- 33.91.. m? .- Normal OUR FILE Dooument2 SUBMITTED 2015-03-08 To: Warden, Barb Van Vugt From: IWC DATE STATUS DW, Brooke Kassen CC: Shawna Hopfner Chief of IT, Tim Nelson Grievance Co-ordinator, Donna Richot Re: CD-880-3 ?Religious Diets? I am very concerned with regard to the removal of CD-880-3 entitled ?Religious Diets? from all inmate accessible computers, including the WC office. The Commissioner?s Directives are a vital source from which we can learn about our rights and privileges; and make thoughtful, informed decisions about not just our future, but our treatment while we are incarcerated. The fact that was intentionally/wilfully removed from inmate computers is a blatant attack against our rights and freedoms. The removal of this Commissioner?s Directive, which covers ?Religious Diets? is especially malicious and in essence, is an attack on their religious rights and freedoms. To think that someone knowingly removed this CD to prevent inmates from exercising their religious rights given to them by the government you all work for just to save some money. This is. a shocking and unacceptable action, and we the IWC want to know who authorized this removal and why, and we would request that CD-880-3 ?ReligiO?us Diets? be replaced on all inmate accessible computers ASAP. This type of censorship and control could be expected if this were Russia, but we live in Canada and censorship and segregation of this kind is not tolerated here. We expect to here from you on this matter. Last printed 3i9f2?015 12:03 PM 'j Page 1 of 1 Correctional Service Service correctionnet PROTECTED A ONCECOMPLEJSD Canada Canada UNE FOIS REM PERSONAL BANK - FICHIER DE RENSEIGNEMENTS PERSONNELS PUT AWAY ON FILE 3 COMPLAINT FORMULAIRE DE PLAINTE CLASSER AU Num?ro SED . NOTE: Reference document CD 081. NOTA Document de reference DC 081. aimizg?g?n?ue 3 Completing operational unit Unite operationnette ayent redige te rapport Referred to Renvoy? a Given nap-06(5) Pr?nomts) 3 Current institution or address Adresse ou ?tabliesement ectuel Unit Unil? Dale of birth Date de naissance 3 3&0? Reference no. Subject code Grievance Coordinator Coordonnateur des griefs Date received A D-J N0 do reference Code-mati?re - Dam (is r?cepuon 3 Y-A D-J 0; Q3 Complaint Ptainte On o3: but-3964'? it? kinda-aw rem we} a? GHA +0 "v1. ck otch wees 393:? 3m Qek' Qt rim}? beget] when new; augm- sweat-ituk Two Me tat-team enmity SACK ?11er becmm. ?5 ?0 (fa Mg ?b Quek (3A .5 got" +0 Fake?k0) 0? art. "mu cm? meme To 3mm? WW t: em?tt seegetooao 039mm be. 6? MAYO M\Dg; "NV-t?bl(new was; CL 'u . Qk ?tL. Qung m9 VA 5 kgwm? Have you tried to solve the problem before filing this complaint? 3 No We (deseribe how: Est-0e que vous avez essay? de r?soudre te probieme avant de deposer cette ptainte? 0w (dewr ~91 comment} cad/mt Qd~cc?iclmq( Mencijw ?1 L. Action requested Action demand?e molt 643% We *0 5 Awkw- Onmi 325$ WM cam Q0063 0W3 03/me Gum? AVOWAQOC ?ee I D-J ZMJX ?1 (Qt inmate Signature - Detenu Date CSCISCC 360 Page 1 (ROD-10) 7530-21-894~4868 DISTRIBUTION Originat :Grievance Coordinates to respondent, to inmate Coordonnateur des gnefs, au r?pondant, au d?tenu Correctional Service Service correctionnei PROTECTED ONCE COMPLETED Canada Canada pnorsoe one NOTE NOTA: Reference document 081 - Document do reference PUT AWAY ON FILE 0nginalshatfender?mDe-lrnquant b? Copy-in: Offender-Grievance-Filer genie?t-LDes?s?er?degrief?d nt- - .n OFFENDER COMPLAINT REPONSE DE LA PLAINTE Qri inal regionsiempeliogueot RESPONSE DU DELINQUANT FPS Number Num?ro SED Family name 1?5 Nom defamille Current Institution Etablissement present Region Region Given nameisi g; Prenomis} Miison Institution Pacific Date of birth Date de narssanoe Filed Against Completing Department Grievance Coordinator Date received Date due Enregistr? contre D?partement nt repondu a ta Coordonnateur des griefs Date de reception Date d?ecn?ance piainte (YYAAMMOJ) (YYAA-MM-DJ) Food Service Food Service Donna Ritchot 2015?01?13 2015-02-16 Reference No. Grievance Code Priority Priorit? Other Classification Autre classification N0 de reference Code de grief Routine High Priority Urgent Sensitive 8712 02C Nonaprioritaire Prioritaire Nature urgente Nature d?iicate TO BE. COMPLETED BY RESPONDENT A REMPLIR PAR LE REPONDANT Response to Offender R?ponse au delinquent As you and discussed in our interview, in my office on 2015-02-20, you are cooperatively allowing me to answer multiple grievances with one response. Answered in this response are for Grievances [18712 I18780 r19043 l19044/19045 I have reviewed your complaint. We are now following a National Menu that Ottawa has directed us to use. This menu was approved by the Dietician. The serving amounts and portion sizes meet the daily requirements of the Canada Food Guide. We follow the menu to the best of our ability due to product availability. However the menu is subject to change. Even with the changes we still provide the required daily servings according to the Canada Food Guide. We are still making small adjustments to the odd recipe. The main reason we are running out of the allotted rations is due in part to inmates taking more than their share of these rations as outlined by the national menu. Many of the items we run out of are on the self serve portion of our dining service. This issue is beyond my control. I have repeatedly approached the and TIER REPS to suggest to the men to be more considerate of their fellow inmates when taking rations, as well as not taking extra food out of the kitchen. In instances like this we do not have the extra rations prepared or available for service. it is not a fault of the Food Service Staff when this happens .One action you requested, was an apology from and reprimanding of staff. This action is not warranted. As I requested from you in our discussion .Please bring you concerns to the and Quality Assurance Rep. They will be able to bring forward the concerns of you have along with the concerns of many others in one voice. I have suggested to the and TIER REPS that I may have to look at portioning all food if accommodations are not made. They have been resistant to this possible solution. I have posed this alternative solution to the Institutional management. All options are being looked to remedy these issues. It is presently beyond my authority to augment such a change. (Ft?2008412} Personal information be protected underlho provisions ofthe Privacy Distribution (Word Version Version Word) Act and will be stored in Personal information Bank 050 032. .1 Page ?i otrde 1 Les renseignements personneis seront proteges en vertu de la Loi stir to 0p? Offender Grievance File - Dossier de grief du delinquent protection dos renseignomenls person note at seront verses au Ficher de (29pm 1 "Emma?s SOC 032- ON YELLOW PAPER sun PAPIER JAUNE .. (?51 I (Ink; in}, (?Agra . . . I Correctlo nal Servrce Service correcaonnel PROTECTED A El once COMPLETED Canada - Canada PROTEGE UNE FOIS REMPLI PERSONAL INFORMATION BANK - FICHIER DE RENSEIGNEMENTS PERSONNELS PUT AWAY ON FILE INMATE COMPLAINT FORMULAIRE DE PLAINTE CLASSER AU FORM DU DETENU FPS number Num?ro SED 3 NOTE: Reference document on 031. NOTA Document de r?f?rence no 031. Pm?? Mom de famrlle Completing operational unit - Uoit? operationneile ayant r?dig? le rapport Referred to Renvoy? a Given name?) Pr?nom(s} Current Institution or address - Adresse ou ?tablissemenl acluel Unit LII-nite Dale of binh {0 Date de naiseanoe Reference no. Subject code Grievance Coordinator Coordonnaleur des griefs Date race-wed Y-A de reference Code-matiere a . Date dereceplton a I - on 36/4} OQC, UR door I em 3 I5 03 (Mr Complaintwlainte 33% {Ni cw ?03 new], mm?) my} Wemx (AM. rm flog-?x we. a gin/(xi. .Sc?w one} Dakar c?xur?v15 milk Crew-Um. ?5&3 K'm' {Nan-m av C) ?5 HERE. strewn-3;, km K) wk 0 :Uo fimyf?r?'v Qr?) page? '3 @th kt?) ?5xm? bruit Ll r?v-pk {?ank} Ex?nkorhwm?? ?mix 135%" CDC axe! 1111one. elem?n. owe- be- rm em "3:33, Chm?: 0:5 SIMS 0 "Cr-{luv ?log I. f; qi ?Hok- {ex-:215-130} CL kWh-nu- fr; L?f?Eb :3 Ca? ?116"; ?345.11, L- ("Cianh-L? page?: v. I'I'oceLmJ . K. ?r {In-'1 .rx 3f '35 t' m. LIL: 3 ma?a/ti UPI (t?rflb cox" 13.37;, i Lin-Ag}! moi ?exudate; Avila? \ij?a r25: See-L lode? '1 em (139%- sseoe we. a egohe". 