SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT RE: Raphael Pirker, ZOIZEAZIUUIQ On January 16, 2015, Raphael Pirker (?Respondent?) and the Federal Aviation Administration agreed to settle the above referenced case without further proceedings. The terms of the settlement agreement are as follows: 1. Respondent agrees to pay $1,100.00 (the ?settlement proceeds?) by January 22, 2015, to the FAA in full and ?nal settlement ol?this matter. The settlement proceeds will he paid to the FAA via wire transfer. 2. Upon execution ofthis settlement agreement, the FAA will issue an Amended Order of Assessment, with a reduced civil penalty in the amount of $1,100.00, containing the same factual allegations and the ?ndings of violation made in the June 27, 2013 Order of Assessment, with the exception oldie following allegations which shall be omitted: a. and 10. The following line shall be inserted into the Amended Order Respondent does not admit to any allegation of Fact or law herein, and by not contesting this Amended Order of Assessment is resolving the matter solely to avoid the expense of litigation. 3. it is understood and agreed that neither Respondent?s execution ofthis settlement agreement nor payment of the settlement proceeds constitutes Respondent?s admission of any ol'thc Facts or regulatory violations alleged in the June 27, 2013 Order ol?Assessment or the Amended Order of Assessment that will issue pursuant to this settlement agreement. Respondent is resolving this matter to avoid the expense of litigation. 4. Upon execution ot? this settlement agreement and the filing ofits Amended Order of Assessment, Respondent will withdraw with prejudice his appeal of the June 27, 2013 Order of Assessment that he filed with the National Transportation Safety Board on July 16, 2013 and that is currently doeketed as Case No. 712M. 5. Respondent will not contest the amount or validity of the settlement proceeds due under this agreement nor will he contest any ol'the factual allegations or ?ndings of violation made in the Amended Order of Assessment in any administrative or udicial forum. 6. The parties agree to bear their own costs in connection with this matter. Respondent agrees not to initiate any litigation under any statutory provision or rule to collect legal fees or costs arising from or related to this case. Respondent further agrees to waive all potential causes ol?netion against the FAA. its employees and agents. past and present. arising from or related to the referenced proceeding. 7. Both Respondent and the FAA (by its counsel) have reviewed the terms ol'this settlement agreement. understand its terms. and voluntarily agree to all its terms. 3. This agreement accurater reflects the terms of'tlte settlement between the parties and is binding on the parties and is in final resolution oflhe above-referenced matter. Respondent Understands that there will be no further review orthis matter in any forum. 9. This settlement agreement may be executed in counterparts. Wthl?l Wilt?? taken together as whole, shall constitute a ?nal, binding document. Electronic and facsimile eopies shall be deemed to be originals. ?at/5% [Mi J: v/ Brendan Kelly. Supervisolly Attontey ?ap??a?l Respondent Federal Aviation Administration ate: {0me ?515: Date: Brendan M. Sehulman, Counsel for Respondent Date: