Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128 Filed 07/16/15 Page 1 of 50 ;-;=:::===-=-=--==========~ USDC SD~Y: UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTIUCT OF NEW YORK DOCUMENT ELECTRONJCALLY FILED AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION, ct al., I I DOC#: 1fJ~l5 DATEFILED; Plaintiffs, ; 12 Civ. 794 (C~ -against- i DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, et al., Defendant~. I I MEMORANDUM DECISION AND ORDER RULING ON THE ! MOTIONS FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT BY THE CENTRAL I INTELLIGENCE AGENCY, THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE AND THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF LEGAL COUNSEL I i . McMahon, J.: I The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, .in its opinion datf d June 23, 2014, rejected the use by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Department of Defense (DoD) (collectively, "the Agencies") of so·called Glomar ! responses 1 and No Name·No Number responses to the requesc by Plaintiff America~ Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) for Vaughn Indices relating to the ACLU's FOIA rcC!i\iest I as dii·cctcd to the Agencies. The Cil'cuit directed the Agencies to provjde this court 't'ith I Vaughn Indices (the Indices) for review. The Agencies did so, p1oviding both classi~ed (court's eyes only) and non-cfassified ve1·sions of the Indices. The Agencies also mohd I for summary judgment dismissing the ACLU's complaint insofar as it sought docuu1ents · . . l A Glomar responso in FOlA parlance refers to an agency's refusal lo "confil'm or deny" exist(nce of records where to an~wer the FOlA inquiry would cause harm cognizable under FOIA exception. S U.S.C.A § 552. 1 l i TOPSECRETL-~~~~ _ _ _ _ =1NOFORN Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128 Filed 07/16/15 Page 2 of 50 TOP SECRET/ listed on those Indices. The ACLU has responded to the motions for sttnunary judgiµent and has withdrawn its request for certain documents on the Indices. The Second Circuit also directed this court to review and inspect certain "ot~er legal memoranda prepared by" the Office of Legal Counsel of the Depa11mcnt of Ju~tice, ·i I as well as other entries that appear on OLC's classified Vaughn Index, in view of.i~ ' I I determination that the Goverrunent had waived FOIA exemptions with respect co cehain ! materials. OLC has also moved for summary judgment dismissing the ACLU's complaint .I insofar as it sought documents listed on those Indices, and the ACLU has respondedr This opinion disposes of all remaining aspects of the mandate.~ I. i Material Considered When Deciding These Motions In keeping with the requirements in this Circuit, the Agencies supponed their motions for summary judgment with declarations. Wilner v. NSA, 592 F. 3d 60, 68 (2.d Cir. 2009). I have and had no quarrel with this. However, the Agencies' failure to p~pvide ' the court with a single summary document, or to properly cross-reference argumcntS relating to documents listed on the Indices on a document-by-document basis (as I h~d i previously requested), made review of the Indices virtually impossible -- or, at least,; I overly time consuming. Accordingly, on JanuaiY 7, 2015, I issued lfn order direccing the CIA and Dop to ,. present the informacion in support of their argument that the listed documents were j ' exempt from FOIA disclosure in a different fonnat- one that explained, on a docu~ent. by-document basis, the reasons why each claimed FOIA e){emption applied to that 1I i I >In a wri,wn dc:cision rendered on Sepkmbcr 30, 2014, the Court disposed of one item in che m1mda(e 11em Threc--in a separnte ruling that is presently on appc11l. \ 2 . I TOP SECRET~L----------- =1NOFOR~ Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128 Filed 07/16/15 Page 3 of 50 TOP SECRE"f --i,...... --- ... '------~-~ l I i I document. The Government protested that it had to rely on evidentiaiy declarationslin 1 order to comply wilh Wilner. I did not mean to suggest by my order that the declarations previously filed I i~ support of the motions for summary judgment should not have been filed or were ndt to . be considered part of the record on the motions. They are part of the. record, and I !i reviewed them comprehensively pdor to issuing the iaauary 7 order. The problem Jas in . I I trying to conelate information in the declarations with the documents listed on the iI · 1 Indices. The d0<;ument that I directed to be filed in the January 7 Order was intende4 to supplement and summarize the evidentiary material already presented to the court --!not to replace it. The Government's concern about providing the court with a summary :I 1 i document is, therefore, misplaced. ! I On January 20, 2015, the CIA and DoD filed a document that complies withjmy January 7, 2015 order - one that, pn a document by document basis, explains the baiis on which the. Agencie$ L·esisl disclosure of the indexed documents. i On or about February 24, 2015, my senior law clerk contacted the Govemm1nt and asked that it prepare an identically-formatted summary document relating to the! remaining items on the OLC Vaughn Index. The Goverrunent provided such a document,· albeit not until April 23, 2015. In this opinion I will first address the OLC's comprehensive motion fOl' suminary judgment - which addresses not only its own concerns but those of the CIA and Do~ with ·respect to documents of concern to all tlu·ee Agencies. It will then take up the i separate motions of the CIA and DoD. \Prior to deciding any of the motions, I will 'ssue a few overarching 1ulings applicable to all documents listed on all three Indices. 3 TOP SECRET~'------ _ _ _ _ _ _ yoroR'1 Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128 Filed 07/16/15 Page 4 of 50 ~ TOP SECRET Ii I I Standards for Smnm1u-y Judgment II. i The applicable standards for summary judgment on a motion resisting FOIAI ' I I disclosure have not changed since this court issued its original opinion in Ne"'" Yorki Times on January 3, 2013. They are incorporated herein by reference. I emphasize the following aspect of the court's review-- summary judgment in favor of the agency is appropriate where: the affidavits describe the justifications for nondisclosure with reasonably specific detail, demonstrate that the information withheld logically falls within the claimed exemption, and are not controverted by either contrary evidence in the record nor by evidence of agency bad faith. Ultimately, an agency's justification for invoking a FOIA exemption is sufficient if it appears logical or plausible, . I Wilner, 592 F. 3d at 73. In the national security context, agency declarations are entitled I to substantial deference. CIA v. Sims, 471 U.S. 159, 179 (1985). Fu11hermore, with respect to l'esponses from the CIA, one of the Agencies h~re at issue, in camera review of documents