Off-Register Press, no. tax 2. Pony, ME can. in -- FOR RLLFASE: Sunday. Jun 15 at 12:30 PM EDT CUNTAC FOR REV COPIES: James Bond 0n the Rocks grams! Mat" Ray is mm in Canada's public domain. No limit" pmtecwd by copyright or ooddled by He: Majcfity' 's'ccmt Scn'ioc James Bond. free agent. confront: his most diuboliutl of all everyday life Curtis ('mki Jamcs Bond leaves th: unlk mahlufi "my: Ian: nit-on. .md vial In Band ml the kinks. Pfivnl: Lin of Pfivnlhed Spin ht unusual!) m3" murlcl \m mn In! as njohk'u wumcin'mn a mum "mum . Tb: t'ullunil mun that Ihc hclun tor of {or yt-ncratmm wax ptIthd Imn rdll'cmx'nl 10 years unlit-r h\ {mu-usual mix-"tun onlcmal sull' ul Regain Pat N: ha: blown man an persona urtunt: he accumululnl :m .md and is on brink rug. Chulwu {lat In hank is nu th' nwlu, hm wnl'mmcd with typical demands ufdaily Bond's trademark Im- ofimrigu: and glamour turns out to h: Iiulc that) Iht: l'cvut'd vi a high-funcliiming alcoholic *Very sad. wry troubling but actually wry filmy It oncc." writes Fulda Gland: in Darla. wimcss lb: real-wotld flailtics. Illuminations. quirk and anguish ofhunn struggk tin lb: mythical hem Ins always min-cad Io keep off-alien" srcunly m9th Dcspitc misgii'ings over the loyalties and principles of pm at: