Dallas Police Department General Drder 331.00 Public Recording of Of?cial Acts DAVID o. shown cross or some Special Unit-r No. Decantent Control No. Housed sst.oo PUBLIC RECDRDIHG oF DFFICIAL 331m Policy It is the policy or the Dallas Police Department to the protection and pressenralloh of scary person's Constitutional rights. In furtherance oi this policy. no member oi the Dallas Police Department may present or prohibit any person's ability to observe. photograph. androi- make a video recording {with or initiate a simultaneous audio recording] at police activity that cheers in the public don-ram. so long as the person's localioh. actions. andior behavior do not create a legitimate. articulates threat to of?cer eatery. or an unlawful intenuption- disruption. Impeciment. or Interference to succeean patterrnance of the police ei?eer?e duty or exercise of auditsIIy. The public'e access to Inlormatnon regarding the of?cial business of the Deltas Police cdtical importance to articulate. transparent government Interference with Public Duties - A law proiahiting the interruption' ption. oi?lWerence wits-i a peace officer performing a ciutyr er exercising authority Imposed er Iaiitr. some De?nitions 1 . in; Photographing - The act at and storing a still irn in an at. or on arty type or light-serializiye Iiin't 35mm ml.? all. I i -i . Recording . The act oi capturing a at Images I I -when replayed FEPFDUUCB Heumoe oi activities in motion. ?u'icleoia "'gtjeoordings 11?: be stored on a tehgil'iroi light sensitive ?lm. a trideotape cassette. or In a digital format to. mor?llet?nemory card]. and may or may not contain a simultaneoias atrolo recording. iuzirli'l ., . sweetener-:- Device - For of this General . a Video Recording Dal-rice Includes. but is not limited lo. any dense capable wwieeull or moving Eamon. regardless of ehether or not a simultaneous audio reooreihg ts induced. any [If - deviceg- ii 4H - l'l A cellular telephone of any make. I, or me I 'e includll'i'u'xhose devices referred to as llJI?ll-'rlill "Smart PhonoaPersoneileiI-l?lal thesis also knot-m ?aj??wsonal Data see last or PDA. - A mow mobile compdlar occnmonly to simply as a ?tabletAny {whether weightinanotor make. model. or manufacturer. of art-tether %Me demote teenage. audio recording. and regardless of mil-1M the ct '?emsithe Images It'ee -il "it'll: some: Infertilian Increasingly (lb-thatch for mislead bystanIdErs at the scene of police activity to photograph ahdior ?irli- record the Iptiona and handucl or police of?cers. Utiicers ot' the Dallas Police Department should limit! assume that. at any time. a ?it'tember oi the general public is titter to be loosen-ling. and perhaps all? Ph?wefaehlne Dr videotatndio recording. their amt-ri?es. lli. .. As a?irsctat. of?cers must cigar-stand that any bystander has a right to photograph andior record the enfot?ieinent actions at police of?cer so long as the bystanders actions do not: 1 I it. Piece literslaietyi??l bystander. or of any Police D?ioensi. intimates]. yiciimis]. or suspectisi. In ieoperdy; Intean crnteriere nith the execuuon or performance of an of?cers of?cial duties: 5. C. interfere with. or violate any law. ordinance. or code; D. Inyottre an Intrusion Into any crime scene. putt-ate property. or other location under tats-tut police control andror not normally accessible to the general public: E. Threaten. by words or actions. other persons; or F. Attempt to Incite an Immediate breach oi the peace or Incite others to commit a yioiation oi the law In and of menseiues- the acts at observing. photographing. andlor matting a resenting of any police activity that actual, ih a maniac setting are not criminal ottenees. Du the-r own. these acts DID MDT probable cause for the arrest of the ohsewerihystan-der. and D0 MDT preside any localisation variatsoeyet lor in? Flu-1H3! Ila-H n-I'l-I? ?H-I?I-lr-If-to' - Fur-?l- -.-.J - I - - -- w-r-vu L. L-u-lu urpluyirl-I-b Dallas Police Department General Order 331.00 Public Recording of ??iciai Acts order. to review. some. daMage. erase. or otherwise inspect the contents of a person?s camera or videolaudio recording device. 