is discouraged, because 50 U.S.C. § (f) (2) di,ects that "the comt shall, to the fullest extent practicable, determine issues of fact based qn sworn written submissions of the parties." I have to the fullest extent practicable ! ! i i determined I . issucs-offact on the basis of the CIA's sworn wrinen submissions; howqvcr, . have, as will be seen, asked the CIA to produce a few documents for in camera inspection. Ill. Rulings Applicable to AU Documents on All Indices The following rulings are applicable to all documents Iisted on all three indi~es. I 4 TOP SECRET/,___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~NOFORN Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128 Filed 07/16/15 Page 5 of 50 TOPSEGRETL "- . ----~ A. Classification ) All documents appearing on all three Vaughan Indices that are identified as I classified are currently and properly classified, as attested by the various declaration~ o_f I Sinclair M. Harris (DoD), John E. Bies (OLC) and Martha M. Lutz (CIA). No evid~nce suggests the contrary. In the absence of evidence tending to show waiver, there is, I frankly; very little the court can do to avoid the (b) (I) exemption. B. Officiql Acknowledgement / The ACLU asserts that otherwise applicable FOIA exemptions have been w~ived. ; with regard to all documents on the three Vaughn Indices (classified or not) because1the matters discussed the(ein have been "officially ack~owledged" by relevant Govemrnent ! officials All parties agree (and if they did not, the Second Cit·cuit has held in this verY, case) that voluntary disclosure by the Government of all or part of a document may an otherwise valid FOlA exemption. New York Times, 756 F. 3d at 114. The ~aive "offici~l I acknowledgement doctrine" applies in the context of all three exemptions asserted b;,' the ; agencies in this case: Exemptions 1, 3 and 5. Wilson v. CIA, 586 F. 3d 171, 186 (2d 2009); New York Times, 756 F. 3d at 114. rir. l I i I deeply regret that the Court of Appeals was not more definitive in its discu~sion I i of how closely an official acknowledgement had to track information contained in a: II document that would otherwise be exempt from disclosure. Wilson- described as "t~e ' : law of this Circuit" by the panel in New York Times - holds that the doctrine appliesj . . ! where the withheld information is "as specific as the information previously release~" II and "matches the information previously disclosed." In New York Times, the Circuit 5 . TOP SECRET/[L...--------~---:=JNOFORH Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128 Filed 07/16/15 Page 6 of 50 --- TOP SECRET - - _______________ ______ _:_ ---i.. 1r'\l'-:rmu c____----~ suggested that an "overly stringent" application of Wilson "may not be wan-anted" diew York Times, 756 F. 3d at L20, n.19), but it did not say that a "stringent" application •\was oot warranted." This court generally finds it prudent to apply Second Circuit precedent rather stringently, especially as I am in no position to overturn "the law of this Cil'cu)t." What the Second Circuit did not do in New York Times was explain where the line between "stringent" and "overly stringent" could be found. I will do my best to take . cues from what the Court of Appeals did in on the fo-sr appeal in this case. i I do not read Wilson as requiring that the withheld information correspond . verbatim to information previously released, or that the prior release have been ~y I i i ! i I mad~ by i the very official whose statement appears . in the withheld document, or by an officiai~ in the agency where the discloser works, or even by an official in the branch of Govem{nent ; where the discloser works. The Government is the Government; and if, for example,ithe : I Attorney General makes a factual assertion about the Defense Depa1tme11t, then that! fact . has been "officially acknowledged" by the Government for purposes of the Wilson r(1lc but only to the extent of the specificity of the public statement. The exception to what I just wrote is that the "law will not infer official disclpsure ! of information classified by the CIA from ... release of information by anothel' agencz, or i even by Congress_" Wilson, 586 F. 3d at 186-87_ That is the "law of this Circuit." I \ recognize that the panel in this very case included public statements by members of '. Congress about the CJA's role in drone strikes as some evidence of official I a.cknowledgement of that fact. However, the principal "official acknowledger," according to the Court of Appeals, was the Director of the CIA. The statements of Senator Fei~stein and Congressman Rogers about the CIA's role in the use of drones appear to have b~en 6 TOP SECRET/~_----_--____- .... ~--~==---~ ---- ___ =1NOFORtf- Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128 Filed 07/16/15 Page 7 of 50 TOP SECRET --i,... '"'r-r'\ruu '--------~ entirely confirmatory of Director Pannetta's disclosures. Jndeed, the Circuit's very p:Oinr I I was that if the Chairmen of the Senate and House Select Conunittees on Tntelligence! felt I free to discuss a fact publicly, it meant that the fact was no secret- even a1 the CIA.! I do . t not read the Circuit's reference to these public statements as ove1tuming the quoted !i ruling in Wilson concerning ~ho can and cannot officially disclose information that ~as .! been classified by the CIA. The ACLU takes the position that official acknowledgement of a fact consti~tes waiver with respect to the ~ny infonnation that is "similar" to the information disclo~ed. The ACLU's position is; "similar" is not a synonym for "matching." Certtinly, . if what the ACLU means is that official ac~owlcdgement of a pa11icular fact (for l I example, the CIA's operational involvement in the drone strike that killed Aulaqi) w'aives I. FOIA exemptions for all details about the CIA's operational involvement in the . Aul~qi ' mission, it goes too far. Nothing in the Second Circuit's opinion in New York Times ?an be read to suggest that acknowledgement of the CIA's "operational role" in the Aulaqi ' killing- including its statement that two senior members of Congress "publicly disc,)ssed I CIA 's role in targeted killings by drone strikes" -- mandates disclosure of such detai!ts as I l tho names of any CIA persoru1el who were involved, or what exactly each of them df; or where they wece located when they did it; or what equipment ·was used, or who (if '.. ! l anyone) in Yemen or elsewhere offered assistance. All the Second Circuit said was l~at. the "idencity of rhe agency, in addition to DOD, that had an operational role in the drone strike that killed Aulaqi" had been officially acknowledged-:-- and, more generally, "I~ is ! l no secret that the CIA has a role in the use of drones." N~w York Ttmes, 765 F.3d at 19. Acknowledgement of operational involvernenr. in other words, does not eviscerate 7 th~ I Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128 Filed 07/16/15 Page 8 of 50 _ _ _ _ -=:)NOFORN TOP SECRET privilege for operational details. I very much doubt that the Court of Appeals meant ifor I this comt to disregard Wilson or to conclude that disclosure of a specific fact entailed I i waiver of exemption for all information about the subject to which that fact pertain~. ! Orhcr:wise, it would not have redacted significant portions of the OLC-DOD . : Memorandum - a document that indisputably qualifies as "legal analysis" - due to t~e mention of facts relating to intelligence gatherine activities. If I am inconect, the Ci)·cuit I will have to be much more explicit in its direction to this lower court. I I ' That said, I take up the ACLU's argument. Plaintiff takes the position that th~ ; following info1mation has been "officially acknowledged" by Govemment, so that a~y "matching" information contained i~ the documents identified i11 the Vaughn Jndice~ ' must be disclosed: . 