Image# 15951466755 0,6&(//$1(286 7(;7 )(& )RUP 06/11/2015 13 : 54 PAGE 1 / 1 This Committee would like to thank the Commission for last week's courtesy phone call regarding the Committee's prior response to the April 27th Request For Additional Information (RFAI), and for the Commission's gracious invitation for this PAC to change its name by June 11th or face "referral for enforcement" and other unspecified manifold terrors of FEC Administrivia. This Committee respectfully declines the Commission's invitation to sacrifice its constitutionally protected right to free speech and free association solely for the benefit of what appears to be the Commission's preferred candidate for Federal office. Certainly, the Commission has offered no other rational basis for such absurdity. It is hard to fathom who exactly it is that is so lacking in basic concepts (perhaps not even knowing what the definition of "is", is?) that to them the use of the verb 'STOP' immediately preceding the clear object to be stopped, 'HILLARY' demonstrates anything other than clear opposition to that object. Perhaps the Commission should reevaluate its continued lack of faith in the competency of Hillary Clinton's supporters and afford them the benefit of the doubt. Finally, if the Commission does not cease its efforts to stifle the constitutionally protected speech of groups opposed to Hillary Clinton, this Committee worries that the Commission risks making a large and impermissible in-kind contribution to Hillary for America. As the Commission should know, particularly in light of its failure to effectively police the past wrongdoing of Lois Lerner and April Sands, such activity would be illegal, and a commission so committed to preventing malfeasance in the 2016 campaign - as recently stated by Chairwoman Ravel and Commissioner Weintraub should perhaps start by not abusing the regulatory process in a blatant act of partisan shutuppery. See Ann M. Ravel & Ellen L. Weintraub, Petition to the FEC for Rulemaking in Response to and Compliance with Citizens United v. FEC, 588 U.S. 310 (2010) (June 8, 2015), ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************