she have tha? her name would not be ementioned in connection with anyxigbsequent suit, and replied, "If a person like1MALTh1I M'your side, you would feel assured, wou?tj? The informant Stated that she did not, at the time, deem it advisable to ask any further questions about WINCHELL. The informant.stated that she went to the Lee ?Angeles County Hospital on September 19, 1955 where she under: went a serious heart operation. The informant stated she left the hospital on or about November 1, 1955. On November 10, 1955, contacted her and requested that the DunId:32304339 Page 3 1. I NH 5402? LA 1. - . informant come to the office of ARTHUR J. Angeles .attorney, and sign a statement concerning their agreement. The informant stated that she went to the office of CROWLEY and in the preSence of CROWLEY and signed a paper which said in effect that she would not testify on behalf of ELIZABETH SCOTT in case SCOTT sued "Confidential Magazine" concerning the article printed about her. The informant stated that BROWLEY notarized the paper. The informant stated that later invited her to go to Palm Springs, California and spend a week end sometime in the future. She stated that she had not accepted the invitation as yet, but that she was considering accepting the invitation in order to learn from more about his connection with ?Confidential Magazine." The informant stated that she would attempt to ascertain from CASEY exactly what information she was obtaining for and what con- nection WINCHELL had with "Confidential Magazine.? The informant stated that she Would be unable to obtain the above information until after January 1, 1956 since her doctor had advised her not to exert herself physically until after that date. She stated that after January 1, 1956, she would able to become actively engaged again in furnishing information ?to the FBI. OnNovember 19, 1955, the informant advised that she was leaving for Las Vegas, Nevada and would return to Los Angeles on or about November 25, 1955? DucId:32304339 Page 4 JFK Assassination System identi?cation Form Date: 6/8/2015 i AGENCY A gene Inform ati on Eleased under the John COMMENTS Kennedy RECORD NUMBER: 124-10285-10352 Eaa??in?ti?? i nllectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ :44 USC 2107' Note: . . 5402? Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: SEE TITLE 8-2 9-2 '3 17' Docum ent Information FBI FROM SAC, LA TO . TITLE [Restricted] I DATE 09/27/1966 PAGES 1 2 SUBJECTS [Restricted] DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassified . RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redaot DATE OF LAST REVIEW 10/23/1997 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE v91 NH 5402? Page 1 7?,7 . . . ii? 7 . (I STATES DEPARTMENT - Los Angeles, California September 27, 1956 WW a m? ALL INFORMATION comma) . Mi? . [?ij 9L NUMBER mes1? i5 a h?iigzzgaeasw CONEIEFTALA '1160?-c 2. BUREAU FILE men 137-12180 3 . CURRENT ACTIVITY on WHICH. ENABLES momm T0 cams mommies - Informant continues as a premeter of real estate and business sales. This activity puts him in contact with numerous.individua1s, including many "con men.? ?Informant has, in the past, been a part time.chauffeur for JACK I. DRAGNA, "Boss" of the Los Angeles ?family" of LCN at the time of his death.. While the informant is not a member of LON, he is, because of his past association with DRAGNA, acquainted with . many known "members" of the Los Angeles "family.? ?g u. DATES 0F - 4/6,22/66; 5/6/66; 6/2,23/66; 7/15/66; 8/12/66; 9/6/66. 5. OUTCOME OF CASES HOT COMPLETED WHEN PREVIOUS SEMI-ANNUAL LETTER COMPLETED The case-entitled, WILLIAM JAMES . WILLIAM ITSP - FRAUD BX Los Angeles file . . 87ul66H6, Bufile 87~73718, was predicated on information 1 furnished by the informant. The Los Angeles charges against DEATON are being held in abeyance at the present time pending adjudication of similar charges against BEATON in the Southern District of New York. - Useless 94' 73 MADE ALL 7 NOT ?gc'oswen 3 OCT 51966 . sees estimussemss - 3.1 (SEE RENEE .- ?Cyf NH 5402? Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 6/8/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Information Eleased under the AGENCY: FBI . Kennedy RECORDNUMBER: 124-10285-10358 ssassinatinn Records . nllectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [?14 USC 210'? Note] . 5402? Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 66-04-3071 8?2 9 ?2 Document Information ORIOINATOR FBI FROM: DIRECTOR, FBI TO ALL SACS TITLE DATE: 12/18/1961 PAGES 5 SUBJECTS FO, EMP, BROCHURE DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 10/30/1997 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC SAC LET v9.1 9 1m 5402? Page 1 4.1 ., 1-. A..- 1 511. 533.3 5 7 7 (55119135111581 53' 1.961) 1115155115115..- '15 . 115525; 1.. . 5' 55155555115115.5115 . .1 11.55.1211 ?51 1 . 3 1.151151 15 5:11 55551515551115 1111 E55555: . 3 . 52?? .3 31% . 5; 5 5:55 55155515111 59$ 5 UNKTEI PUEMCATEQNS 311153 . c: .. ~15 . 1551115155.: 51115555555 5?5 5? 5155555511 55355151: 5555155 .55 E551 111111 1555111555 1155 155515511. 5515151 55551115111155.5555 - 510111 1511555 15515 55515155551155, 5151515 15155151511555 51551 5115115 5555551515 5115 55151105551 5155115155all 51-111 5 1515551515 51111511 he 1555111135 1515511551 5155511555155 1115 ?11112 15115155155551 1111551513; 15555 5515155155 5551' 11111115 15-- 15115511551515, 11551151515, 51515555555515, (7551155115551 5551553155, 53155511 11511555, 1151151 15111555 5? 511 51555 1115 51 15515 1510511515 . 151515 1-5 55 1511511555 151151 by $15551 115 15111511 he 515155 1115 1555555 1551 555115111515 1515 51115515137. .5 13551555115111 15:5 11115 151151 55155551555555 '5 ?5515 11115 5551351511551 55 115155 15551155 1151511 E5551 1155151, 5111551551 5515 1? 11.1. 5.1.51. i551. 55 11151155. .. . 51155 5515535 50511111551515 1515115155515 5511115111 55115555 515115 11,515 55-55: 551115 1151 115515 555511 55111111551501 ?1 - "?1515 55115515 51 1115 1511155551 555551551511 55111 515515, 5 55111551 5115151151 symbo?. 1555515115111 015? 1.515 1.55 5551155555 1111551551. 155.5 111 .. 1515 101151 05 5 151155 1151551 53,5111 51, 191.1 1551115551 15111155 1.55 5115 50111511115- ??41794: [3515511511 5515151111515 55 15 1515 1555155551 51 1?5 1 0551555 5515555 5.555151 115.15 ?55551?, which 5515151511511 1155 15 55 1155515515155 1515 1115 5515515131. 51555511 5555 55111-5515 11151 .1515 151 01055 5151 5551511555 55511555 515155151155 5 ?593,? 1551 55 55111 5155551111515 5511155555 1555 55151511551 15 1.5.55. The 1555 55155155 151115155 11.55 151511551551 15 551511551 Beimont Mohr Callahan Conrad DeLouch Evans . Malone Rosen Sullivan 'Favel 3 Trotter Tele.F{oom @1551: 55151 1551011515 5101551 1515 51 5555513511503? 1553321113 5155351551315 by 1115 1. 4 1:43:55, 111 115 1111511551 1115 555115511 55 1115 9} .1135, . - 5 . ?.13 33:33 MAIL ROOM UNIT DEW It?" ~4 I . NH 5402'? Page 2 Very truly yours, John Edgar Hoover Directer NOTE: See cover memo Jones to DALoach, dated 12-13-61, captioned Otashp United Nations Publications, Inc. Research.(Crime Records)." No Manta-AL NH 5402'? Page 3 . .. . I ?rmware-I- . - "n-f .u 3&2; M.i a {3 PERsosnL ATTENTION, ?Nam-a UNITED, STATES DEPARTMENTBFEUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION December 26, . ?wunmcron In Reply, Please Refer to Enemy." j; . (Al INC- HOLLYWOOD, CALIFDEEIA RESEARCH (CRIME RECORDS) The Bureau has received several communications from various field divisions, private' gindividuals and firms concerning captioned individual and a brochure which he recently printed announcing his ?1962 International i Directory and Almanac for PriVate Investigators, Adjustors, Re? A possessorsj Collection Agencies, Credit Reporting Houses, Patrol Services." :On page two of this brochure there is a printed letter by Otash in which he states his reasons for publishing this directory. A to this letter acknowledges ?the fine cooperation we have received from J. Edgar Hooverg'director of the F.B.I., Dept. many centributing individuals without whose help this book could not have been published." a The extent of the Bureau?s'COOperatiOn with Otash; a former criminal symbol informant of the Los Angeles Division, was in the-form-of a letter dated April 19, 1961, which replied to his communication inquiring as to the location of FBI offices abroad .and-in this country, which information was to be incorporated into his directory. Otash was advised that the FBI does not maintain offices abroad and a list of our present field divisions was furniShedfto.him. . The Los Angeles Division was instructed to contact Otash 3x and vigorously protest the manner in which he implied the c00peration 5&1: and assistance by the FBI in the preparation of his directory. A: Upon contact, Otash related he would immediately cease any further 2 disSemination of this brochure. In the event your office receives- 37? any inquiry concerning this brochure or Otash} you are authorized tut to_briefly inform the contacting party of the*above information s} 5 with the exception that Otash was a former informant of the Los Angeles Office,; Advise the Bureau of any contact regarding this 1% ?4 matters marked to the attention Of the Crime Research Section 1 ?mm i i ?o 1 12/26/61? 7 w. I sAc LE TER NO. 61~72 . \ki?if 7? 1' - A 7 (B) BpticE a SEARCHES AND SEIZURES It was recently brought to the attention of the.Bureau by'seV?taIIWW? Attorneys General?of the Midwestern States that local law enforcement ag?floundering in regard to the present law on searches and .{Vgei?ares as a result of the Mapp v? Ohio decision by eme Court1951 I MAm?iz . n? . - mac 293M Wattage: aeweewwilcgi? 1mm we UNRECORDED cop? FILED I 1-155." L: 1.15402'? Page 4 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: . 6/8/20] 5 Agency Information Eleased under the John AGENCY FBI Kenn-2:19 RECORDNUMBER: 124-10285-10360' Esassinati?n allectinn Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ 144 USC 211:? Note] . a3e#:NH 5402? Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105-65495-15 3-29-2317 Document Informati on ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: GOBLE, THEODORE N. TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 03/11/1958 PAGES 3 A SUBJECTS EDWARD K. MOSS DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 11/06/1997 I OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE i. COMMENTS . V91 NH 5402? Page 1 Reporting Of?ce Of?ce oi Origin 3 7 95159511179 Perioc? 1/22/5 NASHINGTON FIELD WASHINGTON NINLL 3??958 ggagg 9 15:27 29/5 OF CASE a Report made by JV . A THEODORE N. BLE - ?Ix i . CHARACTER OF CASE @1232?? {/33 nowe?Se?fs WALTER MICHAEL FITZMAURICE, wase, . Walter Fithaurice, Walter Mu Fitzmorris 7 REGISTRATION ACT I nopsis: . I T-l believed suoject FITZMAURICE was h:Lred by whom he'believed had the job of creating favor? ?gable publicity for JOSE LADR INL, Jr., a vice presidential fcandii date in the November, 1957, elections in the Philippines. INITZMAURICE submitted press release to "Newsweek" magazine ?which reported the efforts of President GARCIA, President of the Philippines, to demonstrate that the November, 1957 f'eleotion would be held in a democratic fashiono stated that VALENCIA had hired REGINALD to do publicity i work for him, also that VALENCIA had submitted press release a? ?if?w 1% A we; to the ?Washington Sunday star? regarding the November, m? 1957, elections in the Philippines. VALENCIA was appointee Press Attache at Embassy of the Philippines, Washington, Ne?: 1. to O3, on 7- 27- Neither VALENCIA her MITCHELL is resisu 3 'tered at Registration Section, U3 S. Department of Justioee - i ABELARDO Le VALENCIA in interview admitted that FITZMAURICE had attempted to have news article inserted in ?Newsweek" magazine but was unsuccessfulu VALENCIA asserted 1 did this as a. favor-and .was not employed by him, and never' received any money. VALENCIA stated that MITCHELL oheckedipjf' cig? VALENCTAIS office in National Press Building during three '"ii Egg 155j~?kBureau (ICE 65495) I l-New -sFee13u 2?Nashir_?, Otha?lw?z' /3 ?9 It It. A??g REQ- REOIDMA P533 3 REP FORW. 6? BY C117/f I Ini7vul DME mm.3 Jygif NOW I-ONN. .43.: 1.14RBI {Famed to yo by the FBI and gtw'ts contents are to be distributed outside- .the dq?ncy to which iotmed. u. PRINTING OFEICE.1935 o??344750 5402'? Page 2 WVAEAEL 4 - . JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/8/2015 Agency Information Eleased under the John ssassinatiun Records allectinn Act of 1992 a3e#:NH 5402? Date: FBI 1 RECORD NUMBER: 124-1028540375 an? I RECORD SERIES: HQ [1111 U51: 2 11:1? Note] . AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 13?2 9?2017 1 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, WMFO T0 DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE i DATE 10/08/1974 PAGES 2 SUBJECTS EDWARD K. MOSS DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 11/10/1997 OPENING CRITERIA: INDEFINITE COMMENTS WI RH 5402? Page 1 FORM no. lo 1 I. 101.114; 7 . I 77.7..- ?11" UNITED STATES sow. - emom ndum- ?To DIRECTOR, FBI ()ng summer: UNSUB: Visitor to Czech Embassy, ant o? Ford, - CD. icense 485 ?77670?" 7?77 6777777 72747 Visitors to IS - CZ m. CLASSIFIED BY 751-01336? (COMO) DECLAS SIFY 3'7 (JFK) 5?2 entitled as above. 1 1 573% Reairtel regis ered owner of :3 g; captioned: vehicle SS, be 6/23/16, 3:33 1600 Foxhall Road, W., washington, D. C. nd that 5' ose Visit was for obtaining a visa per 5: ?g 13?- g; g, SA CHARLES W. SMITH caused a search to be Inade?n?j 7,7 m: c3 3 of the records of The it Bureau, Inc., WDC, and was/7 advised that EDWARD age 57,1600 Foxhall Road, N.EJ., WDC, was listed as the owner of MOSS INTER 11 COUNSEL . SC SHIRLEY GARNER caused a I arch to be made of the f'les 0 sport Office, U.S. Department of State, and on 9/18/74 1 as determined that MOSS, born 6/23/16, at Lancaster, has been in possession of a U. S. passport but his applications could not be located. It was suggested that h1s name be sub- mitted at a later date. Buy U5, 5. 54111123: Bond: Regularly on the I I "ll .4 ing: Plan 5402? Page 2 900 7/7 RED 5 m5 5117777 5 (1 - 121-25750) ror?reviewg?g??w 7:7 7 - I - 105- 417184) (Visitors to Czec [120,73 - 1.. i i? 1 wroEZEs-126727 ":3neggm- g5; 10/2/74, A JOHN JOSEPH reviewed the file rtaining to EDWARD K. moss, born 6/23/16, at Lancaster, at the Visa Office, USDS, NBC, and no additional pertinent information was noted therein which would supplement that already in poseession of the FBI. review of UFO files reveals that EDWARD KIPER M088 is identical with Bureau file 121-39985. CSC had requested the Bureau source who had provided information that one JULIA CELLINI had a bUsiness connection with EDWARD K. MOSS, "reportedly a pervert." we: 1086-0 who provided the above information refused to consider openly identifying himself or to furnish testi- mony under any circumstanceseprEO recommended that CSC be advised the identity of source could not be disclosed. Additional references in WFO files indicate that MOSS has been registered as Foreign Agent for foreign countries performing public relations activities. CEince the purpose of the visit to the Czech Embassy was for purposes of obtaining a visa and since MOSS would have a legitimate reason for visiting this?embassy, WFO recommends no additional action at tfis time.j??nt iew of MOSS at this time does not appear L9) varianted?and there is no otential for develOping him as a secu ity . NH 5402'? Page 3 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/4/2015 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10286-10149 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100-33923 5-133 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM SAC, NH 1 2 TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 12/19/1963 PAGES: 2 SUBJECTS - SHF, ASSOC, TELEPHONE, RCK . DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT [hmkm??ed eleased under the John RESTRICTIONS 4 KB 1111121213: CURRENTSTATUS: demn Records LASTREVIEW: 08/20/1998 1311133131011 A1313 Of 1993 199 USC 210? Note]. Data: COMMENTS WJ 191 SHE-54464 Page 1 OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 50l0?l06 1 . MAY woz comma .Lf. J. GSA GEN use. no. 27 7 . UNITED STATES Gi< ERNMENT <5 i Memorandum 7T0 FBI (loo?339235) DATI-icnecember 19 1963 . 1 FROM SAC, NEW HAVEN (105 5378) SUSAN HEILIGMAN FRANK-ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED El? . - HERBN IS 332% Eff! (00' NEW YORK) DAT A: RE: New York letter to Bureau, 10/3/63, On October 24, 1963, NH (protect identity) advised that the records of the Southern New England Telephone Company, 300 George Street, New Haven, Connecticut, reflect that telephone number DR 8? 5832 is a nonupublished telephone listed to GEORGE 85 Fenelon Stree Stratford, Connecticut FOULK has had telephone service since 1943 and tele?gone records list him as a fonman with the Bullard Company, Bridgeport, Connecticut .. Jun. wan, ?w .. A: i LURE ,1 - . wwa?.?wv? On November 15, 1963, Officer CHARLES RUZEKA, Stratford, Police Department, Stratford, Connecticut, advised he could locate no recad identifiable with GEORGE W, FOULK of Fenelon Street, Stratford, Connecticut. on November 20, 1963, Officer DAN LEAHY, Bridgeport V. Police- Department, Bridgeport, Connecticut, adVised he could locate no record identifiable with GEORGE On November 15, 1963, JOSEPHINE BONNANZIO, Bridgeport Credit Rating Bureau, Bridgeport, Connecticut, advised? _that GEORGE Wu FOULK of Fenelen Place, Stratford, Bureau 2 New York (100? 42479) 2 New Haven LSG/kjb . I ?f?w (6) EM gm? REGISTERED MAIL {533, 1 53!. 1.7111100120241963 4 DEC 31 NH 54464 Page 2 JFK Assassination System. - Date: 5/4/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECORDNUMBER: 124-1028640150 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 100-339235-134 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, CG TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 12/27/1963 PAGES: 14 SUBJECTS I SHF, LOMAN, CHARLES BUDDY, SECURITY INDEX, REL, RES, BKG, CP ACT, PLM, PLP, EMP, INTV, FISUR DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 . CURRENT STATUS Redact Eleased under the John DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 08/20/1998 Kennedy - Eaassinatinn Recurda HWDEFHHTE gllectign Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. COMMENTS: INC RPT 5444541 Date: v9.1 192 NH 54464 Page 1 CG 100?39823 ROBERT LOMAN was characterized in the report of SA GARRETT P, FLEMING at Chicago, dated December 15, 1961, in the case entitled CHARLES BUDDY LOMAN as follows: CG T-4 (NY 1177?8) advised on September 16, 1958, that ROBERT LOMAN was present at a meeting of the New York State.Youth Commission held under the sponsorship of the New York State Communist Party on September 6, 1958, at 34 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York. The enclosed copy of previously described report is classified confidential because information from CG and CG if disclosed could reasonably result in the identification of informants of continuing value and _COmpromise their future effeCtiveness thereof. One copy of this letter is being designated for Chicago File 100-24883 (CHARLES BUDDY LOMAN), one copy for 100-36710 (FRANCES RATNER LOMAN), and one copy for. 100?34388 (ROBERT LOMAN) . NH 54464 Page 2 ?a - Emmi? 253.; $5.11? EE EE 1* E. E290 I . regarding EisEiEg f; . [ss? - i?far?iatia? gag-arcing . Ewan-as page 4, j! era-11y to SE P. ELEEXEE CE EEWE, page 4 1. 1/ wally 3mm 3535553 4 ta SA wig? EWES . GE Ema?E 12/3/63 raga-?E, Eage PAGE . EN EN NH 54464 Page 3 NH 54464 vaL?y?z, . - 144-44383?. Late?- - W?ti??a 12/4163 Yn??ant regart, gage 4 many may 34 4143:3131: a. - .W?/ag Imtant 24934:, mm 4 Kr . 12/4/33 ?InstaLLYrepert, paga 4 4 aral.1y ta Y. lzf?f?? Eagtant re?ax?, page 4 . araiiy ta 34 CLAY Y. mm mm . Page 4 JFK Assassination System Date: 5/4/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10286-10156 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILENUMBER: 100?339235-138 Document Information ORIGINATOR .FBI FROM: SAC, CV TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 01/24/1964 PAGES: 3 SUBJECTS SHF, JAJI, GLORIA, AKA, REL, CREDIT CHECK, RES, TELEPHONE, BKG, EMP, MED DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENTSTATUS: Redact Eleased under the John DATEOF LASTREVIEW: 08/20/1998 - ssassinatinn Records OPENING CRITERIA: INDEFINITE ollectiun Act of 1992 ., - (44 USC Note]. COMMENTS: - 544541 Date: v9.1 194 7 NH 54464 Page 1 .. .- FORM NO5016-104 ., - .. .5 STATES 1441' ., - - T. emomna?um . . . I .. .TIO DIRECTOR, FBII (1061-3359235) . _Jannary'_24, 1964. n' 'r . SUSAN HEILIGMAN FRANK - ALL INFORMATION mvvoz??ygw . I 1.3- J1 Re York letter . . i . .1 ?i - 7 Cleve land area city? irectOries fai led to reflect . 5 any person_ by name of GLORIAH ving at 682 Edgewood- I I I and Haights g4 {phlo 51" .2 5/?25/555 555 1i :9 5 3 *5 ?151 rI gm A 3 #73? 3070- gad?sed 0E 15, 1964,- that liv at 682 mEdgewood Road Richmond Heights 24, Ohio. /5 Curce's records reflected that telephone service wasmihEtElledi?ggLM for him at this. addreSS durin 1961, that he is employed at St. ~Alexis H6s_pi-tal 1n Cle-v and and his ?Wi.fei?y? is GLORIA. . K-II . .M 1? LIA-vii; ji" . 5. Records of ithe,Cleveland.I Hetai' ore 1then5s- Cempany wClevelan 1963,.Eeflected . 1 that D555 ABDUL Wife GLQBIA 3t -.: - 9507 Eucll Avenue, Logan Hotel, Cleveland Ohio on Au.gust- -29, 1961-. Former residee* 5 . Ohio, on December .. as 1277 Erai_} Read, 4 '5 -, With prASeg?Iaddrefw as 682 Edgewocd Road; QHWIelandkg??thw 1 5R US ?#55555 5*35 i His om40it rgEIErdg% from l966uef??963 w?ggEat1sfazzory. .1 . 1 Additional credit information refleCts that IfDr. NAJI was born July 31,1923, at Bagdad Iraq and was- of the Iraq nationality.g He is married and has sons .I gyears old. His Wife was the widow of CLIFFORD MARQUARDT and his character and reputation were listed as favorable. - . 55 5 Information aVailahle al?o reflected that Dr. NAJI Was I .Iw ,first in the CleVelana area in 1953 When he was an intern at the Cleveland Clinic and later at University Hospital. - ;.both in Cleveland. He left Cleveland in 1956 and was 1 5 'employed as a pathologist at Brooklyn HQSpitaJl Brboklyn,-x if New York from 1956 to 1959 when he retarned- to Bagdad, I IIan. 7 . 1 u?re?au -, - - 1 - New York. (100- 52579) (Rm) . 51.55,, - Il5 - Cleveland . 5 JAN I . I. NH 54464 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 5/4/2015 Identi?cation Fonn Agency Information 1 AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10286-10158 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 1004339235-IST NR 139 Document information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM LEG, LO TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 01/21/1964 PAGES: 1 SUBJECTS SHF, RCF, ASSOC, TRA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION: Secret RESTRICTIONS: 4 Redact Eleased under the John LASTREVIEW: 03/12/1996 - . asassinatinn Records OPENING CRITERIA: INDEFINITE UllECtiC?n ACE C'f 1992 a [44 use 210? Note]. CONHMENTS: ase#:Nm 54454 Date: . i 0?10?2017 V9.1 I 196 NH 54464 Page 1 1 . 1 .1 - NH 54464 Birector, FBI 1/21/64 Legat, London 7 RICHARD GYRIL FRANK SM Bufi1e. 1 160? 401763 Lonfile 3USAN HEILIGMAN FRANK 3M 4 A Bufile 1004333235 Lonfile 10042198 5(5) LEO HUBERMAN Bufile 100?8436 Lonfile 100?1742 (RUG) ReBulet to New Yerk 1/9/64 requesting Londonczo alert Source or information regarding contacts should he tra e1 to England. Refe ence is made to London letter 11/21/63 en? closing a Lf dvising of the arrival of HUBERMAN in London on 10/19/6Ljf)Reference is also made to New York LHM 12/31/63 which sets Torth that during the Christmas holidays, HUBERMAN was in Puerto Rico and had no additional plans to go abroad upon his return frOm Puerto Rico. In View of the foregoing, sources.are not being alerted re HUBERMAN5 4 Bureau 1 - Liaison (Sent direct) 3 London JTM - 5NoTt33003335 1&5 JAN 2511954 4/ W: - . . *3 4~3~.515 I )1 DncId:32304523 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 5/4/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency InfOrInation AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10286-10161 RECORD SERIES HQ . AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 100-339235-143 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, WMFO TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 02/03/1964 PAGES 1 SUBJECTS SHF, ASSOC, TELEPHONE NUMBER, IDENT, SUBSCRIBER, DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact lea? Ed under ?3 he Uh? DATEOF LASTREVIEW: 08/20/1998 - ssassinatinn Records OPENING CRITERIA: INDEFINITE 131133131911 ACE 0f 1993 - [44 USC Ell]? Note]. 51412541 Date: V91 . 198 NH 54464 Page 1 OPTIONAL FORM NO- 10 1 5010-106 MAY1952 EDITION GSA NO. 27 UNITED STATES GGLL Memorandum DIRECTOR, LFBI (loo?339235) 2/3/64 RNMENI SAC, wro SUSAN HEILIGMAN Quin, aka IS CH Re Baltimore airtel to WFO, 12/31/63, (Interoffice) in which Wu ?0 was requested to determine the subscriber to the telephone number WI 8-5380, Rockville, Maryland as of 5/31/63. . On 1/28/64, CS WF 1401-8 (protect, who has furnished reliable information in the past) advised SA WILLIAM D. CAMPBELL that telephone numbers WI 8?5380, 5381 and 5382 were _nonpub1ished numbers for Centaur Enterprises, Shady Grove Road, Gaithersburg, Maryland. These numbers were connected on 4/29/63 and discontinued on 6/7/63; This information is not to be made public except? following the issuance of a subpoena duces tecum. If a subpoena is necessary, it.shou1d be addressed to Mr. R. H. DAVIDSON, 22 West Jefferson Street, Rockville, Maryland. EE. 3 ESL ?1833? ?En-4 2% 'n . \ggb R?bn44 (EL Bureau 7? Baltimore (100- 2- New York. (1001964 (7) . NH 54464 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: Ide nti? cation Fonn 5/4/2015 Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10286-10169 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100?339235-150 Document Information r? ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, NY T0 DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE 3 03/03/1964 PAGES: 26 SUBJECTS: SHF, ASSOC, CORRESPONDENCE, LTR, TRA, CHINESE COMMUNISTS ACT, MISUR DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS: 4 - CURRENT STATUS: Redact DATEOFLASTREVIEW: 08/21/1998 ease ?n at ?3 . Kennedy OPENING CRITERIA: 335531135310? RESUME Act of 1992 COMMENTS: INC MEMO, LHM 21'? ase#:NH 54464 Date: V91 199 NH 54454 Page 1? UNITED STATES "OPTIONAL FORM6N0.10 3: 56?emomnaum DIRECTOR, FBI (loo?339235) MM 41954 L. NTO t, SAC, NEW YORK (Ioo- 42479) CIA HAS N9 9:40 New? 543? ALL: L: LL. QLA LNFORMATL $2 {97 - SUBJECT: SUSAN aka . THE DOCUMENT 4% IS- CHINA Re report of SA DANIEL A. dated 1/27/64 i at NY. 7 Enclosed herewith are the original and 7 cepies g; of an LHM, dated and captioned as above. t4 #4 GE ff The informants mentioned in this LHM are as follows: I NY T?l is NY 4112?596. A . NY Y-2 is Fermer (Documentation of g; TANG Ming? ?chou) This memorandum is classified "Confidential? because it contains information from NY 4112 a highly i sensitive source. 4e i It appears to the NYC that there can be no doubt' ??that the sender of the letter mentioned in the enclosed LHM is ~chou aka CHUTONG, former Editor of the ?China Daily News? and currently.a?highly placed government Q: official of the Chinese Peoplels Republic. t4 It is the opinion of the th the referred to is and is I OLLOBIN, Lwhom TNNG apparently wants_ to go to China.? DECLASSIIFIED BY Jw?g (gi? Bureau (En - New York 10 (RICHARD C. FRANK) 1e )?mm . LL .37: 2ngch . . .. 733 Me 4100 63778 Ming? ?chou) - New - New 1? 100 96158 IRA GOLLOBIN) - New Yo .100e96778 COE) g: A New York 100? 66938 CHARLES cos) ng_ - New York 322 an.1964 .5. classi?eggy .. . Bail 951353;ng an: NH 54464 Page 2 NH 54464 *at (1001339235) MAR 3 N64 . SAC, NEW YORK (loo-A2479) SNSAN HEILIGNAN FRANK aka Re report bf SA DANIEL AL 1/27/64, Enelesed herewith are the original a-na 7 Copies ef an LEN, dated And captioned as above The-informants mentioned in tale LEN are as follows: NY T- is NY 4112- SN NY Y. 2 is Farmer NY 1572- (Documentation of TANG Ning- Chou) This memorandum is classified "Conf16ent1al? because it contains information from NY 4112 SN, a highly -sens1tive source-.1 . - It appears te the NYC that there can be no doubt that the sender 0f the letter mentioned in the enclosed LHN is TANG. Ning Chou aka CHUTGNG, farmer 361tor of the -?Ch1na Nelly News? and currentiy a highly ,pl-aced government efficlal of the Chinese People 5 Republi.c.. It is the epinion of the NYG that the referred to is. FRANK COE and is IRA GQLLOBIN, whom TANG apparently wants te go to China Bureau (Encls 1 New York 100? ?1073 3) (RICHARD c. FRANK) 63778 Ning?ehou) 1 New York .100A96158, .IRA _1 - NeW'Yerk ?100~96778 C03) 1 - New York CHARLNS 00E) 1 NEW Yerk DAF:iak (8) ALL hEREie?lS m: BY 1 A 1: DucId:32304539 Page 3 .0. JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/4/2015 AGENCY Agency Inform ati on FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10286-10175 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100-339235-157 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: DIRECTOR, FBI TO SAC, NY TITLE: DATE: 04/01/1964 PAGES 2 SUBJECTS SHF, PASSPORT, CP ACT, TESUR DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 08/21/1998 OPENING CRITERIA: INDEFINITE . Eleased under the John COMMENTS Kennedy ssassinatiun Records allectinn Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. a3e#:NH 54464 Date: 0?10?2017 WJ NH 54464 DunId:32304545 204 Page 1 .F . . 4/1/64 Airtel Er. Tannall (Attentian: Mr. Ruehl) . 1 Shubatt WT Tu: SAT Few Fork (hp?ru,r? . A From: - BiFFctoF 106F339235 1; A 63 ALA 3; {ff/c) 353? FF FAFCT SUSAN HEILIE BANE IETEREAL SECURITY A CHINA INTEREAL ACT ET 1950 (FAAFFAFF . Enclased AA -chF 0A- A Felfnexplanmtory A Feceived Tram the of dated F?g' FTWEF BF camFFniF atiFn a cqpy 0f which FL5WT is being foFFaFdFd t0 FauF Ev . 4 is being thaqu' . FA AGEAAET and AF ADATASF Ar pvj? at an deiFiFtFatiFF heargng Fig TAT And TAT utilized in the FF ?ngjy? EA Daniel A datFF A??gginork are I 1.A farmer NT EZBAAS And former 272EFAFF FF FF 1F former wmwwAWAT FF lassws FA Ethel Aewtun. ?Trotter and H- - (Pele. Room 7 ?Holmes - Candy - rm;g? m: AA filFF of FFur Fffice cantFin n9 Eg? A $5 informatian which would contacting *heSB 3 FA former Fhauld be cantactedsand you IA TT 3? Fhuuld determine thaiF Availability and willingness ET if To At an Administrative hearing ia the Passport 0.?fice FAA poFFible CommuniFt Party membera ?w Fhip 0f Fubjectf Fhould he ,j FF TEA Thu Fhauld gnclude Amy 5 anme?ts FFAFF you FFAFAAFF regarding the {Tolson W: 'IBelmont . I EnclaFuFF I I 32:12MAIL ROOM NH 54464 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/4/2015 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124?10286?10179 RECORD SERIES HQ I AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100?33923 5?160 Document Information . ORIGINATOR DOS . FROM: SCHWARTZ, ABBA P. TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 03/25/1964 PAGES: 5 SUBJECTS SHF, BKG, PASSPORT, CP ACT, TRA, COOP, FBI, SECURITY INDEX, CHINESE COMMUNIST, ASSOC, TESTIFY, SACB DOCUMENT TYPE 2 PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REWEW -: 09/12/1998 Eleased under the John OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE Kenna :15: x? asassinatinn Records COMMENTS: INC MEMO Ullectinn Act of 1992 [44 HE: 210? Note]. ase#:NH Date: 0?10?2017 WI RH 544E4 DunId:32304549 205 Page 1 .A?mini?tr?tar . A . in my $?$tar tm Eimaa??w 9f tag ?aweaw-ef Intelliq?ne?'mn? Reaagrahg aw ??aiag datad ?ey?emhar'lg, 1963,fig? -unavailab1e za te?tify-?t an E?mini??r?tiva-h?aring; 1 I ??ur??ni?enti?i?dia$??h? in the m?mbrandum da$E??$eptemb?r 1963! at Nam E??ks 36W Ebrkg?i? un?yaiigble ta teati?y at an.admanig?r?tive h?ariag13 . ?g @a6 and in the ?gentl?anial-?g ?iynn, data? J?ly 2i 1963? NEW a??r?h?iaauwaa iaa?tifiaaw 3% the am ?e?ayi agtea ara farmer t? a Eurwau you will a& t9 ?hr?a farmer. can. b? mm ?Mame-1 1:16 at an give 7 . 1 My? we; ?ja?lt?r Veagley ?en?ral .. w?vm NGTE: Subject is.pn Security Index and during 19594 1960 spent appraximately 18 China? Subject i$ ingclose,canta?t?with?aWners of ?China Daily News,?amprouChineaa cgmmunist language neWSQaper ?nblished in New Cityht Subject haw allegedly b- in contact 7 . with Chinese-cgmmunists in New Yark cityg?fgiate Department bggin?' advises subject applied for a passport on?3/18/64 and desires to qbtain who cauld . testify at an administrative.hearing regarding her possible couldjgu?tai??th? denial of a pasSpert'to the.shbje?t M) Saurcesv?EHtioned above who are notiavai?ableifor tea my Communist Party membership 1&30Ed?r that Sthte Departg??af 5 our ?hly placed informants, 06:5824ms?, -Y 559-8 nd as?well as a confidential investigalive.technigue. sgpargta communication'being instructed #0 5? determine the of j' . -. . 1.?a NH 54464 Page 2 i? Administrator? Bureau 0f Security and'?onsular Affairg Department of State NOTE: (CGNTIEUED) former NY 323435; well 33 Ethel Klein ?awton.wha 13 farmer NY 108 t*is noted Newtan has testified before the-Subversive Activities Cantrol Board. This letter is classified "Cenfidential" as information relates to poaaible action which may be taken against the subject involving.current infarmants, the di$~ closure of whom could adversely affect the natianal defensa.?v' NH 54464 DunId:323l]4549 Page 3 JFK Assassination System Date: 5/4/2015 . Identi?cation Form Agency Information- AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10286?10182 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100?339235-163 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, NY TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 04/06/1964. PAGES: -4 SUBJECTS [Restricted] DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 R??mt . Eleased under the DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 08/21/1998 - KE ?mad? saassinatinn Recurda OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE lect inn Am: of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. COMMENTS: INC MEMO ase? 54442541 Date: V9.1 206 NH 54464 Page 1 1, 21 . I. fF (I3) 1-11111131111 ';111111?1111111 .1111: 11111 11 1111 1? 1 a Liaisen 33: 1313311111111 - . 1 - 31 81131 . 331111 11 31111111 111 31111111 1111111 1 - 31 3313133 3331111111 1.1 31111 - 4 3313i1gt11,l31 31 I ?31111 3331 31111 311311, 31111111 3333311: ?1 3 311111111 11 1131 11 11 111111 11111 11111 3-, 1331 13113 1111111 1311 131111111-1111 31111?111111111 11 111111131 '1 11 13111 111113 1113111 11 1311 311111 11311 31 11111111111311, 1 11 1111 113 11 13 11113111111111 3111111 11 131 31111111 111111 1 111111111 131 11111311 1~1u11111 33111 1113111311-11 33111 311111111731113. 331 111111 1113311111 11 331 11.131 111111 11 3311111.31111 313111 3. 31111 11111 3111 3 1133, 11 311 3113 311 3313, 111111-131111311 t1 3111111 11 11111111111111 3111111. 1, . ,1 331 111111 1111111111 11 3315 11.131 113111 13 ?95111111 11131 "?7111 3? 31111 11111 31111311 35 1353 11 111 3313 311 3113 11 1 111111 113111 11 131 331113. 3311 1111111111 11 1111i 11111 111111, 111 111 pr1viau1ly 111111111 -n i g, ,1 331 1111111 111111111 13113 .331. 311311 311 111111111 I . COPY FILES 3'1 32E311 1.3131111131 1113111 311111 131 3131111111 1111111111 ?3 11113 331. 331113 1111111 03.31111:3 1331 1311 11 111111311r113 1111111 11 1111111 11 11 11113111111111 :3?33111131 11 131 313t1131 0111111- 3 3111 311 3111 1111111 11j11111111 131 113 111 333333133 1111111 Tel-son Belmont Mohr 1: 1 - New (111?12171) 3* l_ 5E7 ?51 ?12935,; 111 'WFS:11t/ca ., 3% .W -33 2:11DeLogch '3 July ~m111-317611 (31111 Klein Newton) 5 311 1131.11enn1 [3:333?3 SullievqnW I a ?r 'i :33; $3333 . Eerie. Room . Gandy MAIL TELETYPE Owtx?fj NH 51151 DunId:32304552 Page 2 \w NH 54464 AA A1 A. AA AA (5- AAntinuing AA ?yding AA LiabiliAy AA AA AA AA AAniAl A :?1y A 1963 11 Abrk A111 AA AA AhiA ?ttir?Ay-A?n?r?l Subject is An Security Index and applied for.a A.asspa.rt on 2/18/64 Atate Department by letter 3/25/64 requested Advice AA whether ten specific sources utilized in Bureau reparts coulA bA-Aade available tA testify At an administrative hearAng regarding the Party membersth?'aThA by State Bepartment relate to A1 this Bureau? 0AA 1etter of 4/3 advised State nepartmant that four of the aaurces were not to testify the remaining thrAA infermanta AA interAAt A?re former and inquiries being made regarding their .Availability. FArmAr has adviaAd she is not willing to testify for persona1 This former source 1A the Aife AA AarAn who testifiAd befare the subveraive Act1v111es in New YArk City. Former NY 1136-3 1A Ethel Klein Newtan,j? 13 A1111ng and available?to testify at an AdministratiAA heariAg and therefore, Department 11 V.AA1AA Advised A1 hAr identity.?a 1 letter 1A classified '1 AA information relates AA AA AA taken agai?st premature disclosure 91 which could advArAAIy affect the natienal Page 3 :5 FD-3.5 {?Rev. 12?13?56Date: 14/6/64 I I Transmit the following in (Type in plain text or code) i . AIRTEL Via (Priority or Method of Mailing) TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (lOOu339235) Kuo-ha FROM: SAC, NEW YORK (100-42479) SUSAN HEILIGMAN FRANK . IS-CH ISA OF 1950 PASSPORT SANCTION S168 ma?a, 933:: ReBuairtel 4/1/63. DECLA 5 j? Former NY 3234?8 advised SA THOMAS J. DEVINE on 4/3/64 that she is not willing to tiiy any proceedings. She stated that er pa xperiences in testif?TUE?E?UE left her in a very nervous condition. She also stated that she has two small children and she is not inclined to leave them for any period of time. Former NY advised SA JOHN B. COUDTGN on 4/3/64 _1;d an administrative that she is wi_,wg; and availaxe . hearing in the Passport Office, Washington, D. C. 5 NY 1 successfully testified in the past and it is recommended that she be released for this testimony. 4 review of g! file 134I 2 63 reflects hat as of January 1 4, NY @72d? Los Angeles, aliforni For the information of Los Angeles, ?nes identified a photograph of the subject and her hush a those individuals? who displayed Bureau (100 9235) (RM) '?Los Angel g1 20) (HUANG Kuo-hao? (BM) l-New Yer 134% Inv. 3 l-New York ?lm) jifm?; 3v :3 few .3 resided at 2421 Harwoo treet, gpt. 2,33; .5 Xxx?; as NH 54464 e? I i 1? WWII Approved: - - . (514/ i . Spe?ijxl e? ?4 33x4? $.23 DucId:32304552 Page 4 ?3 NY 100?42479 slides of their trip to China at an anniversary celebration at the offices of the ?China Daily News" in NYC in July The Losll?ngelesOffice is requested, if $1ng . ilesv contain no information to the contrary, to contac B-?g to determine his availability and-willingness to testi at an a dministrative hearing in the Passport Office, Department of Statee~fThis information Should be forwarded to the Bureau.?nd Should include any comments which the Los Angeles Office considers pertinentrregarding the suitability of the-m informant to testify.at an administrative hearing;- The Los Angeles Office should also set forth its specific recommendations as to whether informant should be released for such testimony.. NH 54464 Page 5 JFK Assassination System Date: 5/4/2015 . Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY: RECORD NUMBER: 124-10286-101 85: RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100-339235?166 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: DIRECTOR, FBI TO SAC, LA TITLE DATE 04/22/1964 PAGES 1 SUBJECTS I SHF, DOS, REQ, WIT, CP DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CEASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 09/12/1998 Eleased under the John Kennedy ssassinatiun Records allectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. ase#:NH 54454 Date: OPENING CRITERIA: INDEFINITE 7 COMMENTS v91 . 209 NH 54454 Page 1 . 1 .. Ansmbatt A 1 Ruehl ..- . ?55Alrectar, FBI A - A SASAN IMAM - AACUAW 7* . AA A 195A Alrtel informatiam quAAtAd AA reairtel Ar infarmatzon AA A A: Sim/?e. g} i'?f?e ?Adv L43. ?7 (ma if 3' Aghate Department attempting to develop witnesses 7 3 A. a?h Am who could testify at an administrative hearing re; 35-: . 59,50 the sub ect' A possible Conunist Party . ome?r WA A now resides in Los Angeles territory and Los Angelesf was re 81%! to determine hksavailability and willingness AA Aestify.sziwm?m A IAA AA . 22:22::55 9223:3213 . .J Olson flmont 3hr sper IHuhun nrod aLoach [ans A73 tter AA 1e. ?Room ?1mes Adv .w MAIL ROOM TELETYPE UNIT Cl 7 V?/ggid NH 54464 Page 2 JFK Assassination System I Date: 5/4/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECORDNUMBER: 124-10286-10188 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100-339235?169 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM SAC, LA TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE 2 DATE 04/24/1964 PAGES 1 SUBJECTS SHF, IDENT, PHOTO DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact LASTREVIEWZ 08/26/1998 under the Jehn Kennedy HWDEFDHTE Records elleetien Act of 1992 CONHWENTSI [44 USC Note]. 54454 Date: . v9.1 211 NH 54464 Dueld:32304553 Page 1 1 FD-36 (Rev. 10-29-63) I. Date: 4/2?4/64 Transmit the following in (Type in plain text or codeVt: AIRTEL AIR MAIL - REGISTERED . (P'riori ty) To: RBI (100?339235) 1? 3. 1 FROM: SAC, L03 ANGELES (RUG) RE: SUSAN HEILIGMA FRANK IS - CH ISA, 1950 (Passport Sanction) Re New York airtel 4/6/64 and Bureau airtel . A ?Hie contacted former NY 272 on concerning availability ~hg to testify concerning 1 entity of persons who displayed photographic slides of their trip to China at an anniversary .BM celebration at the offices of the. "China DailW ews" (con) I}\in New York. City during July, 1962. Former NY 272 3 stated he did not personally know SUSAN FRANK or he husband but could possibly identify them as persons who .. 0264-. SAS NOEMAN and ROGER C. WOLCOTT 5? Wu, mar- the Slides. He states the slide shewing at GDN was it i the only time he ever saw the FRANKS. Former 5%;3 is currently showing promise as a productive source the Los Angeles area. Source Ereiers not to testifz and {3:3 is certain exposure in the SUS FRANK matter wou ead be ng entifie as an the CDN nd theC%hinese Hand Laundry AllianceJGDLos Angeles is currently preparing a letter regarding re- activation of source in this area. In view of the above, Los Angeles recommends that former NY 272?k? not be released for testimony in this matter. 1 RES 2? C23. Bum?) to on memes? 41' 2 - Los e1es 05459201131) RSCw:cem . A ?7 - leg-hNil?ig? Approved: Special Agent in Charge {some . NH 54464 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 5/4/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Information I AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10286-10192 RECORD SERIES HQ ll AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100-33 923 5-172 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: DIRECTOR, FBI TO ADMINISTRATOR, BUREAU OF SECURITY TITLE DATE 05/07/1964 PAGES 2 SUBJECTS SHF, CP ACT, PASSPORT DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT I CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENTSTATUS: Redact Eleased under the Juhn DATEOF LASTREVIEW: 09/12/1998 . Kennedy asassinatinn Records OPENINGCRITERIA: INDEFINITE nllectiun Act of 1992 [44 DEC 21o? Note]. COMMENTS: 5442641 Date: 0?10?2017 v9.1 212 NH 54464 Page 1 (1)05 kuw?m?? ??Jn?'qn NH 54464 DucId:32304562 Page 2 Adminietrator wereae cf Security an?ICcnsuler Affairs Eepartment cf-State sic, ?new; Reneeirtel 4/13/64. Expedite-the submissive cf e_current repert regarding the subjectie activities. - NOTES AE?ubject applied for a passport on 2/18/64 and- State Department requested advice regarding the possible availability of various specific sources 0 this Bureau to testify at an administrative above source is former.NYE??2 was contacted Les Angelee on 4/23/64. This 0 er source prefer ?pmt_tc testify. Les Angelee indicates formerv?i[??24 has potential to become a prcductive source in Los Angeles and Lee Angelee considering reactivation of this farmer informant. Los Angeles recommends former not be released and State Department being advised as oted abcve )Mew Yerk has previously advised no additional admissible evi?ence available regarding eubject?s Communist Party membership' since 10/20/61. Internal Security.?ivieien cf the Department on 5/1/64 advised insufficient evidence available to establish subject?s Communist Party membership eubeequent to July, 1961, and, therefore, not being instituted. This letter is classified as ?information reietes to possible action to be taken against the subject which the disclosure of whom could adversely affect the national ?efense._ . -. JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/4/2015 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10286-10214 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100-339235-1ST NR 186 Document Inforrnati on ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, NY TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 10/30/1968 PAGES 1 SUBJECTS SHF, ASSOC, MEETING, TESUR DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 1C CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 03/26/1996 under the Kennedy OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE 3333 3 111313 inn RE '3 - allectiun Act of 1992 COMMENTS: [44 USC 2107' Note] . ase#:NH 54454 Date: 0?10?2017 v91 NH 54464 DunId:32304534 Page'l 216 the following in I ?7 (Type in plani?ntext encode): .. *7 AIRTEL, . (Priority) DIRECTOR, FBI (loo?442715) FROM [a 8 ?13 8 AD HCC COMMITTEE FOR A E. fi?iaf maneuvw RXIST-LENINIST PARTY I . I . cues we wagging/?e: . ReCGairtel 'to Bur eau, 10/23/68. DEULASL i:Y QS- ?33;ng On 10/28/68, 4047 3* advised that LEE (LNUI?.been in contact with NK 1E New York City on that date. FRANK indicated a willingness speak before a group if LEE Eng -L~p would advise her in advance of the date and time for the meeting We so she could then determine if she could attend its- LEE said there might be a meeting in February, 1969, and FRANK said she might be free to attend, but Could not '1 decide until she hears of a definite date. FRANK indicated A no concern about the format or the proposed meeting, or whether it would be open to the public, but -only- wanted to 1 ?know- if and when there wou1d be one.. pa;epp' The above information from NY has been paraphrased to protect this high1y sensitive -sourCe, and the Iidentity of NY 4047-s* should be concealed by avT symbol if Iq,,this information is disseminated 8e. . ys/ureau - G) 5 9? -I*-Ch1cago 10 o-u1353 (Rm) l-New Yerk loo-42 l?New I i CE r7??9??r,igm?? s, 1. sE._ Approved invqt 56 Agent 111 Charge HH 54464 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 4/ 16/201 Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER 12441028640279 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 97-4196-33-13 Document Information ORKHNATOR: FBI FROM: LOGAN, RICHARD E. ITO: DATE 01/24/1964 PAGES: 6 SLHHECTS: CC, FPCC, ASSOC, FB, LHO, DEPARTURE FROM NO, CP, SWP DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LASTREVIEW: 09/17/1998 eleased under the Kennedy OPENDRICRIHHUA: INDEFDHTE SEESSinatiDn Records - nllectiun Act of 1992 '[44 USC 2107 Note] . a3e#:NH 54463 Date: 0?12?2017 i WI LHH 54463 _PagE 1 .49; - FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION I33 3 REPORT MADE BY 1110111131) LOGAN CHARACTER OF CASE OFFICE OF Eli'F 1. a; INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD 11/5/63 1/21/61 TYPED BY REPORTING OFFIGE I NEW ORLEANS TWM FAIR PLAY FOR CUBA COMMITTEE p/mrlx: I N7 ?nun" 61133111111131) IS CUBA .1 ?1.11 - -: CLASSIFIED EFL. fi?/ Report of SA WARREN DE- BRUEYS dated 10/25/63 New Orleans ALL CUNTAINED REFERENCE: 11:" 1 1E4 9 ?335 .3 . The Sources mentioned in the body of this report are: NO 1213 contacted on 10/29/63, 11/5, 12,20 and 22/63, ROBERTO FERNANDEZ DE CASTRO, Free Trade_Zone, New Orleans contacted Chartres Street? New Orleans contacted MRS, TINA HERLINGER, Internjgignal. House World Trade. Deve opment, ew Orlea?s contacted (aimeelII-Declass' .on: A - 5 74kt? PAGE) 97- WW3 3 l3 APPROVED 59553522?" DO NOT WRITE IN SPACES BELOW COPIES MADE. . r; I 4 I (33 Bureau (97 4196- 33) (RM) I INS, New Orleans '1 - New York (97 22023 (Info) (IRIM) 1111-1, ?1 Dallas (Info) (RM 4? 4 N?w Orleans (97 74) gJ/? - i 1714? 5% 11/ 11 A (at? 9/ I DISSEMINATION RECORD OF ATTACHED REPOET INOTATIONS I AGENCY I I i REQUEST I 9 I IHOW mp. 12:: II BYE-ZI-EJ . . .. . u.I. Gowns-nun ulutlne cruel 16?76326-1 LEW 54463 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 4/14/20] Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER 124?10286?10437 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 109-584?3640 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM Eleased under the John F. Kennedy TO: DIRECTOR, FBI ssassinatiun Records Cullectiun Ct Of 1992 [44 USC 2107 Nate]. 54463 Date: 10?12?2017 DATE: 07/19/1963 PAGES: 11 SUBJECTS CC, ACA, RFK, MEETING, CUBANS EXILES, LEADERSHIP, ASSOC, TRA, SUPPORT, MIL, CRC, JFK, ELC, DRE, MRR, FINANCES DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 09/10/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM RH @4463 Page 1 Transmit the fohowing in (Type in plain text or code} . 1? no Vm AIRTEL AIR MAIL . k? 9 . i (. Hr}? or Method of Mailing) 'l m?i?S??s - 1 1.139191% To: DIRECTOR, FBI (109- - .9, . 939% FROM. sac, MIAMI (105-1742) RE: ANTI-FEEL CASTRO ACTIVITIES - IS - CUBA #244,! . 2 massage. I Enclosed for the Bureau are 12 copies letterhead memorandum, dated and captioned as ab Copies have been furnished locally to he office of the' Coordinator of Cuban Affairs, Stat Department, CIA, U. S. Customs, U. S. Bdrder Patro INS, G-2, ONI, 031, and U. S. Coast Guard. Copies are being furnished to New York and' Washington Field Offices for information purpose in View of their general Cuban activ . dfigkf/mtg? If k?h?uw?n . 6- Copy to: 'tiJ-f?d :1 ?1 info. .7424";me {?yw?Bureau (Enc1Nicaragua 1 1 - New York (Encl. - 1) (AM- RM) 1 - 13 -409 - MM 724?5 \19 ,g 1 - wno (Encl~233 - MM 639-5)! ga- 13 - Miami (2 - 105-1742 - Grimes: 4:3 1 - 66-2586 . (1862-3573 Sub A - .1 .1 1 - 105-5147 c110 - 9 1 - 105?5650 - MRR I . 1.- 105-7074 - Brigade 2506 I 1 - 105-3107 - MRP ?3 new -. 105?6243 [?t-midi Agent in Charge Wm NH 54463 Page 2 T-l is MM 639- T-Z is RAMON GUTI 39322, PSI MM 13-3 is JOAQUIN GODOY of the - MM T-4 is MIGUEL GARCIA RAMON RUIZ, 41O2 98 th Avenue, Mia MM r-e 1351M 724-5159.; T-7 is DOMINGO NDIA, u) LEADS . . . MIAMI AT MIAMI. FLORIDA - Will continue to follow and report deve10pments- .1 with reapect to instant matter (U) M?u?v?K? . . ?55. . .L NH 54463 Page 3 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 4/14/201 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10286-10438 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 109-5 84?3604 Docum ent Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: DWYER, ROBERT JAMES TO DIRECTOR, FBI THLE: under the John F. Kennedy Records Collection on of 1992 {44 USC 2107 Note]. DATE: 06H4H963 54463 Date: 10?12?2017 PAGES: 33 SUBJECTS . CC, ACA, CUBAN EXILES, MEMBERS, SNFE, DRE, CRC, MMR, CONSPR, ARREST, POLIT, ASSOC, MAB, AVE, MR, PDL DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 09/10/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS RPT, TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES i,ii v9.1 111'! 54463 Page 1 i i MM 105-1742 INFORMANTS IDENTITY . LOCATION OF ORIGINAL INFORMATION MM T-l is MIGUEL GARCIA, //Iublic Relations, CRC, Miami Um I?z . isfm~639~s MM T-4 is OVIDIO MANALICH, Source of Information, -M?mber Executive Committee of the Triple A, Miami MM T- 5 is ALCIDES de los REYES, 1655 Southwest 5th Street, Miami (by requeSt) MM T- 6 is SANIIAGO ALVAREZ, 541 Northwest 45th Avenue, Miami (by request) 7 is ANTONIO CUESIA QUESADA, 224 Southwest 4th Avenue, ee/Miami (by request) MM T- 8 is ALFREDO ABICH CHEDI-, 901 Southwest 23rd Avenue, //?Miami (by request) Instant report Instant report 134- other"! Instant report Instant report Instant report Instant report 105-3558-343 - COVER PAGE - I NH 54463 Page 2 -. JFK Assassination System Date: Identi?cation Form 4/ 14/20 I Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10286-10441 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 109-5 84-3 701 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI under the John F. Kennedy TITLE: Records Colleotion ot of 1992 [94 USC 2107 Note]. 544 I53 Date: 10? 12 ?2 17' DATE 09/05/1963 PAGES: 8 SUBJECTS CC, ACA, ASSOC, TRA, US, CUBAN EXILES, LBF, MDC, MAB, AV, CRC, CONSPR, CP DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST 09/10/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM will?! 54453 DooId:323l]4311 Page 1 4 FBI Date: AIRTEL map"- can 25336? plain text or code) ?if? IJN ?4177.7. . . (Priority or Method of JAppIoved: . Special Agent 111 NH 54463 Page 2 WI . Nae; ?13 DIRECTOR, FBI (109- -584) If 2 FROM: MIAMI (105-1742)" (P) ?f [a -- CANTI-FIDEL CASTRO ACTIVITIES A a INTERNAL SECURITY - CUBA my.? WW - s. i NEUTRALITY MATTERS Age :p?A (It? (WAC i ReBuairtel to Miami 8/7/63. . 11Enclosed are 13 copies of an LHM, dated a 6 captioned as above. It is suggested the the Bureau 53? :3 f; furnish one copy to Legat, Mexico. .XLOU . Copies are being furnished locally to? INS, ONI, - A 1081:, CIA, State Department (Cuban Affairs Office), Border If?? 1 Patrol, Coast Guard, Customs Agency Service, Region II, .. 7 ,3 Customs Agency Service, Miami and MIGUEL GARCIA 639- BL M) :4 f- - Miami at Miami, Fla. will continue to investia ,0 I - . gate and report further developmets re this matter. 9 - . . E: Bureau (Encs- 12) (AM-RM) REC 43/ 57(13/2 .. (l - Legat, Mexico) (Eric-=1) 9 ., Miami (2 105 1742) 3a 4 i - Chicago (I 2~165 A PRIO) o? . . 1 ?_Jacksonville (Enc?nl) (Info) (1 ?109 38 ?a N10) . i .- 1 - Newark .(Enc?l) (Info) EX103 (1405-5147 CRC) "m -- . 1 - New Orleans (Enc-l) (Info) (1=lO5-4039 FUERZAS "l a New York (Enc-wl) (Info) ARMADAS) . 1 - San Juan (Enc-l) (Info) (l-w97a-328 - MDC) 5 - Savannah (Enc?l) (Info) (1-1054074 BRIGADE 5 - Tampa (Enc-l) (Info) 2506) 1 - /ington Field (Ens?'1) (Info 62 a3573 Sub A a CIA) GED /ggr .- .. M, are 3.25 9 was JFK Assassination System Date: 4/ 14/201 Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10286-10449 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 109-539-536 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: TO. AG, Eleased under the John F. Kennedy ssassinatinn Recnrda Cullectinn at of 1992 [44 USC 210? Nate]. ase#:NH 54463 Date: 10?12?201? DATE 10/29/1962 PAGES 3 SUBJECTS . CC, ACA, CONSPR, ASSA, CASTRO, IDEL, FINANCES, ASSOC, TEAMSTERS UNION, UNDERWORLD, COOP, US GOVERNMENT DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS Open in Full CURRENT STATUS Release DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 09/10/1998 OPENING CRITERIA COMMENTS INC ADMIN 54463 Page 1 6 i~ E5 0 amt 3% The Genera]: if f' 1 ?it Mr. Belmont .1 Iirec?ta-r Fm . 1 Mr Evans In{Earn 3? 53-15? . . Mr. Sullivan 1 i. 5-9311? ?31 1) 1 - Mr. Hannaf? . c: (f mm. (3115:1110 .1 Mr. pp 1:111 01310111 SECURITY mm: 1 Mr. mulling He: have an infamant Irha Enrnishes data concern 1 criminal matters anti Hha is clase high officials of 12111.5?: 1 Uni-gm. He has many contacts 111th 110::le and; 153% gamb11ng 913:1:th thmughout the Ifnite? States. He is meat sine? Hes: feels certain that, if his n?hparatian Ibecemas 5% kmwa, He will be killed imediately, El? n: 3:1?3? . I {1n Hetohat? 22,1962-the. informant a 11:: Les .Hngelas, Ca11forn1a, Hffice that he behavagh?g; I 1gb arrange tea have Fidel Castm assassinated He expf?inj 11:11 that Boiz?iH Hf his acquaintances, such as gayem i?j?the Ham: have had close comactinns in Cuba wharehy 1111112} may? a: - Iii} a-?le? a {-52:32 3 5hr? Wm were abIH to "buy? practically any Cuban official Hr?*tH? kg accumpliSh almast anything they wanted ta do in Cuba:" a believes some Hf these underworl? figureswstill have aha; inside Cuba thraugh which the assassinatihn Di 6 . . :15 successfully arranged. - :1111111 - gha informant said his mativa ?91: - 1.1-1; I ,1 .1 1:11 ?le Uni-ad Stat-H?s Gaverment is that he 1:1: .1 . "1 Welb aware: that, if- Gastm falluws in the fmta dictarors, he will eventually turn the J?ga a; jurisdictian. He Said that,1n t1 Unita? Stages Gavermneng, its i?t 1:1; in havingmade, he 13.111161 ?raise anaHs 11::th and 11011111 frag the Pavement axceptl- - $153110? anng?5hat such a} . would in wway a?versely _natihnal secm 1' 53151;: expremed canfidenca in his Hh111ty to accamplish: $111.? without any ad?itional cantact with Gwerment _1 anti with a minimum Hf cantacts with priVate indivEE-e- 1:33 Debt-act] Evans Gale I ?rst; I, I3 .1 Logmng?mt. (137%1?61) a, low Trcmer HM) MAIL, ROOM LETYPE 21 NH 54463 Page 2 [[6771me . P1191111 u. T0 1 The Attorney General I October 29,1962 1H I ICE CF DirectorSUBJECT: FIDFL ~9139m SECURITY . . I "v s4; 17.? We have an informant who furnishes data concerning ?criminal matters and who is close to officials of the Teamsters Union. He has many contacts with hoodlum and . gambling ele=.nents threncheat the United States. He is most concerned that his relationship 1-.ith the $31 not be revealed since he feels certaint hat, if his cooperation becomes known, he will be ?lled immedi_at el3. On October 22 1962, the infom ant voluntee ed to c: i our Los Angeles, California, 0123ice tLat 1e belieVes he I I - arrange to have Fidel Castro assassinatedo He expl.1ined 1 4.. that some of his unde?"orld accnaintances, such as Meyer assay, .. 1 .. . in ?the - ast have has eiC:se connectionsfin Cuba ?hare?v they'fa? were able to ?buy? practically any Cuban official or to age accomplish almost anything they wanted to do in Cubao He believes some or these unoerworld figures still have channels insiderCuba through which the assassination of Castro coulca 1. .1 succes?sfulman IeId . - - ggh?mqkq?wum ?am-hw? 4mm .. 3.24? . I gr. II. ?ll. H?k 1" Hul?f?m "high-.1 a .wfla-?L? ink-CO Tlr?LDw CO: lrf'f? tag-flLie saie 1n evens United States Government is interested in having the 'from the Goverli tent e. :cept assurance that such an underblnitw would in no way adversely affect the national securntyo? expressed confidence in his ability to accomplish thus 3 without any additional contact with Government repregentgtiaes andx7?l1a.m1n1mum of contacts with private radiiTC$$s~m 109- 539 I MAY 1376 ., (I I. . Fi71111. 71 w.e1 1?5 If? . - .1 m-Mf?Qsmx NH 54463 Page 3 ?1 JFK Assassination System Date: 4/ 14/201. Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124- 1 0286- 1 0453 RECORD SERIES I-IQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 109-5 84-4574- Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: DWYER, ROBERT JAMES TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: under the John F. Kennedy Records Collection of 1992 [44 US: 2 Note] . 54453 10?12?201? DATE 08/07/1967 ate PAGES: 18 SUBJECTS . CC, ACA, ASSOC, ARRESTED, CONSPR, BOMBING EXPORT ARMS, MIRR, MIL, FINANCES, OBA, CUBAN EXILE, POLIT . DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 09/10/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS RPT, TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 3 . H?g?dd?B DooId:32304323 Page 1 MM 105-1742 ADMINISTRATIVE: - This report is being classified SECRET inasmuch as it cOntains SAMPOL, Confidential Source, New York which information was previously so classified. ll.) INFORMANTS I - AIM T?l SAMPOL, Confidential Source, New Your-113w IMM T-2 is 635?is?M ass-s?f?k) I is CARLOS ZARRAGA MARTINEZ, Key Source - Cuban. i I . i 1145 is; 974-5 a MM T-6 is SUAREZ, former PSI-UDCOVER PAGE 1 . . NH 54463 Page 2 wan-? JFK Assassination System Date: 4/ 14/201 Identi?cation Fonn Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 109-5 84-45 65 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM T0 DIRECTOR, FBI under the John F. Kennedy esaesinatien Records Celleetien on of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. ase#:NH 54463 Date: 10?12?201? DATE 07/03/1967 PAGES 4 SUBJECTS CC, ACA, ASSOC, DESCR, BKG, CONSPR, MIL, CUBAN EXILE, POLIT DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 09/10/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM ??n?di?B Page 1 1? 2? i UNITED STATES CC ima?x/IENT 1" .7 1 3' a?qu Memorandum .. i T0 Director, FBI (109?584) DATE: BS7 (is? ij A 742 f? FROM Miami (105 1 (P) been 51::1103156 0N ANTI- FIDEL CASTRO ACTIVITIES IS CUBA - A. air; 00: .Miami '8 I ?ag. ad? Classi?e . the Bureau dated 3/15/67. . Enclosed herewith are ten (10) cepies of a letter- head memorandum, dated and captioned as above. . .g Copies of the letterhead memorandum are being-I disseminated locally to INS, CIA, State Department (CubanA?H" Affairs), Coast Guard, Customs and Border Patrol, Miami, Florida; I. Group, Orlando, Florida; Customs, Key West, Florida; NISO, Charleston, S. 081, Robins AFB, Georgia; and USAFAD, Hialeah, Florida. MM is ENRIQUE LINONER, Seurce of Information, Washington Field Office.v T- 2 is CARLOS ZARRAGA MARTINEZ, T6 m. . DIE-CLASSIFICATION ANDIOR MM is 492-8. FELEASE 0F UM ENFWAHON . IN THT3 DOCUMENT. The enclosed letterhead memorandum is being classified to better protect sources of continuing value. a 11 new it; Cuban. -nted the UNIDAD REVOLUCIONARIA is Lpropaganda -perational interest to CIA 3 . 53-. wag . . 10) (RM) 9&9- .w 4569 Bunea u-GEnes: W311. Washington F?i 1d (Enc. 1)(105 29955)(Info. 11m; Milfmi i I 7 1: Mp 15033(4) S?g?r ?Op: gpp?h?yUL 5 1967 $13310 {39.333851 {aw 'slip for 1 JOE WW: Date ~17- 10'6 7 by ?War-9"? I 315%?? Dino 1:888 54 ?351?? Bonn/55 y?m the Payroll Savmgj Pyi? I i NH 54463 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: Identi?cation Form 4/ 14/201 Agency Infonnati on AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10286-10455 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 109-5 84-4536 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, NK TO DIRECTOR, FBI . ECLASSIFIED Department at State Guidelines, July 21, 1997' ate: DATE 05/15/1967 PAGES: 3 SUBJECTS CC, ACA, INTV, SANTOS, EULALIO JOSE NEGRIN, ASSOC, DESCR, BKG, EMP, TEAMSTERS UNION, FINANCES, MAFIA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 09/10/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM l?g?154463 Page 1 10 I. alum.?me CIA HAS NO OBJECTTON T6 Date: 5/15/67 11 ransmI OWlW?b-rl . Iangin or (Ede) AIRTEIN WLUMWBEGISTERED mu. Via y'_r1 (f?riority) T0: DIRECTOR, FBI (109.584) .31 i mom: 9c, NEWARK (105-7006) .. SUBJECT: ANTI-FIDEL cas'rno ACTIVITIES 3:13 5 IS - CUBA Re Bureau airtel to Newark dated 5/11/67. 3:11,- Enclosed for the Bureau are nine (9) cepies and to if Miami and New York one (1) copy each of a letterhead memorandum ?i T: dated and captioned as above . a. The source mentioned in the is Em 2622-8JB NMRIN was interviewed 5/15/67 by see RALPH DAVID LIGHT, JR. and RICHARD B. HURDOCX. CI - The files of the Newark Office contain no reference identifiable with PABLO HUT. Newark files do indicate that on 4/4/67 EULALIO JOSE NMRIN was contacted, at which time he requested he be placed in contact with CIA. He was referred to the Manhattan Telephone Directory, after he retrial? ?that he wished to tell CIA of his plan to save CubaWhen interviewed 5/15/67, NEGRINs tated that at the e, time he furnished the information in the LE to CIA, 51/19/67, -- g; he also furnished CIA his plan to free Cuba. He asked the 1] e\ interviewing agents if they had brought back from the 0.3. ES Governmen; an answer to his Jproposal . Q13 Omeiu (Enc. 9) - Hiami (Ene. 1) (Info) (RH) 1 New York (Enc. 1) (Info) (RH) 1 - Newark $16 51 seen/3m 6 . .. I ?If. 3:33, :13 '13 ?5 date 31351-1.