1. The fact that the Government uses drones to carry out targeted killings overseas; I I 2. The fact that both DOD and CIA have an intelligence interest in the use tjf drones to carry out targeted killings; · I 3. The fact thot both DOD and the CIA have an operational role in conductij1g targeted killings; · 4. Information about the legal basis (constitutional, statutory, common law,: international law and treaty law) for engaging in the targotcd killings abr ce1111in issues. None of tho citations discussed in these pagchvas included in the ACLU's submission. ' 23 TOP SECRET/L--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ =1NOFOR~ Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128 Filed 07/16/15 Page 24 of 50 ~OP SECRET/j~-- Obama Acts to Curtail Drones," New _ _ _ _ =1NOFORN York Times, May 23, 2013, /us/politics/pivoting. , Bue the press picked up 1n his clues and signals, and both of these sources specifically mentioned a classified politjy guidance, recently signed by the President, that included a "drone-program shift," s0 the CIA could return to its "core mission" of gathering intelligence. Bennet, supra. The NDU Speech was preceded and followed by extensive comments from . members of Congress on the subject ofwh~ should have responsibility for drone . II str~kes. i I The Congressional commentators did not beat aro~nd the bush about the subject of vieir l consist~nt iith I comments. In particular, Senator John McCain immediately indicated support for "Obama's decision to shift the program from the CIA to che milita111" - his oft-expressed position that "It's not the job of che Central Intelligence Agency [tb I I conduct drone srrikes]. ... It's a militaa·y jobu Bennett, supra; see also Julian Hact~m I and Martin Matishak, "Drone Fight Simmers in Congress," May 2, 2015, The Hill, hltp// /240853. On the other side of the question, ! Sen~tor Diane Feinstein, Ghahwoma11 of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, reinfc\irced her previously-expressed skepticism about whether the military would or could cxe1;cise I the same degree of "patience and discretion" that had characterized the CIA 's operalion of the drone program. Bennett, supra; see also Ken Dilanian, "Debate grows over proposal for CIA to turn over drones to Pentagon," May 11, 2014, \ http//www.latim~s. com/world/middleeast/la-fg-yemen-drones. The debate over who should have the primary "operational role" in lethal targeted i. actions has not abated during the past two years. Even as I work on this opinion - ~o full years after the NDU speech -- The Hill reports that, "Congress may finally be i 01I the 24 TOP SECRET.\.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -=_]NOFORN~ Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128 Filed 07/16/15 Page 25 of 50 ·---------- --- ---- ---- -- .. TOPSECRETI'--~~~--~~~~~=:JNOFORN verge of transferring control of the nation's drone program from CIA to the Pencagdn;" Hattem/Matishak, supra. Meanwhile, CNN recencly reported that McCain and Ohio! Governor (and fonrier Senator) John Kasich were insistent that the CIA get our oft~e I' . business of running the targeted kiJJlng program, Jim Acosta, "Obama to make new!Jlush to shift control of drones from CIA to Pentagon," April 21, 2015, http// However! Senator Feinscein and othern remain skeptical that the military would have !he ClNs iI capabilitY ro caJTy out targeted drone strikes with minimal collateral damage. See i Hattem!IV1at.ishak, supra. Still others in Government seem indifferent as to which aTency I prosecutes the strikes, even in Jight of the revelation that a recent strike inside Pakisfan ' killed an American and an Italian being held hostage by al Qaeda; "We're not goin~ to \ terminate this drone program. I'm sony these two innocent civilians were killed, I'i!i glad the two Americans collaborating with the enemy were. Please understand we'r~ at war. lt's a nasty, terri~le business-but I'm in it to win it." Shane Harris, "CIA Dro~es Target al Qaeda Meeting--and killed Hostages Instead," April 23, 2015, qlloting Se?ator Lindsey Graham, ----------, ~-- -. ' 25 i I . TOP SECRET I I L----------~NOFOR~ - Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128 Filed 07/16/15 Page 26 of 50 TOP SECRET~~--------~ In view of this, I feel obliged at least to consider whether my earlier rulingj _____________ _Jremains valid_! But while the extensive and explicit publicity about whether the CIA should; i continue to play any "operational i-olc" in targeted killings using drones give mo great pause on the subject, I am unable to conclude that the Government has waived FOI~ I I exemptions for this document, for three reasons. 26 Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128 Filed 07/16/15 Page 27 of 50 _ _ =1NOFORN =fOP SECRET/' - - - - - - - - - r-------- IThat Congress acting in i s ~~~~--;=:==================::;--___J official capacit~~------------'~ehaves differently than individu~I members of Congress in thefr dealings with the press should come as no sw·pl'ise. I Fu11hermore, where CIA classified material is concerned Congress has no role to pl~y in , I "official acknowledgem'enr," so individual members; willingness to discuss this sub1cct openly, despite its status as classified, has no legal significance. -- -----· - -----'--------, i I ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' T h e cou1't bas carefully revie\yed cortain statements, called '°. i1' attention by the ACLU, that were made by offidals i• OLC, in order to ascertain whether these statements disclose the nature of che CJA's --------------- -- -- "operational role" in these matters. They do 11ot. This court has not located any, either. '---~------ ----- --~-----------' Executive Branch silence on this subject contrasts wifh t!ic situation that ' I confronted the Second Circuit when it was deciding New York Times, Then-Directo1l Panetta was the person who acknowledged the CIA's "operational