MOW-S Oberlander Our Ref: General Counsel Media Operations First Look Productions, Inc. 162 Fifth Avenue 8th Floor New York, NY, 10010 BY EMAIL: 15 June 2015 Dear Madam Notice of Infringement under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1998 (DMCA) worst-also-fi?ed-falsehoods] and s: rod01-cdn01.cdn.firstlook.or -u loads sites 1 2015 06 sunda imes.? We write on behalf of Times Newspapers Limited (TNL) the publisher of The Times and The Sunday Times. TNL owns the copyright in the typographical arrangement of the front page of The Sunday Times published on 14 June 2015 (Material). The Material is an original work created by employees of TNL. A copy of the Material is enclosed. A copy of the Material appears at 5: rod01-cdn01.cdn.firstlook.or - and worst-also-filled-falsehoods/ (Website) under the headline: SUNDAY SNOWDEN STORY I5 JOURNALISM ATITS WORST AND FILLED WITH FALSEHOOD (Infringing Content). 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Copy of Infringing Content Registered Office: News UK Er ireland Limited, 1 London Bridge Street, London SE1 96F Registered Number: 1893198 England Er Wales -- THE SUN IIJHE l-l. i'llih Revealed: gang boss?s bloody ?25,000 ?bribe? on wit-n1 lu I'm-Md uu A l'Inun'I feared gangsters. has claimed run he main-id H'i II 11-well llul ?null-mi Ilium? rIrn- His testimony Is the first in?ll Ice-run II Inn. in "Ila lli. {II-marrihall? ?lump-d l-um rut. alley-d h- ntrrIIu-twl ui ui "If we: alt-hi ler In ll ml IIdItr I:Jumll from-II.- II l.r Il- Lrul: Illal tit-spa: all from a ?dines protection Immun- 5-l. 11"" lull luv- .I. M1 ll] l'll' qur ".11 Irina-:1 lrIa-rrI and went on to build a ll'lIJiLl- rri? rrI- 4 Ii' II. Tim. clip-loot lac-Hi lH-Mf 21b all-LII.- Itrin IJI illi- In mile; Ihe judge said he Ivasavlolent imlh'i-t'u [null and moneydaundering who Iu-llulreI-nlnt-Jruaiin ouCavaIIagharIdtheniJItian- Hal-l. I'juiu. Emboldened by the ruling, E. II.I4I wrlt'rl EI- ?11 tin-n policesuspicinns that he was paid to change his evil ?ute quil Iii-In .Il?erl I. lat-e4 watt I luIIr run-urn; abtut my attack. men with 1'1 "and lrru' ll rIeIrIIu Hut-l n-h I.II.I lhe dlli:lI. ll-II [I'm II November 1997 at an east lI-anIIn be- cause felt disrespecth .ur FI-Iltu. quuni .trll sill-IA Hr?ll}. rim-rill; or police under the codename 'ItlI In: The Inclqu prison to await his trial. . .?qu mm git-lip.? I. kianI pull: lront fur laundering the pro him-1h- arrm ?thWI. Ito-twill.- I tin-I nil In which he suggested paying ?nal-uh II- hill guru-gm [14 we h'tulrnni imam-I'd w? 'n-Ih- unIIdI pulm- .lr? Cmranagh claims that Ihluum .lqid Sul- tember 1999 a senior Hunt cash through two intemzedi< :n lhiml his tin-uni Bank staletnenls show defaulti- I.l.ul PIInce William and Prince George watch from the Buckingham Palace balcony yesterday as an Phl- one DAY, son, ALL muse Witt. tit: young HF'IgruIl rrtl'lt: LII a'fnl Hitting. 