- Approved: Sent Per Special Agent' 1n Charge VVI a . NH 54463 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: Identi?cation Form 4/14l201 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: . 124?10286-10457 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105-137715-2 Document Infonnati on ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, NY T0 DIRECTOR, FBI under the Jehn F. Kennedy TITLE: Records Celleetien Ct Of 1992 [44 USC 2107 Nete]. 54463 Date: 10?12?201? DATE 02/23/1965 I PAGES 3 SUBJECTS CC, ACA, MRR, MAB, CUBAN EXILES, MEETING DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact I DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 09/10/1998 i OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC I i H?gbdd?B Page 1 11 . OPTIONAL FORM No.10 5010?107 tu" MAY EDITION GSA GEN. REG. NO 27 a: .- 3: UNITED STATES GOC: I Memorandum DATE: 2/23/55 did/I SAC, NEW YORK [1-05 719221;" SU INTEREST OF SOVIETS IN QM ANTI- CASTRO ACTIVITIES WI) IS - CUBA DIRECTOR, FBI ReBulet, dated 1/28/65, entitled INTEREST OF IN CASTRO may) Enclosed herewith are 6 copies of a LHM . dated and captioned as above con nt ining information furnished by NY 4533- (Overlan on 1/8/65 and 1/26/6595) to SAS TELER and EDWARD MURPHY. The informan btained the inStructi ns as set forth in the LHM from ?3 his Soviet principal I KAMENSKIK kno 1 employee at meetings SKIKH On 1/7 gland I has not been set forth in the enclosed LHM in order to adequately protect the infor5 t's security. (at) - 65- W67 I 2?New~ I (1 - 134-QBY begsz b$5 - . 01% .1325? 1 4 198;? U. Regulf?y-on the Payroll San/mg; Pam I NH 54463 Page 2 a The LHM classifie ?Secret" as information E. 3 pertaining to the Overland case 5 been so classified the Bureaucam} Aw.? - . 3 E- can to: made/MO, ?55(Jr/unit) 9? . gag; was jJWa? -V 9635me New capo; 3/3! Egg b\ 5) (a .- ?1/3 Z5, I COEY EPILED IHZK. I '23? TU ?1 Li act-LAD JFK Assassination System Date: 4/14/20] Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10286-10458 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR SEE TITLE Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, NY TO DIRECTOR, FBI [ch?cmd] under the John F. Kennedy Records Celleetien on of 1992 [44 USC 2107 Nete]. 54463 Date: 10?12?201? DATE 02/23/1965 PAGES 3 SUBJECTS cc, ACA, MRR, MAB, CUBAN EXILES, MEETING DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 09/10/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM 9I 54463 Page 1 12 i .. 2?33/65 1888181" 1.41115 .4 15818, :88 $3 SGVIEMS 323393 ?1 ?mm [-3845 0 8E. 1.1.1116) W, . 8888181, 82.188 1/28/658818188 8188888 015? 888 1188818188 1811811188? 8118188011 11888811311 888 6 8813188 8 L181 881388 8118888818888 88 8118118 8881:8181 11.111381818131811 11115811888 333$? 111453383 8.88 1/?6/655 1:8 .388 8 L. 8812181811 8118 8188818) :1 . 1mm?. T88 18188881.. 88881888 1.88 1118888811888 88 88'; 188118 in 88 1181 1888 818 888181 8818821881, @8888 1 1818. 81 KGB C5 bmpl?jee 81: 811888 88 1M 8%]1818 1/2 1181151811311?? 188118183" 888 888 8888 881:. for-'81- 111 1.7118 8118118888 ?11 8:85:88 .18 88888888117 .888 111181:81.88:i 888111111237. 1?88 131338 1.8 8188811 1821'- ?8881-88? 8.8 infamgtign #333 tm?mn 01813 my? the 811118811. 5.13. ?63? ?1 v" 88? manic; . 211.1 81401195 "Fl?mi?? . 888/98 :1 51-? (f a? ORIGIN 3'11. FILED IN 0' DU. Link-??1 (JFK) 1318 En . '2 if [5-8356] 6.1404} G) WW (1. ma?G) ., 168-EB 251955 53313 I888 78 MAR 4' (LE NH 54463 Page 2 f3 ?7 (378/ - -- .. 1 .1 I- . \w STATES DEPARTMENT a up. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION In Reply, Please Refer File No: 940?97 ?15311=11=o BY DEerInoip?f Oi111mm: II :5 AMI castm mm Imam II II "1'11 mum trim Fug?; - - -- In .1111:- I . .. - 1113.111; $31.11 In - . II 1:11;; 5 I m??ag I -- II In In?? *ni??i {3%th i II II nPcnII Rut! 3* PROPL R11 01 THE FBI :.dr1c1.1111e.11t cont: ins neither 171.11.;10 11.' 11(111 01:11:11.1: 11r11'13011r111si0ns of pa the 1131. It 'is the 11101321 of the mu is loaned to yom agency; it '0 8'5 and its contul'1ts me not to be di snibuted outside your agency, Classn?iea? 11y Declassify on: 71113:: I In? 11;. v3 10%? HIFIEQ 30m au.tom3+jc . -- I . I inn?? 54463 32304323 Page 3 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Dale: 4/14/20] Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124?10286- i 0462 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 109?584-4312 Document Infonnati on ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: Eleased under the John F. Kennedy ssassination Records Collection of 1992 [44 USC 2 10'? Note] . DATE: 11/15/1965 544163 Date: 10?12?201? PAGES: 14 SUBJECTS CC, ACA, ASSOC, FINANCES, MEMBERS, JURE, CONSPR, ASSA, CUBAN EXILES, INTV, PENA, FELIX RAFAEL PELAEZ, CHELALA, JOSE SALVADOR PRINCE, DESCR, BKG, REL, EMP, AKA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Con?dential RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 09/ I 0/ 1 998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LI-IM Page 1 13 MM 105-10278 they believe the best and most expeditious means of ridding Cuba of Communism is to overthrow FIDEL CASTRO. In this regard, they have stated the assassination of FIDEL CASTRO and his brother, RAUL CASTRO, would probably be the most expeditious way to overthrow the Government of Cuba, especially since ERNESTO GUEVARA, former top official of the Government of Cuba, is no longer connected with that regime. They further stated that both FIDEL and RAUL CASTRO are heavily guarded, and believe the I . assassination of these men would be extremely difficult, - a if not impossible, unless given the?support and assistance of another government, not necessarily the U, 89 Governmentalso noted this investigation was opened by the Chicago Office in 6/65 when the complainant was referred to the FBI by the CIA Subsequent C: ha} investigation by the FBI developed a CIA asset LUIS CONTE AGUERO, was reportedly involved in allege assassinationp however, after obtaining authorization to interview CONTE AGUERO, he stated the alleged plot was ely talk 0E confidence game, Subsequent to this, furnishg> ng additional information, but indicated tI Qey desired th principals reportedly invo ed should not be interviewed? by the FBI at that time.@ As noted in the enclosed LHM,,interview of PRINCE and PELAEZ, two principals in this alleged plot, reflect the matter is merely talk and wishful thinking on their part. Investigation of associates and informants tends to confirm the alleged plot was merely idle conversation. It is also noted CIA has declined to divulge their source, or the names of any others who might be involved in the alleged plot, and on 11/9/65, Miami, advised W) that apparently the FBI investigation i this matter had "dried up? the source, and the alleged plot had been either discarded, or the principals knew where the ?leak of informat' and were not telling CIA source, anymore about it. bk Confideitial informants contacted negatively for any information regarding any alleged plans to assassinate FIDEL CASTRO were: [n 492? s, by SA JAMES HAYES QWQJ54463 Page 2 a .. P'l ?i ,y a MMESIEQS MM by SA GEORGE E, DAVIS, Jr.; by SA LEMAN L9 STAFFORD, Jr.; 776-8, by SA PETER J9 NEROO "7 4? 3? a *1an lg?at? .3 . . 54463 Page 3 JFK Assassination System Date: 5/27/20] Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY FBI . RECORD NUMBER: 124?1028740090 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-124049-1 1 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM T0: DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 11/26/1963 PAGES: 47 SUBJECTS JGCE, ASSOC, RES, DESCR, TRA, INTV, PHOTO, MIL OPERATIONS, POLIT, INT, ACA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION UncIaSSi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 04/29/1999 Eleased under the OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE - KE ?ne :15: Recurda INC LHM nllectiun A131: Elf 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. a3e#:NH SQEER Date: 0?10?2017 WJ 2 NH 54464 Page 1 . mommdum FBI (105- 124049) AL - 4' 03m, MIAMI M?iv DEL GOBIERNQ 3.0, CUBA EN EL EXILIO - 33" (JUNTA OF THE GOVERNMENT ?in. CF CUBA IN EXILE) IS ?1-3 CUBA3RA RA ..- . . . ?00~Miami 3? I . .3 WRAIWIV a ReBulet to Miami 10/11/63 QR 330%: I 1- 1? EncloSed herewith are 12 coPies of a LEM, dated captioned as aboveCUV\ 3 .. x. . Copies are being disseminated locally to INS, 3_.3 Customs?; S. Coast Guard, 0: 3? EB rder Patrol, 3? 6? 3?:333?g? t" 3 CLA teletype 6/10/63, ?titIe- 7P CUBAN CIA teletype 7/3?7?63 ,itQ?l/?la titled SUPPORT OF CUBAN EXILE BY 1 AMERICAN letter 10/14/63, titled A. SIERRA GROUP T0 DESTROY .THE REFINERY IN These CIA communlcatlons are .3131 classified .fL' EW42 Movimiento Revolucxo?ario Mia i (by request) Lg ArLs ?73ij_ 134- 23% ?Ea/5.1.9313 3' Bureau (RM) (En 12) 013) 3 7. (1 - RJ'szlm- - (6). . . ?a Copy to: CIA/State/H-m A ?5 05km?: lat-QR}; [:47 ?1ch 3 3 CEO 2 ;/by routing slip fer inio. ?(03.3 ?by . NH 54464 Page 2 NH 54464 RE . CURRENEL 4' to him. He would only say that he some "helg fromphonest Ameriean sources, and claimed he could ge backing in a menetary sense from a number of other sou if he could get the green light from the United States Government{311 Ear1y in the interVie?wa ?triedf to give the impression he was in contact with high government Officials, and he had the moral support. of the United 'States Government. Wheh?ressed for the identities of the officials he ha1 contacted, he said he had telked_ to some- body in the State Department, had received no authoriZAtion from anyone to do anything, but merely had friends - who had friends in the go-vernMent. SIERRA went to great to assure the interviewing agents of his great . honesty, sincerityg patriotism and religious SIERRA finally admitted he did make a sizeeble contribution to TONY of Comendps L. He claimed the A meney was not given to Comandos to On September DOTRES an officer ,F3lw/4 in the organization of ALDO VERA SERAFIIN, Advised anti- CASTRO grouo has an 83-foot ex- coast Guard cutter9 the "Soresma?h DOTRES said $5 000 00 is needed to replace the boat? gasoline engines with diesel engines, and it was iplanned this boat wou1d_be useId to transport Cuban exiles ?from Miami to Nicaragua for ftture military action th Gabe On September 26,1963 1382 34th StreetL Miami, advised he has ah' eeti- CASTRO - Page 3 I SE OWEN BE: . GOBIERNO BE CUBA EN EL group-of about t?enty indivi?uelsg em? his group ie in ?\the ?receSS of making re?eirs mm the ?stated then so ?ery grdup has ?om?ged about'$900500 for.repaire it is ex?eetea?. a considerably large awount of money'will be received from i SIERRA in the future{uethvnu?owi9 Presidents and WILLIAM 1 WQSE I ?C?f??g?jhffiim?i?w ad?ieed pm-Oetober 1, 19639 BAULIND SIERRA Wes employee by that.eompany?s Legal Department when he 1_ arrived in Chicago as part of a groug of Gaban exiles being resettledjn the Chieegp area, Hefgeined confidemee of the reom?any, beeause of-his excellent Work in both foreign awe domeStic legal aegigmmemtsg a?d his apparently simeere_desire ?te free Cuba ftem @emmumist demimatiomo ,Gempamy?o?fieiale? eneeuraged SIERRA in all efforts to unite Cuban exile to ?ay his salary? although not-mow engaged in_eom?amy business, even though the'eOmpamy hee,no. ?ast Or future intereet in Cubagmd the com?amy 13 not aetimg for any business or_gevernnent interestSJELg . In ear1y_June of 19639 SIERRA brought'FELEPE RIVERO CARLOS RODRIGUEZ QUESADAS Bro MANUEL Leeann-leoa ALBERTO VEGA amd'elLBERTo ROBREGUEZSZ - ?described as Cmban exile leaders:s to Chicagbs ehewe? themun through the well-a?poimted eem?eny offiee39*am?rintredmeed a them tp.eompany officials; The @ompany'?emied it entertaieed - the groupa or aegistea with their expenses9 but admitted itf i has provided SIERRA with a letter of introduetiom to the 1 .E Government of ColombiaQ3A3\ .1 NH 54464 Page 4 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/27/201 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10287?10096 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-124049?13 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE 02/28/1964 PAGES: 5 SUBJECTS ACA, RES, TRA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 07/02/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE leased under the J?hn Kennedy COMMENTS INC ADMIN PAGE, LHM 53513 3 1115?: 1011 RE COME nllectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. ase#:NH 54454 Date: v9.1 NH 54464 DunId:32304966 Page 1 OPTIONAL FORM 140.10 r" sow-105.03 MAY 1932 -e 11?? .Memomndum Director, FBI w?pf?W?b W?q ?23.24% qr; . ear-?Emma SUBJECT: 1? GOBIERNO DE .7. \5 CUBA, .1 7?2 . (JUNT EjpEn THE- GOVERNMENT 7%ng 703 CUBA 1: WE. "rw f? Evian?. IS i?Humor-13A gm? .T I SEE :2 . 4,237.22; Yr ?f?m??fl .4 . .- - LgiMaiq?i? If: Lw-i th?LI-Mrencflose . 4.11, 47"? 7? AEWV H_l -rmw. 1 Enclfosedit? ?are twelve copieshof?Ea-?LHM, .dated and oa tioned as above '33? ?up .7 v. ?Tr? . Copies are being disseminated locally to INS G- 2; Coordinator, Cuban Affairs, Department of State; U. S. Coast Guard, U. S. Customs; U. S. Customs,? Regio 2; U. 7' Border Patrol, ONI, and, 031, Robins AEE, Georgiam 3E4) T?l is Inasmuch as this org this. case is being closedgg Bureau (Encls.-12) (RM) 7. . (105 ~8013) 7,7 7 1 - 92-1068 (1 - 105- 7752321 RELE ASE 0F 1.3.1 3 1 IN THTS UGOUWGK .JM CC 17771571.: .5337 f? ?31) 21-: E101: 3747:- sis/M 1.014.?: ?7 By ?01m? slip fer info. 1:56.: ?thd'kRDam? 3E g! r. 54464 Page 2 RE: JUNTA DEL GOBIERNO DE CUBA EN EL EXILIO (JGCE) . - 75December 17,1963, Aldo Ver/XSerafin W- 34th Streetm_Miami advis ed he is the head of the mw?: American Patriotic Action Mpvement, an anti Fide1 Castro Ibe9au3e Sierra ran Out of maney. Vera Said the JGCE is 2E4 'organization. Vera said he Was previously connected with _the JGCE, but this organization is no longer in eXistence now inactive, and Sierra has returned to Chicago, IllinOi ?a J-zg f?r {Lam Jan_uary 21,1964, MM 1Q ?ho has been involved in Cuban revolutionary actiVities for the past four years,, ?advised that the JGCE has had no activity since about Novem- ber, 1963, the organization no longer?eXists; and, Sierra whas returned to Chicago, m7. NH 54464 This document contains neither reCommendations nor conclusiOns of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and i is loaned to your agency; it and its Icontents are not to. be distribUted out$i_de your agency. DucId:32304966 Page 3 JFK Assassination System A Date: 5/4/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Informati on AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10287-10107 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 100-339235-97. Document Information ORIGINATOR: FROM: SAC, WMFO TO: - DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 09/10/1963 PAGES 3 SUBJECTS SHF, AKA, RCF, PO, TRA DOCUMENT TYPE 2 PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 2 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact OF LAST REVIEW 08/20/1998 Eleased under the John OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE - KE 1111'? '31? . ssassinatiun Records COMMENTS: INCMEMO allectinn Act Elf 1992 I44 use 210? Note]. a3e#:NH 54%5? Date: v9.1 . 222 NH 54464 DucId:32304911 Page 1 to is DireCter Bureau of Intelligence and Research Department of State NOTE: ?h ?gt? inasmuch as the confidential source. g3? the information furnished by him . could reasonab result-in his identification and compromise his future effectiveness and could result in serious damage to gimportant intelligence operations. c155 fied ?Se i ll NH 54464 Page 2 JFKAssassination System Date: Identi?cation Form 5/4/2015 AGENCY Agency Information FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10287-10144 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100-339235-127 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, BS TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 11/29/1963 PAGES 16 SUBJECTS SHF, ASSOC, RES, REVIEW, CHINA POLICY, CP DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 08/20/1998 Eleased under the John OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE Emile W. A 33a331nat10n Recurda allectinn Act of 1992 INC LHM :44 USC 2107 Note] . ase#:NH 54464 Date: v91 NH 54464 Dq?Id:32305014 230 Page 1 WSW .. 2112885: . TENT 333D YES GCEEWRNMENT 1 13;. .. 2? k8 I ?5 ?Memomndum FBI (lee-339235) 11_29_63 SAC, BOSTON (105? 18518) (RUG) ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED SUSAN HEILIGMAN RANK aka HEREIN is LASSIFIED 13- CH DAT ?1181 ReNYlet to the Bareau, 9/18/63. I, Enclosed herewith are an original and four copies of a Letterhead Memorandum captioned RUPERT EMERSON and dated as above. The Letterhead Memorandum is c1_assified . "Confidential? because it contains information i furnished by NY _4112? a highly confidential source . . . CIA HAS no 081831th _1 i 4112_*? .- 811,]83 $8 NY S- RELEESEL :53: ENE EUREVIATSGM - BS is LA 3512?3. IN THIS 4 .2247 .5 The referenCe letter sets forth the names :5/[656 of the following individuals with addresses within 10/347 the Boston _Office area: '1 I I I Rupert . Depar ent _of Government 3 Harvard University Cambridge 38 MassachuseEEs .11_ i A 2811.1?, .010 a: -Eo?iEastMA31an Affair Profess i The Iawwandmlipl2m8831. Tuftsm?nivers1ty1 Medford Massachusetts - James 4. - Department of Far Eastern Languages i? :19 3 ES KP m- ?in: 1. . Harvard UniVersity 38 uni/.251; ,3 Elivinity Avenue Cambridge 38 Massachusetts ?so. 41383.? Bureau (100? 339235) (Encls. 5) DEG 21963 2 New York (100 #2479) (Encls. 2) 2 Boston - 105 lo5u8) (1 100 23748) .282 . NH 54464 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: Identi?cation Form 5/4/2015 AGENCY I Agency Information FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10287-10145 RECORD SERIES HQ I AGENCY FILE NUMBER 100-339235?128 Document Information 1 ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, PH I TO DIRECTOR, FBI 1 3 TITLE I DATE: 11/29/1963 PAGES 3 SUBJECTS SHF, HTNTON, CARMELITA, DESCR, RES, TRA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 08/20/1998 - - Eleased under the OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE KE [15? 33a331nat10n Recurda nllectiun Act of 1992 [44 U5: 21o? Note]. ase#:NH 54454 Date: 0?10?2017 W1 NH 54464 DupId:32305015 231 Page 1 in; . OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 50107104 4 a A STATES ?f 9" pf; $7 Memorandum To . Director, FBI (loo-339235) Dena 11/29/63 1 FROM SAC, Philadelphia (105?9310) (RUG) 9? . 1 . 4' SUBJECT: SUSAN HEILIGMAN FRANK, aka ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED Is.- CH - NH 54464 New York)144' Re New York le dated 10/16/63. SM file 105-1964. HEREIN U: DAIMBYW - tter dated 9/18/63 and Albany letter Philadelphia is office of origin in the case entitled Bureau file 105?36392, Philadelphia CARMELITA HINTON is a 73 year old Woman who in the past has frequently visited a daughter, Mrs. JEAN ROSNER, who formerly lived at 620 Haydock Lane, Haverford,'Pa. On 7/22/63, IP 3002-8 furnished a written report to SA HAYES S. KING, which is maintained in Indianapolis file Camp, Estes Park, Colo. - This report indicated that during the period '6/23?28/63 the annual meeting of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) was held at the YMCA According to a list prepared by officials of the WILPF, one of those in attendance was HINTON, CARMELITA, 620 Haydock Lane, Haverford, Pa. National Board. On 6/24/63, CARMELITA HINTON made,a report on China to the WILPF annual meeting, advising that she had visited her daughter in China from July 1962 to June 1963i Her daughter's husband is?in charge of a Chinese commune. CARMELITA HINTON said she entered China from Russia.? The July11963 issue of ?Four Lights,? self?described as published by the WILPF, carried on page 1 a report on the National Convention held at Estes Park, 0010., and reported that CARMELITA HINTON gave a firsthand report on China. {2 - Bureau (100~339235) (RM) 2 New York (100 3 Philadelphia, - 105-93l0 7 105-1964 (CARMELITA HINTON) 9.4.2479) (est 3, 1 - 100r21984 (DERK BODDE) Page 2 1, ?399; . . f" if 2 ?ag 39f7;??i;fif Pt: DEB :3 3953? ?in NH 54464 PH 105-9310 Referenced New York letter and letterhead memorandum indicated that the following name appeared on a typewritten list of names in the possession of the subject. This list of names was in a folder marked ?Committee For A Review Of Our Chinese Policy.? BODDE, DERKV Graduate School of Arts Science Professor of Chinese University of Philadelphia 4, . In connection with the case entitled "Cominfil, Women Strike for Peace? (New York file loo-146684, Philadelphia file 100-46020), New York has been furnished Philadelphia letter and letterhead memorandum dated 7/17/63 captioned BODDE, nee SPESHNEFF, aka Mrs. Dark Bodde; SM This Philadelphia letterhead memorandum furnished a characterization-of DERK BODDE and his Wife, GALIA BODDE. . DERK BODDE is the subject of Bureau file loo-387911, Philadelphia file loo-2198A. Dr. WILLIAM H. DU BARRY, Executive Vice-President, University of Philadelphia, Pa., (protect by request) advised on 4/25/52 that although he had no specific information which would indicate Communist activity or member- ship on the part of Professor DERK BODDE, it was indicated to the informant that as a result of statements and activitiesxhe might have Communist sympathies or be involved in Communist activities. PH 27-3 on 5/27/57 made available a letter-dated 5/8/57 prepared on the stationery of.the National Council of the Emergency Civil Liberties Committee (ECLC), which bore a printed list of the members of the ECLC National Council.7 Listed among these was Professor DERK BODDE. On 9/17/63, LA furnished SA ROY ANDREW PETERS with a partial list of sponsors for the National Committee to Abolish the House Un?American Activities Committeea This list included the name Professor DERK BODDE, University of 2 DunId:32305015 Page 3 PH 105-9310 An article appeared in ?The Daily a student newspaper published at the University of in the edition dated 1/24/63, which purported to be a portrait of Dr. BODDE. This article said that DERK BODDE was one of the country's foremost Sinologists and went on to say that he was a champion of liberal causes, was one of the "peacemongers" who petitioned the President over Cuba last fall, favors recommendation of Communist China and feels that Communist China should be admitted to the United Nations. On 9/12/60, EUGENE T. IEDDONE, Deputy Clerk of the Supreme Court, made available to SA 0. MICHAEL SMASAL a brief for?Amici Curiae, which indicates the Communist_Party of the United States, Petitioner, v. Subversive Activities Control Board, Recipient. In Appendix A there was set out the names and addresses by city and state of these'Amaci Curiae. Pro- fessor DERK one of those so listed. On.9/30/60, Dr. ARLEIGH P. HESS, JR., Director, College of General Studies, University of advised SA EDWARD A. SMITH that DERK BODDE was one of those who attended the International Congress of Orientalists in Moscow in August 1960. .K. 0n.9/28/62, PH 27-8 advised that DERK BODDE was one of the_signers of a letter dated 8/15/62, which urged the re- cipient to work for the parole of MORTON SOBELL. Contributions were to be sent to Citizens for Justice for Morton Sobell. NH 54464 DucId:32305015 Page 4 i JFK Assassination System - . I Date: 5/4/2015 1 a Identi?cation Form Agency InfOrmation AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10287-10146 RECORD SERIES AGENCY FILENUMBER: 100-339235-IST NR 128 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, NY TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 11/29/1963 PAGES 17 SUBJECTS SHF, RCF, ASSOC, MEETING, .CP, FISUR, RES, EMP, PASSPORT, TRA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 08/20/1998 under the Jehn Kennedy elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Nete]. 54454 Date: OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC MEMO v9.1 4 - 232 an 54464 DueId:32305016 Page 1 a 3 4. 11/29/63 . - - SAC, NEW YORK (100~107383) RICHARD CYRIL mum EV ,3 IS ca DECLASSEFY 6 if ?v 5?2 Hermie: to the Bureau dated 11/22/63 and NY, airtel Bureau.dated 11/13/63s captioned 5 HEILIGMAN FRANK, IS Enclosed herewith are the original and seven 3 copies of a letterhead-mem?randum dated ana captiamed as abave. The letterhead memerandum has been classified "Confidential" to further pratect NY a'highly sensitive source who has been furnishing informatien an a continuing basis and whese.impairment wculd adversely .6ffect the interests of the US. Informants Identity of Source- File Number Whepe_Located Decumentaticn 0f CHARLES J. My 4047.33 3 NY NY 190~107383~220 DAVID-REID, Superinten?ent, 39 Cortlandt St., NYC (By Request) NY T-n Documentation of IRA GOLLQBIN NY 10h5-s - New DAF:vmg (3) - ?45/ w? f2r~ Bureau (Encl 8} (RM) new ?i . ??yyg54464 Page 2 54464 NY 100-197383 Identity of.Souree File Number Where Lecated a. . NY of ANTON NOVAK NY 2009-3 - T-6 Documentation of LEON JOSEPHSON NY . The Special Agents who observed the subject on 10/5/63 were DANIEL A. and RICHARD M. MONEY, JR. Referenced NY airtel points out that the subject is alleged to have had a meeting wigg TANG Ming?choc, the head of the American Department of/ fnese Communist Party and head of the political intelligence for the Chinese as-it relates to Communist Parties in English speaking countries. Observations The comments of,the NYC concerning the subject's and his wifeJS'involvement in Chinese intelligence activities (anewas set out in referenced NYlet. Recommendations The services of NY #647636 will be continued as this source furnishes-infofmation concerning the day-touday activities of both the subject and his wife. A mail cover will be instituted at the Subject's office at 39 Cortlandt Street, NY, NY. will give censideration to the development of a highly confidential sourceat the subject's office after he has occupied it long enough to be fully utilizing it. It is to be_noted that information has been received . to the effect that he has not as yet reassess fixing it up.fs The NYO contemplates the establishment of?a stationary plant to assist in identifying the contacts, of the subject and his wife and also to make fisurs of DucId:32305016 Page 3 JFK Assassination System Date: 5/11/201 Identi?cation Form 7 Agency Information AGENCY: FBI .. Eeleased under the John RECORD NUMBER: 124-10287-10153 Kenna :13: Aasassinatinn Recnrda RECORD SERIES 2' HQ anlectiun Act Elf 1992 :44 USC 210'? Note]. AGENCY FILENUMBER: 39-2656-1 5444350 Date: 10?03?2017 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 11/07/1958 3 SUBJECTS PDL, AIRCRAFT, REGISTRY, UNK, DIAZ, TRIANA, ASSOC, ARREST DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENTSTATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 05/18/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC MEMO 1 NH 54460 Page 1 a. u; thUv-?h?i?JI- FORM .mw? 01?ng ONITED STATES GOVERNMENT-H . To DIRECTOR, FEE . DATE r. Ff? I - - I ??Nglmeyaar SAC, A . - 5? ANTONIO CASANOVG . FCC .xf? 1 (00 mm) 1 _Relet from Lecat Havana 9/10/58gBu1et 10/3/58 Miami tel to NFO 10/7/5?, and NFO tel to Miami 10/ Legat Havana letter dated 9/11/58? lists Cessna 180? A, having American Registry NN 52130. NFC tel advised that CAA records reflect that this number' is now not assigned to any aircraft and never to a Cessna._ U. S. Customs, N?ami, advised that the correct registration number is 5213D - CAA, Miami, advised that a foreigner may 5 purchase an airplane but to be flown, it must be register? ed. Onlya aU. S. citizen may register an aircraft in the States. U. 8. Customs advised that PEDRO DIAZ LANZ purchased 5213B, a Cessna, sold it to an American, Nho sold it to SANSON CASANOVA Nho traded the plane in on a twin?engine Beechcraft which subsequently crashed. 1.111 TREDNELL subsequently purchased a Lockheed ?1 . Lodestar 71m 59 that went to Cuba on 10/15/58, and Nac seized by U. 8. Customs on 10/1o/58. RICARDO LORI July 26 leader, is wealthy and capable of supplying the mohey for the purchase, is suspected of being in Cuba; I a; on 10/15/58, aboard the Lodest er, and was aboard *l Cessna 5213 on 9/11/58, at Guantanamo Naval Base, Cubai2'? Bureau 9; 1 43:, )5 2 - Nashington Field NETagg Q3 i 9.2% A: 3393 :3 2 RE 7. . ?:32 -- .ami - ??izu 1O ##lNDzush Si if: - C1 ?e 54.12: 4(0) Lu 11.: . 13. f: EN Ei?f'Ri a :7 . . a: 11.qu ?As A. . NH 54450 DucIN:32305u23 Page TREDWELL or LORIE VALLS. U. S. Customs advised that many of these pur? rchases have gone through Mr. ROBERT MEYERS, Linden, New Jersey, who has been'coeoperating with Bureau Agents and who is handling a.purchase for four F8F Bearcat fighter planes, and has been depOsited by either - Papers found in possession of TRIANA DIAZ, ENRIQUE CABRE, and JOSE NARANJO when arrested in Miami on charged indicate that a 0?47 plane in Canada, registration 26753, has been or- till be stolen by Cuban rebels. - MM 635-s, who talked to RAUL CASTRO on 10/297553, advised that CASTRO plans to purchase a number_of fighter planes for use in the Sierra Cristal, Cuba. . It is requested that WFO contact CAA, Washington, D. 0., to ascertain'who registered above?mentioned air- craft and if any of the above?named persons registered any other aircraft. Newark Office requested to contact Mr. ROBERT MEYERS, Linden, New Jersey, concerning his knowledge of above airplane purchases and other pending purchases by TREDWELL or Cubans. . - NH 54460 DucId:32305023 Page 3 . A JFK Assassination System Date: Identi?cation Form 5/11/201 Agency Information Eleased under the AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10287-10155 ssasslnatlun Records 1K2 nllectiun Act of 1992 [44 ESE 210? Note]. AGENCY FILE NUMBER 39?2656-3 ?ail; EU . 0?03?2017 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 12/05/1958 PAGES 3 SUBJECTS PDL, BURUNAT, LARRY, ASSOC, DESCR, PURCHASE, BEECHCRAFT PLANE DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 05/18/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS v9.1 NH 54460 Page 1 NH 54460 STANDARD FORM 64? O?ce Memorandnm TO mum? c? Tanisrcros, FBI (W) rib 3W7 MIAMI (39?76) ?Knew: ANTONIO SANSON CASANOVA FAG 00 - Miami _serial new? ?at E65451. This plane was sold for $6500 (RM) - It On December 1, 1958, mr. JOSEPH T. CAMILLERI who Operates Bel Aire Aviation, Incorporated, Miami, Florida, confidentially advised he had served as a f? broker in a transaction involving the purchase of a Beechcraft Plane, model AT?ll, owned by the Dupont Air Service, Miami, and sold to two Cubans, whom CAMILLERI suspected might be engaged in Revolutionary. activities. - On December advised the above scribed Beechcraft, silver in color, bears paid rain acash Friday, November 28,1958. He said?this dp?ab?iih two motors; a carrying capacity of ZSOOn?bbhd 3; seats two in front and five in back; cruises at 160 milestp??ahour and has a four- hour flight range. Mr. CAMILLERI advised the purchasers of this plane were a Cuban pilot known to him as SANSON, who-had formerly been a?pilot for Cubana Airlines, and another 3% cuban known to him as LARRY BURUNAT He said the purchasers of the plane wanted him to transport this plane from?rpe Duggnt Air Service to a nearby field, probably eitnerdfamiamr?or the North Perry Airport, nean?fert GLaggerdale, Florida. . ;p%%f7 are J?ngton Field Office (39?138) (1330103 4 3333333333 3 as said 3 I 1: Emilwneub Va . I 1W 33 9133 (8) 3,9, or), oweI955: 3% WED 3. .3 . DucId:32305025 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 1 1/17/20 lnfonnation Eleased under the John allectiun Act of 1992 AGENCY FBI Kenna 1:15: RECORD NUMBER: 124-10287-10171 RENEE RECORD SERIES: HQ [:14 L151: 2 11:11 11:11:12] . - ase#:NH EQEED Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 39-2656?12 13?03 2 17. Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 02/17/1959 PAGES: 1 SUBJECTS PDL, Assoc, TRA, RES, EMP DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 05/18/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS v91 NH 54460 Page 1 KW - ., ji?ji 5a (I 6325772 UNITED OVERNMENT xi ?Mg, an, FBI (39- 2656) DATE- Feb- 17? 1959 (QIQM FBI Laboratory Laborw?mary Nb. 131295599 I ,up 5 .. . NH 5446i] SUBJECT: SAC, MIAMI (39- M6) - ~WWIITeesmrsoN?s CASANOVA A FALSELY . i FRAUD AGAINST THE . Remylet with known handwriting samples Of PEDRO LUIS DIAZ On January 27, 1959, MM 639- advised that PEDRO LUIS DIAZ LANZ had returned to Cuba and had been appointed as head of the Cuban Air Force. On January 29, 1959", MM 635-3 advised that ANTONIO SAMSON CASANOVA had returned to Cuba, was residing there, and was employed as an air line pilot. 0Jn February 4, 1959,; Mr. DAVID c. CLARK, Assistant United States Attorney, Miami, advised_ he declined prosecution, inasmuch as both subjects are no longer living in the United States. . - The FBI Laboratory is requested to dis? continue document examination requested in reference Miami letter. VC- Bureau '_RJD:ems- "?vw Page 2? I -- a. mm I 1. JFK Assassination System Date: 6/4/20] 5 Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY: FBI under the John RECORD NUMBER 124-10287-10399 KE nnE d? saassinatinn Recurda HQ :nllectiun Act of 1992 - [44 USC 21o? Nate]. AGENCY FILE NUMBER 97.4474-151? NR 284 Za?e? =31? 5403 7' Bat 8?28?2017 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE . 04/ 13/ 1966 PAGES: 2 SUBJECTS MIRR, ASSOC, PLAN, SINK, RUSSIAN SHIP DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/25/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS l" WJ NH 5402? Page 1 1 'r 4n 5422-54Date' ironsrn he and 1mg . {Iype or code) Vm LEQEQL .. Pnoruy) 1.. 1 TO: Eirector, F31 (105~143565) 11101-1; SAC: Miami (1051117875MP1 I 1 I - -- 111111-20 11112 (213011 fat-.545: M, on max-amt- ~11 1 :3 CUBA. .. if ., 11111 11%; Reference Bureau airtel 3/17/66 to Miami? . :53 On April 4, 1966 MM 635BS3 who is perm FE: sona11y acquainted with HE DEAZ, advised that ?on March 31,19606 he talked to DIAZ in Miami? At that time DIEZ indicated he had not yet left the Miami area on any mission to Cuba, but that he 11 has p1ans a1ong that line, however, he did 11931171150 L3 not disclose any specific date of departure to MM $2 635-30 RMATFON 3113 then rem:rked that BOSCH AVILA, i7 one/Mov1m1ento asurrecoional de lacuoeraolon o\ :4u331an 3.119? DEEZR ex ressed opposition to this plan an stating that such ac tion would hurt all organizations which are trying to do something in Cuba3 as it would out :he 81 government in an awkward position and a? 111d have to take action against all of the Cuban -A1L4NFO HEREIN I .J, I QEEINEL FILED IN 9/ orga: izations. #1 i1 9/1- 94/751 I 1 .rr?f: "31? 1 a 1 B1reuu RM ?x 1- . .3 1.1271111 ?5 E.- NOT RECORDED .L. .1 (N 1 9111 11115 y: 1,00 APR 18 1966 go?) A. :1 h. A rt "31171?, -1 a . igproved: ?rf??\xf 1 Sent Per Special Agent in Charge 1 0?5 APR 2? 195,5 - A, :11 NH 5402'? Page 2 For the inform of the Bureau9 hM 635? has advis dB EMINIO responsible for saving I p. 0 Lt 'ife or Wis 635 ?so This occurred a number of years ago, while MM 635 was serving in the Cuban Ievolutionary Police thiIe still an active informant i of ?hit 3 fice) at whic-a time rotified MM 63563 he we a I .I_;ked up ano arresteo on a following day on a arge of ac ivit iesa NM 635 a: into hiding immediatelya the following day uban ?1investigators came to his- himo After remaini i a escaped to the 2 -oI 0? eidence in Havana 1ding several months? It is felt that an interview at this particular EZEMINIO DIAZ by this off"; ce might possibly a ize as security of MM and at the same time Id accomglish little specif? res ul 3 concerning the te filaas of DIAZ who i believed unlikely to thwart his own plans, rd MM 635 has been ins:ruc:e? to continue to mairtain cor.tact with DIAZ tfhenever his, in an attempt to obtain more speci"ic factse The Miami Office will keep the Bureau advised of any further pertinent cevelopments? La NH 5402? Page 3 JFKAssassination System Date: 6/4/201 5 i! Identi? mtion Form Agency Informauon l?as Ed under 1: he AGENCY: FBI Kenned? RECORD NUMBER 124-1028740400 33333 111313 inn RE '3'3'15'313 allectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [44 USC 2 107' Note] . ase#:NH 5402? Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 97-4474-285 5-2 2 '3 17" Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI . FROM: COTTER, R. D. TO SULLIVAN, W. C. .- DATE 04/07/1966 PAGES: 4 SUBJECTS MIRR, ASSOC, RAID, CUBA, OBA, INDICTMENT DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS 2 Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/25/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LTR, LHM v9.1 NH 5402'? Page ?1 DunId:32305210 'Page-Eg' ?aw m- a. mi? {:21 HF. 5.4112? page 3 wi?n?w ., A. I ?kgk? WE ?a\ka 9: 33} - an ?gkkf ?35? 1635:: 5? fl - EE"*'ij rHHf54021' Ducld:32305210 Page 4 JFK Assasination System Date: 6/4/2015 lden??mtion Form . Agency Infoma?on under: the John F. Kennedy Assassination Rsoords FBI Collection Act. of 1992 [441 USC 210'? Note] . RECORDNUMBER: 124-1028740401 4.32:- Date: 93-23-2317- RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 974474-286, 287 Dowment Infomlation ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: DIRECTOR, FBI T0: SAC, MM TITLE DATE 04/15/1966 2 SUBJECTS MIRR, ASSOC, PLAN, SINK, SOVIET VESSEL, ATTACK, CUBA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/251] 998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC TTY v9.1 NH 54027 DucId:32305211 Page 1 I TELETYPEZ my? I -DunI?:32305211 Page 2 JFK Assasmation System Identi?cation Form . Date: 6/4/201 5 AGENCY Agency Infonna?on eleesed under the Jehn F. FBI Kennedy Records RECORD NUMBER: 124-1028740407 ate: 08?28?201? RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 974474-295 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: COTTER, R. D. TO SULLIVAN, W. C. TITLE DATE: 04f22/l966 PAGES: I SUBJECTS MIRR, ASSOC, ARREST, PLOT, RAID, CUBA, DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redaot DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/25! I 998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS NH 5402'? Page 1 21222:; are? COW omen STATES GO 1 Mr. DeLoach 1 - Mr. M0111 .. Memorandum 1 - Hr. Wick - Hr . Boson a Gale TO Hr. W. C. DATE: April 22' 1966 SHOES: Tove 1 Sullivan $32" FROM 2 mm. B. D. 1 Liaison 3:33 .9, EB ma?a. sncunlrr - CUBA 1 Hr. Cotter 1 Mr. Nasca SEBJECT OVIMIENTO INBWIONAL DE 2 3" HEWITT HAHN Previous memoranda have indicate Of our informants had been approached by Orland . 11a, head of MIDR, militant Miami, Florida, anti astro organization, to pilot plane on raid over Cuba. Plan submitted by Miami Office to thwart raid and protect our informant by establishment of appropriate roadblock manned by Customs and others was discussed with Department. Department concurred'with plan and emphasized that the primary objective was to stop the raid. Information concerning ulna plans was furnished White House and Attorney General. On April 22, 1966, Customs, Miami, advised that Bosch and two others were arrested by Collier County, Florida, Sheriff's Department for being in possession of explosives. Six bombs were confiscated. ACTION: ..-2 If you approve, the attached letters will be sent White House and Attorney General advising of the seizure of the bombs and apprehensions. in} .r 97?11474??770/ Riva gig-J ?Ls 55 we 3J%f if 4:13?- :4 .3 {mm/101955 CONFIDNML NH 5402'? Page 2 JFK Assamination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/4f2015 Agency Information Eleased under the F. Kennedy Assasainatinn Records AGENCY: FBI Collection Act of 1992 :44 use RECORDNUMBER: 124-1028740410 31? NDEEJ- Case?? ate: 08?28?201? RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 97-4474-299 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE 05/03! I966 4 SUBJECTS MIRR, ASSOC, ARREST, PLAN, SABOTAGE, SHIP, RAID, CUBA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/26/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC B211 Page 1 1 $35? 3006 . a I CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ROUTINE Intelligence Information Cable . IN 11331 PAGE I OF 3 PAGES DIA ARMY NAVY AIR NSA NH: 800 ONE OCR COAST GUARD ISNS TREASURY FAA DDI EXO SEMI: ANNFOREIGN DISSEM CONTR LLED DISSEM .- THIS IS AN INFOR ATION RT. INA L. ALUATED I LIGE 5-5-5- 5.1- TDCS . DIST 5 MAY 1966 CGUITTRY: h. DGI: 5T3 APRIL 1966 SUBJECT: PLANS OF THE MIRR FOR AN AERIAL ATTACK HIESIDENTIAL PALACE IN HAVANA . . PIE- at PNOANATION IN THIS ACE: UNITED STATES, NIANI (5 NAY 1966) UFG- 8249 [00 SOUNC2: A MEMBER OF 0F CUBAN EMIGRES TRAINED IN Tm: TECHNIQUES OF INFORMATION COLLECTION. THE ?g GROUP NAS PNOVIOEO USEFUL REPORTS SINCE 1961APRIL 1966 LEADER7OP THE NOVINIENTO INSONAEOCIONAL OE REOUPERACION REVOLUCIONARIA 3 (J TINA, INSOANEOTIONAL NOVENENT FOR REVOLUTIONARY RECOVERY), SAID THAT THE NIAR HAS PLANS FOR AN OPERATION THAT NILL INVOLVE THE ONITEO STATES .IN A HE SAIO 7x531 ,30/ NO FOREIGN DISSEM CONTROLLED - - TICGNTAINEW . E, -INAY 16" 19? W: ("?1532 uLb_P? (33rung-q. - 4F- - NH 5402'? Page 2 'Date: 5/3/65 Transmit the following in (Type in plaintexl or codeDIRECTOR, FBI (97-4474) on. ., FROM: go, MIAMI (105-2855) SUBJECT: 5:01! ggvoLucmNARIA m. 95 ed by (MIRR) .- . . Declassfy-on: . RA-CUBA 00:. Miami Re San Juan airtel?to Bureau 4/26/66. It appears that the information concerning?MIRR plans, which was furnished on 4/26/66, by Lt. EDWIN M, STER, Coast Guard, San Juan originated from a CIA report dated 4/16/66, classified "Confidential?, entitled:?Plans of the MIRR To Sabotage.A Vessel in Miami or Puerto Rico." This CIA report is based upon information received fromfa source described a a member of a group of Cuban emigres,htrained in the techni ues of information collection._ Etfrelated that on 4/12/66, JORGE GUTIERREZ sVIL?,1Chieffof Information of the MIRR, said that the operations, the first of which would itmxb?qt?lgabotagefa ship of some nation engaged in trade xhe sabOtage would take place when the or Puerto Rico. The rqaort also PEREZ would not participate in _hat the sabotage is primarily intended I to distract?from.thelfact DR EZ took part in sabotaging the "Satrustegui? . -RE On 4/4/66, MM 635-5, who well acg ainte . 'ELszsa at ca won?iow .somem members of the MIRR, advised that he he r??ei 1 -. 1 @-Bureau .. -San Juan- l-Miami #frg. . I 5% 66010? sac Approved: Special Agent in Chateau?N. i NH 5402'? Page 3 - . .. information frOm a non member of the MIRR who was acquainted' with ORLANDO BOSCH AVILA, head of the MIRR, that the MIRR planned to make an attempt to sinxia Russian ship, however, no mention was made of San Juan in this regard. .4 MM 105-2855 0n 4111/66, MM'639-S-advieed that BOSCH had recently remarked to one of his MIRR associates plans relating to guns and explosives. impression that nthis remark related to his second plan, whith BOSCH intended 1? vto carry out immediately aftethhe. ans which he was then making for a raid againSt . It is. to be as?of 4/11/66,,- BOSCH was .. . laying plans fOr a raid involvin the use of a plane and bombs to Strike a tar et at Nuev tas, Cebu. U, the I basis.of information -urnished anMM 639-8, t_is=raid was aborted'on 4/2/[66, when BOSCH and.two companions,'BARBARO BALAN, and JOSE ANTONIO MULET GONZALEZ. aka GUAJIRO, were arrested at a roadblock@ 15 miles east of_Nap1es, Flaw, by collie: County deputies. . BOSCH and hiS'COmpanions had six loaded 100 pound aerial bombs in one of the automobiles. They.had intended to load I these bombs on a plane in naples, Florida airport for the . bombing raid, which was scheduled to take place. that I'miami has subsequently_received no additional 1 information concerning any specific plans by BOSCH however, in view of peat performances, it is-possible that ., i he may make another bombingior sabotage attempt in the immediate 1 futures He is presently scheduled to face tria1.on extortion in Federal Court, Miami, 6/7/66, ~0n 5/2766, U.S. Customs, Miami, advised that BOSCH is also scheduled to face trial in Federal Court at Orlndo, F1a., on charges of conspiring to violate the munitions control act,0~ 5?30-66- In-the-event that Miami receives-any indication that have plans affecting San Juan, the Bureau and that of?ice will.be immediately notified. 5'5; 19-1050 NH 5402'? Page JFK Assassination System Date: 6/4/20] 5 Identi?cation Form Agency Infoma?on lease-:1 under: the John . Kennedy Assassinat ion Records AGENCY: FBI :nllectian Act of 1992 [44 RECORDNUMBER: 124-1028740420 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 97-4474-307 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM T0 FBI TITLE: DATE 07/27? 966 7 SUBJECTS MIRR, OBA, ASSOC, PLAN, RAID, CUBA, REL, TRA DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/26Il998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM 99.] - NH 5402'? Page 1 15 TION cwrarm' NCLASSIFIED 1 .I . I solo-nor . -- . 1 . 3. UNITED STATES GQ . 1 Memorandum . r1 . To DIRECTOR, FBI (97:44:74)? DATE: 7/27/66 mom SAC, MIAMI (105-2855) SUBJE 'novmxmo INSURRECCIONAL DE RECUPERACION REVOLUCIONARIA (man) NEUTRALITY MATTERS Re Miami airtel to the Bureau, 6/15/66. (is Enclosed herewith are ten copies of a letterhead memorandum dated and captioned as above. Copies are being disseminated locally to the following agencies: 55mm INS, Miami; State Department (Cuban Affair?), Miami; U.S. Border Patrol, Miami; 3 U.S. Customs (l-Miami) (l-Region II) (1?Key West); U.S. Coast Guard, Miami; G-2, Ft. Mc Pherson, Georgia; NISO, Charleston, OSI, Robins Air Force Ba Georgia; CIA, Miami; USAFAD, Ojus, Florida. - I NFO EX use? -. . T?l is Mr. WALLACE SHANLEY, Assist Customs Agent in Charge, Miami. BY JFK TASK FURL see?shit?) 0? 712319? REL LL 13 MM 974?5- RELEASE RT Enclosed LHM is being to better protect sources of continuing value. :3 ,9 9711/474/30? with established sources and informants ?Bureau advised. @Bnreau, (Enc-l I 93? .1311); I . . Egi?i . glam/0%. 7'05: 554/? .w?vgod?lb?; A .4 4/4 (3) . 0697 to: cm/Stammolf 9 3- 036% . 1 1956 I. mess a W, we} .3 .Q?a??zzm J. af'eda?grzgug?lea?rigite' ?51! 30% NH 5402'? Page 2 JFK Assassinati on System Date: 6/4/2015 Identi?cation Form .. Agency lnfonna?on elessed under: the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records AGENCY: FBI Collection Act. of 1992 [9?1 RECORDNUMBER: 124-1028740421 RECORD SERIES: HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 974474-308 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM SAC, MM 10 DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 08129! I 966 PAGES 6 SUBJECTS MIRR, ASSOC, MEETING, INTV, RES, DESCR, TRA, CUBAN EXILE DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICF IONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/26/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM v9.1 NH 5402'? Page 1 16 PD ?0 HAY mm mun. REG. ID. 1? UNITED ERNMENT Memorandum Director, FBI (97- 5010-103-01 T0 It I mou? CIA Mayonmmon . - RELL. 3.33; ?333: 263.333.? 11:91 Miami IN THIS 62003me gm? $73137 MOVIMIENTO INSURRECCIQEAL DE RECUPERACION REVOLUCIONARI ?av a: (MIR) 7" 5-3 IS CUBA [Ff/la Declass?yon:m Reference Miami letter with enclosures 3 7/27/66. 2 if Enclosed herewith are 10 copies of LEM dated 3 .. and captioned as above. 2 '3 fit-?Q Copies are bei disseminated locally to the following agencies: INS State Department - Ear?) Cuban Affairs, Coast Guar stems, Border Patrol, 3.3 3 NISO, 081 and USAFAD. rim MP4. .5 out?: 56m 22:23 ?u T?l isElIA, MiamiJ MW) I mania. T-2 is 974?6. a Enclosed LHM is being classified SECRET inas- . much as it contains information from CIA so classified. 3 a; 3 During July and August; 1966, MM 639-SMW 3 MM 635-8 and MM 492-8 were contacted concerning cap- - To 3 tioned organization, however these sources were unable 35? to furnish any significant information23?: o. MIAMI DECL SSIFIED 37.5742 . i 3 Fig.5 At Miami, Florida 05 3.2Will continue contact with established E?gg Sources and informants and will keep Bureau advised. 31ad?Bureau (Encls"9.3 1 Miami c? i 5 36.: mm: ms 00?th w) memes. by routing slip for - -. dt Info actiop.\ #131546 2-) w- rv,? a - 2g? 2666122 waySaving: Bandr Regularly on the Pa ml 4 Plan - 4m 23%- NH 5402'? Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 6/4/20 IS Identi?cation Form Agency Infoma?on leased under the Jehn . Kennedy Assaeeinatinn Records FBI Collection Act of 1992 (1444 use RECORDNUMBER: 124-10287-10424 3 1'37 NDEEJ - 54027 - ate: 03?23?201? RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 97-4474-312 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI . TITLE: DATE 10/06/ I 966 6 SUBJECTS MIRR, ASSOC, TEST, OBA, ARREST DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/26/ I998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC ADMIN PAGE, LHM v9.1 NH 5402'? Page 1 18 F's-35 (an. 5-22-34} rd a?CON ENHAL u? . Date: 10/6/66 Transmit the following in (Type in plaintext or code) Vic AIRTEL REGISTERED (Priority) TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (97-4474) FROM: SAC, MIAMI (105-2855) [1 0MOVJMIENTO INSURRECCIONAL DE RECUPERAQLONL I?gn?AafA - NM (00: MIAMI) Re Miami airtel 4/22/66. Enclosed for the Bureau are 11 copies of a letterheam memorandum, dated and captioned as above. Copies are being furnished locally to U. S. Border Patrol, U. S. Customs, U. S. Customs, Region II, S. Coast Guard, CIA, Office of Coordinator of Cuban Affairs, Dept. of State, all Miami; U. S. Customs, Key West, NISO, Charleston, 8.0., 6-2, Ft. McPherson, 6a., 081, Robins AFB, 6a., and USA FAD, Ojus, Florida; and to FAA and Secret Service, Miami. BOSCH's statement to newspapermen after the trial were overheard by SA ERNEST HARRISON, JR. It is to be recalled that MM 639-8 furnished to this office the information on which'the Sheriff's Office of Collier County, in cooperation with U. S. Customs, 'r Miami, was able to effect th 'rrest of BOSCH and his two xi companions in this case. a, 0n 10/6/66 Mr. STANLEY SCHACHTER, U. S. Customs, advised he testified during the trial after Sheriff HENDRY . had testified h- had received his inform tion from Mr. SCHACHTER of -toms. Mr. said that when 2?f7 ?y7y*7 . urea? (En; KL. IWRE .ll01?? 1 - 134 25 $35 G?D/dk t? 0mg: 9/ (6) A by rnufincr {Inca .. ?q r0}! I an," I r" J. .. - Approved: St . Per 1% i r?w . f- 0 MM 105?2855 he testified and was cross examined concerning his source - by the defense counsel, he declined to answer on the grounds that it was privileged information. SCHACHTER said that Judge SMITHoupheld him, and he was not required to state that he had received this information from the - FBI. ,Mr. SCHACHTER does not know the identity of MM 639-8. It appears that MM 39-8 has been adequately protected in this matterJ?) u, mus- .- NH 5402? Page 3 JFK Assassination System Dale: 6/4/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Eleased under the F. Kennedy Assasainatinn Records AGENCY: FBI Collection Act of 1992 HE USC RECORDNUMBER: 124-1023740434 31m NDEEI- Case?mw 54027 ate: 08?28?201? RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 974474-320 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO: DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 1 ?22/1966 PAGES lO SUBJECTS MIRR, OBA, BOMBING, NITROGLYCERINE PLANT, CUBA DOCUMENT TYPE PA PER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/26? 993 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM, MEMO V9.I HH Page 1 21 5322-54) .. rssoET- I 3737/22/66 Transmit the following in I .. (Type in pilu'n or code) rm an i Via AIRTEL w, ?1 . I kkriorisy) L2 222% "Us -, A. TO: lo 33/99?47 FROM: SAC, MIAMI (105? 2855) RE: OMQVIMIENTQ INSURRECCIQNAL DE RECUPERACION . (MIRA) .3 . rm 5 lug? (oo: MIAMI) Ciassi edby .3, {f Declassify on: 0 Remy teh, 11/14 and 11/16/66. Enclosed herewith are 12 copies of LEM, dated and captioned as above. ALL IUFQFMICN CONTAINED 3516 Copies are being disseminated locally to the following agencies: U. 8. Border Patrol, U. 8. Customs, U. S. Customs, Region II, INS, U. S. Coast Guard, CIA, Office of Coordinator of Cuban Affairs, Dept. of State, all Miami; . U. S. Customs, Key West, NISO, Charleston E1.8 C. 36- 2, Ft? McPherson, 6a., 031, Robins AFB, Ga., and Miami K36 \xx Springs, Florida; and to FAA and Secret Service, )Miami. A I T-l 18 MM 492-3. Pin635-3 11/16/66, AUSTIN HORN CIA, Miami, Covert, . DEL TORO, USAFAD, Army; Miami, advised that -those agencies had no 0 erational nterest in MIRR nor its latest raid. Bureau (Enc. - 12) q7v?i Ltd-if 01%. Ni' 0 -- . CC (an, a . . Emmi94522 -- fit - ME /r ?h . . 5-55 /q/7LEr/z-w Dynmungaupinrh?b. SH V-a 1.8 Approved: Sent age: LA I Slaw Agent in Charge 01.7% - E?s] NH 5402'? Page 2 no STATES DEPARTMENT OF PICE FEDERAL BUREAU OFINVESTIGATION I .g?lh Miami, Florida In Reply. Phase Refer to Hovember 22 1956 Fue?h HOVIHIENTO INSURRECCIOHAL DE RECUPERACION REVOLUCIONARIA (HIRE) SECURITY CUBA MATTERS EH a former Cuban Government Official, on November 14, 1966, advised that Radio Havens end Station GHQ, Havana, on November 14, 1986, at 6:00 am, announced the bombing of a Cuban nitroglycerine plant at Hetanzas, Cube. According to the Officia1_Communicmtion of the Ministry of Cubes Revolutionary Air Force, Esteem, three bombs were dropped during the early morning hours of November 13, 1966. The bombs were dropped from an airplane flying very low to erode radar detection and the airplane reportedly came from and returned to the north. One bomb exploded and caused some denage to the "Conso idedo Retro Nitro" plant near Bay. Tw bombs failed to explode. . bu u? EH tu? further ised st st 113?? AM on November 14, 1966, ORLANDO .nte, heed of the ereeciqml {dieterejperaeimmaru (HIRE), an organization1's?nt notice to the Spanish langmege radio stations WNIE and WFAB in Miami. This note claims that the bombs dropped in Cuba on November 13, 1966, were the responsibility of his organisation. The note stmted a press conference would take place on the afternoon of November 14, 1966, and further detmils would be given. On November 15, 1966, ORLANDO BOSCH avnme advised that he cencelled his press conference scheduled to take ALL mroemnon CONTAINED m? mnem 5402'? Page 3 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Dale: 6/4/20 I 5 Agency Information Eleased under the . Kennedy Assasainatinn Records AGENCY: FBI Collection Act of 1992 HR use . 210'? Note) . 5402'? RECORD NUMBER. 124-1023740436 ate: 08?23?2017 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 974474-322 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM T0 DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 11/14/1966 PAGES: 3 SUBJECTS MIRR, OBA, AIR ATTACK, CUBA DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/26/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC NOTE V9.1 NH 5402'? Page 1 22 . Elm mm up COMMUNICATIONS :1 8. or JUSIICE Erhaw??" 11/ J?rfyn, 1/ 1111/11 FBI HASH BC Hyper. IELEWPE . In". (all? 1 1 11:11:?: FBI MIAM 11112111111 234F111 AGENT 11-14-56 HTF 1311: 1 . - 1" 3501'? 97-4474 ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED 11?? AWL men MIAMI 105-2355 29 HEREIN HED 03535::?11?: DATE 3310 455 BYSP 1 nE RECUPERACION REVOLUCIONARIA A4 . Hy f9W?? age/j 0N NGVEMBER FOURTEEN INSTANT, A SOURCE, A FORMER CUBAN OFFICIAL WHO HAS REPORTED RELIABLE INFORMATION IN THE PAST, ADVISED AS FBLLOUS: RADIO HAVANA AND STATION GHQ, HAVANA, ANNOUNCED AT SIX Ao?. NOVEMBER FOURTEEN INSTANT THE BONBING OF A CUBAN NITROGLYCERINE PLANT AT MATANZAS, CUBA. ACCORDING - TO THE OFFICIAL COMMUNICATION OF THE MINISTRY 8F CUBAN REVO- LUTIONARY AIR FORCE, HAVANA, THREE BOMBS HERE BROPPEB . EARLY MORNING HOURS OF SUNDAY. NOVEMBER THIRTEEN. THEY HERE DROPPEB mm A PLANE 11an VERY Low to EVABE RADAR DETECTION AND REPERTEELY CAME mom AND RETURNED to THE Emu. ONE BOMB ExPLenEn AND sons DAMAGE to THE 1 1 PETRO rune" PLANT, NEAR MATANZAS BAY. ?mag, 1- .9 .. 111:0 :1 1955 1? REPORTEDLY two FAILED 'ro 391.095.75.131 FURTHE ADVISED AI- A.n. NOVEMBER FOURTEEN INSTANT, 62; END PAGE DEC 19% MR. DELOACH FOR THE DIRECTOR 1 1 NH 5402'? Page 2 A SCH AVILA, HEAD OF THE MIRR IN MIAMI, . PAGE THO SENT A NOTICE TO THE SPANISH LANGUAGE RADIO STATIONS IN MIAMI, THE RESPONSIBILITY OF HIS ORGANIZATION. HE ANNOUNCEB A PRESS CONFERENCE WOULD TAKE PLACE ON AFTERNOON NOVEMBER FOURTEEN, INSTANT, WHERE FURTHER DETAILS WOULD BE GIVEN. AOHINISTRATIVE: SOURCE IS MM FOUR NINE THO S. HHIE ANB THE BOMBS DROPPEB IN CUBA ON SUNDAY HERE -MIANI, suaszausnr In THE PRESS CONFERENCE, WILL INTERVIEW BOSCH, ?99 STEPS BE TAKEN H15 3103? THROUGH INFORMANJS AND souncss. sun I GJG FBI WASH ac NH 5402'? Page 3 -.. . JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/4/2015 AGENCY Agency Information Eleased under the F. Kennedy Assasainatinn Records Collection Act of 1992 (QA USC FBI 2107 Note). 54027 RECORD NUMBER: 124-1028740440 ate: 08?28?201? RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 974474-326 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM SAC, TP TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE I 2/30/1966 PAGES: 1 SUBJECTS MIRR, ACA, TP, INSTR DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/26! I 998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS V9.1 NH 5402'? Page 1 24 .omom rout no. In 1" . UNITED (failMENT em arm-Adam DIRECTOR, FBI (97m4474) DATE 12/30/66 TO 1 TAMPA (105-374) sun?mT. OVIMIENTO INSURRECCIONAL DE (MIRR) - I NM (00: MM) 5 ReTPlet to Bureau 10/31/66. I TP 52?8 continues as representative of this organization1 in the Tampa area and is in frequent contact with agents of this office. He and other security sources in the Cuban field have advised that captioned organization does not at the present time have any program of activity in Tampa. Since there is no activity of this organization in the Tampa anea and therefore no informa- tion of value warranting dissemination, no LHM is being sub? mitted at this time and this case is being placed in a pending inactive status for a period of 90 days, at which time an . evaluation will be made of activity transpiring in the inte and appropriate dissimination made if warranted. ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN UNCLFISSIFIED BX 101 m5? Bureau (RM) I ?2 - Miami 2 Tampa JRMW: NH 5402'? Page 2 JFK AssaSination System Date: Identification Fonn 6/4/2015 Agency Information under the Jehn AGENCY: FBI . Kennedy 1244028140444 elleetien Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [114 USC Ell]? I'Jete] . 5402? Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 97-4474-1 ST NR 329 8?2 8?2 17' Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 01/29/1967 PAGES: 3 SUBJECTS 1 MIRR, CUBAN EXILES, RALLY, OBA, ASSOC, ARRESTED DOCUMENT TYPE 2 PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/26/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC NOTE NH 5402? WJ 26 Page 1 NH 5402'? 32305314 Page .332 AIRGRAM E3 CABLEGRAM IZIRADIO ETELETYPE If the mtellrgence contained in the above message is to be disseminated outside the Bureau, it is. su?g?sted that parapfvased in Order to protect the Bureau? 3 systems. . Tolson DeLcoch Moll: Wick Cooper 3. Callahan H. Conrad DECODED COPY Sullivan Tove-l Trotter Tele. om Holmes ALL INFORMATION CONTAIN. HEREIN DAT ?ma 3A 28 .5196? Amman A3 muons: AT arse-Au A RALLY 3A3 AELD A1 TAE Aamn' moan EXILAS ?aunt om MAM 3mm. 33 m: om: or cam Ala-3A, . mama READ nmoam mom mE AAVAA or 7 unman- mm 1 . -. 4-3 (Rev. 1?27-66} ,z'f .. 3/ ?1Tolson '2 3 Mohr Wick Cnsper Callahan Conrad Felt DECODED COPY 332?; Sullivan Tove! Trotter :3 CABLEGRAM DRADIO Gundy THE HEAD OF AN INDEPENDENT ANTI COSTRO ORGANIZATION DE RFCUPERACION REVOLUCTONARIA. THEY WERE IEHFDIATELY ARRESTED BY POLICE AND REEOVED FROM THE STADIUH. 8 BOSCH UPON THE SPEAKERS STAND AND TRIED TO MAKE A SPEEOH. HE OAS STOPPED BY HDEPTAS. AN AAGUGEHT DETDEEN SOSOH AND HUEATAS FOLLODED AND THE OAODD IN THE STADIOH STARTED TO BECOME NESTLESS, INPATIENT, AND FIGHTS STATED. HOEPTAS THEN ALLODED GOSOH TO NANE A PRESENTATION TO DR EDUARDO PITTEP AISLAND, PANAHANIAN AHSASSAOOG TO THE ORGANIZATION OF AHERIGAN STATES, AND THE OPODD OUIETED DODN. THE RALLY TEAHINATED AT AGOOT PO DITH NO FURTHER TNOIDENTS. ADNINISTPATIVE THE SOURCE OAS ND 655-3. TELETYPE BEING CLASSIFIED 31x TO PROTECT SOURCE OF CONTINUING VALUE. I I AN LGA Iletntellagence contained the above message ES to be dzssemznated outszde the Bureau, It IS suggested that It be suttably ll? qprased order to protect the Bureau?s systems. . NH 5402'? Page 3 - . JFK Assassination System Identi?mtion Form Date: 6/4/2015 AGENCY Agency Information Eleased under the John Kennedy FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10287?10448 33553 mat RESUME nllectinn Act of 1992 RECORD HQ [4?1 USE . 54302? Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 974474-333, 334 5?3 3'3 '3 17' Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM SAC, NO TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 02/27/1967 PAGES: 8 SUBJECTS MIRR, DELEGATES, EMP, ACA, NO, LA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/26/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE i COMMENTS INC LI-IM WJ RH 5402? 27 Page 1 FD-36 (Rev. 5-22-64Date: 3/20/67 CON 'tu Transmit the following in ?1 TIALT (Type in plaintext or code) ll Via AIRIEL AIR MAIL . (Priority) T0: DIRECTOR, FBI (97?4474) FROM: SAC, NEW ORLEANS (105?2824) (P) CMOVIMIENTO INSURRECCIONAL DE RECUPERACQP REVOLUCIONARIA I Is - CUBA M0 th 31?? NM m0 "do Au (00New Orleans letter to Bureau dated 2/27/67 and 3 50?17 dated 3/15/67. . I I n? ?l Enclosed for the Bureau are nine cepies of a LHM .51 captioned as above. Enclosed for Miami are two copies of instant :3 "3 g; T-l DE LA VEGA (PSI under develoygment? ?013 :andT The attached LHMhas been classified in ad to protect sources utilized thereinADS: Classufied I 1,70 .. a ecassifyn ?/35 m"a: MIAMI ?MIAMI, FLORIDA. Will through Cuban sources 3 a agendeavor to determine t?e identities of delegates to subject a: 4 organization in New Orleans and will furnish New Orleans with any pertinent information it may have concern ta} rgani? I zationts alleged activities in this gis?a 17g7 7/5/07 3 Bureau (Encls. 9X 2 ami (Encls. _1t6%%g?1?4 2 - Orleans .14. RJH: sub 46? 0 . (7) #5775 13:. Approved: Per NH 54021 Dunld:32305313 Page 2 r77105-2824 LONE ENHAL I RJstab i?ifwm 4: NEW ORLEANS 4 #15 AT NEW ORLEANS, Will limit its activities in this matter continuing inquiry among Cgban sources in New Orleans, @ncluding a. re-contact with LPSI de la VEGA, 1.71m has been out as? the city ?21" more than tireii". ,4 . Iii-1 {trig .. ?1 CONHDENHAL NH 5402'? Page 3 1. . 8 1 STATES Gr; Memorandum one 2/27/67 ?151,1 1h: I QBJECVMOVIMIENTO INSURRECCIONAL DE RECUPERACION REVOLUCIONARIA (MIRR) QWY IS - CUBA NM 3 (00: Miami) ment advised that subject organization 3 headquartered in i5/67, E51 CARLOS de la VEGA (Under bev?lo?