3 Ion-Lb?- 30; ?lr??v'haij of: Ito-cell. mobi- he r69? Chum-L by or): .. {On-.1 1 w} Ada (gum My?: :13,?an a? :3 ?var [Ax i7 orb I {a .L [th?a?pqic? in? {t . be. We .25: Ark?. 5* irov?rem VGA (i?rqu?iwb {nun-a. Wtwe my"? bl'f'?j (Io-7?33; 'vx Cognac?, Arr/?l (Burner. \edl. MIMI-.3 ?365 Aggkg.??) I 3 No '1 EYesmescn'be how) {Sc 31? A?acheol. I Elf-n. SH 32112-1? ?wiSV Have you tried to solve the problem before ?ling this complaint? Est-ce que vous avez essay? de r?soudre Ie probl?me avant de d?poser cette plainte? [Peal AQUEC.) Tl??ri?c? V~kak~? '55??th . one ?ies; ?ake-?0V j; com. Non Out (d?orivez comment} Action requested Action demand?e 3.14? onch gQ-kcmw To *?inv?kaa b-?W we. so eew? {is {idlulw ??V?Irytw??g 1 ?9?an cm (A "p any. game?; (9 .5 Ree-2:3 seek?? menace 4567K M5. So?e eQ-Jy .Ik (pun 32-1- exu?k 45?? I7 w" ?Crow BMW 3? Terr? r-Awn? "Mb ?his be mac? ik?g??tLX "3 (L vk-va?ng n: we om be (30% We? We?? EN Sarvijw?7 . 4\m\ 3M my?. 3K kr?roxeen gsm? ewe m3:- lecuyg. rip. m?hK aye/wu? l?e Cumokk. A If 0?10 e? on - /Inmate - Signature - D?tenu Date 7530?21-8944866 DISTRIBUTION CSCISCC 360 Page 1 Original =Grievance Coordinator, to respondent, to inmate Coordonnateur des gnefs. au repondant, au d?tenu a, 397%.: 99. 5%qu p40 -. .. 3 . a? A A ?1 e?fc? Him camC511 *1;st . .rvs?4603.; a. .. H. Maj????'i?f?J?hlf?l .. . 533-103-9309;. .. We. .. . (HQ8'3 mir.1.. .. (17:11. . .. . .. \Yav. (?are Li bcwk??s 1. . . .mi?h. . LtyCa ada Canada PROTEGE UNE FOIS REMPLI NOTE: Reference document CD 081 NOTA: Document de reference DC 081 PERSONAL INFORMATION BANK FICHIER DE RENSEIGNEMENTS PERSONNELS PUT AWAY ON FILE . . Offender CLASSER AU oossrsa Oi'gm'" Delinquent OFFENDER COMPLAINT REPONSE DE LA PLAINTE FPS Number RESPONSE ou DELINQUANT ?Um?m 85? Family name Nom de familie Given name(s) Correctional Service Service correctionnel PROTECTED once COMPLETED Current Institution Etablissement present Region Region Prenom(s) . Date of birth M1ss10n PAC Date de naissance .. Filed Against Completing Department Grievance Coordinator Date Reserved Date Due contre D?partement ayant r?pondu a la plainte Coordonnateur des griefs Date de reception Date d??cheance . RitChOt (YYAA-MM-DJ) Reference No. Grievanc r?f?rence Code de Eric; 8 Priority Priorlte Other - Autre ciassr?catron I 02C NEEtgtiaoritaire Sligoriitzrilrcenty I: 333;: urgente TO BE COMPLETED BY RESPONDENT A REMPLIR PAR LE REPONDANT Response to Offender Reponse au delinquent Mr. I have reviewed your complaint, interviewed you on Tuesday, February 10th and consulted with the Assistant Warden of Operations. As discussed, all kitchen staff follow the procedures in line with food safe requirements and do what is necessary to keep the food warm until the carets are picked up in the kitchen and transported to the units during lockdowns. Once the carts leave the kitchen the kitchen staff no longer have any control over the food. I have spoken with the AWO and he has committed to following up with the Correctional Managers and staff regarding the requirement to immediately plug in the carts when they get to the units and he will monitor it, and act accordingly. This will address your concerns outlined in your compliant. As for requiring kitchen staff to stay until the food delivery is complete, this is not possible, once the food carts have left the kitchen they are required to perform other duties prior to their shift ending. Based on the above information and committed from the AWO, this compliant isizmdr. alpha/d. pa Resolved Indicate how the matter wasresolved Regi? Veuillez d?crire comment I'affaire a resolue a; in foender Signature Delinquent Date (WAAMMDJ) Name of Staff Member (print) Signature Date Nom du membre do personnel (en leltres moulees) Denied I Upheld Upheld in Part Cl Beyond Authority No Further Action Required i Refuse Maintenu Maintenu en partie Outrepassant les competences Aucune autre mesure n?cessaire Mediator intervention Rejected Frivolous Vexatious Other (specify) intervention du me?diateur Rejete Futile Vexatoire El Autre (pr?ciser) In accordance with Conform?ment au 4/ .- . - paragraph 45 of CD paragraphe 45 de la (f (HQ 0813 DC 0813 les mesures Name (print) Nom (en Ietlres'moul?es) I Title Titre action (If applicable) correctrves (Ie cas will be completed ?ch?ant) seront within thirty (30) prises dans les trente I I Correctionai Service Service correctionnel PROTECTED ONCE COMPLETED Canada Canada morass UNE FOIS REMPLI PUT AWAY ON FILE CLASSER AU DOSSIER PERSONAL INFORMATION BANK FICHIER DE RENSEIGNEMEHTS FERSONNELS REQUEST REQUETE DU DETENU ORIGINAL O?endor File to request pertains DR Offender CM Flie Dossterdu d?linquanl rolallfz?: [a demands: 0U Dossiur GC d?linquanl Home Horn .3 Awomv om (YYAANMDJ) (Slow as. NOV EM ace ofwork?Llou do have? Cell 0. A Uni! no. do l'unil? SUBJECT: - 1? {twar?cs amt" dads: klk?w-n tax 3?0 ?Vou- ?H?x 57 OBJET: 1 mumk $a?xm\u? moA ohm. ml, 59m oak} was?? 3a: WW mama?;? Provide specific reasons for an interview in accordance with relevant {35? policy. Fournir on d?taiis ins raisans qul motivont votre requ?te salon Ia politiqua du SCC- QM 1. ?32? 3a a (Mom mm wax 363% ?oo?x Arum Cnn?ixmookk \m Emma?rm- ?moduli grams oigkotobw atoms ., W3C on} ov?mba. (carom) Aka oer gm 135w. o?c? Qodm? Aha w'?k ?30 1 *3 Lola.) UAW Go} bmc?enir 915?s. gcf? WW \m tax SM (39$ Quick or, *?wi?ar (Lemur. Men. 1' 1:9 N7 COU punk 0: m" \o 94 So Qf/aucckw? So?: am mkat 6 Ir kw; My: tum. wok; m1. ?Vu? bicbo?m s. moat. hat?ax atom .15- . kw - Malta?s Signature - D?tonu Date REQUEST .- REQUETE Rogue PAR . Mr- "415 (38 staff who receives requesl(prin1namo)? Employ? do SCC qui la requ?le [imprimer nom) Date Response to be provided within 15 days of receipt of request. A la reception do la roqu?to, une r?ponso doit ?tro fournio dans on d?lai do 15 jours. ?ma, g;me mg Mm Arm, comacx q:ng ?397% Whom Jew .macv?g?otx? moon?: la oxamloB/? Jae l. . I 93?5? Lil?uu? (Equal!) - guan/t/amkmc nL is r1 Aidan}: (Ito/cg anrlm go?xb 13m} . - - gym?m, 1122 (Stocked Form only) {Formuialre Imprim? sew?r?eni) DISTRIBUTION Copy 2 Inmalefmmn completed) I: Copy 3 a ?nmato {roquestonfy} Copie 2 D?tenu {ioraqua compl?l?) Copie 3 a D?lenu (sur demanoe soulement) I I Correctional Service Service correctionnel PROTECTED once COMPLETED Canada Canada PROTEGE UNE FOIS REMPLI PUT AWAY 0N - CLASSER AU PERSONHL HANK DE RENSEIGNEMENTS PERSONNELS IN Offender F?e io winch requeslpertains OR Offender CM Fiie ORIGENAL: Dossier du d?llnquani relatisz la demands 0U Dossmr GC doianquani To - A: From - De: Name - Nom m?Place oi work Lieu do travail Given nameis} Fr?nomisj Cell no - eiiulo Unil no do i?unit? Mission Institution (a I SUBJECT: OBJET: Fa?x "(Ermng ?xowns. Provide speci?c reasons for requesting an Interview In accordance wiih relevant CSC policy. Fournlr en d?talls ies raisono qui motivent voire requ?te salon Ia poiitique du SOC. buv?m??! ?kw-Mb "Neg"- *9 {39 no"? QJE on 99530; *emi?amw i?r Qu?io? Cr Worm "Wm is ?oa?w?u Miami,? ?hob 41-f- 305%: gm If it: Qoos-irimakb moniker I;qu kcm9w \Jio?s ow 543M 0m 3cm} Easier Wok?: M. 71M ich \Novc} wk ?5?ch CA (Aw-r vl'mi WM ?ih-vo weak Home. Yam} Ska-A3 a. $032.. ?muo GM) 03. Ml \ntm}. G?x 5? morik?aak on SA . NM mm 00 ?g?oibwwa?x? WM 22 Emu-a T: nut-?