SEE-Developing in?astructure for testing of pilotless Air arch and to! establish ?ying test range center Regarding possession'of land in chitradurga dist of Kamataka State. I Referring to above subject I like to niention that the Government Of f'f-iridia of?cii'ril aviation and DRDO jointly have on ambitious plan of project for establishing pilot I-iess for vehicle, etc., To? Implement'tlii's'i projecijithe in collaboration'udth air ?port authority oflndia and Director General of Civil aviation did conduct survey E"to"identify "suitable 'iandi?for'irngiementih'githe aboVe mention project. For this - . ose, an extent of 3500 acres of land in Chitradurga dist 'Karnataka State O?gipaliakere Taluk?SSG acres and remaining extent from neighboring Hiriur aluk) has been identi?ed. for creating infrastructural facilities for this huge 1? - project. I'would like to bring to your kind notice that said stretched, in two taiuks do not form a compact area beside the entire lands - - and; land owners obviously, the adheres 5* p' 113% got to be acquired for creating in?astructure. It is my exPerienoe that ?ne a-acquisition procedure i? time consuming got to be paid to the landholders project.- government laud Iitigation. and huge amount of compensation has in order to get the land for establishing the- exist there further acquifition may result in Alternate-hr I bring :thereis a-Gevernment land of 9800 and surrounding villages of the said . taluk). The distance is within 40 ?om the land no proposed. .?The land ?ve-ea now suggested is named by Government of Karnataka ere some portion in, We Won't? Wiess than 1500 acres'is earmarked for sheep rearing and breeding'and rise fodder . . and other related infrastructure ?e rest of the land about 8000 acres which - is plain land-with out. any interruption is free and could be made best used?by range center.- 7 civil aviation Ministry and DRDO to organize ?ying test i; - ?gr. 1 . .. if, ?e scream vii A7 \a - ?mm sass seamsace HAHUHANTHAPPA No. as. on Cross, at Main, Facet}.th Justice of- Orissa High Court Sadashiuana'gar, - Member of Parliament Bangalore 550050 (Lok Sabha) Phone "thitradurgs Constituency 13' Femzesmli Road- I Karnataka . -- New U?lhl'il?om I Phone: 23315??5 KCTA Date: 35* . . ?or; D: Sn.A..K.Anthony, mg :5 _Hon;b1e Minister for Defence, - 104, South Block, DELHI-11. 'Sir, 2!:nd 1. . advantage here is that there is no question. of acquisition of land and payment of compensation. Since it is Government land it can be acquired for requirement as stated above and there will be no procedural hazareds. The Government need not spend unnecessarily heavy amount for land acquisition, which is time consuming. I - In view of above?dvantages, 1 strongly feel that said land now proposed can be considered for establishing'the ?ying test range center and other DRDO facilities. Air port authority of India and Director General of civil aviation may pleas instructed to conduct survey of this land. Besides the DRDO wanted mot?e? than 3500 acres but since at Hulikunte more land vi?e not available they restricted to the available 3500 arecs where as here __at Nayaitanahatty - (Khudapur Form) more than 3500'ac'r1cs?ii available and the land required for the project can be acquired without any dif?culties. The small portions of Khudapur Form now in motor sheep rearing etc, can be shifted to neighboring Dodda Ullarthy; Sheep form of Challakere Taluk so'tiiat the entire 9300 acres of land will be free for occupation for the above project. The Government of Katnataka of Animal Husbandry Veterinary Science additional Chief Secretary, Government of Karnatalta and Development commissioner may have to suitably 1n orme 1 over surveying and acquiring land now suggested igsuitable: Please considermy above proposal which is bene?cial from all points of view: th worm regards. Yours sincerely, (Justice NLYHanumanthappa) Copy with compliments to the following for kind information and follow up action. I 1. Sri praful Pateel, Hon,ble Minister of State Civil aviation Government of India. No.23: Bloch, aaja- Gandhi-Ehavan, New Delhi-03. . .. Sri Pallava Raju, Hon,ble Minister of State for Defence Government of - India. No.102, South Block, New Delhi-1 3. Director General of Civil aviation b10294, Rajiv Gandhi Bhavan, Sardarjung Air port, New Delhi~04. Winona] Chief Secretary, Government of Karnataka, V'idh??a SOUdhEls Bangalore-01. 93 its Ely Justice ,lla 11121011551333??