Undo - Is"? Fleser: Flefresh Pause "m "i'ieia'rlliriginal Alert EL Subscribe Edit U3 Share LTJ Download 3:1: Full Screen Start Here Course Completion Section Distribution Demographics PIERCE COLLEG Bil/A Successful Course Completion possibimies. realized. 2005-201? Use the selection criteria below to choose a course to evaluate. When finished, choose from the tabs listed above to View the charts and data. Academic ?r'ear Program Discipline English Placement Instructor Status II'I'Ii'lultiple'ralues] . ENC-LE. rein [ell'i Gantrac'ed Quarter Course Number Math Placement FulHimE tell} 1-31 telli . lilocnlipht Part-time Campus [tent Reading Placement gamma? tell} 1' . {All}: 1' . {All} 1' Instructor Time of Elsi,r Modality MD Cohort [silt miss Humanities 1: ran; . {any .. rein . Course Funding Source Course Type Census Race rein tell} {Alli dis res: Tait-i: a .. .. 7403!: average $43.3 72% I ?it. 1344 1445 15-15 16-1? Total a of Student Selected: 13 22? MUTE: Please note that these data show the total a of successful course completions for each area. This will show duplicate students. but allows for equivalent assessment at the course level. Successful completion eonsisis of decimal grades. equal to or greater than 2.0 or a letter grade or' This criteria applies to all courses. For detailed grade distribution. please use the Enrollment 3: Grade Distribution dashboard- l? Database: Updated ?ittit i' - HDTE: Results reflect student transcripts. Summer a Fall It?? data are preliminary. Results refresh once a clay and 3 grades are excluded from complelion calculation.