- . E?'ica?n. 09*- of?? rm?? - Q0 Li a 5. inmate?a?? Signaiure? D?tanu DatB REQUEST i 0 BY REQUETE REQUE PAR: 1/ Mm? i4" CEO staff who receives request [prim name} Employ? du SCC qui recoil ta requ?ie nom} Date Response. to be provided within 15 days of receipt of request. A la reception the la requ?te, une r?ponso doit (sire foumie dans un d?iai do 15jour5. it,? Jim: mimm? 0mg? iI-ic'iiJZDZ? Ld/ii/ir ?6 {:71 may Qa? ?Hid: {g Acx?? FAQ/god H?m \mw/ AW) kibciww.i?iki a Mme, Mg Wm or)" JQi/w ?i'Km, oi} ?erg?Q 'iixmixg Pigi?i?obf Ain \vm?miV?S ?xing oth mawfjo Hg Ce: . ,2 6 Figure.? {Aer . ?ag/y o/L?f? 'n?ar?e? p??niedi?' N?onfde i'em?idy? (imp?m?) Signattfze/ 1? Date (WM-MM-DJ CSCISCC 1122 {Stocked Form oniy) (Formulalre Imprim? seulemeni) DISTRIBUTION Copy 2 Inmate (when completed) Copy a inmate (requaslonly) Copie 2 Deienu (Iorsquo oompi?i?} El Copio 3 D?tenu [our demands semen-ion!) Correctional Service Service correctionnel PROTECTED ONCE COMPLETED Canada Canada eaor?e? A UNE FOISREMPLI PERSONAL INFORMATION BANK Homer: DE RENSEIGNEMENTS PERSONNELS PUT AWAY ON FILE 3 INMATE COMPLAINT FORMULAIRE DE PLAINTE CLASSER AU DOSSIER FORM FPS number 3 Num?ro SED NOTE: Reference document CD 081. NOTA Document do reference DC 081. Fami'y name Nom de famille Compioling operationa! unit Unite op?ralionnolro ayanl r?dig? Ie rapport Referred to Renvoy? a 3 Emir?) Current Enslitution or address Adresse oo ?labiissement acme! Unit Un-ite Date of bum Date de naissanoe Reference no. Sub?ect code Grievance Coordinator Coordonnateur des griefs Date received de reference Codamatt?re Date der?ceplion 3090/5 0:3. no. . - O-J groih?ance 3 {5 Complaint Plainte (M7 0? 54"?3?07 01015 ?Vi Gk I'N?aSrcm "Inslci?U'mrs ?ame *0 @rw'xclk cm val?e? qt)" m?U-?kg?bt 0K ?mac? a??vw?c& ?67 ROMWO ka "5 3m 0: beak cwu?tg? ?x'xek QCLw-c?wb *0 Cb?na&g3 (KY-"agkf? .2736 .156 Oct. E?ar?s "To be} GOV a? an} We?; Qua) c.3095 OWEQWR ?ak?:35qu 1?0 Oil "Wye. kt?K?U?fn?: (Dace, (Again ?3 ?Gk it J?k xix-?ghf? skiff ?kwm? AS ubs?i?uk {nuclodn g?afungmux ?wot?w? err?M be ham-,5 3c: \5 cm waw?tt. ow ck U?j?o?keb 4.31 Lcr?am? ??ukeUg?cbvb mag? ngk?b\?b om! {?ank-3, {Serran ?rm" loo/o (r 1* .lk? byy hike Wag], . . - - (54? I - h. :13;be Quirk?\brw3411)? Irv WCL (AA 2 C: (?in rim-via" ?wk?g: ma) . I ?y .. ?GkLaw?; .3 Yuj i a. alumna?? i?'whi?w??x ri?es? ?wzek 6?35?- "?Wa?mk e? Qa::r}org-l .ch?xl (K gym}. Rb heywkm?? (anti i3!!qu in?? - 1:3. w. .m M. Wm?W-fm W?rx ?mini. View? . w? l? I Have you tried to solve the problem before filing this comptaint? 3 No ?Yes (desonbe how) Esme que vous avez essay? de r?soudre ie probi?me avant do d?poser cette plainto? (deCfiveZ commentrj??33?? . r. .- . Roma om (iv-amrask in MAW 6:32.. .. Action requested Action demandIi?lii-r?b ?m ndyg?-r (i walk 359231} 5? t? m? i ?54m Y-A DJ .. or car. fjw'?'m I inmate~SignaiureD?tenu Date 0301509 350 P3981 7530-2?e?94-4366 Originat =Grievance Coordinator, to resgtaor?rderatr to inmate Coordonnateur des griefs. au repondant. au d?tenu Correctional Service Service correctionnei PROTECTED ONCECOMPLETED anada Canada PROTEGE UNE FUIS REMPLI NOTE - Reference document 919,00], Document do reference anqt? Bistributien Copy-~ PUT AWAY ON CLASSER AU DOSSIER OFFENDER COMPLAINT REPONSE DE LA PLAINTE Offendere D?linquant RESPONSE DU DELINQUANT FPS Number -- - - - - Num?ro SED Family name Nom de familie Current institution Etablissement present Region Region Given namers) Miison institution Pacific Date of birth Date de naissance Filed Against Compieting Department Grievance Coordinator Date received Date due Enregistre contra D?partement ayant repondu a la Coordonnateur des griefs Date de reception Date d??ch?ance piainte (YYAA-MM-DJ) Food Service Food Service Donna Ritchot 2015?0149 201502-20 Reference No. Grievance Code Priority Priorite Other Classification Autre classification N0 de reference Code de grief Routine High Priority Urgent Sensitive V80 R0001 8780 02C Non?prioritaire Prioritaire Nature urgente Nature delicate TO BE COMPLETED BY RESPONDENT A REMPLIR PAR LE REPONDANT Response to Offender R?ponse au d?iinouant As you and discussed in our interview, in my office on 2015-02-20, you are cooperatively allowing me to answer multiple grievances with one response. Answered in this response are for Grievances It 8712 118780 /19043 l19044/19045 I have reviewed your complaint. We are now following a National Menu that Ottawa has directed us to use. This menu was approved by the Dietician. The serving amounts and portion sizes meet the daily requirements of the Canada Food Guide. We follow the menu to the best of our ability due to product availability. However the menu is subject to change. Even with the changes we still provide the required daily servings according to the Canada Food Guide. We are still making small adjustments to the odd recipe. The main reason we are running out of the allotted rations is due in part to inmates taking more than their share of these rations as outlined by the national menu. Many of the items we run out of are on the self serve portion of our dining service. This issue is beyond my control. I have repeatedly approached the IWC and TIER REPS to suggest to the men to be more considerate of their fellow inmates when taking rations, as well as not taking extra food out of the kitchen. In instances like this we do not have the extra rations prepared or available for service. It is not a fault of the Food Service Staff when this happens .One action you requested, was an apology from and reprimanding of staff. This action is not warranted. As I requested from you in our discussion .Please bring you concerns to the IWC and Quality Assurance Rep. They will be able to bring forward the concerns of you have along with the concerns of many others in one voice. I have suggested to the IWC and TIER REPS that I may have to look at portioning all food if accommodations are not made. They have been resistant to this possible solution. I have posed this alternative solution to the Institutional management. All Options are being looked to remedy theseissues. It is presently beyond my authority to augment such a change. Personai information will be protected under the provisions of the Privacy Distribution (Word Version Version Word) Act and will be stored in Personal Information Bank 080 i PPU 032. 