SCHILLER E: FLEIHER LLP 5-!3 HA HAHN-ZINE. ht" Fill: Ail-Ii] 2015 [meal-2535a RE: Prit-ileged end-'41: Con?dential Iain-maton Stole-1 From Sony-'P'Erlres Entertainment Dear ?ts aware. inNot'ecnh-er 301-4, 5on3: Pictures Entertainment wasthevicuni ofan unprecedented whet-attack andthe?ofdata stored onits computers. In an on-going campaipexpliciti? seejiugtopret'ent SPE?ont disnt'htrling a motionpiclure. the attackers who determined andpnolil?yrcou?nnedtohe NordiEo-rea?thteatened E-PE and its employees with the disselninalionofh-othtnit'ate and company mimmation ?ordie stated purpose Dfm?t?'l?llf harming SPE. The attatiers also threatened. using references to to attach theaters tithe? showedthe pictLu'e as well as theater goers and those who lived in dies'iciuitje of such movie theaters- The vast majo-zitf ofmedia onnets around theworldhat'e remousihlju declined to assist the axtaclters plosand attack on ployees. assets and?'eedouiof eanaession Un?orrlmat?}: hasnonr elected to knot-singly and indiscliuainatelje download. copy, index. use and disseminate. andto encourage and facilitate others: to and use of, stolen data. Despite its ptn?portedcocnmituient to free expression 1?-?iitilealcs? conduct rewards a regime seeking to silence dissident speech. and imposes disnicennt'es on tilies such as SPE. who depend on trade secrets. con?dential information andprotection ofint?iectnal prop-enyto exercise their First Amendment tighs e1."er day. Aswe hat'epres'iouslji indicated. the stolendarta indndes, out is not limited to. donunents and iujomzanon protected tuider US. andintecnational law doctrines pIotecting attoIney-client p-Iitileged communications. attorney wo?c pro-dun. and related plit'ileges and protections. as well as private ?nancial and other con?dential in?ammation and communications of meat and fortner personnel and others. con?dential pmonnel data. intdiectnai prop-emf, trade secrets and other business secrets andrelated andother confidential information (the i?Etolenquonnationi?j. is incorrect the: this Stolen Information belongs in the public domain enditis. intnanyjuiisdictionsc tuilawful to place it there orotherwise access orttisuitrnle it. For esample: thepossession._ use. and publishing ofthe Stolen Injonnanon can tioIare numerous U13. liederal and state lat-rs: including: but not limited to: the Abuse .-'Lct {13 U312. RED): the Act H.313. 512-1. ersqu: state data access d: frandacts. and stolen property: tradesecret laws among others such arnons are [alien honinaly in fln'?ierance of?ederal and-state crimes committedhy the perpetrators. including Etorlion. Many other cotmtnes hare it'not more suingeet. laws applicable tothis E-FE therefore againaslss foryotu'help inpu'ntecnng the First Amendment and-declining to ermlou the Stolen Mormon-on. As I statedinmy December 2014 letter. SPE du? not consent town: possession, review, copying, disseninaliogpnl?iraliou, Iploacling, or magg' any use oithe Stolen Information. Andwe again ask 1i1at you take all reasonable actions topreyent your company and any ofyonr employees, independent contractors, agenls, consultants. or anyone who may lia're access to your ?les framesinniuing, copying: disseminating: r?snihating, publishing. downloading. uploading ormalsing anyother use of the Stolen Information. It'you l1a1.'e access to orreceis'ed Stolmln?olniation and have uercised restraint ts'lthregard to 113 publicaliou. use or dissemination, EFE and its employes are sincerer grateful to you and ask lioryour continued exercise ofrestrainr. Please note that this letteris provided to you 1without prejudice and dues notpurport to address all facts and issues concerning the Stolen Information. SPE expressly resers'es all rights renmdiei daims anddefenses as'ailahle to it underappl'tcahle law. Thank you ?oryotu'antlcipated andiumiediate cooperati-onregardingthis important matter. Sincerely yours: ?ve! ?rst? Eat-id Boies cc'. Leah Weii Esq.