role" in drone st1lkes I generally, and in the Aulaqi drone strike in particular, New York Times, 156 F.3d 11 ~27 TOP SECRET~L___--------- ~NOFOR~ Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128 Filed 07/16/15 Page 28 of 50 TOP SECRE"fl____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ =1NOFORN 119. Disclosure by a Government omcial is the necossoty ]lty the presidential conum1nications privilege. It is legal advice provided to a 1 senior-level aide to the President to assist that aide in advising the' President~ to a contemplated decision. Disclosure of documents ref! ecting confidential legal advice provided to senior-level presidential aides, like this one, would inhibit the ' President's ability to engage in effective communication and decisionmaking. M • r='· I' The documents arc also exempt under Exempfiou (b)(S) because it is co,lercd by tke dellb0l- I cl.icnt privilege. (U) ! Ruling: There has been no waiver of these exemptions by vhtue of the relea~e of the OLC~POD Memorandum, or the Draft White Paper, or any other public statemeft that has b,een brought to the attention of the cou11 by the ACLU. This document was i ' prepared :a month before the OLC-DOD Memorandum was finalized, and it conrains\ 53 TOP SECRET~~~~~~~--~~~~ =.JNOFORN Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128-1 Filed 07/16/15 Page 4 of 50 TOP SECRET1 obviously predecisional comments about an earlier draft of that document. Drafts oflhe . . I OLC-DOD Memorandum are not comprehended in the Second Circuit's ruling which '. I applies to final legal advice that was disclosed publicly by virtue of the Draft White i Paper. A<;cordingly, and subject to the ruling conce~ning officially acknowledged that is rac'ts ap~licable to all documents, 1 conclude that the document need not be produce~. -~~~·~ L --------- ------·-~J ~--------__J The Government asserts that: • ; i T~c document ls e:lion (b)(S) because they are / coJ.ered by the attorney-client privilege. Although it may not have actually be~n corlveyed ro OLC's Executive Branch"clients, disclosure of this internal work J proCC agairut Al Q•od•. Mo" the dooumont aduaily d= not addt= t h s ~ c--·----~ . .. _ _ _ _ _ _Jine rest of the document may touch on it of fot Uliing. ~ legality, but dd,es .not track the information disclosed in the OLC-DOD Memorandum or the Draft Whi~e Paper. However, it does touch on matters falling under Listed Fact# 4 of the "officiaI'.ly I : acknowleQ.ged" information as found by the cou1t earlier in this decision. Accordinglr, I i conclude that Document 144 should be produced in redacted form. The last paragrapl) ! I should be redncted. Document 145 is an outline ofanalysis ofa possible lethal operation against Aulaqi. U~der the hcadin~ I I L. _________________ ywever, this court has concluded that such information need not be produced, albeit only because the Second Circuit-redacted such information in New York Times. (See supN1., at pages 9-10) In ~ny ! event, that information (much of which has been publicly disclosed in other documeis) . i f is too inextricably intertwined with information as to which there has been no wa1ver\o ! ! 66 TOP SECRET "--------~-----~ _~ ==1NOFOR~ Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128-1 Filed 07/16/15 Page 17 of 50 TOP SECRET/j~-~· -·----~ exemptions by virtue of the release of the OLC-DOD Memorandum and the Draft Whjte I Paper to permit it to .be reasonably segc for the some reason~. [ __________________Jrherc has been no waiver of exemptions by virte : I of the release of the OLC-DOD Memorandum, or the Draft White Paper, or any other\ public statement that has been brought to the attention of the court by the ACLU. Accordingly, I conclude that the document need not be produced. i Th~s [ . I I II I cou1t has provided sufficient information about the contents of each of these documon'to!lu~tbc Co~~f-App•:••n "'ortain ~~ redacted .ftbm the first New York Times opinion, and no new waiver having occurred, this . I . I court is qu~te comfortable in concluding that the Second Circuit would not want any of ~~~s_e docur:nents produced.j ~-----~I believe that the Court of Appe~ls would not have wasted this cou1's time with ~n camera review of these documents had it known i j TOP SECRET~ .. 88 thaC ====J I • ! .:=JNOFOR~ Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128-1 Filed 07/16/15 Page 39 of 50 This concludes the court's review of the OLC Classified Vaughn Index and documents appearing thereon. To summarize: OLC must pl'oduce Documents 46, 144,and 145 with tl)c redactions ordered by this court. Document 50 must be produced in full. B. Documents Appe«ring on the CIA Vaughn Jndex 11 (1) Documents on the Index In l?reparing this portion of the decision, the court has relied on the classified i · II I 1 ! Vaughn Index prepared by the CIA and submitted on November 14, 2014. In additi'o1t to the documents discussed below, some 77 "documents of interest" to the CIA were I I addressed in the cou1t's discussion of the OLC Vaughn Index. I Documcn~ No. 2: L_ Classified rcport,L ---~---~prepared by the CIA i Countmte&orism C.entcri ' ~--- • Th~ document is exempt under.Exemption (b)(l) because it contains curren, ly an~ proper!}' classified information pertaining to intelligence soiu:ccs and I C_ho-ds_.,_____________ ----~,~] · . I Since Def~ndants filed their motion for summary judgment on November 14, 20 l4, plaintiffs have ! withdrawn t~cir request for some of the documents identified by CIA and DOD as responsive. Accordipgly, only those documents 1hat plaintiffs continue to seek are addressed. Those document$ arc set forth on ·age 4 ofplainliffs' memorandum ia support of their motion for piutial summary judgment 1ind in oppositio to the 111otion for summaiy judgmelll submitted by lhe CIA 8nd DOD, filed December 3, 2014. 12 89 I TOP SECRET[ ·----~ Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128-1 Filed 07/16/15 Page 40 of 50 TOP SECRET~'---------- ~i Ttiis document is exempt under Exemption (b)(3) (Nation0l Security Act). because it would reveal sensitive intelligence sources and methods em loycd ~y · • the CIAj I ~----~This document also concains names or other identifiers of CIA/ pe~soimel that arc exempt from disclosure under Exemption (b)(3) and the CIA' ~ Ac:t. I • ! • Although not noted iu the CIA's initial submissions, this clocument is also1I . prbtectcd by the attorney-client privilege and Exemption (b)(S) because i~ coi:isists' 90 TOP SECRET L..,____ _ _ - i I i -~---=-·-_--_-·_. ____-=-== =1NOFORNI Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128-1 Filed 07/16/15 Page 41 of 50 1NOFORN TOP SECRET/. . I I i I·. l<,J1li11&. Thert~ has been no waiver of these exemptions 1 by virtue of the release :of che OLC-DOD Memorandum, or the Draft \Vhite Paper, or any other public statemenJ ' that has been brought to the attention of thr. court hy the ACLU. Accordingly, and sub~ect