1 Page i ofide1 Les renseignemonts personnels seront proteg?s on menu do it: Lol sur is 0p? Offender Grievance File -- Dossier de grief du delinquent protection ties renseignements person nets et seront verses au Fisher do Come 1 reneeignemenls personnels 300 032- ON YELLOW PAPER SUR PAPIER JAUNE 1 Correctional Service Service correctionnei PROTECTEQ once comersreo Canada Canada PROTEGE UNE FOIS REMPLI NOTE: Reference document CD oat NOTA: Document de reference DC 081 PERSONAL INFORMATION BANK - FICHIER DE RENSEIGNEMENTS PERSONNELS PUT AWAY ON FILE . . Offender - . I CLASSER AU poseran Delinquent OFFENDER COMPLAINT LA PLAINTE f8 gurgbeg RESPONSE nu DELINQUANT ?m - Family name . . . Nom de famiile b! Given name(s) I Current Institution - Etabiissement present Region - Region Prenom(s) Date of birth MISSIOM PAC Date de naissance Filed Against Completing Department Grievance Coordinator Date Received Date Due Enregistr? contra D?partement ayant r?pondu a ta piainte Coordonnateur des griefs Date de reception Date d'e?ch?ance 2015?02?09 FOOD SERVICES FOOD SERVICES . RI TCHOT (WAAMMDJ) Priority Priorite Other Classification - Autre classification Routine High Priority Urgent Sensitive Non prioritaire Prioritaire El Nature urgente Nature delicate . TO BE COMPLETED BY RESPONDENT - A REMPLIR PAR LE REPONDANT Response to Offender R?ponse au de?linquant requirements of the Canada Food Guide. We follow the menu to the best of our ability due to product availability. However the menu is subject to change. Even with the changes we still provide the required daily servings according to the Canada Food Guide. The Taco issue was an error on my part which has been corrected. We are still making small adjustments to the odd recipe.Substitutions are allowable. We run out of food due to self serve, and the men taking more than they are supposed toc.We have been in discussion with tier reps,lWC and management with this issue and looking for solutions. Resoived Indicate how the matter was resolved Regl? Veuiilez decrire comment I?affaire a et? r?solue Offender Signature D?iinquant Date (WAA-MM-DJ) Name of Staff Member (print) Signature Date- (WAA-MMDJ) Nom du membre du personnel (en iettres moul?es) Denied Upheld Upneid in Part Beyond Authority No Further Action Required Refuse Maintenu Maintenu en partie Outrepassant les competences Aucune autre mesure necessaire Mediator intervention Reiected Frivolous Vexatious Other (specify) intervention du mediateur Rejet? Futile Vexatoire Autre (preciser) In accordance with Conform?ment au I paragraph 45 of CD paragraphe 45 de la Steve Barry I Food Serv1ce Manager 081* Cofrect?? DC 081A '68 mesures Name (print) No {View iettr Titie Titre action (if applicable) correctives (ie 033 l, will be compteted ?ch?ant} seront within thirty (30) prises dans les trente 2 015 02 2 3 working days. (30) jours ouvrabies. Respondent?signature eBepo?dant Date if you are not satisfied with the response, you hav?e 20 working days to file a first level grievance. I Si vous n??tes pas satisfait de la r?ponse, vous avez 20 jours ouvrabies pour presenter un grief au premier palier. CSCISCC 0360-A Personal information will be protected under the provisions of the Privacy DISTRIBUTION (Word Version Version Word) Act and will be stored in Person Iilnfor?mation Bank (380 i PPU 082. Copy Offender Grievance trite (1733,21) Les renseignements personnels seront prot?g?s en vertu de la Loi suria Copie Dossier de grief du delinquent (1738-2) protection des renseignernents personnefs et seront verses au Fichier de renseignemems personnels SCC PPU 082 PRINTED ON YELLOW PAPER -- IMPRIME SUR PAPIER JAUNE WEEK 1 MONDAY B-banana muffin L-macaroni&cheese S?chicken stew D-kiwi TUESDAY B-scrambled eggs L-pizza S-s&s pork stir fried D-apple crisp WEDNESDAY B~english muffin L-tuna salad S-lasagna Duapple THURSDAY B?french toast L-bbq pulled pork S-beef stew D-diced pears FRIDAY B-scrambled eggs L-breaded basa S-chicken legs D?van. pudding SATURDAY B-toast pb L?beef casserole S~beef saugage D-apple SUNDAY B-boiled eggs L-c 8: jambalaya S-roast turkey&g ravy D?oatmeal cookie WEEK 2 MONDAY B-banana muffin L-hot beef san. S-baked pollock D-pudding b.scotch TUESDAY ancrambled eggs sandwich S-shepherd's pie D~diced pears WEDNESDAY B-english muffin L-tuna casserole S?chicken stir fry D-kiwi THURSDAY B?french toast L-grilled cheese S-spaghetti D-apple crisp FRIDAY B~scramb ed eggs Luchicken primavera S-ham steak D-cherry jello SATURDAY B-toast pb L-beef burger S-roast chicken D-oatmeal cookie SUNDAY B-boiled eggs L~mexican enchilada S-roast pork D?apple WEEK 3 MONDAY B?banana muffin L-chicken a la king S-grilled pollock D?ban. pudding TUESDAY B?scrambled eggs L-beans weiners S?spaghetti D?fruit cocktail WEDNESDAY B-english muffin L-beef burger S?chicken rice D?diced pears THURSDAY B-french toast L?tortilla wrap S?pork stir fry D-kiwi FRIDAY B-scrambled eggs L-tunalcheese melt S?roast chicken leg D-cantaloupe SATURDAY B-toast pb L?three bean stew S-braised beef D-apple SUNDAY B-boiled eggs L-meat pie S-baked ham D-oatmeal cookie WEEK 4 MONDAY B-banana muffin L?salmon sandwich S-chicken cacciatore D-orange jello TUESDAY Buscrambled eggs L?chicken pita wrap S-baked penne D-fruit cocktail WEDNESDAY B-english muffin L-beef burger S?pork veg. stew Dnoatmeal cookie THURSDAY Bufrench toast L-grilled cheese S?salisbury steak D-kiwi FRIDAY B~scrambled eggs L-?rotini ham cass. S-beef taco pears SATURDAY B?toast 8: pb L-beef weiners S-curried chicken D-choc. Pudding SUNDAY B-boiled eggs L-tuna casserole S?roast beef gravy D-apple l* Correctionai Service Service correctionnei PROTECTED A I I ONCECOMPLETED Canada Canada PROTEGE UNE F015 REM9LI PERSONAL INFORMATION BANK FSCHIER DE RENSEIGNEMENTS PERSONNELS PUT AWAY ON FILE INMATE COMPLAINT FORNIULNRE DE PLAINTE CLASSER AU DOSSIER FORM DU DETENU FPS number . . Family name NOTE. Reference document CD 081. NOTA . Document de r?f?rence DC 081. Nm ?famine Completing operationei unit Unite op?retionne ie eyant redige ie rapport Referred to Renvoye a Given namem Prenom(s) 3 - . Current institution or address Adresse ou eiablissemenl ectuei Unil Unite . Dale of birth Date de naissance 3 Reference not Subject code Grievance Coordinator Coordonnateur des griefs Date received 0 de reference Code-maiiere . a Date de {?cep?on 3 3% . I . Date due Y-A I 2 Date d'?ch?ance 3 ?13 Compiaint - Plainte "\t'oix UQL ?Er; rundown-n Law (.33: "11:9. . pncoCerA on 5-. - -.- 36?? Stxxi SERMIKLQM in ny \Unt'lm Wxa..a\ .1- fetal-Mer- K305, (5035 i r: mans-a. . m1?; (were. bug. remit-? Imam GPQi'cr?cafa more? (bkc?r? coma (xx em. 3? Low-.5 II I'd: hoot). rmcI'I: Aha. mm II A . . '11 ixgmk Cray. boar Lemma.ka Sm au ex?i chm. . .L DcuA chrk?t I?l??cgux ?ne(Ahab)? my?. Nyn? . tbg?x? mack ax\ I ?ii-I It; Am Haw 4-5-30? Ihk?r? ?3\C?Itec a: II AC 0? (?ute II: . . -. I 615:} PALA 55:1? we. Inf; \muii?A 5AM in": ewciw? SHML ?kr?g?s (Kerk ?ii-"Ki; Ga": URL LS) A In? ~33 hurl? As;\ I who (Mug ?ak-ac? ex \3 Qm'uk gar . 'h in CAer MEL, \kb .. . 9 do. 551:; "me A331 ix\ {Gym u\oab (min beer-A531 as; (in. ID {bl-?3V C3- 030 NW5 "no ?ivIro?PL ?Val; Skmmi Air) Memo. 00?: 0A now? (?Ami Air} om oAkamb?x? *0 at! Ib?uvits 14 M?Miim Cor Ix 71 (34A mi mug; Have you tried to solve the problem before filing this complaint? No Yes {describe how) Est-co quo vous avez essay? de r?soudre le probi?me avant de d?poser cette plainte? 3 OUI comment) Action requested - Action demand?39653" Ck opac?II C.)be Elmira/L xvi?; A wk), My WON cm; (?e?dem. 1 r. "I?m recap-ah at belch-magi ck ?