IELHHDE IH THE HIGH EQUET DP JUSTICE VTEEIH l1} IGDE.FILIPEHHD Claimant: mm?! Wm t2} swim mm 5.3. 1' 1' 1 '1 i and. I 1 i I 1 Cuurt.EapaIting Uhit at the British Virgin Inland: Enid Town, Tartaln Eritiih virgin Island: mu? EEPDEEIHGPUHIT Elm: mull-mm Hui-l- i i! ?k matter named at 1mm} 3.1m} THE: mm: Ember 51 ?of 2012 - Mi}: halitskiy at ill mans May Why at al. 1-H. m: My 10:11, my next wit-11555 will ha Hr. Ermaky and bafnra he ?nes bathe-ban, lordship that although his first im't Engliah, he has prop-oaed that he should give midnn?a in English. His Eng'li?h isn't perfect and so we mid nakif tl'lEintaIp?tar? mldranainuanhandincasem run into any TEE CERT: Hall that am very msihla. Gan-d. Hr. tit-W. {Hitnaas take-E the Etna-Li} THE m: 11: run swam: thatthawidmuayauuhall givetnthis?onourable HR. mm: deuqiw?nmurtwf?im, de'I-rh-HMP tom 11'] 11 12 13 1-Ami gnu: address? A. Mymaknyn Strut, 36H. Em: 11mm: Myron. can sit. m. Q. Huttch you, please, find. mung the hur?laa ?mthavagot?la lattarlihnitn spine. SEE, plans. a. I'm ham. Dayauhmadommnt?utsaysitis the ?First mums Statm'mt 11E Mental-1M A. fan, I thin]: 51:; right. a. that Witness Etatanant, I undaratand that In: maid like: to add tn that's in Paragraph 43 Elf ?at Statmnr. which ?uthava uncured since gnu made 1:119 last Him? Statmmt? h. Exactly. 11:51:13 is one differm that I lika to make gnu aware hf. Tm 51pm Churt of Ukraine grmtad it: that: haw been assigned Assnfit and tlutdaciaim is tomes-will try again. Just because of the orisisJr the company could not effee?yely continue developing the prtper?es because there was no market for that, for that particular plan. So I was there just with Mr. Admnousky and my responsibilities just were different by the time and the properties that I used to participate in snare first the Goriogo Project and I emlainedyou the stages thathadbeen coveredwi?imy participation; and then that project was sold. and then the Sky Hall, which is Assofit. 13+ whenyoufirat got involved with ?ssofit, were you still Hayley-ed by the Holding? A. I was newer alploye-cl by the Holding, first of all. 9- Who wars 3:011 molnred hr? 1. ?int Iwouldheapartner inwhatwe called the business direction of the real estate dewlopnent. So it was not precisely by the Holding it was rigor-ting not in a way that ordinary mloyeas would do. Q. Did you reoeive a salary? A. I told you that I reoeiyed from all of the shareholders, I just rat-Ether the mating when we llgathered be?ther in Mr. Filipenke'a eEfiee and I asked him a very mu, very straightforward questien that because of tire crisis I dsn't see that I will make as much as I was expecting to make just because ef the crisis. as can you, please, find a reasenahle selu?m fertile Is that salary? I den't, I just mu; call it salary. ?sh that I was doing fer than. Berry, Q. mierediditemefrun? miehempany did it eeme fruit? 3.. Fran Celliers Internstiensl. Firm Colliers and than I was the managing director. He. He. msredid?iemuyeemefm? I get it in sash. In sash? Ban]: mates? Yes. Current. ?be ?rm? Fran Hr. Filip-alike I believe. Right. And yeu regarded that money heme paid to fun Messing, ?lipa?ie and Halitskiy'? PL. Exactly. Because there were three ef us when we discussed this issue. Q. asked te get twelved in Assn-fit? Has that in A. In -- m, ef REDS, beginning ef