UNCLASSIFIED ll FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE Federal Bureau of Prisons Counter Terrorism Branch Intelligence Summary (17-001) FEDERAL BUREAU OF PRISONS COUNTER TERRORISM UNIT January 11,2017 INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS AND LANGUAGE TRANSLATION FOR INTERNATIONAL AND DONIESTIC TERRORIST INMATES (17-001) USE ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE: This document is marked Unclassi?edlLimited Of?cial Use Only/Law Enforcement Sensitive and may be disseminated, with proper attribution, to active Law Enforcement, DOD, or US. Intelligence Agencies. This document, or any segment/attachment thereof, may not be released without the approval of the Bureau of Prisons to any media sources, any non-law enforcement entity, the general public or those Without a ?need to know.? It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the provisions of the Privacy Act (5 U.S.C. 552). Page 1 of 22 UNCLASSIFIED ll FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY LAW ENFORCEMENT This document, or any segment/attachment thereof, may not be released to any media sources, any non-law enforcement entity, the general public or those without a "need to know. UNCLASSIFIED ll FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE Federal Bureau of Prisons Counter Terrorism Branch Intelligence Summary (17-001) ?Babe, they just took a brother named Abu Hafed Sha?ban to go to an ICE facility to be deported. He?s the newspaper guy from unit. Insha Allah, his wife?s going to get in touch with you eventually. He wants to help out. He?s not as-Sunnah, so keep that in mind, but insha Allah he might be able to help your situation.? Name Reg. No. Facl COJ STG Citizenship Country of Af?liations Birth WALKER 45426-083 THA VA lntemational United States United States Taliban John CMU Terrorist On November 7, 2016, inmate Walker Lindh authored correspondence to CAGE Ltd, at This message clari?ed he would not participate in an interview, but would like assistance in seeking asylum in Ireland. On December 9, 2016, inmate Walker Lindh received an e-mail from his father Frank Lindh at Mr. Lindh alleges he spoke with Amaud Ma?lle, a representative of the inmate support group CAGE. Mr. Ma?lle agreed to assist inmate Walker Lindh in renouncing his US. Citizenship and relocating to Ireland with the assistance of US. Attorneys. Mr. Lindh informs his son the only way his previous Attorneys would again represent him is for him to apologize and renounce violence in any form and without reservation. Previously, inmate Walker Lindh made pro ISIS statements to various reporters and was subsequently dropped by counsel. On December 12, 2016, inmate Walker Lindh responded to his father, thanking him for his assistance, but decided to forgo any further attempts involving Attorneys and CAGE because he would not renounce his religious beliefs to please anyone. Further he indicates he will still pursue being released to Puerto Rico. Open source information indicates CAGE is a London-based advocacy organization raising awareness of detainees held at Guantanamo Bay. CAGE is directed by Moazzam Begg who was released from Guantanamo Bay, without being charged in 2005. In February 2014, Moazzam Begg was again arrested and held at Belmarsh prison on terrorism related charges concerning his involvement with the Syrian civil war. His charges were dismissed seven months later however, the ?nancial assets held by CAGE were frozen. Page 7 of 22 UNCLASSIFIED ll FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE This document, or any segment/attachment thereof, may not be released to any media sources, any non-law enforcement entity, the general public or those without a "need to know. UNCLASSIFIED ll FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE Federal Bureau of Prisons Counter Terrorism Branch Intelligence Summary (17-001) Amnesty International has publicly dropped support of CAGE, citing their support of Mohammed Emwazi AKA Jihadi John, and ?nancial support of Michael Abebolajo, Alan Henning, Dr. Aa?a Siddiqui, Anwar aI-Awlaki, and Shaker Aamer. Excerpts of the messages follow: Inmate Walker Lindh to CAGE ?Regarding the idea of conducting an interview, I have thought about it carefully and I am sorry to inform you that I have decided not to do it. I generally don?t like to communicate publically with the outside world unless it seems necessary, and right now I don't see the need for it. Regarding the Ireland issue, I really don't know what to expect from the Irish government. I know virtually nothing about them. I think the only reasonable way to present my case to them is to explain my unique circumstances that make my survival in the US practically impossible. Essentially I am seeking asylum from one country where I am a citizen in another country where I am also a citizen. The worst they can do is to decline my request. I ?gure it is worth at least trying. Concerning links to Ireland, I have virtually none, aside from being descended from people who lived there for thousands of years. I became a citizen of the Republic of Ireland in 2013 as a result of having an Irish grandparent, but the only family members I have there are very distant relatives whom I don't really know. I have no links with the Muslim community there or anybody else.? Frank Lindh to inmate Walker Lindh: had a very constructive and hope-inducing conversation today with Arnaud Ma?lle, a representative of Cage, based in London. Arnaud was apologetic about the delay in responding, but he did receive both the messages I sent recently, following up on your request. The good news is that Cage is very interested in assisting you, and wants my help in this regard, which of course I am happy to provide. They hope to arrange a meeting with Irish government authorities in about six months. They consider yours to be an especially important case of the type they handle. The immediate challenge, however, is that they need your American lawyers to handle the interface with US. authorities, to secure their consent to any arrangement. This is not something Cage can do. Page 8 of 22 UNCLASSIFIED ll FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE This document, or any segment/attachment thereof, may not be released to any media sources, any non-law enforcement entity, the general public or those without a "need to know. UNCLASSIFIED ll FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE Federal Bureau of Prisons Counter Terrorism Branch Intelligence Summary (17-001) This brings us to the topic of your need to mend fences with Jim, which is something you really need to do for this and other reasons. We can discuss this in our next phone call, but one thing I anticipate Jim will absolutely demand is that you be willing to condemn in all sincerity, publicly if needed, and without any reservation whatsoever, depravity of any kind, whoever commits it. You can visualize yourself what the list of depraved acts might consist of. I believe such a request should be easy for you, to ful?ll as a devout Muslim and person of conscience.? Inmate Walker Lindh to Frank Lindh ?Thank you for taking the time to discuss this matter with Cage, but it looks like we will have to abandon this project because I am not interested in renouncing my beliefs or issuing condemnations in order to please Brosnahan or anybody else. My request to be released to Puerto Rico has still not been answered, but if that doesn't work out, I will just have to stay here for a while and deal with the mobs as best as I can. It is a daunting predicament that I'm in, but many people around the world are in even more dif?cult situations and ?nd ways to manage, so I am not worried.? Page 9 of 22 UNCLASSIFIED ll FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY I LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE This document, or any segment/attachment thereof, may not be released to any media sources, any non-law enforcement entity, the general public or those without a "need to know.