to the ruling couccrning officially acknowlcdgcd facts that is applicable to all documcr1ts, 1 I conclude that 1hc document need not be produced. I specifically n(>te that this exact I type of"intclligencc:: gathering" information was redacted from the OLC-DOD Memorandum by the Second Circuit Document No. 3: This document consists of two separate finished CIA intelligence products I • These h1tclligence products l\l'e exempt under Exemption (h)(l) bccftuse wntain currently und properly classified information t~oy 91 TOP SEGRE-"f/ ·i INOFOR~ Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128-1 Filed 07/16/15 Page 42 of 50 • T!iis docv:ncnt is exempt u11dwE.xemprion (b)(3) (N11tional 8f'eurity Act)' hccaus~ it wou:d :·:veul scnsi1ive mtelligrncc sources and pwthods employed :he Ci,\ This document also cc>ntains name:; o~· othi;:; identifiers nf CJA rc1s,•nncl thflt arc exempt from disclosure ut\der En:rnption (h)1.. \) :iud !lw CIA Mt. {TS/'l'l·f-') by This do1:m111'.nt ts proteetcd !Jr the attorney-client privik~:,c an< has .been no waive< of these exemptions by viltue of the releosf of the OLC-~OD Memorandum, or the D1·aft White Paper, or any other public statemelt that has been brought to the attention of the court by the ACLU. Accordingly, and suf~ect to the '"lifg concerning official! y 11<'.know!cdgod facts that is appUcahle to "11 doouin nls, I concludd that the document need not be produced. j . I j Docum~. 36: Classified memorandum.\ ---~1 I !The Government asserts that: • Tlle Government asserts that this document is exempt under Exemption I . (b)(I) be~ • T~e Government also nsserts that this document is excmp.t_un~er E_xemp ion (b)(3) (National Security Act) becfluse it would reveal sens1t1ve mtelbgence i I 1 105 ) I TOP SECRET L-.....---~------=:JNOFORN\ Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128-2 Filed 07/16/15 Page 6 of 39 TOP SECRET/.____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ s~urces and methods employed by the c~-- - - • I ~nd the Government asserts that this document is protected by tl~~­ dflibcrativc process prMlege and Exemption (b)(S) because it re rcscn~s:an iqterim stage in inter-agency discussion~ The communication represents a pre-decisional sta\ge in t c d 1 cision-making process.\ ---------- R~ltng: There has been no waivei· of these exemptions by vhtue of the relealfe of I I , the OLC1DOD Memorandum, or the Draft White Paper, or any other public stateme~t ; that has I ~een brought to the attention of the court by the ACLU. Accordingly, and s~bjcct to the ruling concerning officially acknowledged facts that is applicable to all doclcnts, I conclude that the document need not be produced. . I i Docume~ 45: Classified I i facsimil~ communicati~ ~· i The Oovemment I I asserts th~t. i • \ ~· doenmont is exempt under Exomp~ - - - - - - . - 106 l \ TOP SECRET/L----..,.---·----- ==tNOFORN Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128-2 Filed 07/16/15 Page 7 of 39 TOP SECRET -----~--~-- ---------~ " ---1 ·-- -----·-· . i I To the extent that Exemption {b)(I) applieS, the Government claims the do~curnent is also exempt under Exemption (b)(3) (Natlor1al Security Act) be~ause it would reveal sensitive intelligence sources and methods employed by I th~ CIAj • Fiitally, the Govc-rament claims that the document is protected in full by the dehbcrative process privilege and Exemption {b)(S) because it represents a.n inf,erim stage in in_~er-ag~~:! discussionsj I , co [ I The communication represents a draft l Wt rised pa1t of the back and fo1th of the decision-making process. I I I - ~ RtllingAfler In Camera Review: Especially in view of the fact that portions o 1his docuti;lent are no longer classified, I directed the CIA to produce this document fi. r in . j I camera rcjview. After review, I conclude that the document is exempt under all three ! . ' i cxemptiorls, for the reasons EU1iculated by the Government. There has been no waivef· of ! ! . . I these exerhptions by vhtue of the release of the OLC-DOD Memorandum, or the Draft 107 TOP SECRET/.____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128-2 Filed 07/16/15 Page 8 of 39 TOP SECRETl[_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ =1N_OFORN I White P:per, or any other public statement that has been brought to the attention of the court by ~he ACLU. The _document need not be produced. I --- Docu~t No. 59: Memorandunil The documen~ B, has was originally classified TOP SECRET, although the draft white paper, at Tab no~ been released publicly, and the remaining attachments no longer contain·. classified information. (U) The Govemrnent asserts that: ; I . . I • Tpe document is exempt In full under- the deliberative process privilege ~nd ,xcmption (b)(S) because it constitutes a predecisional options paper preserted 1 I . WB I ; I TOP SECRET/ I =1NOFOR~ Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128-2 Filed 07/16/15 Page 9 of 39 TOP SECRET~ '----- -------- ------ --------------- ------- ·---~: II l t~ SUJ')Criors as part of a deliberative or~ --~'As a result, there has been no waive1· of the exemption - thoucli ttje cou1t fails ro see how disclosure of this document would baim national' l. s~cutit)• 01· much of anything else. Nonetheless, the exemption applies. (U)' / ' J I I ' RqlingAfler ln Camera Review; In [he May 13, 2015 draft of this opinion th~t was '."b~d fo• sccudty .eview•. the cou•t ruled th•t the document "in full" could tt possibly ~e exempt under Exemption (b)(5), because Tab B (the draft White Paper) ?ad already b~en released publicly, the Second Circuit having concJuded \hatFOIA exemptio~s applicable to it had been waived. That being so, the CIA was.directed to I re i. produce t~e entire document, including all attaclunents, for in camera inspection by : I i Court. I CIA did produce the document - or at least most of it. It also produced a letter, which is Jskcd the court to accept as a "supplement" to its description of this docunJnt on the ox four ~rre Vaughn Index: CIA announced that it had treated ~over memo ant the the attac~ments thereto as a single document when assessing FOIA exemptions, on the ground t+c the fact that patticular attaclunents had been selected and included in the I transmission under cover of the covering memo constituted a core part ofthe dclibed.tive ' . . I process. Roc this p«>pos;tion ;i cited Lead l•dustdos Ass 'n Inc. v. Occupational Safi+ I and Healt,h Administration. 610 F. 2d 70, 85 {2d Cir. 1979). I J I I . l I TOP skcRET I II 109 I I · · -· YoroRN I I Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128-2 Filed 07/16/15 Page 10 of 39 --· - - - · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TOP SECRE"f/ ~----- ---------- -~ I i T~b B has already been disclosed to the public. Considering ~imply the text 10n~nt to it th>t hM not boon w.Uvod. 1M $0id, the documrnt •hould be p«>dying ExemptiQn (b)(3). The first two pages of this t• ~ocumeni do not disclose any informatton 125 ! I I TOP SECRET =1NOFORN i I Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128-2 Filed 07/16/15 Page 26 of 39 --·=-------=-------==---·-_-_-_-_-_- ==:}NOFORM. TOP SECRET{.