- Miami and tha its activities in New Orleans appear to be Classi?ed thy limited to the sending of funds its dele ates a blea A to collect in the New Orleans area wDe 1a VEGgladvised that? i there are two local delegates in New grleans,w ose i a, are unknown to him? 2'13: =3 On 2/17/67, LU who was head of the Cuban N1 Revolutionary Council in New Orleans about 1961 and who is N) generally familiar with Cuban political group activites in 7 the New Orle area, advised that he was of the impression a that MANU GIL was delegate of the subject organization in I the New Orleans area. He stated that GIL lives across the a River from New Orleansin is a Cuban refugee, and g?34?d is employed at Furniture Company Warehouse located on Florida Avenue just below the Industrial Ca 19 Mr. RABEL states he is of the impression that a Dr. (FNUI FONTE, who is connected with Tulane University Medical 1, is the ~econd delegate cf subject organization in the Orleans . ea. He states that the activities of this group in New *3:1eans appear to be limited to the propagation of anti- ,tustro literature among Cubans in he New Orleans area. s?'x f; On 2/20/67, Mr. FRA 7 ARTES, a Cuban exile residing - - the New Orleans area who usually has a general knowledge 3 anti-Castro Cuban activity, advised he has no knowledge subject organization 5 activities in the New Orleans area. On 2/20/67, NO 1213?8, who has a wide acquaintance? hip among Cubans in the New Orleans area, advised that abject organization has not been active in to .- 4'33 . . 5 Bureau (an .. Minivans-2855) (RM), .. -- NH 5402'? Page 4 NH 5402? NO 105?2824 t\ ;f his knowle e. Howfg?ieai'q thfat it generally known th the wife of th? \we of thfa II: in Miami, ORLAN was living int the New Orl?a?n areat LEADS MIAMI AT FLORIDA Will through Cuban sources endeavor to determine the identities of delegates to subject organization in New Orleans and will furnish New Orleans with any pertinent 'information it may have concerning this organization's alleged activities in this area. NEW ORLEANS AT NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA Will limit its activities in this matter to . ew Orleans, 'who has been I.- ontinuing inquiry among Cub sources in including a re-contact with SI de la VEG out of the city for more than three weeks t. a Page 5 JFK Assassination System Date: 6/4/2015 Identi?cation Fonn - Agency Information leased under the AGENCY FBI KEEPEW RECORD NUMBER: 124?1028740450 35553 RESUME allectiun Act of 1992 WORD HQ [?14 USC . 54oz? Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 97-4474?336 3?3 3' 2 '3 17' Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO: DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE 03/22/1967 PAGES: 7 SUBJECTS MIRR, OBA, EMP, ASSOC, ACA, FINANCES, REVOLUTIONARY ACT DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/26/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM 4 V9.I NH 5402'? 32305320 28 Page 1 OPTIONAL FORM NO. ID tr 1 MAY 1962 EDITION VERNMENT Memorandum TO DIRECTOR, FBI (97?4474) DATE: MAP. 22 1957 no 7 SAC, MIAMI (105?2855) (P) SUBJECT: MOVIMIENTQ INSURRECIONAL ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED - HEREIN UNCLASSWIED IS DATE 30 NM .3 Re Miami letter, 2/24/67, with enclosures. Enclosed herewith are 10 cOpies of LHM dated and captioned as above. Copies are being disseminated locally to the following agencies. NISO, OSI, Coordinator of Cuban Affairs, Department of State, CIA, Coast Guard, Customs, Miami, Customs, Region II, Miami, Customs, Key West, Border Patrol, INS, and USAFAD. MM T- 1 is MM 776?5 LHM classified CONFIDENTIAL to better protect a source of continuing value. LEAD {m sir?103 ?7 AT MIAMI, FLORIDA REG. 2% Q/d 9?f/74/m33 Will continue report act' vit es (If capticnmuj.organjzurtiongtag CIA/gearet 3? Army/Navv/air Force/DIA/Customs/Coast Guardh~ CoordinaLzr t_;9n Ai'fairs, State Bureau (Enc. 10) 3/5 For Info th;gvu Miami 3/333 Mag) .u .. Buy U. Saving: Band: Regularly an the Payroll Savings Plan 5010-!08-01 NH 5402'? Page 2 5402'? Page 1 JFK Assassination System Date: 6/4f2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Informa?on Eleased under the John . Kennedy Assassinat 11311 Recurda AGENCY: FBI Collection Act of 1992 144 USC . 210'? ND . Case??'?ul 5402'? RECORDNUMBER. 124-1028710451 ate: 02-23-2011 RECORD SERIES . HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 974474-337 Document Infonnation ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: DIRECTOR, FBI TU STEGALL, MILDRED MRS. TITLE: DATE 03/30! I 967 PAGES: 4 SUBJECTS MIRR, OBA, FINANCES, EMP, ASSOC, ACA, ARRESTS, COMPLAINT, US GOVERNMENT DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/26/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFIN ITE COMMENTS INC LHM ?1?ng 29 A . Boson Hr. W.C. Sullivan Lia son The lov Bevelucionaria is a militant. anti-Castro organisation in liani, Florida, headed by Orlando Bosch Avila, a Cuban refugee physician. were responsible for his dismissal by a hospital at Hialeah Florida, where he had earned $600 a month. Bosch stated that he had prepared three letters to be published in the event of his death. He stated that the letters contain charges against agents of the united States Government and accuse the Central Intelligence Agency of planning his assassination or elimination from cubes counterrevolutionary activities. ON Bosch stated that he had composed a letter of complaint Ihich he plans to send to the President of the united States. as stated that the letter complains that he is being persecuted by united States Government representatives. He stated that he desires to discuss the Cohan problem with mutual respect." as claimed that he is not interested in money and observed that persons interested only in money have a limited usefulness. Becuperacion Bevolucionaria has been engaged in expeditions or attempted expeditions against Cuba by sea and air since early 1961. At various tines, Bosch has clained responsibility for bombing raids or attempted raids against oil refineries. sugar mills and industrial facilities in Cuba as reported by 97?4474 Owls __HLD:skr/ ?ssns-i SEE NOTE PAGE Two (13) ab? .2 . NH 5402? Page 2 ?Im._54021_ Page 3 JFK Assassination System Date: 6/4f20 5 ldenti? m?on Form Agency ll'lfO?Tl?IiOl?l Eleased under the John . Kennedy Assassinat inn Recurda AGENCY: FBI Collection Act of 1992 :44 use RECORDNUMBER: 124-1023740452 21m NDEEJ- Gas-2mm 5:102? ate: El RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 97-4474-338 Document Infomntion ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO: DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE 03/29/1967 PAGES: 24 SUBJECTS [Restricted] DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/26/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC TTY v9] NH 5402'? Page 1 30 I ML 4 Cavper Mrfir. . Mn Mr. CIA HAS km?! 1 I REED 3 11/525 Wim? Him? WITH HIS - - RGENT 3/29/57 sun 1 34/274222ch T0 IRECTOR To: 35 1 . COPIES T0. chgh??GQng? Cafkms i=3 FROM MIAMI 4 BY ROUTING SLIP FOR INFO E97,,l?, . .. BY INSURRECCIONAL DE RECUPERACION REVOLUCIONARIA. 811mm?? (MIRR). NM - CUBA Fy M?w?dt. MIRR IS AN ANTI-CASTRO ORGANIZATION HEADED BY DR. ORLANDO . BOSCH AVILA AND HAS CONDUCTED RAIDS AGAINST CUBA IN THE PAST. if; ANOTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCY WHICH CONDUCTS INTELLIGENCE INVESTIGATIONS ON MARCH SIXTYSEVEN. ADVISED THAT AN ANONYMOUS TELEPHONE CALL HAD BEEN RECEIVED ON MARCH FIFTEEN, SIXTYSEVEN, STATING AN AMERICAN PILOT INTENDED TO RENT AN AIRPLANE IN APRIL, SIXTYSEVEN. AND DROP SEVERA 1-: HUNDRED POUND BOMBS OVER 4333 3 W/??fj THE ANONYMOUS PERSON ON MARCH SIXTYSEVEN, AGAIN ..- I CALLED AND CLAIMED THAT THEIR TARGET WOULD BE PUNTO DHEH. FOUR TO SIX BOMBS HOULD BE USED. THE RAID WOULD BE WITHIN THO CUBA FOR ORLANDO BOSCH AVIL . n? WEEKS. A THIN ENGINE AIRPLANE WOULD BE USED. THE ELIG .8 ??31533 PAGE on: Damn-m, a: FOR Oil.. (Jim SIFICATION 4.7 AC NH 5402'? Page 2 so :u :9 2'5 I z; bait-?0?33{153% ?(315 ?3 ?.3le ?w 1?5 ?01"er NH 5402'? Page 3 (1 (D ?j?gi PAGE THREE BOMBS, 0R FROM WHERE IN THE UNITED STATES THE PLANE HOULD TAKE OFF. BOSCH SAID HE WOULD CONTACT THE PILOT ON APRIL ONE, TWO 0R THREE, SIXTYSEVEN, BRIEF HIM ON THE MISSION, FINALIZE ALL ARRANGEMENTS, AND THE PILOT WOULD BE READY TO LEAVE AFTER THE BRIEF- . ING. BOSCH INDICATED THE PILOT AND CREW WOULD NOT KNOW EACH IDENTITIES OR THE DESCRIPTION OF THE AIRCRAFT UNTIL THE TIME OF THE ?15510!? 3v TASK FORCE 02-3 ADMINISTRATIVE: RELEASEIN PART Mn) :1 TOTAL DENIAL - FIRST SOURCE IS cm, mama SECOND SOURCE 15% NNO REQUESTED HIS IDENTITY BE AND NHO NTLL BE THE PILOT ON THIS MISSION. TELEIYPE BEING CLASSIFIED AS IT CONTAINS INFORMATION FROM CIA so u. S. CUSTOMS ADVISED THAT GIRTEIT COOPERATES NITH cusroms NHEN IT IS CONVENIENT FOR HIM. HE IS A MERCENARY. END PAGE THREE 815%?) . NH 5402'? Page SI PAGE FOUR THEY DO NOT ENTIRELY TRUST HIM, BUT INFORMATION FURNISHED BY HIM IS RELIABLE WHEN HE COOPERATES. GIRTEIT HAS CONTACTED THE MIAMI OFFICE IN THE PAST BUT NO ATTEMPT HAS BEEN MADE TO DEVELOP HIM AS A PSI. I?g?i?E CUSTOMS ADVISED THEY HAVE ALERTED THEIR SOURCES, HAVE INSTITUTED SURVEILLANCES. AND HAVE ASSUMED INVESTIGATIVE JURISDICTION IN THIS MATTER. GIRTEIT HAS BEEN PLACED IN CONTACT CUSTOMS RE THIS MATTER. 1 0 .J 1 MIAMI ornca mu. FOLLOW nus MATTER cmseu AND KEEP fir-s hum-mu ADVISED. sucop. END RBH FBI unsu DC tu- cc.- MR. SULLIVAN NH 5402'? Page 5 If . f? MnTolann Mr. D?itfachw . Mr. Mnhr. .. I Mr. 'ck . ifv?m Cagpex..__._ - 220.3111an l?r ?vIr. 9" Enid"). l. E. 1: Iv I-\?Ml r' I .t l? Unl??A MI. THEE 5m ., .. aw.? 9,433? 1 Min. 521D URGENT 3/29/FROM MIAMI 4 HES URRECCIUNAL DE RECUPERACICN REVOLUCIONARIA. (NINE). Is - NN - CUBA . 1903p PM 11.? ?qnh. NINA IS AN ANTI-CASTRD ORGANIZATION READED BY DR. ORLANDO AUILA AND HAS CDNDUCTED RAIDS AGAINST CUBA IN THE PAST. ANOTHER NHICU CCNDUCTS INTELLIGENCE .INUESTICATIDNE CN NARCP SIXTYSEVEN, ADVISED THAT AN TELEPHONE CALL HAD BEEN RECEIVED ON MARCH PIETEEN, SIXTYSEUEP, ETATINC AN AMERICAN PILDT INTENDED To RENT AN AIRPLANE IN SIXTYSEUEN, AND DROP SEVERAL CNE HUNDRED POUND BONDS OVER CUBA FCR ORLANDC BOSCH AUILA. ?54.?th THE PERSON ON MARCH TNENTYTUC, SIXTYSEVEN, AGAIN CALLED AND CLPINED THAT THEIR TARGET NCULD BE PUNTD ALEGRC, CUBA. PCUR To SIX EDNES NDULD BE USED. THE RAID POULD BE UITHIN Two ,r hug-u: NEENs. A TNIN ENCINE AIRPLANE NDULD DE USED. THE FLIGHT END PAGE If -. 23:1; RI CATICE 3 ?51.41 I 1 pm ACHLN .1 - - . - - PagE?? 9. an . bah?4"?: ?3&475143 errata?ua?lm?i?g'rhgl "Til" ("Page 7 -. PAGE .IHHEE . . . 7' . Hams. AH IHE IHEHLAHE IAHE HescH SAID HE Homo IHA 8N APRIL OHE. we on IHHIE. BRIEF Ml IHE EIHALIIE ALI. AHH HE READY Io LEAVE I-HE ms. Hose-H IHBICATED THE: PILOT AHD HIHLD HOI HHOH IDENTIHES on IHE er HHIIL THE mm: or NH mssIoH. . .. . - REVIEWED BY Em: TASK FORCE OH - "51' ?5??:5?55m FULL . RELEASE IN PART 1..) D- TDTAL DENIAL A, EEIHSI SOURCE Is SEcoHo scuHcE Is A. HEHHESIEII H15 .35 AHD HHG HILL BE THE PILOT IIH IHIs HISSIHH. . I . IELEIIPE As II IHFOHHAIIHH .sa H. s. cusroms ADVISED HIIH (21151st I HHEH II 15 FOR HIH. HE {Is A END PAGE IHHEE i i NH 54027 DucId:323l]5322 Edge 3 .9. . i "ri- V: g; AA I ?pr? . . THEY ENIIRELY TAUST Is RELIABLE - - 4 1H5 ?hsr.aPSI. I IA AASIAAS ADVISED T-HEY HAVE ALERIED THEIR I HAVE HAVE INVESTIGATIVE a?RIsnchIAA AAI TAR. HAS CUSIOMS RE THIS MATTER. A ED IHA AFAIAA AILL AALLAA IHIs .AATIAA OLGSELY KEEP 1 THE AURAAU.AAUISEA. _sucAPFBI AASH 3'33 EH 3535 . . ?11. SEAQEI RH 5402? P?ge 9 JFK Asmsination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/40015 Agency Information Blessed under the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records AGENCY: FBI Collection Lot of 1992 [44 RECORDNUMBER: 124-1023740453 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 974474?339 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, TO: DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE 04/07/1967 PAGES: 2 SUBJECTS MIRR, ANTI-CASTRO ORGANIZATIONS, MEETING, TP DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/26/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS v9.1 NH 5402'? Page 1 31 I: 5' a 4- annuauawzlm-nn UNITED ESTATES Memorandum DIRECTOR, FBI (97-4474) TAMPA (105-370(11) msuaascumiAL on Classi?ed by upmf?iou mommiomam guns 2 Dec'ass'fy 20/5 18 - CUBA oo: MIAMI Re Tampa letter to Bureau, 12/30/66. Continued contact with TP 52-3 and other Tampa sources-has failed to reflect any organized -act1Vity of captioned organization in the Tampa area. On 1/28/67, several of the AntieCastro organizations in the area met at the Caballeros de la Luz'Lodge, Nebraska and 9th Avenue, Tampa, to celebrate the anniVersary of'the birth of JOSE MARTI, cuban . patriot. ENRIQUE SOMEILLAN, Secretary General of HIRE in Tampa, was present at this meeting. The sponsors of _1his celebration were all revoluntionary groups of Cubans and Tampans opposed to the FIDEL10ASTBO Gavernment3/6/67, TP 52-8 advised that ENRIQUE continues to represent HIRE in Tampa, Florida. .SOurce advised that as in the_ past, the Tampa unit is interested mainly in circulating'propaganda advocating the overthrow of FIDEL CASTRO and his and the liberation of-Cuba. He also advised that MIRB's fundamental objectives continue to be as follows: 1. Liberation-of Cuba . . . -f .- - I. Restoration of the Cuban Constitution of 1940. 2 3. The return of all Cubans to Cuba 4. The liberation of all Cuban political prisoners. 5 . Work for the restoration of the laws and riggagpacgu??gg_?w the different social 0 Eur ()am 677?- a; (35396513331 4% 79/ 5 7; 3 Tampa no: bp (1 - 107) 3 APR 12193431 59171). R171 11? U- 5' Saving: Bandit Ragslatlj. on ?tbs Payroll Saving: Plan LA NH 5402? Page 2 ?Ni?321:5; m. TP 105-374 6. To abolish the lane ot_?ommuniet Cuba. - On 3/6/67,. TP 225-8 aged that MIRR is relativel inactive in'Tam?a at the present time;?" The only thing known they are doing is raising funde. This they are doing by each, raffle_ tickets on a home suppoeedly valued at $l9,000. - Details of anniversary celebration held at Tampa.on 1728/675?were furnished to - the'Bureau and Miami in LEM 'captioned dated 2/7/67, f. . Ho'other activity of MIRR has been reported since referenced letter. . LEAD TAMPA DIVISION AT TAMPA. 34 Will'contin?e to follow activities 62?: captioned organization through logical ecurcea and vfurnieh perttent information to Miami and the Bureau. . ..- .-- 11 .x ..- V703 5402'? Page 3 . JFK Asmssination System Dale: 6/4/2015 Identi? nation Form Agency Infonna?on Eleased under the F. AGENCY: FBI fanned? Assasainatinn Records RECORDNUMBER: 124-1028740460 ate: 08?23?201? RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 97-4474-STH NR 341 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, TP . TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE 05/221] 967 PAGES: 4 SUBJECTS MIRR, OBA, MEETING, ANTI-CASTRO ORGANIZATIONS, TP DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 - CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/261] 993 OPENING CRITERIA I TNDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM NH 5402'? Page 1 32 Bureau (Enos. - 9) (m [7 .i .?i5 5 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT HEMORAHDUM T0: DIRECTOR, FBI - May 22, 1967 FROM: sac, TAMPA (105?107) (F). ANTI-FIDEL CASTRO ACTIVITIES Is ~cvm Med 5(00: MIAMI) .. I Ogaclosed& to the Bureau are 9 copies of LEM dated and captioned as above, Twelye cepies are being furnished to Miami in view of the fact that the names of individuals mentioned in LHM are known to and/or reside in the Miami area. tam has been disseminated locally to INS, NISO, 081 6-2 and MI. . Source mentioned in LEM is TP LEM clas fied confidential because it contains information from TP 52-8 the disclosure of which might reasonably resul in identification of this source and impair his usefulness in the future. 2 - Miami (105 1742) ?Enos. - 12) CONTAINED 7 - Thmp? (1) 34-35 0 531133 (1.) 05.37 um) ?gW Is (1) 105-160; CACALC) (1) 105-242i; LA PATRIA HERMW - .11) 105-1982; *5 ORLANDO, Fianna) a 11 631? necmssurxm #6 m. on commune 4 93 5 HEREIN . axes? suowu ?:77 ynnawum . - j?arHiEShnan z" --. jam 7 1m 59mm 21$: . NH 5402'? Page 2 JFK Assasinalion System Date: 6/4120] 5 Identi?cation Fonn Agency Information leased under the John . Kenned AGENCY: Record: Collection Act of RECORDNUMBER: 124-10287-10461 1992 [?111 USC 2107 Note] . 5402? Date: RECORDSERIES: HQ 3?25?20? AGENCY FILE NUMBER 974474-342 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 0505/] 967 PAGES: 2 SUBJECTS MIRR, HDQT, OFFICERS, ACA, PROPAGANDA, TP DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact 0F LAST REVIEW 06/26! I 998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS v9.1 NH Page 1 33 gnm) (xx .. human sums GCERNMENT . Memorandum TO Director, FBI (97-4474) - DATE: 5/25/67 mo Tampa (105-374) OVIMIENTO INSURRECCIONAL DE RECUPERACION REVOLUCIONARIA (HIRE) IS - m?V (00: m) 9% Re Tampa letter to Bureau dated 4/7/67. Local headquarters for captioned organization continues to be at 1515 y: ER Florida? This address is the homelof ENRIQ continues to serve as Coordinator of . Continued contact wit: Cuban sources in ?ampa, including TP 52-3, has failed to reflect any organized activity or regularity of meetings on the part of captioned organiza? tion. . 0N comma NJ 6 "u On April 1967, TP-62-S advised that ENRIQUE SOMEILLAN continues to serve as Coordinator of MIRR and that MIRR has no planned activity in view of lack of organization among the Cuban exiles in Tampa. He advised th Tampa unit of MIRR is primarily interested in propaganda eping the Cuban people in this country and in Cuba aware of a movement interested in the overthrow of FIDEL CASTRO and his communist government. ALL it ATE3 HEREIN . ?3341,35? TP 52?3 also furn shed the names of the current officers of MIRR oLo Sem?xmtarym of orga 9' I- at' on I ?as: - . aura 1* W2 33/17 3 If; I - Since there ?anfo on wor of dissemination I - Bureau (RM) -103 . :33: ?(a-2855Saving: Band: ?15 NH 5402'? Page 2 .TFK Assassination System lden?? ration Form Date: 6/4/2015 Agency'lnforma? on elessed under: the John F. Kennedy Assassinst ion Records Collection Act. of 1992 [4?1 FBI USC 210'? Note] . [24-10287?10467 4cm 08?28?2017 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 97-4474-345 . Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, NO TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE 06/22/ I 967 PAGES: 1 SUBJECTS MIRR, OBA, TRA, REL, EMF, ACA, CONTRIBUTIONS DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS: Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 1 06/26/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS 9.1 5402': Page 1 39 T0 mesons, FBI (97-44%) DATE: 6/22/67 ??anmmnam mmwuummn can PPMR (a cam) 101-11.: UNITED STATES up VERNMENT Memorandum UONF ENTIAI 8.40, NEW ORLEANS (105-2824) (RUG) SUBJECT: ALLI HEREI EXCEP ERESHOWN OTHER 1 RH 5402? DE RE 03.95321 QQHELQL (Mme)? IS - CUBA 1m (00.- Ml!) ReNOlet to Bureau, 3/30/57- I at ?an 6/21/67, PSI CARLOS DE LA VEa?gzad/vised that HIRE representatives in New Orleans are HA and Dr. The New Orleans activites are cc fined of contributions. Source advised that the wife of ORLANDO. OSOH a ILA is q?filiated with the Tuline University Med al asabcol and resides in New Orleans, in the Parkchester.Apart- meats. Source last saw BOSCH in February, 196?, however it was rumored that BOSCH was in New Orleans, approximately three weeks ago. Base on this organisations lack of activity in the New Orleans area, this case is being closed pending .f additional developments. Ix- .ATION com-Arm - UNCLASSIFIED on man 7 33/Bureau RM - Miami (?0523855) (RM) 16 JUN 231987 1 - New Orleans - (4) - AN - Q47 CONFI ENTIAL ?39$ 1 Buy US. Saving: Bond: Regular-{y on the Fayre)! Saving: Plan . _l DncI?:32305331 Page 2 JFK Assassimtion System lden??mtion Form Date: 6/4/20 I 5 Agency Infonnation Eleased under the F. AGENCY: FBI Kennedy Assasainatinn Records RECORDNUIMBER: [24-10287-10479 Collection Act Elf 1992 (141% USC 2107 Note). 54027 ate: 08?28?201? RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 97-4474- I ST NR 349 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM T0 DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 07/ I 9/ I 967 PAGES: 2 SUBJECTS MIRR, PEREZ, JULIO CARLOS PEREZ Y, FALSE STATEMENTS, PROSECUTION, EXPLOSIVES DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/26fl998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS 13%] 5402': DucI?:32305349 Page 1 46 7/19/67 . 5 REVIEWED BY sul?de: max FORCE 0N With 490/ I P5 WEE ?to: arm, FBI (ice-memo) Er .. . '1 RELEASE IN PART I m: sac. mu (105-12374) El TOTAL DENIAE MW 7" 0' 77 ?431,244.? zrwecL/s; 53212415; ??01135 RE ?uent: airtel to mm (13th 7/14/67. On 7/18/67, INS, Miami, advised that they did not anticipate any legal action against subject for all etatmte and perjury concerning an application tor naturalization. me said that although subject made ialse statements under oath and signed a sworn affidavit containing false infers-mum, me does not usually prosecute these violations. Gomez-aim an obstruction of Justice pi'osecution of the subject, me. in the chance of instructions from \s their Regional Office or Central Office, has no present plans for prosecution. mm Office tools that prosecution of the subject would be a very easy once for me with little on- no investigative work involved. In the cacti-um of Justice cnse. witnesses would he the trial attorney, on investigator, and local newsman. In the perjury case, the witnesses could be on me naturalization onion: and a couple oi! clerical emplo . Moan (Ell) - New ?ora (Into) 1 31m (75? .. - egg/1d :6 CLASSIFIED - 5402? Page 2 ms 105-12874 It is felt that prosecutionot the subject would curtail his activities?. be a deterrent to; other CHM members and serve notice to activists and terrorist groups that the Government does not condone acts. of violence. and disregard for Mere! ?aw. mam pit-ice strongly recommends that the Bureau consider contacting the Department for the Central Office of ms concerning prosecution of the subject. . 635-8 on 7/1716? nausea that Boson AVIIA, Head. of man, told him he sites not going to have anything more to doeith them. mesa imliedthe cm 13.,in bad financial pendition and loom none: to buy military equipment. Informant and Customs were. mom 0 estimate-what if any, subject may possess. If information is developed a- these lines Miami will request Bureau authority to notigy loco-1 police authorities. _;1nvestigation on the subject continuing and Bureau will he adVised. NH 5402'? Page 3 .. - ?c?M JFK Assassination System Date: 4/ 14/201 Identi?cation Form Agency Infonnati on AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10288?10185 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 105-126667-4 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: BROWN, W. HARLAN TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE under the John F. Kennedy Records Collection DATE: 01H7H964 on of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. PAGES: 10 54463 Date: 10?12?201? SUBJECTS CC, LARSON, ERNEST G., MAILING LIST, FPCC, RECORDS, LHO DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 09/17/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS 91 HR 54463 DooI?:32305555 -Page_1 _DLIios?1323 . -Identity of Source. File No. Where Located- Dallas.T-1J' I A A. "Ann? NY .Anonymous a1las n. - 7 loo-51323451.. . .. - Confidential informants mentioned in this report are _who was contacted on. 1/13/64 by SA .HARLAN BROWN, and PSI ENRIQUE VARONA, Neiman Marcus Wine Gbllar DnIllas, gTexas who wasI Contacted by. SA WALLACE RI on 1/13/64. ADMINISTRATIVE The Minneapolis and. Milwaukee Offices do not have 'any information concerning this Isubject, upon a check of the indices. In view of the information contained herein, it is fe1t that no further investigatiOn of this Subject is warranted inasmuch as he has .stated that he is neither or . This report is being classified "Confidentia 1" because the unauthorized disclosure of information furnished by _Dn11as T?l and -T-2, could lead to the compromising _of these informants of continuing value and jeopard-ize their. future 'effectiveness. - 3* Leaver Page NH 54463 Page 2 . 'r JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/5/2015 Agency Information Eleased under the John AGENCY FBI KE 1111'? RECORD NUMBER: 124-10288-10403 33333 111511311311 3133013313 nllectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [114 USC Ell]? Note] . . a3e#:NH 540%6 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 65?76238-9 5?3 3 ?3 '3 17 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 08/17/1977 PAGES 2 SUBJECTS . . MR, ASSOC, CASTRO GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL, MEMBER, 26TH OF JULY MOVEMENT, MRR, REL DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/11/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS v9.1 Page 1 REPLY TO ATTN OF: SUBJECT: To: {Ill -.553 I th' Dan CLA 4m TERRIPWJAQUIH (w (x UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SAC: MIAMI (65 336% (RUG) HEREIN :3 UNCLASSIFIED EXCEPT J/?b WHERE SHOWN WISE. MANUEL RIVERA ESP - CUBA (00: SAN JUAN) TO: DIRECTOR, FBI Re-San Juan teletype to the Bureau dated 5/12/77. losed for Sa Juan is a copy of a report furnished b? 615-09. kn) . Miami indices reflect numerous references for subject. Most of the information contained in the corresponding files for these references is_in the possession of San Juan. Sources knowledgeable in Cuban?exile??atters were contacted regarding subject and the following information was obtained. Although.the information, including the Idaya?jg contained in enclOsed report is not considered to be current information, it is being forwarded to San Juan for information purposes: On 5/18/77, MM advised that was the Minister of Public Works in_?gpa under FIDEL CASTRO. He was also a member of the 26th of July Movement with FIDEL CASTRO. He was one of the founders of "Movimiento de Recuperacion Revolucionario" (MRR) and "El Jure". His brother was killed while a prisoner in Cuba, while RAY-RIVERA was last seen in Miami approximately two years ago. y?7 The following are friends and/or associates of MANUEL ANTONIO RAY- -RIVERA: TONY SANTIAGO, who is married to JUANITA ROBERTO and CHARLIE sy?&??g7 i I - Bureau~? Ra (RM) 2 - San?Juan (Enc. l) - Miami . a. t. :aR 7.7132) Buy d217?1 Savings Bonds Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan OPTIONAL FORM No 10 . (REV. 7-76) GSA 5010-112 1 NH 54046 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 4/3/2015 Agency Information Eleased under the John AGENCY FBI KE I213: RECORD NUMBER: 124?10289-1029 SSaSSinatiDn Rewards allectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ :44 USC 2107 Note] . A a3e#:NH 54%62 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 2-1499-55 0434?3017" Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, NF TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 07/22/1960 PAGES: 2 SUBJECTS FS, ORE, JAMES W., REQ LEAVE, EMP, TRA, REL, MED DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 04/08/ 1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS 2 v91 NH 54462 Page 1 (N 4' FBI 1 - Date: 7/22/69?? Transmit the following in (Type in plain text or code) AIRTEL REGISTERED (Priority or Method of Mailing) DIRECTOR, FBI FRO . - 13mm (97 ~13) SEW STURGIS, Aka.? . oogvziv?e? RA CUBA \0 5/19/60 entitled, LUIS OSCAR DIAZ LANZ, NEUTRAEITY directing Norfolk to alert to continue to furnish information concerning the activities of JAMES w. ORE, JR. Further reference is made to Miami letter to Re Bureau airtel to-Miami and Norfolk dated .7, 1, approved to go to Cuba. ?g L3 Fri 3 i that ORE had reportedly gotten leave from his employmen$,f and Western Railroad Company Coal Piers, Norfolk, advised that the company was approving a leave request by ORE in . which he requested thirty days leave to go to Cuba and help his wife's relatives who were entrapped by CASTRO. mw??.kt July anEl, 1960 were negative.- OBE's neighbors said he had not been at his apartment for several days. Bureau (3 - 2-1499) 1 .- . 2 Miami (1 - 105-1598 REGISTERED . 2 - Norfolk 1 97?13 (1 .. 2-29) LWK:scl ataxf?m .5995 313$)? ,5 "?er .3 REASSN 1e JUL 26 1950 the Bureau dated 6/29/60 under the caption, STURGIS, Aka., RAACUB requesting Norfolk to intervieW1?g?gs JAMES w, ORE7/15/60, H. E. SUTTON, General Foreman, Norf l??i I i 3 . Efforts to locate ORE at his apartment in Norfolhumm 53 Norfolk informant, on 7/12/60, 1? -. \l a-or?s . ?31. . A: a: ?tigiqp?uzo an - . C, . urn; .1 .7 Approved; eciul Agent in Charge as AUG-8 mt NH 54462 Page 2 UNRECQBDED QQPZ a I J. - JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 4/3/2015 Agency Information under the John AGENCY FBI Kennedy RECORD NUMBER: 1244028940292 Records elleetien Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [44 USC Ell]? Note] . 54%52 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 2-1499-56 17' Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: KERR, LEMUEL W. TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 08/11/1960. PAGES 12 SUBJECTS 1 . FS, ORE, JAMES WILLIAM JR, TRA, WHEREABOUTS, ACA, INTV, KLEIN, BENJAMIN B., REVOLUTIONARY ACT DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION: Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS 1 Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 04/08/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS NH 54462 W1 Page 1 NF 97-13 . I ADMINISTRATIVE (CONT.) On 8/5/60, has furnished reliable information in the past, advised that ORE was absent fr0m_his employment several days, approximately a week, but had returned to work. This informant said he had not determined if ORE was out of town during this absence. NM ORE will be interviewed in the near future. LEADS: NORFOLK DIVISION: . gAt Norfolk, va. Will interview JAMES WILLIAM ORE, JR. a? .. . COVER PAGE, NH 54462 DunId:32306162 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form 4/3/2015 Agency Information FBI Eleased under the John Kennedy asassinatinn Records :Dllectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. :ase#:NH Date: 0?04?2017 AGENCY RECORD NUMBER 124?10289-10296 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER NR 58 Document Informati ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, NF TO: TITLE DATE: 07/25/1960 PAGES 5 SUBJECTS a FS, ASSOC, ORE, JAMES WILLIAM, EMP, LEAVE OF ABSENCE, WHEREABOUTS DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 04/08/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE- HJCIJJNI V91 NH 54462 Page 1 33931333922 F513915SE3 2223322223., :3332323 3? alas/27 1252235223 3312:? #335 as amass airtsl 2:22 am 2" assass- sassisass as saws ans asses 5/19/33 assassass as ass-s as . 31 22- 2222222922222: slats}, as astsi. 5/117 :2 stisasm 2 2 far the Bureau ass miss cams? sf a ?as; asassansaa entitles 392312233 ansa'as #22233 322as; sspiss sf this asas 1 :1 aisai aims sagaisasa assismaai ass W: i .. 2. 22- gem-w asas 9122;112:1211 asasaasaly ass ?sassaasg in Miami . . . 2 aha amass in asas is as ?1.19.252 as ~6ssrs; ais?bsl, ass as as alarms for any infoms?tiss 0119's asaivitiss. as sszaiasl a 3 as 1 -. ans ass ilsa is as 1392-13322 7_ 2 . amiss sf the magmas asas ass flasishss - Essa as was ?as fas?asaas 2 359% 0222262222222. {?an F22 Can ass sass this )1srasa?t is Mama; 32. Inseam *9 3{ .7313 aisai (amiss-22%; 2 32; Eff/1?? 3 2?2 F292399232332 (3i 222239 97243) NOT RECORDED . (1- 22 232) - 121 1960 . 2 2' swam; . 2225223322 2'2 322222 2262222, 22 2. s1. 232-1232423322 23222222222 122.5139. . . .. SEED NH 54462 Page 2 t: Assassination System Datez, Identi?cation Form 4/3/2015 AGENCY RECORD NUMBER 124-10289-10301 A Agency Information under the John Kennedy elleetien Act of 1992 FBI RECORD SERIES: HQ [44 USC 2107' Note] . - 54%52 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 2-1499-60 4 2 17 Document Infonnation ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: KELLOGG, RICHARD B. TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 1 10/27/1960 PAGES 5 SUBJECTS FS, PDL, ACA, REOPEN, TEST, DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, EXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 04/08/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS V9.1 1 NH 54462 Page 1 I I ?Port?i ??55 T?s-e . b. 5' I Reporting Office . HRRAR oR ., QHice 01 Origin Dane Investigative Period 7\ REFERENCES at Miami. Report of SA LEMUEL w. KERR dated 9/28 /60_ at Norfolk. Report of SA RICHARD B. REREBEC dated 8/18/60, CLASS IED EXIERR w?spaw?le? MIAMI MIAMI -i"ww310/27/60r 9/14/60 10/25/60 QF CASE .ng Report made by - Typed By: - 'r'I RICHARD B. Meg CHARACTER 01-" CASE I FRANK ANTHONY STURCIS aka . 7 . I an lorlnl,,gg? REGISTRATION ACT - CUBA ISynopsis: - - IRFASSI I ADMINISTRATIVE DECLII 639- -S interviewed by SA RICHARD B. KELLOGG oI that-(office in subject. MM 492- -S interviewed by SA JAMES D. HAYES ApprovedI Special Agent in Charge Do not write in spaces below why (:ng Bureau (2 1499) (RM) 1 - INS, Miami (RM) U. S. CUSTOMS, Miami (RM) Norfolk (97- 13) (RM) {Ae+a) Miami (2- 192) :t (1-105-1598 PEDRO AGENCY 551% (2454. DATE Haw If- 1' {0wa Border Patrol, Miami (RM) IR RI .H I CERCIEJS de Property. 5F1m NiOvori is- loaned to don by the FBI, and neither it nor its contents are to be distributed outside the agency to which loaned. - U. 5. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1956 - NH 54462 Page 2 . . Technicalities on which subject's expatriation case ordered reopened deal with fact that subject repeatedly took 5th Amendment to questions asked of him at previous hearing and PEDRO DIAZ LANZ did not testify on subject's behalf although he was supposed to have done so. Case was ordered preopened to hear testimony of those two persons which? according to the -INS official handling matter, is very unusual and not accord1ng to precedent. It is noted that when SA KELLOGG saw ?s?ubj act at home of PEDRO DIAZ LANZ, subject was casually questioned about the status of his expatriation and without being specific he said he was rather confident that it would be taken care of and indicated it was being taken care of "in washington." Instant case is being closed in view of apparent inactivity on part of subject individually and in view of fact his only anti? CASTRO activity is apparently in conjunction with DIAZ LANZ whose actr?ities are presently being reported in the case on DIAZ LANZ ?brganization, the (Cuban Censtitutional Crusade), and case on the unity group which includes his organization, the Liberation Alliance. Coverage - i of activities of PEDRO DIAZ LANZ and his organization will be followed in future inoone or: more of those cases so long as the situation calls for sucM chverage and it is believed such coverage Will adequately cover subject. If situation - so dictates a separate case On subject will be reopened. 3 INFORMANTS Identity of . Location of . Informant Igg Original Information MM T-l is - 7 Instant report, page 2. T-2 is MM 492-5 7 Instant report, page fig Careful consideration has been given to the sources concealed and symbols were used only where necessary to Bthe ources pangs?3,53 new FORCE on n; m: natures-fr sheenunmn 13*- COVER PAGE X8311 Re 139* NH 54462 Page 3 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 4/3/2015 Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10289?10303 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 63, 64, 65 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: DIRECTOR, FBI TO YEAGLEY, J. WALTER TITLE - DATE: 12/06/1960 PAGES 1 1 SUBJECTS FS, ACA, FINANCES, ADMIN, INSTR DOCUMENT PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 01/26/1999 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC 2 MEMO, 2 TTY W1 NH 54462 Page 1 . :72/ 7' Viewuhw 5 . . . 03E: ERRORS . . URGENT 12-?6?60 1-147 AM EST RJS . ?2 Mr Resemum 9 MIC. 7 9 . Mr. Trotter . Mr. W.C.Sulliwm .9 Tale. Room A Mr. Ingram? Miss Gandy BUREAU S. DEPARTMENT OF CL NATHAN ONWWEQEEBQRT .- j/59 :2 7? a? ARKRH TO A HECTOR FBI AND SAC NENARH /105- 7006 R3 . . PALE ON RA FROMSAC, MIAMI 105??9?2/ JNIERNAL SECURIIT-OUEA IN HIS DOCUMENT- 7 LD [515$ ANTI- FIDEL CASTRO ACTIVITIESW. RE NENARK.TEL 27,4? I FIFTEEN NUMBER MO RRNE RNO-ONE HRNE ONE ?35m AH 1?56 7L ASCERTAINED TO BELONG T0 FRANK ANTHONY STURGIS, AKAVW CUBA . BUFILE TNO DASH ONE FOUR NINE NM HAS HAD FULL COVERAGE THROUGH MN NNLE 525R WHO HAS FURNISHED TOLLONING INFO RE STURGIS COLON STURGIS ONNS A HOUSE IN NN AND HAS A TOTAL OF r/\N ABOUT TNENTY YOUNG AMERICANS AND CUBANS RESIDING THERE FOR AN INDEPENDENT INVASION OF THE GROUP HAS BEER ONE RIFLES AND CAREINES, FORTY FIVE CALIBER PISTOLS, AND UNIFORMS., STUHGIS-CLAINS TO HAVE AUTOMATIC NEAPONS NOT AT HIS RESIDENCE. HIS GROUP DOES CLASS NOAH IN INFANTRY SQUAD TACTICS AND PLANNED TO f;qg PRACTICE FIRE THE NEAPONS ON TNELVE FIFTEEN SIXTY IN VICINITY OF MM. HE PLANNED TO SEND HIS OTS 4IHLS NEE .AE mph?: 59%?3 . RRO AND CLAIMED HE, ALLEN, JUST RETURNED FROM CUBA NV END PAGE ONE (ah/5M 62/? an)! 95/ {fans AARAR cf; 9 :65, Fifi FTEEN NH 54462 Page 2 4 PAGE Twoa? TO TRANSPORT A LOAD OF ARMS TO CUBA9 AND THE BOAT IS NOW BEING STURGIS CLAIMS HIS GROUP WILL LEAVE MM IN ONE OR TWO WEEKS ON THIS BOAT TO ATTACK DURING PAST THREE WEEKS STURGIS HAS RECRUITED ABOUT FIVE AMERICANS FROM GROUPS MAINTAINED BY ROLANDO MASFERRER ROJA39 FORMER CUBAN SENATORQ STURGIS HAS BEEN CONTACTING ANSELMO FORMER CUBAN-PRIME FOR DONATION OF MONEY TO BUY TWO BOATS TO TRANSPORT THIS GROUP TO SO FAR ALIEGRO HAS NOT LAST WEEK STURGIS MEN WERE HUNGARY AND SOLICITED FOOD DONATIONS FROM CUBAN GROCERY STORES IN STURGIS HAS BEEN SEEN AT DIFFERENT CUBAN HANGOUTS SOLICITING MM SIX THREE NINE DASH CONSIDERS STURGIS A UNRELIABLE BRAGGARD9 NOT CAPABLE OF AN EXPEDITION AND WHO DURING THE PAST YEAR HAS CLAIMED HE WOULD ATTACK CUBA IN IMMEDIATE CIA MM SAYS STURGIS IS ON HIS ALFREDO HERNANDEZ MENTIONED IN RE TEL CONTACTED AT MM TELEPHONE MO FIVE TWO ONE FIVE ONE9 AND REQUESTED INTERVIEW BE POSTPNONED UNTIL MORNING 0F TWELVE SIXTEEN MM SUGGEST MATTER BE DISCUSSED WITH DEPARTMENT RE PROSECUTION FOR CONSPIRACY TO VIOLATE NUETRALITY MM WILL CLOSELY FOLLOW THIS GROUPS ACTIVITIES AND KEEP. I BUREAU MM WILL ADVISE BUREAU OF HERNANDEZ END AND ACK PLS . . wA 1=55 AM OK-FBI 54462 Page 3 SI k?m?w . I VIVES HGAHLNZ7 3:573. Of. JUSTICE BN5 .. 7 7-777777 INSEXTENNFN A?vFCHQ 17Room: ?My. Ingram Q'Miss Gandxar FBI AND QAC NENARN aiiro AN7FROMSAC9 NIANI xgos~37A275 51ANT1 FIDEL CASTRC ACTIVITIES IS 7 MN TELEPHONE NUMBER MC FIVE Two ONE FIVE ONE r07 BELCNC T0 TURCISV RA DASH CUBA Two DASH GNE FCUR NINE FULL COVERACE MN 31x THREE NINE DASH NNG HAS FURNISHED FOLLOWING INFO :7 RE CNNS A NCUCE IN NN AND HAS A TOTAL or ?'iFoR AN INDEPENDENT 0F7CUIAQ THE NCRIFLES AND 777STURFI CLAIMS T0 HAVE AUTOMATIC NEAPCNS 7 V73HIS CROUP DCEC WORK IN SNUAD TACTICS ANC PLANNLD TC FIRE THE WEAP6N77GN TNELVE TIFTEEN SIXTY IN VICINITY OF HE PLANNFB T0 SENC 7" 77 CACUP 7GET VACCINE SHOTS THIS AN CLAIMED H59 RETURNED FROM CUBA NITN A CCAI HE USEB Egg) Ma: 7 NH 54462 Page 4 CRE NENARN TEL TNELVE 34*jsf?: jgeup HAS EACH ALSTOLS, AND LNUs AN AMERICAN VISITED TUELVE FIFTEEN SIYTY #31? . 7 ?Tums: Mr WC. Sullivan-g; ?5 AVE MM IN ONE on Two WEEKS A, A .n ?9354462 Page 5 JFK Assassination System - Date: 4/3/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY: FBI Eleased under the RECORDNUMBER: 124-10289-10310 Kennedy . saassinatinn Recurda RECORD SERIES: HQ Collection Act Elf 1992 [44 USE 21o? Note]. AGENCY FILENUMBER: 2-1499-2ND NR 67 :ase#:Hm Date: Document Information FBI FROM: MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 01/19/1961 PAGES: 9 I SUBJECTS - FS, ASSOC, ACA, MIRR, MILITARY ACT, SABOTAGING CUBAN INSTALLATIONS, POLIT DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS: Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 04/08/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC MEMO v91 1 NH 54462 DunId:3230613u Page 1 fAssistant Attorney General Walter Yeagley . .31" 2 Frank Sturgis mentioned Qbon, is 1aentica1 Swith Frank AnthOny Sturgis, also known as Frank glarini,A-u ?who is mentioned in the enoloso? report as having .into nagotiationQIw ith Cantain Diogo to obtain mgortatio?_w of his men from Miami t0 Cuba where Fiorini?s men woald {stake out an area_ of. operations for themselves. Sturgis is the subject of my letter to yQu date Dace mber at whioh time you were reqqutod to Q?viQe Winether the Activities of Sturgis dove10ped to date indicated a- posazble "violation of neutrality within :the inantigative "jurisdlotion Of the FEE aaditional inveatigatio?. I SQ January 19,1961, an informant, who has a Ifurnished reliable information in the past, reportad hQ I had visited the camp maintained oy Sturgis near PompanQ Beach,, IFlorida; and had learned that CathiQ Diego has a grouQ_ I, leaving "this weekend" for Cuba and was to- take along n#v~severa1 of Sturgis' men as a Separate unit unQQr the ?~rgf~ve leadership of one Max Vila, Jr.. ThiQ same informant . reported that he had learned that Bosch Diego aIndI Stur?iQ A were on January 19, 1951, reportedly in Tampa, Florida, Allegedly to obtain possession of a boat which had bean F?y. undergoing repairs.i Additional details Of thiQ tr 9 identity of theI boat involved are not known.? ??a?In The United Statea CthomQ Serv1ca Ana the Unita? States Border_ Patrol have been furnished all pertinent deve10pmenta in this QQtter in view of the pIonibility 03* "3 :3 additional gunrunning activities on thQI part of thQI involved with the. captioned representative of the Central Entelliganoe sac? (CEA) in Miami advised buA Hiami Office that altheug CEA has no operational interest in Dr.0r1ando Sasoh Avila and his IorgaQizatiOn Qt; present time, Qcma 1Q being affOrded this mQtter by CIA and it 13 poamible CIA may acquire An operational inte*QQt_xn this orwanimatian" fiature.'~ t' 5 - - NH 54462 Page 2 AW ADVISED THAT AKA bN SIXT EEN LAST, A 41A THAT A UOTE JOLLY ER IDENTIFIED I 1 NW ?my wan-w ANA W?m'?w Wi~u35WVAW1571h?2fm - - STURGIS, TNQ an?: A DATA *Tqu A 0 IN 4? 1 NH 54462 Page 3 4' IQQFAGE THREE 2? .1 TRO, AND THAT IF REVOLUTION ad}: IATION OFVHIS NEN IRON MIAMI Io WHERE FIORINI NEN Ila,- STAKE OUT AREA OF OPERATIONS NHICH Wag. 2? - wi- 4?54 :4 . . Jae; . ?In In .12: he.? ha? ?Alva I NH 54462 Page 4 JFK Assassination System Date: Ide ntifi cation Form 4/3/2015 Agency Information AGENCY: FBI Eleased under the John RECORD NUMBER 124-10289-1031 1 Kennedy Eaassinatinn Recnrda HQ nllectinn Act of 1992 (44 USC 210? Note]. AGENCY FILE NUMBER. 2-1499-3RD NR 67, 4TH NR 67 ase? 52 Date: Document Infonnattli U11 ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM, T0: TITLE: DATE: 01/23/1961 PAGES 11 FS, ASSOC, ACA, MIRR, CUBAN REVOLUTIONARY ACT, FINANCES, NEWSPAPER ARTIC DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 04/08/1998 OPENING CRITERIA 1 TNDEFINITE COMMENTS INC MEMO, LHM v9.1 NH 54462 32306131 Page 1 ?132:9} 3-1! .L g, 9.619? (3?:?wk ?vnu-f - w. ?Win? ., xvi. . i. onic?mu? 1:fig?? .Ss- . . - 5010-104 7? 3 5 . STATES - Memorandum .- DATE: JAN2 0 =iggijnxAA . Mimi has: 8:33.923: 33:33:? $333 22.3", aceuracy of infamtien fumighe? by 533338 - 335% 33:36:32: cap-33:: :3f ammsaci letterhaa? mmemmimn are: attache? for Bureau dissemi?atim: 63.33:: The enclosed letterhead memorandtm is marked inasmuch as the disclosure of the could affect the national security. i ?w/zf; IV 5'5" f?ayltujwf/fg?? :2 gig; If?; :5 ALL Immune: CONTAINED *1 Tureen (E32195) (BM) Hmzm: .. 3:13:33; EXCEPTWHERE 3:303:31 - - 03:33:13: 3532-33333: - Neg..- 13mm: ?33 30 L96LD MIN-MM m5: - 44-: 57:33 ?1963 NH 54462 Page 4 5 T: JFK Assassination System Date: Identi?cation Form 4/3/2015 AGENCY RECORD NUMBER Agency Information under the Jehn Kennedy elleetien Act of 1992 FBI 124-10289-10313 RECORD SERIES: HQ . [44 USC 21m I'Jete] . EAREE Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 2-1499-69, 70 2 .3 17 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI DATE 03/30/1961 PAGES: 59 SUBJECTS FS, US CITIZENSHIP, RESTORED, ASSOC, ACA, MILITARY ACT, CUBAN INVASION DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 04/08/1998 OPENING CRITERIA TNDEFINITE COMMENTS INC RPT v9.1 NH 54462 Page 1 g? . . . .. .MH?e-w - - H. - vii??5 v-P .. 7 h? . 1-?152-192 . . .Ccnfidegtial By letter dated January 19, 1961, the Bureau informed that CIA, by liaison, had informed the Bureau on.January 6, 1961 that subject was in.no way connected with CIA. Reference is_made.to Bureau airtel dated . January 16, 1961 to Seattle and Miami,?pointing cut that- _the Department was requested by letter dated December 16, - 1960 to advise_whether?a thorough investigation were warranted and desired by the Department. .It iS'noted that the Bureau pointed out,-among other things, that ,no additional investigation concerning this matter should be conducted unti1.an Opinion is received from the Depart: ment.? Miami, therefore, is condudting no active-investi~ 'gation concerning subject, but is reporting the information' which has come to its attention through established informants and sources, - Complete infermation concerning the theft of the . 4 1 tugboat "Gil Rokie," from Miami on February 4, 1961 by . . some_0f subject's associates, was reported to the Bureau in . report of SA HAYES at Miami, dated February 20, 1961 in case captioned: JOSEPH PROCTOR, et Neutrality Matter." Certain portions have been extracted? from that report and appear in details of this report, - . . 1 i r-Information copies of this report are being; forwarded the Norfolk Office and WFO, inasmuch as they may be called upon at some future time to conduct'. 8, additional investigation relative to subject?s activities. - IDCATION 0F ORIGINAL . INFORMATION I 3 Tel is MM 37o, . I 380, 383, 379, 381,. 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 391,389,390,~ 1 . - 392,_394, 396, 397, 3- COVER 5 are . 8, I. ?3 deztial I, {hail NH 54462 Page 2 5 ?1 2=192 INFORMANTS - continued IDENTITY :1 A . LOCATION OF ORIGINAL INFORMATION MM T-l (continued) 134- 238 Sub A-398 400, '401, - 402, 404, 405, 406, 407, 208 .3 I ?ggf MM is MM 726-8? - 134-307 Sub NH 54462 an; . - . 3* . Careful consideration has been given to each isource concealed in this report, and they were concealed I-only in those instances where identities must be concealed. ADMINISTRATIVE ADDENDUM This report is being classified since data reported from MM T-l, who is MM 639 5, could reasonably result in identification of a confidential informant of tinuing value and compromise future effective- ness 3/ . . 13* i - COVERI PAGE I DucId:32306133 Page 3 {ha?wag-? JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 4/3/2015 Agency Information Eleased under the John Kennedy AGENCY: FBI ssassinatinn Records RECORD NUMBER: 124-10289-10320 nllectiun Act Elf 1992 :44 USC 2107 Note]. RECORD SERIES: HQ 5444262 Date: 0?04?2017 AGENCY FILE NUMBER 2-1499?80 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM To DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 09/07/1961 PAGES 2 SUBJECTS FS, BUCHANAN, JERRY, TRA, RECRUITING CAMPAIGN, WHEREABOUTS, INTV DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 04/08/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS v91 NH 54462 Page 1 .1 1:13-35 (:Rev. 12-13-56't-aFBI Date: 9/7/61r Transmit the following in (Type in plain? text or code) Vm AIRTEL -AIR MAIL {Priority or Method of Malling) tumaa' Tar TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (2-1499) - - Ham 1, at DATE GF 1121* ESE FRQM: SAC, MEAMI c?7192) FRANK ANTHONY STURGIS, aka. NM :7 BY ?00: Miami 01: 12:7 Re reports of SA LEMAN L. TAFFORD, Jr. dated 4/24/61 and 8/17/61 and Bureau letter to Miami, 7/20/61. that efforts should be made to locate and interview JERRY sequently joined su6ject' 5 group in Miami with 20 men. was associated w?h subject, is no longer in thi.s area and United States though his exact locati.on was unknown RES-51 C3) - Bureau (RM) (AM) 2 - Norfolk w_ 3 - Miami - ?5 2- -317) In It ".1111! *f Norfolk further refer to its file 2~43 captioned BUCHANAN - NM, RA office of origin Norfolk. Bureau letter to Miami, 7/20/61, contained instructions BUCHANAN, it being noted he?claimed recently to have traveled 10,000 miles since September, 1960 in'a recruiting campaign and that he went to Norfolk in November, 1960 on a recruiting expedition and returned to Florida with ten men; that be sub- -a On 8/9/61, MM 639-8 informed SA LEMAN L. STAFFORD, Jr. that BUCHANAN, who formerly lived in the Miami area and 'Was believed he had returned to the northea?t part of?EZZg On 9/5/61, MM 639- informed SA STAFFORD that further inquiries made by him had failed to reveal any information QT . '34: w?si ;f if?" it (8) I AppToved: NH 54462 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Agency Information Date: Eleased under the John 4/3/2015 AGENCY FBI Kenn-2 I213: RECORD NUMBER: 124-10289-10322 ssassinatinn Records allectinn Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [44 USC Nate] . - . ase#:NH 54%52 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 2-1499-82 2 17' Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 08/31/1961 PAGES 12 SUBJECTS S, ADMIN, INSTR DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 04/08/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC 2 MEMO v91 NH 54462 Page 1 at? the Departmental letter reflects this opinion was based on information received by the Department indicating that subject had been identified as head of the Intern national AntiCommunist Brigade and was present with several of his men at a gathering of some 75 cubans at Davie, Florida. The Department also referred.to a newspaper article appearing in the ?Miami Herald" on July 3, 1961, indicating that approximately 70 men of subject' 3 organization were scheduled to make parachute jumps but only two parachutes were available. This . article stated subject had claimed his organizatiOn .consisted of 5,000 men, of which'700 are in training, and that his organization includes paratroop groups, underwater demolition teams, and others in educational activities. While the Department used the above data as the basis for requesting additional investigation in this matter, I felt that the data as furnished by MM-639- S, - a well informed and reliable informant, appearing in the1 Details of referenced report, sufficiently diapr0ved the exaggerated statements given by subject to.the press as to the strength and activities of his organization, and i that this data wouldchave been sufficient for the Department I . to render a prosecutive opinion.' As I have stated previously, investigation has shown that subject is prone to exaggerate, distorts the truth, is a liar, braggart, among other things. I have previously interviewed subject concerning his -activities, at which time he was arrogant and evasive, as reflected in my report dated April 24, 1961. It was my opinion that to?seek the subject out once again and interview him concerning his activities would be repetitious and therefore result in a waste of investigative effort This opinion I set forth in the administrative pages of referenced report. Mm) NH 54462 Page 2 While the Bureau has pointed out certain points which should have been covered prior to closing . this case, I respectfully point out that the information furnished by in my opinion made coverage of these points unnecessary. . I regret that the Bureau feels I should have taken a different approach and broadened the investigative activity in this matter. In accordance with Bureau request, I shall take the necessary steps to comply with instructions as set forth in Bureau Ietter dated- August 25, 1961, and a report fully covering the activities of subject will be submitted by September 25,1961. .LEMAN L. STAFFORD, JR, Special Agent _1__1m NH 54462 Page 3 the 22222t222221 122222 reflects thia 2212122'222 based an information 22221222 by the Bap?rtment indicating tha? subj2ct-had.b222 1d22t1f12d 22-2222 of 222 122222 22212221.22216222221227321g222 222.222 present 2122 2222221 2f his 222 at 2 gath2ring 2f 2222 75 622222 22 222129 Florida. The 2222222222 2122 r2f2rred 22 2 22wspap2r 22:1212 appearing in Ehe ?Miami Heral?" 22 July 3 1961, indicating that approximately 70 222 2f 2223222' 2 organizat122?2222 222262122 to m2k2 222222222 jumps but only two parachut22 2222 available. T212 2221212 stated subject had 2121222 his org2212ation consisted of 5, 609 222, 2f which 760 222 in 22212123, . and that hi2 223221222122 12:12222 222222222 graup2, d222112122 22225, 226 22h222 12 educational 2221212122. 22112 tha B2partm2nt 2222 the abeve data as the basis for r2q2222122 2261212221 investigatian in this 222222, I felt that th2 data 22 fuxnished by 22263925, 2 2211 12form2d and reliable 12fermant, 222222122 12 the B2taiIS-o? referenced 222222, 22??1?122t1y disprev2d the exaggerated statements-given by 22bj2ct ta the 22222 22 '22-th2 strength 2nd activities 223212.22g2212221221 and that this 2222'22212.hav2 2222 sufficient for the B2P2rtm2nt to 222622 2 prosecutive opinicn. 22 I have 222222 previously, 1222221g22122 h22 Shawn that 2223222 is prone to exaggerate, distorts the 12222,.12 2 11229 222222229 among other things. I hava pxevieusly 12222212222 subject concerning his activities, 22 which 2122 h2'222 arrogant and evasive, 22 22E122222 12.22 repart dated.April 24, 1961. It 222 .22 0212122 that :2 seek tha subject 022-2222 23212 and 12222v122 him 2222222123 his activities 22216.b2 repetitious and therefere result- in 2?22222 of investigative effort. This 2pini2n 1 22: Earth in 222 administrative 22222 of refemnced 222221;. Mu, NH 54462 Page 4 While the Bureau has point-zed out certain .. points which should have bean Icevared pwier to clearing this case, I reapectfully paint: out that aha infarmatian furnished by m?-639??s in my epinien made cavemge of 7 them points mammary. 1 regret; that the Bureau feels I "sheuld have taken a different approach and broadened the investigative activity in ?113.31 mattar. In accordance with Bataan triequeatg i I shall take the necessary steps :9 comply with inatmctians as set ?farm in Bureau getter data-d August 25,. 1961-, and a: report fully cavering, the activitiea 6f subject will be submitted by Septembar 259 1961.? - JR. Special Agene wag-I NH 54462 Page 5 JFK Assassination System Ide ntifi cation Form Date: 4/3/2015 Agency Information under the Jenn Kennedy :elleetien Act of 1992 (44 USC 210? Note]. Date: 0?04?2017 AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10289-10325 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 2-1499-85 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: STAFFORD, LEMAN L. JR. TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE 09/22/1961 PAGES 36 SUBJECTS S, ASSOC, INTV, WHEREABOUTS, BUCHANAN, JERRY, ACA, RECRUITING ACT, REVIEW RECORDS, FL STATE PENITENTIARY DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE REVIEW - 04/08/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS V91 NH 54462 Page 1 22:192 ?pnuugl I Conf A At Miami, Florida of subject through[?Me?3938 an?ljfher informn (Km 2. W111 await Departmental opinion as to possible prosecution of eubject in connection with the ~posaible neutrality. violationso . . 1. W111 continue. togfollow1ee%]report activities 1 ants and souroeeo ADMINISTRATI1E Information copies of this report are being_ furnished :the Norfolk, and washiegton Field Offices imaemnch -as Norfolk and Wesh1ngtoe Field may be called upon to conduct additional investigation in this matter and New Yark ha?s pend- i Eing investigation in that eivieion. . i Information obtained from the Southern Bell Telephone - . . sand Telegraph Company, Miamis ae contained herein, was furnished .by Mrs. MARY Seperv1eor9 to Special Agent LEMAN i L. STAFFORD INFORMANT 1Identiti?ef$13forment Location of Original Information )E?'rel reports pege 331$ A 1.1 Careful conside1etioe hae heen given to the scurce concealed and a eYMbol was utilized only in those instances when it was neoeesery to conceal the identity of the source. a 3" . 6* PAGE . ?we Confi?2?kii1 . ?,14 NH 54462 Page 2 JFK/Assassination System' Date: 4/3/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Information FBI Eeleased under the RECORD NUMBER 124-10289-10332 saassinatinn Recurda HQ :nllectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 2-1499-89, IST NR 89 33331? 54453 Date: on ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 04/27/1962 PAGES 7 SUBJECTS . FS, PDL, ACA, PURCHASE VESSELS, FINANCES, ADMIN DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT - CLASSIFICATION. Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 05/18/1999 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC MEMO v9.1 1 VHH 54462 DucId:32306202 Page 1 7week by LARRY DI GEORGE, FRANK FIORINI (an alias of subject), 3 cc. J. and all described by source as soldiers of fortune grying to buy into the Dominican sugar future. 3.x" ?1 These three individuals are attempting, through the_source, ?3 to buy up preperty in the Dominican Republic that was left i by the TRUJILLO family at distress prices. These individuals 3 showed source $15,000,000.00 in credits to be used in the transaction which was to be made in the United States. The 3 three individuals were reportedly making plans to go to the 5 Dominican Republic?to ook over the property before the deal was consummated. kg; 7 a? - No additional information concerning this particular matter has been received from INS. 3 MM 639-3 has been in frequent contact with subject since January 1962. Subject has indicated to informant that he is working with various anti?Castro groups and on. occasions still claims that he has the backing of the CIA, it being noted that such association or affiliation has been denied by the CIA. MM 639?8 has stated frequently that he puts no stock in statements made by subject, that we ?subJect isle liar, braggart,who has made 1 living during ?recent years off the Cuban revolution. Miami is requesting INS to recontact its source concerning subject's activities in the Dominican Republic. Miami is also maintaining contact with MM 639-8 and any 3?1 additional pertinent information concerning the subject by will be reported to the Bureau. xi NH 54462 Page 2 JFK Assassination System ?Iden??ca?onFonn Date: 4/3/2015 Agency Information Eleased under the John AGENCY 2 FBI allectinn Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [44 use 2107' Note] . ase#:NH 54952 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 2-1499-90, NR 90 .3 17 Document Infonnation ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: DIRECTOR, FBI T0 SAC, MM TITLE DATE 06/19/1962 PAGES 2 SUBJECTS FS, ADMIN DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 04/08/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC WI NH 54462 Page 1 (Rev; FBI Date: Transmit the following in if Ff! MI ?15. 9 Mr. I Mr. Mr. ?Mr. Mr. (Type in plain text or AIR MAIL TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (2-1499 FROM: SAC, FRANK ANTHONY STURGIS, aka NM (00: Miami) ReBuairtel 6/19/62. should have been S. (EJL Bureau New York (info)(RM) 1 (Priority or Method of Mailing) ode) Mr. Mr. 5 . ?l?o?iison- Tole. Miss Holmes?_? Miss Gandy Belmont-? Callahan Con DeLoach Sullivan Trotter- MM T-l, identified in Miami airtel 6/15/62 as This error made through inadvertence and error of form charged to dictating agent, SA GEORGE E. DAVIS. - Jacksonville (info)(RM) - 1 - Tampa (info)(RM) ~w y1&&?y 1 - washington Field (info)(RM) - 1 .. Miami w? GEDzegh (3) $2 fig Nul? JUN 2'5 ?i902 - C- Wick Ef?gy $02.15;: 1T1 11 1 {Chill 5?35? 3 3n \q 13?! Lint? 512 Tent. J?f/an ?lm I c1225, Jae A/oproved?i?, k? Sent Per - a 58% alagent in Charge NH 54462 Page 2 IKE 6/2 9/62 9 .1 29212321 209 .2229- 29929 (29-292) 22929 2979999999 2239' (29.1299) 0 . 2W 2339 229939 2262222222? 2222292221 6/15/629 272 identa?ed 22 929' 629~$9 It would 222227? 6622 2292.22 2193222213; 62 2% 6392899 829232621 22221922? 9.62 62923 is 29377772229 If 22297" 9792912229 222222 22mm 23? farm 29 2222079922212 2322222792929. .2 .9. $222 York '6 I 7299ch 9'99 . - 5? . 1 221922 27 ?50309991921 9 5 ".99 JUN 201962%:1fahan LB 2% Eight} 1 ?IJIonmd 7 \j if I 'JeLoach Evans halone ?osen ALL 12559 E9959 5?5 TMLNEDL 9.. a . >ullivcm erl . 9 DR '3 BRoom JL 2 . W??h i NH 54462 Page 3 I .9 2299999929 . I .- 2. - $2222 .r I - 19233932223272 FieId . 5' JFK Assassination System . Date: 4/3/2015 Identi?cation Form Kennedy . saassinatinn Recurda :nllectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. :ase#:NH Date: AGENCY: FBI Agency Information Eeleased under the RECORD NUMBER: 124?10289-10334 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 2-1499?91 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 06/ 13/ I 962 PAGES 7 SUBJECTS FS, ACA, GUN SMUGGLING, REVOLUTIONARY ACT, FINANCES, ADMIN DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact . DATE OF LAST REVIEW 04/08/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM, v9.1 1 NH 54462 Page 1 i 1.. 3* 1,1. I - a [2-13Date: June l3,.1962 l' - 1th f1! 3- - PLAIN TEXT . ransml 0 owmg' 3? - (Type in plain ,text or code) To AIRTEL AIR MAIL DECLAQQM Vm - - -F 3WQRMAWN nonty 01" Method OfM?lli?g) IN ?w?gl ENT. q? q7?: T03 (2-1499) - I CC TO: FROM: SAC, MIAMI (Zr->192OCT. g?zg/REg FRANK ANTHONY STURG IS, ak Aws :16'9 1 . 1 Frank FiQrini .- ?w Neutrality Matters 7 3 . EnleQQd are 9 copies randum, dated and captiQnQd aQ Qvaeo 13 it! . 413%, are erniQth tQ the Jacksonville, . 99%? Tampa and Washinthn Field Offices for ianmatiQn 1:50: I Cd 8 CA Miami haQ chined QQ ianmQtiQQ relating- to 3 this mattho - 1 f-liga? A . CIA, MiQmi has aniQQd that it has no 1} Qp?ratiQnal interest in alleged g?plans Qf and. 11819 received QQ ianrmatiQn ?2:25, ;?Qanern1ng thiQ activity The So BQrer Patrol, CIA _and INS, Miami furQiQth this imerma- 'tiQn Qrally, and IQQ rQQinng Qf 1p tant mg!? ?109th (3191/5th I .x ARE6-9 Bureau (Emcl :2 RM) 1233910119119 1' If: NQW RMWQ 1 a a? I) (111%) (Mm RM) 1 1 Tampa (E9 1) (AM - RM) 1? 55.3 1 ., WFO (Mel l) (Ian) (AMQ RM) =2 Miami. (2 2n192 . 1 ~E34-238?xm) . :ii_ QED-gems I ma?wquq 4? JQQ I Approved: 7 I M/a?f I -. Sent Special Age17{ 121 Charge NH 54462 Page 2 1?43" .1. nupwattached 1etterhead memorandum 819 0*9who 1 ?rm -,1QQverQ activities at. the foice Qf HAROLD SOLOMQN BAIL NEW YORK .7 EFEIGE, 7G2 Fier Street Miami Beach. AT NEW YORK NEW YORK ALEX RQURKE9 in letterhead a Qf the NEW York OffiQQo. It 1Q that the NQQ York office adv1Qab111Qy Qf RQURKE er ithaQt matter, in event same Qan_ be jQQpanizing instant 1nu .vthigatiQn 2.121% AT MIAMI FLQRIDA W111, and cher appropriate investigatiQn,tha1Q ianrmatiQn .FIORINIBS planQ and QQ t1v1t1QQ, and will keep the Bureau adviQQd Qf pertinent details - This 1Q being Qlassified tQ the 1dQQtiQy Qf ianrmantQ MM T11 and MM Qf Wh?m Q1 VQIQQO 2Q NH 54462 Page 3 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/1 1/201 AGENCY 1 Agency. Information Eleased under the John Kennedy FBI ssassinatinn Records RECORDNUMBER: 124-1028940439 01193131011 ACE ?f 1992 [44 USC 210? Hate]. RECORDSERES: HQ a3e#:NH 54%60 Date: 0?03?2017 AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105-88521-157 . Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, WMFO TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 07/28/1969 PAGES 2 6 SUBJECTS . [Restricted] DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 18; 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/03/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM, LTR VQI i NH 54460 Page 1 .OPTIONAL FORM No.10 ?r 4gp . 4 MAY 1952 esp. FPMR (41 CFR) 101- UNITED STATES GOVEL Memorandum _f 4* r4757 DIRECTOR, FBI WFO MARIO aka IS - CU . 1.. ?7}wr?7g5 r] (Bufile 105-88521) ,7s?95?'t?c (WFO file 105-36579) (0) . fif/ '1 0E0111111 wr 201110 7 - 5 Raa;w. a?tg - CU His 00005111 49 -Ew_ i (Bufile 105- f, ?n 1 i (wro file 105-12405) 23$: 01.?0 - ?7 7A613 1 Enclosed for the Bureau are six capi:s of" .LHM with four attachments, dated and captioned as above. The LHM is classified "Confidential" since it contains Ky .information from a source of continuing value and alludes, to a plot to invade a foreign country. Also enclosed for the information of the Bureau a three copies of a letter pre ared E. (EARL) M. SCHARA washington, D. C. Mr? M. FEDERICO, President, Firestone International Co. whic in e_ssence is a report on his meeting with PAUL The confidential source referred to in the LHM is PSLLEARL M. SCHARA, who provided the information and_ . . .11.. .1 ?1 3. . ski-?pm?la-?2 2-311" 1.4 '5 l?ia?jl") isei cepies of the attachments to SA VERNON H. WEIMAR on 6/24/69. is employed at the Offices of thelinte - natiOnal Diviso on, Firestone Com any, Washington, D. C. . 