(Ii i230 Luky Mil-~- C/uet.? ram m: Ner mfeb?nj; {?n-9am? MAMA Wu; (IL Sikkrsalxttu'eeh (with IE ,4 I I inmate Signature D?tenu Date CSCISCC 350 Page (IQ-00.10) 7530-21~894-4866 DISTRIBUTION Originai =Grievance Coordinator. to respondent. to inmate Coordonnateur dos griefs. au r?pondant, au d?tenu I Correctionai Service Service correctionnel anorecreo once COMPLETED Canada Canada PROTEGE UNE NOTE NOTA Reference document cecal - Document do reference @4153 Qieteibution Originate?Offenderm?eiinquant I OFFENDER COMPLAINT REPONSE DE LA PLAINTE Orleinai: Offender Delinquent RESPONSE DU DELINQUANT FPS Number Num?ro SED Family name Norn de famille Current institution Etablissement present Region Region Given namets} Pr?nomtsi Miison Institution Pacific Date of birth Date de naissance Filed Against Compieting Department Grievance Coordinator Date received Date due Enregistr? contre Departement ayant r?pondu a la Coordonnateur des grieis Date de reception Date d'ech?ance plainte (YYAA-MM-DJ) (YYAA-MM-DJ) Food Service Food Service Donna Ritchot 2015-02?13 20150349 Reference No. Grievance Code Priority Priorit? Other Ciassification - Autre classification N0 de reference Code de grief Routine High Priority Urgent Sensitive V80R00019045 020 5m? Non~prioritaire Prioritaire w- Nature urgente Nature delicate TO BE COMPLETED BY RESPONDENT - A REMPLIR PAR LE REPONDANT Response to Offender Reponse au delinquent As you and discussed in our interview, in my office on 2015-02-20, you are cooperatively allowing me to answer multiple grievances with one response. Answered in this response are for Grievances I have reviewed your complaint. We are now following a National Menu that Ottawa has directed us to use. This menu was approved by the Dietician. The serving amounts and portion sizes meet the daily requirements of the Canada Food Guide. We follow the menu to the best of our ability due to product availability. However the menu is subject to change. Even with the changes we still provide the required daiiy servings according to the Canada Food Guide. We are still making small adjustments to the odd recipe. The main reason we are running out of the allotted rations is due in part to inmates taking more than their share of these rations as outlined by the national menu. Many of the items we run out of are on the self serve portion of our dining service. This issue is beyond my control. I have repeatedly approached the IWC and REPS to suggest to the men to be more considerate of their fellow inmates when taking rations, as well as not taking extra food out of the kitchen. In instances like this we do not have the extra rations prepared or available for service. it is not a fault of the Food Service Staff when this happens .One action you requested, was an apology from and reprimanding of staff. This action is not warranted. As I requested from you in our discussion .Please brin Assurance Rep. They will be able to bring forward th concerns of many others in one voice. I have suggested to the and TIER REPS that i may have to look at portioning all food if accommodations are not made. They have been resistant to this possible solution. I have posed this alternative solution to the Institutional management. All options are being looked to remedy these issues. It is presently beyond my authority to augment such a change. 9 you concerns to the and Quality concerns of you have along with the CSCISCC USES-A Personal information will be protected underthe provisions of the Privacy Distribution (Word Version - Version Word) Act and wit! be stored in Personal information Bank 080 i PPU 082. Co 1 Page i ofide1 Les renseignemants personnels sercnt protease en vertu de la Loi sur la Offender Grievance File Dossier de grief (in d?iinquanf protection des renseignements personnels ei seront verses an Fisher de mi?Si?igi?eme'i?S Pemmieis see i 032- PRINTED on YELLOW PAPER a sun JAUNE re Resolved on R?gi? Cl indicate how the matter was resoivecl Veuillez d?crire comment i'atfaire a resolue Offender Signature -- Delinquent Date Staff Member Signature Membre?dii?oersonnel Date m" Denied Upheid Uphem in part Mair-Item Maintenu en partie Refuse Mediator intervention :1 ea.? Beyond authority I 'No?if?irt??tqa'ction required w? OUifepassani 193 compeiences Aucune?adtyr?e? mesure necessaire .. . Frivolous Vexatious Other Intervention du m?diateur Futiie Vexatoire Autre accordance with Conform?ment an paragraph 77 of CD 081, paragraphe .77 de la DC corrective action (if 081 ies mesures applicable) will be completed oorrectives {le oas - within thirty (30) working ech?ant} seront prises Steve Barry ?m FOOG Manager days. dans les trente (30} jours Namengom Titre - Title ouwables. ?Mix? a? w/f/ A .. ik/ Ag?: 2015-02-27 Respondent Signaturew??pondant Date if you are not satisfied with the response, you have 20 working days to fiie a first level grievance. Si vous n'etes pas satisfait de la r?ponse. vous avez 20 jours ouvrables pour presenter un grief au premier palier. CSCISCC (Ft-200802] (Word Version Version Word) Page 2 offtle?i Persona! informalion wit! be protected undel the provisions of the Privacy Act and will be stored in Personal Information Bank 050 r' PPU 032. Les reriseignements person nets seroni proteges en uonu de la Loi sur la protection dos renseignomenls personnels el seroril verses all Ficher de renseignemenis personnels 800 PPU 082. Distribution $233; 3 Offender Grievance Fiie - Dossier de grief du delinquent ON YELLOW PAPER IMPRIME SUR PAPIER JAUNE Correctionat Service Service correctionnel PROTECTED A ONCECOMPLETED Canada Canada PROTEGE UNE FOIS REMPLI PERSONAL INFORMATION BANK DE PERSONNELS PUT AWAY ON FILE 3 INMATE COMPLAINT FORMULAIRE DE PLAINTE CLASSER AU 0033133 DU FPS number Numaro SE0 3 . . Family name NOTE. Reference document CD 081. NOTA. Document do reference DC 081. Mm de famine Compteting operational unit Unite operationneile ayant r?dig? ie rapport Referred to - Renvoye a Given namets) 3 Prenom(s) Current institution or address Adresse ou etablissemenl actoel Unit - timte Dale of birth Dale de naissance 3 mg}: Reference not Subject code Grievance Coordinator Coordonnateur des griefs Date received D-J de reference Codenmatiere Date de reception \rtottcwi W3 096 A?oat Steam Compiaint - Plainte (:5:1; if ("tux (3th (on: {wait-?tter, 1% kitted ?ia?l?w? t: etcyam-Kr Cg. more ?imgt- "3m Sojo- CMX- i) ?(theaai WW r? 55;.?Km? Markx?dvyfuk Kins-Ln, rift." v5 5?1 J.) 3) VamClark ?t?V?a \h?m til/t? it?? Kit?koTQI ?High; EVt-?k?? 4:1; Wyn?r" 5x ?xing ?7:citrus. ?gaze/r" gig? hermit)? Lien-?1 Wt it? Fugit?-ham, ?gated mitt. We: farm-i (Sta/tr? "tj?o-?JQ CMGK 51$ UWWEE :umktawttv?h" (git? tut/kw. I: "r?g?l Vtemfe?? KW: yoke-55?? ?Wj (M, to Have you tried to solve the problem before filing this complaint? Est-ca que vous avez essay? de r?soudre 1e probleme avant de d?poser cette plainte? attestaatm - I. I I. i/?t/ttmahtggi; i3me gait Qijfz?-i?v at; M) (-ILEKCEN (31% E. I .. ?to C?jv?amk ?(it?figxiiltm talitwvf/tvk?k KWEEtktm?iftow-t rm. {If 1 Action requested - Action demand?e Ext m; ?Wat Ataxia-pk {madman} 11?? iV-Fk?m? m1 ?3ij 5? ?We? t. c; h. - .