1. .l Tory bower boy leads ?no? fight TORY campaigners who kept Britain out nithe euro. won a landslide victory in the AV referendum and destroyed Labour's plans for regional memhlies hill spearhead the ?no? campaign to leave the EuropeanUnInn. Ill :Iullng: II David Cameron?s authority. Consemtive donors and MP5 have recruited Dominic a. a 153%?: incl lull'r Ru on: Bins I :19 mans marrow Cummings. one of the prime minister?s ?ercest Inlemal critics, to kick-start the campaign to defeat him in tile referendum. Cummings. a former special adviser to Cove, was secretly signed up three weeks ago to co-ordiv mile the "no" launch amid growing anger from senior Tori-l 1n lriIH ni1lIIt-r is failing to denmnd enough powers had: from Bnmets. The camping-II Is expected to .. go public with a list oib?ackers shortly. CIIrnmuigs ran Business for Sterling. which helped to keep out ofthe eum. He also helped in run a successful campaign against a northeast regional assembly in 2004. Cummings was asked to get involved by Matthew Elliott. a Tory who runs the Eurosceptic Ililih led the ?uo?1 campaign against the AV system in 2011? He has alsobeen In contact with Steve Baker. chairman of Conservatives for Brltain a group set up last weekend to back an EU exit if Cameron does not win far-reaching change In his renegollat ions. Bakerhasnow recruited 110 Tory MP5, double the number or a week ago. Thirteen peers and 12 MEPs haiealso asked to join and Insiders say cabiruit IIr?llb'lrrI HI ll'II'uI'ell signed up to the trialling list. Labour MPs will this Con?rmed on mo 2 ?r - EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW DA ?2.50 I ONLY ?2.00 1'0 PRINT HIHIEHG IMES itish spies betrayed to Russians and Chinese -I I'h 1nd LHII In: ctackedthetop?secretcacheof Illa stolen by the fugitive US u'histlehluu'er Edward Snow- I'ur I'l- undue)?: II hill- countries. according to senior the Home and the security services. Western intelligence agen- ui. ll-n Moscow gained access to more lluII lIn rhu?-nd II-rli'u e-Ilhuler. nod and protection from Vladimir Putin nun-Uni. arr sl- l-Itgest leaks ll'l US history. Senior goremriIt-nt sauces con?mrcd that China had also cracked the docu- secret intelligence techniques and Information that could allow British and American spis to be identi?ed One senior Home Of?ce of?ch accusal Snowden of having ?blood on his harm". IiIl-iqn Ito-i mu .?IIrbeI uli than tr; II anyone being harmed?. Sir David Omand, the mug. :all the news that Russlaand China had access rial was a "huge strategic set? l1 allies. Snom?lcn. a former con~ tractor at the (lam Notional Security Agency (NSA) . down- loaded 1.7m secret documents net-I gm.? In I'rIll ql-l n-qu-I details surveillance prummn I'Ih'ii 4 Ilium-Ir ling; lira-g IIle tutmasked himself as the II mt. Surnan Didi-ruled II a Ir pm? I mcy and basic liben'les" and claimed the and GCHQ were operating mass Stineile lance programmes that tar- geted hundreds of millions of innocent people. last week a report by David Anderson QC. announced after Snou'den's disclosures. con- cluded the intelligence agen? cies should retain their powers for the ?built collection? oi ammunition-Inn. intrusit'e surveillance should til-Ind mint}- leo weeks alter hh initial leak 2013, Snon?den lied Hong Kong for Moscow where lu- :?.Ii.l1rhi JIM-ful?ll HI- lJIt Ind-r lh: pl:- tectionofPutIn'sregimesince. Inanernailton?'rnpathelic US senator in July 2013 Snowdeu claimed that ?no Intelligence service? could Ihlbaupuln: trained in techniques that number.le mph-lubed we" .1 1h- lIu-I-u I'll-? I mum Iil-HH?lli l'ruul' ll'mtul. uru In: np-ued western Intelligence-gath- ering methods. the security services have reported in? creasing dil?cuityinthemoni? wring of terrorism and other dangerous criminals Via digital corrununlcatluns Including entail. phone