2 stated tw?r while he believed this matter would be of and he was willing to provide a copy of ?I?Bureau (Entg? \11431111-3 ?copies made . fit/d [oils/774?Jc/mtl?j 4 renewat I 05y; Aims . 111*. 7 1 NH 54460 Page 2 f, 4 3 ii wro 105-35579 his letter 0 the 'no?)g?g wish for it to receive of dissemination outside PSI SCHARA stated that in Eacti irestone has 7.5 to 8 mil?' 110 dollars in and that this has been acknowledged by the guban Claims Commission. 3 As the Bureau'ig aware, MARIO GARCIA KOHLY has been the subject of?pastg??reau investigation (see Bufile 105-88521) and the pro?o?ition, as offered by is somewhat typical of in which KOHLY has at- tempted to obtain mone?f?hder an guise. the Bureau' for obviouS?r?asons _,As a matter of informati?g12 The resume ??ffaining to PAUL SAVAGE lists . employments between 1346 to I962-with the Reconstruction Finance Corp,, Department of State, CIA and the Office of the State., In this regard, it is noted that subject of an AEA-A investigation in 1953, and an in 1950 (see Bufile 124-4733, WFotfil is also mentioned in WFO letter and LHM enclosed therewith, dated 7/28/55??and captioned Soviet Representative Who Contacted PAUL S. June 9, - The foregoing is being provided to the Bureau in the event it is desired to disseminate same. NH 54460 Page 3 -.M .4, ?4 r-4. . File No. t? In Reply, Please Refer to ?w .Attachments UNITED ETATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE CONFI 1NTIAL FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION . washington, D.C. 20535 July 28, 1969 GARCIA PAUL s. INTERNAL SECURITY - CU There are attached hereto copies of the following: 10 VCopy of a news artiCIe which appeared in 5- the "washington Daily ?pril 12, 1969, entitled "Cites 'Signi- ficant' Internal Revolt; Exiles Vow Cuba Landings" - 2. Resume dated.April, 1969; pertaining to .-Paul Savage 3. Letter dated May Mario Garcia Kohly, Civilian Head of The Cuban Military Junta,to Paul S. An agreement dated June 4, 1969, which begins "Whereas FDC Resources_and Management Corporation-. . o" Tka .A confidential source; who has provided reliable information in the past and is employed with a major in-. dustrial organization, has advised that in late June, 1969, Mr? Paul S. visited their washington, D.C. offices? identified himself with the Cuban Military Junta with Headquarters at 1420 Street, and indicated he was a local washington representative. He CONFIDED IAL Dem. same: 3: a 1 015 Excluded fr automatic and aclas i?c 'on ?,mr 386w! 1 I: as?, -- - EWRE 54460 Page 4 - 1 f" NH 54460 ?is entremely interested in invesfi?g?approx RE: MARIO Romy; - CONFI PAUL s9 . provided source with cepies of the afo ementioned attach? ments and thereafter indicated that oste 'i ,y is repre- senting the exiled- President of Ghanaa Kwam _rumah, who 'ly . $70, 0009 000 in seven per cent or better mortgages or other suitable inveStment in the United States.. In that regard, is contacting large American corporations to deter- mine if they deSire to borrow any funds for capital invest- ment or the like. In doing so9 is also affording such contacted organizations the opportunity to invest, under agreements such as attachment fcur9 funds with the Cuban Military Junta fer the reason indicated therein9 this through the FDC Resources and Management Corporation9 also told source that Nkrumah may have close to $1009 000, 000 available to him (from which the aforementioned $70, 000,000 would be taken) in Swiss banks and that it is Nkrumah's intention to use theSe funds to invade Ghana and regain control of that country9 told source that Nkrumah believes he, and others are working toward that end in Nkrumah'-s behalf. said that in fact it is their intention to assemble an invaSion force, which would be based in Haiti, to train them and then ultimately divert them to an invasion of Cuba, all of this at Nkrumah's expense9_ 199 told source he was contacting source? 3 com- pany since it was his understanding it had valuable assets in Cuba which had been Seized by Fidel Castro. indicated he previously approached the B. F. Goodrich Company with this proposal and had been turned down. further source that funds loaned or invested in the United States through and/or his associates would have a. 9005 servicing fee9 also indicated that the .005 servicing fee would be distributed, on a declining balance basis9 in the following manner: 7 2&9 . CONF, . I. . "the Meg . mew? DunId:32306309 Page 5 ?52?3; v/Jfgf Est! RE: MARIO GARCIA I CONFID IAL PAUL S. a . 40 per cent to owners, 40 per cent to the Swiss group (preSumably this Would be Nkrumsh and Swiss bahks, respectively; did not Specify), 25 per cent the Ftench FDC Resources and Management) and 33 per cent to the promotional grdup (ices, and associates, although again he did not specify). Source advised he had indicated to that he did not believe his company would care to participate in such a program. This document contains neither redhmmenda?ons'no: sonclusions of the, FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is 100119;! to your agency: it and-its contents gg? not to he d'j?stribm?d outside grout ?v 3* A, NH 5446i] Page 6 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/11/201 Agency I nfonnati on under the Jehn AGENCY: FBI Kennedy RECORD NUMBER: 124-10289-10448 . elleetien Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ USC Note] . 54%50 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 97-4194-1105 0503-2017 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 02/11/1970 PAGES: 3 SUBJECTS PDL, CUBAN EXILE, POLIT MATTERS, REVOLUTIONARY ACT, ASSOC, DIAZ, FELIPE RIVERO, CUBAN NATIONALIST MOVEMENT, ACA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/03/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM v9.1 54460 Page 1 FORM NO. 10 MAY 1982 EDITION .7 GSA FPMR (41 CFR) 101-113 ?5 STATES ERNMENT 'Memomndum T0 DIRECTOR, FBI (97-4194) DATE: 2/11/70 FROM SAC, MIAMI (105?2481) (P) 1111110111 191113111111111110 HEREIN 1111111181111 ELEM ViiMiami letter with enclosures dated 9/29/69. 1 ,v 1 Enclosed herewith are ten copies of an LHM {g dated and captioned as above. 1" ix - . Copies of enclosed LHM are being disseminated I locally to the following Federal agencies: 1 U. S. Secret Service . U. S. Border Patrol, Miami U. S. Customs, Miami f? U. S. Customs, Region II, Miami A INS, Miami, NISO, Charleston, South Carolina 1 111th M. I. Group, Orlando, Florida CEO 0855 TIQNTO ,1 081, Patrick AEB, Florida; ?111111 11111111013 . CIA, Miami LEE 1 1:11:11 Mrs-11111131111011 Coast Guard, Miami 71513 133311111511171 Office of Coordinator of Cuban Affiars, ,0 iv? $1,;Department of State, Miami 151.40 1. MM 1-1 is MM 635-3, (0-15.97 MNMM T-JB is IJJIS (KILLAIX) MEEHIEZ, I ?71745 is MM 974- S, 11-4.15 CARLOS ZARRAGA MARTINEZ, Key source- ban, is MM 492? S, MM 1337? s. 1. Enclosed LHM is being classified "Confidential"? to better protect value. Information 03% are being designated for the New Yd?k and Newark offices inasmuch as those offices have 111111 1,1 Bureau (Encaiog?g?j?? le ?mi/W New York (Enc. 1) (INFO) (RM) 1 Newark (Enc. 1) (INFO) (RM) 1 Mla??iqtp/Li?/?C? at Service RJDMy, .FEB 2 )4 1p 93% 939% @1101?;me 936%? ?ng?f?Jml?$Egg5 Plan Vi NH 54460 Page 2 1 . .. -1 P. JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/11/201 0 Agency Informatj on Eleased under the John AGENCY FBI Ke ?ue-:13? RECORD NUMBER: 124-?10289-10449 335133 innit inn Records allectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [44 USC Ell]? Nate] . a3e#:NH SQEED Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 97-4194-26 ?2 17' Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: OBRIEN, FRANCIS J. TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 10/06/1964 PAGES 5 SUBJECTS PDL, REL, ASSOC, ACA, POLIT MATTERS, DIAZ, FELIPE RIVERO, CUBAN NATIONALIST MOVEMENT DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 2 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/03/1998 OPENING CRITERIA TNDEFINITE COMMENTS W1 NH 54460 Page 1 00 PERIOD 4 1.9.54 . 8/97 /23/6u .M. MADE HERENTTS UN ENTEPT c, i tingiresults 7 7? . Nam?? THIS DOCUMENT K10 of interviews with IGNACIO 829L641 ,rlityi NY 105-39h12 INFORMANTS Identity Of Source TT-3 CANETE de CESPEDES SOTeWest 186th Street, New York City (Request) FABIO FREYRE AQUILERA 80 Pine Street, NYC (Request) NY T-5 ALBERTO FERNANDEZ 255 Drive /Key Biscayne, Florida x/ (Request) LEADS WASHINGTON FIELD (INFO) AT WASHINGTON D.c. report is Being Turnis?ea to they have conducted previous organization. MIAMI AT MIAMI FLORIDA. and curren .s a us I mentioned in Miami lette Nacionalista Cubana, IS-Cuba, 7 cox-IE1? PAGE gile Number Where Located 105?69057 5 105~69057~e;54 105?69057-23. Instant report pages 13,18,19. 11 If 2 25. Instant report pag6819,20. Instant report page, as An information cepy of this the Washington Field Office since investigation concerning this Furnish the NYC with background Bureau of ARTURO GONZALEZ GONZALEZ dated enti tled "Asociacion RA+Cuba"; in ia? Page 3 NH 54460 . \Aw .1 111.; at. ?Mal? . Tl JFK Assassination System Date: 5/1 1/201 - Identi?cation Form Agency Information . Eleased under the AGENCY. FBI Kennedy ii RECORDNUIVIBER.124-1028940452 Regards A nllectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [44 USC 2107? Note]. I . a3e#:NH ERRED Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 97?4194-10 - 17' Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: DREW, WILLIAM M. JR. TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE 07/29/1960 PAGES 3 SUBJECTS I PDL, REL, ASSOC, AF IL, CUBAN NATIONALIST 1-: ASSOCIATION, ACA ., DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed 1 RESTRICTIONS: 4 [1 CURRENT STATUS Redact A 1 DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/03/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS 2 v91 8 NH 54460 DucId:32306322 Page 1 13k . -. Elijafso?lssn '7 - ?2 3'41 1 . {Ci 5 FEDERAL IIWQN 1 Reporting Of?ce MIAMI O?icWiq?0Ri< [?6666 .?Dcrte7 9 60 Investigatigfjfioi 7 2 7 6 TITLE OF 3913011 made 13? Typed By:' NATIONALIST WILLIAM M. DREW, JR. ASSOCIATION -..W . MM HAS NO 03 ESTION CHARACTER OF CASE RR, Is - RA.- CUBA ROM MR3 magi?97 Synopsis: I [0 (o 4 7 REFERENCES: Report of SA WILLIAM M. DREW, JR., Miami, 5/28/60. ,1 51;" Report of SA VINCENT J. WARGER, New York, 4/19/60. . - RUG - 4/ ADMINISTRATIVE 2/ . The confidential sourcee mentioned in the details of . attached report-vase contacted as follows: Approved tor/M S?icg?igznt Do not write' in spaces below Bareau (97?44129-4) (RM) . 3 - New York (105-38890) (RM(105- ~2481Copy to: 1/96?? ?4 COVER PAGE CONTAINED . . 35 ran. 'ngd 6:31i afar info. f" . we.? ,1 ?Property of FBI- This report is loaned to you by the FBI,cxnd,Ine1!her it nor its contents or 1% 8. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1955 NH 54460 Page 2 ibut?d ougde??re??ff?goy to which loaned. - 44 so JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 1/201 AGENCY Agency Information under the Jenn FBI Kennedy RECORD NUMBER: 124?1028940456 Records elleetien Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [44 ESE Ell]? I'Jete] . SERGE Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 97-4133-57 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: DWYER, ROBERT JAMES TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 01/18/1963 PAGES 7 SUBJECTS PDL, VILLAMANAN, MANUEL, MRR, INTV, CUBAN REFUGEES, POLIT, MILITARY, ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, CUBA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION 2 Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/03/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEF-INITE COMMENTS v9.1 r? NH 54460 10 Page 1 .7 f?FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION \j I . [If REPORTING OFFICE MIAMI OFFICE OF ORIGIN MIAMI INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD TITLE or CASE 5? .. VOLUCIONARIO '3 If} 043?. IKE Is GTE- REFERENCE: I AT MIAMI, 3% Will continue to follow .I I Identity is MM 6396 2 is HIGINIO ANE, I APPROVED lAv GENT ARGE IN 119 N. W. 48th Place, Miami, Floridaj COVER PAGE I ROBERT JAMES DWYER neb I.. Ia?awa 693% Report of SA ROBERT JAMES DWYER datedJ9/262 at Miami-I MS DEC CLASSW lo 122427 and report activit? es of Location Inspant re ort, pgS-73a Instant report, pgs, 3, 4, 5 DO NOT WRITE SPACES BELOW COPIES WMADE: (97-4133) (RM) 3 - Miami (97=327) Bureau II fig? 00H 1 . 95% II I WW 3L I13 (3013153135616 M77 [m [lg/77a?56/?j l0 (heri?v?itx IEII 1Q by AM. Em I H7290 .I . JAN 31 1963 16?76324-i LI I I. 2 NH 5446i] Page 2 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/11/201 Agency Information under the John Kennedy AGENCY: IFBI RECORD NUMBER. 124-10289-10460 :elleetien Act at 1992 :44 use 21o? Nate]. RECORP SERIES: HQ :asea?mm Date: 0?03?2017 AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105-1 15227-239 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 10/09/1962 PAGES: 4 1 SUBJECTS [Restricted] DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/03/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS W1 AHH 54460 Page 1 11 . .. . . 5' . . . 1:.an .5 . .31" .1 . .. .. L1 W553. .QPIOMAL roma- NO. ?-10 - A. 1 ..- 3 {'50 6?104 . 5555? 55 5 . . -. UNITED STATES-ere?attr67720707261717?)? .TO. - 5 . 1 FROM SUBJECT?gure/5N: 5?55 $15 ReBulet to Miami 9/29/62. - 1 21/ There is. set forth below inforoation in the same 5 order as the paragraphs numbered one through six in refer- - 7 1 enced letteraddition, there is included as item. seven, an . :4 3 analysis of the Cuban situation and a suggested solution. This office previously has; submitted information in instant case which the Bureau may desire to review role-i. .siEsts of an analysis of the Cuban situation, examination of 5 ome suggested solutions and a recommended solution. - Reference is also made to Miami airtel dated Jtuie . 5. 5, 1961- and Miami letter dated June 26 1961 Which contain a Series of suggestions for Solution. of the Cuban situation submitted by a cross section of individuals, mostly Cuban 1 Evexiles, who were interested in ridding Cuba of the cum-u} 3E regime of Fidel-Castro. REC 55??53 I 5 - Bureau 915? 5 $3 . 2 - Miami ?IICopy {0729 by routing?rlip for 5 4- . 5 3 Info - (4 Es? 3 by . - 02/ ?p185 made ?1 5' Join/7:75 51376 53355 5 f1? for review ?11.65 IHQ by @955 pl HscA m; ?5/21'77 ace/555751662 1175.21.50 67 N05 8 0/196? 5 NH 54460 Page 2 - 3,66666e: 9, 1962; "Itive to the current situation. - Particular reference is made to Miami airtel to the Bureau dated June 8,1961 which con NH 54460 -RG3 ?Githin simplify the Gver Gf regime Gy means might be Ho HG is pGliGG foiGGr the .PriG reg? and in the pGlicG rGgimG 5 GGpoing frvu Gy- bGGto HG Gith F1GG1 CHHEHGG HG in GGtiv1tiG 1G EGG GG variGuG 1953 HG the ?515? Gf EGG 1G HGGIG, with Diaz GG Chief HG pGintGG that iDiaZ Ghin Gf the Air first Gf any HG GG GG UnitGG _Stat339. HG that D1GG 1G GG Cubans inGidG particularly GG an ant1w09L;GGiG1 MMGG35 GS G1GG poiGtGG Gut that Dlaz first ralG Cuba GhiGh his erGtaGiGG With the Gntiw 5 GG 7 Gf an Army Gf the Gf EGG Cuban in Exileo Gf tG GG GarriGG Gut by GG kGy tarthG ern plaGGH ?outsiGG EGG pHiHGipGl be Gf the yrincipal GitiGG5 GG G11 r?finw plantso W3 that security Gf the rGgimG erm 1y difficulto 5 DucId:32306330 Page 3 NH 54460 He 13 the former Chief 9f the Guban. Revolutionary Air Farce under Gastra9 but. was the first high- official 9f ?fthe Castro gevernment tn defect after denouncing Castro as . a comnunist. He came t@ the UniteG States in 1950 anG partici-r ?pateG in the firat leaflet dropping taiG against Cuba. He- subgequent1y has baan active in various ferays against Cuba. He has bHeame Gaughhat frustrated and dis- ?gruntled with attitude of the United States Government ?taward the Castro rggimg but it is believed he could Ibe re- ,_1ied upon in any seriwus ef?art against Cuba under F31 super- ?vision @rI cantral - x: . ..- It is recammen?ed he _be Igiven aasignments involv- .ing either air attacks leaflet Gropping missions 0r commande ;typ?- raidg. 51:31 fII-singles about 35. yHars of age and ardently antiaeammunist.? He hag offered to enter Cuba clandestinely Lson tHe FBI.I $1 1 It has verified that he previously'wwrked inside Guba unGGr Giractian ofI the. Mbvimiento Revelucionario ,Recuperacian (HRH) 1t 13 r?eommanded martinez be given assignments jinvelving clandestine entry into Cuba for the purpose of Forganizing undergraund sabotage operations against Castro. - L1 DucId:32306330 Page 4 AGENCY INFORMATION Eleased under the Kennedy ssassinatinn Records FBI nllectiun Act of 1992 RECORD NUMBER 124_10290_10040 [?14 USC 210'? . a3e#:NH 53932 Date: RECORD SERIES. H0 . 13?13?2017 AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105-256686-4 DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC. NY DIRECTOR. FBI TITLE: - DATE: 05/12/1975 PAGES: 4 SUBJECT: OBA, FUG, ASSOC, BKG, MIL TERRORIST ACT DOCUMENT TYPE: ORIGINAL Unclassi?ed 1 CLASSIFICATION: CLASSIFICATION: PAPER. TEXTUAL DOCUMENT 05/23/1998 UPDATE DATE: STATUS Redact RESTRICTIONS: JFK Act 6 (4) COMMENTS: INC LHM NH 53932 Page 1 a - .1 2-. . . (Gigi-w?) - - i/PplomAL FORM NO. 10 - - 1? July 1913 EDITION - cu . 3 - FPMR (41' CFR) tel-11UNI STATES GOV ?f - 1 C: DATEGUSTAVG MARIN akac?A 933 To" TO 13 - CUBA . DEC HEATH.) - - co: NY . MLERSE 0F CF URMAUUN I 6?41 5 775? 1/0 IR TRFC GOURMENT, Jm ReMMlet captioned, NACIGNAL de CUBA ?97 IS dated 11/11/743-MM1et to New Ybrk, 12/17/74, . -and MMlets to the Director, and 12/31/7h captioned,E IS - . Enclosed herewith for the Bureau are 11 copies ~1 of a LHM dated and captioned as above. MARIN is the leader of a group called ABDALA ,and currently is the sdeect of a case entitled, BIENVENIDO MARIN DUARTE, aka ET- -AL, NEUTRALITY MATTERS - (CUBA, Bufile 2- -2079, NYfile 2- 541". . In th1s investigation, there are allegations of terrorist activities planned by ABDALA and MARIN himself which are allegedly to be directed against Cuban Diplomatic personnel as well as representatives of countries voting in international bodies in favor of Cdba. 1n: sq 1- The. NY. feels that all pertinent data on MARIN concerning his alleged terrorist activities is being reported this case file mentioned above and accordingly the NYC is placing this matter in a closed'status. UACB. The informants useg/ig the enclosed . T-137-S, NY 2 a MM 9714-3. 1 a FEE-FEEL am .5.- I REIL28 a? Bureau Miami (Encl. l) (105- ~22?72) (RM) 1 New York . JFC :msb 4) . 7 r? 1 ITS-011118 (95' .qj?l?gzgx Bond: ularly an the leu?um sow-no . MN. 11, NH 53932 Page 2 . :STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 1 *s 1 RET- New York, New York a b1??b;RhueR?w?1 1 FileNo.? .1 4 MAY 1 21975 Gustavo Bienvenido Marin Duarte, also known as Internal Security - Gaga NY T- 1, a Cuban exile, and currently associated with Gustavo Marin Duarte, advised that he is also an officer of 9:433? _.iberaciog,Naciona1ude Cuba cuban which has claimed r?gg?gv This source describes Marin as the national head ofg1bdalagza a Quban exile youth mgroup with branches in the Europemand Latin_America, and he further indicated ma'in is a school- teacher who lives in New York City. This source also s31stated that Marin is on the Executive Committee of the which was organized in August, 1974 in Miami, Flu sto act as an "umbrella onga?a?a?ag?n t? coordinate the a_ctivities of the different Cuban exile revolutionary organizations in the United tates. NY T- 1 furnished this information in the Fall of 1974 (X .- 111'? F1139 LL. .1 On October 24, 1974, the Miami Herald, an English language newspaper, published daily in Miami, Florida, contained an article stating that the FNC had issued two booklets proclaiming its members as rebels.1 One booklet set forth the rules involving procedures and the other booklet set forth its statutes out1ining the group's organizational scheme and gOals. The FNC preamb1e 1stated- that its members defy all authority and all laws except those coming from the people of 1Cuba. The FNC said it- constitutes an open rebellion against any actions or 1aws iSsued against 1 1 their liberation efforts and disavow any type of authority that does not originate with the Cuban people. . 101111 111? ~Q$%wr ALL I UV On October T-l reported that Abdala lrecently had withdrawn from the FNC and the FLNC beCause of a power struggle. NY T-l said that among the influential 0g, 1Cubans who are members of Abdala who had withdrawn from the 1 FLNC and the PEG and wh01 were then talking about entering intqj? Th1. document contains neiSZer recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your names Lassa; NH 53932 Page 3 AGENCY. INFORMATION Eleased under the Kennedy ssassinatinn Records FBI nllectiun Act of 1992 RECORD [?14 USC 210'? . a3e#:NH 53932 Date: RECORD SERIES: HO 8?18?2017 AGENCY FILE NUMBER: DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC. NK DIRECTOR. FBI TITLE: DATE: 06/20/1975 PAGES: 3 SUBJECT: OBA, FUG, MEETING, ACA, FINANCES DOCUMENT TYPE: ORIGINAL Unclassi?ed CLASSIFICATION: PAPER. TEXTUAL DOCUMENT REVIEW DATE: 05/23/1998 UPDATE DATE: STATUS Redact RESTRICTIONS: JFK Act 6 (4) COMMENTS: INC LHM NH 53932 Page 1 'm/qm r? 7w - 111.111.1111- 1.111.111 - 1 2/ . Alemom ndum - T0 - DIRECTOR, FBI (105?258736) DATE: 6/20/75 FBPM NEWARK (105-62382) (P) HAS NO OBJECTION T0 - - RELEASE 0? CIA INFORMATION SUB ECT. . ACCION CUBANA (AC) 000me (CUBAN ACTION) 7 . IS .. CUBA Jm (I'm 7 (00: MIAMI) i? . Enclosed for the Bureau are nine (9) copies of an LHM setting forth recent information received regarding the a above- -captioned organization, and Dr. ORLANDO BOSCH. dw?E T-l, mentioned in enclosed LHM, is NK 2E . LEAD - '1 NEWA RK AT NEWARK NJ: Will maintain contact with NK 57 5 PSI .. for any develOpments. regarding ACCION CUBANA (AC) (CUBAN CTION), and determine whether or not__NK 775- PSI will travel to the next meeting in Santiago5-?th RENEW Wig/[fail it?? 1 EE Clas a 1.11 . .1 Declass?y 7 DEE IF . - Elsa/3E U5 Tn CIA, I . 1 - . Wot-3501. 2 (Eggx?cb N9 WWte 1 4 111%: REC-59 0 "96 5/ 731411 2. fBureau (Enc_. 9y 1 ??is 1 2 1 Miami (Enc. 2) 'Q?b - New York (Enc. 1) (Info) 6p 3 ewark 1 - - "copi 1 1 Gash-4340A M119 414041014 .1, (8) f0)" at .1 3 PIS-CA r56 14:] by 1 1 (SE38 Eufjlm 612011115351}. *i a} JU 27 1975 17?90) Bay . Saving Bond; Regularly an the Payroll Saving: Plan 5? 1 NH 53932 Page 2 NH 53932 .resides in Miami, Florida.? NK T-l stated that he was'recently' the next couple of weeks in Santiago. Chile. ACCION CUBANA (Agl NK T-l advised that the representative of Dr; Bosch in the United States*at the present time is Miguel Iza, who to Miami, where he conferred witthiguel Iza, and learned about the recent AC meeting in Santiago. Chile, and he was advised that he Was invited, by Iza, to accompany them to the next meeting, which is tentatively scheduled to take place within The above information in except where otherwise noted. DucId:32306401 Page 3 AGENCY INFORMATION - Eleased under the John AGENCY: FBI - 1 33a331nat10n Recurda RECORD NUMBER: 124-10290-10045 Cullectinn Act of 1992 RECORD HO I144 USC 210'? . . a3e#:NH 53932 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105-282293-1? DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC. NK DIRECTOR. FBI TITLE: DATE: 04/18/1975 PAGES: 2 SUBJECT: OBA, ACA, FINANCES, ASSOC, RCK, PHOTO, BKG, RES DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER. TEXTUAL DOCUMENT MAL Unclassi?ed CLASSIFICATION: . CLASSIFICATION: REVIEW DATE: 05/23/1998 UPDATE DATE: STATUS Redact RESTRICTIONS: JFK Act 6 (4) COMMENTS: NH 53932 Page 1 OPTIONAL FORM No.10 JULY 1973 EDITION GSA FPMR (41 CFR) 101- 11.6 UNITED STATES G09: RNMENT - _7 - FROM SUBJECT 2 5/25 .Izv'A/p at 501 04 lo [Memorandum DIRECTOR, FBI SAC (105-3378H) (P) ALFREDO MAR-R DB IS CUBA 3- ?3591959 (975;, a: 15.7.--. On 2/20/75, information was received from NK 5007- that ALFREDO MARRERO, a Cuban, age middle fifties, who resides in eth, NJ, is reportedly collecting money for OR 11. BOSCH, the well- known anti Castro activist.) a) 0 Based *pon this information, Newark has instituted investigation to further identify the subject. . A review of Newark indices reflects no further information identifiable with ALFREDO MAREERO. On 3/13/75 Miss PEGGY PHALEN, Records /C1erk, Elizabeth, NJPD, furnished a photograph and arrest card identifiable with ALFREDO MARRERO, SR., who was, arrested by officers of that department on 11/2/71 and charged with Assault and Battery. 1 'This record disclosed the following identifying information concerning ALFREDO MARRERO, SR.: Address: 541 Franklin St. Elizabeth, NJ 1/10 I RR: 9? Rhea/2w 999999 Occupation: Longshoreman; self?e employed Marital Status: mug 3?lviarried mm Elizabeth PD Fingerprint 17152 a! APR 211975 1 A review of the EliZabeth, NJw?f?f?m??ne Directory reflects that telephone number 201 289 0820 is subscribed to by ALFREDO MARRERO, 5H1 Franklin St. Elizabeth, NJ. wark Declass?y g! 1314?4181111) 13?} 5 Saving; Ban Re larly an the Paytoll?awmg; SEC NH 53932 Page 2 _4 . w; 1 ._1-A1_a1 NK 105-3378u On 3/17/75, US Post Office Superintendent HACKETT, Elizabeth, NJ Sub Station, verified that ALFREDO MARRERO currently res_ides at 5H1 Franklin St. Elizabeth, NJ. On 3/17/75, NK 5173? advised that ALFREDO MARRERO operates the Cabaret Capri, Elizabeth, NJ, but could furnish no further information at this time concerning any BOSCH fund raising activities on the part of MARRERO. LEADS NEWARK 4; AT NEWARK, NJ: Will continueinvestigation. 3. NH 53932 Page 3 AGENCY AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10290-10046 RECORD SERIES: - HO AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105?282293?3 FROM: PAGES: DOCUMENT TYPE: ORIGINAL CLASSIFICATION: REVIEW DATE: STATUS COMMENTS: NH 53932- DATE: DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR: FBI SAC. NK DIRECTOR. FBI TITLE: 08/22/1975 4 PAPER. TEXTUAL DOCUMENT Eleased under the John Kennedy Eaassinatinn Recurda allectinn Act of 1992 (44 USC 219? Note]. a3e#:NH 53932 Date: 9?19?2919 SUBJECT: OBA, ACA, FINANCES, INTV, MARRERO, ALFRED, BKG, DESCR UnCIaSSi??ed EEIYSSIFICATION: 05/23/1998 - UPDATE DATE: Redact RESTRICTIONS: JFK Act 6 (4) INC LHM Page 1 . . OPTIONAL FORM No.10 . .7 ,1 0 JULY 1973 EDITION GSA FPMR CFRI 10141.6 M. "iyn/ a - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT . 3 Memorandum DIRECTOR, FBI (105? 282293) DATE: 8/22/75 SAC, NEWARK ALFREDO MARRERO Mm {may 31 53 IS CUBA - q;JVp 3 3% OBJECTION T0 NeWark letter tO the BUreau, dated 6/26/75, 3153131 captioned as above (Bnelosed for the Bureau are five (5) copies of Zen LHM dated and captioned as above, containing an interview of the subject. - in the enclosed LHM is NR 5007- SJK Sub ejt was interviewed by SA LAWRENCE M. EGAN and SA FERNANDO E. MATA. . Throughout the _interview, subject displayed a very . cooperative att-itude and agreed to assist the FBI in matters pertinent to the Cuban Field. In view of the subject' 8 w-illingness to meet again with interviewing agents,_ should they require assistance in matter relating to the Cuban Field, Newark is closing inVestigation under the 105 classification and will open a new 134 regarding MARRERO while further assessing and developing his source potential. ALL 'V?mv CONTAINED 33.33111?3313 .. 11111;; EXEMPT FROM GENERAL 2 ureau (Enc. - US Tlg? A 2.3 - ewark 3?38. LME/jmb - (3) 3 Amaze-x. 1w4=r5m= mm Alisaae a ?h . . ?1 5010-1") NH 53932 Page 2 AGENCY: RECORD NUMBER: RECORD SERIES: AGENCY INFORMATION Eleased under the John Kennedy FBI asassinatinn Records 124'10290'10058 DllECt-iljn Elf 1992 [94 HE: 210? Note]. H0 53932 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR105-289449-1 DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: ROSS. ROBERT G. DIRECTOR. FBI TITLE: DATE: 08/11/1975 PAGES: 2 SUBJECT: OBA, ASSOC, ACA, CONSPR, BOMBING DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER. TEXTUAL DOCUMENT Unclassi?ed CLASSIFICATION: CLASSIFICATION: REVIEW DATE: 05/26/1998 UPDATE DATE: STATUS Redact RESTRICTIONS: Consultation JFK Act6 (4) COMMENTS: NH 53932 Page 1 .EDFFAFAUFEAU OF WGFT . 7 .. .3 W35 REPORTING OFFICE FIFFI PERIOD 0? 1 1 1975 Ag: . g] . 2'21qu 0:452 14. -- Hector "Fabian hector? . Hector REPORT MADE BY ROBERT G: F033 CHARACTER OF CASE MW AMI FOR INFO -AT MFAFI, 71. w111_ 2. . .- 1" Dei A.Korontjis TO MAG-2, CIA, SS FLORIDA Upon recFipt of results of investiga tion .. re?interviFw HECTOR FABIAIT and. Hm?: . LEADS ., WW . Ff daeqqg? i i 2:2? 3 by {a copy 11A 30% . ?5453?! ?rW .. .- pl- 'I-v 5.5 \5 my: ?,png?sz 2F 2. 937' S: is AFCOMPLAHMENTS CLAEMED . 31.; E53 NONE [fining [?x-U33. FINES 5 ?V-curi- . I .. V. .. PENDING ROVED 47/ f4 SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE OVER SIX MONTHS DO NOT WRITE IN SPACIES 351.0?: 46H 44 10 MADE: Burefa A I '105'22932 ?105? 23aF 3 - 11:05? 2275 134-254 3} 2 LT. IV) 2 (7514/ in am 1 3? Ag?zncy DEC ?9?37? .. ?1 ?Ur {x T1 373m: . -11- v1.4 is: emjnofion Recon} of APa'Qhed Report g3 .?chucst Recd. it Date fwd; 1151:: W: 3.1513455; a F. How Fwd._ fer ravia?w at by 330A 1?83 7L?re$ues x5338 . (3 ea Bufile #82 -11729 1L R, A EA 30E012WF NH 53932 Page 2 COVER PAGE . -: . JFK Assassination System Date: 4/ 14/201 Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10290-10066 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 97-4196-9-113, 115 Docum ent Infonnati on ORIGINATOR: FBI . FROM: KELLERMEYER, PAUL H. TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: Eloasool under the John F. Kennedy ssassination Records Collection of 1992 [44 US: 2 10'? Note] . 03/06/1963 54453 Date: 10?12?201? PAGES: 42 SUBJECTS CC, FPCC, CG, MEMBERS, ASSOC, MEETINGS, FINANCES, SWP DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 09/09/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC RPT DucId:32306426 Page 1 1 63569.9. 9-1-59Ml. .FEDERAL. QF . OFFICE or . mam-.2919 . 4 2/6 25/63 (K TITLE OF MADE BY ?3 5r: H. KEILERMEYER PLAY FOR CUBA CHARACTER or CASE m? 11117151033. - i; . - CUBA g; ms 9.- DATE 0 . 3 REFERENCE: Report of SA H. dated 11/30/Ines 9. . If?: pal: - muss. .. .E. t. :5 . as, CHICAGO mm m: 9?7 Waterman 9: 31ng 59 AT CHI GO ILLINOIS. Follow =93;ij f; activities of gaming? Qhapter of the Fair Play for 35m Cuba Committee) Iwith a View ,toward obtainingveg?mme. indicatlh? '?'foiatmn of the Registration Act?: .3. m- mumDEG. n99 01"? 90X 0?95?? . 3 fame?mtg- the apparm'ackZC-of' Fai?' Play ?f6'r '9th - .. Cuba Committee activigtges in the Chi'cago area, hereafter reports will be six month basis .9 f1 11'} . - 1 1'14 ri?e: (231' 3'0. 311.3 fin-i. LEE-1 ?18 E?Et'l 550- hi'? i . . tr g. Ijom 31 if: .mm -9- MADE: 14911.: '12; ft a: 3-3 no. 1;:m 4. (.th v.11. I 9 - Bur-egg. 794196 aim) 764/ Chicago (RM) .. INS, Chicago (RM) 0N1, Chicago (RM) '3 MARE-48 081: Chicago (RM) A. 7963 j? - New York (97?1792) (EMMY: rr (1 ?ff-l: f} great-h?; I '9 - ChiCa (100- 37454) x. (1 - 00- 38093.)? . -- RECORD OF ATTACHEB 13" NOTATIDNS "mow 999-993;: ?99151:? 93:12:29.5 5.5: ?3519 I NFORHA 110~va mum: snow?: .. 0.5. GOVIRNIEHT PRINTING OFFICE 13?75324-1 . l. 9? NH 54463 Page 2 u. 1 a- d? 1? ?i uz? ?43115.9m, - . 75 2 55?; A NATE NOHTIONS HEREIN Foamy; mac-Finawm. 1 14:5;- ?mam to Sg SELECT H3392 53150:: 570M MI ?is? (.N Encg Ac Hora DEL-E?ffdg THAN As REJRESENTED av rams-:4gu-wmv rm. a my: a MADE. FOR .u 4.5: 5: 551?16235? ?50. Hf'u". ACC M15 {hue Dn-rF DEL. DATE H1- an; 3:13:33: run-many: as; Lani-x r- 3.55%: Mac; rum-newt) I IT A15- TO or was in 15491393: as MINCAI- falEE cw FOR ham?. LCUUJEN .U DELIVERY TO DEPTH $25 H3 FORM IN HIGH FURNISHED TDIEPL I I - I: t?x-Ju54463 Page 3 u'r a A copy of th in?: made available to G-2, INFORMANTS Source This report is classif?ed confidenti as it contains informatio instruc i? ?letter to New York dated March 30, 1961. for the Immigration and Natu i? Chicago, in View of their in as set forth in INS letter One copy of the 4 of the attached report. g6 army?) ('40 . a1 inasmuch unauthorized disclosure in theidentification tinuing value and uses. port are being designated tions contained in Bureau is report is being designated ralization Service (INS), terest in this organization ated February 20, 1963. letterhead memorandum has been 0N1, and 081 in Chicago with copies ?92222 Characterization of ROBERTA BRUCE A 34?1635?3-53 .60 ?4o Characterization of HOWARD PACKER Characterization of GAYLORD MC DOWELL NH 54463 Page ?1 a H.) CG 100 -3 7454 (cont'd.) -S Characterization ISADORE "?h?g??aaii?f?la4-1338?24e ?254 .f E- gag-59-3% mug) Characterization of - . 1 ROBERT KOESTER Characterization of HENRY GARCIA -357 d. ?358. .. . I 1?8 Characterization of MARC IA STARR . _5 Characterization of - S) SHIRLEY FREUNDLICH ?Ha CG a to 1973 .4: - . a @334 4.-1471 9 .. NH 54463 Page 5 53:19}- 1 g. REAU OF INV ?:3Tl . .. IREPORTING OFFICE OFFICE OF ORIGIN INVESTIGATIVE I00 CHICAGO 3/23 30/63 ITLE OF CASE REPORT MADE BY TYPED BY PAUL . H. KELLERMEYER . PLAY FOR CUBA COMMITTEE ?g CHICAGO DIVISION CHARACTER OF CASE IS REGISTRATION ACT CUBA Report of SA PAUL H. KELLERMEYER dated 3/6/63 at Chicago. "?&&quwx 151.1" REFERENCE: LEAD ..- ?r (7'AJarf-ixu {Jar CHICAQQ mu. Follow and report the activities of the'ChIcaEe Chapter of the Fair*P1ay for. Cuba Commitxee 41th a visu_toward obtaining ev1w_dence indicating lation of the Registration Act. m,.1 22?1" Iii" ox --. 55.2.1 13:. 23:21 2 ?:218 4- train?? .. r-W 3+4 3" 9"ch imcll??lira? U?ddf ?55' ?Iv?tvli 'Thi's report is classigied nfidential inasmuch 3 as it contains information from CG T21 through CG 8, the unauthorized disclosure of which could reasonably result in the identif' value? mp/ omise their continuing effectiveness. J/?ipl AGENT .PPROVED IN CHARGE ea: n. 51*; 312' ?"2131: DO NOT WRITE IN SPACES BELOW I ?eag/(QZ- .4146 icago (RM) f7' 4/743" 1 - INS, Chicago (RM) 1 - 0N1, 1 031, Chicago (Ru 2 New York (97 (1 97- 1390) 3 - Chicago (100? -37454) (1 1009380031, NH 54453 nucIu:325u6426 Page's U- PRINTING OFFICE [4 SEP 12 1953 AI SIFIEQ 0N CONT UNCLAS snowy vane .ALLINFORMATI HEREIN I ation of confidential informants of continuing 753 24" I .. 1.- 'is}! I P?rint.?- [1.4 NI I: .-.- . .. - . ri' {if J?J?h'IV: ?Es? .M. My?: - A Ana; H3 AS RE min-mm; L?v . WAS may as MADE FOR 3L: - . m'v - 7- RAKE .LH. .JHJ, . Deg-M3 92:: am ACO CECE .DEL- I 9.1: In. 4. INS-.. FURNWHE i? "43? "faasun- or mm: rum-Jaw . mg my? ,xi-a LEM M50 Emits-EVERY '0 {in - I EL 4% v'lJ: 1-9 - ?H?m DATE, FOR FORM 1N wHacw FURNISHED I. -. .1 ~32. .4 2 a 1- NH 54463 Page 7 . -. cd?100-37454 Two copies of this report are being designated to New YOrk pursuant to instructions contained in Bureau letter to New York dated March 30, 1961. A copy of this report is designated for the {FImmigration and Naturalization Service (INS), Chicago, 5? in View of their interest in this organization as set forth in INS letter dated February 20, 1963. One copy of this report is designated for a. . NH 54463 Page 3 ?of HELEN HESTER 296 1038 C51 or RICHARD CRILEY .of SHIRLEY 836 of GAYLORD of ISADORE WARWA of ROBERT KOESTER. of HENRY GARCIA G-2, ONI, and 081, Chicago, for their information.? INFORMANTS Source Location CG T-l . CG 6166-3 to CG T-2 CG 13153 to . CG - 8 Characterization 5- Characterization FREUNDLICH CG T-4 CG 5933-8 to Characterization MC DOWELL Characterization CG T-5 CG 6259-3 "Characterization Characterization to 440 CG Te6 ??rm CG 6236-8 Characterization Hz - COVER PAGE CG'1oo-37454 Source CS CG 5806-8 CG T-9 Security Section Intelligence Division Bureau of Inapectional Services Chicago Police Department CG T?lo CG 6286?8 CG T?ll CG 6279-3 CG CG 5356-8 CG T-13 . CG 5923-8 CG 14 66?5372?3 CG . NH 54463 Page 9 Ky Location to 173 100?37454-2428 to 402_ Characterization of JOANNE GRANT COVER ,swmc I ushWJuP?m'Wh?mm m; JFK Assassination System Date: 4/ 14/201 Identi?cation Fonn Agency Information . AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10290?10067 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 97-4196-64?43 Document Information ORIGINATOR Bl FROM: SLIGHT, FREDERICK A. TO DIRECTOR, FBI under the John F. Kennedy Records Celleetien at of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. DATE 01/30/1964 54453 Date: 10?12?2017 PAGES 25 SUBJECTS . CC, FPCC, TP, MEMBERS, ASSOC, MEETINGS, FINANCES, CP, DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 09/09/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS EH 54463 Page 1 2 Er?? . . _Tp,97m41 AT TAMPA, FLORIDA .w111_c?htinye_to fol Jorganizaticn. .INFORMANTS Identity, is Tp_27ms I TP is_M. MILLER, 3 .Ybor City Post Office, Tampa,'Florida- is TP 139epsz Tm4 is Tp_37~s is NY 3245:s* Tp_114_s?- Tm? is TP 123 is former MM 483ms - - Tu9 is NY 3467?8 fb T?ll is PH 575~s 5? NH 54463 Page 2 Location 134-2A-298, 299, 300, 302,130? Instant report 15 20, 21 Anonymous Anonymous~f USed in.characterization JOSE ALVAREZ COVER PAGE Used in characterization EMMETT CARTER Used in characterization MC . FARLAND Used i_ Chaf?cteiization CHARLE HINE. . Used in characterization . . . a - - low and_report activit;es of subject era of of of of - ?mum JFK Assassination System Date: 4/ 14/201 Identifi cation Fonn Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10290-10069 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 97-4196~64-40 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SLIGHT, FREDERICK A. TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE eleaeed under the John F. Kennedy seassinatien Records Collection et of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. aee#:NH 54463 Date: 10?12?201? DATE 10/24/1963 PAGES 22 SUBJECTS CC, FPCC, TP, MEMBERS, ASSOC, MEETINGS, TRA, RES, NAACP, CP, FINANCES, TESUR DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 09/09/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS ?%]54463 Page 1 4 ffGary-um.? FIB-253 {Regs-1.5469FEDERAL BUREAU INVESTIGATION ?1 REPORT-1N6 OFFICE fl OFFICEOF W1 A: I I INIVESTIGATIVE PERIOD TAMPA - TAMPA GET 2 4 1953 7/11 10/10/63 5 TITLE or CASE ngba'r MADE av mu av PLAY FOR CUBA COMMITTEE 5 vb AMPA DIVISION CHARACTER OF CASE - r18- tI (/11 REFERENCE: Report of SA FRED331CK WA SLIGHT datIed .. 7/22/63 at TampaLEADS I '1 ITAMPA DIVISION I DR AT TAMPA FLORIDA ?3 wk? ., m: mm: AWN WISH a'wwmv I in Willi-?c WE - tnuam??g 1% 333? {Aw/131.5% LHFB 13' MEBE VVEO Ef?e LMIBHED captioned orglaniz a?tion. MAEEW Eggs. DVLE INFORMANTS vcc: mug Meg'? DVIEI "m --. 1k INFORMANT . 1 ?Weenm?or INFORHATION: {.41er 1:05 :czeex ?gs-1553A QEE f3} ??3399 (220'? 85 119101 (H20 1 is ?91.1.50 Ina HUM r286,? 2885331289 5113' Iowa r4 Vargas waxag QAFNAA W05 WW BE mum-LA 1 I SPECIAL AGENT - CHARGE 3532135?- no uo-r WRITE IN Arm-:55 BELOW COPIES MADE: . Bureau {44196-64} (RM) 917,? 4/ ?gm?eV/v AZ 0 - OSI, Robins AFB, Ga. (RM) um 1 -- 0N1, Charleston, S.C. (RM) 1 INS: Miami, Fla. (R3) 0 12 281963 1 - Ft. (mam 0H i 1 - IINTIC, Orlando?; ?Pp . 2 - pa (97-41af?rm 1% - It" I It Dissa?inutlon Record of Attached Repo?mj 15?? :"No'tutloni 'nestaecd - a . . 5 ISLE): Im . .. I phi? I . ?9Te41 INFORMANT TPformer ME 43315: . TP is NY PAEQINISTRATIVE .cOnteine information from T?l and TP gr: LJ .LOCATION OF INFORMATION Used in characterization of JOSE ALVAREZ - - Used in characterization of CARTER And DOROTHY ENELSCN Esed io_ characterization o1 LILLIAN HC FAELAND This report is being classified continuing value, the when orized disClo could reasonably result in the '?ompromieing their future effectiveness. 1r identification thereby ourcee Of of which Lu) a? The Tampa Office is currently conducting .inveetigation on JOSE SPINDOLA (TP 105u1891) who allegedly wrote the letter from Cuba which was contained peper. CharacterizatiOns of a in the September EPCC Hewe- 11 individuals mentioned in the body of the report __appear in the Gloeeary where sufficient information was avai lable for characterization; COVER PAGE . NH 54463 Page 3 1 ?1 JFK Assassination System Date: Identi? cation Form 4/16/20] Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10290-10087 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 105-77667-NR, 10, 11 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM . TO DIRECTOR, FBI Eleased under the John Kenna :13: asassinatinn Records nllectiun Act of 1992 [44 U5: 21o? Note]. ase#:NH Date: DATE: 04/21/1962 3?13?3917 PAGES 7 SUBJECTS CC, CUBELA, ROLANDO, MIL, CONSPR, OVERTHROW, CUBAN GOVERNMENT, IDENT CHECK, ASSOC, ANTI-BATISTA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 08/31/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM, 2 MEMO i v9.1 54463 DunId:32306441 Page 1 . --. 1F1233 {2-13-55.(Type in plain text or code) 5 (Priority or Method of Mailing) . . L-L Director, FBI (109-12? 210) - L. AA 309? i FILM a \lei? "m i?mln? Wm: LJ TEFrom: SAC, Miami (105?1747) (E) MATTERS CUBA CURITY CUEE ?nk) A) EnclosedwforWth??Bureau are 9 copies of letter? memo suitable for dissemination, containing informatibn furnished by MM 761? S, who is MM -T?l in letterhead memo. $2.11, 321 7 Information copies are designated for New York, i7 Washington Field and San Juan because of their interest in Cuban matters. A p41. Z- ?$14 3% if? f-f feitfgi/J/a . - j?f?o 5E7 - 1/ wBureau RM) Washington Field ?San Juan (Enc- l)(Info)(RM) f? cNew York (Enc 1)(Info)(RM) Miami (2 ?-105? 1747) AA- . (1 134- 379 Sub A) .THEszhCopy to: L: A TL by rou?u- inLg 21:23 {or 11-13 - . .. a r? 1., ,r/jr 3M. 1 3i NH 54463 #4qu of? Am A 77?? ?77 .. :53 Width 1 - ?5 a? . 5f 34;. L1 ORKHMAELL.W ggiE'vv Er ,h4 Lf/ AgApproved 0R LETTER Sn. NT . A Special Agent in Ch-crgej" E. -. 57 DunId:32306441 Page 2 1 - - .3.- OWIONAL FORM no.1o ?lms <3 35 ENT (A 025 emom..wwm Director, FBI (1-133at Paris'TmmE' 6/7/62 1 Legat, Bern 105- -7) at, Madri (109 20)) 33C Miami (109- . .3 .1 ?77 1 ROLANDO L. FPM CUBA a??i?gkgu 3.415% grif?n: Reference Miami airtel to Bureau 4/21/ 2 titled POLIT AL MATTERS- CUBA: INTERNAL SECURITY - CUBA, and gat, Nadri letter to Bureau 5/10/62 titled as above. On June 4,1962 MM 761 advised that infor? matiOn concerning CUBELA was received by him from LUCY ECHEVARRIA DE who resides in the vicinity of 60th Court and N. W. First Street. The information is received by her from membersgof the ECHEVARRIA family, 3 parents, nu?dbawuw?gaare in contact with CUBELA there.33CUBELArwas a-vegy.close friend of JOSE ANTONIO one?fime?head of the Directorio a?iginalianti-BATISTA organization. I a: mag "?13.33. ?l 11kt? ELLE E: or ing to informgtion received through if? ti ve gourd?sh?CUEELAahas not changed his mind e- 1 qng?thz3pe?cern1ng?his d?sire to leawe13 55:51 trial and the mat ter of the trial is a main diet of con- j: 35 00 t3 versation in the Cuban exile colony in Miami. It is 4; a; felt that an analaysis at this time. of the possible a 33 outcome of the trial, as ?viewed by three Cuban experts gun a: 3.5 on the matter, may. be of interest to the Bureau and to ?g Fig other rbenches of the United'States government. - 3? 0 Copies are disseminated locally due to the 3 \35 interest of INS and CIA?jL/ 2 i Bus. (Encls".f - 4 - Iiami (2-105- 171:; ab A) 1-1346 SSub . 3 I ENCLOSUBE -l34g128- Sub A) 44;" 2: (1- -100- -13077) magma 54463 Page 2 JFK Assassination System I Date: 4/ 16/201 Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10290-10091 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105?78205-138 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, NY TO DIRECTOR, FBI under the Jenn Kennedy elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC Nete]. SQEES Date: TITLE DATE: 09/28/1965 PAGES 2 SUBJECTS . CC, CUBELA, ROLANDO, BKG, CORRESPONDENCE, ASSOC DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 08/31/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS v91 7 NH 54463 DueId:32306451 Page 1 Dam: 9/28/65 1m wintexc or (003645.55 .5. 5?75. 1-3 O. ~r 5355?; Ir?w; - . .5 5. . ("wk . .1 i ?H-l 1 5" FROM: . 3110,1131}: 5 5, AUL .IS CUBA SUBJECT: ,ReNYtel 27 65,. captioned?ZCuban Mission to ?as! grime? 33? . {55 BA -: {gig ?s gig 1 MM761 advised on 9/27/65, that on instant date 15,3 he attempted to see a friend, CARLOS TEPEDINO, a jeweler, ~-31 West 47th Street, NYC, who, according to the Sou.rce5 is in contact With CIA, bu.t learned that TEPEDINO had . departed for Italy on S?gday evening, 9/26/65. TEPEDINO's gm, *9 5 father told source gat ARTA JIMENEZ (a member of the RCA Delegation to the called and said she ha.d a letters-5 and some cigars for from ROLANDO (CUBELA). Sou.rce 5 - explained that CUBELA was a former "commondante" and a former student leader at the University of Havana who in? the past while in EurOpe had been in contact with CIA. On 9/23/65, MM 761- advised 1 a (3rd Secretary) from the Cuban Mission to th unidentified male delivered the aforementioned oi ars and 3 ?5letter to TEPEDINO, SR. on the afternoon 0 5,at which time source was present. . He no in ca.sua13 g; conversation he "learned" that he??oreign Minister was in New York and would?ddress the UN Gene_ 5' . 77559:? 3 11 5 >1 271.3%31: fads afar-y/Ig' Unw- We 1 MRECORDEU COPY FILEDI 5 6s: tam: 5; 44-3 5? i 3 Bureau .1: Miami??lOEQ 252Ms? . New rk QaQi (i Eds 2. t1 #1 is.? 1' WK 0 W?Special Agegt in Charge?. 11?? 54463 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 4/ 16/201 Identi?cation Form Agency lnfonnati on AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10290?1?0096 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 105-77667-5 Document Infonnation ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: LEG, HAVANA TO DIRECTOR, FBI under the John Kennedy Records elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. 54%53 Date: TITLE DATE 07/09/1959 PAGES: 5 .t SUBJECTS: CC, SECADES, ROLANDO L. CUBELA Y, MIL, LEADERS, BKG, TRA, ASSOC DOCWENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 08/31/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFWITE COMMENTS INC LHM v9.1 8 NH 54463 DueId:32306456 Page 1 . 4 ?w 1 .2 A 4-) STANDARD FORM NO. 64 O?iIc? {to 'Director, FBI I 99 _1 DATE: July 9: 1959' l?iegal Attache, Havan (64?806) SUBJECT: ROLANDO CUBELA SECADES FPM - CUBA Enclosed are eight copies of a letterhead memorandum on abovewcaptiOned subject, dated July 9,1959,and eight copies of a memorandum valuatin sources set forth therein. 1? 396(9) <3 . i .4 5 45445REFERENCE Legal Att he, Madrid, letters June 18,195929,1959 an Pr ng ADMINISTRATIVE DATA I I . gijzaig 4.3 39'4? ?mi If No dissemination has been made locally inas uch as c? ?gs 9-23.44! 4 enclosed information is known to Embassy, Havana. (K 349 @?gc?g 4 Legal Attache, Havana, was informed by LOREN i% 33/ RSAL, former July commander who is engagedm 1n cougter? 4 revolgt1onarxmacgivities against the present?ggpan Government, W7 4 ?that CUBELA is also presently engaged in counter-revolutionary 9 Extra copies of this letter and enclosed memoranda ar? forwarded to the Bureau for the attention :34 .. r5 egg; 'm?consideration has been giVen to sources con? Were uti?ized only where identities of :ealed. 994m 129?? 94 4/ 4.434? 4L3 rana Station of 4, 4 23"?ng1 \N44 inasmuch aEE:t? reflects investigation on part Ham (4 9 34:44 4444 .44 4 - Bureau (Enc. adrid 4 Lu. JT 9% JUL 211959? NH 54463 Page 2 1? 4. JFK Assassination System Date: 4/ 16/201 Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10290-10102 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 105?77667-20 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI Eleased under the Kennedy saassinatinn Recurda nllectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. a3e#:NH 54%53 Date: TITLE 0?12?2017 DATE: 10/11/1963 PAGES 1 SUBJECTS CC, SECADES, ROLANDO L. CUBELA Y, TRA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 08/31/1998 OPENING CRITERIA IN DEFINITE COMMENTS v91 I2 NH 54463 Page 1 M) Copy to "quai QUE mm; 3 by 10 slink}? action 720 13 ?Hf? 31:11:1135 01"Men/10m min ?3 To 1 Director, FBI (105- -7 67) DATE: 10/11/63 5 ?lam (109471)?) (:11 111 11111 SUBJ T: ROLANDO L. CUBELA .y SECADES IS CUBA 1 5 (00: Miami) 5: 51' U1 e111ylet 9/11/62. <11 ctober 10, advised thatEARLos was stil1 working for CIA, but was disgusted with CIA because they had not done What they had stated th would do when they approached him in the first place. TEPEDINO also stated 1 subject had made a trip to Porto Alegre, Brazil, and had re- 1-5 turned. to Cuba, Eahere he still was being operated 113%:ij The above is for information of the Bursa ad is not being submitted in form suitable for disseminatlr 11 since this is a CIA operation and, also, dissemination 111?131 ,3 lead to disclosure of I?m?761- S. - Bureau (RM) @3153de $449 - Miami 1 ef?gy??! THEm-g-h 5 . 1% Ons?i??xT?Qu-i 5?3: .1 4? - 5111 1111'5? 1 - . 1. Qidwig-b 15 1?1 \xw - :3 oc1141953 pa 1 NH 54463 Page 2 - JFKAS ASSINA S43 3 IDE, Ag;- AGENCY INFORMATION AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10290-10132 RECORD SERIES: HO AGENCY 105-130460-23 eleased under the Jehn F. Kennedy Assassination Celleetien Act af 1992 [44 USC 210? Nate}. Sase#:NH 54045 Date: DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: HURLEY, JOHN D. JR. 3 DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 09/3 0/ 1 964 PAGES: 16 SUBJECT: OPE, REL, EMP, RCK DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT ORIGINAL . . NEW CLASSIFICATION: con?dentlal CLASSIFICATION: REVIEW DATE: 08/06/1996 UPDATE DATE: STATUS Redact RESTRICTIONS: JFK Act 6 (4) COMMENTS: NH 54046 Page 1 ff, fn? Fo-zea (an. 5-1-59) BUREAU OF .1 I magnum REPORTING ornca OFFICE or omem PERIOD NEW YORK NEW ORLEANS 9/30/61TITLE OF CASE av ORES 1 RT PENA, aka REFERENCES: of SA HARREH c. to N0, 8/31/6u. to Bu, silo/an. of 85 WARREN c. NOrep HMlet ?Olet NOrep NYairtel to Bu, 9/2u/5u. ADMINISTRATIVE: Distribution to Bureau and 00 of copies of this report is the same as utilized in the OSWALD case, due to the fact . that prior communications indicate this method of dissemination . TYPED av JP. Lay, CHARACTER OF CASE IS CUBA 26kg CEASSPFIE BY DECLASSEFY ON: 25x DE BRUEYS, 7/17/su. DE BRUEYS, 9/18/6?. IJNHECORDED COPY FILED IN 5?5?5- was used. ALL I: CONTAINED . HEREIN UNCLASSIFIED EXCEP: WHERE ssowz: OTHERWISE. amov?n 5 WRITE IN SPACES BELOW COPIES IgnazBureau (R54) ?t /30 REC 3 "-543? (l - 105-82555) (OSV-IALD) - \1 - Atlanta 1 if. - Dallas 3 OCT 1 1954 31 (1 - 100-10H61) 1 - Miami -- St. Louis (Info. New York (165-68686) Dluominmlon Record of Attached Rgporl 1 Notation A 0/ Am" Request Reed. I (asu- gig-ti . 1f?; Du" Fwd' . 1 4/ Jar/7'4 . Date.-- 4.42 .. .4. - mm.? 1m gd?mmn?i 7E HULH I I - HIIHII1H1954 . NH 54046 036 c) T?y?ym+sl NY 4513 . NY 105?63555 FEDRO GONGORA Former Secretary of "La Rosa Blanca" @468 NY nun -s 5% NY 3467-8 ulls-s WI ?4 9/175u 9/17/6? 3/21/84 9/22/84 a) JDHH D. VINCENT MAURICE JOHN E. C. DALE G. MARGE H. LAUZIERE SCHWANT Since no further leads remain outstanding 1n the NYO, this case will be considered RUC. Page 3 cong PAGE vM?W?h- 5 {Hen 5-1-59} e. of; .. k??le . BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION OFFICE OFFICE OF DATE INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD - NEW YORK NEW ORLEANS 9/30/6h 8/17 - 9/22/5k TITLE OF CASE mum av ween-v JOHN D. HURLEY. Jr. OREST PENA. - CHARACTER OF CASE l/ . . 6? Blassme? - Jilly IS - CUBA luv-Hm}; :ggq . a 1- NOrep of SA C. DE BRUEYS, 7/17/6u. MMlet to NC, NOlet to Bu, 9/10/59. NOrep of SA WARREN c. DE BRUEYS, 9/18/5u. NYairtel to Bu, 9/2k/64. I, r-n RUC . TIML ADMINISTRATIVE: - Distribution to Bureau and 00 of coPies of this report .is the same as utilized in the OSJALD case, due to the fact that prior communications indicate this method of dissemination was used. I van no NOT WRITE IN spaces cones pupa: 1? Bureau (RM) 1. (1 - 105-32555) (OSWALD) - Atlanta - Dallas (l - 100-10H61) 1 - Miami 1 - St. Louis . 1 - New York (135?58556) LCOPIES Disseminatlen Record of Amehed Report Notations Agency Request Reed. Date Fwd. I 'y HOW BY NH 54046 Page my 105-68556 INFOREWJTS INFORMANT PEDRO PEEA GONGORA Former Secretary of "La Rosa Blanca" C) NY C468 3 NY 336:?? NY 3467w8 NY 4115-3 DATE OF CONTACT 9/21f6H 9/21/64 9/22/6u . JOHN D. VIECENT MAURICE JOHH E. If C. DALE J. E. HURLEY, JR. 8. MERGER HAMMETT HAGY Since no further leads remain outstanding in the NYC, this case will be considered RUC. CAVE PAGE NH 54046 Page 5 h. LAUZIERE JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/4/2015 Agency Information ,4 AGENCY FBI . RECORD NUMBER 124-1029040142 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER i 100-339235-211 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: DIRECTOR, FBI TO . Eleased under the TITLE KE TITLE :15: saassinatinn Recurda nllectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. DATE: 1mQ7n964 ase#:NH 54454 Date: SUBJECTS A NCK DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 08/17/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE EBF, INC FOLDER, INDEX CARD, DATE LOCATED ON PAGE 4 I COMMENTS 3 I v91 233 NH 54454 DunId:32306502 Page 1 35911 1.9915155 EH . [fig/?7 9? 652;? gig/Cc . . 791 103%" 2:7ij 372/ ?97% if?, 9 {mew' 1W jg)? 298% I >903 I fr . I {Tiff/1 5- 3f - Tr??qw 3.1 jig}; 1? \f f9 j. kw? imam Tm (5596/75/15 37 . ,4 ?7/Jml}. Mu ?aw 1/ 7 .lir. 7 ?f x?V nyJJfew Zif/5?? f/fZ/zf[muff iftilt-1' ?11" 44) ?45" 3751/ 35> mg ROY Ava/441% i 7;?64 m, HH 54464 Page 3 . 4 7?3; 111.253 jff?ifi-Ij QJS/bo?f 5:588 417/ /5 AM ?gJ-aJ/w . .. 9?73 Jed JJ NH 54464 Page 4 fa If?. 1 .4 h" Ir up?, {$94153}. 4/213; 5,3735," . - r? Isl-Wight . 4.5720945? i? ?f v7; - gig/weed ENE 5/ 735?ng {54;4254 EV r919222232 avg/x 5 {fa . @5143! W: 7f?- {425-7 ijii/ n??L/K/f 57i/?/K??a?ld? . . 03. i 7: F?cfi NH 54464 Page 5 a ,0 . . A 4/1/94 fat?: .2 A: $677)? 1/64/4514 5.39 ?Vi?gfg? 505%.: I I 0" if?? . I ~57 947291 A pg: ROY Eu AIZJVAT . >e 7 393 ROY 5,751 53:51:53? . A. 913.: mi VZC 44454 575/? {/17 drum a 4r r? 1?51? E?W?gf?f Mi AA A - - {@14an 0 MW Cf (fad/AI a? - 3353?? i F51, m; ?if? 4 (?wa '5 Mr] NH 54464 Page 6 Dgsyo? 222517592 {/22?22/?4 2225/?; - Mi Law/jzg/ 2 MMWJ ??222f?fyj 2 52/25 712/ 2m. $L/w #222427797/ 2 222577172145? 5 ?3151 5?22 jg; 2- 53%2342 NH 54464 Page .L?rf 471417 vi: . ?if, 7/92 7/3/5101?; :1 7,2211: 07?. Kg. Jam: r4: - Jag/M, 777?? 7/7/747? 9mg 447 77.7 7/7; (:72 7 (W 775/951?; ~77. vw/yM/aw :j 1/1/74? 13%? .19 1.795.471,? 7 /f A 77? - 575/5 77 1/47/17 01/75777ng 7.575 Mg.) Fl?'jf? M4, 45:74/? 7775/ 5/517?, /,77 ,g/gu/J ?524? :7 71,? 7 I (72/4 @249 ?34/ 7.5777 $3654? 7497:5775; 77 777/ 774777?: J?fi/?w .gtw - %30/ "7427 52,2 it?? 3/5/77/43/734755 i \Ili45744:772/522 349 NH 54464 Page 3 a I . 15556555 aw @717 if: 5*fo C71: ?7753-215. . Iglj/l/Vqu/[I - .t 6/ 2,4" f. fI,\ I I EfoI A $4,947: f' gang/fam/Q 55/577. ?5 71/535575 waif/.5575) an; 5.12. 93541! 51: 5:23: 424 /64/ 5? Hf 121/3; 7 5,5 r7 may/?n j??TiM/zzk {r 'j I 4 W, TROY ?JV??cf 55 #555,55- 5 5 5 55 MW ?5514/ 55 ,5 5/ I5 egg/j??51/5055ny 59'5"? 5? 7/ Jig/fwj-? ifr/? 25,5545) mag/1- ?011 lp/?W?wz' lid ?:37 f?If?i?I?I \f?I/j (r 44 NH 54464 Page 9 JFK Assassination System I Date: 5/7/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Information lease-:1 under the John AGENCY FBI - KennedF RECORDNUMBER: 124-10290-10162 33333111331011 333013213 allectinn Act of 1992 [44 HE: 210? Note]. a3e#:NH 54%60 Date: 0?03?2017 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 64-37367-1, 2, 3, IST NR 3 Document InfOrmati on 4 ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: LEG, HAVANA TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE 11/05/1954 PAGES 8 SUBJECTS MDL, ARRESTED, EXPORT GUNS, ASSOC, VALDES, LORENZO PARDO Y, ACT, NCK DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unglassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 2 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/19/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC 8/8, 3 MEMO, ADMIN PAGE v9.1 - 1 NH 54461] Page 1 "c?sLA'rl?1V l1?? 5446i] Page 2 headed bv PRIO exiled former President 9f STANDARD FORM no 64 I j? O?w Memorandum UNITED TO r?v" ., Sir? star FROM fbl/ MW {51 1?;19; SUBJECT. Rig I I A LORmiuxL{\ RR: 6, RR 7 ,4 13-4 -51; UC: %ng ?Ru: "it. $53.1. ., 1 a RRLR ?abulat gj 331% am LRRKEURD UL Sa Customg Investigatalg MiiL adviaed an December 13? 1954 that had been active prier RR his arrest RR Cuba in Marcia; in procuring guns on hem . half of NRRC _who was arrested by Customs for conspiraav ?xl Rte illegall Ly 9 port gun Rfrom the United States for a. graup @f said that PRRBO same diffiaulty ?with th R10 graRp and them began working far the grcup~LRd by who never really trusted him: During that Lima PARPU pracured four gr five Rel Si Un 153 195L, mMa?Rngze? agviged that prjer to his arrest in Saba PRRBO had been acLiRR in buying guns in Miami for- the PRID group and Later swibched LR the UCHQR gram}; He said that unsucc?ssfully attempted. LR some RRXR of protection fram NRRV Cgban Sansul in Miami; $5 and for this reasan PARBQ is Raw suspacted by the iniad Cubans in Miami of being a ?stool pigeon? . Miami files contain no additidnal ertinent informam Lion concerning RARRO. In View of this information, it is not re?cmmand?d .Rg? that PARDG be appreached for the purposa of develeping hizn RS ?Rig a canfidentiRl source . A RAJ R: mama?: cam Rgig . . ggxan_ gawg anL G??zamc hegas: San Juan? f?jm ,Rw Li. 3R l.cc: Legal Attache, Cuba {via Bureau}?RRLL} - 3 8? . a3 :35] :He/ :1 30-: ?f 31:5?? i? 1? Bae/?N' 1 L?zhE3?iqM ?m . Rama - RR Lam AGENCY INFORMATION Eleased under the John . Kennedy ssassinatiun Records FBI Ollectiun Act Of 1992 RECORD NUMBER: 124?1029140031 [44 USC 21:17 Note]. RECORD SERIES: Ho $331231?? Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: INFORMATION ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC. MM DIRECTOR. FBI 0 DATE: 12/05/1975 PAGES: 3 SUBJECT: OBA, ASSOC, SOSA, AGUSTIN ARMANDO RODRIGUEZ, DESCR, AFFIL, ACCION CUBANA, ACA DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER. TEXTUAL DOCUMENT ORIGINAL Uncla i? NEW CLASSIFICATION: SS 3 CLASSIFICATION: REVIEW DATE: 07/07/1998 1 UPDATE DATE: STATUS RedaCt RESTRICTIONS: JFK Act 6 (4) COMMENTS: INC LHM NH 53932 Page 1 NH 53932 7 omowu. rem NL. 10 1 MAY 1:25: 3? gig-5;; an 141cm Int-11:1 . PW "11.1 5 SUB ?y 'around. y: 'lld Bureau (Encl. - Miami AGUSTIN ARMANDO SOSA aka IS- CUBA (00: MIAMI) Re Miami LHM dated 4/30/69. 1111131311111 {3771 Enclosed for the Bureau are nine (9) copies of an LHM. One copy is being disseminated locally to INS, Miami.? MM 1?1 is 1337 s. Interview of ARMANDO SOSA revealed he has been s?ck? for over one year, unable to work and has difficulty getti . In view of the above, no further investigation of SOSA is warranted at this time. The enclosed LHM is classified in order 15% to protect a Miami source of continuing value. 51$ ?111011111111110113 1035 I SLINS) 0F 0111:. 4410?) 0353 041(qag 5E??_uu? weft?) 0C:mrz (3) GTI ONTAXEED . ?3 516$? H.113 .fV 015111.; I 1 197%? U. 541227ng Bond: Regularly on the Payroll Savings Plan- (.1, 1,1- \e 63 Q9 - a Dqud:32306391 Page 2 AGENCY INFORMATION AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-1029140033 RECORD SERIES: HO AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105-147810-130 DOCUMENT TYPE: ORIGINAL CLASSIFICATION: REVIEW DATE: STATUS . COMMENTS: NH 53932 SUBJECT: Eleased under the John Kennedy ssassinatiun Recurds allectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 219? Note]. ase#:NH 53932 Date: DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR: FROM: SAC. MM DIRECTOR. FBI DATE: 01/09/1976 PAGES: 17 OBA, ASSOC, DOMINGUEZ, RAMON DONESTEVEZ, CUBAN EXILES, TRA, CUBA, REQ, RELEASE, POLIT, PRISONERS PAPER. TEXTUAL DOCUMENT Unclassi?ed 07/07/1998 Redact RESTRICTIONSADMIN PAGES, LHM Page 1 NEW CLASSIFICATION: UPDATE DATE: NH 53932 Page 2 is MM 2960-S. 18$;th I . INFORMANTS MM MM 18154032-PSI. 1111111 ?rev. 11mm53932 UNITED STATES OF JUSTICE FEDERAL 111111121111 011Nv12s'1loxrrorv WASHINGTON. D.C. 20535 9 1975 Director in Reply, Picase Reier to niterl States Semet Serxice File No. 105?1478370? Department of the lreasuty Washington, D. (X 20220 I RIC: DOMINGUEZ INTERNAE SECURITY - CUBA Dear Sir: The information furnished herewith concerns an individual or organization believed to be covered by the agreement between the FBI and Secret Service concerning protective responsibilities and to fall within the category or categories checked l. rl hreats or actions against persons protected by Secret Service. 2. C) Attempts or threats to redress grievances. 7 3. Threatening or abusive statement about U. S. or foreign official. 4. Participation in civildisturbances, anti-U. S. demonstrations OiL-llOSllee incidents against. foreign diplomatic establishments. 5. Illegal bombing. bomb-making or other terrorist activity. 6. E'Defector from U. S. or indicates desire to defectJ l: Potentially dangerous because of background. emotional instability or activity in groups engaged in activities inimical toU. S. Photograph :1 has been Furnished Denclosed a is not available. Very truly yours, Clarence M. Kelley Director - Special Agent in Charge (Enclosur?sll U. S. Secret Servtce Miami,? Florida (RM) Enclosure(s) Page 3 AGENCY INFORMATION Eleased under the John . Kennedy Eaassinatinn Recurda RECORD DllEEt-ilj? A131: Elf 1992 (44 USC 210? Note]. RECORD SERIESI H0 ase#:HI? 53932 Date: AGENCYFILE NUMBER: CR105-164011-38 8?13?2017 DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC. NK DIRECTOR. FBI TITLE: DATE: 05/08/1975 PAGES: 3 SUBJECT: OBA, RES, AFF IL, ACCION CUBANA, ASSOC, SAMPOL, GUILLERMO ACA DOCUMENT TYPE: . PAPER. TEXTUAL DOCUMENT Unclassi?ed CLASSIFICATION: CLASSIFICATION: REVIEW DATE: 07/07/1998 UPDATE DATE: STATUS . Redact RESTRICTIONS: JFK Act 6 (4) COMMENTS: NH 53932 Page 1 ?0 . 5/ - . 32:23:: (5431231: 10141.6 . I, . . . .3) STATES GOVERNMENT 1,1 L, a SE (5 Memorandum 4 TOV ,3 DIRECTOR, FBI (105464011): DATE: 5/8/75 FROM Q) SAG, NEWARK (105-19876) - SUBJECT: GUILLERMO NOVO - q, (oo: NK) - t5; as NK 5006?8 on 1/28/75, had furnished information cone cerning an alleged trip of GUILLERMD NOVO during December 1974 - 'to Santiago, Chile, where he was alleged to have conferred with a of the military junta, whose-identity?~ ,m - is not known. if 35: NK 5006-3 at this time stated that the general rumOr Wm, 5 regarding NOVO's trip was that suppert either financial or ':Ver "military had been offerred to the Cuban exiles. NK 5006?8 also stated that Dr. omJANDo-aeesca, a Cuban exile leader, . 1 currently was in Sant' and that GUILLERMO NOVO conferred . 'With ORLANDO BOSCH. 3 NK 5006?3 on A 3/75 and NK on h/7/75, reported E3 ?is *1 information relative to GUILLERMD NOVO's trip to Santiago, E3 Chile, and stated that reports were that NOVO had conferred with Dr. ORLANDO BOSCH, head of the Cuban exile or anization t* called Accion Cubana NK 5775-4351 and NK 500 -s stated '93 1 that it was their-understanding that GUILLERMO NOVO had made Wm this trip with a false passport and very possible this pass?: QR 3" port may have been given to him by the Chilean government. 5? a_ Both sources stated, however, that they had no Specific acts? . to substantiate, this reported trip of Novag? 