__· regarding sources. No names of ClA personnel appear anywhere in this document; ( e. ab~olutelt no indication ~Thereis 011 1 the document that it is predecisional (indeed, it is talkingi points about the legality of an operation that has already taken place) or a draft of an sort, let a~one a discussion draft. I The thirCl page of the document addrcssesJ ~---~ ------------·-···----Thcrefot~, and foUowing the Sooond Citat the Government need not disclose this infol'mation. 1 The last bullet point on page 3 of this document addresses IAs to that information, t?erie has been ro ''•aiver of these exemptions by virtue of the release of the OLC-DOD : · Memorandum, or the Draft White Paper, 01· any other public statement that has been I brought to the attention of the court by the ACLU. Nor has anything on that subject I leen officially acknowledged. That bullet point must be redacted in its entirety; it need no be .I . disclosed: · , I Subject to the specific ted•ctions ottlcted by the court, the reSt Of·this documft I should be disclosed. 126 TOP SECRETIL_.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I I II _yeFSRNI Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128-2 Filed 07/16/15 Page 27 of 39 Document No. 110: Classified draft memorandum .--------------------------- -- ---~---~- The Oovernmen( asserts that: • This docu~cnt is exempt under Exemption (b)(l) because - • ' I This document is exempt under Exemption (b)(3) (National Security Act) bi:c11use, (or the reasons discussed above, it contains information concemirig Intelligence sources and methods. This document also contains names or other identifiers of CIA I p~rsonnel that are exempt from disclosure under Exemption (b)(3) and the ivilege becau"' it is P"'decisional, "it is a dt under Exemption (b)(S) because it is protccte l1y the deliberntive process pri~---~- • I I [?.uling: There has been no waiver of these e)(emptions by virtue of the relebsb of · l - ! I I the OLC-DOD Memorandl,Ull, or the Draft White Paper, or any other public . · i I that has been brought to the attention of the court by the ACLU . .___ _ __,Accordingly, and subject to the ruling concerning officially acknowled~e1 I 129 TOP SECRET( . i I ! I ------~I Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128-2 Filed 07/16/15 Page 30 of 39 ~ TOP SECRET/ I I i I I facts that is applicable to all documents, I conclude that the document need not be • i j' I I I j produced.. I. Document No. 112: Classified document[ ~---------------------___,The Government ~sferts chat: r· . . I; I! Tl~is • document is excn1pt under Exemption (b )(1) because .it contains cuh-Jntly and ~~~pcrly classified information[ • For the same reasons, this document is exempt under Exemption (b)(3)! {National Security Act) because it would reveal intelligence sources and m~thods . Th~s ddcument also contains names or other identifiers of CIA personnel th~t ! ex~mpt from disclosure \\Oder Exemption (b)(3} and the CIA Act. (TS!tNrJ I. ! are : . • : j This document is exempt under Exemption (b)(S) because it is procecte by the deliberative process p1·ivilege. The document is a1so protected by Excmpt~o . ._(_b~)-(S_)_a_n_d_t_h_c_a_t_to_r_n_ey~.--c-li_,eut privilege because it consists of a confiden•e It is the delibentive process privilege. I 135 . proteel~d ~y ] ;\ 'i i i l -----~lI . Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128-2 Filed 07/16/15 Page 36 of 39 ------------·----· -------·------ ---TOP SECREn1'---------~: I ! L___________________ ;·1-.1 Ruling: There has been no waiver of these exemptions by virtue of the rele~sy of . I the OLC-bOD Memorandum, or the Draft White Paper, or any other public state~etr that has ~een brought to the attention of the court: by the ACLU. Accordingly, and :s~bject ; I lO the ruling concerning officially acknowledged facts that is applicable to all doc~11ents, I I conclude that the document need not be produced, ·: f j Document No. 119: Classified Memorandum ------ • __Jf he Government asserts that: i I 1 Tf1is document is exempt under Exemption (b) 1 bccnusc it contains crlrr ntl atid properly classified informatio ., -i 136 i l TOP•SECRET/ '--------------···----·-·--- ~OF"ORN i I Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128-2 Filed 07/16/15 Page 37 of 39 TOP SECRET/ • '----~--- _ _ _ _ _ _ :=JNOFORN. Fy•· the same reasons, this document is exempt unde't" Exemption (b)(J)1 \ {National Security Act) b~c_ausc it contiiins information concerriing intell g nee stjurces and methods. i '-----;---------.---;-;----..,.=--~=-:--------.--.--_J This document .a1ro contains names or other identifiers of CIA personnel that are exempt from l disclosure under Exemption (b)(3) and the CIA Act. L 1 , \ I i . . Ruling: There has been no waiver of these cxcmptious by viitue of the rele~t of : I the OLC-'oOD Memorandum, or the Draft White Paper, or any other public stateme~t .I that has !:ken brought ro the attention of the couit by the ACLU. Accordingly, and :sJbject . :. II to the rullng concerning officially acknowledged facts that is applicable to all . . ciocu~en1s, ! I I conclude that the document need not be produced. i Documealt No, 120: Classified.Memorandum, .__________,khe Government asse1ts that: • · This document ls exempt under Exemption (b)(l) because it contains and properly classified informatio '---------137 ; I cJn~ntly j I TOP SECRET.L-----,--------=r~ Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128-2 Filed 07/16/15 Page 38 of 39 -------_ _ :_:]NoroHN TOP SECRET/ • F?r the same reasons~ this document is exempt under Exemption. (b)(3) i ~ational Security Act) because it contains information concerning lntemgJnce so\irces and methods. I -·---- --------------------~ ~-------------' I i R1:/;11g: There has been no waiver of these exemptio11s by virtue of the rele~j of the OLC-DOD Memorandum, or the Draft White Paper, or any other public staterrlc~t ! : ! chat has bken brought to the attention of the court by the ACLU. Accordingly, and 'slibject ' I to the rnling conceming officially acknowledged faces that is applicable to all doc"ljients, i I conclud~ that the document need not be produced. I •· i I Docurne1lt No. 123: Classified outline 138 TOP SECRET/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ =1NOFORN I I Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128-2 Filed 07/16/15 Page 39 of 39 ------------~--------·---- TOP SECRET/ '----------------- ==1NOl"Ut(P'v." . I I I ' i '----------~ The outline contains handwritten notations and questions, af I•ell as typewritten questions within the textual discussion. Attached to the outline is a I j ' . . I I document entitled "Qs&As," which identifies possjble questions and, for some bul1ntt all . I questions, draft answers. --------" ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' T h e Government asserts that I , ; I · ' I . • Tf1is document is c~empt under Exemption (b)(l) because it contains cu)·r 1ntl an:d properly classified information • This document is exempt under Ex.emption (b)(3) (Nation11l Security be'.cause, for the reasons discussed above, it contains informatio11 concernin~ intelligence sources and methods. A~tJ ! I I This document also contains names or A~t. . · ------ .. thtO~I other identifiers of .