contact. chat rooms and socialmedla. And last night David Cam? emn's aides Con?rmed nanan on page 2 P) Isis digs in 400 miles from Italy CHRISTINA ABU BREIN, LIBYA l. tainer at acheCkpoint just out? side the small town of Alan -I- Ill'lrll highway alongside the Medi- terrancan, lighters from Libya's 166 Brigade sit deject~ edh'.sippingatsn1allcartonsoi onnge juice and eating made? Ielnes from a plastic bag. They are fighting on the newesl?andlnostalamting# front line In the war against Isis, just 400 miles [mm the coast of Italy and far tron-t the In um nun-urn II.II bl "Ill-1H" lit-Linus: I {Hg-Ihd 1" Syria, And they are losing. A nmtley group of students two ?remen. au'md trader and a Iormcr colonel, all In combat fatigue-S. they make up one of many militias that came together In [he revolution that toppled Colonel Muan-unur Gadai? In 2011. Since last summer 'n'lpoli and the west of the country has been under the control of continued on pop 23 PP guitar-run . . ll. to pro-Snowden sentiment in the wake of a key court ruling and a new surveillance law, the article (behind a paywall: full text here) claims in the ?rst paragraph that these two adversaries ?have cracked the top?secret cache of ?les stolen by the fugitive US THE SUNDAY whistleblower Edward Snowden, forcing M16 to pull agents out of germ i Bl'ilhh his . . . . . . . . Em - helm In ?ve operatlons in hostile countries, according to senlor of?c1als ?re -, in Downing Street, the Home Of?ce and the security services.? It continues l. Western intelligence agencies say they have been forced into the iaiis?siia'raiia . rescue operations after Moscow gained access to more than 1m I. I. classi?ed ?les held by the formerAmerican security contractorseek protection from Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, after mounting one of the largest leaks in US history. Senior government sources con?rmed that China had also cracked the documents, which contain details of secret intelligence techniques and information that could allow British and American spies to be identi?ed. One senior Home O?ice o?icial accused Snowden of having ?blood on his hands?, although Downing Street said there was ?no evidence of anyone being harmed?. Aside from the serious retraction?worthy fabrications on which this article depends more on those in a minute the entire report is a self-negating joke. It reads like a parody I might quickly whip up in order to illustrate the core sickness of western journalism. Unless he cooked an extra-juicy steak, how does Snowden ?have blood on his hands? if there is ?no evidence of anyone being harmed?? As one observer put it last night in describing the government instructions these Sunday Times journalists appear to have obeyed: ?There?s no evidence anyone?s been harmed but we?d like the phrase ?blood on his hands? somewhere in the piece.? The whole article does literally nothing other than quote anonymous British of?cials. It gives voice to banal but in?ammatory accusations that are made about every whistleblower from Daniel Ellsberg to Chelsea Manning. It offers zero evidence or con?rmation for any of its claims. The ?journalists? who wrote it neither questioned any of the of?cial assertions nor even quoted anyone who denies them. It?s pure stenography of the worst kind: some government of?cials whispered these in?ammatory claims in our ears and told us to print them, but not reveal who they are, and we?re obeying. Breaking! Stephen Colbert captured this exact pathology with untoppable precision in his 2006 White House Correspondents speech, when he mocked American journalism to the faces of those who practice it: 15103201 5 MAGNA CAR Revealed: gang boss?s bloody ?25,000 ?b?he? I Ill trill-Jaw ?h?l It?. Mil-I 1 hlii UH LII Ill I: hem.