Advent? aml Selieixm .lu Wits, lb?l?. Erna-I Haul, Behind hurhi Heal-bu- Humelel HuteL Lirlu: liq-ad, Milled ?an-f, Memhai 4mm} Tel: [Hill [223 5113303 Email: Ref. Hun: 3? Jun. 11:15 HI. nun 'nuj'. Bangalore Email: Elf! 5. EL: Cu": and Nelle-u - Enlargement: at We - Civil uul. C?minll ?ll'an? under the T?hnulug Act. HUD and Indian Pen-I Cede We are writing to jruu en behalf Inf and under instmetiuns I'mm eur client. Huh Heme}: huh: in nl??ee It Sum Helm 12534. Hm?t #5352?. 15mm. Du: ellent he: plate-eel in em: hands eenmn deeumeme en whleh we rel}.r and in the fellewmg ten yen. as. under:- 1- Eur Chen: is a global leader Ell- mubile Internet ap?mLentiun and eelutmna- that enable upemters been: newer speed. ep?n?ze 1rlelee and web :ral?l?le. and generate m'er-Ihe-tep revenues item. the mebile Internet. 2- Dur Ghent develnpe and markets- El 5 :me product commercially knelwn as Layer?. The layer? platlarm helps merb?e operaturs eugng mt? Lheir Hubserlbers ELE- thtj" browse the web, and alrer them services that generate nee.r revenue-s l'rum ewer-Ihe?lup ELl'l'ilt'ulie-ns. Elur client serves ever an: billjan subscribers daily with emcee in Earth America. Eumpe. [srsleL and Esta and is proud to taunt among its customers tap-tier mnbil?e nperaturs- 5D LIEIS LEI MUSMWH Fuel: IIZI Mobile: 3-- Accordingly. our client created a java script code to be injected by mobile operators [or their 3G network fhereirsr?'er referred to es ?the solid eorle'} againsl payment of royailics andfor license lees to our client and otherwise subjem to commercial and legal ten?ns acceptable to- client. The. said ende injects a java script code into traf?c flowing through the platformr thus mainline, mobile operators to o?'cr services to their EC: subscribers. The said code is con?dential and proprietary inlormation of our client. 4- This letter is sent to you following your publicatinn on ?it Hub website, and is. sent to your contact inl'nn'nation as detailed ?ierein- GL1: client?s attention has been recently drawn to your publication on ?it Hub; 'airtel-EE- sc?pl-injeclion' In [his [iuhlieetion you have edopled esel reproduoetl eilbelantiel portione of the maid eoele thereino?er referred to no ?the impugned eo-ie'i. For example or-lr. the following pages. included in your publication. are ins-inging our client's rights in the said code: a. b. e. d. Hemp-n; Ecreenehnta of your publiehing the impugned code are attached herein as: A. 5. The said eoele is eloeed eouree suitor-rem and nor elient ie sole proprietor oithe some. Therefore, no one one one the Hotel ooele obtaining lieenee from our client agalnet payment of fee-3. andlt'nr royalties and on commercial and legal terms acceptable In our client- Your sforementinned actinna eonetitute e. lilelent violation ol our client's. oopyrighte and other proprietenr rights in the said node. 5D LIEIS LEI AME-IT Iel: Mobile: Fag-2 15- In addition to your publication ol the impugned cod: being a 1.rioulation of our clicnl'a copyrights and other proprietary rights. il also conatitutca an unfair trading upon the reputation and gmduil] acquired by our client- - Your act elao amounta to a criminal o?'ence under the Indian Penal Code, 135!) and the Information Technology Act. Thia act ofyou have cauecd great damage to our client'a huaincaa. ae. well ea to ita name and reputation. and although each lone cannot bl: oompenaated in Icntte of money, our client will be entitled to elaiJ'n and recover from you aubatantiel amount by way of compenaationfdantagee- EL In the circumstances, you have rendered youraclvce liahlc Io inalitution oi' let-J procure-dingo. both Etc-? and, criminal. oeainct you. if you. etc cleairoua of avoiding the earne. you are hereby called upon to comply with the following requiremente:- To withdraw the impugned code immediately from yo-ur noti?cation on Git Hub; {ht Tn ere-nee and elect-3t forthwith from using the impugned made or any part thereof or otherwlae hoe-rower repmducing the came without 1he iloence of our client or in any manner inlringing our client'c copyrighta in the aalcl cocic. To ceaae and desist forthwith li'om deallng Iwith the impugned code or an}.r other code identical With or decentluety' eimller to mar client'e eaiti code in any manner so are to pace olfyour aenrloe as in come way con nected with our client. on To give an unconditional undertaking: to our cil'cnt ln a form to be approved and acceptable to our client that you. Will not hereafter use the code or other-wee howsoever deal In by ueing the impugned code or any other code l?ontlool with or dooeptivdy aimiim? to that olour cllontlo code no on to ltti't'ingc ite- copyright: . SD LIEIS LEI Mill-T MESWH lei: Mobile: Faee3 To surrender to our client or to us as its Advocates and Solicitore. Inc entire stool-t5 of your documente. brochures. lee?ete. trade catalogues. adt-trtiaementa etc. ennteining the impugned code for dcalructi-on thereof. and to provide evidence of deleting encl deao'ojring atl copiea ot' the impugned cutie and the Said code, induding an}.r haclmp copies, from any computer, hard diec to other storage device which contain them. 9- note that in the event elf your failing tn with the ahmre requisitions end eon?nn the name In an as well aa our client in 1writing within three days of receipt of this letter that you are willing to eompulyI 1with the foregoing demands: in to unconditionally, our client will hat-H: no alten'iati'trc hul to initiate criminal mending-a by ?ling Emulath with the Jae-lint: under Indian Penal Code. 131341 and Teehnolnm' Act. 2-000 aeainat yen. ?ur etient will also he eompelled to ?le a complaint 1with the police and the police to eearch yeur to ?nd out if an}.r incrimina?ng documenta er con?dential inf-onnation or any relevanl materials perlaining to our client are kept in your eliice- Furlhermere. our client will be mnpciletl It: latte auch amiable citril aetien as the:-r my be admit-ed tt: pmtect the eon-Frighta cur client entirely at your risk, eoeta end thereof. For HDLICIB LEI Mire-eaten and ?n?eitora Why [am Hutu] 5D LIEIS LEI will.? Mobile: F534 THI- UP Dilen: Jnfantry Head, Umnth Hagar, Bangalore, Kmnataka- Email]: kl??l?h?l.nnl.nat.ln MEAL m1! umm HEIDI: CID. Will}. (Ly-her Erma Punct- Station. C1D Annexe- Ca rlt-rm Hnuae, Palace Run-3d, Hangalnrr - 5mm}: +9 I - {1510- 221194493. ?31- 22094564. {330- UBU- 22943U5D lull]: SOLIGIE LEI AME-MES Mill Tel: 14-91: Mobile: W5