- Lfal?k EV 5mm" ?i?Ctt??ik?CQ?x Paid-1emum?. . .k I: fl Km?w (To cine: waft" to; ?gs (.8117 "?7an was - we gee-?x: $fo; \s?tK ?Sg?gimg?ee (tr-(Lawtix 3:3: invitimak- Jet-:5 (Z. 1 ??31.13 x- M/x? r" Signature Detenu Date CSCISCC 360 Page 1 (Roe?10) 7530?21?894-4366 DISTRIBUTION Originai =Grievanoe Coordinator, to respondent. to inmate Coordonnateur des griefs, au r?pondant. au d?tenu Correctionai Service Service correctionnei eeorscreo ONCE COMPLETED Canada Canada PROTEGE one REMPL: NOTE NOTA 2 Reference do reference Qt; gs Distribution Copy-fl--z-Offender-Grievance Fife! OFFENDER COMPLAINT REPONSE DE LA PLAINTE Original: Offender Delinquent FPS Number Numero SED Nom de famille Current institution Etabiissement present Region Region Given namelS} a {(1.be Pr?nomlsl Ml institution Pacrfic Date oiblrif? I, -. .. Date de naissance .. . Filed Against Completing Department Grievance Coordinator Date received Date due Enregistre centre Departement ayant repondu a ia Coordonnateur des griefs Date de reception Date d?ech?ance plainte (YYM-MM-DJ) Food Service Food Service Donna Ritchot 2015?02-13 2015-0349 Reference No. Grievance Code Priority Priorit? Other Classification Autre classification N0 de reference Code de grief Routine High Priority L?l Urgent Sensitive 02C Nonwprioritaire Prioritaire Nature urgente Nature delicate TO BE COMPLETED BY RESPONDENT - A REMPLIR PAR LE REPONDANT Response to Offender Reponse au delinquent As you and discussed in our interview, in my office on 2015?02-20, you are cooperatively allowing me to answer multiple grievances with one response. Answered in this response are for Grievances I18712 118780 I have reviewed your complaint. We are now following a National Menu that Ottawa has directed us to use. This menu was approved by the Dietician. The serving amounts and portion sizes meet the daily requirements of the Canada Food Guide. We follow the menu to the best of our ability due to product availability. However the menu is subject to change. Even with the changes we still provide the required daily servings according to the Canada Food Guide. We are still making small adjustments to the odd recipe. The main reason we are running out of the allotted rations is due in part to inmates taking more than their share of these rations as outlined by the national menu. Many of the items we run out of are on the self serve portion of our dining service. This issue is beyond my control. I have repeatedly approached the IWC and TIER REPS to suggest to the men to be more considerate of their fellow inmates when taking rations, as well as not taking extra food out of the Kitchen. In instances like this we do not have the extra rations prepared or available for service. It is not a fault of the Food Service Staff when this happens .One action you requested, was an apology from and reprimanding of staff. This action is not warranted. As I requested from you in our discussion .Please bring you concerns to the IWC and Quality Assurance Rep. They will be able to bring forward the concerns of you have along with the concerns of many others in one voice. i have suggested to the IWC and TIER REPS that I may have to look at portioning all food if accommodations are not made. They have been resistant to this possible solution. I have posed this alternative solution to the Institutional management. All options are being looked to remedy theseissues. It is presently beyond my?authority to augment such a change. 0380-A Personal information will he prolecleri underlhe provisions olthe Privacy Distribution (Word Version Version Word) Act and will be stored in Personai Information Bank 080 PPU 082. 1 Page 1 otfde 1 Les renseignements nersonneis seront proteges en venu do la Loi sur la 0p)! Offender Grievance File A Dossier de grief du delinquent protection renseignements personnels et seronl verses au Fiche: do come 1 fei'seigiie??e?'5 "9'50""9'5 SOC 032- PRINTED on YELLOW PAPER sun PAPIER JAUNE f8 Resolved indicate how the matter was resolved on R?gi? Veuiliez d?crire comment l?affaire a ete resolue .. I, ?1 Offender - Signature Delinquent Date (YYAA-MM-DJ) Staff Member Signature Membre du personnel Date I rn'f o"'rl I Denied Upheld Upheld In part I Beyond authority Rio urther action i'equrred -- Refuse Maintenu Malnienu en Dame 198 competences Aucune autremeeure necessaire Mediator intervention Rejected Frivolous Vexetioue Other Intervention du m?dieteur w. Rejet? Futile Vexatoire Autre in accordance with Conform?ment au paragraph 7? of CD 081, paragraphe 77 de la DC corrective action (if 081, ies mesuree applicable) will be oompieted correctives (ie oas within thirty (30) working echeant) seront prises Steve Barry W. service manager days. dens lee trente {30) jours Name anion], Titre Title ouwables. . ?Ego? Respondent Signature m'R?pondant Date if you are not satisfied with the res ponse. you have 20 working days to fiie a first level grievance. Si vous n'?tes pas satisfait de la r?ponse. vous avez 20 jours ouvrables pour presenter un grief au premier patter. CSCISCC USED-A Personal information wili he proleoted under the provisions of the Privacy Distribution (Word Version Version Word) Act and wiil be stored in Personal Information Bank 050 PPU 082. C0 1 Page 2 olldei Les ronoeignemonts peroonnels soront prol?g?s on warm (le la Loi our to 1 Offender Grievance File - Dossier de gl'EEf du delinquent protoolion (lee renseignomonts personnele ot soront verses an Fioher do . milwig'mmems i?mm?liels 500 PPU 032- PRINTED on YELLOW PAPER IMPRIME sun PAPJER JAUNE I Correctional Service Service correctionnel PROTECTED ONCE COMPLETED Canada Canada PROTEGE UNE F028 REMPLI NOTE ?v Reference document coast - Document do reference Qt;le Distribution PUT AWAY ON FILE . . - I AU DOSSEER OFFENDER COMPLAINT REPONSE DE LA PLAINTE RESPONSE DU DELINQUANT FPS Number Num?ro SED Family name Norn de famille Current institution Etablissement present Region Region Given Helmets} Pr?nomis) I g? . . - Ms?d?lhstitution Pacrfic Date of Date de naissance Fiied Against Completing Department Grievance Coordinator Date received Date due Enregistre centre Departement ayant r?pondu a la Coordonnateur des griets Date de reception Date d'?cheance piainte Food Service Food Service Donna Ritchot 20150243 2015-03-19 Reference No. Grievance Code Priority Priorite Other Classification Autre classification N0 de reference Code de grief Routine High Priority l:?l Urgent Sensitive V80 R0001 9044 02C Non~prioritaire Prioritaire Nature urgente Nature delicate TO BE COMPLETED BY RESPONDENT w- A REMPLIR PAR LE REPONDANT Response to Offender R?ponse au deiinquant As you and discussed in our interview, in my office on 2015-02-20, you are cooperativer allowing me to answer multiple grievances with one response. Answered in this response are for Grievances I have reviewed your complaint. We are now following a National Menu that Ottawa has directed us to use. This menu was approved by the Dietician. The serving amounts and portion sizes meet the daily requirements of the Canada Food Guide. We follow the menu to the best of our ability due to product availability. However the menu is subject to change. Even with the changes we still provide the required daily servings according to the Canada Food Guide. We are still making small adjustments to the odd recipe. The main reason we are running out of the allotted rations is due in part to inmates taking more than their share of these rations as outlined by the national menu. Many of the items we run out of