331$! Special circumstances Homing in this General Urder should be const by members of the Dallas Police Department as an elimination at their ability to seal: out. colloct. or otherness gather evidence In the course ot a criminal investigated. Hoimever. of?cers seal-ting to obtain material contined on a semen or videolaudlo recording device that Is the private property of a bystander must recall that the bystander in possession of the camera or vldaotaudio recording device enjoys the same Constitutional protections from unreasonable sarch andior seizme as they would In any other law enforcement activity or investigation i If an of?cer has probable cause to believe that a bystander is in any still photoslintages. vldeol'audlo recordings. andlor audiolsound recordings that are. or could be considered. evidence related to a come and the of?cer reasonably believes an esiganl officers may lalte all lawful actions to preserve or prevent destruction of that evidence. i Wlthoul theI bystanders voluntarily consent to surrender hismer yideol' 'lrecordirtg device: to an examination at Its col-items: and lo a seems by a police oFIlcer mm images or ndabl?lirlaios contained witftm It. of?cers MUST adhere to the radiaternents of this order. Idling: HEW I I I ss1.l:ls Officer Responsibilities allUpon discovery that a bystander Is observing. tithing. or bridle recording the ct of .l :31? police activity: .l?yl . 1 DO NOT impede or prevent the bystanders ability I or rusmer presence. critical limited to. dell 4 lit-lining a flashlight into a mere tens to prevent recording} .m lint? 2. DD NET seize or oil-remiss dHte possession i' . camera or yideclaodio recording device the bystander may posses West the presence. 3. HGT demand to review. manip 'lie. or or? audio recording captured by the bystander based solely on the dis?lfa t: . -- Mammy-stander may vatnose. or capture 4. For lt?lyes?gatl -- imageslvi llatertirnetc hatenelevidance. a. camel: llytitle-Ina so based solely on the discovery ryo?ll'll which we a from obsendng. or video?rudiou leg the I of police o'Fl?rsanja} must have cuss-wad ll'lc bystander - act that iaIIs '5 one of the st trumpeted conditions listed In the some? of this ll.'.lrder entitled"GE - . c. II it becomes Eyselliler who is or has been observing. photographing,rll.? scatter an onlaivlm activity?dr {:l'tmhi'lal c?ense te.g-. interference with public duty. "all; begins. etc.) Jilin: 2. ltitleady a the tl'tat led to the arrest in all subsequent reporting and ML- charging docq'l'tmts i] . I. Jug. .. Do not compromise :Il'l'i?gl'ily established crime scene or other securedlrestricted area so that a may close videolaudio record police activity Ialt-bystander a desire or to observe. photograph. or yrdaclaud? record potlee activity does not entitle be to: 1. ?Easiness on Pta' if In physical danger te.g.. edit-nip an area de?ned by members of the SWAT Team asap I eter?l 3. Enter another person's private ctr-oiling. storehouse. etc. it. Enter into or upon any established. merited crirne scene. 5. Enter into or upon any area not accessible to the general public, F. in?puhllc areas. any form at identi?cation reterred to as 'press credentials" does not extend any special privileges or access to any Members of the press and members of the general public enjoy the same rights in any area accessible to the gel-rare! public- (3. his Intuit-deal is required to display ?press credentials In order to eserrasc right to observe. FMIGQIEIHE [or videolaudlo record police activity place In an area accessible to. or eithin view of. the genera pu Ill:- Dallas Police Department General Ctr-tier 331.0? Public Recording of G?ieiat Acts 331.015 A. it possibie- respond to any scene where officers under your supervision believe that the preserioe oi a bystander who is observing. photographing. ahdtor yideorautlio reoordinp their oondust 'rs unlawfully interrupting. disrupting. impeding. or interfering with the successful eiteoulion of their of?cial duties. 