- m1'**li mum?I Il' 'u?l ?Il?lfl' Jinn-Emmi? Tll'HlI?lf: rru iu'nl II ?l-I EH I quIIi Lu In: all :qu Ir: It?llr? Elli Ilka-1 Hi?! 11 it?s-It! I. lel II funny nun, If?, H. ?5mm bu u- 'm-I IHFH Mn phi? mu?lunh?lmnh m? raj" I but: I: mummy. ?1 rural {Hy :9qu El?n-r uI-d 4mm.? Ill:- I Ill-F MM mL?l?l?l Kin-J .1th LI- I lib-II .11. m-I'rlrJ-II-g', 3.95 I). ?31- aruTJ??mImle-HI If! [Lilla-"Va lla'l I-II 11-1? IM a. II nun-dun! I IIu'r Hum. In Hill-AI 1.3 Irri- Ill-I4 mi: II lull!? I-l I?m" Ir Inn-Hm Il-n-Iuw -II ?ndin- uqul. huh-M II- val-I L-Is'lru-Mzuruukme ?ght-Ii. than Iml'n Ill ?nulls "Hi In W.- ?In; In? r'ul Insignia-HI. ?nu-Jam:qu 'r?urmiitl? Idem:- Iluqnl. - ?1qu Inn-m EH I ill .I I'n-IH-In-w-qglr I-rull'uru' Hm I l-i-IL r'vl'l- mm? II [ll-In! um I: Imp-m ?w 1'5!qu mil.?- Eu in nu ?Hui; 1-1. a ?nal ?than: in! II urn-In?ll ?Iil'? nu. Ill mum- in -I HHII Illr IIMAI I r. . wr- Janna: ?aunt Sui. 'ull't?l'll'lh Jaw Dom-4.4: talk arm I: any a Ir ?ml! Fm l?i? sundaytimesjpg (600x938) .V #13ng. Is; I leibilif'??l? I3: ilalil? British spies betrayed t0 Russians and Chinese Erika I Inn-mu; Hi?llr Shh-u! lu-I-I- I wit lulu-lulu. Huh- Ill willful "hill: WIH EMU-I . l- m- Inriy inu II niruII-D?Iedl?elrh "db-y n; ?ma Irvin-jun wh- fr- I-nl: plum: lul. Fllr. .nnlu: _'.fll i1: ?g?h?ml Huh-I. a pwm?u ?a I II :m-?iilIg-xwk nl illnuh Hi! tun. In I In! Hutu wI-nquI-I 7 mu m" 11TH: Ian-r!? I1 uiu?ld? r1 KIWI-1LT. JIhxaI-aliasuu mi ?In; ln-II ?Ian-I1? fIl I [11" Lil-Jub- ILII L'mlmt ul- in H11 nun? :lIlrIrILIm. Ines ?2m li?'til?; it] Fi?-u! quill-IN! i1- ll Illa- Iii:- iI ?rm I ll-unwaran I!le lid-2i #114: I9: lull-n" m: claw: Hal-3 u! {Lilia fu? ih?I-Fl [rva lr?p?lli'l'?" ll?g? I: Fri-Int Lurk Imnln'I-aI-I k?fdhl?la?kuiim Emu-1.174 Mal-Inn um Ian-r Iv mhi'u!? a! mu?? menu-hand mp. :h-I innit-.1 bImt-lam. I?m II- If?! iuiunhnuon Ial [unity-H inn 14mm nni":qu lif- l? Hm I [I?mde Fee-(Wk; Pl! {H?s-iv Iain 'ml mi .ng-Ir-"ulquuj uni-3 :Iz In r111 ?u?q ?1'35 ?mi-3 mutil?i?? Inh- tzluc-Ii mime-r I1. WI mu: l?t-r-if-JPAI ?rth-r1 Hall-Ir: ?hr Ida; Irish. 5: '31"le inf-H Iii? VIEW up) 1:31: my?m .111 Hrmulr?il? bul 3m;- Imi mun-Hawaii: in! an mu: ill-13d tar :vm?r .411: Inn-m hitmalpp?lrk Tory bower boy leads ?no? ?ght Isis digs in 400 ??les from Italy In II Hi I 1 HIM-H rpIIrhrIr-Ir ??gl?h MINI. I. a db- LIIJJQI. I. uIIr hm!- IlhfIJ 1- HI II Inn-I- Iln. 11:"qu- - In El I-r l-nllI purl I tin-uh- mull lf?lu "rn' NIH I 111'! 11? . HI. -I Ir-I-u-rrquI-I din-hr- I: fl1l ?qlhull JI-I-I In II dull! ?will? [{1th I Input min-?II: brawl-111:1 Emmi run- 311?: I ?unmat- P: ulpII IHI-I 1' I111 'il?l- HI nun. .- unu- Hill EHBISIIH LAHE 5. lm?u?r?l .IlM?llmII-l II-I WI cl lb! I'll II WI n'l-II' I IJMI I- lI-u MI 'Il'ql??vl' I i ill "in?uuiln-IJFI-d-Ir-f tuft-Ill In: 11 IE I ?ll 3' AI.- Iulu ul- null: II II I In I?ll-I huh-I1.- It? II INI- I-I- madam-Ir WI- lrl-l lulu-"1r" Mid.? hid-la)" I-I-nl Lida: - . I. .- Ill-ml . - I'l'