71/ I 1 {1 egg NK- 5775?1331 on 4/7/75, stated that GUILLEBMO - continues to be employed as a salesman for Center Ford in North ik Bergen, NJ. NK also repOrted that GUILLERMO.NOVO is .alleged at the presen. time 159: vat/Ma?a 3 .FRO GDS, CATEGORY INITE - A 15 MAY 121975 - .onm 0. cetmmEU 5 Lmlr??p? shamanism F. GE 875:- - 35% I I - Bay U-S- 5 ?91.723! ?nd! Regularly cm the Payroll Saving! Plan - - 1. . - NH 53932 Page 2 AGENCY INFORMATION Eleased under the John . Kennedy AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10291-10036 asassinatinn Records allectiun Act of 1992 - [44 USC 210? Note]. RECORD SERIES: HO AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 105-196958?8 ase#:NH 53932 Date: 8?18?2017 DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC. MM FBI TITLE: PAGES: SUBJECT: DOCUMENT TYPE: ORIGINAL CLASSIFICATION: REVIEW DATE: STATUS NH 53932 DATE: 06/24/1976 8 OBA, RES, ASSOC, LAMADRIZ, RAFAEL VILLAVERDE, ORGANIZATIONS, MEETING, TERRORIST ACT PAPER. TEXTUAL DOCUMENT UnCIaSSi?ed 07/07/1998 . UPDATE DATE: Redact I . RESTRICTIONS: JFK Act 6 (4) INC LHM Page 1 - 17:7 OPTIONAL FORM no.1o c" x' - JULV 1973 eumon (. GSA. rims- {Us CFIR) l1. ?5 UNITED STATES 0. VERNMENT ?Msemomndums SAC, MIAMI . :7 LAMADRIZ, aka- ?li RAFAEL VILLAVERDE IS - CUBA . ., (00: MIAMI) .mgss; :7 I ?hug: \i?In; ReuMiarm letter With enclosures dated 5/8/70. Eff-{gsmI-I c) .3 3-2512; Ice: Enclosed herewith are 6 copies of an LEM 3&345593 dated and captioned as above. .0 <1 slug-ME") am: 22.; Copies are being disseminated locally to andeIA, Miami. T-l is MM 1550- . . MM is MM 19742030-5." MM 1% is MM 3945-951- 1 Nov 4 1930 MM is MM 2960-5. ANS MM T-6 is 1014032451.? BY: L6H Il?? MM is MM {Ase} Enclosed LHM is being classified confidential to better protect iformants of continuig value?Ir? DAL. ?55m A 1:3 {a s. 'r A 5..) 5 EM: :22; s? 5; 2 r- m" mm"- continue investigation of "captioned subject gr, and keep the Bureau. dvised{Kw-Fa I: s/ ?w Q) - Bureau (Encss 6) RM) L17, Dee ?ay-l M6 We) (vui?mj?F 3,437753932 Page 2 AGENCY INFORMATION Eleased under the John Kennedy AGENCY: FBI . saassinatinn Records . allectinn Act of 1992 RECORD NUMBER 1244029140039 [44 use 21le Note]. RECORD SERIES: H0 - 53932 Date: AGENCYFILE NUMBER: CR105-253109-5 - 3?18-2017 DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC. MM IQ DIRECTOR. FBI DATE: 03/18/1975 PAGES: 5 OBA, SANCHEZ, CONRADO ALVARO RODRIGUEZ, ASSOC, SABOTAGE, ITORCH OF FRIENDSHIP, ACA DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER. TEXTUAL DOCUMENT Unclassi?ed CLASSIFICATION: . CLASSIFICATION: REVIEW DATE: 07/07/1998 UPDATE DATE: STATUS Redact A RESTRICTIONS: JFK Act 6 (4) COMMENTS: INC NH 53932 Page 1 .1. . ?1 APPAPPAJAAF A OPTIONAL FORM no.10 AND FIELD If); SEES CAIV .. AA . IANITEI) STATES G0. RNMENT . 1 3433596772070? um - TOI DIRECTOR, FBI (ms-253169 DATE: MAR 1 31975 FRO ?s c, MIAMI . (105-21757OBJECTION T07 . SUBJEC CHANGED: . 11,31; if? R0 aka. MA Conrado Rodrigue 9 anchez - IN THIS DOCUMENT. - IS - CUBA - - nab-45 - (00: Miami) A 1. Title is marked Changed to reflect correct spelling of subject' 5 name as previously carried, ALIVARO RODRIGUEZ Re Miami let to Bureau 2/28/75, with enclosure; Miami let to Bureau 11/29/74. Enclosed for the Bureau are five copies of I LHM dated and captioned as above. One copy of LHM being disseminated to INS, Miami. 1351 3.Bureau (Enc. SEWLOSUREI ?2 3 13;; -Miami a 3 AA 105- 21757) 3 - 1 I- 105- 16598 Accion Sindical Independiente) I 3* 1 - 105- 22481 ISRAEL PINOS A 3 AA 1b - 105- 22475 EDUARDO MACAYAMAR 211975 AH 1? NH 53932 Page 2 AGENCY: RECORD NUMBER: RECORD SERIES: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: TITLE: PAGES: 2 SUBJECT: DOCUMENT TYPE: STATUS COMMENTS: AGENCY INFORMATION FBI 124-10291-10043 HQ CR 109-12-223-6308 DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR: DIA DATE: 11/08/1976 PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT Eleased under the John Kennedy asassinatinn Records :Dllectiun Act of 1992 -I44 UEC EIDT Nate]. Zase#:NH 540%6 Date: 8?24?2017 Exempt RESTRICTIONS: Consultation REFERRED TO DIA NH 54046 Page 1 ORIGINAL Secret NEW CLASSIFICATION: CLASSIFICATION REVIEW DATE: 06/18/1996 UPDATE DATE: .. :w 4 ?mm 1:2 . . NASH nc l/Dnam .7 FT C2 n/I 193D INF ccza g?u QUAPRN HGTS C7 IISCYQ AHII DA HASH Dc DEVEIOPHENT anUA F5 AMADUR n2 EAHLV HDV 7S ANAMA CITY: .. rd. . 75. Hi? W-r?wuki? anF WI LTrl' _4 I I AIHVDIVFD UIASEMT, AFT FXTRACTION 0F . SCH AT THE- INVITATTON ?r FTUFL CASTRH THE LFNETH nF? s?uncrs \Ann PI. LTrz?i??gLQ?; NQQIQIA. G- 2. PEFENTIV (WITHIN THE LAST NEFEQ) VISIT, HTS 0F TPAHSHURTN 10? HF TN nNEn Tn TQSE ABAANTL-S- UF THF CUBA STATE arcupyrv rnnEa, - IYNFDEMATIHN Fan THE THE I PASIRO EVILE TS LHRPEMTIY HFINU my AM 7.1FS FOR HTS ROLF TN THE 6 UFT nF A FURAN AIRLINERXEUW NEAR THE GM 9 FHDH AHTHOAITIFS IN LATE GET 7A. NAHTFAH AND RFAPHFD AN FOR THE. CUNTINUATTBN nF ATION RETHFEN GM a 9 Amn PURAH INTE ILTG DAHTAIHIHG Tn CUHAH PAMAHAMI EYIIF AND E1.EMENTQ, AS PADT 0p THTS THE CUBAN SFRVIPFQ i HIIL ASS TST THE Cup IN ASSAASTNATTNH IRUT Uh?'?g AN ANTI g/?H (ADP) menm GUNTFFALA (GT), RDAIR HEHTTHAZ A FUAHAR GM ?FFIpqp WHO-TS A TN THE MTAMI, AHEA, pAnpou,j an;: NAs. TN CH AT TIME nF TNHIFATFH THAT PHEHIER PAATPO MFT WTTH HDRIAWG ANN HIS APPRCIATTUM ,Nn pngqE T0 QATF THE N0 anFInN TS REVEIATIUN 0? on ?aw PHARAFTEQT7ATIUN 0F TNFOPMATTON x? I 5 PREPARER Au IR 2 231 wdn7 75 THAT NORTEG A HAS TFNYA TIVELY QCHEDULEH TO DEPART nu ON 13 orT on 8 NUV 75' THIQ IS SICNTF-TCINT TN THAT TT FUDTVEP FDJ?'f?il TIUNA 0F UFVFLUPT BFTNEFN THE GH nag OFFIFF gaff; ANA TTS CHRAN - .yz??hs A ?Ens CAT AGENCY INFORMATION . Kennedy I asassinatinn Records allectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. ase#:NH EQDEE Date: AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-1029140044 RECORD SERIES: HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 109,-12-223-6322 Eleased under the John DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR: . DIA FROM: TITLE: DATE: 06/09/1976 PAGES: 4 SUBJECT: DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT ORIGINAL CLASSIFICATION: swat REVIEW DATE: 06/18/1996 Exempt RESTRICTIONS: Consultation COMMENTS: REFERRED TO DIA NH 54046 Page 1 NEW CLASSIFICATION: UPDATE DATE: 3 . we}. I a datum Inlay-ma (rung; alloy/{5: Hm national defense of rho I LASAGLE 10"? r' Sign? wI?IhIn the meaning of (he espIonag'o . . . ?mn- 18, 11.5 (3.. Sec. 793 and 794.1,,? we 1.112. '22''Tbe frtmamIsnIon or the revelation 0' Ha NATIONALS . ?v . . . 301? TO AI: and ConlroI Markings) wanton? In any manner to an unauthontad . pc'rII-on 1-3 pmthIred bylaw. or modi?ed L'2n Ihe basis of rhIl"re;xvrI. This report contains unpmcesscd Infonnatinn mama.? n- .. ".2qu Juan 9. NUMBER. NFXICO (NX) one or neponr: ?2022422222 PANAMA (PN), CUBA (CU) 2 STATES (US), NICARAGUA (IIU), .z 9. thI? Terrorist Group 2.1 2 CIR 36A 49283 12- . NO. OF PAGESM I 11/3? . ?5 - REFERENCES: wan-=62- ?spa: 4551-32w. .2 Mm 223125221522- 3 SOURCE INFORMATION 14. APPROVING AUTHORITY: 6 EVALUATION .- 31222 II IR 2 23TIA88 76 2 231 (NOTAL) DATEOFINFORMATION 12.0515111Ar'gn; 470th - ,1 or . - Ft- AmadorP CANAL Ano DATE OF ACQ: PADAIW 212222222256 av: 7 RICHARD 4 Jun 76 - CPT, MI Ch1ef Ach1S1t1on Ch1ef. I ,2 of BOSCH 5 group were aTTegL dTy re spons1b1e for 1:he detonation of severaT . An Panama during earTy May 76. '51FOREIGN RELEASABILITY CAVLAT IS AFFTXED PRIHIIJDE REVELATIDI S.E. . TNTELIICTICF INTLREST, ACTIVITIES, OR CHARACTERIZATIDII OF IIFGRNATION OrTand SCH, a Cuban ex11e I:urrenLTy res 1d1ng 1n WIICA AGUA (NJ) j.1S the Leader ofa . Lnt1?F1deT CASTRO Lerror1st (1roup known as 7 Cuban Action). The AC meInbeIshio cons1sts of an unknown number of Cuban ex11es, '.rang1ng 1n age from 20 to 25, most of whom have not been prev1ou51y 1dent1f1ed Shu1th the ex11e movement. The AC members are concentrated pr1mar11y 1n LMNuam1,?F10r1da, NU and MEXICO (MX), where thev alleqedly haVe been c1andest1n61? ?tra1n?d 1n bomb making and _re1ated terrorist techn1ques. AC members are aTTeged to have- been respons1b1e for some of the v101ence directed aga1nst Cuban ex11e ?th? Leaders 1n the M1am1 aI ea. IS ?gU(DR, 470th NI Group suMhAav: R- a te rror15t_ group headed by Cuban exiTe- OrTando BOSCH 2 a,s13t?Anl 1? ex11ed FOIner Ilat1ona1 Guard (GN) oIF1cer, 1n Taunch1ng terrorn 3-1st/p 'cm111tary opeIat1ons asainst the Government of PN (GOP) 1n Oct 76; Members wh1ch?mms 21,1? 2. the AC has a fa1r1y TartIe arms cache 1n NX, to have been us .ed For an assass1nat1on attempt; against F1de1 CASTT cIur1ng a A. scheduTed, but.subsequent1y c?ance1.ed, tr1p to MX. Based on the erroneOus be11ef . that CASTRO woqu attend the Conference scheduled to open sent some _16 of its members to PM to prepare for an assass1nat1 on He eapons for the ass as.s1nat1on were to have been attempt aga1nst h1m wh1Te in PR. A?j?g\ 9A - c1andest1ne1y brought to PM 110m MX. Later, having determined that CASTRO woqu foot attend the Conference, the AC nvm?xn*s departed PH.ATIeged1y, they were - . 231.- av omumrron: . 11. oowwcnunwc DATA- 5 l8. ATTACHMENT DATA: F. USCQIITIICOLI 3 7 Fr): 1 r1.-2 fii'l?jl?ln LIE v'r: l'CIpiIiC?it NnEmb Panama (2) . . I _ij . 24th Comp H1ng? IN, Howard AFB I ..AFOSI 30, ATTN: {1:1}le 1:116; DIHTIZL 193d Inf Bde (CZ) (2) [2:13:95 2 - 1" ?5122? A DET so (?no . 22222222 122315.. . II S-2 3d Bn 7t11 193d Inf Bde 2(Interna1 Reference Only RIILASABLE T0 22. 3 a FOREIGN gee; - 3:21; I {12% . $3922 23222 221T 1:11:22: .51.: 10 to: .2ch 1111102155 22222222 222 2222222 2 7331335?? I i 5h" 62 - ?U?c?g ILrn' pg] Irrp! 2.111113 A I I USED urn-1LFBI CONTAINE 255$ . if; . 2' 222.323.2163 . ., 2 25-2-222?132 f. 1 .- $355:er if} 0173C: +0 refucs'j- {30r? I WEWEILHS Hneu? Panama 6 '21 scar-3% luI75 T191: lanx I - 1 . L1 I NO 2 23TI 02211-75 I Iseeae17116T RTLFARABLE T0 2~lxy.1ii or 2 ,Eonnwuarcn 103 QYIIEQEAHLE TO FOREIGN 470th HII Group Cantu)! "$1215? I: I II Af?adOf?I, CAT HAL-I II-IZIOK LneHiT. gIonsible for the placing of seveial blacIk powder noise bombs which exploded in?jV J?Panama City area during early May 76. T?ei?%purported purpose in detonating ?EIbombsI was tIo ?make their presence felI6? nfi I '1 ReportIedly, Amado RAHHUR former RH officer who is currently a 1.5 critical exile in the_g??, plans 0 se sIome 40 members and other Cuban exiles rngf'o?Taunch a paiamilitary/teriorist eifort against the GOP in Get 76. pointy jEIij?jqontact with the Cuban exiles is Antonio ?Igbyi?iA: mwmm?g 7 LATAYUD) former of the aHiami based CU exile orgtnization (n11) I Through CATALAYUH, e? ?fj?rlHR is also nepotiaiino the purchase of some or all of the AC weapons currently ?@hed in HX. projected action afiainst the GOP is being organized without- ?collaboration of exiled TEN officer Luis Car?m? whose independent efforts Iaunch a ter1011st 1:ampaign in PH were frustrated by the RH in late Ap-r 76 with He arrest of HULLER's - Brazilian mistress Rita Da Conceiea TMTAHTIHD. ALBOSGH-JS parted to have refbsed to participate in any oper ration invOlviIng MUIIER, whom he InSTders 'Crazy. MULLER is currently residing at the Hotel Siete Hares, Hanaqua, ?".1Peportedl HULLER enj0\s the proi:ection of an unidentified Minister. in the .1.s3 -raquan Government, who. has Frustrated efforts to have him extradited to fi7'i~ I Reference 1R 2 231 0l88 76 revealed that 14 ""I"mag were re eporl;ed to have been dei onated in the Panama City area on 4- Hay 76_ II 6 May, another bemb explode in a vehicle at the University of Panama. Ho . ?Tl?mjwries and insignificant property damaqe res uli.ed. Between l0 and 12 Hay,_nine ?additional unexploded bombs were reportedly Found in Papal City. woold- be terrorist oioupwetie Hovimiento lodo Por PanamaijTP~? _lT for Panama Movement) claimed credit for the bombings, whose alleged puriose was t??p?61Iestm the 24?A?r 76 arrest of TIHO. (B 3). lowever, the bOHibS may actually have been detonated be AC members as described in Ipaia'draph 2 above - 1? a w-mas.th_ - . tha+4yuoi RELEASABLE T0 ;}fj?ywl ?1 .N.) . .. I w-r?k - i . 1 1 NATIONALS . I nimvzuvsazIxnu Winn-w?mmrz 1396C ?E?I1.AtrsrArom.41um1i 411.111.?. I I ATJJILA . 1111 54045 Page 3 Ti": rut-?Tr?: - 1, 1., use." .. JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/11/20] Agency Informati on Eleased under the John AGENCY FBI Ke ?ne :13: RECORDNUMBER. 124-10291?10119 ssassinatinn Records . allectiun Act of 1992 HQ [44 USC 21o? Note] . - . a3e#:NH 54950 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER . 105-72630?63 .3433 _2 17. Document Information 7 ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: WIGHTMAN, WILLIAM A. TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE 02/26/1960 17 SUBJECTS PDL, ACA, LEAFLET CUBA, EXTRADITE, PLOT, KIDNAP, AFFIL, 26TH OF JULY ANTI-COMMUNIST MOVEMENT, CUBAN CONSTITUTIONAL . CRUSADE, MISUR DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/02/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS RPT, TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE l-A v9.1 NH 54460. Page 1 NH 5445A: - i 3:255FEDERAL Assam. es ,Beporting Of?ce Of?ce of Origin Date Investigative Period . MIAMI MIAMI 2/26/60 10/22/59- 4/8/60 I I Be rt made 1: . ?Type Tm 0? CASE EILLIAB A. I ?Atari CHARACTER or CASE I I CHANGED 3L PEDRO LUIS OSCAR DIAA LAN?sfg INTERNAL SECURITY --CUBA i 15'? I I I 3 I guess. . . a; Title of this report Is being marked changed to reflect SubjectI s? full name as set forth the records of INS, MIsmi. WW A REFERENCES letters dated 12/10/59 and 1/4/60, q. JACK BRIIQIINNWPEDRD 0? N25 - INTERNAL Ea NQQ SECURITY - Miami fileggj gs?, Sig g: ?Qn Report SA WILLIAM A. NIGHTMAN, 1/25/60VMiami A gs gs: entitled WAYNE GORCEY, aka; INTERNAL SECURITY if? :3 5?s. REGISTRATION ACT- CUI Bqu11IeI97-?Ao46 Ag" Miami file 97- 307. .- .f j? 2% Report SA WILLIAM A. WIGHTMAN, 9/23/59. Miam1, .- if; entitled LUIS DIAL INTERNAL SECURITY -5 . ., 5g,? Report SA GEORGE E. DAVIS, .13 entitled mo 539:: ME NEUTRALITY MA TLRS, SECURITY -.- IS Miami file 2- 232. . . ?2 1:57? ?wo Copies modeBureau (105- ALA I - INS, Miami (RM) 1 - New Yerk (RM) . 1 - Washington Field (RM) . 3- Miami 1598, mus-as T: ya . Ega?mgq I. I I ?no? rK\ . Property of FBI - This report is loaned to you b? (the- neither "it not its contents are to be IoutsidGOVERNMENT PRINTING lass 0?844750 DucId:32306919? Page 2 ,r MM T-l is MARCOS.JOSE DIAZ LANZ MM T-Z is is THOMAS MC canny . 105?2188-4 MM 105-1598 This report being classified confidential since it contains information reported from confidential informants,.the disclosure of which would be prejudicial to the internal security of the United States, and would tend to compromise the future effectiveness of these informants. IDENTITY I LOCATION A105-2102-33 105?2102-33 MM T-3 is #3930 DIAZ LANZ, 105?2102?33 A 5? ?An?,gk- b? - Careful consideration has been given to each source concealed in this report, and symbols have been utilized only in those instances where identity must be concealed. 7; PAGE. NH 54460 DnnId:32306919 Page 3 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/11/201 Agency Inform ation under the Jenn Kennedy AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10291-10129 SSaESlPa?zmn 3 elleetlen Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ USC 210'? Note] . 54%50 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER NR 67 '3'5'3 '2 '3 17 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: DIRECTOR, FBI TO SAC, MM TITLE DATE 05/12/1960 PAGES: 1 SUBJECTS PDL, ASSOC, ACA, FINANCES, DOMR DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/02/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS v9.1 NH 54460 DueId:32306939 12 Page 1 . .r 3333 333?33 (105?1742)? 333333333 333 {3 I 33: $33-3sW3-333333 1: - "33335 3. I 33:35.3 33.. 3 333333333333 13303333333133 3333 ()2in 33333 513/3. I ?533 3333333333 33 333333333 33333333 33 3333333 33333 3333 333333 3333333333 333 333333 33 3333333333 3 gw?mwm333 333333 3.3 3333 3333333333 3333 33 33.33 33 3333333 3333 352-? 333s 333333333 3333333333333 33 3333 333 33 33333 33333 33 3333333 33 33 333 333333 33 3333 3333s 33s 3333 33 33333 333 ?'33 3333333 333 333 3333333333 33 33 333333333 33333 .3333 333 3333333: 3:3 33 3333 3333333 33 33333 3333 3333 - . 3333 33 33 333333333 33333 3333 3233 33333333.? 33. 333333333 33 333333333 3333 3333 3.33 333 3 333333333 3333 33 333333333 - . .31 :33 33 333333333 3333 33 33 . u? . 333333 I. 3.3 3333 333 33 333333 33333 3333333333 3 3333 3333333 333333333 s43 3333 4-33.34; 333333 33 3333333333 3; 3333333333 333 5 72:4 E3 .. (3333233 .32 33333) 3333 5/3/33 33 @m 235:? .33 33333.33 333% JW 3 2353332 33 (33333 3333 3332333) 333333 (9) Tar-"15' r' a. 33333 35333 333333 (23333233 333333333) M33333 333333333 .3333. 333333333 33331.3 33 3333 33 333333 33 333.333 3333 333333333 63.33% 33133333.! 233333 3.3 3333363333343 3333323333 @3333?? 333333 (333 .3933) 3333333 333333 33333- 3333.. 333333333 33333 33 33333 3333333333 3333 3333133 3133333.. 333333 33333 33333333 37? 33333 3333 3313333 3ruj3323 "rd-3333 3:3 333 333333333 3333333 3333333 3333.. 3333333323,..- 33333 3313333333 33 3:333 3333 333331 33 3333333 3133333 .333 3333 w-zs3 33 133333 333333 3; 3333 3333s 3H 3333333333313 3333333333 333333333 33333 335K - 31:1} 1 131363.33? 13-23 Gill?! 33.113313 333313- :1 :31 3333355313133 YELLOW 333 333qu3. 533833 I DUPLICA rE IIDTHERWIQH . ?n ?may. gag. . . 1, IHH 54460 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/11/201 AGENCY Agency Information under the Jehn FBI Kennedy RECORDNUMBER: 124-10291-10134 Rec?rda elleetien Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [44 use all]? I'Jete] . qu?? Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 2 105-7263 0-69, 70 .3433 2 17 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: WIGHTMAN, WILLIAM A. TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 07/11/1960 PAGES 29 PDL, FINANCES, ASSOC, PLAN, UNITE, ANTI-CASTRO ORGANIZATIONS, CUBA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/02/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC MEMO v9.1 NH 54460 13 Page 1 #94? -.rJ 0 2/ HH 5446B fzyf?"?' - 1 - I Rd (5 FROM SAC, NEWARK (105-9008) A 53 AUAA . e?yomt 110310 . 7\ UNITED- STATES A .. Memorandum 1T0. Brahma, .FBI (105-72630?) DATA 3/3/60 . 1135' rim-1' SUBJECT: ammo LUIS oscAR BIAszAaz IS - CUBA - Here? of SA WILLIAM AA WIGHTMAN dAted 7/11/60 at Miami and Newark airte1 to Bureau dated 6/6/66 captioned IS - RA On 6/6/60 CHARLES SEIDENARI (protect by request), who has furnished reliable inforhatidn.1n the past, and who is 3 Delegate secretary of the New Jersey Branch Of The White Rose, furnished the follow1ng informat1on: SEIDENARI reported that' he has been in contact with 'two- individuals who wished to unite all anti-CASTRp forces into, one organization. He stated that one of these was MIRANDA and the other was LUIS ARENAL, who resides at 4415'43rd Awe., - Sunnyside; Long Islandg'NsYA ARENAL's'home?te1ephone is A 3? EX 2-3199, and his office telephone number is BI 4-7188-89-90. said ARENAL had him recently in an effort to unite the groups in this country. ARENAL told SEIDENARI that he gave $25, 600 to DIAZ LANZ, the former Cuban military aviator who defected and now resides in or near SEIDENARI stated that ARENAL stated that this money was paid to LANZ to perform some function against the CASTRO regime, the nature of which was unknown to SEIDENARI. SEIDENARI stated that he?did not know whether ARENAL is sincere er a possible confidence man. Newark indiCes fail to- reflect any identifiable information concerning ARENAL hased on information available. . . on 772o/eo adnised that he could furnish no additional identifying information concerning He _stated that he has only met ARENAL on a few occasions and "was at his home in Sunnyside, Long Is1and, .Y., on two occasions. SEIDENARI reported that ARENAL had stated that he wished to unite all groups for an eventual oVerthrow of the CASTRO regime.? During the course of his conversation, ARENAL stated that he had given $25, 006 to DIAZ LANZ Ibut did not Agnew um . 2New York (RM) (1_105- (LUIS ARENAL) 2 Miami (105-1598) (RM) ?16 AUG 43 51% 3 Newark-" . .- . . .78) (LUIS ARENAL) .1 75) (THE WHITE ROSE) REL: man (9) .21 1:11 DucId:32306994 Page 2 7a? 51;. . FILED IN mm 7 i LA NH 54460 elaborate With further details, and SEIDENARI did not question him co_ncerning this. ARENAL only stated that this money was to be paid to DIAZ LANZ to perform some function against the CASTRO regime.. A. SEIDENARI stated ARENAL has a large radio transmitter in his home but stated that becauSe he was not familiar with this type of eduipment'; he Would not be able to elaborate with farther details concerning this equipment; 7 SEIDENARI stated that he did not expect to have any additional centact with ARENAL in the future as he was inclined to look upon ARENAL and Several others who had contacted him for a similar purpose with skepticiSm. Also on 7/20/60 SEIDENARI stated that he has had one defection from The White Rose to DIAZ LANZ. He steted this individual was DANIEL Of 219 44th St.,.wg916n City, .Accordih to SEIDENARI, ESCHEMENDIA had %b63?m? persuaded to Join the farces bf DIAZ LANZ by promises of prempt action by that group in regard to the CASTRO regime.h DucId:32306994 Page 3 '2 f5.? at?: g. ?Mrs? '13 . . I. 4 05Wig?? - 5 .5 43:3; REFORTING OFFICE OFFICE OF ORIGIN DATE INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD . "f MIAMI MIAMI 1950 4/14 - 6/29/60 'r .233 mus or CASE REPORT MADE BY TYPED av A WILLIAM A. WIGHTMAN lWAWmfm '1 x? PEDRO LUIS OSCAR DIAZ CHARACTER or CASE IS - CUBA . 'F?v 5. ?aw- . ?9 . 1 ,fyaigrf??f REFERENCES: Report SA WILLIAM A. WIGHIMAN, Miami teletypes 5/26 and 27/60, both captioned LUIS OSCAR DIAZ LANZ, NEUTRALITY Miami file 2 250 Bufile 2 1597 .gvmy Miami airtel 5/13/60 captioned as above, with IEET 'enclosed letterhead memorandum captioned also as ?f A above, with character of INFORMATION CONCERNING. h?nu- inJlf a"/y 2? . . hg?mt, . ??1va - .. .II - ~23; 35?? lid-?g .II. INFO mm 0% a; . .5 One copy of this report is being furnished the New York Office in View of past contact by that office with, subject, and the pessibility that subject may come to the attention of the New York Office in the future; (F 'l f? 3? Pfli" i . - 2?31? if . . . . SMEMmewr - ffk. A ??gwaf?i - A (I comes if A I . 13 Bureau 7' - INS, Miami (RM) . - Baltimore (RM) . 13 1950 Newark (RM) a ?wL' New York (Idfo)(RM) 19a - washington Eield (RM) ia? - Miami (105-1598) Dissemination Record of A?uched Report ?Ubkibdh?h?kdhb I A - 99?? ?37 5 1:73- '3 i: . . I ?Requesx-?ecd. -- 21,1226.? g; gq'n?' 17-2?1" i I 5-, I.- .I Date Fwd. 1? ll." . How F?wd ff/X'? . I l-v-F BY 1 3UJUL9 113% NEE-1460 Page 4 195m . BALTIMORE: AT MD Will determine to whom telephone number F3 NH 2 3789 is listed mi: NEWARK: AT NEWARK, NEW JERSEY W73 . *3 Will attempt to obtain further details of the' Rf . alleged financial support by ARENAL to DIAZ LANZ from SEIDENARI. WASHINGTON FIELD: Will determine to whom telephon? numbers NA 8-1414, W0 6~6400, CA 4~3121 and EM 3~3487, are registeredFORT LAUDERDALE 50 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA . Will identify the individuals to whom various_ telephone numbers are listed in the Fort Lauderdale and ,jyf West Palm Beach, Florida areas. I COVER PAGE .. 7 u. 5446i] Page 5 . . . . ??598 Full details of subject0 5 involvement in a recast iavasionary attempt headed by subject against Cuba, will be reported in- the cas_e entitled OSCAR DIAZ LANZ, Bufi 1e 2- 1597 ?On May 11, 1960, BERNARD REICHARDT, local CIA representative, Miami, contacted the Miami Office and desired to know if the FBI was aware of any invasioaary plans imminent on behalf of subject. At that time REICHARDT expressed the Opinion that should DIAZ LANZ attempt such an onSlaught, it would probably result in adverse criticism of the United States, and that due to certain unsavory rumors concerning appropriation of funds from asti- -CASTRO personalities for his own use, DIAZ LANZ was not regarded by CIA as being an acceptable figure?inthe movement. IDENTITY LOCATION OF ORIGINAL INFORMATION MM T-l is RUDOLPH . 105-1598-184&206 FERNANDEZ, cotton -broker, Atlanta, Georgia, (by request) MM T-Z is FELIPE ANTONIO 134F441-Sub CAEASUS, PSI under development 14M Tr3 isE?M 639?5 134-233-8111: COVER PAGE. Do le NH 54460 Page 6 mpg-Ham; I ?d ?1 ?ngqa%, ya ?aw . $5235; 11-5 . is CHARLES NK 134~1678 SEIDENARI, Delegate Secretary of the New Jersey Branch of the "White Rose", (by requeSt) Careful consideration has been given to? each source concealed in this report, and_"T" symbols have been utilized only in those instances where 1 identity must be concealedo 4 COVER PAGEQ 12% NH 5446i] Page JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: - 5/11/201 Agency-Information Eleased under the John Kennedy AGENCY FBI RECORDNUMBER: 124-10291-10139 RESUME allectinn Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES- HQ [4?1 HE: 210'? Note] . ase#:NH Essen Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 105-72630?74 '3?5'3 2 '3 17' Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: KELLOGG, RICHARD B. TO DIRECTOR, FBI I TITLE: DATE: 09/19/1960 PAGES 13 SUBJECTS PDL, ACA, ASSOC, LCA, AFFIL, ANTI-CASTRO ORGANIZATIONS, FRD, CASTRO, ANTONIO FERNANDEZ, NCK DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/02/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC W1 NH 54460 14 DucId:32306999 Page 1 5446i] Page 2 FEDEQL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Reporting Oi?oe ?Of?ce of Origin Date Investigative Period . MIAMI MIAMI 9/19/60 7/109- 8/22/60 TITLE OF CASE . Report made by TypedBy RICHARD . KELLOGG . - . .- 3L CHARACTER or 01153 - PEDRO LUIS OSCAR 1319.21sz . CIA HAS N0 OBJECTEON To .. .. Copies instant report being furnished New York and Washington Field Offices for information s1nce sub eCt travels to Washington, D. C., and New York Citytign y; offices may have an interest in subject 1n the?future - 35:23 AT MIAMI, FLORIDA .ng? 1 -Will maintain contact with subject andjfi Approved I 21% I I I Copies mode: .. 5" 1 . Bureauv(105 1 - New 1 - Washington eld (105- -31259) 32 543843.191; Copy to: .1 by ro?tlja sli for info Date MM 105- 1598 savings_ account number 112? 021 ,?opened April 8, 1959. ALIANZA de suhject of a separate case; Miami origin, and will be dealt with in that file. Instant report claSSified Confidential to pro- tect the identity of sOurces of possible continuing value; INFORMANTS - 1? LOCATION OF ORIGINAL INFORMATION T4l.is NK PSI DOMINGO - ROMERO, 219 - 44th Street, -- Union City, New_Jersey, 105?1598-239 MM T-z is WFO PSI ALBERT - . 7 a -. PIERROT, Bell - 7 . i Aircraft Corporation, WDC. 105?1598?2474 - . . is GONZALO CABRERA, defected Cubana Ibfi pilot who resides - . . Miami Beach, Florida, and . . . is affiliated with the - a .FRD. (At request)? _Instant report, page_6t I . 7 A, Careful conSideration has been given to each source concealed .in this report, and'"T" symbols Were utilized only in these instances where ident ities must be concealed. cg; COVER-PAGE 1 . Mu? . ?5?13 2 Max: - NH 54460 Page 3 9/ 1?5w1598 - the EEitsd states 12E Es that Eff ""1111 ?1f the Exile ErgsEisstisEs tE figEt ngIEst tyEsEEy impssed by EIDEE CAETRG WE E111 unite EErsE1Ess with Bandits? Ere Est: made with bandits Neither E111 Es tEEss tEs1r stained with gE1d GE 9 :1 statsE that CONTEHAGUERO by PEERO LUIS E1AZ- and the 9 1Eadsrs disE1EssE that the ex11E groups - . E111 jEiE in 1E MisEi fEr the put? Ef ?the psrsEE Wh? E111 3E1.Es the Eestinies @f tha 9? It is Estsd that WE1 DiariE ds Nueva York9 a New YErk City language Esi1y 6919609 69 by BABBY QUIN- TERE E1AZ--LAEZ DEAZ EANZ as tEs 1ssEsr Ef a grEEp Ea11sd @ruzsds Cubans CEEstitE- (GEEstitmtiEEs1 CrEssdE- ECG) OE 1E1y 5919609 NE 2 EE business? man Esd EitE E1gh1y p1sEsE E1f1c1s 9 advised that . imats1y :Essks ts tEs Eats EE Esd been in /9 WssEiEgtEE9 699 witE LUIS OSCAR - . DIAZ EANZ9 EE as @Eisf of the Cuban Air CASTRG tE the iEfErEsEt9 EEAZ EANZ E1E Es EEs 11E with a sf @thEE psEp1Eo DIAZ LANE E1E Est divu1gs tE tEs 1EfErEsEt sxsEt EstE1s of Eis 1E Wash? 90609 idEEtity of Es was with Er tEs iEsEtity Ef 1E E. 9 9 1 E1AZ EANZ 1EfErEsEt tE dinner EE tEis sEvised tEs infarEaEt tEst EE Ess fiEsEEis1 EsrdsEiEs. EIAZ LANE sEEgEt assistance in EEtainiEg - 1 1E 9 arsao, . i NH 5446i] Page 4 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/11/20] Agency Information Eleased under the John Kennedy AGENCY: FBI Eaassinatinn Recurda RECORDNUMBER: 124?10291-10142 nllectiun Act Elf 1992 :44 USC 2107 Note]. RECORD HQ 5444360 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-72630-3RD NR 74 _2 1? Docum ent Information ORIGINATOR FBI. FROM: SAC, NF DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 09/28/1960 PAGES: 4 SUBJECTS PDL, ASSOC, ORE, JAMES WILLIAM, RES, MIL SERV, REL, FS DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/03/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM WI NH 54460 '16 Page 1 ?we ?*E?i?j7nerro1k or?1ce.n .w "r?z~os. No.10 1' y?h? -II Memoranuwm 11.43??: . NEUTRALITY MATTERS (00: Miami) - Re Norfolk airtel to the Bureau 7/25/50 captioned -?g?1ss?above. Further reference 1s made to Norfolk airtel to the Bureau dated 5/11/60 entitled, W. ORE "?fgfgi Enclosed for the Bureau are nine cop1es of a memorandum entitled, WILLIAM ORE, -ay?s NEUTRALITY Two copies of this memorandum are ;~V5Ifurnished niami because the Bureau indicated in Bureau ijiairtel dated 5/19/60 (captioned as above) that GEE appeared .-Ij_to be involved in the some activities described by DIEZ to Miami. . I A source in Norfolk, Confidential Informant has furnished information concerning ORE's @Li? activities and this source will be alerted to continue *5-9g1 to Ifurnish anyI information on ORE. - . This case is being considered r?A?g3I' '*fI iq??Miami 1 - norro1k Igi- A (5) Rig}? 11? fi'I?: ji?j . NH 54460 Page 2 . an I I . aim-mm? - 5: I Direo or, EEI (2-1599) . I oI? [gfjf FROM A AC, Norfolk (2-29) PEDRO LUIS oscAR 5'i21'7??'5i . . Q- wean (Enc ?gunners m?i - 1? 2.: 1 . JFK Assassination System Identi? cation Form Date: 6/5/2015 i f' AGENCY: Agenc'}I Information Eleased under the John Kennedy FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124?1029140207 SSaESlFatm? RESUME Act of 1992 (44 USC Nate]. ase#:NH EEDEE Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 97-454617' Document Information - ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, WMFO TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 04/04/1961 PAGES: 2 SUBJECTS . MR, AFFIL, MOVIMIENTO REVOLUCIONARIO DEL PUEBLO, CUBAN GOVERNMENT IN EXILE, ASSOC, INVADE, CUBA, ACA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Con?dential RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/11/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS 7 WI 1 NH 54046 Page 1 3-563 . 'i?m'ei .. I 1 Transmit the following text or code) L999 . 1; 99.9 . 10 i{ 1 . DL?qLif?nmbi Ul?i or Method anailinggaf?c ECIEE . I it," "w ?9 .H .f 11. 99.5.: :?mcm -. (2DERE T09, 99:99 ??35452 :1 :9 7?9. 1 . if: 99c? 11.99019: sec, 990 (1959.9 9955) 4999990.?- he! - Ev 0932999 xv 999,1 xx 9- I . 13/- 9:91.- - 99? ?2991. CIA HAS 9009150901990 9: q: 9 {a - Iw WI: ?g?g . Mi: #99033 mtg/Taft 991369 515] EE For info 91199991151999 El??-ggadvised SA DONALD HOETING (?5133, on 4?4961, he learned lee evening om members of Movimiento 3 i: arm: Revolucionario Del Puebi (HEP) that an attempt to invade k? 3.Cuba is expected to take place either at the end of this ?9=5 week or the beginning Oi next week, I . {9 In support of this, informant stated that MIRO 9 recently selected Provieional President of Cuba, has been work- ing ver closely with C19 and visited the camp 9 located in Guatemala withI officials of CIA within the last - week. ., - IE- With regard to the above, informant advised that HENOLO RAY, head of MRP, has already ordered the underground ,9 9 . bg?mu I 7 "if? . in Cuba to assist and cooperate with any invasion force which i H993. . might land in Cuba. gown 9 Informant stated he would keep Bureau advised of -, ?i 1 I developments. -I I a: 1 Ebove is net being incorporated into letterhead memorandum due to the extreme sensit we nature of the . II mg information. 9f I -. "99933 i ?3 9999eng 9&9? (l - 10599535 QGOVERNMENTW 99999 if?f 99 ~99? a Miami Ii?f k? A .9- 9-990 . - 9 99? 19? ?9 (1 62,3 3 (1 358 9119362 [if 4/ 39 i (1 105~40596) .. . Ap he: in ?923: pe 711}th ento in ChoIrgIeI;I. I I I Lida, 1* ?1.91.99. SHOWN 099999139, . I 9931389170 - NH 54046 Page 2 NH 54046 BEBDTDET Page 3 ?45an", -.-. . 0 {at . .1 - JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/5/2015 Agency Information . Eeleased under the John Kennedy AGENCY: FBI - i?ssassinatinn Records RECORDNUMBER: 124-10291-10208 :Dllecti?n Act Of 1992 :44 USC 210? Note]. RECORDSERHS: :ase#:nn Samoa Date: 8?23?2017 AGENCY FILE NUMBER NR 3 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI A FROM: SAC, NY TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 03/28/1961 PAGES: 4 SUBJECTS MR, ASSOC, FRD, AV, ACA, FINANCES, US GOVERNMENT SUPPORT DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/11/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM V9.1 NH 54046, Page 1 ?rm-49.. 5722-. 23 22.2.2 522%; ?31? ?23 ?23 .3 i 2,2 Afr/Z, 12-22 . I272 2:2 . - . . ?22 531322'22 - - . 3 22222211322; .222: 2 :22! 2} .222sz - ?x 23.92 1 .3 25w 2222 2.2I 322.2 7 1,2 1-2?2812 .. . 2 .2 1?9. ng?? .Y-s-m 72 Him if ?j?2aiygf 5.27::m xwm? 3 I23: ?a a 3" 16551:315 121231;} {If-3% Mg 313ml?: ?33 m?ga2;? ?hag-HM ?33? ggi?kr I ii I {1121?}; 2" 1, x'a 2 . W?f? I ?12, 4t awh- wuzhg $33ka "'75 a ?13? I $3 aak?iw?w??f Kasai-53% l; . 27? 3-2 ?1:57. ?.29 :24" mi?: a) tag 1:3?in 459.?, {35 ?2,12 2. ?k??ui ii?irk 1" kin-'9 . *rw CIA HA3 N0 T02 32322325202220? Amman mam 21222 2n22?i??:2 Es? 2222? ?22'37222 2222222232222 2212? 22?2?,?2 gi? ?3 32 2?2?33?3?213?22?2?22?2222227? . 22232122 222 2 52;; 2?3?2 222212;? .2 13:? ?2.2 ?2.22??3 ?2?2 3?2?W?vg2 22.22% ??1122. - 1.22:2: :1 ?2 '4 2?1 w?wgz?mutf ?12? I II @233? 2? . :2 2222 ?iw 2222.22.22.22 2 222M221 2 . WQJQE if 1,313.35 ?22 222:2 2.2222232? 2.2 2.2.2 222%? 2.2? . 14..2. ?2??2?23 2 42232;; 22' :55 9% 221K312 22232th 5 Li} a 322% 2.22 2225222 22.22. 22%: 213?" 2.2: ?232232.222 2?22 2:122; 2332732. a" 2M ?13-'71 a; 989 ?33"?2232 22222222222222: .. @L?g ga?f?gg?y? 1;?i?n3? f; 2.2222 22?s 722? 2222? 2?22: 22.2.2222 222.2. 2?32?2122?32223? mf? 2222?312 2222 .2 ?2322; 1/ "$221212 ?"223 {22222232221222.5322 {2&2 2232222122.,53243 i1w??222 35:1 5?2" i? his? .2: 2 r111. 22-22 2.2 1K 0? 2" 222122 222.2? 3 .12.. . 1 NO 22?; 8 "127.79%: 30 pm}; glib? 4 7 ?22212 $25 gm? $351534?? an ?2 may ?31? ?wih 1 In}? 22:2 4" . . 3329? f? a: NH 54046 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 6/5/2015 . Identi?cation Form Agency Information Eleased under the John - AGENCY FBI I - REF-Fecal?? . RECORD NUMBER: 124-10291-10210 E?a??lnatl?n 3133013113 - allectiun Act of 1992 RECORD HQ [411 USC 210'? Note] . ase#:NH EQDEE Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 97-4546-4TH 3 5?2 3 2 '3 17' Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI I, FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 03/30/1961 PAGES: 11 SUBJECTS MR, BKG, EMF, ASSOC, CASTRO, FIDEL, RMC, ACA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OFILAST REVIEW: i 06/11/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM v9.1 i I 4 NH 541146 Page 1 . OFHONALFORM No.10 #x . 1? . 5010-104-01 . 3? . 7/ UNITED VERNMENT -. Memorandum 1 1? TO I .3 . DATE: :33 (5333:3333?) 3333:: 33:3 . I, 333333355 SUBJECT: :12? 537:: 33:3:3 33:13:33 3333/33., :13: $3333 ?6 :13: :3/31. W'Cmcg?? 3:333:33 1.3. 3::333 :3 a: 3:333: 2. 3:33.33: 3:21;: 3:3:m333m wmwamg 2:33:32: 3 . I :3 23:: 33:3, :3 .- 333333331333 333333333: :25: k0 33:33::tm: 33:3: 333mm: :3 1- -- 3:33 33:33:: 3.: 33:33:33: a: 3:3:w3:: :3 33 .1 331:, 3:3: 33:3: 3333: 3:33:33: :3 3:3: :3 333:: 1 3:39:33:- 23:3: 3:333: 3: 33:33 33:: 3:33:59 3:333:3333: w} 3 i i .33: 3:33:53 3:332:33? 33333 33333333.: 3333333333.. 131:: 3.33: 33mm: {3mmtiamry .3) :33. 3.: . .. 3 3:3: 33:3,. 3:33 :wM?mMm: It: mwmem?: ?3 7 2:333: 333:: 33 3.: m: 3.: :3333313333 3:333: 3:53 333:: 3? :5 33:: - :3 :333: 3:3: 3: m: .2, :5 :3133:33:: . mu .. . . ?33333431 (Ep7531951 NH 54046 Page 2 in ?aatglaaT?a??g 2% wmm?eg @wa?ww gaggwg? cag?gg??g?gg ?g yk Emmiiya ?m?mr hi& ?aa?la?r?h?r?atianai ?ageawra? gram Ea mzm?mm-mahm 314%?? mm m?wm a Mm?mm? . aha w?gama 7 ?339; a? ?a wag ga$?a? k? ?ag @??agta? taxm?g? ?a?-iatawvaamaam wag igr? gay - R?hwa.pxia? ma? 1% a vawy'wagm?ah?gg wali'?mawm aha aiway? mg ga?i?ie? la a??ag ax? agg 6% .8Wi&i, W331i? 13m 43% 9, Es?? aauwa?a.?aga?@ Ra? aw mag ?a?mg a '7 @i?ma larg@ ?m?a?-aagitalx?taa ?a?arag?g NH 54046 @f man 1% t??'gwagwaag @wa . @?r?ama? ?hagr?@WR gm?r??iek ?g baak the Emaia?gl ggagw??a ?g . wwt??gm?a?ag? sayigaaia??g;?agi?madia$ gal 1 ?55ng My WE a am?mm egg-mm? m. Wm gm gag-mm.? ??pww mm me; m?a karga wswk??g and hai??yg?fm??'Wiil he waxy wailing $9_gaagaxgt?awa?n taa ?3 givan $3 reman??wactimg -. 2- - Raggax??w? 3% 39% amm?aaia? k? a aym&n&g_ i3 wa?l? ka-?i??i?matjt? ?g ha I mg:- DucId:3230??T? Page 3 JFK Assassination System Date: 6/5/2015 Identi? cation Form Agency Information leas ed under 1: he Kennedy I AGENCY: FBI saassinatinn Recurda RECORDNUMBER: 124-10291-1021] :Dllecti?n Act at 1992 [44 use 2107 Note]. RECORDSERES: HQ Zase#:NH quas Date: 8?23?2017 AGENCY FILE NUMBER 97-4546-6TH NR 3 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: MOORE, D. E. TO BELMONT, A. H. TITLE DATE: 04/20/1961 PAGES: 1 SUBJECTS MR, ASSOC, US GOVERNMENT AGENCY, MOVIMIENTO REVOLUCIONARIO DEL PUEBLO DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/11/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS v9.1 5 NH 54046 DucId:3230??Tl Page 1 5m . .I [g (.Pars?ms OPIIONAL roam no. lo I GOVEIR IENT- WNW . 1. a if} Beimontg Memorandum .Evans 1.11?.sz April 20 1961 as i 1 . ?31.5. . D. E. MOORE . I . ii. '1 Inqm'm urging: I cc Mr. Parsons? . i 3 GR - Mr. Belmont II- . - ?sny?, - .Mr. Donahoe p. swam?: TO Mr. PIapicn I Hr. RELEIESE 0? SIP Classi?I Ty I IN W3 mama NT. KP If? ?u a . 163? Wis Noivwanssa .ervisor organ, PWFO, advised at 11:00 AM, 4 -6 lgi'rs had advised that last night (4-19) Raul Chibasgg rquin had telegixiued Dr. Fernando Leyva. ..I Chibas an . that WF [1,11 1 and Ramon I jIBarquin are mem.bers of the Movimient_o Revolucionario del Pueblo ;A,g 1 $3 anti- Castro organization and were calling from Miami?? ICE 3gpr. Leyva is an. anti?Castro Cuban here in Washington.; in ?59 -gm If?ynsig' 34" Chihas said that izhey had re ved a requet from the 4yI MRP underground in Cuba to locate of the MRP and Iii? a member of the Provisibnal Cuban Government in exile). Chibas said that they have not been able to locate Ray and the last any of their people had heard of him was when he left NYC last Sunday (4-16) with Miro Cardona, head of the Provisional Government in exile, and CIA representatives. Chibas was extremely bitter against CIA and indicated he was thoroughly disgusted with them ?d?t?at If they don't locate Ray or Hear ?from him within 48 hours,? :heya are goi?? tngive ths"enfir6?CIK operation to thej?ewspapers. ?nd?35rquin _are coming ?fo Washington on 4-20-61 and CF 11613 will know where they are staying. Th ir purpose in com- ing to Washington is to try to locate Ray. (yaw.I- 5'I-The above information was telephonically furnished to ?Hrs. Jane by Liaison Agent Papich and CIA later advised that_gaym is w11zh CIA representatives and they will have him Contact IChibas and Barquin as soon as posSible. CIA asked tL where Chibas and Barquin were staying in Washington I ORIGINAL. (:ch gag}, I recontacted Supervisor _Morgan, WFO, $agg? Igg?f IAIs request and told him that as soon as WFO as P;gg$% In Chibas and Barquin have arrived in Washington and?%1 ainedt where they are staying, the Bureau should be immediately advised so that =I-we can pass this information on to He said th his would be done. I . ?a mf??n mam ska/:3 A life awe-?31! - For information. WFO is submitting complete details of A. .wixatEe Information receivededrea ggegtnfOrmant by airtel and letterhead memorandum..?1951 NH 54046 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Identi? cation Form Date: 6/5/2015 Agency Informati on Eleased under the John AGENCY FBI KEHPE d? RECORDNUMBER: 124-10291-10212 SSESSIHEUDH RESUME . . . allectinn Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES . HQ US: 2 1D:l . 514qu Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 97-4546-7TH NR 3 5?3 3 ?3 '3 17' Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, WMFO TO 5 DIRECTOR, TITLE: DATE 04/20/196 1 PAGES 5 SUBJECTS MR, WHEREABOUTS, ASSOC, 8 GOVERNMENT AGENCY, ACA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Con?dential RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/11/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM v9.1 NH 54046 Page 1 'f?x I 11-13136 (Nev: zg-l?ig?s?e1'3211. LONHDE .2. 1.1.29 111:7. Mamie..-- Mr. Ros (ma-.11 121.11. '4 1.. (Type 1' plum text or code) ?3 1111'. 1 111321 R. 218'. Tale. Room..- 111: 811 11118 088-11110 -- - A I 31111181 3115 1:8: . 111111134?ng (1?635-gf704.81? a. 11011111131110 REVOLUCIONARIO DEL PUEBLO (MRP) . Miss Gandy ority or Method of Mailing). 11 11113 WCUMENI K10 /1 13 q7 {Telemann-l. . I Belmont- Callahan I 3111'. Evans 118?8t811nny88 ?ush?h -- . - telephone call to the Bureau 4/20/61. Enclosed are five copies to the Bureau and one copy to Miami for information of a letterhead memorandum and evaluation memorandum dated and captioned as above. memorandum was ?nished by?F 9163- SAs DONALD HOETING The information in the 6 closed letterhead anL JOSEPH E.- SCULLY on 4/20 - In addition to the information furnished in the letterhead memorandum, the informant advised that he would }1 take steps to determine the whereabouts of CHIVAS and 11mmed1ately advise WFO. 7 HBARQUIN as seen as they arr1v? in WashingtOn, D. C., an df The informant determined from ERNESTO m- on 4/20/61, that CHIVAS and BARQUIN have indicateth 2 26198117;w ?they now want. nothing whats.oever to do with any representai tive of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), but wisH?T?stead ?to deal rwith members of the FB questing that the FBI as liaison for? them with CIA Wiik MW: ?nk-a - jUr?t? Q?l/ww . .. Sea) Bureau (Eng l? 134 7 3 114/ :ecngg?j I 2:11:42" 811-..- 1,915 . . ?New "8?8ye'd 1:1? - 1913228 1981 5; .Y ?peoz?b?iqent 1n?Cherge ?w 75* . it 11..-. - . Rune-W- '1 . . 'm54046 Page 2 IFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/5/2015 Agency Information Eleased under the John Kennedy AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-1029140214 Saasamatmn RESUME nllectinn Act of 1992 .HQ (44 USC 210? Note]. 5440445 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 97-454617' Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, WMFO To DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE 04/20/1961 PAGES: 3 SUBJECTS MR, REL, TRA, ASSOC, MOVIMIENTO REVOLUCIONARIA DEL PUEBLO, ACA, FINANCES DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/11/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM v9.1 NH 54046 DunId:3230??Td Page 1 1.313333% u; -mh 3333.3 33: (1.133335%) 3133313333? 3333333333333 3333. 33331.. E33333 313' 3 (1'30 333333) 3333133333 333333.333 3.33 3 33333.33 33? 3. 13333333333 33 3313 f. .3333 333 3313 3-3333 3'33 EE333 33333 3.333 333.333. 3333 33333333333 33.3333 3:33:33 3.33 3333333333 33331: 33.? 3331333333. 33 3/3/33. 3333333 333333333 33.3 333 33333333 3.33 333333333 :33 333333333 1333313333333 33 333 3.33333 3333333 3333 333333 3-3 333 33-3 3333 3333333331 33.33333 33.3 333 33333 313.3 333.3333 3333333 3333333 3333.13.33 33 3333332133 W3 3333 33.333 3333 3313 333333333 313333333 33 333 33? 333313 33333333 333 3333 33.333 3311-? 33 33333.3. 333 3333 33.33 33333 333333, 3133333. 333 33333 333 33333 33.. 333331133133 33333. 3333. 3333313333 33.33.33 33333333333 3:33.33 333.3 3.33 33333333333 3333-32 3333.33 3323 3333 333.3 33.33 633333333 3333 33.3.3333. 3:33 3333333. 333 3 333.33 3333?! 33 3333333333333 33333333 33? 3333.33 3333; 33 3333333333 33333 WEE 333333 333133333333 3333: 33333333333 3333.33.33.33 3.11 3333 33. 333% 3333 3333313333 133233333333 333333 13 3133333333 3333333 3333333333.? 33.32133 e.3r33333.?33 33333333333 333333.313 33333.3. 33333.3 3.33 3.333 13333333133335.5333 3f 33 333333-333 33? 33333333331333 3323333 3333. 3333333033333 3333 3133333 33333333313333. ??Ehmr {Ei??ag} 33333333 33.333332333333333) 1. 3 33333. 3.0333333333331333) ?jg/mg.) 3333333333 33? .3 .35" 33 .3 3330 E3 3 1313-. 333 33333333333 3-3.. :3 333 . 33,3. .33 35.2333? f7 ?71 3:13. ??g?fi?w 3 NOT RECORDED 136 i 7? 5343 ?5 3 3333233 3313333333 333. 3333333 3.. 3. 233. :3 . $33 .3 3? Cu.533 [43 a 5.1 333311331. 313333113 1 NH 54046 DucId:3230??Td Page 2 ?r-v - 4?4 5 L- 3-43-99 nub?n. JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/5/2015 Agency lnformati on Eleased under the John AGENCY FBI - KEEPEW RECORD NUMBER: 124-10291?10215 335531115?;an RESUME allectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES I HQ USC 2107 . ase#:NH EQDAE Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER NR 4 5?3 3 3 '3 17' Document lnformati on ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: MOORE, D. E. TO BELMONT, A. H. - DATE: 04/21/1961 PAGES I SUBJECTS MR, WHEREABOUTS, ASSOC, US GOVERNMENT AGENCY, ACA - DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 1B CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/11/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS v9.1 NH 54046 DunId:3230??T? Page 1 9 19 Tolson - Parsons Mo?? Bell-non! omomk row no.1 10 - 3 STATES f? 19 1 1Conrad 1 1' 1? DeLoach 1? Evans 9 .Molone Ajax-1121, Trotter .Tele. Room MR. 111R 1- cc Mr.?Be1mont: ?1 Mr. Donahoe 11y memorandum dated 4?20-61 advised of of 41:17:3au1 ?EZbas of MRP to get in touch wit anuel Bax ~=911?1143919 -?1732 leader of the and of the fact that the requested to . 911? ,19519 be advise Chibas could be located if he came to 111g; :11} Washington. a 2? Supervisor Morgan, WFO, advised on had advised during the late evening of 4- 20-61 9 nuel Bay had gotten in touch with Chibas before the -a ?latter left Miami to come to Washington and, thereiore,this .115D_Rashingt0n. Although CIA is undoubtedly aware of tzi ?J;j_Liaison Agent Papich is adviszng them oi this fact. CIA HAS NO CANON {11/111111 HELEAHE cm DOCUMENT I7 77 1? ?1?r 411593131? 196L 1.11924 11 1 l? . NH 54046 Page 2 Callahan 91 _1 _w.c.3u1uvan 7K1matter was all handled. Chibas will not be coming to - ,9?i?9111*9 1x11 1 5 .. 1 A a, 9w:- . 11 A 2, 1 1t?1 Mr. Papich ?(9?91 ?171:1 9 111 1' 51113111170111 1 '1 Cotter - scmu'rr- CUBA . . 3 . 1 . . -.. up.? - KM: .9 .9 9".9 JFK Assassination System Date: 6/5/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Informatlon leased under 1: he AGENCY: FBI . Kennedy RECORDNUMBER: 124-10291-10218 Records - nllectiun Act Elf 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [?14 USC 210'? Note] . a3e#:NH SQDEE Date: AGENCY FILENUMBER: 97-4546-2ND NR5 7 3?23?2017 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, WMFO . To DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 05/26/1961] PAGES: 3 SUBJECTS MR, ASSOC, MOVIMIENTO REVOLUCIONARIO ACA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Con?dential RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/11/1998 OPENING CRITERIA - INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM V9.1 9 NH 54046 Page 1 3333 33 3f 33333333313 ?326333.31 3333 3333333333?) 3:3 . 353 0 . @33333 39,333 1 '3333 333 3; 33333.33 30 3333 3333333 3- 333 333333 33 333 33333 333 33 3 333333333 333333333- 333 33333333 333 - 333333 3333 3333333333 3.3 33333. 3333 3333;333:333 33 3333333333 3333333333 333333333 3333 33333333333 331%3 E333 tie-F'f-3 33 3333333 3333333 33 3/33i333 GE.) 3333 33333333 3333333333 3333333333 33 333333333333 33333333333333 33333 3333 3333 33333333 3333333333 33333333 33: 33333 33333333333333 33 3 333333.3333 33333333333 33 333333333333 33333 3333 3333333333 3333 3333333 3333333333333 3333333333 3 3 33 3333333333301) 3 3 333 ?3.333 {3333 3} {3333333333}? L5 L3 333 33331333 313.) ?33 E. . .. 3, 17-3," 1:35-33:45 Vi'uo 9 OREGINAL 0033 313.333-333 333 I 333333. I 7.. 3/5 9/4; . 3331333 33333333 1 15 3.31131 1 1951 F. a 8 2N ?3333333 33?3. ?3 :83} i?a? L315- . 3.9.23" NH 54046 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Iden??ca?onFonn Date: 6/5/2015 AGENCY: RECORD NUMBER RECORD SERIES Agency Information FBI 124-10291-10224 HQ Eleased under the John Kennedy Eaassinatinn Recnrda allectinn Act of 1992 (44 USC 210? Note]. a3e#:NH EADAE Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER): 97-4546-2ND NR 7 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, WMFO To DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 06/09/1961 PAGES: 3 SUBJECTS MR, ASSOC, MOVIMIENTO REVOLUCIONARIO DEL PUEBLO, ACA, PLAN, FLIGHTS, SUPPLIES, GUERILLA FORCES, CUBA DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Con?dential RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/11/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC NOTE WI NH 54046 13 Page 1 .- Mr. Tolson on? 2 Mr. Belmo 1. Mr. Mohr 2 Mr. Callahan Mr. Con 9991 911-. 19291.4 . -, .5. Mr 11713:, Malone. Date: '6/292/6212Im? .2 19.1 9?31 1:020:17! I :1 WI 2 2 2 @121: 2 2 .?Ib??rA?F?wu?m. . - e1 .2 II 221'22' - - I Q. 095222 212,62}: Z542 222Tele. Room. 12- g. 1? 1QJ-'22. (Priority or Methodo Mailing) 7 - mA-a 11.119191999912991. - I) 9.05 1191921390 9119 93/4/33 5% E?assi?ei? by: 2 ., E992. TEE (Ear?E995 Eeclass?y :9 27- 19.1199 is 0 ACTIVE. 99115 240922 231993 - C1191 . .. . 2M9 (>211: omeniv 1/1/17, . I ?25qu ?plainI text or code) .. .v .. if '2 Foi- i119 0/0; 3119121111 11.9 Elimni I . 6 61 that Em met wit - 'th 0. anti or? 1 m: as the EEovn' iento EiovoluciOna Eel 191%on (9911*) on 11111131 11 ?119111 1521' - . Hotel, WEE. E1 111oo11119'IJ1Y'to'1-z infomnan mite hisC ConEi?ence ?11 grovoulod 21 1311111 19911 ere?by iE 9th 1.5.3 overmnent CC 190111261 szrive 1155;191:9109 weekly Eligh'cs to tho C11ban2'Eastern shore 2 (El-"16199 1'10v11'1cow ?011151 be 92:11ch for 9116 13191:; ose of 91:991. 'ing .. 91101991111 Eo1cosEigE'1'ci11 129.9110. .E?ho 5111:131ies would also reach the ?11.1Cs oIE:.tE1e C1 12532111 would motor 1.. 1911.1. 1129911121 forces 99219115: :2 "153.91? _I221'cIo1-estccE 111121213313 Sgtl?s?g?a -. (22129213322229. 0222:325223262: o1; 1cmtio11 the naigtanence cost of - 2 22 R1 EJ221911 .105th ?"1299 1119019911111 Eoco: ?19 1:119 one rewonsialo . .1 Come in "19 i11Eo1'111 116. It is 910tec12ti1a5 inform 1159111; Air Forco pilot 191 1:11 9191' ro imateEWyi/Z years? her} 2 2 1 . 911'" 0:29:111935.21: . I .I 2 11.1 13:11:31?. tot oove,ltl2'1e :Enfom argdoclmeq 1 .1121 729 4111019513111 siEICe9E1c-z is 111111591911 to 9.9.1e1'1can 22,131.91 ancE 1111 :1 93.111113: 0E 'tE11 Ciildren residisI1g 1n 11.11st; or R?i sag actu 1.y193rticiaa ing in this 9199 because 212911: 28? 5-12 E2311 _sC 1?91 1:01 :20? 2m 0.5 52:23? 12:: 2 H23 H- 199111.11. ngton 59' . 9:21, cal-,4 .. Lowcx ,'1'.E1e 11190119111 11::"osuo time: ConsideIseam +11 4792-?) (11 1) 4-1. . 11911119 - 15 1951JE 2E6 - i211, . . 2- $210.? 134:- CMS SEED mun/3.11 22,; 22 2 11/31. A 93.21%? (-5) Wick? . . 2 Approved E: a! EU 9101199. 21222-992: 231911111119, ., - NH 54046 Page 2 or GR both for?er Cap wins and p11 ts" 5.111 the Cwan Air Rome. acce ted the sugVestion b11103?! that?ae 1111mm ant re .19. as FmY's over all v-ch111calCC-3 ?aciviSor ?01 this ac 11171 the 11110111131113] state he would ?1961)st ?1e COFCLUQIOP of the meeti?g; RAY advised th planned to p1re3ent this pic gram of actlvitL the Umted States Governme V3110 were not (I the iafomant. The 1111011121111: was of? the opinion that if he queotioned along the se 1111 5 he woul ouse [be ((1511 And 110551131}; Eomyromsgiumuelf. 4/ - llforna Stated tacit he ieves?g is t} .e onlyC 011911110 13. en made aware of p131 nd for chis reason :15 not 111C woman? the above 1nfom1ation into a 10111 suit ble o1 d1sce?1'Wt1on eec use 1t would hise the 11110121211115; Cc] he 111101.131?; st- eci??e 1101 MM maintam contact with RAY - iC-g ?will be re turnil. 0" to-his home in Piia'm 11611711 will Lee ":10 adVISed orgall develomlenus in this 111atte .. NH 54046 Page 3 .Luxuryiislril. In Ltof(; *3 :5 low IS from plan may he ate agenc1es W1 . Sin 1y person aware ion 1011 ls ttached data at valuable losely fol former Cuban 11 make no NOTE as furnished the past. isin ing propr1 11 be Date June 10 1961 t'of informat since plan ig?ence Domestic Intell er W1 . .. 'dicat nm-vm ?rnmway a Matt . . a flail?? . 5. 3 to avoid comprom :fa i lssemlna 0 . _anolo'Rayf formative stages tlme ?viz p; and upon receip other.sources taking?shape be'advisedg source. .belieVes Arms minv.12 (I xNFmat 'm I am A 1? :32301034 Page 4 DucId NH 54046 Assassination System Date: 6/5/2015 Ide nti? cation Form Agency Information Eleased under the John FBI - Kenneth? RECORD 124-10291-10226 A S?a??im?ti?n BECOME allectinn Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ (4?1 USC 2107' . a3e#:NH 540%5 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER NR 7 5-2 3 -2 '3 17' Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM SAC, NK TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 07/12/1961 PAGES 4 SUBJECTS MR, ASSOC, DAMON, GEORGE R, ACA, PT BOATS, MOTORS, FINANCES, WEAPONS DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/11/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM v9.1 14 NH 54U45 Page 1 i 1 ?WW-unm- - ~13"ka awuhews-rw" - :Bi??i?w?z-Ia-se1,13% . . a: 130111 111111: 01 1.. 1 DATE - Date: 7/12/61 .- PLAIN Transmit the followi in or 1461111111 0! Nailing) (Type in p.511: tax: or E37 111:1 1111111111 3113' HAS NO 111.111 Q11 Jl?xmeFK 1:19 . 1:14 u: 111 11113 12111111111111 a. 3 qg? 1?31 (105?954161) - 5/011? . 1111011: . - SAC, 1115111111: (maximal) Nadiassif}: SUBJECT: CNBAN REBEL ACTIVITEES 1N CUBA .5 1' ALL :1-11111113'10111 I 0713111. 1.1.131 GEORGE DAMON Copy . la?; 1.11 2:11 11 f?kg?a??a??f/?f?qiwxj I 3 . Enclesed for the information ef the Bureau are nine (9.) copies Ni a letterhead memorandum captioned, CUBAN REBEL ACTEVITKES EN CUBA dated as above: N112 ?If-e21. is N11 ?2611:1361 0019121611 HENB RN: xor this oifice in the NNTNAN GREGORY SILVERNASTNR caseo GEORGE DANON was the subject of an FAG case -in 19 58 (Bufile 46:32613)? DANGN also became involved in .Cuban ac?ivitiee in 19 58 when he was approached by pro- CASTNG forces to emuv bgle arms and men into Cubaa DAMON money for exposing the_p10to However, the BATISTA forces wanted him to ace ually run the men and into Cuba where they could be errv 1 ?eaying he would be k1111?? N?reauv{Encs 9) .1 2 Niami (N ?nee 1 2 New Yerk (Encs 2) RNqu, #?gw?g 2 Washington Field (Enos. 2) RN 2 Newark .- 4K, 113$ (1 .. GEORGE 1911111111 \Ng . - 1:.1 1 i} 1' 3' .4?l-dh-Iyg 1/ r' 1? 3.. .. .1 ?rm?i Harvey Cedars, N930, whe has been aw 50che o? 1nformation? mm the Gevernment of this approach and demanded. f4; ?ma-M . 1 r? :g i ,r?f 4? . .17, U1 vd?ig .. 0:5? 1 1.2/1. 2,1. ?15; 1? n11 Approved: @1311ng NEED 1.14:1 3:31 1E 18:: 3 Wm?? Special 151939.933}. gharge 3 diff-1?" NH 54046 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 6/5/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Inforrnati on Eleased under the John AGENCY: FBI . Kennedy RECORDNUMBER: 124-10291-10229 - ssassinatiun Records allectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ USC 210'? . ase#:N11T 5440436 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 97-4546-7TH 8?2 3 2 17' Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM LEG, MD TO DIRECTOR, FBI . TITLE DATE: 07/31/1961 PAGES: 4 SUBJECTS 7 1 MR, ANTI-CASTRO GROUPS, ASSOC, ARRESTED, CUBA DOCUMENT TYPE TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS -4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/11/1998 . OPENING CRITERIA COMMENTS INC LHM v9.1 - 15 NH 54046 Page 1 070. ,m 7/ To, Director, FBI (log-5852?IM DATE: 7-31-61 I wig.) Eimw - . k- FROM 2 [Legal Attache, Madrid (10% JKL) SUB ECT. 35355555 by . ?eciassify on: I \w <3 Attached are ten copies of a letterhead memorandum ?x setting forth additional information on this matter, as well 33 as ten copies of an evaluation-memorandumt Source T-l in the letterhead memorandum is ANGEL MIRANBA URRUTIA. He was introduced to the writer by JESUS MANZARBEITIA, treasurer in a Spain of the delegation of the Frente Revolucionario Democratico and a good contact?of the'Madrid Office. MANZARBEITIA said that MIRANBR URRUTIA had worked for him for a number of years 5 in Havanafor his business and he vouched for him completely. 7,48 2% =4 The memorandum has been classified confidential protect MANZARBEITIA and EIRANDA URRUTIA since it is ianticipated that the latter will continue to furnish informa? ?3 tion of Bureau interest to the Madrid Office. E?mcopy of the memorandum was diseeminated locally to the CIA j?g An extra copy of this 1e?er is attached for forwarding by the Bureau, together with a copy of the letterhead memorandum Px - 1L to the iami Office for information in view of the fact that RAY, mentioned in the letterhead memorandum, is believedem to Miami territory at the present time. 553? The Madrid Office will continue to?fo 10w thie . matter here and the Bureau will be advised. g? . . mag; massage (by . m? 555 ?355in 95- e, 3 mBureau (Rec. 20) a gym/5L3 ?Edge105?1712--Madrid ?u MIA i: ?5 UG M1953 53:44 gar-?2,3 #31213 i TIOTT ,3 "i . L3d?p60?9 r15) 5555515?; NH 54046 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Dale: 6/5/2015 Identi? cation Form Agency Information Eleased under the John - AGENCY: FBI . Kent-ledg- RECORDNUMBER: 124-10291?10230 . allectinn Act of 1992 (44 USC 210? Note]. a3e#:NH 540%5 Date: RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER NR 7 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 08/14/1961 PAGES: 4 SUBJECTS MR, AFFIL, MOVIMIENTO REVOLUCIONARIO DEL PUEBLO, Assoc, POLIT, PR DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF-LASTREVIEW: 06/11/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM v9.1 16 NH 54046 DunId:3230??S? Page 1 OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 5010-!04-01 UNITED STATES fa i i . r. fir; SEQ-fig WiUs._. u? 9? A 1 aireetar?s FROM 3A3, ?ia?mi SUBJECT: FOREEGE P?z?mmh'mm?m {gym I 3'53 Cilim IEFOR 7: 0-H CONTAINED .1 .. I ?gfg?EAE ?own Re ?iami let?er t9 Bureaur_7/18/61. Enm?asea kerewi?h?ara-niaa cepiea-of a tatterhaa? memarandum ?ata? a??'e?pti??ed as a?cia. . g?i MM ?wi i? imam.? ?dwelepmimt 34% a $33 ?a Cum .-.- i: Tia awa_?uxuiaha? far San Juan Since isa,;i. - . viaitax thaia an? wag visita? Vi gevaral timas in tha ?aiiad gtatea?hy Puaite Ricaa Gawainar 92 . E313 and: priar ta tha e?fart, ma?a ?rigs tn Waah?ngtang B. $.9-accamganying MUNQZ w?am_he allegadly ta ?awerai Waahingian a??iciais in_hig? peaitianaORIGINAL COPY FILED IN ESE h?a-heg? piwganal yhyaician ail big li?i, as.wa11 agrdaatar af his childran. 9&3 ma?a his trig to Enerkw Rico madam ihe au?picea 0f ?Ewimeya Jornada Fadia?yi?&? (F?rat ?panaerad_by meaa?e Canden?ad walks ?e Stated that imma?iaie?y a?ter ?alkiag $9 ?aetar ?ne ?attir calle? in ?ail him a imyresaian of Byaa talking ta an July 28, ih? iatter gave a9 he attri?a?a? tha Go ermaw?a caal ireatmea? ?g h?m Ea anything ?si.ha? ?aidig?g r, hug: Lt- if?? empiaa ara farniahe? to 8am saga with a reguiat 1 ?ag camment ragar?ing wax?a apyraiaal of the all 93 eagmag ?uggartera in Faerie R?cai aa?, i? ?aasib?e sent i .qg Gavarnar tamard? m??v?a i . ?r Cara?ul wag givea'ta ?e ra?a eancaala? ?g ?ymbala, an? ware ugaa 931$ whara ?3 graieci iafarmant fgem-exgaanraq . ereaa (Encla. i ?27? San mm (Emmi. mini? ?s 3 a M1 (2 535.in 1 lain-am; i~ 9" ??srl?m?i 3,169 AUG 251961 i .N A if 50mm 28138: - --: ., W. . V?fm. NH 54046 Page 2 lle No 3 NH 54046 1,3 Reply, Please Refer to 1051,geAer 'Cemmumietsy but they are definitely AA uAimertAAt Teeter ?1 A: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OE JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Miami, 0g AUG 1 4 1951 - - "7 Classi?ed by . "Re: FQEEIGN PALMTEAT MATTERS .. PeciASsify on: 4% . Pym: INTERNAL 1 CLBA MM Twit A preA1AeAT CUMAA i_A' eAiTe TA the STAT es 15 1A AA MAM ~TT?mtvaSlTlon tM eri.AbTe 1ATMEAAT1MA MA This has reliable 1ATermat1eA 1A the MAMA rAished the TeTTewiAg 1ATermatioA MA 5 TQMT The daAger MT any greAT fer PTPEL SCASTRG 1A PAerte Rice paeAed He ATM gevermment ?4 . Appear to be cempTeteTy diSereMitMA PAMATM RTMAAM in ?1 . A All AT the MtrAeture_eT the are fully that great prosperiT-y is MAjeyeA in Puerto Rice CAMA TA Mimkimg iAte the AA 'AepTorable depths MAMA Pmerte to by gimme AMT: aware 3.11 events QM axe AWAAM tAat CASTRG "AAte pregra is reepMAMibTe for his plight,1 the turAlAg MT MAited ix . States tourist ToAguterA ATTMATTMA te PuertA R1ee is regpousib Te for its MArgiAg tantd that the above to Aim, the STEM support erA were very streAg 1A Puerto . Riee 1A TAMPATSMO He Anted tAere Are Meme CASTRO . 1 Superteng A0 amoAg the Puerte RTMAA MATTMAATM And as A group_ GeverAer LETS AMM.0Z MARIE TAMPA SUAREZ, ?deAeribed AA AA emimeAt Puert_e RTMAA phys1eiAA PMAA AT the "AeAiMal MMAMMT 1A Juamy etAer' were extremely 1Aterested 1A A appPATSal 9f 11111535119 BY jig? . ALL INFO - 6N a! HEREIN IS RECEIVE 2.31.5?; SHOWN OTEMR DucId:3230??Q? Page 3 JFK Assassination System Date: 6/5/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Informatlon leased under the John AGENCY FBI i . Kennedy RECORD NUMBER: 124-10291?10232 . 3335133 inatinn Records nllectinn Act Of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ - [?14 USC Ell]? Nate] . ., ase#:NH 540%6 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 97:454617" Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, WMFO TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 08/30/1961 PAGES: 4 SUBJECTS MR, AFFIL, MOVIMIENTO REVOLUCIONARIO DEL PUEBLO, ACA, ASSOC, US GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Con?dential RESTRICTIONS 18; 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/11/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LI-IM v9.1 17 NH 54U45 Page 1 - ?a any?1 'LnJ-S?lweri 1L, It?ll an} I ?11:12: . 111' 1?01an 5 To 5 Ravyueratmj?1 :1 :11 arr. Bit?xri_ gm? gifjglag' l1 an; onuahanl__l :gj:;f1 JAB I: Fir. Conrndu._l. f?i?111'. he'll-each-? n3 . m" Date; I Taii?rlon? a I if Rosana-..? 1711?): Sullivan Tronsmit the followmgm --. - (1M1 - - . Ef?e!- I Tpe in plain text or code) DECLASS 161117313 51115}! ex?mli. 15:- w" - or Method _0f Mailingi) . 2:47" To: FBI 1 .- ROM: SAC, wro (105?38585) - 31155111111 by 111111111311111' Bed assify s: EEQVIENTO GREVOLUCIONARIO DEL PUEBLO (MRP) IS CUBA 2, AK 437% iym?m?s Enclosed are nine copies to the Bureau _and one to Miami of a letterhead memo and evalutation memo dated and captioned as above. ftion in enclosed letterhead memo . y?gf 1161 31:0 ea DONALD RORTIRG on 8/29/61. For information of the Bureau and Miami,??EF ?learned the information in enclosed letterhead mem from ERNESTO BETANCOURT, who visited MANOLO RAY in Washington, D. C. during the evening of 8/23 /6l. The,1'n was furnishedb 112.11.: During BET conversation with RAY, RAY also volunteered information that he had spent a number -of hours in conxerence with RALES - Deputy EEAssistant Secretary of State for??g?w Ameriean Affairs, - 2 3; during the day of 8/23/61. CARRION had advised RAY to forget 1 all the Cuban exiles and anti?Castro grOups in the U. S. 11and to Puerto and wait until ofufactedm by a -. :4 \jd?Jl'XiJ ALL INFORMATION cm. ma;- a I an.? ?41. 0representative of the U. S. Government. 2 It is noted that CIA advised the Bureau? 