5- Hi scene the actions at a bystander Min is photographing. endior yideotaudio recording peltoe activity rise to the at a orimtnat e?ense: 1. Ensure adequate polioe attention remains focused on whatetrer situation originally required a police response. MUTE: Air of?oers should bear in mind that. on rare occasions. they may encounter a person or group of persons who deliberater create hazardous oonditions with the intent of provoking an inappropriate poliee response. Supervisors shalt not allow subordinates under their strpenrision to beet-he dish-acted from their protess?mal duties at any time. it. It tactically feasible. inform the bystander that hisi'her actions may. If W?hued. rise to the Iatret of a criminal offense and could subteet to arrest. ?tit 3. It possibie. renornmehd a less-intensive location to the heistis may continue to observe. photograph. or yidenfaudio reoord the patios 5J d' it?; . I E. Coordinate with the operated-ate primary deteotlyetst when tarsus rig the Ilrni crime soene. . I II. I lr??'t i ?It 331-"? Basin:- 3 Dairies enlistees Purposes 'l-tt.i' .. [till J'ltiitl a. If an of?cer reasonably betieoes a bystander es any materi tliial is. or oouttl hehltr he eehsidersdeyideriee related Ioeorime the of?cer soonest the pr'titemer camera. irideotaudio recording deities. etc. into poliee? 4' dy- [mill I . It toti'ie request: ?it? ?4151'! 1. Exercise due ears and caution Witt-tram ol the iridiiridueM?thterty or electronic dayieets}. 2. Follow the proper consensua?ll??eq?iL-rprooedure as tin GD. 1330 'Consensual Search ProoedmssMDT mete any attempt to "ids-tyne JiFHp??tErwiae a any matertal ooritatned on the device. My :1 it Preservation of an ?1 I nttal eirldo tippers in?uential. the appropriate investigative unit may mahemh J:Eteiees materi E?'l'l the . tun-on ryeue?tody H?iasylu, are strongly encouraged to place I _.'dieirloe into intone mode lips equipped. This will aid In preventing any remote Jilgl: to or do of the data?l' ipther material stored Within it. 5 Sutton theatreoovered oa yidsotaudio re ing deities. ate. In eeoordanoe With General Greer 321.00the Hearsay: slayi?hleli.MyI I cause to belieiirelieihysesnder is in possession of any still protos?meges. hasll .FEI I leer-titer audiotsourid mouldings that are. or oould reasonath he oonsidered diff Wtdmi led in tilt and tI-reire is no reason to believe that the evidenoe is in immediate leopards temp f, altered. deleted. or destroyed. the of?cer should artioutate the tests it] Support an lion fori'?'?eardt and Seizure WaanL In?" 2 minat? unit to 5mm 3 search warrant if there Is CAUSE to believe that evidence exists on a bystanders device. AND there is "iiyll .FRGBAELE ole?n helieire that the evidenoe is in immediate jeopardy of being tampered with. 'i deleted destroyed. the officer may seize the devise pingip l_l_ . non of the evidenoe while the appropriate applicationtet tor Seard?i and Seizure Normans} arpltiiede. Upon temporary custody of the dairies for the purposes oi ot?eers are strongly encouraged to pierce the entries Into airplane mode It so equipped. This will aid in preventing any remote access to or deletion of the date. photographs. ate, stored witth it. 4. DD HGT metre any attempt to new. dot-mined. or outshines arteries ahy materiat contained on the devise s. Protection of any potential eyldenee is paramount 04in members oi the appropriate investigative unit may make eitorts to aooess materiet eonteinett en the device atter secuan a search warrant. Submit the recovered camera. yideoraudio reoording deyioe, etc? in aoeordanos with General Glider 3.21.00. ?Ey'rdenee and Pmperty-? CUI'l?tplete all appropriate I?reld reports Dallas Police Department Geaernl ?rder 331.00 Public Recording 01' Of?cial Acts Revised D. The eenlrelling supervisor small: 1 Enema any carnale Dr vldem'eudle recommg Elm-rice that has been ueed t? endure: ?de?e?wie record police emery eemee inle The melody e! Ihe Dellae Felice Deparh?nenl: El Thraugh ?1e 'nl'?llJl'ltaW eeneenl e! the indlweuel In ef the item. I: Through exeeun'en e! a Search and Seizure Warrant. c. same valid excepliun :0 me werrenl reqmremenl. 2 Supewisms must provide the review and appreval ef any applicallen fer a Search am: Seizure Wa?em. The delec?ve shall apt:wa Fer. execute. and ralurn any Seerd'l and Seizwe Wane-nits]- Make any eppmp?ale mmemmim the! may assisl in the of date. pamlegrephe. Etc. my? .I?ll'i: 1 . hull" lliiI I 1 II.II . If 1ll llil 'ul- . l? 4:i II, lrl' I ?Lq. lull. I Illuiin - I. I 1ill FLIP I 'll.5 Il I ll?IiI -II uli "n I I ?17. - '11? "w . :1 llii'u?; e' qty?: 'l I - Li llill . I 'i - . I'll'I.ill I-I 1:11,m'ii