are on the self serve portion of our dining service. This issue is beyond my control. have repeatedly approached the IWC and TIER REPS to suggest to the men to be more considerate of their fellow inmates when taking rations, as well as not taking extra food out of the kitchen. In instances like this we do not have the extra rations prepared or available for service. It is not a fault of the Food Service Staff when this happens .One action you requested, was an apology from and reprimanding of staff. This action is not warranted. As I requested from you in our discussion .Please bring you concerns to the IWC and Quality Assurance Rep. They will be able to bring forward the concerns of you have along with the concerns of many others in one voice. I have suggested to the and TIER REPS that I may have to look at portioning all food if accommodations are not made. They have been resistant to this possible solution. I have posed this alternative solution to the Institutional management. All options are being looked to remedy these issues. It is presently beyond my authority to augment such a change. CSCISCC uses-A Personal information will be protected underthe provisions ofthe Privacy Distribution (Word Version Version Word} Act and will be stored in Personal Information Bank CSC PPU 082. CO 1 Page 1 olu?de 1 Les renseignements personneis seronl prol?g?s en verlu do la Lot sur Ia p? Offender Grievance File de grief du d?iinquant protection {Ir-is renseignenlents personnels of soront verses an Fisher do fetimigt?emf?ms I'Je'somiels 300 PPU 052? PRINTED on YELLOW PAPER IMPRIME sun JAUNE Correctional Service Service correctionnel PROTECTED A ONCE COMPLETED Canada Canada PROTEGE UNE F018 REMPLI PERSONAL BANK FECHIER DE PERSONNELS PUT AWAY ON FILE INMATE COMPLAINT DE PLAINTE CLASSER AU DOSSIER FPS number Num?ro SEO 3 NOTE: Reference document Ct) 081. NOTA Document de reference DC 081. Pam"? name. 3 Nom de termite Con i t' ionaiun't?Unzteo eral'omeite at r? i re ot't Refe'reclt paing rat Renvoyea Gwennamms) Prenomts) 3 Current institution or address -- Adresse 0U elablissement actuei Unit Unite Date of birth 3 we? Date de naissance Reference no. Subject cede Grievance Coordinator Coordonnateur des griefs Date received Wk D-J N0 (18 reference Codeumatiere I. Date der?cemion 3 i3 fem-- em 4% 03 i i cite} Esteem 335533519 Complint Plainte .. Uri?cltz'zj x5e{nebnuu?irik (?ilk titan. .. M: main-Q m} \Tfsce vk?tmeem Heat'tuec? J'Sixiawm 1W Q?am?' ?km? {Devi 3?11.) ti- 1M vs; . Ali?s?'3' keg: ?Rim cum. (4991:"; (V. Q'K'xwa {Viki Xu?ak theft" 1 \Me {V'enckg?mef awn-? t'k" fur-5?? I T3111- A wingi- \e?xi (A) 1 -. 9? ?v LIE .33). i. Min-ax: (A: a? ?lm-1.1m. '3 1'3 {Mm-1c bat an. \?cx Wu?e. KIM-mmuxg? Qt"; Bic/?cc?ia- Kim'" khan?- \mdu'm a?x? Qixzen?wxc? {My} Am \C'tilink?w? Edna-th MRI. cue; \t?wihL. (BUCK. ?ecks ?me. \l'h Lee-Aegean meet. we. 53$ we!? {Pu} k? c? ct" [?th?kthu X0 "thew Au?l 31?) "?65 Un?t-wk xi?m?. ?21, \Mm-aw at?. 5) C41 ?anulK' ?H?t?ika Era-3122?. law?. '(v?siu?f' t: ?peek? aha?. "My" t'm? "if; \i?l'a?g I ?51 um?. :hz?g-j-Xumh (and? lf. .. m. Kn cc (Bu? ?rxya EC: \5 Du Eel-wink} Regal-.. 5:0? (am i315- H?jr?e Have you tried to solve the probtem before filing this com/plant? No Bates (describe how) Est-Ge que vous avez essay? de r?soudre ie probi?me avant de d?poser cette piainte? 3 0w (d?crivez comment} C53: Ceim?eKaIeH ?ci: ?x ?0 em 5) . of: '33 baggy .9 ., V1.53 - Action requested - Action demand?e . . ?71; 1% G?D?k?p?ileie?:iwc .h Levi-37f: hawk ?31 Y-A NI D-J {all - K, .. .- tie inmate - Signature Detenu Date - ~10 I OSCISCC 360 Page 1 (R 00 Original :Grievance Coordinatog to to inmate Coordonnateur des gnefs. au rependant? au detenu Correctional Servica Service correcticnnel PROTECTED once committee anada Canada PROTEGE UNE Fore NOTE NOTA Reference document - Document do reference DC 081 Distribution Saginaw?Mandaram-Delinquent Copy-fl--mOffendern-Grievance FilerIr OFFENDER COMPLAINT REPONSE DE LA PLAINTE Original: Offender D?iinquant RESPONSE cu DELINQUANT FPS Number I, Num?ro SED Family name Noni de familie Current institution Eta biissement present Region Region Given name?) -- . Prenomis) . - - Date of birth Kai? ?hsmunon Pacmc Date de naissance . Filed Against Completing Department Grievance Coordinator Date received Date due Enregisire contre D?partement ayant repondu a la Coordonnateur des griets Date de reception Date d'ech?ance piainte (warmer-oi) Food Service Food Service Donna Ritchot 2015024 3 2015?03-19 Reference No. Grievance Code Priority - Priorit? Other Classification Autre ciassification N0 de reference Code de grief Routine High Priority Urgent Sensitive V80 R0001 9044 020 Non-prioritaire Prioritaire Nature urgente Nature delicate TO BE COMPLETED BY PAR LE REPONDANT Response to Offender Reponse au delinquent As you and discussed in our interview, in my office on 2015-02-20, you are cooperatively allowing me to answer multiple grievances with one response. Answered in this response are for Grievances I1 8712 l18780 l19043 l19044/19045 have reviewed your complaint. We are now following a National Menu that Ottawa has directed us to use. This menu was approved by the Dietician. The serving amounts and portion sizes meet the daily requirements of the Canada Food Guide. We follow the menu to the best of our ability due to product availability. However the menu is subject to change. Even with the changes we still provide the required daily servings according to the Canada Food Guide. We are still making small adjustments to the odd recipe. The main reason we are running out of the allotted rations is due in part to inmates taking more than their share of these rations as outlined by the national menu. Many of the items we run out of are on the self serve portion of our dining service. This issue is beyond my control. have repeatedly approached the IWC and TIER REPS to suggest to the men to be more considerate of their fellow inmates when taking rations, as well as not taking extra food out of the kitchen. in instances like this we do not have the extra rations prepared or available for service. It is not a fault of the Food Service Staff when this happens .One action you requested, was an apology from and reprimanding of staff. This action is not warranted. As i requested from you in our discussion .Please bring you concerns to the and Quality Assurance Rep. They will be able to bring forward the concerns of you have along with the concerns of many others in one voice. i have suggested to the IWC and TIER REPS that I may have to look at portioning all food if accommodations are not made. They have been resistant to this possible solution. I have posed this alternative solution to the Institutional management. All options are being looked to remedy theseissues. it is presently beyond my authority to augment such a change. CSCISCC case-A (Ft-200842] Personal inion'nalion will be protected undertne provisions oiliie Privacy Distribution (Word Version Version Word) Act and will be stored in Personal Information Bank 080 i PPU 032. CO 1 Page i cltdei Les reriseignemonts personnols sorcnt prot?g?s on vertu (to la Loi sur la p.51 Offender Grievance File Dossier dB grief du delinquent protection (has r'ensnignenienls personnels et seront verses au Ficher tie renseignemeiits personneis 300 PPU 032- PRINTED ON YELLOW PAPER sun PAPIER JAUNE Correctional Service Service correctionnet PROTECTED ONCECOMPLETED Canada Canada PROTEGE A UNEFOISREMPLI PERSONAL BANK FICHIER DE RENSEIGNEMENTS PERSONNELS PUT AWAY ON FILE 3 INMATE COMPLAINT FORMIULAIRE DE CLASSER AU DOSSIER FORM DU DETENU FPS number I Num?ro SED NOTE: Reference dowment CD 081. NOTA Document de r?f?rence DC 031. Family name Nom de famiite Completing operational unit Unit? op?rationnelle ayant r?dig? 1e rapport Referred to Renvoye a Gwen nam?s} Pr?nomts} Current institution or address Adresee ou etabiiseemenl actuet Unit - Unite Date of binh 3 . i m? Dale do naiseance V35 \rmtx Wit?k rx?a?i Reference no. Subject code Grievance Coordinator Coordonnateur des griefs Date received A D-J N0 de reference Code-matiere Date de r?ceplion 3 i "x I i .. Date due 3 YA \j 0 Date d'echeance f. Complaint Plainte - at a -. ix (L Molt" 20' i Pi Wm? {Hawk trek(pure 5330 43:1? "?rcsa i'b 0? 