6/21/61, all dealings with Cuban exile organizatid? be handled not by El? but thrOugh the Office of CARRIQN. 1) (RM) Bureau (ENCS. 9) 2 11?) 10 - 134E35?$3ub A Copy to: mamas/Ran- . Miami (105?3107) (ENC =35 DH: Ire Ly rc-E in] /iip for info. . (5) DateC I by 17/71, i?kgat z??lf e, 1519?? it is), 3 NH 54046 Luw . ?an! - Approved: . 1V?m9 SEP 8? ?1396 ED Agent in . . rf: 115?: Av; ?17 Sent DucId:32301092 Page 2 ,wro 105438585 The above information connection With Ehe alleged?d a vise of CARRION to RAgzis not being incorporated @041 into the letter ad me OS 'nce 1 would possibly .reveal ?the identity 0_ WF . The enclosed letterhead memo is classified "Confidential" since the da-ta reported could reasonably -resu1t in the identificatidn of a confidential inf-ormant 0f continuing value and compromise the future effectiveness chereof. . . a NH 54046 DucId:32301092 Page 3 ma". ., JFK Assassination Syst'em Identi?cation Form Date: 6/5/2015 Agency Information Eleased under the John Kennedy ssassinatinn Records RECORD NUMBER: 124-10291-10234 UllECtiD? ACE Of 1993 [44 USC 210? Note]. ase#:NH 54096 Date: 8?23?2017 AGENCY FILE NUMBER 97-4546-3RD NR 8- Document Information ORIGINATOR DOS FROM: VISA OFFICE TO: DATE: 08/29/1961 PAGES 10 SUBJECTS MR, NCK DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/11/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC W1 NH 54046 18 Page 1 . . 132.331) - Feder IE I of SHGEE 0 5113.3 19 45/ I Name 1 ni - %m 6527 ED . 'l A ?ention Wu; RetUrn to MEIER: 1- an. U?Supervisor\ Room Ext. Type of References Requested: E: Regular Request (Analytical Search) C: All References (Subversive Nonsubversive) i Subversive References Only N?r\subversive Ref rences nly Re [e Ste 0 lity of @Ct Name My (On the Nose) Dildup mCEVariati Classifie? by cuedPlace CIA-HA. DE: ?Localities I Search . . NH 54046 Page 2 (4 ~Supervisor Searcher Date 1?33 initial WV 3? i Prod. Kw? if FILE NUMBER A143 SERIAL Uf? ?f ??muubpm 1 22G(Bev. 11-17-59) . .1 MEROUS ?3 ECH SLIP 2 ROW 71701412112 (355333 :24 MS 979x79 9619/11 -/45 ECXGGO if; QI/ff? 1 ?xw/z?f MWO 7671f 759%st Am m; 51515915?? /77aow/Q;a :3 QLW '3 533%.? WNW Willa/Law? -. 1' 7 C7 3 //z9 Mfg?rho"; 33162.13 #939125? 75% San-55762547 I UzigU?; gif 7/4 125% 43 x; 3 NH 54046 Page 3 4-c122 u(Re Sub}: .11 17 59) - SEARCH SLIP 11 MM W?xam ?mat/1mm SupervisorW?MNTIAi NUMEROUS REFERC 623% Room R114- Date 533/50 Prod. (2 FILE NUMBER 7/ 02M x??iu- 58/94 ~79 (JV 1/ I/xf/?/j I I I Searcher 35.1.2333 143 2857 My Eur/05 394% a. 8636? -- 91599.7 vyf/ \i 3 6? - 9324?} my $5569: slag/M21) @0191 Wme {m4} firm/9 9 Q?i?g??mm ?ma/ML) 7% 9:231 9 . NH 54046 Page 4 - 4. ?9 - SEARCH SLIP Subj. .Qawim? 9?9?qu wa?m 99901998 9" 5 a Room a Searcher Date __?L_Jnitiql .9 Pro 1 FILE NUMBEE 3 Warm?Q90 ?999993939; mmAmAm 9999;;9/99; WEEK #2919095 [5 J05 JCJAJOIS 5 99f JQSL J9W 99 W: 9i 9% If g? 9?93 9?7? . 7925;) 39795499299; ?93271993 9997/9/92 93939? Fi?/50f? 9599 EW-AAM 3.49 9994599 99 (N 9 aQMAA?m/pw 91/929,. 9/99 szurmw; 939/ lol .9 .f NH 54046 Page 5 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Fonn Date: 6/5/2015 Agency Information Eleased under the John AGENCY FBI KE 1111121213: . RECORD NUMBER: 124-10291-10237 33513311151131? BECOME allectinn Act of 1992 RECORDSERHE: PHQ [44 USC 1 ase#:NH 540%5 Date: AGENCY RLE NUMBERDocument Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, SJ TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 11/13/1961 PAGES: 6 SUBJECTS - MR, EMP, PR, AFFIL, MOVIMIENTO REVOLUCIONARIO DEL PUEBLO, CRC, ASSOC, MAB, ACA DOCUMENT TYPE :1 PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/11/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC MEMO WI. 54U45 21 Page 1 NH 54046 AA Aha criticiAiAg MM 165w3107 AA AA the Af hi? ablarg he is the AA h?r?g AHTOTIA MACAO T31 GASTEELAHAS thA 3 AhyAiciAA Af RAT, tha lattAr A children, Aimee AA Af his latAAt AATAA AA Aima Br (prAtect identity? he had AA that RAY 1A A frieAA, AHNAT MARIA Af Rica, had had AA dxap AA A palitical ?ltha?ghr - MARIA did give RAT a jAb AA AthAr 1A the Miami ?foica,?AA1AdTAg Les in?ieAting thAt is 1A thAt EAT 1A At A 8AA Bureau are, AT that MATUEL RAT AA leAdar Af thA Az=Af AA AT 1961 replacAA hy IGTACZA TAA publicly given in the that AAT teak Aithouz of the of the MAP in [Asx the a really AA the fAAt AhAt leftisc AA?avara AblA reaction 1A the U. S. ta general ATAA of TGAAGIO MENAAEA rAcAAtly A lAtAAr'Ahich Si? $35 hid Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 6/5/2015, Identi?cation Form Agency Information a 1:233 ed under the AGENCY FBI . Kennedy- RECORD NUMBER: 124-10291-10238 33333 1113131011 Records . . Ullectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ - - [?14 U55 3107' - . . ase#:NH 540%6 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 97-4546-3RD 17" Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, SJ TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 02/21/1962 PAGES 5 SUBJECTS MR, EMP, PR, ASSOC, POLIT, CONSEJO REVOLUCIONARIO, MOVIMIENTO REVOLUCIONARIO DEL PUEBLO, ACA DOCUMENT TYPE 2 PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 2 06/11/1998 OPENING CRITERIA: . INDEFINITE . COMMENTS INC LHM v9.1 . 22 NH 54U45 Page 1 Meme?andum, f?e?aas to Gaban ksecialis?ic i??g?leaders in Miami DIRECTOR, FBI (109?584) ROCA was in Chica jyduring the week of he stoppea off at Miami, Florida; where he HOCA meted that Dr. MIRO.6ARDON reported influence and-friendshi enjoys with Roca'advised.that MANOLO RAY a and is j?eavigg La Fortaleza; the gavernor!s mam?ion in ?an.Juan, (H A .. A J/Alx ,1 I sac, SAN MDVIMIENTO PUEBLO (REVOLUTXONARY MOVEMENT OF THE Enclosed;herewith-are 11 copies of a Lefterhead dated and cap?ioned as above, as well as 11 copies af?anrevaluationmmemcraadum, mm 2! ?91? 5? Information cagtaineq harein was received'from .. ,3 ,ggiJ N, . a Cubag'gxile living.in Puerto Rico wh 13 under.deVElopment as a an Cuban matterg. a member of any particular exile group, but is ?friendly'to all these type groups in Puerte ?inch {He is a personal friend of Dr Cons-eje- Revelusionarie. ROCA.13 not caanoma, Pre?ident of the go, Illinois on~a business trip On his return- rig to . 9pears to entering and; PL ROCA it is his apinicn, gathered fre exiles, that MANGLQ RAY~wants the t0 stress ideas in its politi?al platferm:with which the and Cuba_are-not in ag?Eement. It is (Enc i- (1-105?9270h) A pi,i?? l-Miami ;whag-? . - ?og-3mm: 1- a; 4 "hit "New 2 13 60 A) 133 ME W?gmmga 0 . '4 errata ?3 nint- Page 2 San,Juan, -_site? DP. MIRG gs m0?ried by the RAY of the ROCA, iatea that this.con0er? arises from the fact that th ivi$icnal aplit within the_MRP, whose exile leaders iiami,?but which is reportedly controlled from withi ege?is a areria. n'Cuba, 23!. VI 7 ?5 m?m' 'f NH 54046 SJ 109-1111 for this reason that Dr. MIBO CARDONA anted to get in touch with Governor MUNGZ MARIN to explain the true abjectives of the Cuban exile movement under the auspices of tha?onsejo volucionario,, which is not in agreema?sw?th MANQLO ideas. ESQQI SJ T-1 in th1s1hletterheAd 1S MARIANO letterhead memerandum is being classified - A "Confidentia1" SS it centains information receide on a confidential basis Tram SJ T- 1 and SertAinS to pol1tica1 matte1s inv01v1ng a foi~e1gn government, nSmely, Cuba. 7 a mama? I 1W a'uwWM-t- 1 1 ,1 1- .J Emu-l -2- Page 3 JFK Assassination System Date: 6/5/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Information eleased under the John AGENCY: FBI . Kennedy RECORD NUMBER: 124-10291-10239 ESE5311151131911 nllectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. - a3e#:NH SQDEE Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 97-4546?1 0 3-2 3 -2 17' Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 03/02/1962 PAGES 6 SUBJECTS MR, BKG, REL, ASSOC, POLIT ACT, PR, DOMR, ACA, FINANCES, MOVIMIENTO REVOLUCIONARIO DEL PUEBLO DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/11/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM v9.1 23 NH 54046 Dunld:32301099 Page 1 OPTIONAL FORM 10 LDNH LAL -. 6232011172 um To DIRECTOR, FBI DATE: MAR 2 L962 FROM ngsac, SUBJECTZI II I - Classi?ed by L- 1mm. CUBA Declassify on; . SLHED WW . I 7 Enclosed herewith are nine copies of a letterhead LwaI memorandum, dated and captioned as above. -iQ I Enmgm?? a? . 7 .I 1-;th *3 j?ir 1 is As the Bureau is aWare, this man ghee been RAY's perconal physician since RAY was an infa't, and is now >31 the pediatrician of RAY's children.(ng L11) 3 Since RAY may at some future became a '1 political figure in Cuba, it is thought weIl to submit .NL - - the information farnished by EM 791~ at Ithis time. Two copies of the memOrandum are furnished for L1 the information of San Juan, since MANUEL RAY is mostlyI 2 active in Puerto Rico. . my?? 55; 1?33; 0 5LG par 17': WIRE 6,13 9? 15; 9% f5 1)y touting? chip for info. Date by - cm HAS NO 03.1mm MAR 75 1962 ?hum M-wmu. :2sz . oecueczmnow A f? ILL massage? 7 . 1*?sz 0L, . 1N WENTfir: 53/0/1613 400 015.35?me 5/113%2; 51;? 5%1111"! NH 54046 Page 2 In Reply, Please Refer to STATES DEPARTMENT FEDERAL BUREAU OF . File No. ALI: R1111. mam? Tlorida Ciassi?ed by .. . 1015117 MAR 21962 . Temassify on: Twp-ram Reg MANUELMYREVERO 3 113111111 TETURTW 3 Tm TT1T TAT TT T111T1T1 Tf Movimiento Movement)(MRP)3 Tn TATTRQ Tn 273 196L .931T The TT TAT MATT conflicting NH 54046 A, - 3 TT of The Gamm?mig? Party been mostly R1TTT-13 Tn 1T Widely with .GTan TAT rT1in1T 1 1TT 1T The Tn 19319623 73) ,m TAT TAT To TimT hiT from one T1TT TT .Tnd contradiTTory MM 1 1T learan 1.T of 19623 that RAY. WAT ho1d1mg 1T SAT He RAT of T1T The are engineerT And Ithd1Tg 0f on RAY 11 one of "hiT 1n_ -1n TT1TA he he WTT he TAT TTde for T1Tr111Tatinm. by Teme~ of preTTnt3 he lel 1119 The Tanner of amTwering whiTh TAT of The political life and Activity Tf RAY3 ggi-jA) 1"?171533 r3153 3 1 3.er 3-. x. 1 r? ?73- ?7 {1113031131111 1? r? DucId:32301099 Page 3 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/5/2015 Agency Information FBI I Elensed under the John Kennedy AGENCY: asassinatinn Records RECORDNUMBER: 124-1029140241 :Dllecti?n 11.31; Df 19% - [44 use 21o? Note]. RECORDSERE3I :ase#:Hm Sauna Date: 8?23?2017 AGENCY FILE NUMBER 97-4546-1 1 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, WMFO TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE 05/24/1962 PAGES: - 2 SUBJECTS MR, ASSOC, TRA, MOVIMIENTO REVOLUCIONARIO DEL PUEBLO, CONFERENCE, US GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL, GOVERNOR, PR, ACA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Confidential RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/11/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE . COMMENTS W1 24 NH 54046 .Page 1 ?Ts-1&5" .f x? Rico. The informant stated that accom anied by a Cuban . a?EtHional known to the informant only . Del Pueblo (MRP), 7 RAY. OPTIONAL FORM N07 10 r? . - . 5010404 . - UNHED GOVERNMENT a A Memorandum 7 i" SUBJECT: on 5/1o;14 and 15/62 ,EE,E161??ladvised?SA HOWARD PLCJ RAY had arriv in ngton, 0., 1 5/9/62 from his current place of residenCe in San Juan,- Puerto The informant commented that MANOLO RAY is former 4 Minister of Public Works in the CASTRO Regime in Cuba, who defected and then became active in the Movimiento Revolucionario the .CASTRO Cuban Org.an1zation which reportedly operates bOth inside- Cuba and in U. .S. and elsewhere. he informant added that CISNEROS is -a Cuban national also formerly ctive in- the MRP in the S. .in asSociation With The inforMant reported that RAY personally conferred I with in Washington, D. 0., on 5/10/62 at? which time be indicated that he had been summoned to Washington, 0., by Governor LUIS MUNOZ-MARIN of Puerto Rico. 'Ladvisednthat RAY departed from Washington, D. C. during the week of 5/13 19/62 to return to Puerto Rico. Before departing RAY 'ndicated that he had had a very tisfactory cOnference with -Goverhbr LUIS MUNOZ-MARIN and with an unnamed high U. S. - official. The informant was unable to furnish any details,as to ,the nature _of the contact. The inf mant commented that it is speculated among acquaintances of MA 0L0 RAY that RAY may have JU?ano81961?V/?vgn NH 54046 '1 ?-San Juan (Info) (RMS -.HPW:jmm 3230T1l11 received ffer ofl U. S. suppert fo some sort of action. (fart-u XE .- Bureau REOR New York (Info) (RM) '1 - Miami (Info) (RM) ?91105 1'3 25 1952 ?27- 2 wro (1 $134Eess Sub Ag it 7-. ., bath?. n. Page 2 The informant .- JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/5/2015 Agency Information under the Jehn Kennedy AGENCY: FBI [44 USC 21o? Note]. RECORDSEREBI HQ quas Date: e?23?2017 AGENCY FILE NUMBER 97-4546-13 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, SJ TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 06/18/1962 PAGES 1 SUBJECTS MR, MOVIMIENTO REVOLUCIONARIO DEL PUEBLO, ASSOC, CARDONA, JOSE MIRO, AFFIL, CRC, CONFERENCE, JFK, US POLICY, CUBA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 I CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/11/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS v9.1 NH 54046 Page 1 27 :2 FORM No. l0 5010?104-01 1 UNITED STATES . Memorandum T0 DIRECTOR, .FBI- DATE: 6/18/62 ROM 3 SAC, SAN JUAN (105-6287) 1111111511SUBJECT: Aka. 5 Manolo?rRay 1-151 15?3?? ?h o?hgune PSI MARIANO ROCA San Juan, Puerto 4 Rico advised tajt .7 a long personal talk with his close friend, Dr. 0- head of the CONSEJO EVOLUCIONARIO (Revolutionary C'o' .1 the of May 26,1962 at Fl?ami, Florida, A 4M- During their talk Dr. MIRO CARMNA spoke of his - centerence on April 10, 1962 with President RWY. The 1 PreSidentls cements to Dr. MIRO 01mm, the details of which are not known to the aforementioned PSI, apparently centered around the present Cuban situation and the present United [?11 :11; States policy in this regard. MIRG GARDONA stated that if?: the name of MANOLO RAY came up in their conversation and the President referred to RAY as that liar.? (- - h. It is noted that MANOLO RAY was the leader of the 1: 51' MWIMIENTO REVOLUCIONARIO DEL PUEBLO (Revolutionary Movement of the People) (MPR) prior to the invasion of Cuba1 in April, 1961 .. 3 The aforementioned reported remarks of President 11; KENNEDY regarding MANOLG BAY are being furnished the Bureau 1a for its information and this is not being) disseminated. Mg) :2 . Amy-so 10110011111111) ?Viw?w?ys HEREI ?Vac-1111351111131 . .111! Majj? Q3 1311 SHOW 13" i3! 1311?1121113? .4 {no 8-5. REGC 51} =3 Bureau (RM) 2- Miami 11(105? 1L1. 01?) 031? 4' - 6ouhjy7Q/L) E11115 25 JN 211962 RJB 3k (5) he 1391:3115 .. .. rag-113112111521?; HH 54046 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 6/5/2015 Identi? cation Form Agency Information 11253 Ed under the John AGENCY FBI - Kenn-2:11P RECORD NUMBER 124-1029140246 33151133 11113.1; inn Records allectlun Act Of 1992 144 USC 210? Note]. ase#:NH EQDEE Date: 8?23?2017 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER I 97?4546-1 ST NR 13 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: 1 SAC, MM To DIRECTOR, FBI HTLE DATE: 07/16/1962 PAGES 4 SUBJECTS MR, ASSOC, GOVERNOR, PR, AFFIL, PEOPLES REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENT, POLIT, MIL, PLAN, LIBERATE, CUBA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/11/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM WI 28 NH 54046 Page 1 . $9353 ?Um3333. 3333333311233): #33 an. ?Fig-21m ff(ml/?JUL161952 ?33333? ?33%3: 3331 313333 3333) 33333333 33333 33333333 3333333 3 3333 3333333333333 3333333333 333 3 333 333 33 3 3333333 33333 333333333333. 33333 3333 333333333 33 33333.. 333 3323 33 333 333.33. 33 3333 33333: 3.3 33333. 333.3 333333 3333 3333 3333.33.33.33 3333 3333 -. 333 333333 .333 33 333333.. 333 3.3 - 33- 33333 33333333 333333333 3.33 3.33 33.3 33.333 3333333333 33.3.3 33333333 333333 333333. ?33333 3333 3333 3335.333 3333.333 333 3.3 33333 3333333333 3333 33333333 333 3333333 33333 3333 333.333 3.3 33333 3.333 5.233333 33 33.33 33.333 333.3333 3.3; 3.3 33 33.33333 :3 3:3 3333 3333333333. 3 W33 33?" 33.3 3333.333 33 33.3333 33.3.3 3.3 3 333 333333333 33 333: 333333. $3.33.g 33:? 33.3 3.33"3333 33333333 333 33333333 3 3333333? 33. -333 33 $3133 333333333. 3233 33333:. 33 3 33.33.33 33 3313 3333.3. 3.33. 33 3333 3333333333. 333333333 3133 3 3333 ?33 5 3 ?33333.3 33333. 3333 333333 333333 33 33333 3.3 33.33. 333. .333 .33 333. 333 3333 33 .3. 3.3 33 3?3? 33333 3333 333333 33.33 333 3:3 3:33 33.33333 33. 3333333. 33 333 333 333 33 33.33333 3333 -. 3333.3 333333323. 3333 333333 3333333 3.33 333333 333.33. 33333 33333 3333 33 3333 33- 3.3 333333333 333 3333 33m. -333 33 333 33.. 333.. :39 333.. 3333 {333333. 3} .3333 33333 333333. 333333) 3333) -- . . 33.3 3% 343333333 974/"9'13?333 33/33?? I mamm :35 JUL -- -- NH 54046 Page 2 ram" JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/5/20] 5. Agency Information Eleased under the John AGENCY FBI Kennedy RECORD NUMBER: 124?10291?10253 335133 inatiun Records allectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [44 USC 21le Note] . ase#:NH EQDEE Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 97-4546-2ND NR 18 8?2 3 2 17' Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM SAC, NY 7 TO DIRECTOR, FBI 5 TITLE DATE: 12/10/1962 PAGES 7 SUBJECTS MR AFFIL, URE ASSOC, RF US GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, POLIT, LATIN AMERICA, PLAN, NEW LEADERSHIP, CUBA, ACA, CRC, RMC DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/11/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE 1 COMMENTS W1 NH 54046 30 Page 1 No.10 'f II 5010-104-0! . j' 3. ID UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT . . if . Mr. Mr. Eciznont . I I Ir. I M?emomndum 111:". 3:12 ha Mpim.?s . 61:35:39 Am . FBI (1095841 I I I 33FROM (PD II SAC NEW YORK 5 35253 5; .Ta c1?. gT?i . - :ler I .115 Ighj? iI - Taarwm I 9 SUIBIECT: - - . .V . Miss mum ICASTRO ACTIVITIES ?15-0113}; . A 1 - WIEUJHL CU A . - ?3:333:hEm?? Re New York letter to the Bureau dated llI/6/62. Ti 13.1w: K. I Dr. ERNESTO ARAGON GODOY 233 East 69th Street, Fm _New York City, Delegate of the ConseJo Revolucionario de :1 gripg;?ga?tCuba (CRC), advised on 12/3/62, that he had been to Washington,IIigg3? jj73L1533,D. C. from ll/26/62I until 12/1/62, relative to work pertaining 57?fIthIto the ARAGON advised that he was leaving New York AT: the morning of l2/A/62 for Chicago, Illinois, where he would meet Dr. MIRO CARDONA and they would then proceed by . Ug:?planej to Minneapolis, Minnesota, where Dr. MIRO CARDONA had a speaking engagement and was to attend a dinner. ARAGON re; ij?jfadvised that they were going to telephonically contact A ing'AttorneV General ROBERT F. KENNEDY on 12/6/62. to ascertain a . ?whether he wanted Dr. MIRO CARDONA to ceme to Washington '53? from Minneapolis or to proceed directly Miami,gFlorida. . 45w 1 ?3 ARAGON adVised that he expected to Ck in New YorkI on the weekend of December - r2 A - . . DEA CE-Bureau (109258431123 a. IIbo - E2. of? . gig} . 1- Miami (105?. 17112 mi avid? Wage? ?Why? 1- New: York 1?wash1'ng?to Field (105- .1. I 1? New YorklgI hww?wh? 5800131111 g} 13 DEC 181%Z?f' 13;: 88W 86, TM WW NH 54046 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 6/5/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Information .. Eleased under the John AGENCY. FBI . RECORDNUMBER: 124-10291-10264 ssaasination Rec?rda allectinn Act of 1992 PRECORD SERIES: HQ - [as us: 21:11 Mote]. a3e#:NH 540%5 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER I 97-4546Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 12/24/1963 PAGES 2 SUBJECTS MR, BKG, EMP, AFFIL, JURE, EXECUTIVE BOARD, ASSOC, LEADERS, AV, ANTI-CASTRO ORGANIZATIONS DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT - CLASSIFICATION: Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LASTREVIEW: 06/11/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS v9.1 32 NH 54046 DunId:3230?124 Page 1 FROM SUBIECT: R0 10 . CR HAS EEQLEER RELEASE RE s. . . car?s; ?rr-v em in ?i Tn?- h; ALL INFG REA Ami; 4.1 A 540-216 (mm) . in.? 113%? IS RA 50 it; NEUTRALITY MATTERS Classi?es ER t; 1am1 Florida advised that he WENT fGovernment in Cuba, became an underground leader, and was I the last important underground leader to leave Cuba. This was in political organization, JURE, and this organization is rapidly :9 16:7? Bureau (RM) . I :53i NOT RECORDED . a I f. .. .. I: wow?. FORM No 1) 5010.10. ?h ., .v II .. MAY 1962 EDITION - 5 .2 . GSA GEN RSS- No. 27 . LNITED ST ATIES Gt JRNMENT 4 A 8 ET V7 Memorandum DIRECTOR, FBI (97-4133) 12/24/63 C, MIAMI (97- 3 MW CONN ma H?5?3f?4a? I: REES Essi?y Em: RRAGA 2954 Southwest Terrac the head of m111tary action EOIZJ - the anti ICASTRC organization known as JUNTA REVOLUCIONARIA (JURE). This organization is governed by an Executive Board, 53 consistinIg of five members. Three of the members are in Puerto ,1 i Rico and two are i Rthe United States. One of the members on I this Beard is MANUEQIRQE: Jib? RR .- . ZARRAGA advis $3 . that after the overthrow of the BATIST Government on 1/1/59, RAY'was appointed Minister of Public Works in Cuba. He- started conspiring against the FIDEL CASTRO warn; . ?3 about 1960. When RAY arrived in the United States he was one of the leading factors in the MOVIMIENTO REVOLUCIONARIO DEL PUEBLO (MRP). RAY became a high1y controversial figure and is generally considered a leftist or a communist by the majority of Cuban exiles in Miami. RAY was expelled from the MRP. RAY continues to reside in San Juan, Puerto Rico, is a Civil Engineer, and is employed by the PueIUJRican Government. He started a new anywy- AA. ising in significance and importance. Cuban exiles claim that RAY has a strong support of GOvernor MUNOS MARIN of Puerto Rico and is favon?iy considered by the State Department. RAY has received a considerable amount of favorable publicity out of proportion to the importance? of Nhis group in the Cuban exile circles. T. 1 1 1 . FILE ~M1nneapolis (2- JAN 6 1354MB 26195 DucId:3230?124 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Dale: 6/5/2015 Agency Infoi'mati on under the Jehn AGENCY: FBI Kennedy RECORDNUMBER: 124-10291-10268 elleetien Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [114 USC Ell]? I'Jete] . Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 97-4546-2417' Document Information 2 ORIGINATOR FBI FROM SAC, LA TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 03/31/1964 PAGES: 13 SUBJECTS MR, AFFIL, JURE, SUSP, CP, ASSOC, DUELO, PEDRO, ASIRIOS, ACA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/11/1998 f. OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM, 2 8/8, 2 ADMIN PAGES v9.1 NH 54046? Page 1 . UNITLU. . VMENT 'Memom.. um 535%": DIRECTOR, FBI DATE: HAR 311964 .?eQ mow @1510 LOS ANGELES (105-15864) (RUG) - MIA, C: [a g) RAY ,thfJiE?) SUB IS CUBA ,1 (00: MIAMI) SEE REVERSE SIDE For; - - (if; 11; ADD. mssamumnow. \?ii 43% Reference is made to Los Angeles letter dated and Bureau airtel 1 12/5/63; Bureau letter dated 12/20/63, to Miami, dated 12/12/63, captioned, REVOLUCIONARIA .. CUBANA, IS - CUBA, NEUTRALITY enclosed herewithnine copies for "9 e? There are bein of a letterhead memorandum captioned, 1:33 the Bureau, and two copies each for Miami, New York and h; it; I San Juan because of their interest in this matter. :3 .J I . at Source I- is Dr. TIRSCO DEL 'a Cuban doctor 5 a active in activities, 2111 Wilshire Boulevard, l\ Los Angeles, California, who furnished the information contained in ?the letterhead memorandum to SA MERLE L. E3 :7 ?33 PARKER and requested that his identity be concealedThe interview of 11/15/63 with PEDRO DUELO and 5&9 E5 g- ?2 receipt of letter from him was by SA FREDERICK E. g: - weer?E? The interview on 11/3/63 with SALVADOR REYNALD Eggs :1 was conducted by RICHARD L. CROMWELL and 5: R41 u45.11~ (3 SE: MCCAULEY $334155; 5 . C.) ?4 4-511 1' 2 - Bureau - ?1 737 :3 ?4 2' Miami 6811? 17,233?? 25558 2 - New York Encls.-2 REGISTERED Eager} Ser??s: 2 - San Juan Encls.-2 REGISTERED grant/i; rE-?i 7 Los Angeles (105?1 64) - i 5334+- 1 - 105?16319 - ESTEVEZ) 53393 1 105-6 16 - CASTRO ACTIVITIES) 1 - 105-9 91 - PEDRO DUELO) x, 1 - 105?8366 - MANUEL GONZALEZ) x" - 7 - 105?16406 - JURE) REC- 9 MU we 1 mm? 59524 . j, A f? (l5) (1,199,133 Cities-HistBet?ass?r OR 623%?! I 13;?Copy to: 7 7:3; 9 waonl/c 2' min: Zero . 151 .3, . I - {Ian (17%!an Are-db. . Y..L NH 54046 Page 2 b' NH 54046 A, \I?Zi'ja. ED STATES DEPARTMENT or FEDERAL BUREAU OFINVESTIGATION 1 .IV 1 Fig? Los Angeles, MAR 3 1 1964 Fifi!? Hf; Lil) California in mama: germ rupiai mom/Ma. 1W RAY On November 15, 1963, FEB Spanish Instructor at Marymount College, Palos Verdes Estates, Los Angeles, Cali~ fornia, who resides at;lQO"it with Street, San Pedro, Qali- fornia, advised that GONZALEZ, an employee of Felix ?Chevrblet Company, Los had centacted Marymount College requesting that MANUE of an anti?Castro movement, be all _College. RAY, a representativeilr; owed to speak at Marymount . DUELO advised further that he had received a letter W?itten in Spanish, dated November ll, 1963, at Miami, Florida,? from underneath which appeared, 'Tiglalhpileses, Sargon, and Senaquerib.? DUELO stated that from the letter he concluded that MANUEL RAY is a leader of Junta Revolucionaria Cubana and is an "active communist," He stated also that it ?was his understanding that MANUEL GONZALEZ had been a leader of the July 26th Movement. - f. :14? The July 26th Movement is a revolutiona movement founded and led by FIDEL CASTRO-RUZ, the present Prime Minister of Cuba. ry On November 3, 1963, SALVADOR REYNALDO, 3140% Drew Street, Los Angeles, California, advised that MANUEL GONZALEZ had sent him an invitation to attend a meeting of an anti?Castro organization known as in Los Angeles. REYNALDO stated that GONZALEZ was head of "July 26th Organization" in Los Angeles. l?HfL I - . 3.: 1138 rum. . ?eclsn?ification MrDunId:32301123 Page 3 NH 54046 CW MANUEL RAY On march 12,_l964, JOSE GIRALDEZ, a Cuban source who resides at 2109 Zoe Street, Huntington Park, California, when being interviewed concerning another matter, advised 'that JOSE ESTEVEZ, whom he does not know personally, was reputed to be a delegate of MANUEL RAY and in charge of activities of JURE in Los Angeles. GIRALDEZ stated that he heard MANUEL RAY speak in Los Angeles about three months ago as either leader of JURE or Segundo Frente Escambrey, and he endeavored to sell bonds at $92.00 each in order to raise money to bring about the overthrow of CASTRO. According to GIRALDEZ, RAY told of the struggle in Cuba. GIRALDEZ stated that it is rumored that JURE has in it many who were formerly members of the July 26th Movement and others who were CASTRO. On March 19, 196h, JOSE FERNANDEZ, a Cuban source who resides at 812 Waterloo Street, Los Angeles, California, while being interviewed concerning another matter stated that he does not know JOSE M. ESTEVEZ personally but knows of him.and some of his activities. He stated that he heard ESTEVEZ speak recently in Los Angeles at a meeting cf JURE. a- He stated that ESTEVEZ did not make any statements which were. of a questionable nature, but pointed out that ESTEVEZ formerly held the rank of Captain with the CASTRO forces and was President of a tribunal of five that decided on punishment for the foes of CASTRO, which included the followers of BATISTA, as well as those individuals who had previously been with CASTRO and turned against him. Mr. FERNANDEZ stated that at the time ESTEVEZ held this position in Cuba he was a staunch supporter of CASTRO and was loud in his praise of the Soviet Union and the communist system. He stated that eventually ESTEVEZ grew to dielike and hate CASTRO as a leader and left Cuba; however, he never turned against the communist ideology or the communist system of government, which CASTRO 5 had initiated. Mr. FERNANDEZ stated that ESTEVEZ is in charge . of JURE in California,.and shares the opinion of MANUEL RAY, as both want to overthrow CASTRO and his regime in order that RAY and his group can replace them. FERNANDEZ, who was f. DunId:32301123 Page 4 NH 54046 MANUEL RAY formerly in the Intelligence Service in Cuba, stated that he had never heard of anyone hearing ESTEVEZ denounce the communist system, but only and company." FERNANDEZ estimates that JURE has approximately one hundred fifty members in the Los Angeles area, and it cooperates.with another organization, Alpha 66, which has approximately fifhrmembers. He states that he has heard that JURE is putting out propaganda now that they will invade Cuba by May 20, 1964. - This document contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is loaned to your agency; it and its contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. DunId:32301123 Page 5 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/5/2015 . Agency Informati on Eleased under the John AGENCY FBI FIE 1111-2 :15: RECORD NUMBER: 124-10291-10268 S?assinati?n BECOME - allectinn Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES HQ USC . a3e#:NH 540%5 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 97-4546-2417' Document Information A ORIGINATOR FBI FROM SAC, LA TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 03/31/1964 PAGES 13 SUBJECTS . MR, AFFIL, JURE, SUSP, CP, ASSOC, DUELO, PEDRO, ASIRIOS, ACA DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/11/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM, 2 8/8, 2 ADMIN PAGES v9.1 NH 54046 Page 6 .1, ?:35 5 - ii: ij?fh Al '5 ?if? {1.1.2 67720705DIRECTOR, FRI DATE. MR 311964 I FROM *1 . TVAC, Dos ANGELES MANUEL RAY WWMIM fa $.35 5?1? IS - CUBA EINJVEC 3:55.355 . 5 . (00: SEE REVERSE r5511Reference is made to Los Angeles letter dated - . 1 . <55. 12/5/63, Bureau letter dated 12/20/63; and BUreau airtel . - 33,05 M1am1,dated 12/12/63, Captioned, REVOLUCIONARIA- x51; ?95 GUIANA Is CUBA, NEUTRALITY MATTERS . \1 .-.. -5 55 5 1 {5?75 - There ?are being enclosed herewithAnine copies - 3m; [5-51 :of a7 letterhead memorandum captioned, RAY, for 15.35,; 13? gfthe Bureau, and two copies each for Miami, New/York and ?g _fSan Juan because of their interest in this matter L. . A: :3 5. scarce 5A1s Dr. TIRsco DEL JUNCO, a Cuban doctor I 1:3 . . 5? factlve Lin activi ties, 2111 Wilshire Boulevard r3; :1 5-iII5Lo's Angeles. (21111611111, who fu-rnishEd the information (AR I g: - .I,conta1ned 1n the letterhead memorandum to SA MERLE L.- 5 i 53 and requested that his identity be concealed. 5 3.. 57.; x: . TM 1 53-1? F12, - 571 531:3 A5 The interview of 11/15/63 with PEDRO DUELO and .1A522 $3 5.9 rece1pt of letter from him was by SA FREDERICK RODERI gr; p.51 5 (Ea-21> The 1nterv1ew on 11/3/63 with SALVADOR REYNAID 2:03:15 5+ was Conducted by SA's RICHARD and WILLIAM J. $1 E, - I .33155; MC CAULEY 7 -1 3:333:53 g3 5 51 - Sf Bureau (Encls (REGISTERED) ?33548 IE. 2 2 M13111 (Encls 1233-7515157: :55 5 <2 New York Encls ?21 REGISTERED .3555: 52' 5-5-. San Juan ?Encls REGISTERED 5 g??f 7 u'Los Angeles (105? 15 6A) a . 1 105 16319 A ESTEVEZ) '11 105.? 921291 PEDRO DUELO) 3h. ..-. 8366 --. MANUEL GONZALEZ 255755 7 15 A 103 16106 Ciass?r?a? A ,1 . Ee?assify ER Page NH 54046 1 195 6516 ANTI-FIDEL CASTRO ACTIVITLEs) 1.11.; )f lam ?a life?? 359/.ij APR 6 1965A . 'NDzb?iun_QW? . ?539;? I. LA I 1.1/1.1 ?wan?Hm?, W1. (.17 111;, 32kg? IRES ?who resides at 2IQ9 Z6e Street, Huntington Park,. California, . heard MANUEL RAY Speak in Los Angel?s ab6ut three months while be1ng 1nterV1ewed matter stated NH 54046 ?that JOSE ESTEVEZ Whom he does not knoW personally, Was ~i?ggfi 'and he endeavored t6 sellebonds at $92. 09 oath in order to? astated that it is rumored that JURE .has 1h it many who were 361,; .of him and some of aot1v1t1es.1 He stated thatghe heard MANUEL 1 On march 12, I964, JOSE GIRALDEZ .a Cuban source when be1ng 1nterv1ewed another matter, adv1sed .1 -reputed t6 be a delegate of MANUEL RAY and in charge of actlvitles of JURE in Los Angeles._ GIRALDEZ stated that he ago as either leader of JURE or Segundo Erente Escambrey, raise money to bring abOut the overthrow 6f CASTRO Accordihgmf to GIRALDEZ3 RAY?told 6f the struggle in Cuba., GIRALDEZ formerly members 6f the July 26th Movement and others who .6 were CASTR 2' ?1 3 A 23:74 On March 19, 1964 JOSE FERNANDEZ a C6ban sourcef? ,Ta who reeldes at 812 Waterloo Street jLos Angeles, Callforn1a3313 that he do6s not know?JQSE ESTEVEZ personally knows:;f BATISTA as well as those 1ndiv1d6als who had prev_iously been with CASTRQ- and turned aga?nst hi?-h Mr FERNANDEzistated that at the time a staunch supporter of- the Soviet Union and th? eventually ESTEVEZ grew? and.was loud 1n pra1se of rg?-s$ system. He stated that he and hate CASTRO as a- leader o: The opinion of MANUEL RAY, as both want to overthrow CASTRO and his regime in order that RAY and his group Can replace the:?* DucId:32301123 Page 3 NH 54046 had never heard of anyone hearing ESTEVEZ denounce the ,communlst system, but only CASTRO and company?"* FERNANDEZ estlmates _hat JURE has approx1mately one hundred~fifty members in the Los Angeles area, and it cooperates W1th another . 1 anti? CASTRO organ1zatlon, Alpha'66 He states that he has heard that1JURE is out propaganda now that they W111 invade Cuba by May 20 ?196u 1.1.11 It is the property of the. 110aned tovyour agency, it and its contents a1e .4111 Page 9 7 JFK Assassination System Iden??ca?onFonn Date: 4/6/2015 Agency Information Eleased under the Kennedy AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10291-10287 E?a?aln??tl?n RESUME nllectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [?14 USC 2 Note] . a3e#:NH 54%52 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 26?425217-3, 4, '1 ST NR 4 [Fm?2 '3 17' Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 01/28/1971 PAGES l6 SUBJECTS FS, ASSOC, DESCR, BUCHANAN, JERRY, SUSP, MURDER, . SMUGGLE, GUNS, TRANSPORT, CARS, MEXICO, TELCAL DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 05/14/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC 2 TTY, W1 NH 54462 Page 1 NH 54462 7had returned to the Moongate Motel On 11/23/70, and later 135; MM 26~37623 scheduled to go to Mexico on Sunday, 11/26/70, at the - latest. SOUJCG furnished the tag as lE-22868 which was registered to Hertz, Miami Airport. 1 Investigation at Hertz determined .a 1971 Cougar,u yellow, Vehicle Identification Number bearing 1971 Florida tag lE-22868, had been rented. on 10/19/70,_ at the Miami AirpOrt on a Credit card in the name of RICHARD NORIAN. A 1970 Ford Galaxie, four door. medium green, VIN ON56H127192, bearing 1971 Florida tag lE? 8437 had been rented the folloWing day on the same credit card. ?Neither vehiCle had been returned. Hertz was advised of the location o_f the Cougar, but was unable to locate it. Subsequently a JOHN EOE warrant was issued for both vehicles .for Obtaining a Motor Vehicle through trick, deceit, fraud, etc - a felony in Florida. On MM l406-C advised the. Cougar 6?3 gone to a restaurant. It was being driven by two white individuals, sex unknown. . - Source stated the Cougar was then back at the Moongate. 1- ?11 Buagents stak ed Out the vehicle until the Hallandale Police rapartment arriVed to have the vehicle impounded. It was dusted for _1 atents and the individuals in custody of the vehic_le were located on the other side of the motel. 1 - - They were identified as FRANK LESLIE MERR.ITT, 28 years old, white male, and his girl :Eriend, WYLENE 'They alleged they had been loaned the car by an individual 'named HANK MICIEAELS, but were unable to- further identify. MICHAELS or furnish his whereabouts.. They were not 'questioned concernino other members of the ring in order ?not to expose above Sources or unduly alarm the other membersr 0 PCI HARTE subsequently advised MERRITT was 'considered too -hot to associate with since the Cougar waias. impounded and all have avoided any conte1ct with him. DuoId:3230?141 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 4/6/2015 Identi?cation Form Eleased under the . Agency Information Kenna-:13: AGENCY: FBI ssassinatinn Recurda RECORDNUMBER: 124-10292-10118 - UllECtiE?? ACE Elf 1992 [44 USC 2107 Note]. RECORD SERIES: HQ 7 544452 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-172694-64 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI 7 FROM: SAC, NY TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 04/21/1969 PAGES: 23. SUBJECTS FS, BARON, TREVOR PRESCOTT, AFF, REFUND, STOLEN, AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVELERS CHECKS, RES, EMP, TRA DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Confidential RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redaet DATE OF LAST REVIEW 07/17/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM v9.1 1 NH 54452 Page 1 105-91338 . .The of the negotiated AmeriCan Expre cepies of the original appl ?and the Affidavit for Refund for ecuted by THE acquainted.withrs tall u? whom haVe were contacted on the vised that they are unacquain Communist Brigadet' NY NYC, in order to The following confidenti ome Cuban activi 'furnished reliable inf dates indicated belOw, ted with the International A Informent has been negotiated. icatio VCR PRESCOTT Date 3/12/69- 2/25/69 2/27/69 2/27/69 2/7/69- 2/7/69 2/10/69 2/6/69 2/13/69' 2/17/69 2/17/69 2/19/69 2/17/69 2/20/69 2/19/69 . _3/26/69 will recontact the Amerioan ?ascertain whether check number HA 6 e1 informante, whoCere.u ties in the NYC area, and- ng furnished with Xerox Copies. as Checks, as well as Xerox for American ExpreSS Checks, American Express Checks, ex? ormation in the past,i _and they ad-l nti? Contacting Agent . FRANCIS I.-LUNDQUIST 5 DONALD J. MC GORTY DONALD MC GORTY a; DONALD J. MC. GORTY CLYDE E. MAURICE .ALFRED E. ALFRED E. SEDDON JOHN JOHN JOHN JOHN JOHN JOHN JOHN FRANCIS FRANCIS FRANCIS FRANCIS -FRANCIS. CONWAY CONWAY, CONWAY CONWAY CONWAY - ROGER H. Epress.COmpany_ NH 54462 Page 2 JFK Assassination System A Date: 4/6/2015 Identi?cation Form . Agency Information AGENCY: FBI Eleased under the John RECORD NUMBER: 124-10292-10119 KE 1111-2 :15: I asassinatinn Records RECORD SERIES: HQ :ollectinn Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. AGENCY FILENUMBER: 105-172694?65 54453 Date: Document Inforrnati on ORIGINATOR FBI FROM LEG, MX TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 05/19/1969 PAGES 1 SUBJECTS FS, INTERNATIONAL ANTI-COMMUNIST BRIGADE, ACT, YUCATAN DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION 2 Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 07/17/1998 2 INDEFINITE COMMENTS v9.1 . 1 NH 54452 Page 1 . . OPTIONAL FORM NO. l0 MAY l962 EDITION f: GSA 101? ?n a 5" jfm? STATES GOV RNMENT . Memorandum? 3 2* 1. T0 IRECTOR, FBI (1105? AMI: 4 LI: 5/19/69? LEGAT, MEXICO CITY FROM 3 INTERNATIONAL ANTI-COMMUNIST BRIGADE (IACB) NEUTRALITY MATTERS CUBA Re Mexico City letter 3/27/690 The American Consul at Merida, Yucatan,.Mexico, not been successful in obtaining information regarding the investigation of the IACB activities in Yucatan onducted by Mexican Federal authoritieso We have requeste MEX 134, is a Yucatan State Police officia to attempt to obtain pertinent a if? information regarding the inv stigation conducted by the I Bureau and Miami of results. (kl I, idemM/?m seam; I Enema mm FE: ta, n13? ?lr MAT it 3? Bureau . - (1 Liaison Section) ?3 (2 :3 1 Mexico City - DIEMum. nyiifg?tt?e U. S. Scum: Band; Re uIarIy an the PayroIl 5401'? 1 Plan 396 Egg 3 fzfi? A 4, NH 54462 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 4/6/2015 Agency Information Eleased under the John AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-1029240125 E?a??lna?lmn RECDWE . allectinn Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [?14 USC . . a3e#:NH 54%52 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-172694?71 '3 17' Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI LEG, MX TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 08/29/1969 PAGES 1 SUBJECTS FS, PLANS, BLOW UP, CUBAN SHIP DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 07/17/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS v9.1 NH 54462 Page 1 . new *4 r? ?rzrf?rif Ii OFNONALFORM No.10 MAY 1952 EDITION A GSA cm .UNITED STATES Gc Memora?dum ,1 To? 4 ?2 q, DIRECTOR, FBI (105 172694) Confi?gntial DATE 8 9 69 AT, MEXICO (105?6416) (P) ANDSUBJECT: (SLEERNATIONAL ANTI- COMMUNIST BRIGADE (IACB) BY ?519! 9 If? immune: AA ??52_i nun?aAn AL Re Mex leg and 5? 19? 69. The lead originally assigned to?ES 134 was re?T; .u directed to a PSI in the Federal Judicial Police on transfer 'to Yucatan, as it was hoped his Federal employment might give him ready access to the information de_sired. The PSI, however, was unablesi? %jfver the lead which has now been given to 4 CS MEX 13 [ga?in view of the difficulty which is being experienced by the ormants, and which was encountered by the American Consulate in Merida in obtaining the desired Federal Attorney General?s representative' reports in this matter, and in view ~H'of the past reluctance of the Mexican Government to _authorize any Mexican officials to testify in a U. S. cour even when the gas: offense occurred in Mexico, as will be observed in the case j;5l also involving FRANK FIORINI entitled ANGELO 1 ET -REPORTED PLANS T0 BLOW UP CUBAN SHIP IN MEXICAN PORT, POSSIBLY VERACRUZ, IS CUBA, (BuFile 105- 165503, Miami File 105? 12890), the Mi mi Office is requested to adVise whether additional effort obtain the Federal reports at Merida is desirable or it In meantime exico City will continue to follow the efforts 0 CS obtain the information. Bureau U0 . 1% A (1 Liaison Section) A (2 Miami, 2~192) a M, VA 1 Mexico City am 67 (EA-.1 Ar I 5 :3 'm?f?m 5 (6) 2 51% {gm?J-Ioa?o? 1A BAA Aecassmonf? \j?t ?y on the ayrall 5?41)ng Plan MA . NH 54462 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: Identi?cation Form 4/6/2015 I Agency Information Eleased under the AGENCY: FBI A KE 111112 :1 RECORD NUMBER: 124-10292-10130 . 31. 33a331nat10n Recurda nllectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES HQ [?14 USC 210'? Note] . a3e#:NH 54052 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER . CR 2-1622-408 17, Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 05/09/1968 PAGES 12 SUBJECTS FS, RMR, ACA, ARREST, ASSOC, CONSPR, INVADE, HAITI, RES, EMP, REL DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 05/02/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM V9.1 NH 54462 Page 1 7 WVii . - - -- 77AGENCIES FPMF XL. AND El!) ES .. I. STATES GO RNMENT f' . ?my, in; Immg mm Lame Memorandum "pm ?16-?37 ?in. TO DIRECTOR, FBI (2-1622)' FROM WV SAC, MIAMI (2-1566? My ARCADIO MASFERRER ROJASW SUBJECT: 5' IS .-- HAITI .- CUBA ,3 .. RA- HAITI CUBA (v ?676?? NM .- HAITI [l USA ACHNAHGM 44:52 ?54! 00: Miami $313: if: (I 3 47 322;"; ?g ,9 I Re Bureau letter to New York, 3/27/68, andiS?X'} Miami letter and LHM, 1/26/68. - {49:3 ff. 3 97,97 Enclosed for the Bureau are nine copies Of a (5713?? Egg letterhead memorandum setting out information regarding g; Egrecent activities of the subject. One copy has been - 1 ?g HIE designated for the New York Office in View of their investi- I I UT. 3 gative interests. . i: {3 Cogies have disseminated locally to INS, 5m "?69 State Department (Cuban Affairs), Bor er Patrol, CusRms, W) 3'43 563 CIA ""71 AW- .. Coas uar ran Group, Orlando, NISO, 6ND, Charleston, S. C., . 33;. and Was Air Force Base, Geo orgia974?PSI ROLANDO MERUELO CLASS. WW 43011DAFR OF IRE IE 1 5 j?h- The enclosed letterhead memorandum has been I classified "Secret, No Foreign Dissemination" because it hn?kkx? contains inform tion from a CIA report which was so classified. #13} . I ?xs?n MASF Iwas interviewed on 5/8/68, in con- nection with an in_ tigation regarding, LUIS TACORNAL 6% E: E. SAIZ, Miami 105- 140899310; hi E: EE ?Bureau (Erica) 9) (RM) 041.?? 6; 2. a; . ti -New York (ism. 1)(Info) (RM) W. t_ 1 9' Miam ?av-Wuibim.g ?in b, it": in?ni tfjf'iPT 6 MAY 141g68 (4) . ATHERWKSE I 3'30?fo :0 CONTAINED Tin] IS UM: CJIFILD 6131'?ng .. A: r; wee" mm A NH 54462 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 4/6/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Information I under the John FBI . Kennedy RECORDNUMBER: 124-10292-10131 Records elleetien Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [44 USC I'Jete] . Date: AGENCY FILENUMBER: CR 2-2123-5, 11 I 0?04-2017 Document InfOnnation I ORIGINATOR: FBI i FROM: SAC, MM . TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 01/09/1976 PAGES: 8 SUBJECTS I 9 FS, AKA, BREAKIN, DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL HDQT, I CASTRO, PEDRO MARTINEZ, PRATT, JOSE ANTONIO, RES, i BUSS, MED, ARREST, CUBAN EXILES DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 02/25/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC 2 LHM v9.1 1 NH 54452 Page 1 A ,Assoc. Dir. 36 (Re?ned-74) 6:3 De? ,1 . . 5?5: ,1 - K?o/ Asst. Din: an? . 0 Admin. Comp. Syst- I Ext. Affairs Files Com. Date: 1/15/76 Gen. luv. Ident. ?9 Transmit the following in . .737le 1/5 InsPeCtion (Type in plaintext or code) . 111. . . Laora'ory . Via AKRTEL Plan. . (Precedence) Spec. In? 4/ Training TO: DIRECTOR, FBI . RE . FROM: SAC, MIAMI (P) SEP21 7980 Am SUBJECT: JOSE NTONIO a? . ?ii. 0 PEDR ARTINE ASTRO- w?y/ NEUTRALITY MATTERS (00: MIAMI) Enclosed for the Bureau are four copies of av dated and captioned as above. Enclosed for New York are two copies of th above LHM. gource mentioned in enclosed LHM is MM 3240-8. New York is requested to review indices regarding subject, to tact Cuban exile informants, and to conduct Many other lo 'cal investigation to determine whether subjects have conduct ngoizn recruitment activities in the New York A115 Bureau (Enos. H) (RM) . ?2 - New York (Encs. 2) (RM105- 22295) (MARTINEZ) at? 91 105?15755) (MARTINEZ) 'r >1 - lBlL-Bl? Sub A) Eagles (Wen/A 05/ me? 4450583? 5? (8) ?tJ AN5 .46 A313- 13-3 pv to. ALI, IAAGRMATTQAI CONTAINED .2 3?5 T: 3 i Ly for CIA. SIFIED . 'u :g i 3 C}.cnon ?jib 19 ?f(ll grave-.14.? ?~75 . - 5r: mum'61 Approved:6E Sent Per $323 ial . MW Elieris NH 54462 Page 2 iev. 2-14?74) Transmit the following in Q9 FBI (Type in plaintext or code) i i I Date: 1/9/76 i I AIRTEL (Precedence) TO: DIRECTOR, FBI .I I cc TO: FROM: SAC MIAMI 2-44 - -- eme? 2 A 7) REQ. REC 0% SUBJECT: JOSE ANTONIO SEP2I1980 PEDRO MARTINEZ CASTRO ANS- BY: . Ix? Re Miami airtel to Bureau and enclosed LHM, both dated 1/8/76. NM- ANGOLA Enclosed for the Bureau are four copies of an LHM dated and captioned as above. Also enclosed for New York is one copy of LHM for information. Source mentioned in enclosed LHM is MM Miami is conducting no active investigation in this matter pending Departmental review of background infor?ggj??g' 0.51 571m: lilies-0&5} Copy to U53: n-csI JULS Jae 91445 055:. by routing slip Iorf [B/ini?o action date 9 7A . (ElBureau (Enc. 4) (RM) i l-New York (Enc. 1) (RM) (info) h-Miami 1-2-44?) I?i l~lo5~2?2953 1~105~l 755 MARTINEZ _ug ,Hh*ff 1-134-816-3111roved: . Sen Per App Agent in F'harge . NH 54462 DucId:32301423 Page 3 JFK Assassination System Date: 4/6/2015 Identi?cation Form - Agency Information under the John AGENCY: FBI . Kennedy RECORDNUMBER: 124-10292-10132 SEESSinatiDn elleetien Act of 1992 RECORDSERIES: HQ I. - [411 USC 210'? Note] . 5414152 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: CR 2-2148-9 CHM-2 17" Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 11/08/1976 PAGES: 18 SUBJECTS FS, SANJUR, AMADO, TRA, PANAMANIAN COUP, REL DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 05/05/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM v9.1 . NH 54462 DueId:3230?429 Page 1 if . (Rev. 2-14?74?wae FBI . NOV 3 1975 - Date . . . 1, ?Ci: Transmit the following in (Type in plaintext or code) 'uw . WT In?, a M: grin a, i (Precedence) DIRECTOR, FBI (Log-ia?eesi FROM: SAC, MIAMI (105?23366) (RUG) SUBJECT- OSSIBLE COUP BY ?6&5 PANAMANIAN NATIQNAL .-.4439? m? _1snx dd-? .. a; - .ns: YEW. MTTERS 13mm is in, -: . . imam p. a Re Los Angeles airtel and enclosed LHM, bo ff g. 3 dated 10/5/76, San Francisco letter to the Bureau, 9/15/76 i 9 Bureau let to Miami, 8/4/76, and Los Angeles airtel and - p) i ii ~?enclosed LHM, both dated 7/8/76. fr i ?a i it Enclosed for the Bureau are nine copies, for Los ngflu V9 i Angeles two copies, and for San Francisco one information ?f copy, of an LHM dated and captioned as above. a a? tgihlBBeS. MM Ta2 is CSMM 1062?3. -- i ?$?gtig? The following are the sources who were unable to i ?i ll?pfurnish any information regarding a Panamanian coup attempt" -Viby Panamanian exiles or by Panamanian exiles COOperat"* 5' r1?? with Cuban exiles: - is H- :43?EQ-aBureau (Enc. 9) '0 . z,i? 2nLos Angeles (109-93 (Enc. 2) (RM) &?{?w?eaef Efigif?wm l~San Francisco (AMADO SANJUR) (info) (Enc. 1) (RM gg?p/ I l?Miami ?if - . In gage/? 3' ??rtr a. 5' ?x ?w .7 F: .31- 5- .3 u. rl NH 54462 Page 2 NH 54462 3 [.53 MM 105~23366 Source MM 321+ow-s 8/12/76 CSMM 1208-aS 8/13/76 CSMM1 1 Es 8/17/76 8/23/76 8/26/76 Emaig??@ 9/2/76 9/3/76 The identity of ARTURO CARABALLO, J?ig is known to the Bureauo MM (MM T-l) indicated on 9/11/76, that he is unwilling to testify regarding the information he furnished in enclosed He noted that testimony by him in this matter would be destructive of relationships within his immediate familya Referenced Saanrancisco and Los Angeles communications indicate that AMADO SANJUR and Panamanian exiles have virtually discontinued Panamanian coup attemptsa Miami is conducting no further investigation in this matter at this time unless requested to do so by office of origin or Bureau. LEAD SANFERANCISCO INFO A copy of enclosed LHM is being furnished San Francisco for inclusion in that office's AMADO SANJUR filea DucId:32301429 Page 3 . NH 54462 4.- I . J?m POSSIBLE COUP BY PANAMANIAN NATIONAL GUARD It was alleged that he was in Panama a.t the time to make prearra.nged collections of funds for a coup attempt by AMADO SANJUR. . 7 RODRIGUEZ said that he has been unable to. SANJUR since his return to the United States from confinement in Panama. SANJUR has failed to return several calls by RODRIGUEZ to his residence in California. RODRIGUEZ is puzzled by this because he did not cooperate with the Panamanian G-Z concerning SANJUR, deepite being tortdred. At any rate, he continued, he knows of no current plans by SANJUR to loverthrow the Panamanian Government and did not even know that SANJUR has visited the Miami area several times this summer. Additionally, he has not heard that Cuban eXiles are cooperating With Panamanian exiles to overthrow the Panamanian Government. He said it is unlikely that Cuban exiles would participate 'in such plans and even more unlikely that Cuban exiles would financially support such plans. - On August 31, 1976, MM T-2 adVised that AMADO SANJUR, exiled PNG Colonel, had been in the Miami area the preceding week, as a friend of the source was visiting Miami from Panama at that time and spoke telephonically with SANJUR.. The friend had been staying at the Shelborne Hotel, Miami Beach, and encountered there a bellboy who is the brother or cousin of SANJUR and who furnished the visitor a local telephone number for SANJUR. . Source recall ed that he Saw SANJUR at the Miami Beach boxing match in June Of this year involving ROBERTO DURAN, World lightweight champion from Panama. He did not speak with SANJUR. DucId:32301429 Page 4 JFK Assassination System Date: 4/6/2015 Identi?cation Form Eleased under the John Kennedy AGENCY: FBI ssassinatinn Records RECORDNUMBER: 124-1029240142 Ullectinn Act of 1992 7 [44 USC Ell]? Note] . RECORD SERIES: HQ 5444452 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER CR 109-584-4805 Agency Information Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: DWYER, ROBERT J. TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 04/04/1969 PAGES l4 SUBJECTS FS, ACA, ARREST, DEPORTED, OBA, ASSOC, INDICTMENT, DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 05/02/1998 OPENING CRITERIA 1 INDEFINITE COMMENTS @1 1 NH 54452 Page 1 I m: 1054742 CONFID . 3' - - lg T41 is CARLOS ZARRAQA MARTINEZ, Key Source T42 is 539*3385?0 Q9 MM is NK 2857?8. . 3.93/11? T;4'gfis CIA Miami FloridaJ W) "1j} 1&3 . COVERIPAGE . J- NH 54462 Page 2 - . JFK Assassination System Date: 4/6/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Information Eleased under the AGENCY I 1 FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10292?10143 ssassinatiun Records nllectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [44 USC 2107' Note] . . a3e#:NH 54952 Date: AGENCY FTLENUMBER: CR 109-584-5299 17 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 11/14/1974 PAGES 4 SUBJECTS FS, CUBAN EXILES, MEETING DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 05/05/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS W1 NH 54462 Page 1 PAGE TWO MM THAT HE OOULD ASSIST CUBAN UNIFICATION IN THE U.SQ, BOT OOULD NOT WRITE AGAINST CO-EXISTENCE. SOURCE ADVISED ABOVE MEETING WAS HELD SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF OBTAINING SUPPORT OF JACK ANDERSON IN UNITING CUBAN EXILES UNITED STATES. NO DISCUSSION OAS HELD CONCERNING BOMBINGS OR OTHER TERRORIST ACTIVITIES AND THESE MATTERS WERE NOT ALLUDED TO DURING THE MEETING. ADMINISTRATIVE RE MIAMI TELETYPE TO BUREAU, OCTOBER 31, 1974, CONCERNING OF CUBAN EXILE CONTINGENT FROM MIAMI TO MEET SITE WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT JACK IN OASHTNOTON, O.c; ALSO RE OFO TO BUREAU AOD MIAMI, CAPTIONED, BOMBING OF (OAS) 17TH AND NOVEMBER 9; 1974; PROTECTION OF FOREIGN OFFICIALS-BOMBINGS- 00: OFO. MIAMI CONFIDENTIAL SOURCE IS MM 296O-PST. HOTD NH 54462 Page 2 .. 4 ZnsW'r(EV- I . [,fHoT AEITE SAHECE ADVISED AEAVE HEEIIHA EAE HELD SBLELY EAR THE "1 OF OBTAINING 0F JACK- ANDERSON IN UNITING IICUPAN EKILES IA IHE HAITEE STATES. 9' CONCERNING BRMBIACS 0R UTHER TERRORIST ACTIVITIEG ARR THESE I HAITEHI AEHE ALLUDED IRQTDAwr93b1 RE ROULD ARSIST -CRBAN UNIFICATIQN THE 3., BUT WORLD Hp DISCUSSION HA5 HELB mu; NH 54462 Page 3 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/17/201 Agency Inform ati on Eleased under the John AGENCY FBI KB 1111331? RECORD NUMBER: 124-10292-10307 33333 1111511311311 3330155513 allectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ 2 1'37 NDEEJ - a3e#:NH 54%62 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 64?29479?4 0?04?20 17 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: MCATEER, CHARLES E. JR. TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 12/01/1944 PAGES 9 SUBJECTS MTP, MEMBER, CP, TRA, BUSS, ASSOC, POLIT ACT, BKG, PASSPORT, REPRESENTATIVE, OVERSEAS NEWS AGENCY DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION RESTRICTIONS CURRENT STATUS DATE OF LAST REVIEW: OPENING CRITERIA COMMENTS Unclassi?ed 4 Redact 06/26/1998 5 INDEFINITE INC MEMO v9.1 NH 54462 Page 1 LThis Case- Origi HABANA CUBA - ?Icug?gf - Title reliable Sourcei ?and indicated 3 1m 5446: i515 1 NH 54462 IDENTIFICATION OF The Sources of Information set out in the report of Special Agent CHARLES F. Jr. ., dated at Habana, Cuba, December 1 1944, in the case entitled MARIA TERESA PROENZA (Y also known as Teresa Proenza- INTERNAL SECURITY a R, are as WINFTM Source A a CI 339 Source - Files of the Office of the Legal Attache, Eabana, Cuba. Source Foreign Travel Control project letter directed to the Civil Attache at Mexico City on March 18,1944 3?34Page 3 JFK Assassination System Date: I 7/201 Identifi cation Form Agency Information AGENCY: FBI I Eleased under the RECORD NUMBER: 124-10292-10308 Kennedy saassinatinn Recurda RECORD SERIES: HQ :nllectiun Act Elf 1992 [44 U5: 21o? Note]. AGENCY FILENUMBER: 64?29479-5 5444452 Date: Document Infomiati on ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: MCATEER, CHARLES F. JR. TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 04/27/1945 PAGES I I SUBJECTS MTP, BKG, REL, EMP, TRA, RES, POLIT ACT, ASSOC, MEMBER, CP DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/26/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC 2 MEMO WI NH 54462 Page 1 La.) f, ?ggif? This Case Originated at HABANA, CUBA I I File No. 100-45 5 Report Made At Date When Period For Which Made Report Made By Made 12-12, mac HABANA. CUBA 4?27-45. CHARLES JR Title Character cl: Case MARIA TE (Y PROENZA) 5 aka ROENZA SECURETY MATTERJNC 8: '03 17%. ?xxzt?z?j?. T: gem hl :13. 0 Ram snow"? Information concerning activities of TERESA PROENZA Swwp?soFFm15= and her family reflect many of them.have been active revolutionaries for a number of years. Reliable sources disagree whether subject is member of . Communist Party?g:g all advise she has in the past . been in contact th members of the Russian Legation )IDiplomatic Mission in Habana. Hewever, since as- parture of Mrs. NORA P. CHEGODAEVA, Russian Press .g her contacts at Legation haVe ceased, but 'iv? she still continues contact with prominent m; _er3?' $3 of ?he Communist Party. Subject, by letter dated- . 5 a 12?19-44, resigned her position with OVERSEAS NEWS ER $59 AGENCY and presently represents several Mexican magazines in Cuba. Present activities reported as. ?969?! not suspicious. ME STATUS: :3 11:95/97 Eff/4) REFERENCE: Report of Special Agent CHARLES F.- ?sr. WDecember 1 1944 5'22 EC 5 REQ. REC 14W 30L 0 5 196! DEC . .- ANS?Kc-7 7 Attach" Do Not Wrrte m'fThese Spa-165, Made Available Kg Cog/etc? This 5 . . To . Report - .J Embassy Bureau - - "h M. A. ?5 - Habena ?Riff"? N. (Kl-Embassy) 9: Others a: F. . . . RN 54452 Page 2 gag ?b a NH 54462 Page 3 1? a, ADMINISTRATIVE DETAILS ;The files in the Military and Naval Attachest offices a well as the Embassy Central Files Section at Habana iled to ref-lect any pertinent information on subject. This case is being closed at the present time ORA left Habana, subject's contacts with the Legaj en have ceased. Another basis for Closing the case istthe fact that she is no longer active in the affairs i on whether subject is actually a member of the Communist Party. ?f?onfidential Informant #656-1 points out in his report that the police accused subject's brother of dis? seminating seditious propaganda of a Communist type and that other members of her family wer_e arrested at different times. It sh.ould be borne in mind that the modus operandi of the MACHADO police in arresting revolutionists and members of groups in opposition to him was to accuse them of having dieseminated Communist propaganda which could be used as a legal basis to incarcerate them or exile them from the countrv as the Communist Party was operating illegally at the timea This Same modus operandi was used by the MACHADO Regime to arrest many members of the oppOsition group who are new and always have been violently opposed to Cemmunism. rt .4114 I . *.vb r~.33 ~11, 1-9, N, t: 2 f/i?l? IDENTIFICATION. OF SOURCES: 4 The sources mentioned in the report of Sp? cial Agent MCATEER, Jr; ,7 dated April 2'7, 1945, at - Habana, Cuba, entitled TERESA PHOENZA (Y-PROENZA), aka, SECURITY MATTER a are listed below: Source C: nfidential Informant #656=4 Source D: . Cmonfidential Informaht #656a5 -Source E: n-w?pnfidential Informant #547=5 SourcegFf. Infofmant . . Source G: EConfidential Informant #656nl .. . ?mt, H: NH 54462 Page 5 JFK Assnsinati on Systan Date: 6/4/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Information Eleased under the AGENCY: FBI - manned? RECORDNUMBER: 124-1029340005 S?a??inati?n REEDWS allectiun Act of 1992 WORDSERIESI HQ [?14 USC . ase#:NH 5402? Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 974474-13117' Document Infomation ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM '10 DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 10/14/1965 PAGES 4 SUBJECTS MIRR, ACA, OBA, PUBLICATION, SPAINISH REGISTRY VESSEL DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/20/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM v9.1 9 NH 5402? Dunld:3230??4? Page 1 . .5 . 4-: 12-14-64) 456i CONMDENTIAI . a - A fee-1" 1/ Sullivan Towel Cl CABLEGRAM El RADIO lill?f?lm PM EST URGENT 10-1u-65 SHR DIRECTOR AND SAN JUAN 2 SAN JUAN VIA WASHINGTON-ENCODED Classi?ed FROM MIAMI Imus . "Palms" ?ag-IV; hatch g. OF SPANISH REGISTRY SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO, OCTOBER 9,-1965. -GHB, FIRING TAMPERING WITH VESSEL. -- ??i?bnfem- ?4 8mm? ?Id if. TO MIAMI OCTOBER 15, LAST. . PUBLICATION WHICH WAS REPORTED BY STATEIJEPARTMENT TO CONTAIN ARTICLE IN WHICH ORLANDO BOSCH CLAIMED CREDIT FOR CAPTIONED MINING IS UNKNOWN T0 OFFICE. HOWEVER, BOSCH INTERVIEWEO AT MIAMI ON LAST ON BASIS OF ARTICLE IN MIAMI HERALD OF OCTOBER 13, LAST. IN ARTICLE BOSCH CLAIMED A GROUP OF HIs PLACED BOMB ON SPANISH FREIGHTER ANCHORED IN BAY, AND ON SAME DAY HIS MEN ATTEMPTED TO BLOW UP A BRITISH FREIGHTER ANCHORED A LATIN AMERICAN BUT THIS FAILED BECAUSE OF A ARTICLE BOSCH SAID HE IS ANGERED BY SALE OF SPANISH .1 ORIGINAL BLED DY .574 .. CONSTRUCTEO SHIPS TO CUBA AND ALSO BECAUSE OF TRABB WITH CUBA. ARTICLE QUOTED BOSCH AS STATING To WARN BOTH COUNTRIES THAT WE HAVE DISTRIBUTED COMMANDOS ALL OVER THE CONTINENT. THEY WILL ATTACK, SABOTAGE, AND SINK AS MANY SHIPS NATIONALITY AS OFFICIALLY DECLARING THE SHIPPING WAR AGAINST SPAIN AND I 0T 191 OCT 20 1955 If the mgg?nggmam: "Leggage?is to outside the Bureau, it is suggested that it be suitably NH 5402'} Page 2 w? DAIRGRAM I CABLEGRAM DRADIO RETELETYPE q-S?USov. Q. BE COMMITTED. .w 7 CONFMNIIAI TOIEOTP ?q t. .e Mohr Cooper Belmont DoLooch Callahan Conrad Gale DECODED COPY Fell Rosen Sullivan Tovol Trotter Holmes PAGE TWO FROM MIAMI 1h37h5 ON OCTOBER 13 LAST, HE WAS SPECIFICALLY QUESTIONED CONCERNING THE ARTICLE OF OCTOBER 15. HE ASSERTED IT WAS A TRUE STATEMENT IN THAT COMMANOOS OF MIRR WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MINING, HE DENIED HE HAD GIVEN INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMMISSION OF THE MINING OR THAT HE KNEW IT WAS GOING TO HE CLAIMED HIS COMMANOOS ARE CONSTANTLY FIGHTING AGAINST CASTRO AND COMMUNISM THROUGH OUT THE CARIBBEAN AND WHERE EVER OPPORTUNITIES ARE PRESENTED. CLAIMED HE FIRST RECEIVED NOTICE OF THE MINING BETWEEN 9 AND 11 PM, OCTOBER 11 LAST BY MEANS OF A COMMUNICATION WHICH HE OECLINEO TO IDENTIFY, AND THIS ACOOUNTEO FOR HIS BELATEO PRESs BELEASE. HE OECLINEO TO NAME ANY OF THE INDIVIDUALS RESPONSIBLE OR TO FURNISH OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION HE DENIED THAT THIS WAS A FALSE PRESS RELEASE WHICH MIGHT SERVE TO RAISE MONEY FOR THE MIRR As A RESULT OF PUBLICITY. MM 659-3 CONTACTED BOSCH ON THE EVENING OF OCTOBER 11 LAST AND BOSCH MADE NO MENTION OB CAPTIONEO MATTER. BOSCH TOLD INFORMANT THAT THE TIME WAS NOW PERFECT TO MAKE SOME STRIKE TO ENABLE HIM TO RAISE MORE MONEY. MEL) ON OCTOBER 1M INSTANT, ORLANDO REGO (PROTECT IDENTITY), MEMBER OF MIRR, STATED HE TALKED WITH MIRR OFFICER MARCELINO GARCIA ON AFTERNOON OCTOBER 11 LAST AND GARCIA DID NOT MENTION CAPTIONEO MATTER BUT STATED MIRR HAD RECEIVED LETTER FROM THE MIRR COORDINATOR IN SAN JUAN RELATIVE TO FINANCES. BOSCH IREGO BELIEVES BOSCH MAKING FALSE CLAIM FOR CAPTIONEO ACTION. MIAMI OFFICE OBSERVES THHT ALTHOUGH BOSCH HAS ENGAGED IN PAST NEUTRALITY VIOLATIONS AND IS A CONSTANT THREAT, Tale. Room 5 If the intelligence contained in the above message is to be disseminated outside the Bureau; it is suggested that it be suitably NH 54?2'? need in order to protect the Bureau? a systems. Page 3 . .I JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 6/4/20 1 5 Agency Information leased under the John . Kennedy Records AGENCY: FBI Collection Act of 1992 Ha use . 2 Note) . Cese? 54046 RECORD NUMBER. 