OFFICIAL USE ONLY I cus Naval Criminal Investigative Service (?riminal Intelligence Brief MCIB-002-07 -20 4 Diversion and Illegal Sales of Restricted USG Optical Systems In 2009, the US. Navy began administering a program to equip war?ghters with deployment kits containing devices using advanced technologies for countering improvised explosive devices (IED) and related threats. Items in the deployment kits are NOT for civilian use and are controlled under the International Tra?ic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) 22 CFR 120- 130 and are Commerce Department List-controlled. Some of this advanced hardware has been reported as missing and is actively being sold on the global market on a variety of websites. NCIS asks for your help in identifying and recovering these items to keep foreign entities from exploiting the technologies in these devices and using them against the US. military, NATO allies, or civilian law enforcement personnel during the course of their duties. In 2009, the US. Navy Space and Naval Warfare (SPAWAR) Systems Center Paci?c (SSC-PAC) in San Diego, California, began administering a program to equip war?ghters with advanced technology for countering improvised explosive devices (IED) and related threats. The program, designated is funded under the Department of Defense (DOD), Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO). SSC-PAC (where advanced technologies including thermal optic imaging systems are researched and tested) assembled user-speci?c deployment kits tailored to the speci?c combat mission of DOD units deploying to locations around the world. In all, more than 32,000 pieces of equipment were issued. Some kits are still in use, making it dif?cult to compile a precise inventory of what was issued and what might be missing. Items in the deployment kits are NOT for civilian use and are controlled under the International Tra??ic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) 22 CFR 120-130 and are Commerce Department List-controlled. Since 2009, some of this advanced hardware has been reported as missing and is actively being sold or discussed on the global market on a variety of websites including:;;;;;;;;;;;; sport? Items have been marketed as sporting goods; hunting equipment; bird-watching equipment and camping supplies. NCIS and the FBI have opened investigations resulting in the successful recovery of several items from military and civilian personnel throughout the US. Some investigations resulted in punitive action. These investigations also determined the loss and theft of advanced OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1 OFFICIAL USE ONLY technologies intended to give US. military personnel tactical advantage on the battlefield was due to poor accountability controls by many of the military units who were issued the gear. Recovery of these items will reduce the likelihood that foreign entities can exploit the technologies and use these or similar devices against the US. military, NATO allies, or civilian law enforcement personnel during the course of their duties. Varying quantities of the following items are known to be missing. 0 Defense Advanced GPS Receiver (DAGR) OASYS-BAE Systems Universal Thermal Monocular (UTM) ?StalklR? Vectronix Long Range Thermal Video (LRTV) Pocket Laser Range Finder (PLRF) Universal Thermal Clip-on (UTC) OASYS Micro-Thermal Mono-Sight ?SkeetIR? Universal Thermal Binocular (UTB) Clip-on Night Vision Device-Thermal (CNVD-T) Representative photos of these missing items appear on following pages. Defense or Secure GPS. Works w/ LRTV LRFs to give target location measurements. "3 0 Sella! (Buck) Short and intermediate range thermal imager, white and black hot, edge detect, IR and visible lasers, thermal camera. Weapon and helmet mountabletalkIR?_ (l ml OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Lung Range 'I?Ilcrmal Vidcn White and black hot, long range thermal detection, thermal camera, day video, laser range ?nder, laser pointer, GPS. LRTV View Finder a? -. I IR I Bolton] )cl;li - MN Hullum Vim A OFFICIAL USE ONLY 3 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Pocket Laser Range Finder PLRF-IS includes secure GPS, works with LRTV and laser range ?nders to give target location measurements. PLRF-25C includes digital magnetic compass, inclinometer, fall-of-shot indirect ?res corrections. l'ni\ 'I'licrmul ('lip-on (l lntermediate and long range thermal imager for use in front of sniper scopes and powered optics. White and black hot, edge detect, thermal camera. Weapon mountable. (ll'l?Ol l0) ll?l'C Lell Side UTC Right Side lniwrxul (lip?on (ll H?i (11' room lop (Detail) as Bottom (Detail): OFFICIAL USE ONLY OFFICIAL USE ONLY Mono-Sight Short and intermediate range thermal imager, white and black hot, edge detect, lR laser, thermal camera. Weapon and helmet mountable. ?Sk Micm- l'hcrmul Mono?Sigh! l'niwrsul 'I?hcrmul Binocular Long-range thermal binocular, white and black hot, edge detect, IR and visible laser, thermal camera(ll llniwrsul lliermul Binocular (ll I'll) erial Location UTB Bottom I 1 . OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5 OFFICIAL USE ONLY ('Iip?on Night Vision White and black hot thermal imager, short to intermediate range, weapons mountable, can be used in conjunction with other weapon systems. CNVD-T To report information about the recovery or sale of these items, call one of the phone numbers listed below and say you have information regarding NCIS, San Diego CA: (619) 556-1364; or NCIS Toll Free: (800) 278-9914. (U) FEEDBACK: Other questions, comments, and/or requests for additional information may be directed to the NCIS Southwest Field Of?ce, OFFICIAL USE ONLY 6