__p_e-ls-9-,nn-el_t_h_at~al'e exempt from discla'sure under Exemption (b)(3) and IA , ----~---- ! 139 i i i I TOP SECRET~~ . --_ -~-------~ JeFeRN-! I · Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128-3 Filed 07/16/15 Page 1 of 21 -------------- -----------·---------TOP SEGRET/t___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .~, r • .~ This document is exempt under Exemption {b)(S) bccat:_is:....:c_i-'-t=is.JCC:.~-'-'-'..:L.:-"'-'t-'-n_e~ deliberative roccss rivile e. I Rilling: There has been no waiver of these exemptions by virtue of the rele'ase of i . f I . . J . . I the OLC-POD Memorandum, or the Di-aft White Paper, or any other public statell\e1t : I ! that has b~en brought to the attention of the cou1t by the ACLU. Accordingly, and :;ubject . ! to the ruli;1g concerning officially acknowledged factc; that is applicable to all docu~bnts, i I 1 l conclude that the document need not be produced. I - - - - - " ------ -------- ----~~---1___ .. Document No. 124: ., I • I This document is exempt under E':erc is a specific sta!Utc (hc.c the CIA Act, in Wilner th~ +A Act) that .bars disclosure of whether the information sought even exists, and m bot~ the invocation is suppol'red by affidavits to which this court is required to give ; "b ·1 we1g "h" su stantla t. :jI 1ases ' I i I . I Furtherm.ore, there has been no waiver of the CIA's right to invoke Glom~r ~as there was in New York Times), because (1) there has been no disclosure by "factual basis fa. the killing of' either oftbose two individuals (the only by imyone~of any discJOsu•~, ~adc Attor~cy General Holder, is that botll were killed accidentally); and (2) there h~ ~een no di•cl;•• or the existence of any '"o'd'. relating to any Exooutive Bmnch ••+ttion of any factual basis that might exist for killing either of them. ACLU has not ident!fied , I any source, including specifically anyone affiliated with the CIA, who has publiclY, i disclosed the existence of anything at all relating to Abdulrahman Aulaqi that might xist . ! el in CIA flies, and the court is not independently aware of any such source. ACLU ~Is? ~as not identified any public disclosure about what it de.scribes as "the factual basis" rfr I killing Samir Khan. The only public disclosure plaintiff has identified is a public ! I 146 I TOPSECRETI~~~~~~~~~---:]NoFOR~I Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128-3 Filed 07/16/15 Page 8 of 21 TOP SECRET/.____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ acknowledgement ihat Khan wa• unda SU ' operations. Therefore, .applying the Second Circuit's reasoning in Wilnei-, I conclude tita . officio! •:knowlcdgcmcnt that (l) Khan and Abd\llrohman wei the FOIA request," I I B. Documents 011 the Departinent ofDefense Vaughn Index i ,I ! (1) Documents on the ludc:x Document No, I: Classified memorandum from 149 I i TOP SEGRET/L--~-------~ I Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128-3 Filed 07/16/15 Page 11 of 21 -----·--------------------------TOP SECRETL__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~: I _______ ], discussing two Office of Legal Counsel ("OLC") opinions (attached to memorandp ). regarding thej The Government asserts that; I I . • • This document is exempt under Exemption (b)(l) bcc1\Use and properly classified informa.cion regardin2' I it contains c\\n1entlv · . I I This document is exempt under Exemption (b)(S) and the attorncy·cli~n~ privilege because the memorandum constitutes a communication between a artorney and his client, ~ which the parties intended to be privileged, convcy~~;~~ce an(f llas not previously been disclosed. J . (-8/!Nf) Ruling, After Jn Cwnera Review.: DoD was directed to produce this docu~e1 t fo1· • I in camera review, which it did I 150 TOP SECRET/,____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i :::JNOFOR~: I ; I Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128-3 Filed 07/16/15 Page 12 of 21 TOP SECRET/ ---i,... ,....-.-u-..... '----------~ ; . ! Tre document is covered by the attorney-client privilege ((b)(5)). There h~ ren no waive~· of these exemptions by dlsclosure of the Draft White·Paper, the OLC-Dbf Memoratj.dum, or any public statement called to the attention of the court. It need ~o~ be I I produce& Documc~t No. 31: Classified talking points fromL____~ ___j Id -----.____ ___]undated, discussing'--------------.,........,~ '-------,-------' • (SttNf). The Government argues that: T~is document is_~xempt under Secti~n (b)(l) b.ecausc it discusses curnli1t:11y aijd properly classified ___ . details concerrungC _ I Speclfic'1ly, the 1alldng rl•l~ __j discuss The talking points also summarize: (SHNF) • Ti•is document is exempt under Section (b) 5 llhd the ueJibcrativc pro~CfS p~ivilegc because it \i 151 -~;i TOP SECRET ------~----=:)NOFORNI .I Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128-3 Filed 07/16/15 Page 13 of 21 ----------------- -------· ·-.-·----TOP SECRET.___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~: I ! '----------~ and is therefore predecisional and deliberative. The do.; c~~ent represents ~ interim stage in i~ti·a·aency discussions preccdin$ final declSlon of the Executive Branch concerning a The disclosure of such internal deliberations wouJd have a chillin ==i ; This document was produced for in carfie a KYling Afler In Camera Revjew: I I -=1 _ review. I~ consists entirely o~._____ ___,and contains no discussion of leg.I ; I matters "Yhatsoever. It is exempt under Exemption (b)(l). There has been no waiver of these ; ; I , I exe~ptions by disclosure of the Draft White Paper, the OLC-DOD Memori0dlm, or any public statement called 10 !he attention of !he court. It need not be produce,. Docume~t No. 38: Classified dra1 L _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , The Government asserts that: • This document Is .) I .. : l : ~xompt ''.ndcr Section (1)(1) booause !be dooomont dilc,J..,. currently and properly classified details cone~~ . . (SI/NF-) • --T-hi_s_d~ocument is exempt under Section (b)(S) and the deliberative ro¢cks privi~cgc bec1msc it is a draft document discussingC _ _ _ _ _ _~_ __, which represents an interim stage in intraagency discussions preceding a final decision of the Executive Branch con~et.ning · II · is2 i I TOP sEcRETA JoFoR~ ' I \ I Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128-3 