124-1029340008 ate: 03?24?201? RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER NR 237 Document lnformati on ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE 10/27/1965 PAGES 4 SUBJECTS [Restricted] DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS Consulted CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/20/1998 OPENING CRITERIA APPROVAL OF USCS COMMENTS REFERRED TO USCS In? ?54046 Page 1 '0 -Dun1d:32301?50 Page 2 ?34,3 . '_'11H5154'u46 'Page' 3 \x . \x 1: JFK Asmsina?on System Date: 6/4/2015 Iden??m?on Form Agmcy Information Eleased under the AGENCY: FBI . Kennedy RECORDNUWER: 124-10293-10019 3313133 inatinn Records allectiun Act of 1992 RECORDSERIES: HQ 144 USC 211:? Note]. ase#:NH Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 974474-245 8?2 3?2 1:1 17' Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: DAVIS, GEORGE E. JR. TO: DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE . DATE: 11/12/1965 PAGES: 76 SUBJECTS MIRR, ACA, OBA, BOMB, SPANISH MESSEL, PR, PLANS, ATTACK, SHIPS, US PORT DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/20/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS 13 RH 5402? Page 1 .9 MM MMWM NMT MMWM MM 5402? "nau1a=323u1551 Pagei? Elm-wmm .n -- ?lm. {mmga - yaw Mmihm??mm? T?w?m w? ?w?w wm?m?? m??mi i} - Su??mm?y'm??mi . ?m??mm?w ?wg?wm Miami Rwy ?mw??m ?atwm?? Miami M??mi 3 Mi?m? M?mmi (ng gig-WW 2 imwid? al??m? Wh?mh ?g am m??y?m?m M?wm?w mmh?m? Ti?mimm?? M??g?wmm ?m Wh?w? .m??y'm??ihwwm hm ?mxm?? ?mwm'mhwim mm mm? W?m? aw mwm??w ?hm mm??m? ?g?k m?imm? km imww?mig??% mm? matiwimi?? ?hm ME ?xg i??me?g Kw if ?h?y @Em 'wimi?m?m? ?mrm?gm ?gam?w $mtg wm ?my ka?w? Ema Hmi?%? ?thQ$3 am? Km mb?m?m any ?m?wWW W??mmw 3% .3me LEE Si?zv .bunld;32303661 'Eage 3 f??754n27 Page 4 th?? Rikki-R Rmm?m? 3R -. - Rmm, RR RR RR.R.R .R . a ax?i?RiRmR??R1yg ~29 Page'5' W?m ?ivww m? ?iwwi?wg?a??m?i W3 ?mtmhaw tumm'ma? w? $3 maim Ewan ?mvaxv?a $m ammw that ?mm ax gativity. ?g mwm?ww? ?x v%wy :H?i??hzjV Dunl?:32301661. Page 6 .E.ij54n21? _Page a a??a?mm@ mm m? h?a i?ati??'i?t$ h?xiavimg that hw4i$ $mm??h?mg h?vi?;if1 Tha MKRR hag an imn?m ?mf? gm? 3 m=a :walxam?th@ mtg?mimatiam am? mak. ??mt&yp?ff th?'w?hax m?m%ar?? g?w\ Tw? mh?? a 9f aha ?f MERE bamwm& .Fg,55; -W?th.th& ia?d?w?hiy mf EQSQH am? hi? mli? ?lm: ami whim}: mgaw amiwi?im withm? ax aypm??al a? gh? mwmh?m?hip at iargww mm mm Tm? ?ai? Emma aha wpmm?imimm gmwm? t? baam making pmapaxatimm? ?g mw?i?? mg fina?uxal hawm mm ak?aim s?L Rf :3 ?aw ?g ?g mxg??m MM what mimg aha mwm?h ?x in?iga?imm? arw tha? h?mm ?wx ram??wadg mania? am? i? aw lm?g?x.g?imfm??y a? aha ?wh?y ?limimw am? f??k ?hat i? agw?m??i??img af ?ha x?w?mwa? ?wx hi3 W?m a" 29$ 1965? i ?x h?w? a?t??ii?h?w that th& ?ii?m? hag img an ?mx Emm?? rwm??wm? @m ?aw mg -H?j5iD2?g DucId:323??561 ~Page 9- ?w x: mx iimmtgisr- m?ig-ugm mm "j I mtg-MW? M?m was? ME awpam?m . . ZEN-amn?m? .ngm? 4mm ?my? Page in? 9/225? 7? Efimnw .3 '35 54021 .DncIdf323nT??1 Page 11 - helm-32301661 Page 12 11111111 1 11111 11111 111 11 1111 1111111111 1111 1111 1111111 11 111 1111 11111111 1111 11 1111111 113 1111 5' 1.11111 1111 1111 111111 11 1 1111111111 11 1111 111.?11111111111 1 i11111 111%1 ?11 1111111111 111111111 11 111 1111 11 1111 11111 11111133 3'11111 11111 111 111 111 11111111 ?1111 111111111111 111 1 111111 11 1111111 11111? 111111111_ ?71111111 111 111 1111? 111 11 11111 11 111111111 1 11111 -,-11111 11111111 1 111111 1111 111 111 1111 11111111 11 111 -_.1111$ 111 1111 1111 111111 1111 11 11:1 11111 111 11 1111 1111. 1_111 1111 11111111 1111 111 1111 111 11111111111 111 111 111111111? 111 1111 1111111 1111111 11111 11 1 11111 1111 -111111113. .111111111 11 11 111 --1111111111 11 111 11111 1111111111 111 111111111-11 111111 .-111111 1111111 111 1111111111 111111 _111 1111 111 111111 111; 11 111111111111111111 11 1111111 11 1111 11111 111111111 11 111*;- 111 111 1111111m;;7 1?1 1111 1111111 11111111,? 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Fiari??g $3 a?wm ?mama?? my W. &v&mm?y Miamkmww& m?it??w may Raft Miam? m% w? )6 $9 that a?th?w m? imi?V??wgg, mal? ww?a inva?va? i? ??iw amykm?iwm? h? tag athar w? wmm?? w?ma ?wmra mf gm WME ?h?t am? mww? ?bii?my ta m??QWj fmmturm am??gl?mw a ?f ?awag?m? wh?ya *H?wm. MERR haw mm ?mw km?wiw?g?bu my quali?imat?m?m ta a amimw wai? tha? MERE mambww? im Sam Juaa in mw??ia @f ara mi??l?wagwa buwima?mm?m mw??hww th?c quaiif?watimmw may tag t?m?ww wmgagw im a3 amt?vi?y? wm? wai? t??t ragay?m? by a m? tha ?fe?h? EERE aw bw?mg liarg am?'33f; mi vary rwi?miww t? th? mf ?n m&mmi Rwaag wall ?g x? San ?ua?g ?mmrta Rimwg ?aw fai?w? ta ?wvmiw? am? @?mgibiw ?hat my mwm?wr ?g th? MXRR wam amtmmiiy fmr'tm? mmwi?wimma 'h??1d33230T551"?age 14 5:5 5-55ww5? I '555555 55551 5555 55555 555 5555 5555555 55 55 555 _5 555555 5555 555555 555 555 555555 5555 55 55 555555555??1; 55555555 55555555555 5555 5 555555 555555555 55 ,5?35555?55?5555555555555 T555 5 55? 555 5555555555'555555 555 55 55555 5555555555jfp? j55555555 5 55555555 5555 5555 55 55555 5555 555 55555$ 555555 55555555; 555 5555559 5 55555 555555555 5555555_ 555 5555555555 55555555 55 555555555'55555555 555555555 -.- 555 555 55555 55555 55 55 555555 55 555 5555555 5 55555 5 Ti 5555* 55 55535 555555 5555 5555 555 5555 555.555)? 55 5555555 553 5.5553 55 T55 55555555 555555 55555555 55555 555555 55 555 555155 55555555555 55515, 555555555 55 5555 5555555 55 5555555 555 5555 55555 5555 55 555 555 555 555555555 555555555 55 5555555 555_"' 5555555555 5555555y-555 5555 55 555 5555 55555 555555 5555 555555555? 55555 55555 55 5 5555555 555 555551155 ?5555 5555- 555555 '55 55555555 55 5.5553! 55 T555 5 55555 55555 555 555 5555 55555555 55 5555155555555 5555555555 555 5555551 5555' 55555553 5555555 5555 55555 555 5555 5555555555 5 5 555 55555 55 55555 55555: 5555555555 5 55555 55555 5555555 555 555 5555555 5555 5 553 5555 55 55 555555555555w T55 5 555 55555 555 55555555 55 5-55555 5 55'15 55555 555555555 T5iw?? 555555 5555555 555 (55555 5555 5555555) 5555553 555555555 55 55 55555555 551555 - T5555 5 555555 555555555 5555 5555 555555 555 .55 5555 5555 555 55.555555 55 5 5555555555 5555555 55 55555 5555 555 555553 555555 555555555- T555 5155 5555 555555 5555 55;. mi 55555 555 55555 5555 5 5? 555 5555551555 555555 555 5555 555?5555555 555 5555 555555 55555.55515 55 5555 55 5555 5555555555 5 1? 5 HHT?guivs ?Duc15532301561. Page 15 MM Tm? Emmy bw?m in ?wmgw mm?ii?abmmt a @magm? gha?.thw $m?$v$dag~ wmm?mmk? mam ??g7731 ?wam mmwm?? ?hm w?qm?gt Ew?*g amt i? th? Cm?amw ?m $%t&imimgij any mth?r 3-. jl? Qm Smyt?mbww 1% amd 39$ MM Wm? tha? hm mm ?my ?pmmi?iaz,r? MM ENE ?ai? un?t E?im? amm?tammly mmkimg p?am? ?g a?pymaahm? wax?mmg amila ?mham ax?la? in ?ha Miami a?ma im an ta m?marihuta ta finanma rai?'hy aha MERE agaimat ?ubag an ?uly 36$ ?xwm Rmc?? MM Tm? ?hat mw?t mf mammy haw-gmma imtm . Tw? thaa haw a'?am?timal" agmmamia?? Em th?'pwimt Wh?r? m? ?hm mf .MERR h?l?ava?? fax mam with ?niaa? S?ata? am& ?mm?$mm gmwawmm?mtm Hi Saba and @?l?myw -- $2 MM Ew? mag tha? mmly amtiam man im big mmgam?mati?mg yh??w ara. .m .EQ G?m??y?i?mm alam a3 m?mtimma? thi? rapmm?. hag mm mwmmam?m? am ?mmgm?m,wpaw?t?ng and ha ma ?m?pli?? my mqmipm?m? gut? gid? aha Miami ar?aa &m_a Wary @wwmw?iww.. 18 -n??1a:323u1551 Page 16 mpax?timm? by aha MXRR in f: am? hx?ggimg ahwm? ha will 1111111 111 11111111 11 1111111 1111111 11 111 111 111111 _1111111 1111 111111111 1111 11 11 111111111 11111 11 11 1111- 111 1111 111 11 11111 1111 1111111111 11 11'11. __w11611111 111 K?g 11111111111 1111 :111 111 111 111111111111 111 1111 11111 1111111111111 11 111 11111 11111111 111111111111111111111?1111?n~ 11 111111111 11 1115 11 111 1111111 1111 1 111111 11?111 1111111 11 1111 111 111111 111111111111 . 7m1111 111 1111111111 11 11111 111 111 111111 111111 11111 5,11111111 111 1111 111 11111 1111111 11 1111111111 1111111 I 111 111111111 11 11111111 11 111 1111111111 11 111111 1 MM 111 1111 1111 111 1111111111 11111 11 11111 h1111f, -1111 111111 111111111111 11 11111111 111111 11 1111111 _111111111 1111111 11111 11111 111 111111111 111111 1111 1111 1111111111 11 111111 11111111111111 1111 111111 .161116U11 11V111 111111111 111 1111 ?*'1111 1111111; 1111111 11 111 1111 MM 111 111111111 1111 111111 111 1111 11111 11 -1 11111111111 111 1111 11111 111 111 1111 1111111111 111 . 111111 11111111 111 111111 111111111 111 111? 1 11111 11 .g 11 111111 111111111 11111111 11 111 11111?1111111 1111113 111 111 1111111111 1111 1111 11111 11 1111111111111 1111 11 111 11111111 111 111 111 111111111- 11 1111111 11 1111 11 111 1111 11 111 1111 11111111111 111 1111 111 11111 111111 111111 1111 1111 111 11 1111111111 111 11111 11111111 11 111111111 111 111 1 11 1- H1854n211'nuc11532301661 Page 1? JFK Assassination System Date: 6/4/2015 Identi?mtion Form - Agency Infomanon lease-:1 under the John AGENCY 2 FBI . Kenn-a :13: RECORDNUMBER: 124-1029340031 ssassinatinn Records allectinn Act of 1992 RFCORDSERIES: HQ (?14 USC Ell]? . a3e#:NH 5402? Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 97-4474-254 . a 3 3 1 7" Document Infomlation ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 11/10/1965 PAGES: 9 SUBJECTS . MIRR, ACA, OBA, PLAN, BOMB, OIL TANKER, PR DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 13; 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/20/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM v9.1 15 RH 5402'! Page 1 VHHf54021"nucld:32301533 page 2 JFK Assassination Systan Date: 6/4/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Information AGENCY: FBI Eleased under the RECORD NUMBER 124-1029340039 Ke ?ne .13; - ssassinatiun Records HQ Zullectinn Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 974474-258 gage? 5402 7' Date: Document Infomzation ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 12/17/1965 PAGES: 9 SUBJECTS MIRR, ACA, OBA, ASSOC, ARRESTED, EXTORTION, PLAN, SABOTAGE, OIL TANKER - DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/22/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC ADMIN PAGE, LHM WJ NH 5402? 18 Page 1 BERGEN 21?7" m: Eamon - . Director, FBI (973:1474) mum: pan 1 7 1955 1.: . .1 31 $110,111 1 (105?285 -- b/ 5\ EEUMEN 51;? JMOVIMIEITO INSURRE Clam RECUPERACION REVO CIONARIA (man) IS cum; ?eelassrbDECLASSIFIE BY. 5W If ?Gnu/79? It SAMGEO V13 11/12/65, at Miami. Enclosed are twelve copies of an LHM, da.ted and captioned as above. Two copies of the LHM are enclosed for San Juan. Capies are being furnished locally to: G-2, Ft. McPherson, Georgia; Coordinator of Cuban Affairs, B. S. Department of State; U. 8. Coast Guard; USA, FAD, Ojus, Florida; Secret Service; U. S. Customs (3), II, 1? Key West; U. S. Border Patrol; and, 081. T?l is ,?Eheir report da.ted December 3, 1965, u) (I is 0 NBC REGO, who recently served as the accountant of the MIRR until his resignation several weeks ago .b4mmu Go basis of the search made by the Miami PD, Street, Miami, it would appear that ns?ide ble~d& wa is cast upon the reliability of 141%?) SEE me?m LEADS SID 05R aid? 1 JUAN, PUERTO RICO 7. Ei?fhecm indjs <3n SAMPEDRO for any . 9. SBai?eggargETEnc ?1:ng (fig/2? 55) f1 1 mag?pgfgia 05H: ?3156*- 3} GED .GK 21?le 3.4313115 3 DEC 201965 ?7 . 1.: ?r i Hrj??ip? 33/ SEEM . Banal; Regularly on tbe Payroll Savings Plan 5402? Page 2 . - I JFK Assassination System . Date: 6/4/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency hit-0mm? Eleased under the AGENCY FBI . Kenna RECORD NUMBER 1244029340050 3315133 1115-13 1011 RE 3013213 allectiun Act of 1992 HQ [44 USC Note] . - 51402? Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 974474-268 5?2 2 '3 1'7" Document Infonnation ORIGINATOR FBI FROM SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 01/11/1966 PAGES: 5 SUBJECTS MIRR, ACA, MEMBERS, LEADERS, ARRESTED, EXTORTION, BOMBING, VESSEL, DEMONSTRATION DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/22/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM v9.1 19 RH 5402'? Page 1 Fla-3Date: 1/11/66 Transmit the fol-lowing in II II {Type'in plaintext or code) . I: via AIRTEL REGISTERED I I (Priority) . I . Director; FBI (97?4474) I Anon: SAC, M1am1 40VIMIENTO INSURRECCIONAIL DE RECUPERACION- CONTAINED 24'mn" 15:111-- 1-: u. 1. IrMiami.Encmse-d to the Bureau 2: A . ~and captioned as abeve. A i, I Locai d1str1but16n by Hiam1 be1ng made to the 7 following: CIA INS, OSI, 0N1, 6?2, Customs (Miam1,IReg16n 1 A II and Key wastf, Border .Patrel, Coast Guard, State Dapt.. Ill} . (Caban Ajya1rs), USAFAD and USA.- . mm 1-1 15 m?sas-s. San. Juan requested furn1sb copy of LEM to USA, San. Juan f6r latter' 3 info in case against JOSE RODRIGUEZ indicted by FGJ, San Juan, 12/29/65. Bureau 11) (RM) (1 - 45-10516 - Rodriguez) A 61112301939 .COPY FEED 5:1? 0? A 1.1?v I I I'm 2 San Juan 3) . . (1 - USA, San Juan)(RM) 3 -.- Miami (105-2855) . (1 - 9-1706 (Dr. Bosch) 7 A (1 -. 105?10602 (Bodrig'l?IZIREc- 69 jg; I JJO: egh A :sbm us 901mg gig" gig} 7 IH- Cf? gay? ?120 11y" 2 mm! AV?rhwm I :1 . HF 3:33? 114;; A . - It AJAN AMA I I pproved: p15" 13,5411. Agent. in Charge .. A ., .1111 511121 1151211113231116'92? Page JFK Asmssination Date: 6/4/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency IflfOl'l'D??O? leased under the John . Kennedy Records AGENCY: FBI Collection Act of 1992 (144% USC RECORDNUMBER: 124-1029340058 21o? Note) . 54oz? ate: 08?28?201? RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 974474-274 Document Infonnation ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, SJ T0: DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 1 SUBJECTS MIRR, ALLEGED PLOT, DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE. OF LAST REVIEW 0602/1998 OPENM CRITERIA COMMENTS v9.1 NH 5402'? Page 1 22 UNITED STATES Gr/ . f? 35% emoran um I . T0 DIRECTOR, FBI 97-44714) DATE: 2/28/66 CIA HAS NO OBJECT TO . AC, SAN JUAN 10 .. 6 RUG DECLASSIFICATION m? 5 7 09) RELEASE 6F CIA INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENTJM 9-3-97 1" mnumnu OVIMIENTO DE RECUPERAOLQN z?v?r ?fsi - cum Classi?ed by Declass?y 00: MIAMI Re Miami later to the Bureau dated 12/17/65. ?No information was located through a search of 1 San Juan indices which would tend to further identify . the SM PEDRO who is allegedly connected with MIRR. Informatinn contained in the Ietterhea memorandum accompanying referenced letter concerning alleged plot to transport explosives to sabotage a ship erto Ricolidm?y was brought to the attention of 533-3 and SJ 1192-3 on December 22, 1965. To date, San Juan has received no information from sources which would tend to substantiate above allegation. Bureau RM) -Miami 05-2855g gnu) (Info) \1 l-?an Juan (105-7 0 LF:zhc 102$ ., ado 9' ?23 9311.96 A girl? ("737; REcnlsa - In MAR 3 1956 - 1.5.2 Ila?em EAT- I J. . SEQKET. MAR [Ebb . - . Saving: Bond: Regularly on the Paymll Savings Plan - I 1 NH 5402'? Page 2 JFK Assassination Sysem Date: 6142015 Identi?cation Form Agency Infomatzon Eleased under the F. FBI RECORDNUWER: 124-1029340060 21.37 Nate) . 54027 ate: 03?23?201? RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 974474-276 Dounnmt lnfonmtitm ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM 10 DIRECT OR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 02/28? 965 PAGES: 14 SUBJECTS MIRR, ACA, OBA, MEMBERS, RAIDS, EXTORTION, WDICTMENT, FINANCES - DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Secret RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: W1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC ADMIN PAGE, LHM, Afr 19.! NH 5402'? Page 1 24 . WW 9-36 (Rev. 5-22.54Date: 2/23/66 i Transact the following :1 . (Type in plain?, a, code(Priority) BIA . -- 3W ~Tm. Director, FBI (97-4474) .m DOCUMEW 9 I: FROM: SAC, Miami (105-2855) (P) . . REVOLUCIONARIA (MIRR) Is - CUBA- IE 01 As IFIEDBY Miami 00 ON 25% DECLAC 831%!) .. Insomnia Enclosed for the Bureau are 11 copies of LHM dated and captioned as above. (at: 1 Copies are being furnished locally to INS, OSI, 0N1, G-Z, Customs, Border Patrol, . aoast Guard, State Department (Cuban Affairs), and Secret Service. LHM is classified SECRET since it ontains informati which was so classified by CIA. PM '13- -1 is?m @133}, '77- 41 . Hui/?95 ca? . W: WW Lav-16m 1154 MM T-3 18 MM 492-s.by . With-E: ff: $31. '4 ?gm? 4 7 main-A79 0+0 tum-15?? if? T-5 is Key aoqme 3 1333 Bureau (mcls.11)( ?7 - San Juan (Info. . 1 - Tampa (In?o. Approved: W1 GED ?md Agent in Charge Q) NH 5402'? Page 2 MOVIMIENTO INSURRECOIONAL as RECUPERAGION REVOLUCIONARIA OMIRR) SE is associated with some members of the MIRR. reported that had recently contacted Dr. . . (MRFP), an anti- CASTRO group of Cuban exiles in.Miami. He appealed to'them to support an MIRR plan to picket in Miami as a protest against the arrest and prosecution of JOSE RODRIGUEZ P3383. Both FONSECA told BOSCH that they could not commit the MRFP because such action might be'interpreted as a protest against the United States government, and the MRFP did not want to become involved in such acti- vity. They pointed out to BOSCH that the guilt or inno- cence_of RODRIGUEZ should be determined by the federal court. -They also advised BOSCH to forget about the picketing since he is in enough trouble already. On January 18, 1966. MM a former Cuban official who resides in Miami, advi?ed that at 8:20 AM that day an announcement was made over Miami radio station WFAB, by the MIRR urging Cubans to picket the United States courthouse in Miami where a hearing was scheduled that day for Roonzcusz. I: was observed this picketing did occur as planned during the morning and afternoon at the courthouse. About 50 Cubans partici= pated. The federal judge refused to reduce bond and ordered him returned to Puerto Rice for trial. On January 13, 1966, MM Tw2 advised that BOSCH and MARCELINO GARCIA disclosed that they were going to attempt to form a unity of Cuban exile groups. BOSCH explained that this would make it more difficult for NH 5402'? Page 3 MOVIMIENTO INSURRECCIONAL DE RECUPERACION REVOLUCIONARIA (MIRR) 01" who is closedly acqu nt ers of the??IRR, a advised that auditor, prepared a financial ?.60 report da September 25, 1965 on the MIR. Both REGO and ODRIGUEZ, treasurer of the MIRR, officially resigned MIRR in Nbvember, 1965 in protest to uestioneble procedures of the organization in the re- porting of income and expenditures. They also were in disagreement with the leadership of BOSCH and GARCIA and their hostile attitude toward the United States. The following is a summary dated September 25, 1965 of the auditor's report: Total income frotw?l qunuldiiamres 54ly40mhh52 Balance 209.32 The income is broken down as follows: Bonds sold and paid for $6,850.00 Donations received by mail .. 560.00 Personal donations received . 7,389.62 Loans received (see below) a. 8,240.31 Other income (see below) 303451.99 Fixed donations 13122.00 854.613.92 1. Loans Received and Repaid 1 5 NH 5402? Page 4 "7 AGENCY RECORD SERIES :I?den?? w?bn For?m? Agency In'fbnna?on. FBI 124-1029340061 974474477 Date: 6/4/2015 Eleased under the John Kennedy saassinatinn Recurda nllectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. ase#:NH Date: ORIGINATOR 5 FROM: TITLE: DATE -u CLASSIHGATTCN RESTRICTIONS: CURRENT STATUS LAST REVIEW: OPENTNG. CRITERIA COMMENTS .?hfomia? on .DIRECTOKEBI 03/07/1966 1' [Restricted], PAPER TEXTUAL DOCUMENT - . . Unclassi?ed - 4 :Redac't .7 0612211998 - . . . i . L- I I kg5402? DunId;32301103 Page 1 re -- PD-SS (Rev. 5-22-64)? 6 ?1 Date: March 7, 1965 Transmit the following in (Type in plaintext or code) Via AIRTEL AIRMAIL - REGISTERED (Priority) FROM: SAC, MIAMI (105-2855(MIR-R) mus-mug,? mga?? IS NM ReBuairtel 3/4/66. MM is LAREDO RODRIGUEZ, 1736 S, W. 14th Street, Miami, former Treasurer of the MIRR. 5/ 3 Bureau (RM) - Miami GED/nab (4) ML INFORMATION commit) HEREIN . I. 29d .24 18' MAR 9 1966 T0: DIRECTOR, FBI (97-4474) 7y-a?? . _s kq i . Sent Per pecial Agent in Charge NH 5402'? Page J'J?u?s? 4? A JFK Assassination System Date: 6/4/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Infomahon leas Ed under 1: he John AGENCY FBI . KE ?ue-:13: RECORD NUMBER: 124-1029340064 ssassinatinn Records nllectiun Act of 1992 RECORDSERIES: HQ :44 USC 210? Note] . a3e#:NH 5402? Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 974474-280 Document Informa?on ORIGINATOR CIA FROM CIA TO TITLE DATE 03/ 8/1966 PAGES 5 SUBJECTS . MIRR, ACA, PLANS, ATTACK, VESSEL, TRADE, CUBA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 08/13/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC V91 26 RH 5402'? Page 1 mamanmms Page 2 .emwm? 2; Wu mu ?ww .. mummy . vs: MK Mermaiamm? Page 3 H. - I -. .7 i?r? - . -. ?Jr?e 1-7 03-; . --.. - na33' agreementsENTRAL INTELLIGENCE sum-mama saunas madman! Walgot.m mum sum mum an mania. of the mannaFOREIGN mes CONTROLLED mssam -..- Ira-Z - I . - COUNTRY Cuba - -, - . .2 - . 3- . . moat NODismay? Plans of the man to Attack 2 ins msrn. 18 March 1966 page Vessel Engaged in Cuban Trade - NQEAGES -- WangsnowmenTHES ENRKF 0? 7 REFERENCES . . 3 3 - i DATE OF January March 1966 - .- . d3 - j: 9- into. . - - gag-5.779 PMCER: United States, Miami - - - . . - DATE Ace. (28 Januar - 4 March 1966 FIELD REPORT No. ups?3013 - .. - .. . . - - nus I5 UNEVALUATED luromnou. sources Gnomes an: APPRAISAL or cement IS TENTATIVE. . . . Sou-ace. member of a group of .Cuban-e?migr . . information collection. :I?he gro since 1961. a trained in the techniques of has ovided useful reports - . -W. Wu? Avila, 1headerrmhe.-z a Movimiento Insurrec?ional de Re?cuperacion Revolucionaria (MIRR, INQ '}nsurrectiona1 Movement for Revolutionary Recovery), has been discussing plans attack a Soviet vessel or a vess 1 of another countr which is ngaged in the Cuban trade. In late February Jor utierre 1a, chief ofinformation of the MIRR, .. . - - .1. Since late January 1966 Orland Bose any has expressed his willingness to participate i the a_ ack. He has offered the use of his boat, which has a a; diesel engine, and a Speed of 14 miles per? hour. The boat is ngsaid th if the- ould be a'comb'Inea'? ?r?zsea?o?peration. . . . 4 SergiWrez aid that Bosch planned to have an un?. Eiqg named! rso nt the plane, which would be used in the attack, a . x. a from an unnamed rport in_ 9/5 7,53% act!" - I 63" . Pg ma?a .931?. . .7: . ?9 jun arc ~.Carreno, who lives at 36 omm?trggi, is 3 normally used for trips from Miami to Islamorada, in the Florida 3- Keys, to pick up lobster traps. - . . - 7th Avenue . . . . . A . I 3. On 2 March Bosch said that he _h ought a ?h .- unidentified weapons from Ju ernandez - emploWAnstimrwig/g?ccording' to Bosch, Fernandez de Castro can supply their needs,? including ammunition for the weapons. Bosch added that after receiving weapons from Fernandez de Castro, it is necessary to remove them from the area immediately because he discussed EH_l-g ?l ?3 such transactions too freely. 0n 3 March Bosch announced that he . ?mg plans" to carry out three consecutive actions in order to prove to as a the emigre community that the M138. has the capability to effect such raidsnonhuman CONTROLLED mssam . 'whi anus REPCINCLANT CINCSO i? DCS CUSTOMS USCG I. BORDER PATROL "Aitami??iggssezkk; 13in95:63:3thngaegrg?sase31%? I. {n may.? I NH 5402'? Page 4 5?1: - . Mn- ?gmROLLED 5 1955 no FOREIGN Lmsuu Sf'tlinuJ'Bl 1. Field Comment; The MIRB publicly claimed credit for the 2% attacE on the SATRUSTEGUI, a Spanish vessel, at San Juan, .Puer-to Rice, on 9 October 1965. - lash?? 9/ 2. Source Comment. Sanchez is not scheduled to participate Field C(Jmments csnn-em/ozsos-as, 20 October 1965, from the same source, - reported the creation of the Cuban Revolutionary Insur? rectional'Vanguard (VIRC), an action front of the Democratic Revolutionary Alliance (ARD), Sanchez, a? .- "wwm?olA . .- i member of the navhl department of the ARD, was named treasurer of the VIRC, and Garcia was named chief 5 maintenance. 3 4.. robsne-ms/osus-ss reported that Fernandez de Castro/was . the owner of the weapon used in the 14 November.1965 raid,. - on the coast of Havana by members of the Cuban Representation in Exile (RECE), Comandos L, and eu30 November Frank Pais anment. After the attack, was~. seeking_the return of the weapon which he said he ha . originally lent to Bosch, who in turn lent_it to RECEt1?. . - ?Ha51l?p-?L?nuthe?33? 'i-k "7 - 53?It{5'1 -1 NH 5402'? Page 5 JFK Assassination System Date: 6/4/2015 Identi?cation Form Agency Informa?on under the John AGENCY: FBI . Kennedy RECORDNUMBER: 124-10293-10067 Records elleetien Act of 1992 RECORDSERIES: HQ [?14 USC I'Jete] . 5402? Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 974474-283 2 2 1 7' Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: COTTER, R. D. TO SULLIVAN, W. C. DATE: 04/08/1966 PAGES 1 SUBJECTS [Restricted] DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/22/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS 1 WJ NH 5402? 27 Page 1 ornomuom vim-o ,f um um lemon . .. on om.nao.uo.27 .. . Sarah Wick emom? 1 Lew?e 1 Mr. Wick genie?? - Felt Gale To Mr. W. C. Sullivan - DATE: April 8, 1966 gm 1 - Regen Egg; A. Tele.Room_ FROM :Mr. R. D. Cotter 7? 1 - Mr- Sunk? Holmes 1 - Liaison Gundy ya 1 Cotter 3 Insunasccxomu. DE 1 - Mr. REVOLUCIONARIA (um) INTERNAL 3mm .. CUBA A - - Bemymemo April 7, 1966, which indicated that one of 3_ our informants had been approached by head of MIRR, anti-Castro organization, to pilot plane on raid over Cuba.. Memorandum set forth proposed.plan to thwart raid and protect our informant by establishment of roadblock. It was recommended and approved _that this matter be discussed with the Department, following which appropriate letters would be sent White House and Attorney General. - Mr. John Davitt of the Internal Security Division. Da?vitt . concurred.with the proposed plan to stop the raid, emphasizing that the primary objective is to stop the raid and that the Department desired no arrests. He requested that the United States Attorney in Miami be apprised of the facts and that the Bureau and Customs, which are interested in this mattea coordinate with the United States Attorney. Miami Office is being separately instructed in this connection. 13:; On April 8, 1966, this matter was discussed'with 1 c. .5172? ACTION 3 If you approve, the attached letters will be sent to the White House and Attorney General furnishing the facts. I .. .1, 6 4533, VHN:bjsr (REC-16 77, way} 45 .3 All 83108 man 5402'? Page 2 . . 7? - A I'm' '3 In"; . 4 A a. JFK Assassination System Date: Identi? cation Form 5/26/20] Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER ,124-10293-10441 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 2-2156-18 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI Eleased under the John TITLE 3 Kenn-2 I213: asassinatinn Records allectinn Act of 1992 - [44 USC 210? Note]. 10/15/1976 - ase#:HI? 54454 Date: PAGES: -27 nan?2017? SUBJECTS I GPH, ASSOC, PLOT, GUATEMALA, MIL ACT, WEAPONS, BKG, WILSON, JUSTIN JOSEPH, FS, INTV DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT - CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 07/21/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM WJ NH 54464 11 Page 1 2=455 ANSELMO Le ALLIEGRO Miami file Bureau file 105m20153 ane HOWARD K. DAVIS Miani file Bureau file 105=11950 105e156288 13h=238 134~6356 EDMOND KOLBY Miani file Bureau file 105=l904 105=76109 JOHN MARTINO Miamiufile I Bureau file 64=196 165=515 l63=24877 International Paramedics, mentioned in enclosed LHM, was the subject of a Miami investigation, Bufile 105476941o On 8/25/76, Miami received negative results re subject ZIMERI from the Identification Divisiono Information in LHM claSSified Confidential was so classified by Legat,Mexico CitYo NH 54464 Page 2? JFK Assassination System_ Identi? cation Form Date: 6/8/2015 Agency Information Eleased under the AGENCY FBI KB 11111? '21? RECORDNUMBER: 124-1029340458 33333111511310? nllectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ 1?14 USC 2107 Note] . a3e#:NH 5402? Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 62-71692-2 3?3 9 ?3 17? Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: DIRECTOR, FBI TO :7 - KROGH, EGIL JR. TITLE 1 DATE: 12/15/1969 - PAGES 5 SUBJECTS i EKM, NCK, AKA, BKG, EMP, ASSOC DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 . CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 11/06/1997 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC s/s, MEMO v9.1 RH 5402? Page_1 December 15, 1969 g. 2' BY LIAISON Honorable Egn Krogh, Jr. Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic-Affairs - . - The White House . Washington, D.MC. 2 . i {7.73" Reference is made to your name check request concerning dw wh s; ard K. Moss, 0 was sylvania, 7.-..-- . - 6? Edward KXMQAS, who is also (known as Edward Kiper Moss, was the subjectmity-type investigation conducted by the FBI in 1952. This investigation was based on an allegation that Mr. Moss, while if, serving in the capacity of head of the Office of Public Information, Defense?. 73 Production Administration, was responsible for a disclosure of classified security information to the publication "Aviation Week. During our investlgation a number of individuals interviewed were of the opinion that Mr. Moss was responsible for the disclosure of this information while other individuals interviewed were of the opinion that it had been released 73: by some member of the military. This" investigation did not resolve the identity of the person responsible for the tigation was conducted after the facts of '3 - United States Department of Justice. 1?3 - - REC-1 51* 7/6 ?2 Following our investigation, the Civil Service Commission advised the FBI by letter dated February 13, 1953, that Mr. mam We Fe? .33 still consi ed by their department as "eligible on byalty. 7, 3 . 10 DEC 161969 2? the Ya In April, 1961, a confidential sourceiadvisedthat Julia Cellini was a? "mistress" and a business. associate of who, according to this source, reportedl was apervert who operated a. 3 DEC) 1959 .K?ft 51? . 5' hop {my-fun?, . 1 DteLoachTsent direct) 1h 1 - Mrg?flrale (sent direct) . .--., - '2 \y Fuses3:22.-. Soyors (I . - (Emu-f- 3? (MET ?f'i'?cm 74:? . Alli? .32V??k 79? gr u. i s'ref: ?2 ., not?; NH 5402'? Page 2 CC ;r0: JUL 11'1372 I :1 ?8 Wuk$q ?3 ricr- 33-. DD 15m ?gaff? Ibo/7s ?pfl- iienorabls Egil Krogln Jr. public 99?19tions firm in Washington, 13. C. This 9993999 further notsci that Julia Cellini was the sister of mm Cellini who was at one time connected with gambling casinos in Havanas, Cuba. ii}? Civil S9Wics Commission Form 9749, dated August 6, 1995., the'i9ivi199.rvic9 09m- mission (CSC) inquireii 39 to whether 1:119; identity of {this source could . . be disclosed. communication dated August 25, 1995-, the FBI advised the CSC that this source had requested that his identity not be disclosed anci that he had dsc'iineti to testify under any circumstances in this matter. By communication ?333.th 99p't9mb9?r 19 1966, the CSC stiviseri that Edward Kipsr Moss had been avowed from consid9ration b9iors determmation Was completeci. in addition, miormation has 1399:} 39091999 from ?t he 9 Cr9ciit Eurasia, inc. Washington, that riuring the period of 1953 through 19.64 Mr. Moss had numerous tax hens and Suits fil9d agamzst him for nonpayment of debts. (65 -61021 and 121-39985) our ?les- containno additional pertinent inf?rmation Mr. 199099. a Civil fingerprint-s were heated in the files of the FBI Identification Bivision Which may be idlenticsi with those of Edward ii. Moss. These fingerprints wars marched through the criminal files 91 the identifieation Division and no arrest rescind was loCateci. 1' 4?21? . win?? $1911m-s- 7 .7 sf?, 4, u. 1:inn 54021 DucId:32303100 Page 4 NOTE: The source who furnished the information alleging that Moss was a pervert is WF 1086?0, a. former Washington gambler who continues to participate in such activities. . 2 .7 #g - I I I Ii. gt I ll: Assassination System Date: 4/29/201 Identi?cation Fonn Agency Information Eleased under the John AGENCY FBI Kennedy RECORD NUMBER: 124-10294-10030 Ega??inati?n Records allectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [44 USC 2107' Note] . ase#:NH 53932 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: NR 30 3-2 1?201? Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, WMFO TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 04/15/1959 PAGES: 7 SUBJECTS IID, ASSOC, DEL PINO, RAFAEL, ACA, PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN, FUNDS, DEMONSTRATIONS, WH, CASTRO, FIDEL, VISIT DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 07/14/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC 2 LHM W1 Rh 53932 Page 1 ?lmQuad - da?ad and as ab@ve. EEQ im?? @oa?a amo&@2m Gao'iurniomed EA by E3 63?c8 Also enclased are the same'nmmber of @v&lu&ti@m Em?@rna@t @aid BEE PENQ talk?d mam Luis (meb i3 . Ar 3:334; 1"??1?190asufrw- A $35: MA, ?arm: i A. AA vb?L-snA-741,315T-"yVyJ?.I3?@1039 am 8%me momma) ?51ch m??cao ?apzeitho jut-tut, 8w ?piled mamao am}, an mum; i8?ze 31-5630 3mm: a. icomosa memos an teloghonn Era: @hg EEVEHG EDGQ aid, kg bal?owedg ?ne 8&11 wag charged-ta :??z'?fmwa w??cca talcp?xgma me win; mvm?m mama 661%) Egg guns and ig?arnamt WES ratha? certaia 2ba$ tgere .3. term a a khird . EEC a?.that t?mg ?a ?ow L333 DQVEDBQW ugaamg very gay @Lamem?w in EEG. lai?rngn? aa?d ag?gmy? tn macar?a?a ?hov bacaao a@Q,f DEL a@d n??o L??g a@t?vi??ca 3a tha E. $0 @m??ag Q?g??mgo mowoa we said b9 vaul@ -preh3bly be Eo?urniag tol?iaa? waah laavea EEC tme ??1100 laaveg EEO @g Lim.? ?gw. A 03W ng??hm am . <3 a? 13m (Emlm - A (6,1 mm (1: a; 1.345% ([54 3 a New &E@@10a (in. a macaw) wayw 533??: mm HOT grammar, (?333 - . 1,74 30 1959 . ?30 um army cz-?Zmim . . 9 A . A a n?tA- - 32:: Help: 3v .AAMW APR m?ornamt aa?? ?xa? what ha ha@ l?arne? ta data 3 ia EQ Gubgm cagmu?ity ia ?Q-Emowm ?o BEL FEED amd ha Eng 39% m@ ?g BBC ax?eg? wh? appaara t@ be @wlaxly @ymgathotig u??b he wmuid a??cagnrvv-?e-?nc?wn?xtg-42.153932 Page 2 by? 0 31,02, 5/x/ ,m . a JFK Assassination System Identi? cation Form Date: 4/29/201 Agency Information Eleased under the AGENCY FBI KE ?ue-:13: RECORDNUMBER: 124-10294?10031 Eaasginati?n Rec?rdg nllectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [:14 use 2107 Note] . a3e#:NH 53932 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI . FROM: SAC, WMFO TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 04/16/1959 PAGES 5 SUBJECTS [Restricted] DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Con?dential RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 07/14/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS v91 NH 53932 Page 1 "59?nu-1? 1959 OTHERWISE53932 9* ?fr 112:. . .3 - I?ll ngfoijf (Info)(m() HJ (if/P0? 5.4L .- i Renyairtel (4/15/59; The following information concerning visit to lashington, D. 0., set forth: It is noted that all pertinent information pertaining to security of as furnished by Bureau, auxiliary of fices and aourcee, has been Furnished by zro to Hetropolitan Police Department (MED), .Dark Police and Fairfax County Police Departmenq,; AThe.following octiuitie cketing 2%g were obearued by SA: EIROLD BUBENST 0. CARROLL: From-4345 to 5:45 my. 34 individuals carrying 21 eigne were obeerued picketing in an orderly fashion vicinity of White House. Slogans on signs were as followe: 1n: 4., IILL ma rum cum; rm 4; . COMMUNIST a . 1 "from ammo Classi?ed I -1 . q? or" it- 35.: (mumroaming oatmeal; - 2-qu EKBEFT DucId:32303113 Page 2 :sinflesolio9m5a1??b1fgyw,m,z . assesses: talwo?ai Elissa-1513?? 7 7' '3 If?ihnh "endorse FIDEL 4? VMARXISM NOW TAUGHT IN case e113 CONSENT or It was observed following individuals also present . at above picket: RAFMEL del PING - fa?? MM 639?8 PEDRO do MEBONES, President, Pan American [33 Anti-Communist Association, New York City 1% At 6:30 P.M. approximately 500 followers observed at dashington National Airport, Military Air Transport- ceroioe. Very few were carrying placards. Approxi- mately four of aboue'anti-CASTRO pickets present carrying placards. CASTRO airplane arrived approximately 9:30 P.M. He was conuoyed to Cuban Embassy, dashington, D. 0., and after cenuersing on sidewalk with.followers, entered Embassy. Captain MICHAEL J. MAEANEY, MPH, telephonically advised WFU 10:05 P.M. no incidents had occurred and CASTRO indicated desire to go to bed. - On 4/16/59 approximately*25 people commenced picketing vicinity of Statler Hotel, Washington, . D. 0., at 12:15 P.M. under leadership of del PING. I. IRVING . observed in vicinity af picketing. ZEASTBO arrived Statler 12:30 P.n. for luncheon with Undersecretary of State CHRISTIAN HEBTER. No incidents Lu at that time,] At approximately 1:00 P.M. del PING observed 3? .- in heated_argument in Spanish language with unidentified La" 5* 3* American male. Argument culminated in exchange of blows, whio 31 wae quickly broken up by Captain MAHANEY, MPD, and unidentified-tee Ts MPO lieutenant.. Pickets left area 1:15 P.M. without further incident. . 4 x. arriving Cuban Embassy approximately 2:40 CASTRO departed Statler Hotel approximately 2:30 3 PERRAMON SPENCER lepgonicall 'dvisedGEyj SA DONALD night qf 4/15/59 he was present at washington TN 3 National Airport for arrival which occurred database.- Stated no incidents other than name calling between pro- and anti~0A8TRO groups. ?ghms [17353932 Page 3 .vow-aw it: ?lil I 4/1 6&9 _??Edai SACEQZ had accompanied CASTRO groapL?o.Embasr ?w while? ggjat Embassgjaad spoken withthis Hsry good?friend*?EBMESTQI?1 CS =5 [ho is presently Managing Bank and FELI PAZOS Presiden ational Bank of Cuba. PAZOS {9 stated economic situation in cube very bad at present and it is not known what that country will do after the present H, sugar crop has been harvestedo They agreed that CASTROJs 2j?i popularity had waned briefly after his successful revolution but his popularity at present was increasing within Cuba. On 4/16/59 we 639?8 advised SA RICHARD B. EELLOGG 5 Q. he had been at the above picketing df White House 4/15/59 in 35?? company-of del PING, HESONES and I. IRVING DAVIDSON. At that - timefi?dg?L PEREZ VIDAL, whomhe described as head of the i: palace guard in Havana, Cubafwstopped in an automobil?ffj ya; accompanied by.?oar males, es unknown. As previously 3 reported,??IDALjis personal?friend qf informant and he hailed informant and him to get away from pickets and get in i 637 the automobile. Eel PING protested later, telling informant I ?he feared?ihformant would be shot. Informant agreed to go ?g questioned about his actions with del ?55s he tolerI?AL?thatmhe was obtaining information concerning (3, I del fgrf?AUI CASTRO, brother qf This/apparently??s _?atisfied?VID?L:T When later questioned by concerning? that he had told del PING that?fi??jwasi 9, ?well known to him and he could ascertaianIDAL?53?wtivitidsxx rid; for del PING. He stated that he did not?know o?pther this incident has altered the trust placed in him*by del PING. gs Informant believes, however, he has convinced both sides that he can be trusted. Informant stated EAFIDSQN arranged.for hiring of pickets.for del PINO and payment for semen Pickets it obtained through FRANK de BROUSE, Teamsterngoint Council so. 55, Washington, D. 0. DAVIDSON'mentioned he was having breakfast with JIMMY.HOREA "shortly;" however, no indication KOREA connected with CASTRO visit. ?11311szth informant heigloAjJinter-estee infie- organising peopIe to break up picket lines. Informant argued this would play into hands of del PING. LEI?A?agreed and apparently It is noted that MEEONEB on 4/15/59 indicated? if so bring New York City. ;?rou7fi?fi?- 'did not seem to know anything concerning this when questiond? . a aw i, ?we; ,i,z {fa--?4,1s?l .r 3,7 .osiarwmamn - z? - 3 animal; at 12:33-qu . a? NH 53932 Page 4 3 3? 3:13;? ?g tillanonnao 13*i . s? 1 get-era. .von; rt. nit pntv-ro?oi ed} F??jwc?g?r? 56". .?s.taeo a 7 3 33 mien tenth ?il: . t. m? KT Informant stated oavzoeoe asked if MEBQEER eoyl?,. . ?Lise a . g; would not agree to use eggetold del PING that . iobtain 500 Israeli machine gune for del PING. It is not knowwgn i'l by informant whether del PING will accept this q?fer. ?i i, Informant stated del PING presently out Qf3funde o? . and cannot payqfor3further newspaper advertisements? del i 5 has written unknown person Miami for funde. Was questionea . re possibility this persdn ROLANDO former Cuba? Senator, but informant did not know of any connection between del PING and this person. it Informant stated oesones and del PING brought 3 3 together by DAVIDSON. Informant feels del PING not aware if that MESONES is as well as MESONBS ~33g 3 further mentioned that an unidentified Jewish youth group a would possibly come to Washington, Di Go, from New York City, f?t?i date, number involved unknown. ggig? ?i i Informant could furnish no information re JORGE _5f? 3 MECALLIHG GARCIA, FRANCISCO MECALLING GARCIA, LUIS do Knew nothing re ANTOLIN and group mentioned in New.York .?Cw E. City teletype 4/14/59. Photographs of LUIS LIMA and nerLIo LUNA which h? i have been furnished to MPD will be exhibited to informantEWRIQUE PAOHECHO COLMENARES, WFO PSI re veneeuelan .3 matters, has furniehed information set forth below and in airtel 4/15/59 indicating he will be of value in coverage i of activities. On 4/16/59 COLMENARES contacted '1 SA Co advising there would be a meeting qf .Jib people at Grabiel?s (tailoring shop)9 2914 14th 3.3 'treety e. no, Washingtong Du 0.9 at 8:00 4/16/590 1 Purpose of meeting relating to current visit of CASTRO to t3 U. S. no well ae discuseion of purchase of equipment to use .3 against content Cuban regimeo no oet?fortn in UFO aietel I. 4/15/59 eeabtezve is operated by nylinL'DELGADog former g} BATISTA intelligence a?ficery Cuban Embaeeyg Hashington, Docs V3 . Otnene expected-to attend thie meeting are: 3, Cuban Military Attache JOSE (onzro) manage 3* Former Cuban Air nttaone9,Lieutenant Cogenol 5} Janet enerennoz. if? 3 . Footer oabaa_naoa1 Attache MANUEL - .. i {?gwf??eiwMg"; aka?et: .. Dion P. NH 53932 Page 5 JFK Assassination System Date: 4/29/201 Identi?cation Form Agency Informati on Eleased under the John AGENCY FBI 7 A K3 11113.15; RECORD NUMBER 124-10294-1003?3 33333 11131; 131-1 333 33.13 allectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ . [4?1 USE 219'? Note] . '7 ase#:NH 53932 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 2-1423-6TH Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, WMFO TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 04/17/1959 PAGES: 8 SUBJECTS IID, ASSOC, CUBAN PLANS, INVASION, NICARAGUA, DEMONSTRATIONS, DC, CASTRO, FIDEL, VISIT, SUR DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Con?dential RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact I DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 07/14[1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC 2 LHM v9.1 5 NH 53932 Page 1' r?i?w 11:33} ?t .??elmon ,4 r. N113: m3. EOWNML . mt. Pamonew?q . MT: I Mr. . Mr. WGMW T816. Room-MI-?? 'i -- i .w LE .5 (Ravi {32-43-56, 3 ?imnemzit the?fiellowmg-s-m 7 . .5: {Type in plain 86333 of c9610) 24.1 My_ gong-mam r; . mt . - . with . . - A: DIRECTOBQ FBI (97:3657) ?To: FROM: secg WFO (105e30037) DEL PING I IS a CUBA 3" . - i ReWFOairtele and letterhead memos h/lS, 17/599 iehed by MM 639?s. regarding info furn There are attached hereto 5 copiee for the Miami, and 1 for New York for info of a letter? as above. A130 attached heed memo dated and ceptione umber of evaluation.memoeo are an equal The informant mentioned in attached memo is RICHARD Bo KELLOGG on 5&5 MM who furniehed info to SA Mm? Infoemant said he did not know if ENRIQHE 13 identical With ENRIQHE Ca QHEZ, brothere ?Qg an President 03 ERIC but to leern'more about HERNANEEZO ?t 13 noted Ig?e?wn/??j? few? Mw NOT RECORDED -. (gb?ureeu (Enclgolo) a 38) APR291-1959 in;1ew of fommer Cub ,?ould attempt Mime: (105~17 (1e13ue??639e3e3ub A) le?ew York (Eneleoa) (EMA vaFO (1&105929955) (lelOSe26269,v?a hm - . 1. 00 vigil 2' - Kr; Vie-"54 r3'9? L. *i (166% in Charge NH 53 932 Page 2 1 1 A 09141.4 5.;ng . NH 53932 .L-gikAppm-vech ?FQIY-jfavs; ?at a. The followtn .is a dummary of pertaining ta's ubjec+ W3 nee r~F~reneed aLrte' 4t M. Q, f. oath Iath ?tnee departed Cuban Emb883;, walker Kalonama Road folldwed by MpprogL Lnate 2y lQQ:pe He conversed with individuals in the crown Kalorama For approximately fL:t??H mznutes, Street, and en+erea eradban 12 Darn park for Jne hour -enter:ng? 7:15 P. M. thile in park he p03 ed For ngaged in conversattons all we babies and signe ed autographseJ if? '37 ?ubgec+ depa d- Laban nmba 10:15 A. M. 4 1?/59, crown to U. ?apatwa Mr. . .. NE. Essen . :5 . $3777, ??77 - HAS {Mg U077 Mr. TammMr. Trotter__..m_[4-59 PM HN EDA :Tm . DIRECTOR, FBI AND SAC, NEN It, I. - I: MI, NED YORK VIA RASNINCTON .777 ., 53:7? ,?I?Ti?iliafrj?? r' 2? SAcg MIAMI 2P 3; ,7 4; CASTRO IS DASR EDIT A ONE ZED. EIGHT INN 7Ix ROAR NINE 3 ADVISED TODAY JOSE LOIS ONE ZERO ZERO TRENTV SECOND STog MIAMI, ACTIUT IN ANTI CASTRO 7f7? ACTIVITY AND MEMBER LOOSEERNII ANTI CASTRO GROUP. PUJOL NANTS IJEHMEDIATELY ODTAIN FOUR TIFTYONRS, TWO VAMPIRE ONE J??l g5: TRANSPORT CAPABLE CARRYING FIFTY MFN9 MACHINE GUng #7 .ANNUNITION AND BOMBS FOR IRE PLANTS AND TRIS ARNAMTNT IMMEDIATELY .INSTALLIDE FIFTYONES AND JETS RAVI TO BE READY TO LEAVE NIANI A I 7; IN TIITTEN OR PUJOL RAS ADIONATE MONEY TO PAY CASH TOR PLANES AND GUNS AND INTENDS LEASE AIRPORT TO MAKE NECESSARY . g; INSTALLATIONS AND LOADING 0F PLANES FROM us TO UNKNONN DESTINATIONE @1 7,5 PLANES SILL DI: TLONN IRON NIANI TO RENDEZVOUS FOR INVASION CUQW ?31513 {Mfw?wws?g? 33% 77777.; ??vaw? g5" ATE-W77 .?$329 . .177 ?3&5402'? Page 2 y? CT OUGE TUO v?j' EXPEDITION TO CONSIST UNKNOUU NUMBER MEN FROM I {3155: . UTUUE A THOUSAND FROM DOMINICAN N0 MOUNTAIN WARFARE UILL NICARAGUA, EXPEDITION UILL km OUOA FROM DIFFERENT COASTAL AREASO EXPEDITION UILL WAVE AID FROM ANTI CASTRO GROUPS IN CUBA SIX MEMBERS AND OTHER UNIDENTIFIED SUCH AS DEFECTED JULY TWENTY 5JJINF0RHANT IS Io IRVING DAVIDSON TO OBTAIN NECESSARY mm? INFORMANT UNABLE OBTAIN ADDITIONAL DETAILS AT THIS STRUCTED MAKE EVERY EFFORT OBTAIN COMPLETE BUREAU WILL BE KEPT ADVISED OF ALL WWI .-. u? ,0 MACHINE BUT HAS BEEN IN BEING ADVISEBO on . BEVELO ACK PLS Um?? 5=5402'? Page 3 .1 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 4/29/201 Agency Information AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-10294?10045 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 2I-1423-3RD NR 36 Eeleased under the John Kennedy Aasassinatinn Recurda Zullectinn Act of 1992 (44 USC Nate]. :ase#:NH Date: Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: BELMONT, A. H. TO A MOORE, D. E. . TITLE: DATE: 05/25/1959 PAGES 2 SUBJECTS IID, MEETING, NICARAGUAN LEADERSHIP, INVASION PLANS, ACA, GUNS DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 07/15/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS W1 10 RH 5402? DunId:3230313T Page 1 .. .maJJ 9 .am ack- . 3. ?zz: lib V?i??sprti a .nfx I - i c1 O?ice Mamie/and?, - UNI-TED stairs GOVERNMENT . (WNW (5Z2 1 7? 1? - 9- 3? 30?? aunogwfg?sgms {may} 'mmnay 25, 1959 Rmerror I. Fig 1 Hr. Belmont Belrno . 3 Mr. A. no 39130]! g/ 1 - Hr. Domach 3:2 . . w, 1- Ir. Donahoe Mom" 1 - Ir. Nasca $mme_i, 6mm: ALLEGED INVASION or CUBA ?lth"? IS - CU Trotterh. Kuha?w?L Dan w.c. Sullivan. Tele. Room me on the evening of lay 25 to advi m? that he had returned from about 2 weeks in Nicaragua where he had sp ?w?g;i 10 or 12 days with President Somosa and General Sonoaa. They told him they did not want any part of invasion plans for other countries; that they have enough internal problems themselves. They indicated further that the? do not think that neighboring countdos will attack Nicaragua and if there is any attempted invasion of Nicaragua it will be possible . to handle the matter through the Organization or American States .A Davidson said that he had been down to Miami again_and ta I ;to Tabernilla and Paget and that they are more anxbus than ever to take Tacdon against the Castro regime but they want U. S. sanction. Davidsongf': said that Batista is very insecure in the Dominican Republic. ,1 emu 4. Davidson said that Howard Davis, who had been working hafael Del Pino, called him last week and told Davidson he needed 24 SOwcaliber machine guns. Davidson told him okay, to write him a letter, and he would contact the Munitions Control for authority and get the guns. however, Davis did not want any part of this. Davidson thinks Howard Davis is headed for a crack?up. at, Davidson said that Earl McDonald, in the Security Commission of the American Legion, had worked with one Pedro Massones of New York with the idea of setting up a goodwill mission to the Dominican Republic. He said that McDonald was a close friend of "DeLoach, formerly of the and McDonald had been attempting to arrange for DeLoach to go down to the ,Dominican Republic. I told Davidson that he had his wires crossed because Mr. DeLoach is presently an Assistant Director in the FBI and is certainly'l i 1 not taking any trip to the Dominican Republic on a goodwill tour. Davidson said that McDonald was worried?qver the,fact that he had talked up such a goodwill trip and was concerned'abont his discussion with Massones in this respect. I contacted Mr. DeLoach and he advised that he knew no one by the name of McDonald in the Security Commission of the American Legion nor does he know any McDonald cennected with the American Legion. Mr. DeLoach has not had any discussions about a trip to the Dominican Republic. This prears to be something dreamed up by Davidson. him??m RECOMMENDATION: ?Meme 5? a? JUN 9 was I24Ilhis is to record Dav1dson's call. I see requires dissemination. 'gfy?wanew-?Hum 5402'? Page 2 JFK Assassination System Iden??ca?onFonn Date: 4/29/201 Agency Information under the Jenn Kennedy AGENCY FBI . . RECORD NUMBER. 124-10294-10046 elleetien Act ef 1992 I44 use 210? Note]. HQ Date: 8?22?2017 AGENCY FILE NUMBER 2-1423-4TH NR 36 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM DIRECTOR, FBI TO SAC, MM TITLE: DATE 05/26/1959 PAGES SUBJECTS IID, DAVIS, HOWARD, TELCAL, MACHINE GUNS DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 07/ 15/ 1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS WI NH 5402? 11 Page 1 .-.vw-Tolson Boardman Belmont Mohr i Neuse ?If Parsons ?1 Rosen i W- l'y'5\\TGmm 1 ?i . ?Trottet - mwf'fl .- ?mosu"_ xm'-a \L'R'ele. ?0310: WM ii 4% Li ?clloman NH 5402'? gt w: . VHN: 7? WM i. ,h . .Mr. Nbsca Way 213265, 193?? ALL comma We: m6? Mam-i ?1 sag-929??) 3% UNCLAS man . '5 3 3 a; nC/Ksiz WNW ?W'riram?a WWI . g? 16 .meject ?3 WW $39-93 Wear?! I?wWWw-?y capawmd *f?naie??iwl Was?m .?m?vwwa? mm}: that WW m3. cz-Mmc?ng ?avmgm .machirm game ?n _?na?wfg cantao'wd MW Ware/mm We a?v??gm that. Wamrd ham? Wm had Men marking w??fs Wafael We! Wines? cums Mm lax-5st wag-?5 am? tam Mm W3 waded m1 mar making gum? Wa-Mdmn 3:32:33 write a Jew-er and he. mulch wntac-? .Wuni?zwna C?mz?ml far authws?ty anti 95mm ma? gums-o. ?22in did mm mm any part thiW'a lav-Mam gamma Baum ms Ma?a-r23 far a ?crack-vagina? Emma-way mhmi? yaw cammta came-earning mm (mm, partiawarly may infarm? iam- magnum-mg that mfarmm headacl? far a ?Mack-aw 1 a Note: Upon receipt 0f data - . . - . . .MM 6 ?8 ma znvolved purchase of guns we told 34mm? ?32: to zagzcommg informant bec - -. . Customso 0mg Involved because of has'posmble arrest. by (6) (D . 1? 2?1423 (Davids-on) 5 usyl)? . M. mm ?mamkw?- mmw?m?? Mg? ?m'?k?u?sz?wm M, 11,v3" Wm I ma: $24.53 - DucId:32303133 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Identi? cation 01111 Date: 4/29/201 My . 1 JV Wm.? .. . Agency Information Eleased under the John AGENCY FBI Kennedy RECORD NUMBER: 124-10294-10055 335133 inatinn Records allectinn Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ :44 HE: 210'? Note] . a3e#:NH 5402? Date: AGENCY FTLENUMBER: 2-1423-IST NR 39 8?22?2017' Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: DONAHOE, S. B. TO BELMONT, A. H. TITLE DATE 06/04/1959 PAGES: 2 SUBJECTS IID, HART, ED, BKG, EMF, ASST, BATISTA, FULGENCIO, US ASYLUM, HUERTEMATTE, JULIO JR., CP ACT, RCK DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 07/15/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS W1 NH 5402? Page 1 13 .5 A 52/? 5 ?5555:55,, 5 $3 ?555555 ,,555. ,5 . 555555; 5525/55? 5: 55 5,55 5.51535,525355,555 . - . .225mg. 5 A 55%55 -555 A . A -. A5 -. 5555? - - .. - - 555A . ?5 5% 55% . - A-55555 - -: 5% ,555, 1455,05? 555,5 5 ?5 .5 {55555555 55555554 . . x5 .5, 5 5 5 W155 . . ma?g . . A5555 @555?555555 .55? 5%555 55%?555555 555 A . 25;, ?"454" .A . ?:55 55"??5 5? 5 5- 555 . 555555555 5% . 55555555 5 5 '4 2,wa '23"!me 5,5555% A- 5555555? - . 5 2? 5255? ?555/25/5555: i A 57:5 A 5 . ?15:55 5:5 A 555,55 ?5,555,555 5,5 43555355 .5 A . . 5/55 55. A /%55 5:55 5 75,5 - 5 i 555mg15:55:? 49' ?555555555 5555555 5:5515/5/55? 55555555p5%5??555555555555553555555555555A5 ?55? - - - - 55,. . - 555%?55,5, . 5 ?25? ,5 5 ?y?A 5/6255$55,355 ?5557'15, 5/5. - ??5555 5555555555 {:55 3. 555,5; 55/ 55? 55W5 riff ?Hwy: 555 y. 55?? - - 555555555 .5535Avg/5' 55,55! ,5 - 55 5 5 {5395/5/5. 5, ,5 W, 5555555 - - A, '555 - 555W 55 . . . 5555 ?555%55 55?,?5555?5 . - - . - $5255 @555 555555,555 555,551 i 555:5 555%?75?? 45 j; 51' 7,5 . 7?5? - . . A - ~54" 5% - A 55,5 m, 5?54 ,5 - A 5 /y55f A . . 5555555 - g? 5' . 525/55 5&5555 . . - .55555555 5 23525.45 - .5 (5 ?5r, 55 5 gjvj. . ,r?mz, 5 5 A: . - ?555/355" 5155/ 535 "g If aw.- - . 2,55% 43/ . . 5 5 ?55555555 5? 5: 5 W5. 53"? WW, 525555555 5% 5 55? 5 - 5'1, 5555:55- . .5 . 5% 55/5 5525?? 25/5/5555" - ngg5'50.? . . at ?5 gygjiz?; .- . . . :55? >55 ?/3556: 5555555,. I -- - . 55%55555 55% A 5M5 . 5 ?33? Maw/555? . 5 55 :55 cw "i851888:?? 8/ . . ,8 8,8888" 8.88:8 ,8 - 888 ?3:878, 8,85%: ?51/ mg; 888% :88, :8 ., Mg? 588Mfg; "8,3858%? - ., . . 8g%:%g:%88w/ ., 58" @8388 . . 8,3888 WW8, 8 3,88 213,88:88?:78 . {1:12 8% 888/ 8/88 - . 888888 8? 8/88 ?88/ 8888888888 88? - . . '8 . 8,8" . 8888," - .8388 88,88888,888.83 lg?kf nay-,8?888 888 338% - 8 8""88/ 88? . . 8888;? 48?:53:38,: 1/48" 8 888Mfg}; . - 8 ,8 ?6888/8/88"? 4w?? "88" 88" - 8 ?Mwi?f/f/f? . . . 7/ . 585%,: . . .frugf f?gg?88?8"" 88888888 88788? . - 8 "if "8,85% 8' 8/888 88,88 . . . . j" 4,8: 8? 8888:, 7 8893mm 4 ., . . 8, . 88:8 - 88.88888888"":88"8 8 8 888?, 8 - 88.88888 . . .g 88 8 i8 ,84? 888,8, 8 8, 88:: 885:8" 8? :83" 8 8:38,, - 8,8888 8 5:18:88; - :8 8, "y 8.8888148 - . . 8,8,8. . 888,848,828" ?83886: W87 18;: 88,8 82:88:45, 88,88,588 . 8 . . 8mg 8 8:35:82? 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'8?82: :88 1 :1 \81? 8838?88 8:8,:88: 88:88:88@?gwfi?/W 7W 8, @8988 wwqg/ m: 839,48,888888888,, 8,888, . y, . . /;88 8W8~88?fg? m8: . 8888 . 8 8/878 8 8/ 128,8 ,8 .8: 88,3888, ""2855": ,8mgj?; iffy", .8 {?8:88:8888:8:88,:888:88,88:888, :888,8 "8858?,? 888/888" 8:828 a 88,3888 (8.8, 8 28- .48 8:8 188888:888:88?" - - 888% "8888""?8.888 887,;8 8 5588388 x?i?f?w 8 .8/8 88 . . . 8?8, 8? ., w: 18:: 8 M88 38 . . :88 .95 88:8?, 88/? 8 i 855:? 312%?? . "8 8,,8,8888 ?6 8888/ 8 88:88.8 888888 635% 8 83/88/8888:, - 8 8 888:8 8888:8888 888,88 8? 8,383,, r- 3' .8 - W: 88/28 8888,88; 88" 8888,88,, .. ?88? 88:88:88,888! - 18.888888,748, f. - .. JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Fonn Date: 4/29/201 Agency Information under the Jehn Kennedy AGENCY: FBI RECORDNUMBER: 124-10294-10056 elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC 21o? Note]. RECORD SERIES: HQ 54oz? Date: 8?22?2017 AGENCY FILE NUMBER 2-1423-2ND NR 39 . Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: BELMONT, A. H. TO MOORE, D. E. TITLE DATE: 06/08/1959 PAGES: 1 SUBJECTS IID, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, ARMS, INVASION, CUBA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 07/15/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS RH 5402? 14 Page 1 VT NH 5402'? Page 2 333333?. 33 3 ?13333 33:33 33333 3333 33333333t3 333 3333 333 33 ?33339 .333 3333 33 33333 3333 33 3333 3333 333 333 33 33 523333 333331 313 313 3333 333 3331333333333 ?-5.214 ?r 111Nib? at? .13 a? .13? .131}: xi .1511? (It. A. p? I 1'11: .. 2.1313353351133133 1 33?zl?f?f?m . Falson Belmont 330M 1 3. 3. 3313333 3%33..4 . ?4 ulre. . 3, . . 31.11113331111139113131311101 33:0,, 311133311; 113333 31313311533333 13%313 133133311/ 3 J), [/3516 :23: 3331133131. 3333133113131 3311333 11111111. (13333333133 333333333 by (33736) Mr. 1333333333333331 13331 3 .1 Candy 33 333 333333333333 3333 33 03 6/2 {33 which 3333 33 33333333333 33 Mr. 133333 33313303 331133 at 11; 30 3. 3? tod3y, 33 3 33110333 i 3313 33 3333333 323 313 3 33333313 333333 of information 03 L3tin 33331333; A1 33333303 33333333 to his previou3 3333333103, wherein 3 3333 he 333 3333 holding the Dominican Republic 033 on the purchase 33.3333 1 which 33 figured 333 to be used in 33 33333103 of Cuba. He 3333 33 333 1333333, 33 3 matter of fact, that 03 6/2, 3 30-3 airplane stopped at 3333333 3333 3 1033 of ?farm machinery" en route ta the 033333c33 33333133. 3 03333 of the 31333 by 33thor13333 3t Bermuda 330333 3333 33 333 133333 3333 33033333333, rather than ?333 machinery. T33 3333333333373313 it for 20 30333 333 than let it proceed to 333 3333133t333. L33t Friday? 6/5 another c3rr133 3 1333 1033 of "3333 330333333? 333 333 3110333 to 3303333 to the Dominican 3333313303; 33333333 3333 that the same thing 3111 33pp33 30303333, 6/9 - #3 33 3333 that 33333 333 carrying 3333 333333333 13 1t31y 3 333 333 33333 31033 by US 3313t3 (for 3333) from Ita1y to t33 333133333 33333133. 33 3333 the 313333 333 3033301133 by 3 83333313, Belgium firE?Io 59? 33333333 3313 3133 that 33 333 in New York over 333 3333333 333 333 331333 33 some 3033333333 333 3333 0333339 333 0033333333 333 3333133 33 bad in Cuba t333 it 333 3311 b3 that 3 coumt3rrev3133333x 3331 33333 3333 within 0333. 333333 t333 3333333 for any 33333333 3333 333 3333333. H3 3333 from 3333 33 can gather 333 33333331 333333333. 3333 33 3333333. 33333 333titut3D 33 333333 333 33tr3a313 33333 3382393 11333-1133333333 3 3 13.331' 311 3) 3 ?311111.133 1/111 . 112,3 0 303129 .1 . .23 J/fr? 6:13?, ML. mzz?wawbl??7u? 1.3333 Eff 0 I41) .1 LLQM V. f? J?f/f - . ?a 311 11- 357? 1 int JN 1 3833 5? . JFK Assassination System- Identi?cation Form Date: 4/29/201 AGENCY RECORD NUMBER Agency Information FBI 124-10294-10065 Eleased under the Kennedy saassinatinn Recurda nllectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [114 USC 210'? Note] . a3e#:NH 5402? Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 2-1423-41 5?33 17? Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 07/22/1959, PAGES '4 SUBJECTS IID, ASSOC, TRA, DC, ACA, MEETING, MM, FLIGHTS, NICARAGUA, AMERICAN PILOTS DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 2 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 07/15/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM WI NH 5402? 15 Page 1 N. Ir .24 r. FORM NO. 64 To I DIRECTOR, FBI (275-1423) FROM SAC, MIAMI (105-18855) ma SUBJECT: I. ., RA - CUBA -- 2 22 2222222222223 ?2 (Washington Field - 00) ?g?J Rerep of SA DONALD HOETING, Dated 5/14/59, at" Washington Field Office. Enclosed herewith for the Bureau are five (5) cepies of letterhead and dated as above. Two copies of letterhead memorandunare enclosed for Washington Field Officeo Sources contacted negatively are: General MANUEL BENITEZ 93 gm FRANK PEREZ PEREZ 2! f9?: . 2.22222 . MM T-l, mentioned in letterhead memorandum is Efi?f MM 639-Se 29F: 1" 73?) *2 1 32?2?22 RUG- 222:2. 222222 A222 2222,22 2222,22222212?231 2222 22222222 222 222:2 2222222 229 (Encls. 5) (1m) DAT-2.2.2 5?13. BY 3 NH 54021 2 - Washington Field (105- 26269) ncls. 2) (RM) 4 - 22mm- ~1738) ?2/5 2L ,qc/mz! ?7/39 (8) Jag??N wh??rT;IT743' W: i 2 ?22mif' FZM . oynz?293 E2132 REC 571,5 .2222 23226 AUNHBV DucId:32303201 Page 2 JFKAssassination System Identi?cation Form Date: Agency Information under the Jenn Kennedy AGENCY FBI . . RECORD NUMBER: 124-10294-10076 SERIES mat 1011 Rec?rd? - elleetien Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES HQ USC . 54oz? Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 2-1423-3RD Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: DIRECTOR, FBI TO LEG, HAVANA TITLE DATE: 10/14/1959 PAGES: 2 SUBJECTS IID, VARIOUS INDIVIDUALS, CONSPR, CUBAN GOVERNMENT, IDENT, INSTR DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 07/15/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS W1 NH 5402? 18 Page 1 4/29/201 rm- -- 2 . ?2 ?age-- a? a rig? 1 2. w? 52.} 4 . 2? . .. .332. - -2 2 ?-anns. 2 . a; ., 742/ 1'4 3b. ?272222 j? f" 2 22 3-2 2 112:1?: a a. lg-mn n- {22.3 ?21 E9 32 ?(35022?2 2 -za~ :r'i g2 . A- T015 on Belmont Mohr I Tumm Trotter W.C. Sullivan 1 Holloman Gundy 1? 2-72.72.2i222223121222mr; .22 I 26*92?87 ?522} 22.22222 V?ntumg; 22ng W221 2 25 31) 2722, ?r if; ?Hf-2272 272:Tele. Room (a ?-31.222233 . 2 2 1959 0222 122222222 FBI (229~5342;- WIWIML 223220 2021212222 262532322 2 ?2 22/13/33 - 3293?? 19/91/5922222 2222212222229; 229?? ,2 2.02.? ?22 22122 222'2222r? 202232-122 {92-2292 223? K2233 2222122222 2 22 22212222 f0?? :122232 222222222 22022512223222? - Hxvam' will 2222223122 27222? 222? 22222222; has. jum?aiwd 2:712 infamatzjon 222 the ?ne] 9.21.2722 2 2-2 2322 'Euiepa'rmm? 32-222 22 that Embaw'y- 522362 26%: 212326 Treaaury Eepar?men? representative since" 2222 2.222222 {3222722222282 by] the" Air 2ttae-he 521339222 243' 2922f p-ri-miry .22222222. 22; 21323332293326.2382. If the 212 2 2222232292223; 1222 f?mishw 2222326252222, yer-?12 .sheuid suggest that; 22-3 ?29. "$5222 2 gnaw-2?2 22 2222322220 2-22.22 2222222 in pa?mg 1 a (2)92222222 vi 2222' we} 2.212222312622242 22 22-2722 2222 22222222 Eva-raster ?Eencome 2 ?22? 29221222 2242222222? 32222 134-41,, 2222222 $732.23 234M264: W212 132222622 I - 2 3221222222 212?. 222222-222 ?222.22 Esteban ?2222222222 272 var-2 the . 32222222; 2222222222 2 2 (8) 2f the, my i212.- _2d-2222222212w22h'Irving" Bavi?daon wit-2': 2. was me- 222222222 2? 2229 220 2221.2 endeauogg: 4w, 22 22222222 22222 individual 2.222 datef'rmme- whether- he 23- 2 222222 2 02211" Iwz? 222', Irv 2" mg ?up 2223:9222 2 A '3 5?h? a i 5 22272222220221 222222232; W) 22.22,, paragraph I a 5 2.5 23" 2222 22212222122 ire?par?t #612,131? a, member 22" the. Departe- went; 23? 3222232 222222222 10219 22212101292921?! we ?xing with 2222.2;farrler: 22222-- 22222222222222: 0f 221722322 M?am" will 322232322 231 2222.9? z?nf-e-rmw??m tbg?e?ther? with 223-2 22229222021 and any 232212312 ?vr-r??am?jgan .22; mi; 22:22am tarmac! ,mer?zo?mw?f [in a farm 222222.212 f2?? 22232522221222.2212 under Ward-'2 262192122222; . . - 2.1222222 (115722722) 222-6212222222 (2) 2 x52 2 e? 2222222 3222-2722227 32222 {$932223 2222222: W2 2 'i 2' 2 2222222222; 222222222 2222222222222 .22- 22222222222222 (?7222 22222222222.) -. 2 MAIL 29923-2222?? 222"? L51 NH 5402'? DucId:32303213 Page 2 54021 ?:?gs COW 22wszif IITII DucId:32303213 Page 3 JFK Assassination System Date: 4/29/201 Identi?cation Form Agency Information Eleased under the John 1 AGENCY: FBI Kennedy RECORDNUMBER: 124-10294-10081 - gamma 2 allectinn Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ . [44 L151: 211:? Note]. I 5411212? Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 2-1423-2ND Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: DONAHOE, S. B. TO BELMONTTITLE DATE: 01/22/1960 PAGES: 5 SUBJECTS IID, BURSTEN, LEONARD L., ASSOC, ALLEGED SCHEME, US, EX-CUBAN DICTATOR BATISTA 1 I 1 DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT . CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: . 07/15/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC MEMO 2.. v9.1 20 RH 5402? DunId:32303223 Page 1 . ,wv 11? .11" 11131161 101.112 @111, . . . 