0L tba?rrgili- magaxneau. iri?kj?g'r 1 is '5 if?r ?t %XOW\ctt'3th in out? Pmmt?k 0.. (3?ku Omcix it?) in Cp'?gitt?? bu?rkm Co Era; saw-Kris t. AVE) \Lr?oi t) r??Ee? {32$ k? tempos; - it.) .3 I a I regeth \29 mm. cw: ?u WM a? ?Rim-"3 i? I r? Wane?3:1 n13 ?lm ?K?ng?yeu E7 my?? Ochoa i ?k ?w ebb-ewe. ?m Serve {termite/aw; @h?v mask; phi-97% \no?tg ?A?Er?bthatsa I Have you tried to solve the problem before this complaint? 3 No We; (desorrbe how) Eet-ce que vous ave: essay? de r?eoudre ie probl?me avant de d?poser oette plainte? Ow (d?cmez comment*ngk ns?ay (DJ/ilk. Action requested - Action demand?e it: i y: .fng 3 Warm} goaa? MK mew 3kg,? t\ Wk??k irrvifj?i tit-m got) at: tote; dank 1* in?ame? tr kg?. Y-A t6 0 a to? D?tenu Date Originai :Grievance Coordinator, to respondent. to inmate Coordonnateur des griefs, au r?pondant. au d?tenu 360 Page 1 (R0040) Correctional Service Service correctionnel PROTECTED ONCE COMPLETED Canada Canada PROTEGE UNE FOIS REMPLI NOTE: Reference document CO 081 NOTA: Document de reference DC 081 PERSONAL INFORMATION BANK - FICHIER DE RENSEIGNEMENTS PERSONNELS PUT AWAY ON FILE . . Offender CLASSER AU DOSSIER Delinquent OFFENDER COMPLAINT LA PLAINTE RPS ?Waist; RESPONSE ENJDEUNQUANT ?mao Famity name Nom de familte Given name{s) Current Institution Etabiissement present Region - Region Prenom(s) Mission Institution Medium DmeMth .imi?npinam? Securi ty PACIFIC Date de naissance Filed Against Completing Department Grievance Coordinator Date Received Date Due Enregistre centre Departement ayant r?pondu a la plainte Coordonnateur des griefs Date de reception Date d'ecneance 2015a03-02 2015?04-07 C88 F006 Services . Reference No. Grievance Code . . . . . . . . . . No de r?f?rence Code de grief Priority Pnonte Other Autre claSSIflcation Routine High Priority Urgent Sensitive Non prioritaire Prioritaire El Nature urgente El Nature delicate TO BE COMPLETED BY RESPONDENT - A PAR LE REPONDANT Response to Offender Reponse au de?linquant You have submitted a complaint with respect to the Institutional Meal Plan and amounts allotted. You have indicated concerns with respect to what is being made/served to inmates. The main point of your complaint is that there is not enough food being provided to feed the entire pOpulation. with respect to your complaint you attempted to resolve the issue by speaking to the kitchen staff. You have requested that the menu plan be followed and the appropriate amount of food is provided to ensure the entire population is fed. You requested that a plan be put in place for substitutes when the kitchen runs out of food. Finally you requested you receive an apology and staff be reprimanded. You were interviewed on 20l5m03?05 by myself, and your voiced concerns were in line with what information you had already provided. Please be advised that the Food Service department is provided with a specific guidelines as to the volume of food each site shall dispense based on numbers of offenders. As these food items are not portion control restricted as per the directive provided by present institutional directives, the staff within the kitchen are not able to police the level of food taken by each individual, which has led to the concerns you have noted. Due to the requirements of the National Stanardized four week cycle, recourse to this issue is beyond my authority. It is recommended you submit your concerns directly to National Level. Resotved Indicate how the matter was resotved Regie Veuitlez d?crire comment I'affaire a one r?solue p. Win-Offender Signature Dettnquant Date Name of Staff Member (print) Signature Date du membre do personnet (en lettres moui?es) El Upheld Upheld in Part I Beyond Authority No Further Action Required Refuse Maintenu Maintenu en partie Outrepassant les competences Aucune aotre mesure ecessair Mediator Intervention Reiected Frivolous Vexatious Other (specify) intervention du mediateur Rejet? Futile Vexatoire Autre (preciser) in accordance with Conformement au paragraph 45 of CD paragraphe 45 de la Steve Barry CFS 081) Collect?? DC 081.? ies mesures Name {print} Nom (en Eetlres moulees) Title Titre action (if appizcabte) correctives (Ie cas ~31 will be completed ?ch?ant) seront I ~97? {of a a within thirty (30) prises clans tes trente . ?3}? ~11 2f) Working days- (30) Respondent - Signatirre Repondant Date If you are not satisfied with the response, you have 20 working days to file a first level grievance. Si vous n??tes pas satisfait de la r?ponse. vous avez 20 jours ouvrabies pour presenter un grief au premier palier. CSCISCC 0360-A (Re2012?10} Personai information wiil be protected under the provisions ofthe Privacy DISTRIBUTION {Word Version - Version Word) Acland will be stored in Personal Information Bank 080 I PPU .082. Copy 2 Offender Grievance File (1738?2) Lee renseignements personnels seront proteges en vertu de la Loi sur la copie a Dossier de grief do delinquent (1738-2) protection des renseignemenls per'sormeis et seront verses au Fichier de renseignements personnels SCC i PPU 082, PRINTED ON YELLOW PAPER SUR PAPIER JAUNE Correctional Service Service correctionnel PROTECTED ONCE COMPLETED Canada Canada PROTEGE A PERSONAL BANK - FICHIER DE PERSONNELS PUT AWAY ON FILE 3 INMATE COMPLAINT FORMULAIRE DE PLAINTE CLASSER AU 13033151? FORM DU DETENU FPS number 3 Num?ro NOTE: Reference document on 081. NOTA: Document de r?f?rence Do 031.? Qigiigenfaffn?ue 3 Completing operational: unit Unite op?rationnello ayant r?dig? to rapport Referred to - Renvoy? 3 Given name?) 3 Pr?nom(s} Current institution or address Adresse ou ?taotissement acluet Unit Unite Date of birth Cc: Date de naissance a I Reference no. Subject code Grievance Coordinator Coordonnateur dos griefs Date received 3 W: D-J No do r?f?renoe Code?matiere Date derecep?on 201Datedue Wm a .0, Date d'?ch?ance 0 LE 0 Complalnt Plainte rt) Gum (tube :38? C) G?j?gkb?r ?x fh 1% 513%de 3?3. tx?pIy?hl?fv?wk Jim? \0 C) Have you tried to solve the problem before filing this complaint? No B?s (desoriba how) Est-co que vous avez essay? de r?soudre le probleme avant do d?poser cette plainte? 3 Out td?crwez comment) {91 "who Sp ff?) Pa? EL Action requested Action demand?e . Jab C}er gym? WRMK Pc-?bcxio {r . Y-A 001 m0) fw-l?j??tate Signature D?tenu - Date CSCISCC 360 Page 1 7530?21?894- 66 Original =Grievance Coordinator? to respondent. to inmate Coordomateur des grtefs, au r?pondant? au detenu 1.x