Filed 07/16/15 Page 14 of 21 ---:---·-------TOP SECRET (- I The disclosure of such inicrnal -------'-~-... dyliberations would have a chilling effect lj EWNFJ - - - There - - ihas - been no waiver of these exem~tions by disclosure ofthi raft ..' Rll/fng. White Paper, the OLC-DOD Memorandum, .or any pubhc statement called to the ' ; . attention.:of the court. Furthermore, as it d~ls with I ~ it does not ~pf.ear to this coiut to be responsive to the FOIA request. In any event, this document ; nedd hot I ' be produced. Document No. 39: Clas:;ified draft , undated,, The Gov~rnmcnt ~~ T asserts that: . . ----~rj This document is exempt under Section (b)(l) because the document disb sses and properly classified details concerning • --~ • ). tsffNF-) ' s This document is exempt under Section (b)(S) and the deliberative rote pHvilege because it is a draft document discussin~ __ __ which represents an interim stage in intrI=j La_g~e_n_c_y_d~is_c_u-ss..,.io_n_s_p..,...r-ec-e-,d:-:-in_g_a--=final decision of the Executive Branch con6eming The disclosure of such internal deliberations would have a chilling effect ' - - - - - - - - [ ' tsffNF7 ! Ro/Ung: Same ruling as Document 38. I 153 TOP SECRET,....------------ - _}NOFOR~ \ I ' Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128-3 Filed 07/16/15 Page 15 of 21 TOPSECRET~--------~i .I Documeht No. 46: Classified dra tsfiNF). The Govcrrunent asserts that: • ! ! :' TI1is document is exempt under Section (b)(I) because the document copt 1ins c~rrently and properly classified information concernin I • This document is exempt under Section (b)(S) and the d cliberativc pro'ce :ss ptMlege because it is a draft document discussinC I which represents an interim stage in intra-a ~ency discussiobsl pieceding a final decision of the Executive Branch concerning[ The disclos\ll·e of such internal deliberatio~d Lh~a~v_e_a_c~h~il=li-ng-ef=·fi~ec-t.,-------'--·-------~· [] I I ~~---~ _! I. ESf/Nf-) . : ~There has been no waiver of these exemptions by virtue of the rele~s . of lhe OLCJDOD Memorandum, or the Draft White Pape<, or any other public st•~+ that has 9een brought to the attention of the court by the ACLU .. While the docum~nt deals wit~ land the document - by its terms, a d1·a~ ~w-o-u-ld-re_11_'e-a-l-in-te-r-im-d-is_c_us_s_i_on_s_._A_c_c_o1--d~ingly, and subject to the ruling concerning 1 I ' officially:acknowledgcd facts that is applicable to all documents, I conclude that t~e . I document need not be produced. 154 I i TOP SEGRET/l___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ =tNOFORt1 1 Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128-3 Filed 07/16/15 Page 16 of 21 .... ffiP SECRET/ -·-- ··-·-·····- --···-- f.NOI UHN (SffNf'). The Oovcrmnenl asscns thnl: • : j This document is exempt under Section (b)(l) bccHusc the do::.ument copt_i!-ins C\Hrcntly and properly classified information concerning 'ESHNf) • T~is document is exempt unde1· Section (b)(5) and the presidential cornmunkatious [H·ivilege beci\use the mcmoranduI11 c•;usists of communications between • r 'fS#NF-) 155 TOP SECRET/. Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128-3 Filed 07/16/15 Page 17 of 21 -----------------------·· -----·TOP SECRET/.___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~: • I I R~ling AOer Jn Camera Review: I In order to facilitate segrcgability review, !tie i ! DOD wa~ directed to provide the court, for in camera review, those portions of tht documen~ that discuss\ l- - of the -~-~ do~umcnt were required to"be provided to the coun. J .I . No other pohions I . I f '. . A~er in camera review.• I conclude that the document is exempt under Exeln tion . (b)(1) for: the reasons outlined by the Government and • reprinte~ above. The legal it~ I f : conductiryg a counterte1roi-ism operation against Aulaqi is not discussed at all in tbfs i memoran4um; i Tij .e has been :o waiver of these exemptions by virtue of the release I of_t_h_e_O_L_C--D-O~D: I A:ctu's Memora~dum, or the Draft White Papel", OJ" any other public statement that has be~n brought t~ the attention of the court by the ACLU. As material responsive to the >l included in thi' documen~ thcc in the. res~J to te~onl that any official ~f the Exec+1• Branch, from any agency, bas ever said anythmg publicly about the kill mg of Kha~ ind Abdulrahfnan, other than to disclose that they were killed accidentally rather than design byl (~ Aulaqi was). Since the recotd contains no disclosure that anyone said ari4ing . I that woulkt have waived Glomar as to this issue on behalf of the Defense . Departm~n~ : .; I DoD, no ~ess than the CIA, is free to stand on.its Glomar response, and neithe1· cmifi1·m nor deny fhat it has any document.'3 responsive to the ACLU's request. · I I I CONCLUSION Tq summarize the coul't'S rulings: I. FOJA exemptions have been waived as to the followi~g "officially acknowledg~d matea·ial:'~ . i 158 . TOP SECRET/L.___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~\ · Case 1:12-cv-00794-CM Document 128-3 Filed 07/16/15 Page 20 of 21 ----·---------- - - - - - - ·TOP SECRET ---i... " u " ,..... <--~~~~~~~i ' I 1.i The fact that the Government uses drones to carry out targeted killings. I overseas; I I i 2.i The fact that both DOD and CIA have an intelligence interest in the usJ f ; dmnes to carry out targeted killings; · · j 1 f I ~ . 3.; The fact t~a: both DOD and the CIA have an operational role in condu~tif' g targeted ktlhngs; ~nforma_ti.on about the legal basis (constitu~ion~I. statutory, com~on la~.! 4.! ~ntern~tional l~w and treaty law) for. e?gagmg m the tn!gcted killings a~r,ad, mcludmg spcc1ficaJly the targeted ktlhng ofa U.S. national; ] l 5.! The fact that the Government carried out tbe targeted killing of Aulaqi;! j I 6.J The fact that the FBI was investigating Samir Khan's involvement injih d. ! T~e agencies have 45 days from the date on which this opinion is submitte~ or II. classification review (May 13, 2015) to submit to the court, on a document-by-doc~ ent I . ! basis, (1) :a certification that the document does not contain any "officially ackno\\i,le ged ' i material. ;f•! or (2) a ce1tification that the document contains "officially acknowledgf . . material,'! but any such material caru1ot reasonably be segregated from material th~t as ! not been vtew, tho cou.t ordm CIA to pif « Tl\h C to\Documeut 59 and redacted vct·sions of Documents 109 and 113 to plaintiffs, V. Dqo has thirty days from May 13, 2015 to produce for in camera review t!1e following documents: I, 31, 55 (in part). Aftel' in camera review, the cou1·t dccli~e to order production of any of these DOD documents to plaintltfs. This constitutes the decision and order of the cou1t Dated: June 23, 2015 i I ; . . . I. n CIA mny ·~ither pl"oduce the document or produce 11 cer!ific111ion th11t it tonrains no responsive male\111 . I See above text. I I 160 ~~~~~~-i.u~r~~ TOPSECRETIL~~~~~~~~~~~ i. 1 ·•:. I