EAH154UT 1 151? SESSIUN S. To extend authority relating to raving- tn inlsirmss Mr. 0 and imlividuz?ll tierrnrists as agents of fin-eign powers under the Foreign Inwlligolwe Surveillance Act of 1.978 and for other 11111130505. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES [I?ul' hinmull' amt] Mr. intmduccd the following hilf; which was read twice E11111 I'ui'm'rml in Hue {"Ulnmittee ml A BILL exteml authority relating? ti) Inving sm'veillalme, {lee?{ass 1:0 hus'm-ESS records, and il?ldividual tmfl'tn'iStS as agents of foreign powers Under the Fareign Il?ltelligence Surveil- lame Act of 1978 and for other Inn-poses. Be if e-nac?ed by the Hen-ate and. Home a3)?Representa? tives limited States rAij-n'ua-r-iw 'i'i?t {Tang-regs SECTION 1. EXTENSIONS 0F AUTHORITY UNDER THE FDR.- EIGN INTELLIGENCE SURVEILLANCE ACT OF 19"?8. AND ACCESS Tn BUSI- NESH 102(k))(1) 0f the UBA PA- TRIOT I1?1?1pr01-w3111911t and Act of 2005 13418154111 p?a 5.1111. 2 (50 1805 mete) is amended by striking ?June 1, 20 15? and inserting ?December 31, 2020?. INDIVIDIL AS or Fee,- Eli LT PUWERS. Seetien 6001(1))(1) of the Reform and Terrorism Prevention Aet? ef 20011 (50 USC. .1801 note) is; amended by striking ?June 1, 2015? and inserting 31, 2020?.