3 11 .1. .1. 1111111. 711111? 33 FUEL x. L1 1% TASK F0333 11.11111? 1? 1.1111122, 33191 11.12.1111 1 4 . .. . 11111i11111111113111151 331% IN PART HE 1:1 1011111111111. 1111111311 GEL 11 E3 71111111111 ~11; 1111111111151. 111111111111 11111? {1.1.1de 1111111111129 .112 11111 13.111111- 115.111.1111)? 111113,; 11111 11111111 111111111 111-11111" 1111111111 11111111131, 111:11111111111 11.111141111311111 . 11111111? 111111111 111111-1111 11 11.1" 11.1 1111-11 1111 111111 111? 1:11 11111 1.1 .11? 11 11111-1111 111 1111311 1111111.. 11111111 2.111 1.11121 1111: 1111} 13111115171- . 11111111.1/11f11111111? 1:11:11 .1111 $11111-2111111111111 ,1111311 1111.1 11111 1111111111: .111: 10111111: 13-1 11111111111191 1111111 11.1111 11 1/5 11' 11. 11111111 111' 11111111111111.1ff1?? 1W 61112911111 {1?1 123-1113111131? 11 '1 12 1? 1'11 1 1 _i .1 112117 12111111111111 19111 112.1 1- 11113.: .11 11111 11111211191 1111121 117111111 . 11111113? 11? 11.11 1111.21 1111131119111 :11 .. 1111-11111 ?1 151731; OHS -. 1111-1111-1111; . 511.?? 1121111 111-111-111" 51.110110?, -. .. 33 v? . 23,: (.1: a} llj?kjiu UNTT 11 .1 . 1 11 111.1; 31121111111 11311111111? 111' .1 101111111 1.1 11111111 1 .. .311. 111011111 1111111: 1.1111311. 11.1 4 .1111 1111-11., 1111 111.1111-111 .1/6/611 111 12/2761? .11 11211-1111 111?? 111311111111 11.. 11.1111 711.111? 1119 1111 1' 111 11111-111 111:1 1111111 ?1111 11111.1;111111 1111111 1" 1111 1' 1111111 1" 161 1711111 1' 1111 .11111111 111117-1111, 111111 11.1 11111 .191 6/1331 ?1 111111 1111-111; 1f 1111.1 111*? 3-11 1111:1111. 11m 111-1111131511 191591 11111111111 1111111111111 11111111111111.1113- .111. .1 .1111 1,1 11161111-111111? 11111111 11.. 1151 ALL ESNTAINEQ 11154111111 .111111111111111111/1/111 111111111 111. 1111111111211 1f 41.1.11? 1.11111 111111" 1111911? .f'r1mg411111m11 11111111 11111.1 111.1111. 11.11.11 1111' 4.1111111 .111 111111111 1:1 41.11.1111 11111-111111 1111112111111 11112.11?? 13" 11111 7.1111319 1.11.111: 1:1 15.11.1111 11111, 111111 11111 $111111 1113111111111: 1111 1111111171, 11111111111 11111211111 1.111111171111111? ?1111.13111111111111 111111111 11111 111.11 .4 1.11, 2111 111111? 1 1111111. 1111 111 1.11 11111 11111111112111.1111 111? 33.111111121111111 11 111-11111 1111 111111.111 1111 17.111111 11111 1111111111111 1112.1 1151-1111111?; 1.11 1' 11111111151111 11111111 1171 12111 111.111 111.1 12111111111111111111111 1111 111111 1111111. ?11 4111?52?1?! 1111111111 1 11111-1? 11:-11111111 111111111111 1.1 111111 111111.111 911111. .1111; 11111111 141 .11: 11411111 . 3111-11111 1211111111 11117 4 1111111 1.111111217113121 12111111111111 711 1131191111 11.11111:111191111111111111 11111111111111: ?3311111111 1111-1111111. i171 2/1/60 .1111 111 13111 111111? 1.11.1. 1111111721111 1111111111.. 1:11, 1.11 111-11111 11 and-11111111111111.111111 311111111 1111151211111 1111211112111 1113-1111 - 111' .1111. 11111-111 112.121 111111111 111 1111?11111111 '11s 11~1111111 1111 1.7111 113111111 1111111111111. 1111111 11111- 1111111111 1.1 11111111 .1111 11.1.11 .. 1? 13??52961'?m?nhgamji NOT 7175 JAN 27 11111111013111 111111.153 1.131 9115791518 NH 5402'? Page 2 .3 ?nm?mmMAwA ?ti?h - 'r we; QQp?a 4 - 3 . 3 33333 31 32333 33333 3333333333.3333333 3 323333 i :;3333 ?33. 33 a 33 .333 33333333 33 31-33 . ?33 3 1'5" ?3 31333 33 33333 - .31 33 3 .33 3333 g. 3 - 53 3333 33333 11/35?333 1333375?? 333 3333 -33 313333 33333333 33113 33 333 3333 3f 333?3333333.33 393,3rlm ?0312?33 337337533. 33333333 23?333333333y w?w 139333~3333536?3 r333333333.333333g333 33333 333 333 :3 03333 3333333 j33 333. 3:33 V;3rr'3giny'f3r 333 33 I 3 333? 33 3333,33335402'? Page 3 33? g, ~.3333333 ?3 33333. 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Page 4 3L JFK Assassination System Date: 5/ 1 1/201 Identifi cation Form 'Agency Information Eleased under the AGENCY FBI - FIE ?ne '21? RECORD NUMBER: 124-10294-10095 3335133 11151-131011 Records nllectiun Act of 1992 HQ '[44 USC 210? Note]. a3e#:NH EQEED Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-72630-86 7 '3?5'3 ?2 17" Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 02/25/1963 PAGES: 7 SUBJECTS PDL, MIL, MDL, ASSOC, ACA, BOAT TRIP, ARMS, TEST, HEARINGS DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS R?dact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/04/1998 OPENING CRITERIA: INDEFINITE - COMMENTS INC LHM, MEMO v9.1 . 1 NH 54460 Page 1 3:23:32: STATES cg; ERNMENT 1 TI . II - smomfa?um 2 . -Tpf .2 DIRECTOR FBI (105 726361 9' .FEB 251963 - 22222? -2 . 2 . we MIAMI (10:5 15982.2" . SUBJECT: PEDRO LUIS DIAZ 1 - 921.2222 2? 7 IS CUBA - DMMNENT. 74 9 77 Miami) I - ReBulet 2/11/63, with enclosure of CIA teletypeI classified SECRET, No Eoreign Dissemination, ackg-round Use 2 ms; . Enclosed herewith are.? nine copies of a I1etterhead I memorandum dated and captioned as above134- 211- -261 a 71/. Ame/.29 No 7?23?WALLACE S. Customs ?$21 22% Agent, Miami, FlorIidaII 2 . - . 9 - :Iou??iz I MM 639- 238Mr. SHANIEY explained that he has an informant V. - . a group at the present time, and expects know of any trips may take in the future. . SHANLRY: said that U. Customs keeps a log on DIAZ 8 two boats,? this log reflects DIAZ left Miami on the 22nd of January, 53 I A and returned on January 28, 1963, at? which time U. S. customs . boarded and inspected the boat. Howeverany automatic weapons or contraband. 22) Miami Office will continue to maintai contact with. the above-mentioned informants and Mr. SHANIIEY, ?and will .2 keep the Bureau advised. - 1' If?) I -Bureau (Enc. 9) I- :lMigmi . . 2222,2225 6:42, (229/22 2252 4. ?2 @192 - 222-9. . -- f'v' Hui .1 . via. .7 ?"314 54460 Page 2 i JFK Assassination System Date: Identi?cation Form 5/11/20] Agency Information AGENCY: IFBI Eleased under the RECORD NUMBER: 124402944 0097 RE . 33a331nat10n Recurda RECORD SERIES- HQ nllectinn Act of 1992 [44 U5: 21o? Note]. AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 105-72630?87 a? Document Information I ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 03/25/1963 PAGES 5 SUBJECTS . PDL, MIL, ACA, MDL, ASSOC, RAID, CUBA, BOAT, WEAPONS DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/04/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC NOTE, MEMO WI NH 54460 Page 1 u, a- 1' 4-41 (Rev. 10-16762GBJECTIDN TD i?Rf i I Trotter OE 323;?? CI Radlo 7 34? 3-25-63 8:21 PM EST RECTOR a OM SAC MIAMI 260000 PEDRO LUIS LANZ, EEF4 CUBA . REMYLET FEBRUARY 25 LAST TO BUREAU. TODAY MM 635-5 ADVISED THAT YESTERDAY HE MET WITH PEDRO DIAZ EAND MARCOS AND WAS FURNISHED FOLLOWING CONDERNING PLANNED HIT AND RUN RAID ON CUBA BY BOAT. PEDRO WILL DEPART FROM HARDIES YACHT BASIN, MIAMI, IN HIS 31 TE FOOT LIGHT BLUE AND GREY IN COLOR, CAPABLE 50 MPH SPEED, 4g . AND RENDEZVOUSLTOMORROW DESIGNATED SRQT OFF f? :?Ti FLORIDA KEYS WITH SQEALL BOAT FROM WHICH WEAPONS WILL BEMLOADED {ygL ON THE MOPPIEE THIS SMALL BOAT LOADED WITH WEAPONS WILL BE TRAILER- -HAULED FROM MIAMI IN CAR BY ?g CUBANS, INCLUDING MM 635- S, WHO IS SCHEDULED TO DRIVE BACK TJO MIAMI WITH SMALL BOAT AND TRAILER AFTER RENDEZVOUS COMPLETED. 0N FOLLOWING DAY BETWEEN 7:00 AND 10:00 AM, MM 635? SCHEDULED 3f?g TO MEET MOPPIE ON ITS RETURN TRIP FROM CUBA AT POINT OF ORIGINAL RENDETVOUS.. WEAPONS WILL BE TRANSFERRED T0 SMALL BOAT AND BROUGHT 2% BACK TO TRAILER AND CAR WHILE PEDRO RETURNS IN MOPPIE VIA a a SEA TO HARDIES YACHT BASIN TT AD CUBANS PARTICIPATING IN THIS OPERA TION INCLUDE MARCOS DIAZ, SALVADOR GARCIA OLLER, RAFAEL INCLAN AND FNU SOTOLONGO JECTIVE IS TO HIT SOME TARGET SUCH AS TANKER, FREIGHTER, OIL COPIES DESTROYED in, FEB 14% 3913 .I I: . 5: . @Iim .. I . 3? . K't MWMt?gl If the intelligence contained in the above message is to be disseminated outside the Bureau, it is suggested that it be suitably paraphrased in order to protect the Bureau' 3 systems. I, .J HH 5446B Page 2 . 6 ., 11-41 . 10-16-62 .1 .n (Heir a 1? - 4 30 . Tolson - .5 .- .- Belmont r: if ??25 a )4 :j -. . Mohr 3 . Casper 1. Callahan I bEg?bEB . Aggh Eileen Sullivan Tavel . I A omes l:l R?dla mieeiype Gandy PAGE 2 FROM SAC MIAMI 260000 . REFINERY OR BUILDING ON SHORELINE OF HAVANA OR MATANZAS PROVINCE. NEAPONS UTILIZED NILL INCLUDE 20 MM CANNON, 30 MACHINE GUN, TNO THOMPSON SUBMACHINE BAR, HAND GRENADES AND AMMUNITION. MM 635?5 HAS BEEN INSTRUCTED TO ATTEMPT OBTAIN ADVANCE INFO CONCERNING POINT OF ADVISED TODAY IT HAS NO IN THIS MATTERS U.S, CUSTOMS PATROL NOTIFIED PERTINEN ?3695. FACTS ABOVE. ti SUBSEQUENTLY, U.S. CUSTOMS ADVISED THAT PEDROFS MOBPIE I BEARING REGISTRATION NUMBER PRESENTLY AT HARDIES YACHT BASIND MIAMI. CUSTOMS NILL PLACE SURVEILLANCE TO DETERMINE DEPARTURE OF MOPPIE FROM MIAMI AND IS CONSIDERING USING COAST GUARD HELICOPTER TO INTERCEPT MOPPIE AFTER IT IS LOADED WITH ALL LOGICAL EFFORTS BEING MADE TO PROTECT MM 635-8. MIAMI NILL ADVISE BUREAU OF FURTHER PERTINENT DEVELOPMENTS AND SUBMIT COMMUNICATION SUITABLE FOR DISSEMINATION. agg?g I . ?ypr . RECEIVED: 8:50 PM ENT a6?5 f? RELEASE IR PART WW. DEBRA If the intelligence contained in the above message is to be disseminated outside the Bureau, it is suggested that it be suitably paraphrased in order to protect the Bureau?s systems. NH 54460 Page 3 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/11/201 AGENCY Agency Information under the Jehn FBI Kennedy RECORD NUMBER: 124-10294-10098 Recgrda elleetien Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [44 us: 21:11 Note] . 54950 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 105-72630-88 5.4.3-2317 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 03/26/1963 PAGES 1 SUBJECTS PDL, MDL, RAID, CUBA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/04/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS v9.1 .HH 54460 DueId:32303240 Page 1 . r: .- FEDERAL DF ?3 .5 DEPARTMENT OF ms . . CANONs SECNON 3 Emma NEE . ME .1 I TELETYPEE '1 I . (lawmanw . Callahan?m--. . Conradhwm . DeL??dl.n. . Evam Em: - I . Gale .C - Rose? 3 . 1 . - Tele. Room I Miss Hohneanmtn URGENT 35-26765?, 1-09 PM EST SHR Miss .TO DIECTOR, FBI /105?72630/ FROM SAC, MIAMI 1 PEDRO LUIS IS DASH CUBA. -RE NIANI TELETYPE, NARCR TWENTYFIVE TODAY, MM SIX-THREE FIVE ADVISED TRAT MARCOS LANZ DISCLOSED THE RIT AND RUN RAID PLANNED FQR TODAY AGAINST CUDA HAS BEEN ROSTRONED DUE TO ROUCR SEAS AND UILL IPROBABLY TAKE PLACE TONORRON. INFORMANT OBTAIN ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONCERNING CURRENT PLANS THIS AFTERNOON. NIANI NILL ADVISE BUREAU FURTHER PERTINENT DEVELOPMENTS. USC AND BORDER PATROL NOTIFIED LOCALLYDISCO IN E3 ENEIHHEL A Thma.?. ERRED 39 APR UNQL LESS 3953 . 2* 0021138 DESTROYED 5 2. FEB 19473 FUR THE ),r55q; . 6 7 APR ?1933 EECEEMR, SULLIVAN . NH 5446i] Page 2 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/11/201 - Agency Information Eleased under the Kennedy AGENCY: FBI saassinatinn Recurda RECORD NUMBER: 124-10294-10099 nllectinn Act Bf 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. RECORD HQ ase#:NI? Date: 0?03?2017 AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-72630-89 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE 03/28/1963 PAGES: 4 SUBJECTS PDL, MIL, MDL, ASSOC, BOAT, EXPLOSIVES, GUNS, RAID, CUBAN HARBOR DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/04/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS MEMO WI NH 54460 Page?l Same; . "1 PEDRO LETS DIAZ LAAT, (MN THIS MUMENIQ Ff-.COMMUNIOATIO i ?2 ?9 51 as MARH Mohr. I Mr Casper - Mr. Mr. Mr. ?g 3&1? MM Au? I 31;;stan URGENT 5:113?. TO FBI HATE MySAC, /105-1598/ #03653?! . . "i A g: 1CC--134-211 SUB A AELEAEE HATE . I -. T?a?e HMH 2 94? 5.16;. (A. AGAINST CUBA PLANNED BY PEDRO DIAZ AND OTHER CUBAN EXILES. 3 - mm; THIS EVENING ARC RAS REPORTING DEVELOPAEATS IN THIS MATTER, ADVISED THAT TODAY PEDRO AND HIS BROTHER MARCOS, ASSISTED BY SEVERAL OTHER ASSOCIATES, DEHL ASSIFIED BY CONSTRUCTED A FIVE FOOT BY THREE FOOT FIBER GLASSED BOAT AT SEVEN THREE THREE OblE SIXTEEN STREET, MIAN1.- THEY INTEND 0H EN TO LOAD THIS BOAT WITH ONE HUNDRED LBS OF EXPLOSIVE A ?g AND TWO DETONATORS AND EQUIP IT WITH OUTBOARD NOTOR FOR PURPOSE Ali/I LAUNCHING IT FROM PEDRO-S NOPPIE AND CHASHING IT AGAINST SONE LOGICAL TARGET IR A HARBOR. THIS SMALL BOAT READY FOR ~30 7 =1 ACTION EXCEPT FOR PAINT HOB WHICH MAYBE APPLIED TOMORROW. GHQ. CT I OTHER PREPARATIONS HAVE COMPLETED AND INFORNANT '5 3 09:1: HAIDING PARTY HILL DEPART HITHIN KT FEW DAYS, HEATHER ALTHOUGH A0 SPECIFIC DEPARTURE TIAE HAS BEEN DISCLOSEIBQ BROTHERS. game .m SIX CABAAS, LED BY PEDRO, AILL RATATAG PARTY. Mai/A? We?? 43 H6 322%; MARCOS SCHEDULED TO TRAILOH HAUL BOAT ALREADY LOADED I END PAGE ONE SAFER 141973 . . NH 5446i] Page 2 A JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/11/201 AGENCY RECORD NUMBER: RECORD SERIES AGENCY FILE NUMBER ?Agency Information FBI 124-]0294-10100 105-72630-90, 91 under the John Kennedy elleetien Act of 1992 (44 USC 210? Note]. ERRED Date: ORIGINATOR FROM TO TITLE DATE PAGES SUBJECTS DOCUMENT TYPE CLASSIFICATION RESTRICTIONS CURRENT STATUS DATE OF LAST REVIEW: OPENING CRITERIA: COMMENTS Document Information FBI SAC, MM DIRECTOR, FBI 04/01/1963 8 [Restlficted] PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT Unclassi?ed 4 Reda?ct 06/ 04/ 1 998 INDEFINITE INC NOTE, LHM v9.1 NH 54460 DueId:32303242 Page 1 Q: (I (at? I .mu '3 .. ?9 Transmit the following in I Via {as ?If? m. I INTERNAL SECURITY - CUBA .Naturalization ServicengNI and OSI. For the information of the Bureau, in order -01" Date: 14/14/(Type in plain text or code(Priority or Method of N0 T0: DIRECTOR, FBI 105- -72630) Ib'?ia'viiml?? I NI FROM: SAC, MIAMI I I .- JMIHHIIJM CLII gag In? RE: PEDRO LUIS DIAZ LANZ I3 NEUTRALITY ACT - - Re Miami letter d6/ed/ 2/25/63 /and Miami teletypes to the Bureau dated 3/23/ 2 28 and Enclosed to the Bureau are 9 copies of a letter? head memorandum,dated and captioned as above, at Miami. Copies are being furnished locally to CIA, 2 U. S. Border Patrol, U. S. Customs3fU: C. Coast and Formt?h information of the Bureau, this?office has maintained close contact with U. S. Customs concerning daily developments as. that agency is prepared to seize the boats involved at the time of their intended departure from the U. S. and to make appropriate apprehensions. CIA, U. S. BOrder Patrol and Immigration and Naturalization Service have also been advised. otect MM 635? who is MM T- -1, from being uncovered by is associates beca%ge of the Immigration and Naturalization Service serving Of% "Notices of Prevention of Departure" and the contemplatEd action to be taken by U. S. Customs62-3573 Sub A MW 5w/Km (57% GEDzbam Copy to; CIA/State/ I5 1933 (6) If; a routi [9g slip for infOW I .. A: ?n+9 w? ?1 I ?If T??sh- . NH 54460 cidl Agent in Charge DucId:32303242 Page 2 1. I 1 MM 105-1598 was necessary to include informant's identity in the letter- head memorandum. This was done with his knowledge and consent. w: in}; AT MIAMI, .. . .. ff Miami will maintain close contact with MM 635-8, will keep U.S. Customs and other necessary U.S. Agencies advised of pertinent developments and will.report pertinent developments and final action taken in this case. Classified confidential to protect an informant of continuing value, MM T?l. NH 54460 Page 3 1" 3911110 I I M--1'-lWOhr_ .Wu}. 2' . Lg?! I n? \j Sim-?U" FEDERAL BUREAU 7 . U. 3. DEPARTMENT 0r JUSTICE SECTION . . 2 . CIA HAS QMEQTAJN I 2. . 2 :2-22 :22 .3 . sf . Wim- "3 @5332 ALL INFORMATION CONTNNEN . 2:12,, I T919. Raom m3 NANA: I A: HEREIN IS ONCLASSHEO 2 2 . M?wl ?35? 4 7g 3AM . 33:11:31 HolmeS - URGENT . 1?5 5 58?23 EST . TO TRON-SAC, NIANI 2 Waggr 5 ,2 .3 I - AME: SAONANIYI- ANNAPEDRO LUIS OIA LAW, .2: 222-2: . AA: RE- NIANI TEL TA BUREAU MARCH THENTYSIY And NaturaIiTAtion ON MARCH THIRTY OASH THIRTYONE LAST, W, NIAHI, SARYEN 333:3; PEDRO DIAZ . Eff ANA II I .. PREVENTIIN 0F DEPARTURE AND TO CO OITIONS OF I A: PAROLE 2 2 m2: :3 i :mw?d?TS 2 6; WHO IS CLOSELY ASSOCIATED I I NITH THIS GROUP, ADVISED THAT AFTER BEING SERVED NITH ABOVE . 2; TE NOTICES, PEDRO AND HIS ASSOCIATES EXPRESSED ?3 1 CARRY ONT THEIR PROPOSED RAID IF IT a I. i. AMIGOANG TO THE ELECTRIC CHAIR 2 PEDRO - 2 EXPRESSEA IT. OIAT ALSO RENARHEN THAT A. s; AUTHORITIES I 2 LIHAVEMTO SINK HIS BOAT TO STOP HIM. BAT WEAANT STATEN 515;? I CHANNALAEOHR AND CHANNL SEVEN TELEVISION CANE TO2 2 APR 9 INNS HOME OF PEDRO SHNOAY AFTERNOON, AT NHICH TIHE RADAO NAOE END PAGE ONE i; 15[ 953 NH 5446i] Page 4 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/11/20} .7 Agency Information Eleased under the John AGENCY FBI KE nnE RECORDNUMBER: 124-10294?10102' SSaSEinatiC?? 333015513 allectinn Act of 1992 RECORDSERESZ HQ [44 USC 2107 Note]. ase#:NH 54%60 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 105-72630-IST NR 92 0?03?3317 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: PAGES 3 SUBJECTS PDL, US GOVERNMENT, POLICY, HIT AND RUN ATTACKS, CUBAN TARGETS DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/04/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC STATEMENT WI NH 54460 Page 1 12 I13I- 56! ow RevII. (Type in IIplain text or Icod?) 8-25" I'm 1 ?2 ,lob- ?7.5131? 1,0452)? 1,177? 1.. ?/3401?: On 4/1/63 INS Mlaml, furnished a ?List Of Aliens- . Served Notice of Prevention of Departure or Notice of Pre- Jl vention of Departure and Amendment to Conditions of Parole Lon March. 30 and list contains names of 25 ?NW*Cuban aliens Iwho have been Served W1 th these notices.f 1.1? Vs, Three Copies of this list are enclosed for informe-I tion of the- Bureau. Also enclosed for Bureau 3 inf01mationr are 3 sample copies of the "Netice of Preventibn of Departure?, sempee copies of ?Notice of Prevention of Departure and . 535.Amendment of Conditions ?of Parole? andB copies cf the policy ?72.?Statement by the Departments Of State and Justice?, whiCh was esented to each CDbenI el1en at the time these noItIices were served. Cl,? Bureau (Enc Diami Kl 65- 1630 ?1105 705M L- 66) 99105- 1598 LANZ) :r-vn "5105 6243- (Alpha 66)? (Second Natl FroInt of Escambray) ?105.y74521(0ubanos Libres) w$3ukw 6134-211 Sub fizIf" ?111 .. . .- . - 0" Me?l?c?d 0f Mail? g) um I 3 - nIthIon, FBI (109 584) I *f??3Aq MLAMI (105 fgge? FIDEL cAsTRo ACTIVITIES '5 725* .: . 176' $1 ?ght-Jig aria wrxub?mf? ?ft? LXI IS CUBA I. 1' aa?t- . 7:4 ~29; (00:8Miami7qu wae?j IN- Whip-A (ad . . in NH 54460 Page 2 ?Mingle/W6 No sosoaeevmzue_ .{Ldentical with is in 3}wb ;:ialiehs who have been _Served. '-information concernl ing tile raid It ?It is no?ed.th? name 5f JUAN FERNANDEZ de CASTRO, clu?ed on the list of Cuban which Bul has been completely advx sed, semlnated to INS and Customs In. the name of Pm who For Bureau 8 informat Lion, when contemplated by PEDRO LUIS DIAZ was 364! NH 5446i] Page 3 . A .I 4 3 JFK Assassination System Date: 5/1 1/201 . Identi?cation Form ?Agency Information under the Jenn AGENCY: FBI . Kennedy RECORD NUMBER: 124-10294?10103 ssa?sinati?n Records elleetien Act Of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ :44 us: 21:37 Nete] . ERRED Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 105-72630-93 17' Document Information I ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 04/27/1963 PAGES 3 SUBJECTS . PDL, ACA, MIL, ASSOC, TRA, DC, MEETING, GOLDWATER, BARRY DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW: 06/10/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFTNITE COMMENTS INC NOTE V9.1 8 NH 54450 Page 1 a Radio CTR NAS ND TD ALI. INI TAMIHII :3 3! HEREIN t? 2L3 FNLEASE LIE 5 IA A A INATDQQUNENAL 79%?7 -- URGEN -27-63 10:39 PM XINCLAN A CUBAN EXILE MEMBER OF FEDERATION OF UNIVERSITY 45;" WW NH 5446i] AND MAPS RELATING TO CUBAN SITUATION. HE DID NOT TO 2 CC: WASHINGTON BF INC MAY 1 1953 TREE 14?? Em- TOR TIIE DIRECTOR I -- RA E: If the intelligence contained in the above message is to be diesquTzina? A paraphrased in order to protect the Bureau' systems. I Tolson 27?.4 I I 1? Belmont Casper Cullahu . .Conr IRECTOR AND SAC WASHINGTON FIELD ON SAC MIAMI 280120 EIED ON PEDRO LUIS SECURITY - CUBA. NIAMI 635 ASSOCIATED WITH PEDRO AND HIS BROTHER ADVISED TODAY NATAALU MIANI IN HIS CORVETTE -FOR C., UPON INVITATION OF HE HAS APPOINTMENT TOMORROW AFTERNOON. PEDRO-INDI ATED HRR DRIVE ALL NIGHT HE IS TAKING AN ASSORTMENT OF DOCUMENTS INFORMANT THE EXACT NATURE OF HIS APPOINTMENT WITH PEDROS BROTHER MARCUS REMINDED PEDRO TO GO SEE JORN EDGA BUT HE DID NOT EXPLAIN FOR WHAT PURPOSE BROTHERS INDICATED THEY TO HAVE APPROVAL OF CIA TO ENGAGE IN OPERATIONS AGAINST CUBAIAFTER REDRO A A TO MIAMIZ) PEDRO EXPECTS TO STAY IN WASHINGTON NTTH ADDRESS UNKNOWN TO INFORMANT PEDRCREUNESQCATED I-IE WOULD BE IN 'h -I- .gAi vtywuN?AR gr. utside the Bureau, it is suggested that it be suitably DucId:32303245 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/11/201 Agency Information Eleased under the John AGENCY FBI Kenna-:13: RECORD NUMBER: 124-10294-10104 Eaassinatinn Records allectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ (as use 2107 Note] . a3e#:NH SQEED Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 105-72630-94, 95, 96 ?2 17' Document Information ORIGINATOR CIA FROM: CIA TO TITLE DATE: 04/03/1963 PAGES 5 . PDL, ASSOC, ACA, TORPEDO-TYPE DEVICE, CUBAN NATIONALS, MM, FL DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS . 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/04/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC 2 MEMO W1 NH 54460 Page 1 NH 54460 @15 Bureau (RM) 93:3? -. m?s omo?rg?tjpon?go, 10 H, . ?r UNITED STATESI DVERNMENT Memorandum .. I I: . I I 234% TO Director, FBI (109?584) DATE: 4/29/63 5 . \m - I FROM Miami VII MIMI a I .. RI a a, UBJECT CWANTI- -FIDEL CASTRO ACTIVITIES . I I NEUTRALITY MATTERS gkassa?.g?assiiv an, MR IRIIE) I Re Bureau letter to 4/1 o3, With, CIA 333%; '1 9v enclosure 654 014 dated Apri 3,1963. N) mW-i: I ag} RI Re CIA report states that a torpedo type de- :3 vice was being prepared by Cuban nationals with a remote ?$1903; 3 controlled type apnratus, and the- device?- was being' as 952%; )3 readied at 7531 S. W. 14th Street, Miami, wad was des? 43 ?t If f?g? cribed as a 4x6' cylindrical gun- shaped devianw w? a, I a ?St, I .v Td?fj? On April 17,1963 it was ascertained there/1?s fig; if? no such address in Miami lorida. i 174/ 5: F3: (If; II 1 In]! LL (31 I I9 On April 18,1963, Mr. WALLACE SHANLEY, U. S. 23.13% Customs Agent, M1am1, advised he had received of I ?3335? referenced CIA report, and immediately recogn it was a: E3: tim:% ?garbledinformation" and pertaining to inforgagtion v. 1? previously reported in Miami airtel A 1963, a II, with enclosure entitled LUIS z: NEUTRALITY ACT - CUBA, Bureau file {29this letterhead memorandum MM 635- 5 reported Sig 513; that DIAZ associates include MM 635- S, and they were in the process of constructing a 5 x3' boat from 8' plywood and fibreglass, in the backyard of a residence 5?2 at 7331 S. 16th Street, Miami. It was iS faded to use .- 3 - Miami (2:195 ?1742) (1- -105-159Ri Page 2 JFK Assassination System . Identi?cation Form Date: 5/11/201 ?Agency Information FBI Eleased under the John AGENCY: Kennedy RECORD NUMBER: 124-1029440105 ?ags inati?n RENEE - allectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ 11111 U51: 211:? Note] . ase#:NH Saasn Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 105-72630-IST NR 96 _2 .3 17. Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI 1 FROM: DIRECTOR, FBI TO SAC, MM DATE 05/16/1963 PAGES 1 SUBJECTS . PDL, MDL, FS, ACA, AIR STRIKE DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/04/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS W1 NH 54460 10 Page 1 QM: 033373.37 9.- - . WM ?3353 ?33333? 3" I7 3733 3.33333 {3333- If}: 11. I . .323 3333 333333333 333333 33 333337.31v IL 7? 1.3 33 37 33% 333333333 33 3333333 3 3333 33: I7 I 33.17 I if" 33?3?} I Q2 13533333: (333773 33337 3333,: 7:33} KVI II I797 I 2357733335 (@3333 33.33. .5333) (In I3 3337333 (6) I 333333 . 3323 3433333333 33333333333 3333333333 3333 333j333g 33 33333333 3333333 33" 4733333333 33333333 33333 3333333 3333 33333 1 3323 3333333 3f 33333 9333 33.33;, I 333333333333 333.3333 33 I 33333; 33.7 33 f3333333 33333373 3333333 333:3 3-3333 33333 3333 3323 I 33 333333 771333333333 33333333333 33;. 3333777333333 33333333? 3333333 333333333 333333 33 333333 323 33333333 333' 333333333 33? 3333333 3333 3333333 73333 372333333333 .33 333 33333 333 .3333 3.3 333 733333 333 33333333 33 37.3333 33333 3333 35333 33333 33 3.33 333 . 3333 33523 :33 333333333 3.3 333 333333333 33? 33333-I 7 .3 77 3333333333 333333333333 333333 3333337333 3333 3333 33 333333 33333 33 3'3 - I .3333 33233 33333 ?17-77777 3733 333333333 333 33133333,; 33? 333.33 -I 33333333335; 33 33 33333 3333 33333333 33 333333333 Z33 33333332 33 ?3 33373333 I375 7:3 333 I. Q7 111'! 5446i] Page 2 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/11/20] Agency Information AGENCY FBI RECORD NUMBER 124-1029440107 RECORD SERIES AGENCY FILE NUMBER ,105-72630-97 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 7 06/15/1963 1 SUBJECTS PDL, BOAT, LOCATION, MM DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/04/1998- OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS under the Jehn Kennedy elleetien Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. 54%50 Date: W1 NH 54460 11 Page 1 6-25?63 PM EST DIRECTOR, EDI. SAC, MIAMI /?9541998/ 7.. LANE IS-CUBA9 NM . JUNE FIFTEEN TODAY MM SIX THREE ADVISED TEAT Two FIVE FOOT MOPFIE OE SUBJECT, NOT EIGHT EOOT MOPEIE AS DESCRIBED PREVIOUSLY TODAY, HAS BEEN MOVED TO A DIFFERENT LOCATION IN MIAMI RIVER9 MIAMI. DALLACE SHADLEY 0F O. s. COSTOMS UPON DEIOC ADVISED SAID HE IS AWARE THE BOAT WAS MOVED AND IT CONTINUES UNDER CLOSE D.5S, CUSTOMS SURVEILLANCE. ff.af EMEE ANB HOLD FOR ONE MORE. 8-Li??mc? '13 JUN 1:8 I963 COPIES . MIVJVQ i; 14;-1973- . I ?g 3 FE REE. Ag} WM .r REEN ES UNCLASSFHED W) NH 5446i] Page 2 . {ii/?WM - ., . 1 r1 JFK Assassination System Date: 5/1 1/201 Identi?cation Form Agency Informati on AGENCY- FBI Eleased under the John RECORDNUMBER: 124-10294-10108 - I 33a331nat10n Recurda RECORD SERIES- HQ . - Cullecticun A131: Elf 1992 144 USC 2107 Note]. a3e#:NH 54%50 Date: 0?03?2017 AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-72630-98 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 06/15/1963 PAGES 2 I SUBJECTS PDL, BOAT, SALE, MONEY, CUBAN MISSION, FS DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/04/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS 54460 Page 1 NH 54460 z: ., . I. u. Ht. ?12? 3:213:12?9?9 FF ETTAE 7. . 12-23 PM . BAH 13453 TO O-AECTOR, FBI .105-72530/' URGENT 0N 7.23:7? . Eff FELE EIN FULL PEDRO LUIS DIAZ LANZ, IS DASH CUBA, NM. ?Am FROM SAC, MIAMI /105-1998/ 2? REBUTEL TO MIAMI FOURTEEN LAST. {3 IOTA U.S. CUSTOMS, MIAMI, TODAY ADVISED FOLLOWING. 9' 'Ais PEDRO LUIS RECENTLY SOLD HIS EIGHT THREE FOOT BOAT BUT STILL HAS A EIGHT THREE FOOT MOPPIE IN MIAMI RIVER, MIAMI. ON SIX FOURTEEN LAST FRANK ANTHONY STURGIS, AKA. FRANK FIORINI, TOLD U.S. CUSTOMS, MIAMI, THAT NON DIAZ LANZ HAS MONEY FROM THE SALE OT THE OTHER BOAT AND HE IS CONSIDERING GOING ON A MISSION TO CUBA. TIORINI SAIOETHAT IF AND THEN GOES IT NILL BE OUOTE SANCTIONED UNOUOTE. SHANLEY SAID TNENTY FIVE BOAT IS STILL IN THE MIAMI OUOTE BOTTLED UP UNOUQIA. U. S. CUSTOMS IS MATCHING IT AND IF IT STARTS OFF ON AN V'iz, CUSTOMS HILL IMMEDIATELY KNOW IT.RE0- 52/35 7&930 9 lU/xj": 52] 3 1% i. "i END PAGE ONE IfUM, gsm?j CH Vivi" i 9: FEB 14'5? 19/3 11;, A) ?19.93"; I DucId:32303250 Page 2 PAGE Two MM SIX DASH CONTACTED DIAZ LANZ ON 51x FOURTEEN LAST AND REPORTED DIAZ MADE N0 MESTIGN-OF PRESENT ?ngs TO LEAVE MIAMI AND DID NOT APPEAR T0 BE PREPARING TO LEAVE. IT NOTED IHEIS INFORMANT HAS FURNISHED EXCELLENT 0N SUBJECT PREVIOUSLY. IQ MIAMI WILL MAINTATN CONTACT WITH v.5. CUSTOMS AND INFORMANTS AND WILL NOTIFY BUREAU IF AND WHEN SUBJECT APPEARS PREPARING FOR AND EXPEDITION. .. END ACK PLS WA 1~27 PM OK FBI WA NH 5446i] Page 3 JFK Assassination System Date: 5/11/201 Identi?cation Form ?Agency Information Eleased under the John . AGENCY: FBI . Kenna-:13: RECORDNUMBER: 124-1029440109 Eaassinatinn Records - Cullecticun Act of 1992 TH) (44 USC a3e#:NH 54%50 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 105-72630-99, 100 Document Information ORIGINATOR CIA FROM CIA T0 TITLE DATE: 06/12/1963 6 SUBJECTS PDL, MDL, FS, Assoc, RAID, CUBA, WEAPONS, EQUIPMENT, MONEY - DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS . Redact 7 DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/04/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC TTY, LHM 13 NH 54460 Page 1 - use! Wave! . 0M ?ag/2W It? MMLEASMMEIULL (RELEASE IN PART . Date: June 21,1963 0 a mm - M3 GIMME II Transmit the following in TEXT g?mg?g? ?My . WU (Type in plain text or code) ZUL fawn it.? I - n. cf I xii" IIME MIMI . of :11 Mi {El NEE: l? I (an m. We: EM: REE SHE lii?i MUHMATIOM A IRTEL A IR MA IL DIRECTOR, FBI (105-72630) 53Ac, MIAMI (105? 1598) (P) PEDRO LUIS ~iE) 7 I: Is CUBA NEUTRALITY MATTER :GSA :I?nam?j i; ReBute iami, 6/14/63 and Miamitel to SEE m? Bureau, 6/15/63 5 - . Enclosed herewith are 12 copies of a letter Eg??m head memorandum dated and captioned as above. i Copies of attached letterhead memorandum are Shark; being disseminated Customs, U. S. Border Patrol, U. S. Coast Guard, 081CIA report dated 6/11/63, enti ?Planned Raid on Cuba by the Lanz Brothers. This report is classified . MM Mr. SHANLEY, U.S. Customs, I MM T-3 is 63515 . 4&5 E: Z??az?a EMS This report is being classified - .. inasmuch as information furnished by MM T-l is so classified. - 13 JUN 241963 Miami will continue contact with MM 635- and U. S. Customs and will gap? the Bureau advised. n; (AM - REC- ZI Bureau (Encl. W54 460 .I. RJD: ems 37 a? Special Agent in Charge DucId:32303251 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Date: 5/ 1 1/201 Identi?cation Form Agency Information under the John FBI . Kennedy RECORDNUMBER: 124-1029440110 Records elleetien Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [44 use 21m I'Jete]. 54%60 Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 105-72630-100X, 101 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 07/02/1963 PAGES 6 SUBJECTS 2 PDL, MIL, ACA, MDL, ASSOC, BOAT, WEAPONS, TRIP, CUBA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 3, 06/04/1998. OPENING CRITERIA: INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC NOTE, MEMO, TTY v9.1 14 54460 Page 1 4?3 . is ToIson . r" ?3 A Belmont Mohr Casper Callahan Conr?rd DECODED COPY Eif- .3 333,3,15"! ullivu . m. 3 2? Tavel BEA: WI IE9 FT TIGN Trotter .. 1"373 DAIRGRAM [33%,3 3 53330? 3 IAITI IBDDA DRIEYIL URGE 8:07 PM EST FROM SAC MIAMI 050015 PEDRO LUIS DIAZ LANZ, IS-CUBA, RE MIAMI TEL TO BUREAU JULY 2 2 THIS AFTERNOON MM 635-8 ADVISED THAT PEDRO LUIS DIAZ LANZ ACOOMPANLED BY HIS BROTHER ETDUARDWAZ FERNAND AABEZAS, AND DANIWNTE, EXILES, DEPARTED FLORIDA MARINA, IN 31 MOPPIE, DESTINED FOR FLA KEYS, WHERE THE MOPPIE WILL BE CONCEALE-D. EDUARDO DIAZ WILL REMAIN ON BOARD THE BOAT. PEDRO DIAZ, CABEZAS AND SANTE WILL RETURN BY CAR TO MIAMI WITH EXPECTATIONS OF TRANSPORTING WEAPONSA PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED IN RETEL, BY CAR TO THE MOPPIE, POSSIBLY THIS COMING WEEKEND, FOR A 03:? CLANOESTINE OPERATION AS DESCRIBED IN RETELS E3OA U. S, CUSTOMS IMMEDIATELY CONTACTED AND CUSTOMS ADVISED THAT THE MOPPIE WAS CHECKED OUT BY CUSTOMS AS IT CLEARED THE MIAMI RIVER THIS AFEERNOON AT ABOUT 1:30 PMO CUSTOMS STATED THAT THE ?A'9g MOPPIE WAS ALLOWED TO CONTINUE AS IT WAS CLEAN OF ANY WEAPONSCOAST GUARD ALSO NOTIFIED BY MIAMI. CIA WAS ALSO NOTIFIED AND CIA EXPRESSED APPRECIATION FOR NOTIFICATION CONCERNING THESE FACTS AS CIA HAD PREVIOUSLY TAKEN STEPS TO HAVE THIS OPERATION CANCELED OUT DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES RELATED IN RETEL CIA STATED IT WOULD AGAIN5 TAKE STEPS TO CANCEL THIS 33vjy3 - MM 635- INSTRUCTED TO CONTINUE REPORTING So MIAMI WILL KEEP BUREAU ADVISED ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENRS 10 955 RE ANN. $33 . RECEIVED3ALAM Es??932 3339 {33% (fig/ 35224758 1% @3664): If the intelligence contained in the above message is to be disseminated outside the Bureau, it is suggested that it be suitably paraphrased in order to pni'7tect the Bureau?s systems. i 5446i] Page 2 ,To' son gBelmont Mob: .1 . - BL - 4-3 (Rev. 4-17-63) r' LL Casper . Callahan - Conrad/L1)? DeLoaLc "m DECODED COPY AM E3 CABLEGRAM a RADIO KXITELETYPE #2?1 219IQIGR DIRECTOR ALE, Li FROM SAC MIMI {1'3 030230 Inky/A Ia? PEDRO LUIS LANZ. - CUBA IS - CUBAI RE MIAMI AIRTEL, APRIL A I ST, CONCERNING PLANNED RAID ON CUBA - WHICH FAILED TO MATERIALIZE WHEN INS SERVED OF DEPARTURE ON SEVERAL ALLEGED PARTICIPANTS, MARCH 30-31,1963. I THIS MORNING, MM 635- S, WHO PREVIOUSLY REPORTED if CONCERNING THIS MATTER, ADVISED THAT THE ABOVE MENTIONED BASIC i? i HAS BEEN REVIVED AND PEDRO DIAZ LANZ AND HIS BROTHER, MARCOS, SCHEDULED TO DEPART FLORIDA KEYS AT 6:00 P. JULY 3, FOR CUBA AC- COMPANIED BY SEVERAL OTHER CUBANS INCLUDING SALVADOR GARCIA OLLER, Iggkg MANOLITO LNU, AND POSSIBLY CARLOS GARCIA AND ETEE PERHAPS SEVERAL OTHER INDIVIDUALS ABOARD 31 FOOT, MOPPIE, BEARING REGISTRATION FL 7AA5- -E. THE MOPPIE, NOW IN THE MIAMI RIVER, Eij. WAS RECENTLY OVERHAULED AND EQUIPPED WITH PROPELLERS, TO GIVE IT A SPEED OF 60 MPH THE MOPPIE IS SCHEDULED TO DEPART 555%: MIAMI, CLEAN, WITH ONE OR TNO MEN ON BOARD AND PROCEED TO AN AREA NAP A BELIEVED TO BE NEAR ISLA MORADO WHERE ITINILL RENDEZVOUS AT SEA, WITH A. SMALLER BOAT WHICH IS SCHEDULED TO BE FROM MIAMI BY FERNANDO CABEZAS ALONG WITH A SMALL ARSENAL OF NEAPONS -INCLUDING TWO 75 MM RECOILLESS RIFLES, ONE, 20 MM CANNON, THREE OR FOUR BARS AND ONE .30 CALIBER RIFLE. PURPOSE OF TRIP BELIEVED BY INFORMANT TO BE TWOFOLD. ONE PURPOSE IS TO BRING ONE OR MORE IN- A DIVIDUALS OUT OF CUBA. THE SECOND PURPOSE BELIEVED TO BE ANY OBJECTIVE NHICH THREATENS SUCCESS OF TRIP, ,2 (IF-II, UOPTES ?3 a; 14 39/3 ?114$" (23 SN A -I ??Lvs I 7: I A NH 5446i] DucId:32303252 Page 3 JFK Assassination System 7 Date: 5/ I 1/201 Identi?cation Form ?Agency Information Eleased under the Kennedy ssassinatiun Records nllectiun Act of 1992 [44 USC 210? Note]. a3e#:NH EQEED Date: AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10294-10111 RECORD SERIES HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-72630-102 Document Information FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 07/12/1963 8 SUBJECTS PDL, MIL, MDL, ASSOC, ACA, BOAT, WEAPONS, TRIP, CUBA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/04/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE . COMMENTS INC MEMO, LHM WI 15 54460 Page 1 FD-36 (Rev. 12-13-56) 1' a4 . Dam: 7/13/63 AIRTEL Transmit the following in (Type in plain text or code) Via (Priority or Method of Mailing) TO: DIRECTOR, (105-72630) - . FROM: SAC, MIAMI (105?1598) (P) 4 gmoyg?wg? CIA HAS-233113: 44444, '4 @143: 44:94 @443 PEDRO LUIS LANZ f" if 444134. 4 IS CUBA i IN i3 LGCUMENL .4 NEUTRALITY kink? a? [a 4X Miami airtels to Bureau dated 4/4/63 and b/21/b3, and Miami teletypes to Bureau dated T/2/b3 and 7/4/63. Enclosed are 12 copies of a letterhead memorandum dated and captioned as above. ?masters 435344901415 54D #154444 Pas-.933. MM T?l is MM 035?3. 4344 3:314 4X (57/57)} been disseminated locally to INS . Customs, U. S. Border Patrol, CIA, U. cast Guard, 081, 2, ONI and Department of State, Cuban Affairs. . 4 EL Bureau (Enc 12) (AM RM) 1? :5 {/15 3 Miami - 5? 4.4 by routin 311 0r 'nf. :4 (2 -105 44 4) 4444 :4 44.4.4.- 4 (1 13%i?153ub A) '3 . GED/gtj 54> 4 ., 4 4 AA 44510 (b ?94 55/? R1313- 11 45 7:34 6443 31:3 74}: ?Ajax/cgAlex? 1 . 4 4 by <44- ?m JUL 353 $434 A C4 4444 E?:ywz 4~ 2:543Ef5? 4 Copies of enclosed letterhead memorandum have' Eff 4/ if Approved: 4 Spe?ol Agent in Charge 1/ NH 54460 Page 2 1 . 7? (Rev. 12-13-56) Date: v? Transmit the following in {Type in plain text or code) (Priority or Method of Mailing) MM 105~1598 For the information of the Bureau,[nr. JOSEPH VIDAL, CIA, reported on 7/9/63,,that FERNANDO CABEZAS had been pulled out of this operation by that SALVADOR GARCIA OLLER, in whom CIA has an interest, will probably Stay in the operation; but that CIA is no longer in a position to exercise any control over this planned operation and had so notified U. S. Customs, Miami, so that appropriate action could be taken. by the responsible Government agencies. 33%) 01) Mr. WALLACE SHANLEY, U. S. Customs, advised on the same date that Customs has resumed its investigation in this matter and he requested that this office furnish him with any additional pertinent information concerning plans, etc. ?thW?w MM 635?8 has been instructed to obtain additional information on a current basis concerning developments. MIAMI AT MIAMI, FLORIDA Will report further deveIOpments to the Bureau and interested local agencies; strains 12:32: .. once on A??9?4?s reef/?9?? . - 2 - ?3 RBI Eta-$3 1,333Approved: Sent Per Special Agent in Charge NH 54460 Page 3 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: AGENCY ?Agency Information Eleased under the John Kennedy FBI . . RECORD NUMBER: 124-10294-10114 33553115131? RESUME Act of 1992 [44 HE: 210? Note]. HQ ase#:NH 54%50 DatE: AGENCY FILE NUMBER 105-72630-106 '2 '3 17 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE 07/29/1963 2 SUBJECTS PDL, FS, ASSOC, PLAN, AIRPLANE, PROPAGANDA, 9 DROP, CUBA DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/04/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS WI NH 54460 16 Page 1 . I 11 I s" 1' kLi?g I - RENEWED Bf WJFK TA QK a 7/29/63 Transmit the follovgng 111121 -Wlam text or code) I A AIRMAIL - .vm- . mm 115 FULL 11 1 11 WT 1 59". . E1 TOTAL DENIAL 1? DIRECTOR, FBI (105-72630) FROM: SAC, MIAMI (105-1598) (P) PEDRO Luis DIAZW-LANZ .. IS CUBA i - U. S. Border Patrol on 7/27/63, advised that information was ceived that the following day the A subject and RAM IA, a Cuban pilot, would drive to a landing ear Polk City, Fla., obtain a i Bellanca airplane and fly it to North Perry Airport, Broward County, Fla. 1 They would be met by FRANK ANTHONY STURGIS, American adventurer, the plane would be loaded with propaganda leaflets and flown over_ggba where the leaflets would be drOpped. GARCIA and STURGIS would 3 serve as pilot and co- pilot. After the plane returned would: fly by commercial airplane to Mexico and give?th? news? 'lease concerning this raid. my Yv- 3:12? If .: g; ,1 Bordern atrol advised this information has been disseminated to all Federal agencies in Miami. . .. .. 7? f?ars?ke ?1 1 .. (AM RM) 6?3 ureau .. f? W1 Miami 11- 1ng 128/ :5 1 . RJD/gtj 7 C: l3 .. it," - 1 Approved 1" 5" - ..- Specml Agent in Charge BB 'DunId132303256 Page 2 /r WM, 3 _wmiwa . FD-36 (Rev. 12-13-56) I 0 p, I Date: Transmit the following in (Type in plain text or code) Via . (Priority or Method of Mailing) J. T- MM 105-1598 -Uo Border Patrol and?U? S. Customs immediately instituted physical surVeillances at Polk City and North Perry Airports? . Miami Office immediately contacted MM 639-3, who is in touch with STURGIS, and MM 635wS, who is in contact with DIAZ 'Both informants advised infor? nation received by Border Patrol highly unlikely in that STURGIS and LANZ at the present time have no such plans.??7U\ On 7/28/63, Border Patrol stated nothing had . deve10ped, apparently the information was false, no Bellanca airplane ever appeared or was identified, this . might have been a publicity stunt by STURGIS and the i surveillance would be discontinued at midnighto On 7/29/63, Border Patrol advised that as of 12:01 AM the surveillance was discontinued, the infor? . mation.was obviously false and they were taking no f. further action in this matter. The above information is not-being set forth in form suitable for dissemination inasmuch as it appears that Border Patrol had received false information, Miami? Office??d not participate and Miami informants immediately advised that the allegation was highly unlikely and no such plans existed. i . Approved: Sent Per - Special Agent in Charge . NH 54460 Page 3 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/11/201 Agency Information Eleased under the AGENCY: FBI Kenna :15: RECORD NUMBER: '124- 10294- 10117 ssassinati?n Records - nllectinn Act of 1992 HQ [44 USC 210? Note]. - ase#:NH Essen Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER. 105-72630? 109 CHE 2 17, Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE: DATE: 10/21/1963 I 1 SUBJECTS PDL, SALE, RIFLE, BOAT, MDL, REL, ASSOC, ACA, RAID, CUBA, PLANE, BOMBS, LEAFLETS, PROPAGANDA, TRA, TV I PROGRAM, SPEAKING TOUR DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT - CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/04/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM 1? v9.1 - 17 .HH 54450 DucId:32303259 Page 1 . . 3.7 x- .3 f. 4 47/ SAC 14116111116571.5983 (17) 3 331mg" 0 Cr; I . PEDRO 11118 TTAZ LANZ 7377/15 (l MATTER I E5 1 L, RR M16161 aiTtQ'l to the Bureaus dated. - c: S- 7 1?1 Enelog?d 6.176. 12 6011166 of a Letterhead Memorandgm? 5 dated and captiongd as 6130116.. r; i. . {~73 Also 61161666311 .16 one copy each of abave 1.6166117 7 7:7; 5 LU head. Met-1101561161116 ?61: Chicagos, Detroit9 Los Angelces and I 135%; Philadeilyga affiMES? -7 3 33317011: 11 wig ?5:40? L?gga . . MM T71 17 MM 61976;. (137,1. ?@1137 4 3} 657159874663 1414 T71 1.711113% 11% ?1111 T73 16 MM 6357-33, 1.77 I =7 Chicago (E11613 617?? 13 (info) {Bunk . LL- 1 7 Philadelphia 7 l3 (Info3; . 1mm Jim/,7 1 ?1 Detxt??: ?3 13 (E?f0? .1 ?1 7 Los Angeles (E11610 7 13 (Thfo) (RM) If - - 6 *7 Miami 7 166716983 (1 7 1167111 676 A3 (MM 6357 7s) (1 7 1317136 676 A3 661 639753 15? 0? (1 7 16.67 111.13 (111117611311. CASTRO - (1 7 165781173 (EDUARDO 13112 GED: j'kj . . . -. (12) 111g 16M361%3 . (131.7111 66.6 171163 )Dm?r/s/mei 73771311reau (Enelse 7 23 @1113 . 9?5? Sf5446i] Page 2 . ?t . .1 JFK Assassination System Date: Identifi cation Form 5/11/201 Agency Inform ati on Eleased under the AGENCY FBI :1 RECORD NUMBER: 124-10294-10118 KEHPE 3? 1 . 33a331nat10n Recurda nllectiun Act of 1992 RECORD HQ [44 2 11:? Nate] . AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 105-72630-110 ED Date Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE I DATE: 01/08/1964 PAGES 7 I SUBJECTS PDL, BKG, REL, RES, MIL, ACA, SPEECHES, POLIT DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT, PHOTO CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/04/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC LHM WI NH 54460 18 Page 1 ?f . OFTIONAI. FORM 110.10 .x UNITED STATES (117 -7 . . 777 77774747TMemomndum T0 2' Director, FBI DATE: 1/3/64 SAC, Miami (105?1598) HAS 0811501101310 Ts;- T1 11:3; SUBJECT PEDRO LUIS OSCAR bIAz LANZ ??th *1 ION 745?97 Reference is made to Bureau teletype 12/10/63 6713/4) re OF THE PRESIDENT IN THE AND COWONWEALTH 0F PUERTO . Enclosed are six cOpies of a dated and captioned as aboveo MM T- -1 is MM 635~sT gigg?i MM '13- -2 is PSI (Under Development) BERNARDO MARTINEZ 7 One copy of LHM is being furnished locally ?to ?We Secret Service. a ?x 7? 2 - Bureau (Encls. -Miami (2- -105 1598) T. . (1?105-8387) ..TT 7m?! T311 (5) - ?5 be?! -f?f?/D/I9r ?che? Copy to: CTR/State/H?a ?(egg/c1? QT by routing ip 3,01: info. ??312; Date? 17.1. {e LIE mm NH 54460 Page 2 JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/11/201 "Agency Informati on Eleased under the John Kennedy AGENCY FBI - RECORDNUMBER: 124?10294-10121 SEESEWEUDH 3 Act of 1992 I44 use 210? Note]. HQ ase#:NH 54060 Date: AGENCY FILENUMBER: NR 112 Document Information ORIGINATOR: INS FROM: INS TO TITLE: DATE 00/00/0000 3 I SUBJECTS PDL, CUBAN EXILES, RESTRICTED, US DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/04/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS WI .HH 54460 Page 1 19 126??. . NOT TO DEPART ?1'Name and File Immigration Screed with Notipe 3951::?ict100. Number Status - Net to Depart- -- - ALPIZAR PEREZ, Eridio ?Under pa1o1e?N . . ay 24, 1960 Evilio 731/: ?7 superV151on- . A10 192 974 .1- up?; Warrant of - .. Deportation . AMAD {Jesus 824 - . 1 1 JIMENEZ, iguel Indefinit'?; NA11 881 518 ,gm parole 01) '2 g3 A11 865 205 Ski-?02: resident 1 Santiago Permanent Dade County, Fla. Dade 1630., Fla. I N'Dade' 61a.? A12 564 013 Tn CUBENAS CONDE, amon Antonio] Indefimte %e 18, 1963 N- Land Limits A11 878 446 IN (ax-ole l? (WQW 1:185:31 ?5 .. - CUESTA DEL VALNLE u. ndefinite #15 6: March 30,1963 Land Limits A11 885 764 ?73- . . Ewan-Ejlg?e . - DIAZ LANZ, Marco Jose Indefinite :5 2' March_30-, 1963 LandzLimits . A11 881 130 /of?Fo Hg" r01 a 11 . @mz LnuANZ, Pe Mum Permanent marchso, 1963 United States 1110176 250 05-71630 5 et; 1 111me? '5 Duo-1 A?oup) . . - Eve Indefinite June" 18:2'1963 Land-Limits 7 A12 418 168 . .- ESPINOSA GONZ Juan Indefinite June 18,- 1963 - Land Limits-1 . A12 .413 694 lob-117117 (p role . Dade Fla. . - . ESPINOSA HERN EZ, Range ndefinite June. 1963 A12 434 135 [53/0 32?) voluntary departure . ESPINOSA HERNANDEZ, Vic or Permanent - June 42,1963 A11 871 224 3-4609. ?0 resident I 'Iial . '1 .-1 Indefinite ?ax-ch 30, 1963 Land-Limits A11 677 614 Me?. 7 1-1 mm XEROX for? ?lm MM 5+ .7: er FEB 261994.115 l. 17 FEB 27: 1964 5446i] 1166111132303263 Pag? 2 . 55' atele L, If. 1:65} . NOT RECORDED. - - 'NDade County, F16. .- 1; Vien'L-ni'r' iI-n?IP?l? 111? I Liv-United" 8tates a United . States 1? NDade Co. . -. Name and File' Immigration . Served with Notice Restriction Number Status Not to Depart 5 uan . Indefinite 3 March 30?, 1963 Lendiinite. 11412 541 202? '03? I . . -- Dade CO., Fla; 1? Indefinite . March 30, 1963 Land Limits - arole' I - DadeICo., Fla. DE 0 Juan B. E. A10 341 309, i3?0i5$9t ($365? I (omz GMUPJ . . 7 I -. FERNANDEZ-ROCHA RODRIGUEZ, Permanent March 31, 1963 'United States - Luis ent j; .1 .I A12 477 820ando . Indefinite - March 30, 1963 Land Limits 7 A11 240 493 . WII parole Inf ?Dade Fla. (nepH?-??j . _r :61 I FONT-SAUMELL, on ndefinite March 30, 1963 ,_Land'Limits A12 421 129 /m mgle 1 a .- Dade CO., fie22.1! 2-4; at I GARCIA OLLER, Salvador . Indefinite. I March ?30, 1963 7 ,Land Limits 903 169 . a 1 . Dade Co., F13. e1? tViG"? - - 1? 5m. Liam. 6% vii . HERNANDEZ-SAN Carls Indefinite June 181 1963 Land Lim1ts_ A112437 215 Ewing/mm Pamle . . .- Dede '1 INCLAN-ARGUDIN, Rafael Indefinite . Merch 30, 1963 1?3; United States fifg .Algarll?gs2gsfo?l- [6 1-1? .IVOluntary I a" um?- MW) . . . I ILERMO-HERNANDEZ Reynaldo Indefinite . ,June 18,1963 . Land Limits A12 410 740 ,03 xv" - ..Dade,COu, Fla. C?f?merlv?hbfj ,ytk? MARTINEZ DEL TORRO, Cicilio Argeli A12 420 438 NM I MGR-RUIZ, Eddie Jose 7 Indefinite I March'so, . Land :Limits 7 Ramon Crisp arole I ,rg.5- 1r\\ Dade Co., Fla.?I?i? 412 424 412 (canine; 47/1439)qu ,1 6(a) . 1 . MORALES-NAVARREIE, Ricardo Indefinite . 1, June 18,1963 Land Limits ?Anibal "parole. . Dade.Co., Fla.I?- 412 307 777 - 15:! 10/9! . - - 4 March 30,1963 In? 1 I - 'Dade'C009 fla' ?Hymn . 1. a? . I lad-'Jaqqt7 I - *i MUINA-GOMEZ, ro??ee'pan Indefinite . United States; f; 31? I411 178 la??vno79 . departuI-e 6- . f: i31254460 Dunld:32303263 Page 3 -3 Jun JFK Assassination System Identi?cation Form Date: 5/11/201 "Agency Information FBI Eleased under the John AGENCY FIE 1111-21213: RECORD NUMBER: 124-1029440122 SSaSSinati?n BECOME allectinn Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES 2 HQ [?14 USC 210'? . ase#:NH 54%60 Date: AGENCY FILENUMBER: 105-72630-113,114,115 0-03-2017 Document Information ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE 02/29/1964 PAGES 1 I SUBJECTS PDL, MIL, REL, ASSOC, ACA, RAID, CUBA, BOAT, WEAPONS, AMMO, EMP DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/04/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC 2 MEMO, 2 LHM v9.1 NH 54460 20 Page 1 43/ OPTIONAL FORM NO 10 5010- ?06 12:21:11 2, f4, HHUNITED STATES GOKM g. .) Memorandum DIRECTOR, FBI (105?72630) DATE: 6/19/64 (105-1598) (C) - PEDRO LUIS OSCAR DIAZ LANZ, aka IS - CUBA 00: Miami On April 26,1964 and June 17, 1964, 3, who has furnished valuable information in the past concerning subject, advised that DIAZ LANZ is devoting all his working time to Speech making for pay, and no longer has any ambition to engage in any action against the CASTRO regime. Remylet 4/3/64 to Bureau. MM-6-35- is in frequent contact with DIAZ and members of his family, and he is in a position to report any renewal of activity by DIAZ. Further investigation is presently considered unjustified, but case will be reOpened if future develOpments so justify. Bureau (RM) 1 - Miami - - (3) .150 5.1 r/gg 713317.. 1 15 ?31 a AL 1.11110111111111130111111111), 15 JUN 24 1954. . 1 .. HERE1N 18 UNCLASSIHED ng?me?M sienna? - 4. WM - .3 GSA GEN. REG. E6727 .1 UNITED STATES GL . 1 - Memorandum To Director, FBI (105-72630) DATE: APR 3 1964 Miami (105_1598) cm HAS NO 0315121101110 manner: 3 1.- "Jr SUBJECT: PEDRO LUIS OSCAR DIAZOLANZ, Aka.; 90131111? URMATION IS - CUBA500/;st 11/ Remylet to Bureau 12/29/64. fl, 6/ ?We Enclosed are twelve copies of a LHM, dated a captioned as above. Copies are. being furnished locall . 2, Ft. McPherson, Georgia; Coordina or of Cuban Af airs, 1A U. S. Department Of State; U. 3. Coast Guard; U. S. Customs; 1b U. S. -Customs, Region 2, U. S. Border Patrol;? and, OSI . ALMA RCA .151 1,1,9 115.1% REREE 5R 8 UNCL EHED MIAMI: - 5. @rK A In view of past activities of DIAZ LANZ an since he stil-l possesses one or more boats which are to bef used for revolutionary activities, will continue to investii=' AR gate him as long as he continues to be of potential signifigf canoe in the field of Cuban revolutionary activities. Bureau (Encls. 41 . Miami (105- ~1598) (1 105- '6466) (FELIPE VIDAL SANTIAGO) (1 - 105- RIVERO) 72"3?: . GEE CK 4/7227 ?$558routin slip for mm A?mra/?i/ 4, tr 4, 7622 . ?58; A 1.413354% by-- carat/5154460 Page 3 FORM 'nr 5010 ?33.Memorandum To. DIRECTOR, FBI (105-72630) DATE 2/29/(3?15 If.? . FROM 3/ SAC, MIAMI (195-1598) (P) . - 3:3?3?9 i 5 335%, .10 @333 1 SUBJECT: PEDRO, aka 51:: .- INTERNAL SECURITY - CUBA MIA 31.33 NO 9335mm To Amman I . 00; MIAMI . 33333,; WOBMIATION - IN THIS scum/531mm ,Re Miami letter to the Bureau, dated 1/8/64?/ gf?u? 937 ?Enclosed are 12 c0pies of a letterhead memorandum dated and captioned as above.- Copies are being furnished locally _??aw?grder Patrol, Us S. Customs, U. S. Coa_st Guard, Office of Cuban Affairs, State Department, ONI, Gu2, and 1 ,osx. . :1 . The letterhead memorandum is classified "Secret" 5 3 ,as it contains information which was so classified 3:3 333333399 . Bt??flm MIAMI {14% ipm?dq-qum {63' AI MIAMI FLORIDA In View of past activities of DIAZ LANZ, will E. continue_ to investigate him as long as he continues to be of potential significance in Cuban field. min? . Bureau (RM) (Enc.-12) Miami (1 - 105,- -1598) (l - 134- 211, sub A, MM 635- W8) (1 - 2- 165, PRIO) GED: - d5: I Copy to. CIA/State/m Gama/Ms ?933.22 gk?; routin 1 or '1nfo.C 13f; time y/7?734 . . 43 x, ?gj NH 54460 Page 4 JFK Assassination System Date: 5/1 1/201 Identi?cation Form . Eleased under the AGENCY FBI KB ?Fe [15? RECORDNUMBER: 124-10294-10126 535531135310? RESUME nllectlun Act of 1992 a3e#:NH EQAED Date: AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 105-72630-IST NR 118 Document Infomati 0n ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: SAC, MM TO 2 DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 11/07/1964 PAGES 2 15 SUBJECTS PDL, .MDL, EMP, RES, MINUTEMEN, ASSOC, WEAPONS, INSURRECTION DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS I 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/04/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS INC MEMO, EHM, NOTE v9.1 NH 54460 21 Page 1 . - -.th 5m. OPTIONAL Fem No.10 A . min-Woe: A ?u I GSA GEN. REG. No. 27 51' a 2 "ma? -- 3V . ?2 UNITED STATES NMENT .- {/1,113 . 1. 6m07a7?l Mm 1 5? '13been a long-time 111111 of both MARCOS A.nd D111 1ANZ, . vided to the BureaufOr Secret Service, Washington, D. -, I Service, ONII, G- 2, 031, Office of Cuban Affairs, . fviIDepartment, and INS. f??oity, the follOwing is 1A1nes, Who resides 1n Niamigghad requested MN 635?8 to p1ace// 1 '11m in touch w1th some arms dealer who could euhply same '4 1 upporters of former Venezuelan President PER11 JIMEN11 with I . jweapons.1 Consequently, on October 635 intro- =?93 ~~I3duced CABRERA to MARCOS DIAZ LANZ, who had previously dis- 2? gclosed to MM 635- that could supply weapons from outside(Q) 11% (1 - 10.5- 1598, mama and PEDRO DIAZ Lieu?)g??' DATE. NOV 1 7 1964 DIRECTOR, FBI (62-107261) .. . . w. INTERNAL ReButel 11/4764 and Miami tel to Bureau 11/7/64 5 Enclos ed are 13 copies of a letterhead memorandum 11 dated and captioned as above. An extra copy is_ being pro-w Copies are being disseminat_ed locally to CIA, U. S. Secret m'r? 1 Miami?15??) ('3ng I MM 2 is MM 535.. s. 4131, - WA For the iniormation of the Bureau and On New snbe1 2, 5 and 13528, Wh?jmas crothers, bothze1ailed in the United States, reporte?m?haf a Venezuelan emplo.yee of Rans.a Airu (33. 7111171029295 .wa?amwv.? .11- . I 11031311 Mm: I, SAC, MIAMI (105?4921new f1)? ION CONCERNING (If3-Dw 4e?: FQE . . . . :11 ?ewzd?1??EQ/Aww L. . . . ,1 .1- are 72131) Bureau (Enc? 13% OSURE ?1 RECORDED I I A 2 - Oklahoma City (Enc- 2) (RM) ?Beak-NW" 271964? 4 ya?; MS Miami (1 105- 4921) . II . (1 134- 1050, EFRAIN CABRERA fx\\ 134- 211?Sub A, MM 635- S). 8i$2 010? AW 3:1 e: (1 .. 66- 2686) . . 1W (23135311 (:11 cs, 31:31; .531 ggJE?? DATE HOW 103% - Buy S. Savmgs Bond; Regular! on be Pay all Sd?iggj Plan- ?ieae 13:3,. few 91131;? We" ewe ?2 . ""7111; 1 . I90 :9 ref? .1111- 1; '14" .. NH 54450 DucId:32303263 Page 2 1m-..- 1 . 1. 5.1., . area. When MM 6a? .5- introduced CABRERA to -DIAZ LANZ the latter told CABRERA that his name was GARCIA. Egrhe CIA source knew DIAZ LANZ as PEDRO GARCIA. ,1 CIA in memorandum of 11/4/64, stated that CIA had I been able to identify GARCIA as MARCOS JOSE DIAZ LANZ. )ijaz -: DIAZ, in the presence of MM told CABRERA he Could supply weapOns and CABRERA expresSed interest in a Sizeable Purchase, indicating that he wanted furnish them to some political followers of former Venezuelan President PEREZ JIMENEZ, who is now in prison in Venezuela. Informant said that during this meeting, DIAZ expressed the opinion- that if became President, the United States would go communist and he remarked that there existed some secret organiZations, such as the ?Minutemen," who would fight to the end and that in his. opinion, there could be a military coup. DIAZ menti oned some place, not in Florida, where the ?Minutemen" - reportedly organized. At no time, houox:;, did DIAZ state . that he is a member of the ?Minutemen" or tat he and sold arms to them. Also, DIAZ did not say that the ?Mir temen"? ,7 plan Ian armed insurrection aga.inst the United States Govern? ,f?ment He claimed, .owover that his brother, PEDRO, had some connections with groups of this sort but did no' . specifically mention the "Minutemen. Also, he did "W%E;cla1m the existence of any "Minutemen? military carpw in Ilorida. MM T- ligas of the opinion thattglAZ probably had . subsequent meetings with CABRERA but informant does not what, if anything, transpired during these meetings. the mid-1950' 'identity of thiL:uban who had been arrested With n-n in 7 had been arres -with informant during that pe - On November 3,1964%Elr. JOE VIDAL, CIA liaison, Miami telephonically inquire oncerning background infor- mation on MM 635- S, under 'his true name, and requests ezd Since it was known that MARCOS D7f? 7 was furnished with the name of MARCOS Edi? LANE nde bacr?? ground information on informant, without hi w?elati?nship with this office. It therefore appea?? that r.gg source is undoubtedly EFRAIN LORENZO CABREIMI ,_vhc '4 K. known to this offioe but not regarded as being coat?etely reliable. He ha.s been contacted concerning FALN a;.1v1ties in Venezuela. He is a former chauffeur and bodyguznr to PEREZ JIMENEZ when the latter was exiled in Miami.i? C) NH 54460 DuoId:32303263 Page 3 - v- ?1 .7 he-m .1111-.. . In: ,1 contains 1nformat10n which was so classi 1ed by- ??ivroup in orida or elsewhere.Q0 105?4921ij - . ;grg .CIA, Covert, Miami Wo Bureau instruc ions. DUBOIS felt that interview of their 0n Nove te ?111 OISQ source by the FBI at this time would compromise that source If'relative to another facet of importance to CIA, Miami. He fz'indicated.that this additional.fa transaction involv'ng Venezuela upon interviewing their source ff?position of MM 635? S, it bein ?v.vidua1s were present during the first conference between igt related to an arms his office did not insist K3 view of the vulnerable ed?Ehat only three indi- MARCOS DIAZ, CABRERA and Miami informant. Mr. DUBOIS agreed when the sue bgestion was made that interview of MARCOS DIAZ- :1 by the FBI based upon the newspaper article mentioned in the??=zw enclose lette head memorandum would not jeopardize CIA Source. . This memorandum is classified ?Secret?faA CIA LEAD OKLAHOMA CITY AT TULY SA, OKLAHOMA Will locate and interview PEDRO i DIAZ gj?1 5437 North Johnstown Avenue, who is- now a faiiutime lecturer-' for the Christian Crusade, concerning any his iedge he may- "possess relative to the ?Minutemen" and any preparations of .that organization for an armed insurrection in the eve at of? President JOHMEGN election; also, concerning the ex stence of any milita::y training camps or organizations of thai It is to be noted that PEDRO LUIS DIAZ LANZ h:1s been the subject of investigation by the Miami Office since 1959 relative to his revolutionary activities. He has also cooperated with this office on many occasions ?g and is persona ally known to SA GEORGE E. DAVIS, JR., who interviewed his brother, MARCOS, in this matter.1 Miami informant has reported in the past that PEDRO DIAZ has . attended some meetings of the John Birch_Society in the(ay NH 54460 DucId:32303263 Page 4 yr,? 0 0? or to interview CIA source 6 . ,4 ?ama?wran- . .12. mim- 2? 2; . :4 ?Ax" :v 5% "ff-7? 1:15.33 Hey 14-53-633) .3 .2 {3.1.2621 p- 3, 3 1.5 11110 mi: 2 NH T136 . 2,2222%? -. GA E2 222298 22222 i 4 1.2225. 2A22'22 2E Candy WW A :02 A.A PquT. 2 TO - L25Row 3 060200 A TNFO CONCERNING VAW1 k? 25 NOVEMBER 12,? 29232.--. a 35.312333 . .5: . ON NOVEMBER 29 -5 AND 09 L?END 0.53 MARC 8 ST 2'12 5342:, URL) 35 FORMER CUR FORCE MAUOR PEDRO LUES QTEL LATLLU Th iAf' 3: VTSED AS OF RANSA W/l LTNE VHS RESTEES ETAETA REQUESTED TE PUT EET 2A ?Ei Ham TNVTO UCH ETTH 3222 ARMS SEALER EEG CPAEE EUEPET EQEE \V?g 12.2 ?022:2 PRESTBEET 2* 2 5 i_?i JN OGTOBEE ?32 TNTEUQUCEG T512 T3 T3 ~uu41NAEE WAS . SENSE \COULD EUPPEE af? Efwg. RA 2E EAKTEE E2 3 ETTRT 5553.31 OPTEEOE T0 2 BECAME PRESTDERWT 32 EQUED GQ THERE 2STED SQEE SECRET . ~?22 1 E;m? EETCH-WOULD FEGHT3TO TEE-E202, TEET 2T2 MEMEERR \Qf HAD SEEN 2202 NG AED 223 TARY CORPS. DTAZ MEET 0229 TLORTDA WHERE THE MTTUTTMET ARE-REPORTED - m: 2: 22;; LY OFGAN STAZ NCM ATAHE HAD SOLD TO THEM DEAZ DTD ND STETE THAT STA TE, THA3 RE TS MEMBER G5 MTNUTEMEN :32: . - MEETUW MEN LAN AN INSURRECT TON AEETEET U252 GQVERUT - Te?arM?r n25? n3 2 1 2 hwmu? r?nr1- 3.22.4212; i 222:; c- ..Eun? {2,2533" A .2 2 12in: TIT-1511.3: r: 2 2? ,1 - 1.20133 NOV 2301964 22.22,. 2 . . . EE?ngf?wwn.1523?; a 29? Ausgjw 22 A I 2?4~ ?9 4? . 3?hqthe ('onmmeci in the above me ssagc is to be disseminated Calm-51:2 .tfu '15ifi?i?fl?, 2i sugg?s?fed that It be suimuiy . 2 ?y \paraphrased in ordc'r. to pr, olcct me Bureau? 3 systems. 2 3 NH 5446i] Page 5 .w '7 ?17?5' 1-3?64} 53A iff?i? EMT PAGE TWO 30W ESUL (3N TMO ICALLY Mi T). \1 STRUCT FBT AT 11 .e intcil?gencc contained in the above message ?0 0c dissemiaa?ed outside the Bureau, it is MATH GROUPS OF SCRTE FLORIDAA WET .AMEN MILATAA CAMPS HAS HAD SUBSEQUENT AMQMA APED MAME M950 3 =Mi~ EEC. MIAMI 060200 5M MEETINGS TS OF SAMES VEM ER . FELT TAME MQMLE, ANOTHER FACET OF JSEST IN VIEW OE VUENERMSL AGREED THAT RVZEM OF WA BE CHE.S TO ARMS TEA TN HERMLD WOULD NOT BY OFFT EP 6 UP EM THIS Vipl pr: my}: r55: in order Lo protect the Bureau' 5 NH 5446i] 32303263 Page 6 .E WWA-rvm El EM REETMME DAAZ DED MST MEM W: ANY UTE TNFORMANT WERA BUT HE DOES NOT a. HOT MM MM 655u3 UNDER A am. 13qu A AA QF MARCOS AM 195CT3E AT EAR MAS APPESTEE ETTM MM A. APPEARS ED HEFRA AAOA THIS TMQT PE APSE AS TSMPEETEET AEE ASEEM MAAMA MEMO LOCAEAA MEMEwrsr EMA TITLED ME MAMMTEAAE AM EEAA a ON MOME J3EE 533A2MAA ETA TSP AMTEPMTEM PMASMAMT lN~ -: ?3 PEMTS TMAT MEMPEE PEEATAME T0 T0 ETA EAEE 0AM MOT (A E55: ETA RCOS ASA EA: MPEM ANA SSAETV MET EMMS A PPEAPEM MOJZHHEM 5. JEOPAPEAEE CAA SGURCED AS PESPG To MAME MATM MHM AA MAS AM EPMAEMAP AT ATS systems. BELEEVES THAT DEAZ ARRESTED WHO Tainan [Belmont Moitr Cur-per Cuilcahnn Conan! Eumnn Cute Hosnn Tavcl Tron'm' T830. Room Holmes (5r; ndy suggested that it he?suitably? A, m. . ?Aid?. A wane?' ., GE THREE 060200 PEDRO HAS TTOVED T0 TULSA, OKLAM03.A WHE HE [8 WORKING FULL FOR THE MARCOS THAT HE NOR PEDRO ARE DR EVER HAVE BEEN MEMB ERS OE N9 HE ANY PERSONAL KNOV WE DGE OF ANY MINUTEMEN GROUPS EN OR ELSEWHERE DE IS BASED UPON NEE NNU ARTE WHEDH HAVE .ELATED THNT THE MENUTEMEN ENE NETH WEAPONS EN VAREDUS PARTS THE U.EE NE SD 8 .W A WHICH EPENEED ED CHE 3 WNENLL OF AN ORGANEZATTDN SEMELNE TO THE HE HPROGRAM WAS AN ATTEMFT DET 8 NGT WITH 3 OPPRESSES SDC NETS NT COS olfD HE 3 AND KNOWS OF NO EDT AN ARMED HE EXPRES AS MERE AGGRESSEVE AGAENST CHM ENE THE CASTRO NDVESED THAT HE ES NOW A SENESMAN OE CROP DUSTING EMCO3 ENCLE OE AETONE WHICH PLANES ENG HE A NUF ACEWEU RE :3 :3 9 :12? 3% EEMATION UN: EEC MEANT LHM LHM FOLLOWS. 5: 23 AM DWM inuLi 1 f1?" FLORIDA OR ANY OTHER SPEC TFTC PENCEE HE CLAIMED HIS NED JLEDGE MEAME SUN GE 8T8 THAT BUREAU NOT iiEDRw TOESUH c: imam Moist [301.0003 . Callahan Comm! a Evans Gui: Sui Fix/(m Twila-r Tcic. Haom Hofmcs Gundy Ti" Liza intelligence contained in 1:}23. abrue 3 age is; to be disseminated outside the Huron: .J, 513:3 suggested that it be suimbly paraphrased in order to protect the 8 1mm." 3 systems. NH 5446i] Page . JFK Assassination System Date: 5/1 1/201 Identi?cation Form ?Agency Information Eleased under the AGENCY. FBI - . RECORDNUMBER: 124-10294-10129 . Eaassinatiun Result-:13 allectiun Act of 1992 RECORD SERIES: HQ [44 USC 21o? Note]. - a3e#:NH ERRED Date: AGENCY FILENUMBER: 105-72630-I21, 122, 123, 124 Document Information ORIGINATOR FBI FROM: SAC, PH TO DIRECTOR, FBI TITLE DATE: 05/14/1965 7 SUBJECTS PDL, EMP, CHRISTIAN CRUSADE, ANTI-COMMUNIST ACT DOCUMENT TYPE PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT CLASSIFICATION Unclassi?ed RESTRICTIONS 4 CURRENT STATUS Redact DATE OF LAST REVIEW 06/04/1998 OPENING CRITERIA INDEFINITE COMMENTS: INC 2 MEMO v9.1 22 NH 54450 Page 1 1 .1 I 9r (Elev. 5- 22.- Date: .5/18/65 Transmit the following in (Type in plaintext or code) Via AIRTEL (Priority) TO: DIRECTOR, FBI (105-72630) FROM: SAC, MIAMI (1053598) (RUC) . 2 ?1 . . lily} .s lea-b" ?9 SUBJECT: PEDRO LUIS DIAZ LANZ . .1 I: g: ad IS - NEUTRALITY MATTER 00: Oklahoma City Re Philadelphia airtel to Director, 5/14/65. DIAZ has been. the subject of considerable inves? -. I tigation by the Miami Office and in the middle of Oct., 1964, moved to Tulsa, Okla. and became a full time lecturer for the Christian Crusade. .. In Jan., 1965, Oklahoma City became'office of origin in this case. By letter dated 12/31/64, Oklahoma City advised Miami that subject was on a speaking tour, and Oklahoma City planned to interview him on his return. MM 635-3, who was previously associated with 1 the subject, on 5/18/65 advised he knew of no Cuban revo-y I lutionary activity on the part of the subject since he 3 4} I Wleft Miami in Oct., 1964. REG 23/ 5?5 7&5? [2 R. 1% h3g1? Bureau CHM) - Philadelphia (105?- 9799) (Info) (RM) Q. 2 - Oklahoma City (100 6949) (RM) A 21 201955 1 - Miami RJD: 1